Anduril, Aragorn's sword carved from wood

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @donivanpotter2762
    @donivanpotter2762 Рік тому

    Long time ago, but nice work on the wooden sword. I made one for my nephew long time ago as a Christmas gift.

  • @BR5494
    @BR5494 2 роки тому
    All.around.BRAVO. BRAVO 👏👏

  • @GerasimosHandmadeGuitars
    @GerasimosHandmadeGuitars 3 роки тому

    that is awesome! i think i didnt breath throughout the video!

  • @vitalguillin1177
    @vitalguillin1177 2 роки тому

    Tout à la main, intégralement....Travail exceptionnel...!

  • @ManNamedEd
    @ManNamedEd 5 років тому +4

    That was Brilliant!!! Wow your wood working skills are Seriously Impressive!!

  • @ivansucic9149
    @ivansucic9149 6 років тому +2

    From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken,The crownless again shall be king Anduril flame of the west this is work of art ihope some day you will make more sword like this one and sell them :)

  • @noahnichilo6784
    @noahnichilo6784 7 років тому +1


  • @whitetrashandhellbound6905
    @whitetrashandhellbound6905 6 років тому +2

    Master of your Craft... nice job.

  • @GabrielSăndiță
    @GabrielSăndiță 11 місяців тому

    O poveste cu adevărat istorică

  • @cerebros3671
    @cerebros3671 7 років тому +75

    Nah, this is Narsil. You gotta break this into a bunch of pieces, then wood-glue it together. Only then can it be Andúril. Lol

  • @123ShaneB
    @123ShaneB 7 років тому +2

    Awesome job on this piece, it looks sweet!

  • @MaxFilto
    @MaxFilto 7 років тому +1

    Favorite one so far

  • @solsdadio
    @solsdadio 6 років тому

    You have a great skill set.

  • @Oialca
    @Oialca 7 років тому +2

    Na not enough time and effort was put into this..... i kid you. Amazing job i imagine its pretty therapeutic.

  • @930aladdin
    @930aladdin 7 років тому +2

    That workbench has seen better days....

  • @samuelleask1132
    @samuelleask1132 7 років тому

    Now I really want to make one!!!!

  • @baxterboy23
    @baxterboy23 7 років тому +3

    Excellent work, you're an artist. I can't believe that you've got less than 1'500 subscribers... I shall spread the word. ☺

  • @MadDog-tp4rx
    @MadDog-tp4rx 2 роки тому

    Hey Buddy..... pretty good looking piece of wood..... what's the overall length and how far away is the point of balance from the cross guard? Thx

  • @StuffUCanMake
    @StuffUCanMake 5 років тому

    You are a master!!

  • @vortizangak5100
    @vortizangak5100 3 роки тому


  • @GuitarSamurai17
    @GuitarSamurai17 7 років тому +13

    how do you get it to look good??? my gandalf sword is looking bumpy and rough :'(

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  7 років тому +4

      Lot and lot of sanding I guess :/

    • @tonismith1445
      @tonismith1445 6 років тому +4

      Difference between a Master Carpenter and 1st-time wood baby.

    • @benfaulkner1221
      @benfaulkner1221 6 років тому +5

      The trick is to file and sand it down with different types of sand paper.This comment is 11 months too late but i hope that it is still useful.

  • @michaelgarcia3248
    @michaelgarcia3248 7 років тому

    great job.

  • @antoniorizzo5874
    @antoniorizzo5874 3 роки тому

    Mais le résultat est beau

  • @skylerpainter1307
    @skylerpainter1307 7 років тому +3

    can you give us the template

  • @jxln4429
    @jxln4429 7 років тому +1

    Omg that's looks like the real sword.

  • @dragonriderke9914
    @dragonriderke9914 5 років тому +3

    I just looked down and realized that the foam sword I have is the same one

  • @tareqidan6684
    @tareqidan6684 2 роки тому

    Hi … I like your work its amazing … what kind of wood you used?

  • @grieverjoe
    @grieverjoe 3 роки тому

    Late to the party, but what kind of bench is that?

  • @Ian-kq5em
    @Ian-kq5em 4 роки тому

    At 1:02 What thickness are those boards?

  • @rachidbensaid4665
    @rachidbensaid4665 3 роки тому

    تحياتي لك من تطوان

  • @grahamparr4710
    @grahamparr4710 4 роки тому

    Very nice, but will it take an Orcs head off?

  • @betsyschrader7384
    @betsyschrader7384 7 років тому +9

    That is a fantastic sword! Do you have the template for this one? My son wants to take a try at making it. Thanks for considering.

  • @XxTMReditsxX
    @XxTMReditsxX 3 роки тому

    I just say: WOW!!

  • @kirklinhammill-torres7952
    @kirklinhammill-torres7952 5 років тому

    How much would it cost if you made another one?

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  5 років тому

      I will not disclose it here but I will direct you to my Etsy shop. You can find the link in the description!

    • @kirklinhammill-torres7952
      @kirklinhammill-torres7952 5 років тому

      @@NinjaPukerCrafts i've looked on all 3 links and can't find this sword on any of the links

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  5 років тому


  • @lordskywalker3403
    @lordskywalker3403 4 роки тому

    Amazing where did you get the runes?

  • @grahamparr4710
    @grahamparr4710 4 роки тому

    What wood were you using please?

  • @byronroldan8760
    @byronroldan8760 4 роки тому

    what kind of wood

  • @fernandokorol3375
    @fernandokorol3375 4 роки тому


  • @Ian-kq5em
    @Ian-kq5em 4 роки тому

    Where you get the stencil

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  4 роки тому

      I make them using a drawing software, like Fireworks

  • @egyptianst0rm334
    @egyptianst0rm334 7 років тому

    What is the exact name of the saw you’re using when you’re cutting out the blade? Please and thank you.

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  7 років тому

      EgyptianSt0rm That's a jigsaw power tool

    • @egyptianst0rm334
      @egyptianst0rm334 7 років тому

      NinjaPukerCrafts thank you so much trying to make this sword and it’s hard without that thing lol

    @JOONBUGFILMS 7 років тому

    I would be interested in buying narsil if you make one how much would you charge

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  7 років тому

      You can look up my Etsy shop in the description if you are still interested

  • @egyptianst0rm334
    @egyptianst0rm334 7 років тому

    The wood is slanted when I cut it out. Any suggestions?

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  7 років тому

      I'm not totally sure which part is slanted? The rounded part near the point or is the blade not straight? Either way, those regularly happens. I usually use a wood rasp to file away the excess.

    • @egyptianst0rm334
      @egyptianst0rm334 7 років тому

      NinjaPukerCrafts well I mean the entire blade when I cut it out the top is fine but then when I flip the blade over the part that was on the bottom while cutting is way smaller and the sides are slanted down towards the bottom part making one side that is less thick than the other

  • @barracuda7366
    @barracuda7366 6 років тому +1

    wow sick dude, is it sharp,xd

    @JOONBUGFILMS 7 років тому +6

    could you make me one..
    I will be willing to pay

  • @rodrigoamendola2676
    @rodrigoamendola2676 7 років тому +7

    Fantastic! It looks awesome! What kind of wood did you use?

  • @mehmetozturk8689
    @mehmetozturk8689 6 років тому

    What is song name at 5.00 minute. Please answer to me ,known it.

    • @fishtank5050
      @fishtank5050 6 років тому

      Says in the link music by Ross bugden..

  • @mangos7587
    @mangos7587 6 років тому

    Can u give me a link to the template plz

  • @javiervelasquez512
    @javiervelasquez512 7 років тому +1


  • @byronroldan8760
    @byronroldan8760 4 роки тому

    and how tall

  • @bengillmore8728
    @bengillmore8728 6 років тому

    Can you fight with the sword

  • @robinbontius169
    @robinbontius169 5 років тому


  • @kennethwinkelman1670
    @kennethwinkelman1670 7 років тому

    What do you do with your creations once you've finished them?

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  7 років тому

      I put them in the Weapon Basket

    • @salam14111
      @salam14111 7 років тому


    • @wiser82
      @wiser82 7 років тому +2

      He summons an army of undead ghost warriors only loyal to the true king to defeat an evil horde

  • @Mobil179
    @Mobil179 3 роки тому

    But now, will it KEEL ???

  • @blakemarsee4801
    @blakemarsee4801 7 років тому

    What kind of wood do you use?

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  7 років тому +1

      Light parts are pine, the dark handle is walnut

  • @egyptianst0rm334
    @egyptianst0rm334 6 років тому

    Did you make your templates or print them from somewhere?

    • @NinjaPukerCrafts
      @NinjaPukerCrafts  6 років тому

      I try to find a high res image and I make my own with the outlines

    • @egyptianst0rm334
      @egyptianst0rm334 6 років тому

      NinjaPukerCrafts awesome thanks man

    • @hunterallenrobinson797
      @hunterallenrobinson797 3 роки тому

      @@NinjaPukerCrafts would you consider sharing your templates?

  • @taraheitner5638
    @taraheitner5638 6 років тому

    Yes me to i don’t have tools

  • @DaedricLord0109
    @DaedricLord0109 5 років тому

    If you wanted a paint job I could of done it for you to make it look real asf. But then again.....this is from years ago.

  • @julioalva836
    @julioalva836 7 років тому

    Great stuff man! love it!! what tools are you using for carving the smaller areas?

  • @prabhasuthan621
    @prabhasuthan621 4 роки тому


  • @subparmonkey9186
    @subparmonkey9186 7 років тому


  • @joilsonbarbosaksm
    @joilsonbarbosaksm 6 років тому

    Muito bom

  • @SithLord2066
    @SithLord2066 6 років тому

    Narsil is the better sword, you should've made that. It's the famous sword that CUT OFF SAURONS FINGER and made him lose the One Ring. Anduril didn't really do anything important, the hobbits did all the work.

  • @noblych9953
    @noblych9953 7 років тому

    hey dude your vids are amazing and aspiring. could you make the daedric sword?

  • @ПашкаКирпичъ
    @ПашкаКирпичъ 7 років тому


  • @trevordawson1947
    @trevordawson1947 7 років тому

    3 mıns of that musıc was enough.Sorry,never saw what ıt was you made,vıdeo to fast.

  • @zariahscott8212
    @zariahscott8212 7 років тому

    Am I the only one who had no idea what this thing is but still watched to entire video?

    • @henryrollins9177
      @henryrollins9177 7 років тому

      It´s about "Aragorn's sword carved from wood"

  • @GreyknightV6
    @GreyknightV6 7 років тому +5

    Hands up if you had to mute the video...

  • @antoniorizzo5874
    @antoniorizzo5874 3 роки тому

    Nul comme tuto, c'est tellement accéléré qu'on ne comprend même pas ce qu'il fait réellement ,il faut regarder la vidéo au moins 15 fois
    Et encore

  • @narsidabhi1576
    @narsidabhi1576 6 років тому

    Please speak in hindi