I agree - coolest production bike ever. Totally impractical - no luggage rack, no bags, no passenger seat, heavy as can be, but man, what a piece of eye candy. I have a 2014 Valk, so I know what that engine can do. Would love to ride a Rune some day.
I agree - coolest production bike ever. Totally impractical - no luggage rack, no bags, no passenger seat, heavy as can be, but man, what a piece of eye candy. I have a 2014 Valk, so I know what that engine can do. Would love to ride a Rune some day.
That's the funny part, despite its weight and lack of certain accessories, it still rides incredibly and has amazing maneuverability.
Awesome bike
That was the last anyone ever saw Him
Tremenda moto ❤
do you still have it ?
that's a strange concept of coolest
Sounds like dodge viper
Doesn't look very confident on that bike..looks frightened of it!!
That's 811 pounds and gravity, versus 160 pound man 😂
Это самый красивый мотоцикл в мире
Totally agree
On eBay September 2022 for £21K
To bad he doesn’t know how to ride it.
It was first ride after while, and it’s a really heavy bike
قطار تهران تبریز
Girlie 😂
Best, bike,ever,video,sucks
You should practice
Yeah it was my first ride with that heavy bike
Absolutely ridiculous...