- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- This time i should be finish about 9-1 wins with this deck, this deck really fit with the trap, by sending dragon tuner with cards of consonance, we get draw 2 sending tuner and special summon it with the revival gift, make opponent board is totally locked by spamming 2 token to their field, he's gonna stop making any combos, mostly.
Which Better with the lunalight?
well both better, you diceded to play the deck. Blue eyes version has more high draw power stats, lunalight not. Lunalight guarantee tuner in the grave by using skill avenger from the void, blue eyes need to send the tuner. lunalight with the fox has more protection being targeting, blue eyes need hey, trunade. but blue eyes they draw a lot, so many possibilities happens if you draw good.
Last reviews?
I really enjoyed playing with this deck, so many play option we got here. we can synchro, guarantee OTK, we have hey trunade. but for competitive? i prefer to play lunalights, honestly guys, blue eyes also got their competitive play here, this hard to believe but this deck almost win with everything just bad with any backrow disruption, trust me
Deck Recipe :
Skill = Ultimate Dragons
2 White Stones Of Ancient ( yes i prefer to play 2, we need to play fast get the blue eyes, next turn we have OTKs goal, thats it )
1 dragon spirit of white
3 sage with eyes of blue
3 The White stone of legend
3 blue-eyes white dragon
3 Cards of consonance
2 Hey, trunade
3 revival gift
Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate dragon
Blue-eyes spirit dragon
Vermillion Dragon Mech
Star Eater
Azure Eyes Silver Dragon
Music: 「東方」 フランドール・スカーレット 「CarrotWine.」
#DuelLinks #Yugioh #BlueEyes Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
#ShareDeck #DuelLinks
So you guys sure this trap really " emergency banlist " needed ? Thoughts?
absolutely, cards that completely shut down all counterplay only slow down the game and cause more people to run stall type decks since they have higher chance of success against these plays. having a meta full of stall is extremely painful and makes ranked duel a nightmare as well as a timesink
@@abshah8514 nice, thats make sense
Definitely gona get reviewed by konami. Especially how they did "give and take". At least you can tribute the tokens but it can be abused with "curse of the circle"
@@mcnutty1985 nice, give and take would broke the game if it still here. Once ra' on your board, you cannot do anything its totally locked except floodgated. So ofc banlist for him 😂
Nah, this card is just fun and fine👍
makes me happy to see so many blackwings quit the second their field gets clogged
Blackwings are hard to obtain u gotta give them effort to collect them urs
They deserve their field to be clogged
man i wanted to just watch 1-2 games but your background music was so good it made me watched the whole video LMAO
3:02 this is so genius play lol
like marik says : you have what? gonna break your attack, im protected from destruction
The trap wants send to shadow realm : let me help you marik!
The music makes it SUPER suspenseful
The winrate in the vids should be 9-1 after got DC'd after finish dragunity deck, just need to attack him in last minutes but ended losses by "connection failed", also can't catch epic replay due all my opponents surrender, dont know why, seems they not let me have an epic replay 😂😂
Did you have more victories with this one or with the Lunalight version?
@@AlpedeS for sure, lunalights i got kog with them. i just play like 15 games with this deck lol
You're single handedly gonna get revival gift banned lol
but u are playing vs kogs, they play fun so it doesnt count
yay my lunalight dancer has a punching bag. n_n
Hey bro Nice deck
Hey Duellinks Ace , excellent video today 👌.
cool deck, ive use this same build like you, almost opponent surrender lmfao
very good😆👍🏼
Time for a lava golem stall deck with this trap card
Nice combo
You are the best player👑👑
Duel Links Ace posts any deck revealing a broken card (Revival Gift, in this case) ...
Konami: New Emergency Banlist incoming XD
Mahou cardo hatsu, yugo
san Bloo-Ayez Whaito Deragun
yugooo shoukan
Bloo-Ayez Ultimatto Deragun
This video would be nice with voice actings
Absolutely yes, ill do it next time 😁
Atleast i can see that the deck is very consistent
I might i try it for the fun
I have 3 card of consonance
Your videos are nice. But I need to ask one thing. How to look in the graveyard when it's opponent's turn ? I mean what is the keyboard shortcut. I use steam and mouse to play. So don't know what is the key to look for graveyard on opponent's turn.
I'm not the biggest touhou fan but i'd recognize a UN Owen remix anywhere
I wanted to ask you if you can do a funny strong deck with black rose dragon, destroy everything and attack by using blair... I don't know why i want to see xD :)
What a nice deck. I try it.
friendship ended with give & take, now revival gift is ace's best friend
why should i give you my monster when i can keep it and give you something better?
We about to end opponent board, with just give something to them 🤣
if correct, I hear a U N Owen was her remix... >_> you have good music taste, sir.. they aren't playing a game yugioh anymore... they're playing your game. if only revival gift was a spell, then it'd be even better fitting... either way, instant like. also liked the fact it's basically a normal blue eyes deck with a unrelated trap.
I done a blue eyes version with gishibalkin and revival gift. I didn't realise tokens are so good for screwing dark magician and shirinui.
When you only have 3 monster slots, two tokens can shut down your opponents whole strategy down
At 10:40 why did u have a card not in the deck u showed us?
Ace, how do you feel about The Melody of Awakening Dragon?
really good card, you can have it in this deck, sadly we can only have 1 which make the card hard to access
Damn...i got this idea when u posted the1st one. Now u post my idea and soon everyone will know! Revival gift definitely gona get hit soon 🤦🏿♂️😭 its block dragon all over again
I miss block dragon, that my strongest creature the true dragon ruler in duel links 😰
Revival gift so good. I really like this combo. How about you build deck of eleister with combo revival gift. I think is superb awesome too. 🙂
Aleister? It doesn't work, most of aleister build without tuner
@@DuellinksAce sorry, you are right. Thank you say that to me.
Tohou ftw
Is it alright only having two cards of consonance
pke lava golem juga enak kayaknya
Holy fuck, how many Yami Mario did you go up against in this video??
@Duellinks Ace
Revival gift, offer 2 tokens = free lava golem :Think:
With what? What tuner can be stall in same time?
Yeah i think so deserve to ban..too op..
banlist in coming!!!!😂😂😂
Deck full UR burung hitam tidak ada apa - apanya di replay ini wkwk
Wow brilliant idea a N card broke the game, btw I didn’t spend in stardust acceleration box and unfortunately didn’t get this N card can anybody estimate how much cost if I were to go in the box just for these 3 N card? Or is it worth it?
I see same trap in neos invoked drop tunner with neos fusión next turno token purgatrio. Or same with lunas and infernity skill but element invoked activa trap purgatrio, lávals invoked 3 magic for acelersttion drop laval tunners search aliester purgatrio
Purgatrio would ruin this trap 😭😭
I think konami are going to hit this trap like they hit give and take i feel this card has the same effect locking your opponent out of play
we just started to play this trap, its too fast if this happen
@@DuellinksAce yes i know i still think they are going to hit it not instantly ofc it doesnt need and emergency ban
@@emilklompmaker1979 even i say like this, but i believe this trap will remain in the banlist lol, idk im just afraid things coming too fast
i don't think it is that broken.
you do have to set up for it. it's less disruptive than turn1 DM imo. but the skill....
idk.... the skill probably would need a LP requirement.
Its normal trap, right? Being a trap card like the combo will kinda slow, killed by cosmic, raigeki or something, especially going 2nd
If konami would ban this trap then surely konami only wants to rich people play his game. This game is pay to win afterall
What is the name of that touho song remix?
Cards of consonance replacenent?
no replacement tbh, you can run dark world dealing but from my test cards of consonance is more better
@@DuellinksAce Ok, since both cards of consonance and dark wotld dealing are expensive to me, I'll find my own way. Thanks, this deck is a good idea btw
haci que por eso va a estar a 1 :v
Which box to get that revival trap?
Stardust Dragon box
Limit tar lag ini pak wkwkwkwk
Limit teros
holly S*** what is this! this should not allowed in this game
0:12 music name ?
how did u summon blue eyes ultimate drag without it in ur extra deck?
skill ultimate dragon
U really want that card 2 get banned aren't Ya 😂
Dapetin revival gift dari mana bang? Gue masih nubieee
what the nani?
I wonder if this is gonna be competitive
i'd like to say, yes. the trap is broken to stop almost deck combos.. hard to believe but i won almost meta deck in the video :)
@@DuellinksAce card of consonance i only have 2 what can i replace it with
@@cheesussonofgod395 The Melody of Awakening Dragon (F2P, Kaiba Lv45)
Same discard effect, +0 that lets you add two Blue-Eyes, +1 by discarding Legend. You will draw into Hey Trunade less, and it'll be a brick if you don't have two Blue-Eyes in deck, but I think it's a good enough replacement.
Please don't get this card banned
Why not play 3 White Stone of Ancients do you not have a 3rd one . You can easily remove the other SR. White stone of Legend and run 2 instead .
Would running a 3rd White Stone and making it 21 cards make it a bit less consistent
finally someone mentioned, nice question!
i'd prefer nah, becase we enough playing with 2 instead of "sage with eyes of blue". all we need to have all the blue-eyes in the hand, 3 blue eyes is really good to finish makes neo ultimate dragon, so thats why running 3 "The White stone of legend" is really consistent, bcs the trap revival gift will save you in the next turn, so 2 white stones for the 1st play is enough for the deck
So with this exact version how easy would it be to hit KoG also how often does this brick as I tested this deck out and going first sucks if i brick which has already happened 2/10 duels. I’ve lost most duels going first as my opponent straight up OTK me turn 2
It’s horrible going second at times due to back row disruption and bricking going 1st @Duellinks Ace
klo dah masuk era xyz revival gift nya harus di forbid nih :v
Kalo ini ga populer, semoga aja tidak 😂😂
@@DuellinksAce klo menurut gw sih *kemungkinan besar* kena pentung soalnya efeknya terlalu broken buat di era xyz apalagi ini monster zone nya cuma 3 , lawan auto gk bisa summon😅
card yang dipertimbangkan akan masuk banlist, dilirik konami
Revival gift will really gettin hit if you spam it like this xD I wonder why konami dont hit this alongside with give & take back then.
Spam? I just show you the way to play bro 😊
@@DuellinksAce I'm not your bro, pal.
ace launches the block dragon and is soon banned ... now he launches a stall
konami: motherfu ....