Bitva Libušín 2023

  • Опубліковано 27 гру 2024


  • @nexor7809
    @nexor7809 11 місяців тому +6

    greetings from the polish kingdom to our bohemian brothers

  • @pavelp.4010
    @pavelp.4010 Рік тому +6

    30.vyroci bitvy na libusine jsem letos nestihl, tak velmi dekuji za tohle pekne video :)

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +2

      Jsem rád, že se video líbí a snad příští rok to s časem na Libušín vyjde ;)

  • @cybercrusader420
    @cybercrusader420 8 місяців тому +5

    Very well done Video! Especially the part where the guy in the red pants had enough of the polearms in his face and literally jumped right into the enemy. XD

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  8 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for the compliments, glad you like the video. Next week will be another event of the Libušín festival, so I'm curious to see what action I can capture on camera.

    • @cybercrusader420
      @cybercrusader420 8 місяців тому

      @@goprobattles5625 I'm looking forward to a new video.

  • @kommisaryeltsin2781
    @kommisaryeltsin2781 Рік тому +14

    This was epic, and that jump from the barricade ! Well done boys !
    And what about this battle, i mean the story ? I noticed the Hungarian flag, and some Anju decals on the shields, but thats it .

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +3

      It is not a reconstruction of a historical battle, but only a battle based on the Hussite wars. More information on the organizers' website:

    • @harasztiageri1604
      @harasztiageri1604 Рік тому

      The people under the hungarian flag are using the wagon fort commonly used in 15th century (Turkish invasion of Hungary), sadly its not the best tactics since usually it was broken in in no time, and made it hard to flea. Pretty interesting idea.

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  11 місяців тому +1

      Hussite battle wagons were used by the Hussites during the Hussite Wars from 1419 to 1434. They were mainly used for the construction of so-called wagon walls and were very effective. This strategy made a significant mark in military history. Victories over two crusades and many famous battles against overwhelming odds.

  • @tomasteply1956
    @tomasteply1956 Рік тому +7

    2:15 naprosto super :D

  • @davidsuchanek7978
    @davidsuchanek7978 Рік тому +3

    Já jsem tam byl jen z praporem.Příští rok už v plné zbroji.

  • @minerfox5208
    @minerfox5208 Рік тому +5

    Na Libušíně jsem byl v plné zbroji a můžu říct bylo to maso :D

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +2

      Jo to je pravda :-D

    • @xFlizzenx
      @xFlizzenx 8 місяців тому

      Schválně jsem koukal kdo má kamerku a musím říct že jsem ji nemohl najít. Kde ji prosím tě máš nainstalovanou 😂?

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  6 місяців тому +1

      Kamera je schovaná v erbovním štítku na krku a ten je připnutý k aventailu pod hledím. Není to vidět na první dobrou.

  • @cuongdinh974
    @cuongdinh974 Рік тому +1

    I finally see a battle in first person

  • @zohphyll6823
    @zohphyll6823 7 місяців тому +1

    where is this happening?! looks fun!

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  7 місяців тому +1

      The event is in the Czech Republic in Libušín near Prague.

  • @TravelAdventures883
    @TravelAdventures883 Рік тому +4

    To je docela zajímavé, vidět to z pohledu jednoho z účastníků. 🙂 Zejména, když tam na něj švarný jinoch v čase 2:20 skočil toho Sandokana. 😄

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +2

      Jo ten skok se povedl :-D a jsem rád, že se video líbí.

  • @KendallFoord
    @KendallFoord Рік тому +1

    Musel jsem překládat z angličtiny online, ale sakra, jsem ohromen. Vy kluci máte koule na to, abyste takhle bojovali s málo známým brněním, a milovali jste video

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +1

      You can write in english, usually translation to czech language is really bad:)

    • @KendallFoord
      @KendallFoord Рік тому +2

      @@goprobattles5625 That is good to know, ty.
      loved the video, was saying you gents have courage fighting like that with little to no face protection. I was impressed.

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +1

      I personally have a helmet with a visor, so I'm safe. Anyone with a helmet without a visor is taking a bit of a risk. Occasionally there's an injury, but I guess that's part of the hobby.

  • @Vasey105
    @Vasey105 Рік тому

    this looks great, what are the rules here?

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому

      I am sending directly part of the rules from this event. Here is a link to the full rules from the event:
      2.Protect the health of others and yours. Always remember that you have a weapon in your hand that can kill and maim, even when it is dull. And believe that fabric and light armor do not cover as much as plates, rings or leather, and that every shot is felt (at least after the battle). Instead, check with your comrade, under the pretext of arriving, to see if he is really hurt. Only play wild and brutal!
      3.Try to avoid mowing under delicate places. Do not cut too much on your head, not at all on the exposed and forearms. Be careful where you cut. Do not harness yourself in an effort to hurt your own comrades behind you. Cutting someone from behind is dishonest, but in truth, count on it.
      4.If you can avoid points, do not score! The exception may be points to reach a lying warrior (but there were injuries), such as a dagger, but do this with extreme caution. Don't hit through palisades and scenery! When stinging with a spear, sting at waist and hip level, not at face level!

  • @wolfvonturmitz5652
    @wolfvonturmitz5652 Рік тому +1

    Haha! Dobrý, ten vrahoun na konci, co tě zabil. To jsem já :-D

  • @deibi9369
    @deibi9369 8 місяців тому

    10:15 i got feelings from Kingdom Come Deliverance :D :D

  • @vaclavkomrska1033
    @vaclavkomrska1033 8 місяців тому

    Pěkně se chlapi řežou, nechtěl bych se tam připlést, abych taky jednu neslízl!😂

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  8 місяців тому

      Občas je to pořádná řež, že se radši jenom dívám než se přidám do boje :-D. Jinak jsem rád, že se video líbí.

  • @Hathathorne
    @Hathathorne Рік тому +1

    Ah sucks I can't go to these, I don't speak czech and I'm asian.

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +5

      Hi, this event is international, so being from Asia is not a problem. You just need to know English, there were a lot of fencers from all over the world. There was a team from China at this event. Link to the bohurt team from china that was here:

  • @sergami2328
    @sergami2328 Рік тому +3

    Dudes with open faces it is insane. Bad idea and not fun, look at this 10-ths weapons, literally aimed to their faces...

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +1

      It's a bit crazy to have the visor open but it's better to see. There's an unwritten rule where you shouldn't attack the face unless it's sufficiently protected. It is not intended to hurt anyone. First and foremost, it's fun. But accidents can happen

    • @jarentz
      @jarentz Рік тому

      @@goprobattles5625It’s amazing that you would think this can be safe. In this footage I can see someone with a pole arm actually thrusting at an unprotected face. You people are insane.

    • @ImpressionismFTW
      @ImpressionismFTW 7 місяців тому

      I was thinking the exact same thing and laughed happily when the dude at the start in the fortifications had his visor closed by a strike rather than his eye or teeth knocked out, I can imagine opening the visor in real life and death combat if you need the edge but not in this sporting recreation

  • @ich4839
    @ich4839 Рік тому +1

    шапель - хороший шлем (нет)

    • @goprobattles5625
      @goprobattles5625  Рік тому +1

      Combined with a neck warmer, it has good protection and is easy to see out of.

    • @ich4839
      @ich4839 Рік тому

      @@goprobattles5625 this is before the first halberd, which will be hit horizontally

    • @Ignismari
      @Ignismari 7 місяців тому

      Шапель гораздо хуже закрытого бацинета в плане защиты, однако в Средневековье он спас жизни многим бойцам за неимением лучшей альтернативы.
      Кстати, его форма дошла до времён мировых войн, что всё же говорит о практичности шапеля.

    • @ich4839
      @ich4839 7 місяців тому

      @@Ignismari кстати, я в кусе всего этого....

    • @Ignismari
      @Ignismari 7 місяців тому

      @@ich4839 Вот и как после этого утверждать, что шапель - плохой шлем. 😄