Hi Pete, I love your videos! I am a relative new player based in the US, and I coincidentally wrote an article on Friday about what I learnt in Providence, RI playing in the Grand National Teams. The article was also titled 'Never Give Up'. This is the motto of bridge in general.
Decided on a whim to stream me playing this week, and I do recall being equally confused at partner not cashing the Ah on board 4. At least I made board 8 for a top. Also used the best hand inference on board 1 to just respond 1NT, and did rebid 4D which you were considering - West then bids 4S and partner shuts up for 0%...
I managed to make 4S on board 3 - my auction was a bit different (I was interested in slam so bid 3D over 2S) and I got a heart lead, it looked hopeless so I decided to play for a misdefence. So I won the lead and played AK of diamonds, West ruffed and played the Ace of clubs (thank you!) which I could ruff and now I could play trumps and eventually get to dummy to throw my diamonds away (West was even kind enough to give me a heart trick when in with the second trump)
Also got a bit lucky on board 4, I read my partner for the Queen of clubs (given declarer's play of the Jack from dummy) so returned a low club which got ruffed and now declarer didn't get a heart discard in time!
The quality of the bots play was terrible. I managed to make 69.6% despite a zero on board 2 for doubling their two spades. On deal 5 I misplayed, and had a club loser, but the robots discarded the queen of clubs making my loser a winner and giving +1 for 86%. On deal 8 they just discarded down so I cashed to take in the queen of diamonds and the heart finesse let me make for 96%. I also think they should explicitIy write whether double is takeout or penalty, like on board 6, where it appears to only show an extra club.
Hi Pete, I love your videos! I am a relative new player based in the US, and I coincidentally wrote an article on Friday about what I learnt in Providence, RI playing in the Grand National Teams. The article was also titled 'Never Give Up'. This is the motto of bridge in general.
Decided on a whim to stream me playing this week, and I do recall being equally confused at partner not cashing the Ah on board 4. At least I made board 8 for a top. Also used the best hand inference on board 1 to just respond 1NT, and did rebid 4D which you were considering - West then bids 4S and partner shuts up for 0%...
I managed to make 4S on board 3 - my auction was a bit different (I was interested in slam so bid 3D over 2S) and I got a heart lead, it looked hopeless so I decided to play for a misdefence. So I won the lead and played AK of diamonds, West ruffed and played the Ace of clubs (thank you!) which I could ruff and now I could play trumps and eventually get to dummy to throw my diamonds away (West was even kind enough to give me a heart trick when in with the second trump)
Also got a bit lucky on board 4, I read my partner for the Queen of clubs (given declarer's play of the Jack from dummy) so returned a low club which got ruffed and now declarer didn't get a heart discard in time!
Feeling better about my 54.46% now, despite a bidding disaster on board 7 which gave me 0%. I did make 4S on board 8 though.
I ducked the KS on board 2 and East stuck the Ace in anyway - so I made 4H for a top - these robots play weird sometimes
The quality of the bots play was terrible. I managed to make 69.6% despite a zero on board 2 for doubling their two spades. On deal 5 I misplayed, and had a club loser, but the robots discarded the queen of clubs making my loser a winner and giving +1 for 86%. On deal 8 they just discarded down so I cashed to take in the queen of diamonds and the heart finesse let me make for 96%. I also think they should explicitIy write whether double is takeout or penalty, like on board 6, where it appears to only show an extra club.
This set exemplifies how bad the bots are. There has been no discernible improvement in probably five years. The market is ripe for disruption.
Rogue Robots- they need better inputs.