Küberünnak & Karmo - Keha

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tarmotoomingas9088
    @tarmotoomingas9088 9 місяців тому +38

    2024, ja ikka veel kuulan 😅

  • @OperatorTaczki
    @OperatorTaczki 4 роки тому +175

    Boję się trochę odpalać to w aucie

  • @HipposHobbyHours
    @HipposHobbyHours 9 років тому +165

    Big respect from Belgium, cannot understand a word but really enjoy the beats and rhytmn

    • @HipposHobbyHours
      @HipposHobbyHours 9 років тому +1

      +Jossif In my expierience, these often make for very nice songs, you know more about them?, it seems they have quite a few music videos on youtube already, do they still exist?

    • @MastahErik
      @MastahErik 9 років тому +12

      +Hippoliet Yeah they still exist, they just make songs for fun, this one for example means "body", they say that its cold at home and they asked mom if they can bring a rug home since their feet are cold, mom allowed them so they brought a rug home but they found a body inside of it and now it stinks.

    • @HipposHobbyHours
      @HipposHobbyHours 9 років тому

      +Erik Brück Thats amazing, really digging the vibe, I love these random youtube finds, thanks for the info man!

    • @huuxpuux
      @huuxpuux 9 років тому

      u do realise this is estonian

    • @HipposHobbyHours
      @HipposHobbyHours 9 років тому +4

      +TheMarkus hugo I do, why would you think I wouldnt know? I may not understand Estionian, but I know how it sounds :D

  • @Ceelker
    @Ceelker 5 років тому +45

    My spacing and commas might be a bit confusing, but it's rather difficult to directly translate while trying to make sense of it all.
    Hope you enjoy.
    Will translate all other releases following.
    Intro: _Discussing on how to record over the beat, nervous laughter, mocking laughter, and random banter_
    - - My feet are cold, my mother doesn't understand that.
    I gotta set the ground rules of this house myself.
    Toes cold, chilly floor, radiators don't help.
    All I really need is a nice, proper rug.
    Mom has the the power, I asked her if I could, bring home a rug if I finished my soup.
    I set down the rules, brought home a fancy rug, and just a few seconds later I blacked out.
    I got hit by the smell, when suddenly I noticed, that there's a body inside my rug. A civilian corpse.
    Better than before, now he's without conscious. What can I do now, I have absolutely no clue.
    His face is fucked, like a cream mask, brought in here in a box, laying down, doesn't blink. Muscles being all disgusting, doesn't move at all. Doesn't blink, doesn't vince, doesn't stretch it's body.
    Now what?
    Will anyone come to help?
    I carried a corpse all the way from the barn to my mother's house, now I lay here. No vodka or nikotin will help, where do I take this rug, it just smells too rancid.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    A corpse from a barn got into my rug.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    Right now is December, last time it breathed was in May.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    Many bangs, many holes, many bullets inside can be seen.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    Would have never opened the box if only I knew about this before.
    Heroin, cocaine, his stomach looking like a shooting range, weapon used MP5, quick death, no pain. A bus took me away, now the morgue expects the body to arrive. But that doesn't matter, I'll get punished anyway.
    Back, I was sent home, I slept like a baby, I shed tears down my cheeks, as I held my freezing feet in my hands, crazy thoughts circling throught my mind.
    I was allowed to finish what I was doing here, after which I packed my things.
    Body had holes all the way from the the neck down to the belly button.
    A blue man behind me was like a tail to me.
    I wasn't allowed to plan any travelling, I wasn't even allowed to say "but".
    I got to enjoy my last moments as a free man, wrong time, wrong place, I found the wrong man.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    A corpse from a barn got into my rug.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    Right now is December, last time it breathed was in May.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    Many bangs, many holes, many bullets inside can be seen.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    Would have never opened the box if only I knew about this before.
    Mister law told me, that my condition is in the gutter right now.
    Take this paper, and write down all the important bits about the situation.
    I took a pen, and wrote his this story.
    I wrote that my mind creates with a flow, song has a flowing precussion, notes powerful as an all-penetrating arrow, half my brain is a throne, the other half is a crown, I make my lyrics my own way, life schooling the way it goes.
    Nobody cared about anything I had to say, because my story had nothing to do with the body that was found in my rug.
    A new prisoner arrived in jail, a speck of joy came over me, brought a smile.
    What luck do I have left and if it's even amiccable.
    What is life? Is it an acceptable method...?
    I'm in a bad condition, wrong place, wrong time, just limping around within the confinement of my cell.
    Oh, hello my cell.
    How have you been?
    But how are you doing?
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    A corpse from a barn got into my rug.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    Right now is December, last time it breathed was in May.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    Many bangs, many holes, many bullets inside can be seen.
    Corpse-corpse smell, corpse-corpse smell.
    What a silly story it is, but eventually I got rid of that body.

    • @gabriel_024_
      @gabriel_024_ 5 років тому +1

      Si no fuera por esta traducción no entendería una mierda!

  • @Kanibal49
    @Kanibal49 6 років тому +25

    Greetings from POLAND!

  • @Big.B04288
    @Big.B04288 9 років тому +15

    Shout out from Latvia!

  • @ranouesson8005
    @ranouesson8005 10 років тому +38

    Veel, veel, veel.
    Ärge siin lõpetage!

  • @Gryt1z
    @Gryt1z 8 років тому +219

    Dont understand a single word, but I imagine how fuckin dope would be to have you performing on some stage. The energy, the anger, the beat, fuck sakes. Linkėjai iš Lietuvos

    • @motovibez981
      @motovibez981 8 років тому +8

      +Rytis DA the stench of the corpse - basic chorus

  • @mykolaskarolissabotaitis2860
    @mykolaskarolissabotaitis2860 8 років тому +47

    Respect from Lithuania!

  • @-augustin
    @-augustin 7 років тому +9

    Good job brothers! That song is dope, i only understand few words from this song, greetings from LITHUANIA!

  • @Kajus_
    @Kajus_ 6 років тому +399

    wpada w ucho, prawie jak ta bmka młodego szczyla w jeepa na filmiku przez który tu trafiłem :D

    • @dominikserafin9628
      @dominikserafin9628 6 років тому +1

      Kajus O. Tak samo ja 😂

    • @andrze1983
      @andrze1983 6 років тому

      Tak jak i ja 😄

    • @arekkoaczyk4149
      @arekkoaczyk4149 6 років тому


    • @Waagn3r
      @Waagn3r 6 років тому +1

      to jest w chuj zajebiste ja to gwałce ale ten ziomek pierwszy i tak win ;d

    • @6ProroK9
      @6ProroK9 6 років тому

      Kajus O. A to nie było kałdi?

  • @DjSlavaLight
    @DjSlavaLight 6 років тому +9

    The track is dope even i didnt understand a word ! Keep shaking our heads. Respect from Moldova !

    • @russelljones2281
      @russelljones2281 4 роки тому +1

      Salut frate, m-am nascut in Moldova

    • @DjSlavaLight
      @DjSlavaLight 4 роки тому

      @@russelljones2281 asta a fost buna surpriza :)))
      esti tare !!! Jos palaria si ma mindresc cu asa oameni talentati din tarisoara mea ! Bafta, mai asteptam trackuri noi !

  • @hanseriktonissoo7023
    @hanseriktonissoo7023 10 років тому +39

    Keep it up poisid!

  • @kamilgajda2243
    @kamilgajda2243 6 років тому +7

    greetings from Poland. !!

  • @Kananas1
    @Kananas1 6 років тому +9

    Rough translation in english
    My feet feel cold, my mother doesn't understand it
    In this house, I have to solve everything myself
    Cold toes, uncovered floor, heaters don't help
    I just need a proper carpet
    Mother holds power, I asked if I might
    bring a carpet home - I may because I ate all the dumpling soup
    I set the house in order1, I brought a fancy carpet home
    A few seconds later I saw all black
    Then hype came over me when I saw
    that there was a corpse inside the carpet; shut up, damn citizen
    A better place than before because now he lacks wit
    Damn, what will I do now, I absolutely lack the instinct
    He has a disgusting braid, spoilt-milk mask
    He was brought here in a box, lies on the floor, doesn't tighten
    his muscles, quite revolting and doesn't move at all,
    doesn't blink, doesn't whine, doesn't even stretch his body
    What now? Will someone help?
    I have carried a corpse to my house from Carpetbarn
    Now I'm lying here, vodka doesn't help, nicotine doesn't too
    Where will I bring this corpse, it stinks too pungently here
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    In the wide barn of Carpetbarn, the corpse got inside the carpet
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    It's December right now, it was last breathing in May
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    Several shots, several holes, there are dozens of bullets in the body
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    I hadn't opened the box if I'd only known it
    Heroine, cocaine in its breast pocket, firing range on its body
    MP3 for a gun, quick death, no agony
    Police van took me away, the corpse waits for expertise
    but so what, suspended sentence anyway
    I was sent back home, I slept
    off, down my cheeks tears
    fell, I held my cold feet between my hands
    I lied quiet, sick thoughts shocked my brain
    I was permitted to end final things here
    Shaking, I packed my bag
    The body has holes in this body from its throat2 to navel
    Man in blue was like a tail then
    I was not to allowed to set the course
    And I wasn't even allowed to say 'but'
    I had to enjoy the last free hours
    In the wrong time, in the wrong place, they had caught the wrong man
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    In the wide barn of Carpetbarn, the corpse got inside the carpet
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    It's December right now, it was last breathing in May
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    Several shots, several holes, there are dozens of bullets in the body
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    I hadn't opened the box if I'd only known it
    Mister Law told me that now I have shit in the bed
    Take a paper, write down, bring the most important out
    I took the fountain pen, wrote a story for him
    I wrote there that
    my thinking bone creates quickly, the story has a flowing flow and
    the level of the tone is great like an all-piercing arrow3
    Half of my brain is a throne, the other a crown
    Words, tone peculiar, I had life for school where it was created
    No one gave a damn about my story
    because nothing in my story had anything to do with the corpse
    Another new internee arrived in prison
    A scrap of joy disappeared, laugher on my lips went
    Do I still have a bit of luck/joy and can my life be expressed
    with a clay sculpture? Is there an acceptable methodology
    In a bad condition, out of plumb, with a wrong code
    I dawdle, in the vastness of prison I get acquainted with my cell
    (Oh, hello, cell
    How have you been?
    But how are you?
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    In the wide barn of Carpetbarn, the corpse got inside the carpet
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    It's December right now, it was last breathing in May
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    Several shots, several holes, there are dozens of bullets in the body
    Smell of a corpse
    Smell of a corpse
    Nice story, right, but in the end I got rid of the corpse

  • @denmagine
    @denmagine 6 років тому +18

    *greetings from poland*

  • @kirsiketaits8278
    @kirsiketaits8278 10 років тому +8

    Musta jopega noormees on super armas :D Pidin mainima.
    Aga super töö ka muidugi. ;)

  • @giorgichomakhashvili1539
    @giorgichomakhashvili1539 Рік тому +1

    🙌🙌👌 good rap ✌️ from georgia 🇬🇪 teree 🤟

  • @janx8028
    @janx8028 8 років тому +69

    kas keegi eestlane ültse seda videot vaatab ?

  • @georgjaaguppolli4238
    @georgjaaguppolli4238 10 років тому +64

    see pruuni jopega tyyp mingi ülirõõmus koguaeg :D laip kodus pohhui ju suht lõbus :D

  • @oakpur3
    @oakpur3 10 років тому +8

    Väga kõva lugu! Jätkake samas vaimus.

  • @russcherb9748
    @russcherb9748 4 роки тому +22

    Не думал, что рэп по-эстонски - это круто, прикольно, басы хороши.

  • @marten6827
    @marten6827 10 років тому +8

    Vägaväga hea laul, mõnus kuulata

  • @shotbyjogi
    @shotbyjogi 8 років тому +64

    Eesti keeles kommemtaari on ka kuskil? :D

  • @Dejm97
    @Dejm97 Рік тому +3

    2023 still without understanding single world, still fucking good 🇵🇱

  • @corny7129
    @corny7129 9 років тому +25

    I dont understand a word but I really like the vibe and the rythm.
    Props from Germany!

  • @andrusvaher2020
    @andrusvaher2020 10 років тому

    Hästi tehtud !!! Jätkake samal lainel. Sõnad võiks küll kuhugi üles saada.

  • @MrLarryThorne
    @MrLarryThorne 6 років тому +3

    i love your music!!!!!!!i´m from finland!my jobfriend is Tarmo from Estonia:-)

  • @aleksandrblack77
    @aleksandrblack77 5 років тому +3

    Still actual song !!! Well done , guys !!!

  • @carmenmarkson8542
    @carmenmarkson8542 10 років тому +4

    Jeeh, Eesti räpi tulevik! :D Väga mega!

  • @greefydod
    @greefydod 8 років тому +12

    respect from soome

  • @murawei
    @murawei 10 років тому +2

    kurjem video võik olla veits ;) aga väga hea lüürika! ootan järgmist lugu!

  • @nightlust8843
    @nightlust8843 Рік тому +1

    Muito boa música, escuto há anos. Não lembro direito como conheci, acho que foi por uns músicas de hardbass. Não entendo nada, mas muito boa igual kkkkkk

  • @giciorrecords5095
    @giciorrecords5095 8 років тому +3

    Very good beat. Greetings from Poland

  • @vasiliauskaszygis1399
    @vasiliauskaszygis1399 8 років тому +1

    Dope af, respect from Lithuania.

  • @АнастасияГоловкина-ж3с

    Ребята молодцы!

  • @ukasz1481
    @ukasz1481 3 роки тому +1

    KOty !! Respect From POland !!

  • @franzgizinski8629
    @franzgizinski8629 6 років тому +1


  • @MLFmylly
    @MLFmylly 9 років тому +72

    420 from Finland!

  • @aroni-edvardeha2889
    @aroni-edvardeha2889 10 років тому +1

    Suuuuuuuuuuper lugu ja hea biiit poisid 2rge l6petage selle looga tehke juurde varsti kuulsad kahm ja edu teile j22n uut lugu ootama!! ;)

  • @FunnyNixonGamer
    @FunnyNixonGamer 9 років тому +109

    Mu jalalabadel on külm, ema seda mul ei taipa
    pean panema siin majas ise asjad paika
    varbad külmad, paljas põrand, radikad ei aita
    mul oleks lihtsalt vaja ühte korralikku vaipa
    ema käes on võim küsisin, et kas võin
    tuua vaiba koju, kui ma klimbisupi ära sõin
    siis korra majja lõin, uhke vaiba kõju tõin
    mõni sekund hiljem silme eest mul mustaks lõi
    siis peale tuli haip (haip),
    kui silmasin ma seda, et mu vaiba sees on laip vait
    kodaniku raip vaip,
    parem kui varem ,kuna nüüd tal puudub taip raisk
    mida ma nüüd teen, mul absoluutselt puudub vaist
    ta on rõveda pastiga, hapupiima maskiga
    toodi siia kastis ta
    lamab maas, siis pinguta lihaseid üpris vastik ja
    üldsegi ei liiguta
    ei pilguta
    ei vingu ta
    keha ta ei ka ringuta
    mis edasi? Kas appi tuleb kedagi?
    vaiba aidast laiba omale ma koju vedasin
    nüüd leban siin
    ei aita viin ei nikotiin
    kuhu kohta vaiba viin
    see liiga rängalt haiseb siin
    Laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba laiba hais
    laiba aida laias aias laip vaiba sisse sai
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    hetkel detsember viimati see hingas mais
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    mitu pauku, mitu auku, kuule kehas tosinaid
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    ei oleks kasti avanud, kui oleks teadnud seda vaid
    Heroiin, kokaiin
    põues keha lasketiir
    tulirelvaks MP5
    kiire surm, puudus piin
    ment mind lõpuks ära viis
    laipa ootab ekspertiis,
    kuid mis siis
    karistus on tingimisi nii kui nii
    tagasi, saadeti mind koju välja ennast magasin
    põski mööda pisarad mul alla sadasid
    hoidsin peos külmetavaid jalalabasid pagasil lamasin
    haiged mõtteid aju rabasid
    lubati mul viimsed asjad lõpetada siin
    panin kokku värisedes oma pagasid
    laibal auke kehas kõriaugust nabani
    sinine mees mu taga oli nagu saba siis
    ei tohtind ise ette võtta mingeid radasid
    lausuda ei saanud isegi ma aga'sid
    nautida sain viimseid tunde vabasid
    valel ajal valest kohast vale mehe tabasin
    Laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba laiba hais
    laiba aida laias aias laip vaiba sisse sai
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    hetkel detsember viimati see hingas mais
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    mitu pauku, mitu auku, kuule kehas tosinaid
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    ei oleks kasti avanud, kui oleks teadnud seda vaid
    Härra seadus mulle ütles, et mul on nüüd sitad lood
    võta paber, pane kirja, kõige tähtsam välja too
    võtsin kätte sulepea, kirjutasin talle loo
    ma kirjutasin sinna, et
    mu mõttesoon loob hooga
    lool on poola voog
    ja nivoo toonil võimas nagu kõike läbiv nool
    pool aju mu troon on teine pool mu kroon on
    sõna toon omamoodi elukool on selle looja
    sooja ega külma minu jutust polnud kellelgi
    sest vaibas laibaga ei olnud jutus pistmist millelgi
    vanglasse saabus kinnipeetav taas uus
    taandusraas õnnenaer suul vaegus
    on õnne järgi mul ja kas üldse üles voolitav
    mu elu on, kas leidub aksepteeritav metoodika
    halvas konditsioonis vales loodis vale koodiga
    longin ma vangla avarustes tutvun kongiga
    Oi, tere kong!
    Kuidas sul läinud on?
    Aga, kuidas sul läheb?
    Laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba laiba hais
    laiba aida laias aias laip vaiba sisse sai
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    hetkel detsember viimati see hingas mais
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    mitu pauku, mitu auku, kuule kehas tosinaid
    laiba, laiba hais
    laiba, laiba, laiba hais
    tobe lugu küll, kui laibast lahti lõpuks sain

  • @trikk14
    @trikk14 10 років тому +7

    Palun sõnu!! Aitähh

  • @Pallid3
    @Pallid3 5 років тому +1

    Tobe lugu küll, kuid laibast lahti lõpuks sain

  • @33RCK
    @33RCK 10 років тому

    Omamoodi kutid, lugu hea, laske edasi!

  • @DjVazzar
    @DjVazzar 10 років тому +50

    Biit on päris Sheks

  • @fmitz9778
    @fmitz9778 8 років тому +197

    dont understand a word but damn this shit bangs

    • @daaniel5717
      @daaniel5717 8 років тому +11

      The lyrics are pretty dumb honestly)

    • @pahaahv
      @pahaahv 8 років тому +7

      or smart

    • @daaniel5717
      @daaniel5717 8 років тому

      pahaahv nope

    • @TheiLame
      @TheiLame 7 років тому +8

      It's about finding a dead body in a rolled rug :P and how it smells

    • @toalampgt9938
      @toalampgt9938 7 років тому +1

      daaniel laar ur life is dumb

  • @adixrazielxboy
    @adixrazielxboy 6 років тому +2

    Their instrumental is sick good

  • @rainake1984
    @rainake1984 3 роки тому

    Nüüd peale seda, kui seal "saunakal" see noor poiss ära tapeti...Pole seda videot üldse äge vaadata. 😭 Suht ongi seal kohas nüüd "laibahais"😕
    Kuigi minu lapsepõlve maja näha palju ja no see Vana hea armas Ülku. ❤️

  • @carloverjdm1479
    @carloverjdm1479 6 років тому +17


  • @dioxide9611
    @dioxide9611 Рік тому +1

    greets from poland estonian bros❤

  • @Beton03
    @Beton03 4 роки тому +3

    Jest w pytę

  • @oliverpontus679
    @oliverpontus679 8 років тому +1

    Tahan seda spotify -se

  • @FkYou-n5b
    @FkYou-n5b 10 років тому +8

    Päris osav töö tegelt. Soovitan jätkata, ehk saate isegi mõne sponsori.

    @DARTHOMA98 8 років тому +56

    Три полоски

    • @russelljones2281
      @russelljones2281 7 років тому +1

      cockimiron is dirties sheap parody of Eminem

  • @szczypior260686
    @szczypior260686 3 роки тому +4

    Zajebisty utwór !!! Polska słucha polska lubi Küberünnak & Karmo - Keha. POZDRAWIAM :)

  • @MariUver
    @MariUver 8 років тому

    SUPER possid! Nii ilusad sõnad - lausa nauding :)

  • @xDprblem1
    @xDprblem1 10 років тому +8

    minugi poolest väga väga meelele meeldiv lauluke !! , hea töö qtid :)

  • @Darknorwse
    @Darknorwse 2 роки тому +1

    Ma viimati kuulasin seda aastaid tagasi ja ma leitsin selle lopuks ulesse😭😳

  • @martinolivervisnapuu4510
    @martinolivervisnapuu4510 7 років тому

    Väga hea laul. Emale ka meeldib. Laiba hais!!!

  • @ridinghorse4027
    @ridinghorse4027 9 років тому

    Parem kõigist toetagidest günekoloogidest jne keep it up!

  • @TheBaldapple
    @TheBaldapple 9 років тому +1

    Vendadel annet leidub. Teine kord võiks lüürika desc.'i panna, siis rahvas saaks kaasa hümiseda! Keep it up!

  • @ilichev50
    @ilichev50 2 роки тому +3

    а слуш годно!
    мы с пацанами на деревне также флексим!!

  • @valgehiir
    @valgehiir 10 років тому

    Musta jopega noormees on suht nummi tõepoolest, Kirsike

  • @Tseburator
    @Tseburator 10 років тому +2

    Algus on nõme aga kui muusika mängima hakkab siis on juba päris hea!

  • @fosu4633
    @fosu4633 8 років тому +130

    the only words i understand was heroine and cocaine 1:50

    • @wainokarvanen7085
      @wainokarvanen7085 5 років тому +2


    • @greefydod
      @greefydod 5 років тому +2

      Nagu gangster

    • @marykuusk198
      @marykuusk198 5 років тому +1


    • @Pallid3
      @Pallid3 4 роки тому +2

      It's not what it looks like😀

    • @mlook6348
      @mlook6348 3 роки тому

      i dont know if you even remember this song but just let u know that they were singing about stink of a corpse lol

  • @waszszuppful
    @waszszuppful 9 років тому +2

    Rohkem talenti kui "SUUREL PAPAL"!

  • @Kozik__
    @Kozik__ 4 роки тому

    Greetings from Poland.

  • @Waagn3r
    @Waagn3r 3 роки тому +2

    Czy tylko ja tu bylem przed filmikiem z bmw ? Czyli np rok po premierze w moim przypadku

  • @jakubs2799
    @jakubs2799 3 роки тому +4

    Dobry kawałek 👌

  • @originalpirate6121
    @originalpirate6121 4 роки тому +1

    See biit on ikka nii boss 2020 going strong

  • @andreakdr
    @andreakdr 9 років тому

    Pole midagi pahandada, see on SUUREPÄRANE!

  • @szymonbiaoskorski8680
    @szymonbiaoskorski8680 3 роки тому

    I cant stop

  • @qadmiral
    @qadmiral 9 років тому +2

    Круто, пацаны, молодцы!

  • @RasmusKo96
    @RasmusKo96 9 років тому +3

    Päris hästi, keep it up!

    • @kriss4904
      @kriss4904 9 років тому +1

      +Rasmus Koppel norm rasmus ma kristjan

  • @nickosama
    @nickosama 7 років тому +3

    Can't understand a word but I love this

  • @tiimlumi
    @tiimlumi 8 років тому

    Liiga hea lugu.

  • @andrzejszczery1197
    @andrzejszczery1197 3 роки тому +1

    Jeszcze nigdzie nie przypierdoliłem BMW, ale nadal buja zajebiście

  • @kristjanjogiso6433
    @kristjanjogiso6433 3 роки тому +1

    2021 ikka stx hea bänger

  • @HrOfman001
    @HrOfman001 10 років тому +5

    väga vinge. laske samas vaimus edasi!

  • @szymonraczek9456
    @szymonraczek9456 6 років тому +10

    Za chuja nie rozumiem ani slowa. Pewnie tekst jest smieszkowy ale i tak brzmi groznie w opor

  • @PhyntonGaming
    @PhyntonGaming 9 років тому +1

    Kui te oleksite sellega läinud Eurovisioonile, oleksite kinni pannud!! :D

  • @dasuta5047
    @dasuta5047 6 років тому +3

    Good shit, go Estonia.

  • @RainHallikas
    @RainHallikas 10 років тому +6

    vinge värk, keep it up

  • @krzysiek6278
    @krzysiek6278 6 років тому

    Respect from Poland :)

  • @chillsaatan3469
    @chillsaatan3469 4 роки тому +6

    Keegi 2020?

  • @radziucy
    @radziucy 3 роки тому

    Banger alert 🙌🏻

  • @Nightmare_ShadowYT
    @Nightmare_ShadowYT 4 роки тому

    Pousid ma ütlen selha taga hoidke seda mis on ja mida rohkem seda aina uhken ole vakmis kõigwma me oleme väikw riin aga mwid on vähe hoidkem seda mis on ni et julgeilek palun 🍇🍇🍇maoalun 🥂

    • @Nightmare_ShadowYT
      @Nightmare_ShadowYT 4 роки тому

      Ja kyi on olrmas siis vaga hea mina seisan tei eest palun igaksjuhuks . Ärge naerge midaginasi on tõsine

  • @thomasberg777
    @thomasberg777 8 років тому +1

    Norway luvs it

  • @greku321
    @greku321 8 років тому +2

    Mulle meeldib se vid aga noh vaga hea mul sonad peas;-)

  • @incognito4099
    @incognito4099 3 роки тому +7

    Słucham na każdym zakręcie

  • @mazhorik_9617
    @mazhorik_9617 7 років тому +1

    Congratulations your movie 3 years :D

  • @piotrpawowski812
    @piotrpawowski812 3 роки тому +2

    1.6mln wyświetleń z samej Polski 🇵🇱 po pięknym dzwonie 🍌 z BMW.

  • @ridinghorse4027
    @ridinghorse4027 9 років тому

    Tublid Täppi.Respect

  • @kattska1
    @kattska1 7 років тому

    You people say this song's cool. Until non-estonians realize the lyrics.... It's about Murder, dead bodies, guns, cruel life, drugs and etcd
    Actually the song's pretty cool

  • @xd1zease
    @xd1zease 7 років тому

    millal juba uus laul 🎧🎵?

  • @Kriimuke21
    @Kriimuke21 10 років тому

    00:47-00:50 Maj saand nendest sõnadest aru.
    Kas keegi saab öelda mis nad siin ütlesid?

  • @zemzamt7773
    @zemzamt7773 Рік тому

    Siin tapeti mu sõber ära palun kustutage see laul ära 😭😭😭

  • @helenTW
    @helenTW 9 років тому

    Andekas! Palun jätkake kindlasti!

  • @ninjafu1961
    @ninjafu1961 8 років тому +68

    Google translate isn't good enough to reveal the meaning behind these fat bars

  • @pahapaps77
    @pahapaps77 9 років тому +1