Is It Wrong To Use My Autistic Sister For Content?【和自闭妹妹做Tiktok, 我错了吗?!!?】| R U OKAY 【你OK吗?】

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @weiqianggeraldchoo7157
    @weiqianggeraldchoo7157 Рік тому +29

    Its a very real struggle but i am really happy to see the host showing the affirmation and support to the guest as they talk about comments being posted about them. They have come a long way and shared their experience to her. Its really a eye opener to see the struggle of a day to day life as a caregiver. All of us have struggles, but we somehow just make our struggles magnified. i believe we have to always be positive about it and when we are burn out, go to your personal space, cool down and prepare to go again!

  • @RavenCloudNine
    @RavenCloudNine Рік тому +19

    please do not have another kid for the purpose of taking care of another one with any form of sickness/disabilities. Imagine how one will feel after finding out his/her existence is for the sole purpose of looking after someone, not by choice. It is very unfair and selfish to create a life to pass that pain onto. The resentment from the second child will be very real.
    Don't have another kid, but instead the money saved from not having another child can then be invested into the life long care of the one with sickness/disabilities.

  • @karenthen7527
    @karenthen7527 Рік тому +22

    Thanks Anna for sharing out.
    Not surprise my younger brother also Autistic and 23 Years now. After watch this video, I know still a long journey for us.
    Because in MY, there still a lot ppl not understand and look them as “Mental Problem” even my grandma.
    So, the only thing I can do is share it video out let more friend and other know more about it. ❤
    Lastly, Anna remember be happy. Just do what you wanna be!

  • @grys9245
    @grys9245 Рік тому +31

    Agree with kelvin. Best way would be to work towards the kid’s future in mind instead. Ofc having more kids is fine but not with the goal to turn them into caregivers. Aside from it being a cruel thing to do, the consequences are also very unpredictable. It’s not uncommon for irresponsible parents to doom their kids by forcing them to parent their siblings (not special needs); many of them end up basically going down regrettable paths. Not the same thing ofc, but definitely an example of how things can go south.

  • @XXJL
    @XXJL Рік тому +60


    • @user-oh6wb5rj2q
      @user-oh6wb5rj2q Рік тому +4

      我也希望但你懂要耗多久的时间吗 这影片有35分钟之长 累

  • @baobeiicy3293
    @baobeiicy3293 Рік тому +14

    Great episode!! I'm an educator & there's indeed a rise in special needs children. Early intervention works best before 5 years of age. Painful as it is... An assessment would help in clearing up all doubts.

  • @LovesQi
    @LovesQi Рік тому +19

    I can relate to this episode a lot because I also have a brother that's autistic. The struggles that we have were often unseen and the judgements from the bystanders are something we always have to deal with. With greater public awareness on autism, it can help not just individuals with autism, but also make lives easier for us as the caregivers. Thanks for shining light on the caregivers and also raising awareness for autism.

    • @sarah3412
      @sarah3412 Рік тому

      So u think its okay to help caretaker? But what if actual autistic person feel uncomfortable and dislike this type of content? If they think its not helping and bring negativity into the community?

    • @TheJayJayYoung
      @TheJayJayYoung Рік тому

      Isn’t that applicable to babies and pets, I’ve seen tons of people sharing pictures and videos of pets and their toddlers, do you think consent were given? Why are you so judgmental of caregivers for special needs groups? Are you discriminating against them?

    • @sarah3412
      @sarah3412 Рік тому

      @@TheJayJayYoung lol. I am myself autistic and it is disgusting seeing our difficulties being shared everywhere. So yeah. U just compared us to pets? Toddler? Lol. Who cant speak up? Lol. Discrimination against the caretakers? Should i asked the same question? Do they discriminate us as human being by sharing our difficulties which obviously disturbing. So yeah. 😒😶

    • @TheJayJayYoung
      @TheJayJayYoung Рік тому

      Oh right, you represent everyone that are autistic. And we are supposed to be aware of everyone that has autism and the difficulties that they face without anyone that have experiences with autism to share with the public, unless approved by you. Else we been seen as discriminating against you and autism!

    • @sarah3412
      @sarah3412 Рік тому

      @@TheJayJayYoung never had i ever mentioned that i represent the whole community. But what power u have to argue with it? Have u asked any adult autistic who able to consent about this issues? Stop harassing the minority. U do know that u have all the power to overpower my words. So dude? What are u trying to do? Stop doing that behaviour. Acting like “im doing great for the community and bla bla bla” yet u actually just being mean. We can talk and we able to represent ourselves. And funny enough how people think showing autism behaviour actually help. How? Lol. Funny. When most of people have no idea what’s actually going on. Vs they learn about autism basically mean violent for no reason, non verbal and bla bla bla. Lol.

  • @AnjoKureh
    @AnjoKureh Рік тому +10

    Honestly this is a very tough topic to speak out about and there is no right or wrong answer. Speaking from personal experience, it is important for parents to have sufficient savings for retirement and taking care of the child. If really want to have more children to support, I feel that not enough to have just 1 to support. It is too much pressure on the 1 person. Really have to understand it is not as easy as supporting your parents. There are many points to consider.

  • @soksoksg325
    @soksoksg325 Рік тому +8

    Anna, thanks for sharing, I've always wondered what goes on behind the scenes at home for children with special needs.

  • @HammerheadSharkieM
    @HammerheadSharkieM Рік тому +3

    Channel 8 has a very good show : " Your World In Mine ". There is no right or wrong but the show depict a very peaceful and united family but most of the cases in singapore is not like this.
    But is really a good show. Everyone should take a look at this show.

  • @weilinglim3138
    @weilinglim3138 Рік тому +16

    This is my first time watching this channel. Tuned in because of Anna and Audrey. Thought the guy on the right made a lot of sensible comments. 👍🏾 Awareness is really very important, hope Anna can go onto more shows

  • @AndyYeoo
    @AndyYeoo Рік тому +6

    I’m a caregiver and Govt really done a lot to help the special needs segments. We also have social support from one caregiver to another. So it’s really encouraging and helpful to share more info. Diagnosis of ASD really have to hand it to the professionals. Appreciate you all for this episode to help provide a channel so others can have the understanding to empathise with special needs kids, and also for parents to have the confidence and courage to seek help when in doubt.

  • @alui5362
    @alui5362 Рік тому +6

    v good episode, gd job mayiduo and gang

  • @nicholascheang1011
    @nicholascheang1011 Рік тому +4

    Solid episode!
    Well done 马一朵 & Team!
    Looking forward to the next one

  • @zYMz
    @zYMz Рік тому +12

    Hi admin, I know this is a chinese channel but it's Autistic not Austistic. Thank you 🙏

    • @aizaiaisteady
      @aizaiaisteady Рік тому +6

      We've amended! Thanks for notifying!

  • @andytanwh
    @andytanwh Рік тому +3

    unfortunately we live in a time and age where some people are quick to judge and pass comment instead of spending some effort and time to try to empathize, its all me me me, "my opinion is right", bla bla bla. a lot of noises.
    all the best Anna, I have a sibling 10 years my junior, I cannot imagine if I was in your situation, I think even the strongest of character will collapse and can't cope at some point in time. For myself I cannot imagine even though I have been known to be quite resilient growing up, this would be a serious trial for any character. good things happen to good people, hang in there!

  • @sashalim396
    @sashalim396 Рік тому +3

    autism kids really is not easy to take care, they cannot control their own emotion and temper.. what we can do is to be patience with them. they actually do understand when we talking to them, just that they dun know to express themselves. jiaoyou girl. stay strong.

  • @Jack-hy2ki
    @Jack-hy2ki Рік тому +8

    I feel sad when ppl scold the gov saying they not helping the ppl. But the truth is the gov is helping and doing a lot and also doing more and more to help. U nv went through and got help u won't know. Like what anna said the gov is helping.

    • @dennisleong7866
      @dennisleong7866 Рік тому

      Yes , you are right , our government is spending a lot of money to support and help on all these autism kids

  • @angietan77
    @angietan77 Рік тому +1

    Hmm i was quite affected when I heard about having another sibling so that there's someone else to take care of the SN child.. I feel it is a selfish thought and is not fair to the sibling who has to bear this responsibility or burden... It will wreck their lives I have seen too many cases... even when a parent leaves an older sibling to take care of younger siblings, it is also stressful...
    I have 1 SN kid and 1 normal kid... All these time i have always felt very bad towards my normal kid because she had to deal with all the "nonsense" of her brother... And even now she feels like she is the older sister as she has to take care or give in to him and that she also wants to be doted on by her brother since she is younger... Sigh broke my heart...

  • @mrsjeffreytan
    @mrsjeffreytan 10 місяців тому +1

    wow its really refreshing to touch base on real stuff happening in the normal lives of us common beings. keeping it real and sharing honest opinions and giving suggestions. great show, really well done.

  • @QzSG
    @QzSG Рік тому +6

    I think using 孤独症 is more apt for ASD, most of the time they arent actually 自闭 but rather they do not use neurotypical means of expressing themselves or rather they may try to but fail to be understood. 无法、不能 让大多的人明白是孤独的

  • @michelletan9949
    @michelletan9949 Рік тому +3

    Anna is best sister! ❤️

  • @kadajlim
    @kadajlim Рік тому +1

    i started taking care of my siblings at 8 years old~

  • @GLL27
    @GLL27 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for sharing Ella! Kudos to Mayiduo for being so prepared and doing the relevant homework prior to the interview!

  • @unofficial.l1896
    @unofficial.l1896 Рік тому +1

    我覺得道德綁架 或 有爭議性類的影片有看頭。加油!

  • @iammisssee7752
    @iammisssee7752 Рік тому

    Autistic kid is capable to take care themselves with support from young. They are naturally gifted in certain areas. They are different from normal doesnt mean they are lack. Focus on early intervention.

  • @theemoking4648
    @theemoking4648 Рік тому

    I don't know if I am late,but life is not easy,life is sometimes fair,sometimes unlucky.I just want to say that in life,we all must be happy and that's the most important thing.And treat everyone nice...peace out

  • @iammisssee7752
    @iammisssee7752 Рік тому

    Autistic often do well with routines. To support self-care, people with autism should develop a system that works for them. This might include taking a shower on specific days of the week, brushing their teeth at the same time every day, and taking care of their hair at certain times in a consistent daily routine altough they have social issues

  • @iammisssee7752
    @iammisssee7752 Рік тому

    My church friend's son is autistic. Currently he is working in F&B.

  • @iammisssee7752
    @iammisssee7752 Рік тому

    Advice to note - use proper language to communication with your sister so she could pick up language to express herself. Autistic child is gifted in certain area such as maths, music or art, some even science. Approach professional to guide and support, who knows she might able to work and support herself one day like my friend's son.

  • @misspepper07
    @misspepper07 Рік тому +3

    @18:37 surprised by John’s good use of mandarin 👏🏼

  • @aaronzheng9772
    @aaronzheng9772 Рік тому

    Upbringings issues and the mandarin. Love the glorifying :)

  • @neymarzd9706
    @neymarzd9706 Рік тому

    i had a friend who did that, to give birth another kid to take care of the autism kid, however it end up cruel, as the other new kid is also autism, end up they got 2 autism kids now.

  • @beekloo298
    @beekloo298 Рік тому

    Appreciate all the Chinese words for every English spoken!!!! 5:47 Jon’s face change hahahhaha

  • @jundaaaaaaaaaa
    @jundaaaaaaaaaa Рік тому

    13:43 hello who vaping on set AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH

  • @SIovius
    @SIovius Рік тому

    This is a real solid episode. All we need is love

  • @dennisleong7866
    @dennisleong7866 Рік тому

    Awwa is a great school for Autism kids

  • @lanevomax
    @lanevomax Рік тому

    take alot of courage to share ... it is not a good news to be proud of stuff

  • @alvinfoo
    @alvinfoo Рік тому

    This episode reminds me of a movie, Rain Man.

  • @ariaantoroatang7720
    @ariaantoroatang7720 11 місяців тому

    Interview a taxi driver

  • @matthedition
    @matthedition Рік тому

    Good and meaningful content.👍

  • @andreanaanna
    @andreanaanna Рік тому

    Break up liao haha

  • @karsinwong1944
    @karsinwong1944 Рік тому


  • @dragon5064
    @dragon5064 7 місяців тому


  • @calvinlee9252
    @calvinlee9252 Рік тому +2

    nicely done for this ep (my first ep, but have to say quite impressed) and the mixture of eng and chinese makes this podcast v comfortable and relatable.

  • @dchew5552
    @dchew5552 Рік тому

    love this episode. although no one in my family is autistic but then I have pituitary gland issue, which I couldn't get a job as nobody accepts brain fog. I tried getting a job but brain fog suddenly hits, I couldn't continue with the task as the job requires on the spot arrangement that have to send out job arrangement immediately, so I left the job as the contract also give me anxiety as I was worried I have to compensate instead. I have daily headache, and on someday I couldn't have eight hours of sleep which disrupts me pretty badly. I have neighbour who kept banging the wall next to my head in the morning when im sleeping so I didnt dare to take on the job as sleep deprivation hits pretty badly for me as it would also disrupt my mental health. ive been dealing with the banging by my neighbour for more than a year and just last month found out I have pituitary gland issue, which I found out it was due to a head injury I had nine years ago when I was in sec 4 which makes so much sense. ever since getting hit by soccer ball several time that year, the very last time I got hit, I had nose bleed, and since then I have trouble sleeping. I could lie on my bed for several hours but when it was two hours before time for school, I finally fall asleep. and I couldn't cope with studies as my stress capability decreases to 20% capability, my teacher tried to one to one teach me but I couldn't understand. and I gained weight due to unable to sleep, so I got bullied by classmates which I took their words seriously and didnt eat food, which I had zero muscle, walking to school became I had to jerk my leg every few minutes and ten minutes walk to school became an hour instead. I ended up late for school, and I also had difficulty sitting down on the parade square as once I sit, I dont have the muscle strength to stand, so my teacher request from the principal that I could come to school after the morning assembly, but the teacher in charge and student counsellor were strictly rude as didnt know my situation, and back then I was an introvert, I took the rudeness and scoldings as something very terrifying and together with the class bullying which they would everyday shout across the class saying I was fat, removing my desk and chair and place it somewhere else in the school which I had to go look for it, following me home as I always saw them whenever I board the lift home and once they hang around my front door. all these factor pushed me into depression and I didnt go school except for n level English papers which failed. I ended up with thyroid as it was the principal who discovered I have thyroid as he suggest my mom taking me to get the test and bingo, he's spot on. the saddest part was to only found out after nine years, which was last month that I have pituitary gland issue, and it was due to the class bullying where they kick the soccer ball which hit my head several time, and the last time it hit my head, I had nose bleed. and I was astonished to find that after nine years of daily headache that it was caused by that head injury which was done intentionally. and its odd to be in mid twenties to only found out all those class bullying pretty much destroyed my life and cause damages to my brain.
    my mom ever asked my sis, since I couldn't get a job, and my sis earn quite a high earning as my mom sponsored her degree, she asked if she could help to take care of me when they're aren't around in the future, her answer makes my mom heart broken as she said "dont rely on me". my mom was disappointed as everyone said my sis is a strong career women, likely won't get married. and my mom gave her entire savings to her degree, she didnt expected that answers. for me I dont blame anyone and I dont expect her to take care of me as I understand that everyone lives their own lives.

    • @arielle818
      @arielle818 Рік тому

      I'm sorry to hear that. Sending you hugs. Do you have any access to help regarding your studies or work currently?

    • @dchew5552
      @dchew5552 Рік тому

      @@arielle818 I stopped studying since a decade ago, mainly because there wasn't any help given when I was bullied which made me very stressed and depressed. which the principal advised me to go and get tested for thyroid, which he was right. close to decades later, earlier on this year my doctor said my pituitary gland was damaged, few months later I accidentally slipped and fall which going up the stairs to the mall and weeks later I remember what happened to me nine years ago. I remember the scene very vividly till right now, I was standing in the middle of the field and my classmates who were outside the field decided to kick the soccer balls together into the field, everyone in the field ran away but I reacted too slow and it hit my head, those who kicked those ball started cheering goal happily. which I walked out of the field nose bleeding in blurry state. weeks later I started noticing classmates following me home because the route to my home, none of my classmates lived nearby. then several times I realised after I reached home after closing my door I could hear their voice, which I looked through the view finder and saw them. after the issue persisted for quite awhile, my neighbour told my classmates off to leave immediately else they're making a police report. I slowly start forgetting my way home. it supposed to take ten minutes for me to go to school or get back from school within ten minutes but it took me half an hour to figure my way home. then I started having muscle issue, my leg have barely muscle which took me an hour to get to school. so my dad decided to drive me to school although it only takes less a minute to get to school after getting out of the carpark. but I stopped going to school because I was having sleeping issue, memory issue which whatever taught in class doesnt absorb into my brain. that happened when I was in sec4, I couldn't cope with the studies so I stopped going to school as I cant deal with everyday going into school getting bullied and tortured by classmates daily. I had to deal with my bags being placed elsewhere in the school due to the pranks they made. and when I got home I found trash in my bag. I stopped going to school as I find that since nobody wanna help, this would be probably the only solution where I only could help myself, sorry for the blabbering but all these traumas added up and probably reason why I couldn't get a job, apart from qualifications and lack of work experience, nobody wanna hires, so one of my dad's friend recommended me a admin job but I quit on the second day because the job scope was different what I know, but I know that the job requires more than three persons to cover the work. it became im the security guard, admin and receptionist. im always sleep deprived and had constant daily headache for close to a decade which my doctor always said I have brain tumour, but the recent visit, she said it was pituitary gland damage.

  • @kingking-mn7fn
    @kingking-mn7fn Рік тому


  • @testor9
    @testor9 Рік тому


  • @weijie2685
    @weijie2685 Рік тому


  • @yoloyolo1307
    @yoloyolo1307 Рік тому +3

    This show is nice if only the annoying ryan is not a regular on the show.

  • @chasingbenjamin3252
    @chasingbenjamin3252 Рік тому +12

    Bro y’all sitting arrangements need to change, the fat guy too dominating, the supporting guys have little chance to talk. The Ryan guy no voice