I far rather have it the old way, the bidirectional cycle paths have caused quite a few incidents where i live, i don't think moving against traffic flow is a good idea
The bidirectional cycle ways work well in the Netherlands, because usually they also have a bidirectional path on one side of the road, instead of a single direction path on each side (at least outside the city centers)
The thing with bidirectional cycle lanes on the roundabout is that as a car, you're used to only having to look towards one side of oncoming traffic, while now there are cyclists coming from the opposite direction as well. That does cause a lot of accidents until people get used to it (though honestly you should also look the other way for pedestrians...)
@@Zarosian_Ice yeah, making cyclists go down the wrong side of the road is a stupid idea. imagine the following situation, and you'll understand why. imagine you're going down a cycle lane that forces you on the wrong side of the road, in the night, in the rain, an you wear glasses. when a car comes the other way, the water drops on your glasses light up like a christmas tree, and you can't see ANYTHING. ask me how i know.
@@Excalibaard Yes but it's also just dangerous from a cycling perspective, i still go all the way round, i don't think it's safe at all to cross cycling paths to take a left turn, sure it might be faster but it's also very chaotic. Besides having seen cars honk at byciclists because they don't expect them i have also seen cycling accidents of people taking awkward left turns. Now i suppose it's also user error, but i personally feel less safe taking the left instead of the right, hence why i still go right around instead of taking the faster left.
Little tip: With chevron and striped fillers you can make them 'follow guides', which basically are the border lines of the selected filler. If you enable that option you can select two borders the lines will follow. Very usefull in curved fillers like the green bike striped fillers you used! Awesome video once again Yumbl!!
As a cyclist who bikes a mile to the local light rail, then bikes 2 and a half miles from the station to work, I really appreciate this roundabout. I hope to see more pedestrian friendly transit infrastructure from you.
In the Netherlands we have two types of bikeable roundabouts. One is where the bike lane is close to the roundabout, but not connected to the road per sé. In this type cars have to yield to the cyclists since they are considered to be on the roundabout. The second type of bikeable roundabout the bike lanes cross the incoming roads at a small distance (I think it's 5m or more), in this case the cyclists are concidered to be off the roundabout and traffic does not have to yield to cyclists. I prefer the first, but the second is an older setup and therefore more common. edit: only now just hit your closing notes. I can confirm your statements.
In my town, we have both of these shapes and cyclists have priority at both. As a general rule, I think it is more accurate to say that inside villages and cities, pedestrians and cyclists typically get priority no matter the shape of the roundabout and outside villages and cities, cyclists and pedestrians typically have to yield to motorized traffic. Note that in the latter places, roundabouts typically are bigger and have more space for cyclists to stop halfway crossing the road.
Close to my house the cyclists don't have right of way and some scary moments happen often when cars come of the highway. Some of you might know it as Kleinpolderplein
Yumble enbodied every CS player "without going totally nuts with mods and things... ...this is a normal amount of mod usage". I really enjoy watching you make road markings. I hope we get to see more, even if its timelapse!
Did I like before watching? Yes I did. Did I regret it? No I did not! Gorgeous build as always, now with Dutch approval. The lampshade on how skylines differs from reality was particularly appreciated, as was the time spent on real world considerations that do not crop up in the world at all. Personally one of my favourite things about skylines is what it can teach us about reality, so I am glad you took the time to talk about the limitations of that here.
Small tip: You can 'blunt' the edges of the pavement, in some cases like on the roundabout itself, it makes it look a lot better imho. You can even stack fillers and put some stripes or chevrons around the 'blunted' edges.
Yes!!! Combined traffic roundabout content ❤️ I would personally reduce the shift on the arterial roads, so the pedestrian crossing and bikelane are closer together. Often in cities, pedestrians and bikes use each other's initiative to cross (the car is stopped already anyway), and the car also only has to stop once for both kinds of traffic. That's assuming they can wait at the pavement in the middle though.
I didn't think it was possible in cities skylines. You are right that the roundabouts in the Netherlands have the bicycle and pedestrian crossings together. Little nitpicky, but the colors of the bicycle lanes in the Netherlands are a more red color. Also the Bicycle crossings look different, they are the same red asphalt, but with block markings on either side. And before every junction there are shark teeth. So not just in front of the zebra path, but also in front of the bicycle path, and also in front of the roundabout. You did a very good job for someone not living here!
Indeed, i was very confused by that in the beginning as well. I'm also used to red bike paths. which countries use green bike paths? I don't think I've ever seen it in real life... or is it just to avoid confusion with the red bus lanes?
I'm from Denmark, and i will argue that the Safety buffer you talk about, do make bikes feel safer, meaning they don't keep an eye on the traffic, at the same time they move bikes further away from traffic making them less visible / easy to overlook. The city i live in are actively removing the "safety buffer" from roundabouts due to accidents.
They’ve just created one of these in Cambridge and there was consternation that cars wouldn’t realise the bikes had priority when crossing the road. I’m not sure how it’s working but it really looks like your example. Great build, it’s a pleasure watching you work as I learn little tips about using the mods more efficiently.
Unfortunately the government did a poor job of advertising the recent rule changes to the Highway Code so not many people know about the new hierarchy of road users, as soon as everybody follows these rules roundabouts like this will be great to use, I hope the build some around where I live.
Easily one of my favorite intersection detail videos you've created, thank you Yumbl. You've always had high quality videos and yet you always seem to make a better video than the last, you should feel proud.
The curbs really are very realistic, even if they don't functionally contribute anything. While a roundabout is safe, it's not just a straight piece of road that you could drive with your eyes closed. By just slapping a bike lane onto it you've doubled the number of the number of things people need to pay attention to. Having a curb lets people negotiate the cyclist crossing and the roundabout independently of each other, in many cases even allowing them to wait _after_ the crossing if they can't enter the roundabout immediately. It manages the focus of road users much better.
Thank you so much for this video, I'm super happy to see bike infrastructure in your designs! For safety reasons, cars leaving the round about would have less smooth path, so cars and bikes intersect at 90 degrees (and cars exit slower)
Never thought of doing it this way. Well done! And safety has always something to do with taking care of other parcipiants. In my hometown I would have been hit by a car within days. It's a car-city.
This game and these mods just amaze me everytime ! This game can just evolve by packaging mods with every new extension and never needs to have a follow up title.
Little tip rwgarding the pavement filler. You can make the corners round instead of sharp. After that you can fill in the rest with a white filler underneath it
You've missed several spots where there need to be those sharkteeth for a Dutch style roundabout, there should be one at any spot where the cars get towards a bike path even when it is the cars moving from the roundabout onto the normal road but with the bikes still on a bikepath on the roundabout. Other than that it looks absolutely amazing!
You're liked a Dutch cityplanner. Excellent seperator for the bikepaths and we use sharkteeth everywhere! The region where we Dutch would put sharkteeth is also against the section where the bike path touches the car lane. As an extra indicator.
This is sooo good. A simple way to make a fairly safe auto+bike+ped roundabout in C:S with only a handful of the most popular mods. I love it and look forward to implementing it in my cities.
Thank you for this! I've been watching not just bikes just you have done I see! I thought about sending them to you but didn''t know how you'd respond to an anti-car stance, nice to see this!
This is very cool! I’ll give you a catch-up on Dutch regulations. This would basically be classified as a “Turbo Roundabout”. Turbo roundabouts require special grade separation, usually the motor traffic is given the incline, and cyclists can pass right through! Roundabouts with only one lane on the approaches and inside the roundabout itself can have the same bike lanes that you set up.
Former Honolulu bike courier here.... I suggest the 15" curbs you put alongside the green bike lanes to be soft beveled curbs that blend between the road surface and the islands and sidewalks. I know you want to keep the bikes "in their lane", but hard 15" curbs are a catch hazard for bike wheels, and most people will ride a couple of feet from them for safe maneuvering. Sloped, beveled curbs along each side of the bike paths encourage bicyclist to use the whole lane. Those 15" curbs guarantee an instant fall-accident for any small, momentarily excursions from bike lane that bicyclist often need to do in the real world. Just my two cents...Looks beautiful!
Love it, i would keep the bike lanes solid green and add dashed white lines at the places where traffic crosses the bike lane (essentially traffic is crossing the roundabout for bikes in stead of bikes crossing the new road for cars)
Amazing! Great stuff, very happy to see it. Interestingly the second type of roundabout you describe has the same type of crossings for bikes as I bike daily here in Taiwan, the only difference being that they're on large intersections not on roundabouts. You come off the road, onto the pavement (which is enlarged), then cross right next to the pedestrians, and round the corner and then go back on to the painted bike lane on the road. Not the best solution, and I sometimes just sit in the car lanes (with the scooters - I accelerate faster than them anyway most of the time), but if there is heavy traffic crossing the junction, I'll take the bike crossing for speed.
o very nice a kinda Dutch style roundabout (I'm Dutch myself), these ones are used within urban areas where cyclist should be given priority while the other form you were talking about at the end is mostly used for outside urban areas. normally these roundabouts have only 1 lane instead of 2 lanes Also maybe check out the old intersection in Amstelveen with the highway A9 near Stadhart google maps coordinates: 52.300993,4.856392 (satellite view isn't updated yet, but streetview is mostly changed with the new diverging diamond interchange) I think with just a small amount of modifications it would work very well in city skylines
Very nice roundabout. I think the version where bikes yield to cars (which you mentioned at the end of the video) is indeed more common in the netherlands. At least in my area it is. Keep up the good work!
Funnily enough we won't have this one in the Netherlands. It's a really good approach, though! From a distance it looks exactly what an export of our roundabouts would look like. This kind of roundabout with a cycle ring around it is used in the city area/built-up area/bebouwde kom. This is the type of roundabout where cyclists rule and cars are guest. But for that, two things need to change, both increase safety: 1. the diametre needs to be quite a lot smaller to people can't speed through it. 2. It needs to be one lane. As it is now, it's a slip-lane almost turbo roundabout. Though I understand this is a limit of the game and workshop. I looked for 1LOW with parking and bike and I just didn't find it. Now, for this to become an arterial/exurban roundabout, we actually replace the bike ring for 90 degree crossings. Imagine having a regular Dutch crossing, but in order to fit the round about in it, the bike/car crossings need to be pulled back so far that the roundabout ramp is a straight parallel road again. A little further back than your current pedestrian crossing is in this example, but it's in the right vicinity. These are crossings where the bike lanes have shark teeth on them. Cars rule and bikes are guests. Due to the 90 degree angles that every crossing has, everybody should be able to see everything. Cars go at slow enough speeds in order to take the roundabout so it's still safe enough for bikes to cross, though I wouldn't let an elementary student cross this on their own, which I would with the inner city roundabout.
Nice vid! You could possibly add a park fence on the protective curb section within the roundabout, for a bit of extra protection for the bikers and some visual estetics 🙂 Great work!
I live in the US and commute by bicycle and as such I've been extremely envious of the, lets say, Scandinavian bike lanes they have over there so it's really nice to see a Cities Skylines video trying to match them. That said, I could never bring myself to put that much time and effort into making my intersections pretty. As long as they work that's good enough for me.
You sound like you would enjoy a vacation to the Netherlands solely to bike around and having cycled in other countries I would say that that is perfectly reasonable haha
When I make a dutch roundabout, I cover up an entire car lane with concrete and make it unusable with TMPE lane connectors. That way, bikes are much more in front of the view of cars rather than in their blindspot. I’d recommend you just take out an entire lane and make it a single lane roundabout.
These are definitely a lot easier to put together than the ones I built. I was messing around with a separate bike path that's really hard to work with. Gonna be using your example for any future roundabouts. You're missing a few shark teeth lines, the shape of the concrete at the intersection and the car lanes are a bit off. But this looks great! Close enough to the real thing.
Beautiful, like all your builds! As a Dane who bikes to works every day, I can only say that this looks really good :-) Only thing is that here, the color on the bike lanes would be solid the whole way - also when it crosses the car lanes.
I know that most users of node controller like to move the road-to-junction transition away from the junction, because it's the point where the curb starts flaring out and by shifting it you can get the curb to flare out earlier. But it's also the position of the stop line (functionally at least, until you also draw it in with intersection marking tool). I don't run the mods because my laptop is a potato, but couldn't you also keep the stop line at that point, and flare out the circulating roads by using the "stretch" and "twist" settings? I would assume that also bends the bike lane over towards to the pedestrian crossing.
Depending on how busy a roundabout is, this could be a dutch crossing. However, on the more busy ones, it is prefered to be able to cross the street in a 90 degree angle so you can stop and look left and right before crossing. This means that the crossing is often just a couple of meters into the street instead of curving with the roundabout. But I know of your example as well.
Quick little tip: When you copy something (filler, crosswalk, line) with Intersection Marking Tool, you can hold ctrl+alt as you're making more of that thing to instantly paste as you make it. I believe, but might be wrong, that IMT has separate internal clipboards for each type of thing that can be copied, too.
I wish it was easier to make custom roads. I have a tendency to need weirdly specific roads, and it would be really great if I could just tell the game what lanes I want, and it spits out a ŕoad with the default style. (or a configurable city wide style would actually be better, like "roads are this color, bikes are this, use this type of signs, etc.) I tried using the asset editor but it is way to complicated AND I couldn't even get a functional road (other than an already existing one) out of it.
Yeah, a bit of a shame that you'd have to get into creating textures and meshes in order to make custom roads. One thing that you CAN do entirely from within the asset editor is to take away lanes. I've used the vanilla 4 lane avenue with grass median and converted it into a cheap 2-lane avenue, just by removing cars from the inner lanes; and for the visual I blocked them off with a traffic cone asset that I had downloaded with a dirt road. For this road it worked especially well because the purpose of that 2 lane 4u road is to reserve space in right of ways where I expect to need a higher capacity road later, but not while the area is only in the process of being laid out or growing in. This will also work if you need asymmetric roads, for example you could start with that same road and turn it into a 1+2 lane avenue, by blocking off a lane on only one side. The only problem is that if you do that for the majority of your roads, you'll end up with construction zones everywhere.
@@Pystro that might be an option for me, but it would create roads wider than necessary. I usually have things like "one lane more here would be pretty nice", or replace a normal lane with a tram line. one specific example was a weird one way road with tram tracks, where the tram tracks are somewhere in the middle.
IRL an elevated bike roundabout would be crazy expensive, and most times probably not practical. I think I agree with the choice of keeping it on the road.
Meanwhile in Warsaw, Poland, some genius decided that it will be a great idea to make everything backwards and instead of securing bike lines with parking they secured parking with bike lines. 100% big brain decision.
In Denmark we would normally move the pedestrian and cyclist over or under the roundabout of its of a specific size or if it’s located outside of towns and cities.
Interesting. At 23:32 you can see a cim in the bike lane in the lower left section swerve out of the bike lane as a vehicle enters the roundabout to their right. I never saw a biking cim swerve like that (admitedly, I never watched that closely).
I don't play the game but I love to watch videos like this. It's so calm and relaxed. And it makes me think I should buy a better PC to get this game running 😄
The roundabout looks great for what the game offers. One minor thing though: At the end you say the parking cars would protect the bikelane. While I see what you meant by that you technically forgot about the dooring zone :) So in real life a parking lane without protection would likely cause harm instead of protect the bikes here. :)
If you save for example a filler as an asset, you can select it from the second icon, the bulleted list one, saving a bit of time skipping the part of going to an actual filler you already done and copy the parameters.
in our town we have roundabouts where they put bike path at inner car lane to drive bikes together with cars, to avoid blind spot collisions... and i'm really not sure if that's a good idea.
Love it when every new video features new assets! Actually something that would be interesting is a Yumbl curated assets list (mainly networks would be best). Thanks for sharing this one, looks awesome!
could you group together the pedestrian walk and the bike lane and push them back like 20 meters away from the roundabout? that way its a lot safer and less of a headache for motor traffic. you can control them with traffic lights, and after that, the cars can just go in the roundabout normally
20:17 there's not really a need to use shark teeth there at all since its just a bike lane merging onto another one - shark teeth and stop signs are really only necessary when dangerous traffic users, like cars, are involved
@@YUMBL sort of? Usually the bike part of the roundabout has a bit of a larger radius so there's a bit of room between being in front of cars and crossing other bikes , and usually its bidirectional, though I suppose that's kinda difficult to replicate in cities skylines =|
From a Dutch perspective I say it looks really nice! With this size of a roundabout, the Dutch make a bidirectional cycle way. Well done!
I far rather have it the old way, the bidirectional cycle paths have caused quite a few incidents where i live, i don't think moving against traffic flow is a good idea
The bidirectional cycle ways work well in the Netherlands, because usually they also have a bidirectional path on one side of the road, instead of a single direction path on each side (at least outside the city centers)
The thing with bidirectional cycle lanes on the roundabout is that as a car, you're used to only having to look towards one side of oncoming traffic, while now there are cyclists coming from the opposite direction as well. That does cause a lot of accidents until people get used to it (though honestly you should also look the other way for pedestrians...)
@@Zarosian_Ice yeah, making cyclists go down the wrong side of the road is a stupid idea. imagine the following situation, and you'll understand why. imagine you're going down a cycle lane that forces you on the wrong side of the road, in the night, in the rain, an you wear glasses. when a car comes the other way, the water drops on your glasses light up like a christmas tree, and you can't see ANYTHING. ask me how i know.
@@Excalibaard Yes but it's also just dangerous from a cycling perspective, i still go all the way round, i don't think it's safe at all to cross cycling paths to take a left turn, sure it might be faster but it's also very chaotic.
Besides having seen cars honk at byciclists because they don't expect them i have also seen cycling accidents of people taking awkward left turns.
Now i suppose it's also user error, but i personally feel less safe taking the left instead of the right, hence why i still go right around instead of taking the faster left.
Little tip: With chevron and striped fillers you can make them 'follow guides', which basically are the border lines of the selected filler. If you enable that option you can select two borders the lines will follow. Very usefull in curved fillers like the green bike striped fillers you used! Awesome video once again Yumbl!!
LOL NO! this would be a death trap for bike riders!
@@danquaylesitsspeltpotatoe8307 ???
As a cyclist who bikes a mile to the local light rail, then bikes 2 and a half miles from the station to work, I really appreciate this roundabout. I hope to see more pedestrian friendly transit infrastructure from you.
"Without going totally nuts..."
Ambulance: **goes nuts**
In the Netherlands we have two types of bikeable roundabouts.
One is where the bike lane is close to the roundabout, but not connected to the road per sé. In this type cars have to yield to the cyclists since they are considered to be on the roundabout.
The second type of bikeable roundabout the bike lanes cross the incoming roads at a small distance (I think it's 5m or more), in this case the cyclists are concidered to be off the roundabout and traffic does not have to yield to cyclists.
I prefer the first, but the second is an older setup and therefore more common.
edit: only now just hit your closing notes. I can confirm your statements.
Heb je voorbeelden?
First type 52.128485,4.654238
Second type 52.188214,4.445885
In my town, we have both of these shapes and cyclists have priority at both. As a general rule, I think it is more accurate to say that inside villages and cities, pedestrians and cyclists typically get priority no matter the shape of the roundabout and outside villages and cities, cyclists and pedestrians typically have to yield to motorized traffic. Note that in the latter places, roundabouts typically are bigger and have more space for cyclists to stop halfway crossing the road.
Close to my house the cyclists don't have right of way and some scary moments happen often when cars come of the highway. Some of you might know it as Kleinpolderplein
I agree, my home town has primarily the second type. But the first type is getting implemented more frequently now.
Yumble enbodied every CS player "without going totally nuts with mods and things... ...this is a normal amount of mod usage".
I really enjoy watching you make road markings. I hope we get to see more, even if its timelapse!
Thank you! The problem with time lapse is people always ask “how do it do that” and they don’t get to know
Did I like before watching? Yes I did. Did I regret it? No I did not! Gorgeous build as always, now with Dutch approval. The lampshade on how skylines differs from reality was particularly appreciated, as was the time spent on real world considerations that do not crop up in the world at all. Personally one of my favourite things about skylines is what it can teach us about reality, so I am glad you took the time to talk about the limitations of that here.
You matched the green paint about 10x faster than it takes me to do it, you must have a great eye for hue!
Thanks :)
Oh the hue-manatee
Small tip: You can 'blunt' the edges of the pavement, in some cases like on the roundabout itself, it makes it look a lot better imho. You can even stack fillers and put some stripes or chevrons around the 'blunted' edges.
Yes!!! Combined traffic roundabout content ❤️
I would personally reduce the shift on the arterial roads, so the pedestrian crossing and bikelane are closer together. Often in cities, pedestrians and bikes use each other's initiative to cross (the car is stopped already anyway), and the car also only has to stop once for both kinds of traffic. That's assuming they can wait at the pavement in the middle though.
I love this roundabout so much! Both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Well done YUMBL!
I didn't think it was possible in cities skylines. You are right that the roundabouts in the Netherlands have the bicycle and pedestrian crossings together. Little nitpicky, but the colors of the bicycle lanes in the Netherlands are a more red color. Also the Bicycle crossings look different, they are the same red asphalt, but with block markings on either side. And before every junction there are shark teeth. So not just in front of the zebra path, but also in front of the bicycle path, and also in front of the roundabout.
You did a very good job for someone not living here!
Thank you! Bike lanes are green in CS by default.
Indeed, i was very confused by that in the beginning as well. I'm also used to red bike paths. which countries use green bike paths? I don't think I've ever seen it in real life... or is it just to avoid confusion with the red bus lanes?
Lots of places use lots of different colors to mean lots of different things in their road markings. Every place has different laws and standards.
I'm from Denmark, and i will argue that the Safety buffer you talk about, do make bikes feel safer, meaning they don't keep an eye on the traffic, at the same time they move bikes further away from traffic making them less visible / easy to overlook.
The city i live in are actively removing the "safety buffer" from roundabouts due to accidents.
Very interesting.
Nice video@@YUMBL as always
And Anders, may one inquire what town, being from DK myself I am just curious 😁
23:30 jeez thats a fast car going round the rounderbout
They’ve just created one of these in Cambridge and there was consternation that cars wouldn’t realise the bikes had priority when crossing the road. I’m not sure how it’s working but it really looks like your example.
Great build, it’s a pleasure watching you work as I learn little tips about using the mods more efficiently.
Unfortunately the government did a poor job of advertising the recent rule changes to the Highway Code so not many people know about the new hierarchy of road users, as soon as everybody follows these rules roundabouts like this will be great to use, I hope the build some around where I live.
"Circular bike adventure!" 🤣 As a cyclist, I've been on a few of those. Thank you for the lovely tutorials!
Loved it! I was getting tired of bike lanes going clockwise on my roundabouts. The ambulance at 23:31 😂
Easily one of my favorite intersection detail videos you've created, thank you Yumbl. You've always had high quality videos and yet you always seem to make a better video than the last, you should feel proud.
The curbs really are very realistic, even if they don't functionally contribute anything. While a roundabout is safe, it's not just a straight piece of road that you could drive with your eyes closed. By just slapping a bike lane onto it you've doubled the number of the number of things people need to pay attention to. Having a curb lets people negotiate the cyclist crossing and the roundabout independently of each other, in many cases even allowing them to wait _after_ the crossing if they can't enter the roundabout immediately. It manages the focus of road users much better.
Yep danmark love making bike safe Roundabouts and just road in overall.
love from denmark.
the yumbl roundabout ascendancy has BEGUN
10:15 I dont want to skip it, its the most satisfying part of the video ;)
Thank you so much for this video, I'm super happy to see bike infrastructure in your designs!
For safety reasons, cars leaving the round about would have less smooth path, so cars and bikes intersect at 90 degrees (and cars exit slower)
I am learning so much here. Someone called you the Ross Robinson of Cities Skylines and I think they are right. Have my upvote!
I really enjoy these longer and more technical videos. Was very nice while doing laundry. Thanks, Mr. Wizard!
You revealed so many features on intersection marking tool i didnt even know existed... THANK YOU!!!!
A master class in line marking, gosh darn beauty. Great work and tutorial on how you got there !
Using the parking lane as an extra curb is really smart and looks great - very good work.
Really getting a Bob Ross vibe from your vids, in that they're very chill and relaxing!
Never thought of doing it this way. Well done! And safety has always something to do with taking care of other parcipiants. In my hometown I would have been hit by a car within days. It's a car-city.
This game and these mods just amaze me everytime ! This game can just evolve by packaging mods with every new extension and never needs to have a follow up title.
You have inspired me to start tweaking my intersections and roundabout to make them look a whole lot better with this tool!
A+ for accuracy. This is almost exactly how all roundabouts in my vicinity look! Amazingly done!
Little tip rwgarding the pavement filler. You can make the corners round instead of sharp. After that you can fill in the rest with a white filler underneath it
You've missed several spots where there need to be those sharkteeth for a Dutch style roundabout, there should be one at any spot where the cars get towards a bike path even when it is the cars moving from the roundabout onto the normal road but with the bikes still on a bikepath on the roundabout.
Other than that it looks absolutely amazing!
You're liked a Dutch cityplanner. Excellent seperator for the bikepaths and we use sharkteeth everywhere! The region where we Dutch would put sharkteeth is also against the section where the bike path touches the car lane. As an extra indicator.
Greetings from Denmark: This roundabout very well represent a type of roundabout found here too.
This video just taught me that I can cut the lines, super useful for when you intersect
This is sooo good. A simple way to make a fairly safe auto+bike+ped roundabout in C:S with only a handful of the most popular mods. I love it and look forward to implementing it in my cities.
Thank you for this! I've been watching not just bikes just you have done I see! I thought about sending them to you but didn''t know how you'd respond to an anti-car stance, nice to see this!
This is very cool! I’ll give you a catch-up on Dutch regulations. This would basically be classified as a “Turbo Roundabout”. Turbo roundabouts require special grade separation, usually the motor traffic is given the incline, and cyclists can pass right through! Roundabouts with only one lane on the approaches and inside the roundabout itself can have the same bike lanes that you set up.
Former Honolulu bike courier here....
I suggest the 15" curbs you put alongside the green bike lanes to be soft beveled curbs that blend between the road surface and the islands and sidewalks. I know you want to keep the bikes "in their lane", but hard 15" curbs are a catch hazard for bike wheels, and most people will ride a couple of feet from them for safe maneuvering. Sloped, beveled curbs along each side of the bike paths encourage bicyclist to use the whole lane.
Those 15" curbs guarantee an instant fall-accident for any small, momentarily excursions from bike lane that bicyclist often need to do in the real world.
Just my two cents...Looks beautiful!
I understand but bevels arent possible to make in game. Thank you!
Love it, i would keep the bike lanes solid green and add dashed white lines at the places where traffic crosses the bike lane (essentially traffic is crossing the roundabout for bikes in stead of bikes crossing the new road for cars)
(im a drummer lol)
Guitar player here ;)
@@YUMBL acoustic / electric? :)
Both. And bass. Production as well.
@@YUMBL What kind of music do you play? Production as in using a DAW for e.g.?
Check it out :) m.soundcloud.com/yumbltv
Amazing! Great stuff, very happy to see it.
Interestingly the second type of roundabout you describe has the same type of crossings for bikes as I bike daily here in Taiwan, the only difference being that they're on large intersections not on roundabouts. You come off the road, onto the pavement (which is enlarged), then cross right next to the pedestrians, and round the corner and then go back on to the painted bike lane on the road. Not the best solution, and I sometimes just sit in the car lanes (with the scooters - I accelerate faster than them anyway most of the time), but if there is heavy traffic crossing the junction, I'll take the bike crossing for speed.
o very nice a kinda Dutch style roundabout (I'm Dutch myself), these ones are used within urban areas where cyclist should be given priority while the other form you were talking about at the end is mostly used for outside urban areas. normally these roundabouts have only 1 lane instead of 2 lanes
Also maybe check out the old intersection in Amstelveen with the highway A9 near Stadhart google maps coordinates: 52.300993,4.856392 (satellite view isn't updated yet, but streetview is mostly changed with the new diverging diamond interchange) I think with just a small amount of modifications it would work very well in city skylines
TY Yumbl! Looks amazing! Really good work.
Very nice roundabout. I think the version where bikes yield to cars (which you mentioned at the end of the video) is indeed more common in the netherlands. At least in my area it is. Keep up the good work!
I don't even play this game, but this videos was so relaxing to watch. Really good work
Funnily enough we won't have this one in the Netherlands. It's a really good approach, though! From a distance it looks exactly what an export of our roundabouts would look like.
This kind of roundabout with a cycle ring around it is used in the city area/built-up area/bebouwde kom.
This is the type of roundabout where cyclists rule and cars are guest.
But for that, two things need to change, both increase safety:
1. the diametre needs to be quite a lot smaller to people can't speed through it.
2. It needs to be one lane. As it is now, it's a slip-lane almost turbo roundabout. Though I understand this is a limit of the game and workshop. I looked for 1LOW with parking and bike and I just didn't find it.
Now, for this to become an arterial/exurban roundabout, we actually replace the bike ring for 90 degree crossings. Imagine having a regular Dutch crossing, but in order to fit the round about in it, the bike/car crossings need to be pulled back so far that the roundabout ramp is a straight parallel road again. A little further back than your current pedestrian crossing is in this example, but it's in the right vicinity. These are crossings where the bike lanes have shark teeth on them. Cars rule and bikes are guests. Due to the 90 degree angles that every crossing has, everybody should be able to see everything. Cars go at slow enough speeds in order to take the roundabout so it's still safe enough for bikes to cross, though I wouldn't let an elementary student cross this on their own, which I would with the inner city roundabout.
Nice vid! You could possibly add a park fence on the protective curb section within the roundabout, for a bit of extra protection for the bikers and some visual estetics 🙂 Great work!
I live in the US and commute by bicycle and as such I've been extremely envious of the, lets say, Scandinavian bike lanes they have over there so it's really nice to see a Cities Skylines video trying to match them.
That said, I could never bring myself to put that much time and effort into making my intersections pretty. As long as they work that's good enough for me.
You sound like you would enjoy a vacation to the Netherlands solely to bike around and having cycled in other countries I would say that that is perfectly reasonable haha
@@Sphagetti__ I probably would.
I like the color coding, we now use in Berlin as well: Green, where it's safe, red bike lane, where there's cars crossing.
Pretty amazing. Are these mods also compatible with Xbox?
When I make a dutch roundabout, I cover up an entire car lane with concrete and make it unusable with TMPE lane connectors. That way, bikes are much more in front of the view of cars rather than in their blindspot. I’d recommend you just take out an entire lane and make it a single lane roundabout.
These are definitely a lot easier to put together than the ones I built. I was messing around with a separate bike path that's really hard to work with. Gonna be using your example for any future roundabouts.
You're missing a few shark teeth lines, the shape of the concrete at the intersection and the car lanes are a bit off. But this looks great! Close enough to the real thing.
Thank you! Working within the games limitations I can’t think of a better approach.
I am from Denmark😇 and all the roundabouts i know is safe for bikes like your roundabout
I've figured that the dash length is roughly 1.5 and 3.5/4! Least on some of the roads.
Nice video though again!!
Beautiful, like all your builds!
As a Dane who bikes to works every day, I can only say that this looks really good :-) Only thing is that here, the color on the bike lanes would be solid the whole way - also when it crosses the car lanes.
I just started using this mod, this video taught me so much! Thank you!
I know that most users of node controller like to move the road-to-junction transition away from the junction, because it's the point where the curb starts flaring out and by shifting it you can get the curb to flare out earlier. But it's also the position of the stop line (functionally at least, until you also draw it in with intersection marking tool). I don't run the mods because my laptop is a potato, but couldn't you also keep the stop line at that point, and flare out the circulating roads by using the "stretch" and "twist" settings? I would assume that also bends the bike lane over towards to the pedestrian crossing.
As a Dutchie I approve.
Depending on how busy a roundabout is, this could be a dutch crossing. However, on the more busy ones, it is prefered to be able to cross the street in a 90 degree angle so you can stop and look left and right before crossing. This means that the crossing is often just a couple of meters into the street instead of curving with the roundabout. But I know of your example as well.
Quick little tip: When you copy something (filler, crosswalk, line) with Intersection Marking Tool, you can hold ctrl+alt as you're making more of that thing to instantly paste as you make it.
I believe, but might be wrong, that IMT has separate internal clipboards for each type of thing that can be copied, too.
it does! I use the ctrl+alt function all the time and it remembers the last filler and the last line seperately.
Great stuff as always
Thank you! I don’t have airports yet,
I wish it was easier to make custom roads.
I have a tendency to need weirdly specific roads, and it would be really great if I could just tell the game what lanes I want, and it spits out a ŕoad with the default style. (or a configurable city wide style would actually be better, like "roads are this color, bikes are this, use this type of signs, etc.)
I tried using the asset editor but it is way to complicated AND I couldn't even get a functional road (other than an already existing one) out of it.
Yeah, a bit of a shame that you'd have to get into creating textures and meshes in order to make custom roads. One thing that you CAN do entirely from within the asset editor is to take away lanes.
I've used the vanilla 4 lane avenue with grass median and converted it into a cheap 2-lane avenue, just by removing cars from the inner lanes; and for the visual I blocked them off with a traffic cone asset that I had downloaded with a dirt road. For this road it worked especially well because the purpose of that 2 lane 4u road is to reserve space in right of ways where I expect to need a higher capacity road later, but not while the area is only in the process of being laid out or growing in.
This will also work if you need asymmetric roads, for example you could start with that same road and turn it into a 1+2 lane avenue, by blocking off a lane on only one side. The only problem is that if you do that for the majority of your roads, you'll end up with construction zones everywhere.
@@Pystro that might be an option for me, but it would create roads wider than necessary.
I usually have things like "one lane more here would be pretty nice", or replace a normal lane with a tram line.
one specific example was a weird one way road with tram tracks, where the tram tracks are somewhere in the middle.
IRL an elevated bike roundabout would be crazy expensive, and most times probably not practical.
I think I agree with the choice of keeping it on the road.
I wouldnt want to bike up it anyways!
I swear I could watch you do intersection markings all day
Lol, I love how all the cars seem to be going up on two wheels as they go around the round-a-bout.
You're nailing branding with these thumbnails!
Meanwhile in Warsaw, Poland, some genius decided that it will be a great idea to make everything backwards and instead of securing bike lines with parking they secured parking with bike lines. 100% big brain decision.
In Denmark we would normally move the pedestrian and cyclist over or under the roundabout of its of a specific size or if it’s located outside of towns and cities.
Interesting. At 23:32 you can see a cim in the bike lane in the lower left section swerve out of the bike lane as a vehicle enters the roundabout to their right. I never saw a biking cim swerve like that (admitedly, I never watched that closely).
This is amazing. Please, bring to us more ideas like that, I really loved that one
I don't play the game but I love to watch videos like this. It's so calm and relaxed. And it makes me think I should buy a better PC to get this game running 😄
I'm surprised this guy has 53k subs when he deserves way more. You make amazing contents bro! Keep it up!
This is great! thank you for showing this. Keep up the content
friend 1: yo dude, im sorry im late. i've been playing cities skylines all day,
friend 2: thats okay, what did you build?
friend 1: A roundabout....
This warms my cold little Dutch heart
In the Netherlands the bicycle lanes on roundabouts are not dashed like a crosswalk. They are just filled all around.
Awesome video as aways, and learnt more about this mod. Thank you.
Great design! Well explained!
So kind of an almost standard Dutch roundabout with cycling paths, especially for bigger ones, smaller ones generally do not have them so seperated.
that look absolutely sick
The roundabout looks great for what the game offers. One minor thing though: At the end you say the parking cars would protect the bikelane. While I see what you meant by that you technically forgot about the dooring zone :) So in real life a parking lane without protection would likely cause harm instead of protect the bikes here. :)
We have one of these roundabouts in Cambridge, England too, it works quite well!
Question... If you upload this to the workshop and I have the roads and mods used... do the markings show like this? If so, please upload.
If you save for example a filler as an asset, you can select it from the second icon, the bulleted list one, saving a bit of time skipping the part of going to an actual filler you already done and copy the parameters.
Yea. I have a tutorial about IMT as well.
in our town we have roundabouts where they put bike path at inner car lane to drive bikes together with cars, to avoid blind spot collisions... and i'm really not sure if that's a good idea.
I LOVE this! More bike infrastructure pls! :D
To be even more realistic, I would use a zero height curb filler in the center part of the pedestrian crosswalk.
Just reduce the speed limit of the cars by a billion and then I'm happy to ride across this bad boy
huh, It never occurred to me that one could use intersection marking tool on segments. That opens up some enticing possibilities...
Love it when every new video features new assets! Actually something that would be interesting is a Yumbl curated assets list (mainly networks would be best). Thanks for sharing this one, looks awesome!
could you group together the pedestrian walk and the bike lane and push them back like 20 meters away from the roundabout? that way its a lot safer and less of a headache for motor traffic. you can control them with traffic lights, and after that, the cars can just go in the roundabout normally
23:30 crazy ambulance driver 😅
After the video about cities skylines car focusnessed this is his redemption
there's a bike friendly roundabout road asset, which is pretty good. It comes in two variants too
20:17 there's not really a need to use shark teeth there at all since its just a bike lane merging onto another one - shark teeth and stop signs are really only necessary when dangerous traffic users, like cars, are involved
Interesting. So who yields when bikes coincide?
@@YUMBL usually you give way to whomever is coming from the right from your perspective.
So cyclists in the roundabout would stop? Oh goodness.
@@YUMBL sort of? Usually the bike part of the roundabout has a bit of a larger radius so there's a bit of room between being in front of cars and crossing other bikes , and usually its bidirectional, though I suppose that's kinda difficult to replicate in cities skylines =|
Understood. Maybe people just feel it. I havent rode bikes since I was young, and it was always on the sidewalk.
I didn't know one could even do this with Intersection Marking Tool