Disappointing how no one seems to notice that he baited them into raising the tractor beam power level, so that they would unwittingly increase the velocity of his countermeasures.
More than likely because most fans were cringing at the entire scene of one ship being able to do that knowing damn well that if such a thing were possible, the rebellion would have been kicking the shit out of the Empire. It was clearly written by someone that does not know star wars and how it fucks up the entire lore.
This whole premise is clever. Luthan gets his countermeasures armed and calibrated to the tractor beam force. my thought is that the flechettes are launched with enough force to be pulled in by the tractor beam on its current power level. Then he starts to take off knowing that the imperial ship will increase the tractor beam strength. He releases the flechettes and the tractor beam pulls them in, effectively using the tractor beam to destroy itself. We all really should take the time to realize that teams of writers sit in rooms coming up with these concepts, and scenarios, its all quite brilliant and even then, no guarantee its going to "work" on screen.
couldn't of explained it better. flechettes alone would of bren enough to destabilize the tractor beam, but as you said they increase the pull him, and what was dangerous his speed flechettes, became damn near metal blaster bolts to a target shielded against blasters, but not the flechettes.
@@okedoke1234 I agree with you about 90 percent. I know what they were going for, and get it. Love what we got, but they took huge portions of this show and put it so far off in left field of the Star Wars Universe that at times it almost didn't feel like Star Wars. By that I mean you could paint out a thing or two, remove a couple of names, and this would of just been a spectacular Sci-fi show that no one had heard of before.
The Cantwell class was named after graphic artist Colin Cantwell who helped design the ships for A New Hope, this was an early design of his for the original Star Destroyers, discarded in favor of the giant wedges we all know and love, but the design was kept and made into an Arrestor Cruiser, a medium cruiser armed with three powerful tractor beams, its purpose was to capture smugglers and bandits and, well, anyone the Empire felt like putting in their work-camps, "Capturing lawbreakers alive and Arresting them".
And those counter measures also seem to me like they could be something James Bond would have in his Aston Martin DB5 and it sounds like the gun on an A-10 Thunderbolt II which is a gun with a jet and/or plane attached to it
What most reactors don't realize is the great writing at play here. What Luthern did here was a microcosm of his broader strategy. Goad the Empire into tightening its grip, then use that grip to break their arm.
This scene is arguably the best 90 seconds of Star Wars space battle since ep. 4. Maybe even better...writing and screenplay that had me jumping out of my seat. And I am old! Andor rules, it's Star Wars for adults. Concentrated Goodness!
The entire scene fucks up the lore of a rebellion struggling against the Empire for a long time. Taking out a large ship is supposed to be HARD and the rebellion had nothing remotely capable of this. The reason Star Wars has become trash is due to the few fans remaining just sucking up anything no matter how shit it is and not demanding quality or consistency. So your "best 90 seconds of star wars space battles" basically makes ALL star wars space battles make no god damn sense at all. 10 years before this in the prequels, no single ship can do 1/20th the damage...10 years after this in the originals...no ship can do 1/20th of the damage. This one scene was the worst in the season, standing out for fucking up so badly.
@@thomasjones4570you don’t get it. He has money, state of the art tech, cutting edge stuff. The resistance has the leftover dregs in most cases. If anything this reinforces the lore. If the rebellion had the same tech as the empire the fight would have been much easier. But sure just keep shitting on phenomenal writing and insanely good production with your stupid takes.
@@cgiler01 You don't get it. The Rebellion is going to be built by Organa...the WEALTHY as fuck Ruler of Alderaan... You don't get it, the rebellion is going to be joined by the Mon Calamari with their planetary shipyards and a royal fuck ton of this thing called RESOURCES. You don't get it, the EMPIRE has a galaxy of wealth...so why don't THEY HAVE IT, 10 years later when its NO LONGER CUTTING EDGE STUFF. But sure, keep defending shit writing because you saw a scene that "looks" cool with your brain dead take on "lore".
@@hresvelgr7193 Small minded people have small minded thoughts. Name one single time a lone ship was able to take out a larger ship in the movies. ONE. Not one in a group where the others also did damage and were distracting others in a battle. A one on one situation. Name. One. Time.
The entire scene fucks up the lore of a rebellion struggling against the Empire for a long time. Taking out a large ship is supposed to be HARD and the rebellion had nothing remotely capable of this. The reason Star Wars has become trash is due to the few fans remaining just sucking up anything no matter how shit it is and not demanding quality or consistency. So your "best 90 seconds of star wars space battles" basically makes ALL star wars space battles make no god damn sense at all. 10 years before this in the prequels, no single ship can do 1/20th the damage...10 years after this in the originals...no ship can do 1/20th of the damage. This one scene was the worst in the season, standing out for fucking up so badly.
@thomasjones4570 calm down big man. Something you need to take into consideration when you watch this is that the countermeasures relied on the tractor beam to work and were drawn towards it because the beam was active. This isn't something that's typically used because most of the time, the tractor beam isn't a huge dish on the front of a ship. Most of the time it's hidden to isn't as easily destroyed. And your comment about people just watching anything isn't true and we both know it. When Disney release a bad project, people complain. There are so many people I've seen who have lost interest in star wars because they don't like how it's dropped in quality. Disney sw is always gonna have its fans and its okay to like it, but the majority of people still prefer the lucas era
@@___CHICKEN___ Calm down little lady. The tractor beam is used through-out both the originals and prequels. He did not just destroy the tractor beam, he incapacitated the entire ship and thus it would have been the perfect weapon to use against large ships. And my comment about people just watching anything has been proven true on 100s of channels and in all 3 major Star Wars reddits. Things exist outside your tiny brains capacity to understand.
@thomasjones4570 well he didnt incapacitate the whole ship because it was functioning perfectly fine apart from the tractor beam. It was linked to the dish at the front which Luthen destroyed. There will be people who watch everything star wars no matter what because they love the brand. Just let people enjoy it
@@___CHICKEN___ Before attack, ships guns are shooting at him. After the attack, not ONE gun shoots at him from that point onwards and literally changes course NOT ONCE in attempt to pursue. It is incapacitated and they do not even order anyone to try to TRACK his course... The blind rabid fanboy defense of the un-defendable is laughable. P.S. You low IQ twat. A person saying a negative thing that is true, is not PREVENTING YOU from being a bonehead drooling from the mouth consumer and continuing to like it. Just like it and move on, dont try to lie to defend it and drag out a lame attempt to argue which you are clearly not capable of doing.
Flying to the bridge, knowing the TIEs would limit their shots was so smart, and a great FU Empire moment. Like “hey watch this shit, get a good look”. So badass. Luthen is my new favorite character. Can’t stand Disney anymore but I will re-subscibe just to see season 2 of Andor.
It's not entirely unnecessary, because it helps further characterize just how insanely well prepared and good at spycraft, Luthen is. Even when he's seemingly caught with his pants down by an Imperial patrol, he's got plenty of tricks up his sleeve to escape.
It isnt supposed to exist in STAR WARS...it literally fucks up the lore. They do not have it before or after this. If the rebellion had a squad of these they would have been fucking up the Empire. Someone at Lucasfilms should have opened their yaps about this scene that stands out as being fucked up in this great series.
@@elmerdeleeuw1569 Two words: Bail Organa. He becomes the main guy behind the formation of the rebels not long after this season and he is the supreme leader of Alderaan, one of the richest core worlds whose family has been at or near the top of the royal families for over 2,000 years. He is obscenely rich and he becomes the reason the Alliance exists and has a fleet. Did you NOT notice his ship in EP3? It is the style that makes up the majority of the Alliance fleet in the originals with the exception of the Capital ships made and supplied by the Mon Calamari when they join...and they are plainly very different from the rest of the fleet.
dude stop being dumb. Metal Storm isn't that nor is metal storm new. Metal Storm is a multi barrel firearm based on elements dating to the 1800s. There is a reason no military adopted metal storm and the company went out of business without selling a single one..
@@thomasjones4570 three words. You are ignorant. This type of ship is meant for cover op meetings and cargo transport. It is meant to remain undetected and if need be escape. It isn't a combat ship. It was unable to take out a piracy interdiction transport.
He misunderstood because of that actor's accent. It happens. And he presumed it was Corellian because of the style of the cockpit, which is understandable.
@@PlutozReal Right, but to be fair you said it yourself, it looks like a bomber. It shows up for only a few seconds so it's hard to pick out those small details unless you go back and really scrutinize those few seconds, but also that design is very famously associated with the TIE Bomber, so most casual fans aren't going to pick up on it being a transport even if they go back and re-watch that part.
Alderaan was already suspected of funding and staffing the rebels long before hand. However due to the planet rep the empire couldn't stomp on it like they did other worlds. Tarkin blowing up Alderaan was considered a bad move by the Emperor since it galvanized the rebellion.
It's more that shields protect well against energy weapons, but not kinetic projectiles. Like in Empire Strikes Back when the Star Destroyer gets hit by an asteroid, it tears right through the shield and destroys the bridge. The countermeasures that Luthen fired, were solid metal projectiles being accelerated to a very high velocity by the combination of Luthen firing them and the tractor beam picking them up and accelerating them even further.
@@espp1973 the people who say Metal Storm have no idea what is. He was just dropping flechettes, the people who were saying Rail Gun have no idea what that is either and Rail Guns are in star wars.
Love the scene, but my ONE complaint: I wish he'd lasered through like 6 TIE fighters at the end instead of just the 2. Same with in The Mandalorian, when Boba Fett drops seismic charges on only 2 TIE fighters, shoulda been a squadron.
Why do you say that? I assume your reasoning is that it would simply make Luthven look more badass, at the expense of the Imperials looking like a joke. But the scene accomplishes the tension, then the shock and awe it's supposed to; plus if we never see the villains as anything more than bumbling cannon-fodder who are there just to look pretty while they get blown up, then why should any of the characters ever feel threatened by them, and we - the audience - ever feel tension in a scene like this. And this scene is definitely supposed to be tense. Keep in mind, this is a small patrol cruiser in a middle-of-nowhere piracy zone, not a fleet in a war-zone. It's not a classified, high-security base like Scarrif marshalling it's defences against an entire Rebel fleet for a decisive battle - it's an everyday border-patrol inspection gone wrong.
@@mitchellhayward6492 In both cases, it's an excessive use of a powerful weapon. Luthen could've just used his normal turret to finish off the last two. Boba Fett could've used his normal lasers to finish off the last two. It's reminiscent of killing a mosquito with a gun.
@dylanjc We know from this scene that Luthven's targeting computer needed to lock onto each target before his turret would take a shot, and we've known since the very beginning that those things aren't always accurate. The LAAT landed on Geonosis with all guns blazing, not simply their blaster turrets. There's no such thing as overkill when you're fighting for your life. If you have such weaponry at your disposal, it would be foolish not to use them.
@@dylanjc Well, the dialogue is obviously supposed to line up with what we see on-screen. Being a small patrol, you don't want too many ships in the scene in the first place. Plus, putting that many kills under Luthven's belt would simply undermine the tension that built up this exciting but very brief dogfight. In Empire Strikes Back, there's a deleted scene of C-3PO ripping a warning sticker off a door while they're trying to escape echo base, and a few seconds later a trooper opens the door and gets dragged in by a wampa. It was a funny moment, but it undermined the tension of the Imperials winning the Battle of Hoth with casual ease. You also pointed out Boba Fett using a seismic charge to wreck 2 TIE's in the Mandalorian - which I don't watch. But I'd like to mention that when we first saw them used in Attack of the Clones, Jango deployed 2 of them against Obi-Wan's lone fighter - which never killed anything - *before* he resorted to simply shooting at him.
Money and resources. Luthen has these and can fully kit out his ship. While doing so on a larger scale is outside the scope of what the rebellion can accomplish. It’s like you look for issues where there are none.
@@cgiler01 Organa is going to be joining and propping up the Rebellion with his RULERSHIP of Alderaan bringing his wealth with him in a few years after this. The Mon Calamari are going to also be joining with their planetary shipyards and massive ship building resources... The EMPIRE has near unlimited wealth and resources so in 10 years time when Luke comes trancing along...where the FUCK is this tech? Bad writing and your head is either up your ass and you know shit about fuck when it comes to Star Wars or...you are just plane stupid.
@@cgiler01 That guy's higher up in the comments, saying the same shit. I honestly dunno why there are so many damnable trolls in this fandom. It's not difficult to just...enjoy things.
0:03 Jedi Jive www.youtube.com/@JediJive
1:28 Kyle Katarn www.youtube.com/@KyleKatarnChannel
3:04 LouiseJulie www.youtube.com/@LouiseJulie_
4:38 emme reacts www.youtube.com/@emme
6:08 Kat & Sonny www.youtube.com/@KatSonny
7:33 Gaxelle www.youtube.com/@Gaxelle
8:55 pReview'd www.youtube.com/@pReviewd
10:18 Nerdy Nightly www.youtube.com/@NerdyNightly
11:46 Omn1Media www.youtube.com/@Omn1Media
13:12 sesskasays www.youtube.com/@sesskasays
14:47 funnylilgalreacts www.youtube.com/@funnylilgalreacts
Luthen increasing his thrust so they would increase the Tractor force and thus increase the velocity of his countermeasures, was genius.
Disappointing how no one seems to notice that he baited them into raising the tractor beam power level, so that they would unwittingly increase the velocity of his countermeasures.
Oh I did first time round. I said exactly that to people who questioned why he powered up... They created their own doom!! Incredible
Exactly his same plan with the Empire: get them to ratchet up the constraint, and use it against them
@@repps8839 "The more you tighten your grip Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers" - Leia
More than likely because most fans were cringing at the entire scene of one ship being able to do that knowing damn well that if such a thing were possible, the rebellion would have been kicking the shit out of the Empire.
It was clearly written by someone that does not know star wars and how it fucks up the entire lore.
Right? I notices too so the conter niddles go faster and do more damage...
I love that aggressive V8-like roar his ship makes when he increases the throttle while in tractor beam
This whole premise is clever. Luthan gets his countermeasures armed and calibrated to the tractor beam force. my thought is that the flechettes are launched with enough force to be pulled in by the tractor beam on its current power level. Then he starts to take off knowing that the imperial ship will increase the tractor beam strength. He releases the flechettes and the tractor beam pulls them in, effectively using the tractor beam to destroy itself.
We all really should take the time to realize that teams of writers sit in rooms coming up with these concepts, and scenarios, its all quite brilliant and even then, no guarantee its going to "work" on screen.
Star Wars is great with great writers....can't wait to see what they have in store for season 2
Agree, he waited until they was up to lvl 5, they was shot out and the tractor beam accelerated them even faster. Just perfect 😃
couldn't of explained it better. flechettes alone would of bren enough to destabilize the tractor beam, but as you said they increase the pull him, and what was dangerous his speed flechettes, became damn near metal blaster bolts to a target shielded against blasters, but not the flechettes.
This entire series is the most intelligent, innovative, best scripted, best acted, best plot, best story, ever in the history of SW
@@okedoke1234 I agree with you about 90 percent. I know what they were going for, and get it. Love what we got, but they took huge portions of this show and put it so far off in left field of the Star Wars Universe that at times it almost didn't feel like Star Wars.
By that I mean you could paint out a thing or two, remove a couple of names, and this would of just been a spectacular Sci-fi show that no one had heard of before.
The Cantwell class was named after graphic artist Colin Cantwell who helped design the ships for A New Hope, this was an early design of his for the original Star Destroyers, discarded in favor of the giant wedges we all know and love, but the design was kept and made into an Arrestor Cruiser, a medium cruiser armed with three powerful tractor beams, its purpose was to capture smugglers and bandits and, well, anyone the Empire felt like putting in their work-camps, "Capturing lawbreakers alive and Arresting them".
I swear, the Fondor is basically the Batmobile of Star Wars. And Luthen is Batman.
He has a secret lair.
Even his alter ego is a rich playboy.
Next season, we find out Palpatine killed his parents.
And those counter measures also seem to me like they could be something James Bond would have in his Aston Martin DB5 and it sounds like the gun on an A-10 Thunderbolt II which is a gun with a jet and/or plane attached to it
"How did you do that?"
*Deep breath* "BECAUSE I'M LUTHEN!!!"
What most reactors don't realize is the great writing at play here.
What Luthern did here was a microcosm of his broader strategy. Goad the Empire into tightening its grip, then use that grip to break their arm.
That dumbfounded look on that imperial captains face never gets old.
"No. We can use the practice". - Rarely have some words been regretted so profoundly so quickly....
"pocket sand" aaaaahahahahahaha
The best Star Wars spin off...
The best star wars*
The best Star Wars PERIOD.
This scene is arguably the best 90 seconds of Star Wars space battle since ep. 4.
Maybe even better...writing and screenplay that had me jumping out of my seat. And I am old!
Andor rules, it's Star Wars for adults. Concentrated Goodness!
The entire scene fucks up the lore of a rebellion struggling against the Empire for a long time. Taking out a large ship is supposed to be HARD and the rebellion had nothing remotely capable of this. The reason Star Wars has become trash is due to the few fans remaining just sucking up anything no matter how shit it is and not demanding quality or consistency.
So your "best 90 seconds of star wars space battles" basically makes ALL star wars space battles make no god damn sense at all. 10 years before this in the prequels, no single ship can do 1/20th the damage...10 years after this in the originals...no ship can do 1/20th of the damage. This one scene was the worst in the season, standing out for fucking up so badly.
@@thomasjones4570you don’t get it. He has money, state of the art tech, cutting edge stuff. The resistance has the leftover dregs in most cases. If anything this reinforces the lore. If the rebellion had the same tech as the empire the fight would have been much easier. But sure just keep shitting on phenomenal writing and insanely good production with your stupid takes.
@@cgiler01 You don't get it. The Rebellion is going to be built by Organa...the WEALTHY as fuck Ruler of Alderaan...
You don't get it, the rebellion is going to be joined by the Mon Calamari with their planetary shipyards and a royal fuck ton of this thing called RESOURCES.
You don't get it, the EMPIRE has a galaxy of wealth...so why don't THEY HAVE IT, 10 years later when its NO LONGER CUTTING EDGE STUFF.
But sure, keep defending shit writing because you saw a scene that "looks" cool with your brain dead take on "lore".
@@thomasjones4570 No, it doesn't. We've seen larger ships be destroyed by ships less capable then this.
@@hresvelgr7193 Small minded people have small minded thoughts.
Name one single time a lone ship was able to take out a larger ship in the movies. ONE. Not one in a group where the others also did damage and were distracting others in a battle. A one on one situation.
Name. One. Time.
16:18 "oh ! ... Oh ! ... OOH!! ... What the hell was that ? That was phenomenal !" 😂
Emme: “He’s panicking…”
Luthen: “Power doesn’t panic!”
This was the greatest Star Wars moment since the OG Trilogy. It brought back the WONDER and EXCITEMENT.
Get Wrecked, Nerd! I'm so stealing that. hehehe
I never watch reaction videos…except when this broadcast, I was so astonished that I went looking for reactions to this scene. Thanks for the video!
Now the Arrestor's captain will have a debriefing with Lord Vader.
A debreathing, perhaps
Got to be one of the best escape sequences in Star Wars.
The entire scene fucks up the lore of a rebellion struggling against the Empire for a long time. Taking out a large ship is supposed to be HARD and the rebellion had nothing remotely capable of this. The reason Star Wars has become trash is due to the few fans remaining just sucking up anything no matter how shit it is and not demanding quality or consistency.
So your "best 90 seconds of star wars space battles" basically makes ALL star wars space battles make no god damn sense at all. 10 years before this in the prequels, no single ship can do 1/20th the damage...10 years after this in the originals...no ship can do 1/20th of the damage. This one scene was the worst in the season, standing out for fucking up so badly.
@thomasjones4570 calm down big man. Something you need to take into consideration when you watch this is that the countermeasures relied on the tractor beam to work and were drawn towards it because the beam was active. This isn't something that's typically used because most of the time, the tractor beam isn't a huge dish on the front of a ship. Most of the time it's hidden to isn't as easily destroyed.
And your comment about people just watching anything isn't true and we both know it. When Disney release a bad project, people complain. There are so many people I've seen who have lost interest in star wars because they don't like how it's dropped in quality. Disney sw is always gonna have its fans and its okay to like it, but the majority of people still prefer the lucas era
@@___CHICKEN___ Calm down little lady. The tractor beam is used through-out both the originals and prequels. He did not just destroy the tractor beam, he incapacitated the entire ship and thus it would have been the perfect weapon to use against large ships.
And my comment about people just watching anything has been proven true on 100s of channels and in all 3 major Star Wars reddits.
Things exist outside your tiny brains capacity to understand.
@thomasjones4570 well he didnt incapacitate the whole ship because it was functioning perfectly fine apart from the tractor beam. It was linked to the dish at the front which Luthen destroyed.
There will be people who watch everything star wars no matter what because they love the brand. Just let people enjoy it
@@___CHICKEN___ Before attack, ships guns are shooting at him. After the attack, not ONE gun shoots at him from that point onwards and literally changes course NOT ONCE in attempt to pursue. It is incapacitated and they do not even order anyone to try to TRACK his course...
The blind rabid fanboy defense of the un-defendable is laughable.
P.S. You low IQ twat. A person saying a negative thing that is true, is not PREVENTING YOU from being a bonehead drooling from the mouth consumer and continuing to like it. Just like it and move on, dont try to lie to defend it and drag out a lame attempt to argue which you are clearly not capable of doing.
Flying to the bridge, knowing the TIEs would limit their shots was so smart, and a great FU Empire moment. Like “hey watch this shit, get a good look”. So badass. Luthen is my new favorite character. Can’t stand Disney anymore but I will re-subscibe just to see season 2 of Andor.
Characters can never be smarter than the people writing them. These writers are pretty sharp!
So that instantly became the best ship in all of the Star Wars universe... no contest
Shows you how overconfidence and arrogance ended up being the Empires undoing.
That was so Art of War on his part.
This scene perfectly follows the rule of cool, it was superfluous and entirely unnecessary but nobody cares because it’s so fucking cool.
It's not entirely unnecessary, because it helps further characterize just how insanely well prepared and good at spycraft, Luthen is.
Even when he's seemingly caught with his pants down by an Imperial patrol, he's got plenty of tricks up his sleeve to escape.
one of the most creative space battles in the franchise
"And a bomber" needs to become merch.
Stop and Search works.They could have got those laser sword beams off the Spacelanes.
The weapon Luthen uses the destroy the tractor beam actually exists. It's called Metal Storm.
It isnt supposed to exist in STAR WARS...it literally fucks up the lore. They do not have it before or after this. If the rebellion had a squad of these they would have been fucking up the Empire. Someone at Lucasfilms should have opened their yaps about this scene that stands out as being fucked up in this great series.
@@thomasjones4570 Two words: prohibitive costs. Cool tools cost cool Credits.
@@elmerdeleeuw1569 Two words: Bail Organa. He becomes the main guy behind the formation of the rebels not long after this season and he is the supreme leader of Alderaan, one of the richest core worlds whose family has been at or near the top of the royal families for over 2,000 years.
He is obscenely rich and he becomes the reason the Alliance exists and has a fleet.
Did you NOT notice his ship in EP3? It is the style that makes up the majority of the Alliance fleet in the originals with the exception of the Capital ships made and supplied by the Mon Calamari when they join...and they are plainly very different from the rest of the fleet.
dude stop being dumb. Metal Storm isn't that nor is metal storm new. Metal Storm is a multi barrel firearm based on elements dating to the 1800s. There is a reason no military adopted metal storm and the company went out of business without selling a single one..
@@thomasjones4570 three words. You are ignorant. This type of ship is meant for cover op meetings and cargo transport. It is meant to remain undetected and if need be escape. It isn't a combat ship. It was unable to take out a piracy interdiction transport.
That was phenomenal.
The levers for the hyperdrive are just like the ones on the Millennium Falcon at Galaxy’s Edge.
My favorite ship in SW... and that's kinda amazing to say
Millenium Falcon, you WERE so badass. You've been dethroned.
11:42 I died.
Love it!!
Guy in blue was wrong about so many things. It's not a Horcrux ship it's a Fonder Haulcraft, It is NOIT Corillian it is from FONDOR!
He misunderstood because of that actor's accent. It happens. And he presumed it was Corellian because of the style of the cockpit, which is understandable.
Also called it a bomber. It wasn't. It was a boarding ship. Looks like a bomber but full of storm troopers instead of bombs.
He was making a joke about the name because of the actors accent.
@@PlutozReal Right, but to be fair you said it yourself, it looks like a bomber. It shows up for only a few seconds so it's hard to pick out those small details unless you go back and really scrutinize those few seconds, but also that design is very famously associated with the TIE Bomber, so most casual fans aren't going to pick up on it being a transport even if they go back and re-watch that part.
He obviously have bofors 40mm lasers
2:07 😂😂😂
Oh that last girl is cool, never seen her before
The only good Star Wars left
Did he bring more heat on Alderaan, which would cause them to rebel?
Alderaan was already suspected of funding and staffing the rebels long before hand. However due to the planet rep the empire couldn't stomp on it like they did other worlds. Tarkin blowing up Alderaan was considered a bad move by the Emperor since it galvanized the rebellion.
The Fondor looks like a redesigned Rogue Shadow from The Force Unleashed. So nice
What the hell was that? - That would be a pair of very large Lightsabers. From the colour I would say he got the crystals from the Sith.
I don't think they were light sabers, just huge lasers, similar to what they use in security gates, just scaled up.
It always has be Jedi, or Sith, with you people! ;)
Unlikely. Probably just a continuous stream of plasma that'll keep going until it hits something in a few million years
I think you can't have shields up while you're using the tractor beam, lol.
It's more that shields protect well against energy weapons, but not kinetic projectiles.
Like in Empire Strikes Back when the Star Destroyer gets hit by an asteroid, it tears right through the shield and destroys the bridge.
The countermeasures that Luthen fired, were solid metal projectiles being accelerated to a very high velocity by the combination of Luthen firing them and the tractor beam picking them up and accelerating them even further.
@@CrashB111to me, it looked like a raíl gun, but another commenter said it was more like a metal storm weapon being used.
@@espp1973 It was a bunch of metal flechette's
@@espp1973 the people who say Metal Storm have no idea what is. He was just dropping flechettes, the people who were saying Rail Gun have no idea what that is either and Rail Guns are in star wars.
Keep getting Xelle!
Love the scene, but my ONE complaint: I wish he'd lasered through like 6 TIE fighters at the end instead of just the 2.
Same with in The Mandalorian, when Boba Fett drops seismic charges on only 2 TIE fighters, shoulda been a squadron.
Why do you say that? I assume your reasoning is that it would simply make Luthven look more badass, at the expense of the Imperials looking like a joke.
But the scene accomplishes the tension, then the shock and awe it's supposed to; plus if we never see the villains as anything more than bumbling cannon-fodder who are there just to look pretty while they get blown up, then why should any of the characters ever feel threatened by them, and we - the audience - ever feel tension in a scene like this. And this scene is definitely supposed to be tense.
Keep in mind, this is a small patrol cruiser in a middle-of-nowhere piracy zone, not a fleet in a war-zone. It's not a classified, high-security base like Scarrif marshalling it's defences against an entire Rebel fleet for a decisive battle - it's an everyday border-patrol inspection gone wrong.
@@mitchellhayward6492 In both cases, it's an excessive use of a powerful weapon. Luthen could've just used his normal turret to finish off the last two. Boba Fett could've used his normal lasers to finish off the last two. It's reminiscent of killing a mosquito with a gun.
@dylanjc We know from this scene that Luthven's targeting computer needed to lock onto each target before his turret would take a shot, and we've known since the very beginning that those things aren't always accurate.
The LAAT landed on Geonosis with all guns blazing, not simply their blaster turrets. There's no such thing as overkill when you're fighting for your life.
If you have such weaponry at your disposal, it would be foolish not to use them.
@@mitchellhayward6492 I'm not talking about the in-universe stuff. I mean from a film-directing standpoint.
@@dylanjc Well, the dialogue is obviously supposed to line up with what we see on-screen. Being a small patrol, you don't want too many ships in the scene in the first place. Plus, putting that many kills under Luthven's belt would simply undermine the tension that built up this exciting but very brief dogfight.
In Empire Strikes Back, there's a deleted scene of C-3PO ripping a warning sticker off a door while they're trying to escape echo base, and a few seconds later a trooper opens the door and gets dragged in by a wampa. It was a funny moment, but it undermined the tension of the Imperials winning the Battle of Hoth with casual ease.
You also pointed out Boba Fett using a seismic charge to wreck 2 TIE's in the Mandalorian - which I don't watch. But I'd like to mention that when we first saw them used in Attack of the Clones, Jango deployed 2 of them against Obi-Wan's lone fighter - which never killed anything - *before* he resorted to simply shooting at him.
Luke did this in one of the Thrawn Trilogy books.
They should have skipped the lightsabers on that ship. It is impractical and stupid. Everything else made sense.
Reactors watching Acolyte, Ashoka, obi wan Kenobi - 😆🥹🤯😱
Reactors watching andor - 😐🤨🫤😯
The WORST scene in Andor.
So, why doesnt the rebellion have a few of these ships 10 years later and kicking the shit out of the Empire? Oh right...
Money and resources. Luthen has these and can fully kit out his ship. While doing so on a larger scale is outside the scope of what the rebellion can accomplish. It’s like you look for issues where there are none.
@@cgiler01 Organa is going to be joining and propping up the Rebellion with his RULERSHIP of Alderaan bringing his wealth with him in a few years after this.
The Mon Calamari are going to also be joining with their planetary shipyards and massive ship building resources...
The EMPIRE has near unlimited wealth and resources so in 10 years time when Luke comes trancing along...where the FUCK is this tech?
Bad writing and your head is either up your ass and you know shit about fuck when it comes to Star Wars or...you are just plane stupid.
@@cgiler01 That guy's higher up in the comments, saying the same shit. I honestly dunno why there are so many damnable trolls in this fandom. It's not difficult to just...enjoy things.
Go try something more your speed, hun. Maybe like Dora the Explorer or Blues Clues. Seems this show is a bit above your pay grade, lil fella.
worst type of content EVER