Just got a 1000X delivered, the box was rattling., when I opened it the display and board behind it were loose and laying on the bottom with 2 different sized screws laying loose. Sent it back and installed a 9600UDLS. Have gotten more than a few defective panels lately.
An ES-50X does not support SPEAKER/strobes. You need to add an ECC-50 voice panel for speakers. If you are just looking for HORN/strobes, you wire them to the NAC circuits.
I've been talking a lot to the engineering team and even the actual programmer for the firmware. They're going to get it fixed. He's lower in the food chain but he believes they'll have a basic fix in the next firmware release sometime in the next couple of months. However, he and I both believe that the better fix is to let the installer pick the heat detector type in programming. He said that's a major bit of work to make that happen and it's not up to him. I think if they get past this kind of stupid stuff, it's a good panel.
Just got a 1000X delivered, the box was rattling., when I opened it the display and board behind it were loose and laying on the bottom with 2 different sized screws laying loose. Sent it back and installed a 9600UDLS. Have gotten more than a few defective panels lately.
Got an ES50X everything works but want to add speaker strobes how do you do it
An ES-50X does not support SPEAKER/strobes. You need to add an ECC-50 voice panel for speakers. If you are just looking for HORN/strobes, you wire them to the NAC circuits.
I am installing a es-50x for the first time I am thinking have you program it would you be interest?
I love firelite / notifier but these new panels are junk =(
I've been talking a lot to the engineering team and even the actual programmer for the firmware. They're going to get it fixed. He's lower in the food chain but he believes they'll have a basic fix in the next firmware release sometime in the next couple of months. However, he and I both believe that the better fix is to let the installer pick the heat detector type in programming. He said that's a major bit of work to make that happen and it's not up to him. I think if they get past this kind of stupid stuff, it's a good panel.