The Barbershop Duet - Mûir(e) Wood Shave Soap by Barrister and Mann - Unboxing and Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Sharpe-Shaver76
    @Sharpe-Shaver76 Рік тому +3

    I love how you guys get so in depth with the scent. I love watching you two get so involved with your review of a shave soap. Top Notch Job!!!

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому

      Hey, my friend! We’re so glad you are here! Thank you for your kind words! Your chair is always open! 😀💜💈

  • @RobertLaTuso
    @RobertLaTuso Місяць тому +1

    This scent is Gorgeous…Blackberry is immediately prominent, while the scent of “damp air” flowing through the trees brings a refreshing almost aquatic nuance, green Oakmoss and a Woodsy Vetiver evokes a forest ambiance keeping your feet grounded to the Earth

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Місяць тому

      WHOA! You're HIRED! That's a PERECT description!!!! :) I just shaved with this three nights ago!!! A DELIGHT!!! :) Thanks for being here my friend! :)

  • @quinnhawkinson894
    @quinnhawkinson894 Рік тому +1

    I just used that soap today. It really opens up during the lather. It is definitely one of my favorite B&M scents. It definitely transported me to our coastline. One of my favorites.

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому

      Oh, it's just so mysterious and wonderful, just like our coastline!!! :) Great to see you here Quinn! :)

  • @MattB74
    @MattB74 Рік тому +1

    Wow great job on the description. A trip should be planned to Muir Woods that’s a perfect place for a shave meet up.

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому

      WHOA!! YES!! I bet we can squeeze everybody on our living room floor in sleeping bags!

  • @Iceboy1309
    @Iceboy1309 Рік тому +1

    This is my first time watching a video on this channel. Great video great job and you got me jealous with that shave soap.

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому +1

      Hey, thank you my friend! That means a lot! 💜😀💈

  • @jeffw008
    @jeffw008 Рік тому +1

    Great review guys! It really makes me want to pick this one up. As for Fougère Gothique, the soap and aftershave are sold exclusively at Maggard Razors as well as its lighter brighter counterpart Fougère Angelique.

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому +1

      AHHHHH!!! An exclusive!!! THANK YOU!!! I was hoping it was in a shave soap, as it's WONDERFUL! :) Good to see you Jeff, thanks for watching!

  • @RaktajinoNX-74205
    @RaktajinoNX-74205 Рік тому +1

    Fougere Gothique is not a soap anymore? 😮 I could swear I just saw that the other day? Maybe I’m going crazy 😂
    Wow you guys are really into this soap I can tell 👌 Excitement level is off the charts!

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому +1

      It’s not on their site! That’s what we went by! Thanks for the heads up! We’d LOVE that in a soap!!! 😀💈💜

  • @AZShaveCave
    @AZShaveCave Рік тому +1

    I'll be shaving with that soap tonight

  • @barbusthecompany9265
    @barbusthecompany9265 Рік тому +1

    Oh Yeah!! Nice job Man! How are you Guy's?

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому +1

      Hey my friend! We're doing great! I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving! :) Thanks for being here!

  • @efektmurowany
    @efektmurowany Рік тому +1

    You must get your hands on Seville and spice from b&m 😊😊

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому

      You got it! Seville is on its way for Barbershop month in January!!! 😀💈🙌

  • @feralcruz2093
    @feralcruz2093 Рік тому +1

    Can you guys do a review of phoenix artisan accoutrements Christmas cube? 🙏🙏🙏

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому +1

      You know, YES!! I’ll pick one up when I order Space Nog this week!! 😀💈😀💈 Thanks for watching!!

    • @feralcruz2093
      @feralcruz2093 Рік тому +1

      @@TheBarbershopDuet 🙏🙏🙏

    @DAVIDWILLIAMS-qn1be Рік тому +1

    Fantastic review bought this a few weeks ago smells like fallen leaves to me with a hint of Barry ...

    • @TheBarbershopDuet
      @TheBarbershopDuet  Рік тому

      Oh indeed! isn't it a THING? Somehow COLD when you smell it without a menthol... mysterious and beautiful!! THANKS FOR BEING HERE! :)