Hello Nak Gru Sovann. I want to bring something up and I think you should consider adding the following word to your Basic Math Vocabulary. "point" which is used to denote the period when referring to a number with a decimal point. For instance $5.50 would be Five POINT Fifty dollars. When speaking, we would normally refer to this as "point". Perhaps my suggestion is unnecessary but let me know what you think.
បាទ! រាត្រីសួស្តី! (Good night)
Hello Nak Gru Sovann. I want to bring something up and I think you should consider adding the following word to your Basic Math Vocabulary.
"point" which is used to denote the period when referring to a number with a decimal point. For instance $5.50 would be Five POINT Fifty dollars. When speaking, we would normally refer to this as "point". Perhaps my suggestion is unnecessary but let me know what you think.
Good suggestion! Will consider that.
Have a good day!
លោកគ្រូចុះបេីការេវិញយេីងនិយាយដូចម្ដេច ឧទាហរណ៍ 3²=9
យើងនិយាយថា «square root»
Ex: The square root of 9 is 3.