Kongsberg Vanguard

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2019
  • KONGSBERG unveils a game changer in naval operations - the Vanguard! This naval ship design is highly adaptable and will fulfill the needs of coastal nations for both military and civilian operations. Learn more: www.kongsberg.com/kda/product...
  • Наука та технологія


  • @fapmashina1
    @fapmashina1 Рік тому +4

    Although this ship is very interesting I’m just wondering if it has as same capabilities as nowadays corvettes, something that is Croatia looking for. For instance, is it gonna be possible to implement modern and powerful medium to long range anti-aircraft missiles, long distance anti-ship and ground missiles, and torpedoes: all of which is gonna be needed for the Croatian Navy. Also, how this ship’s projected max speed and autonomy fare against modern corvettes?

    • @clansman89
      @clansman89 Рік тому

      This doesn't look like a warship. I'm afraid there's no place for vertical launch system so no anti air defense.

    • @goldeneagle5820
      @goldeneagle5820 Рік тому +3

      Ovo što je gore prikazano je samo jedna osnovna platforma. Svaki pojedini projekt se usklađuje sa željama i potrebama naručitelja. Osnovni projekt je oko 90 m dužine, tako da se po potrebi koncept može prilagođavati svakoj namjeni. Inače odlična stvar je to što se kod istog proizvođača može osigurati i najveći dio naoružanja, npr NSM protubrodske rakete i tako te stvarčice... 😉

    • @fapmashina1
      @fapmashina1 Рік тому +1

      Čini se da je ovo jako, jako obećavajuće kao moguća platforma za Hrvatsku kroz dosta povoljniju nabavu bar dvije korvete.
      Da, odicno je to što je projekt prilagodljiv i to što proizvođač radi i moćne raketne sustave. Samo, zanima me je li na ovaj projekt moguće uklopiti sve što RH treba: i kvalitetne PZO sustave bar srednjeg dometa, torpeda, a uz protubrodske rakete i one za djelovanje po kopnenim ciljevima, naravno, sve većeg dometa od recimo bar 180-250 km?
      Ove stvari nisu baš precizno pojašnjene kao ni pitanje koliko bi ovi brodovi bili brzi u usporedbi s klasičnim korvetama, koja im je autonomija na otvorenom moru?

    • @fapmashina1
      @fapmashina1 Рік тому

      It is definitely different but that doesn't necessary mean it would be bad or inadequate.
      As for the second part of your post, I'm not sure you're right since I've observed producers datasheet and as it seems there's possibility of implementation of anti air defense although it's not precisely specified of which kind. Also, make sure that there are strong air defence missiles that don't necessary need vertical launch.
      As it seems to me, this ship has relatively large dimensions, it is 90 meters long which is not that small...

    • @goldeneagle5820
      @goldeneagle5820 Рік тому +2

      @@fapmashina1 Za pretpostaviti je da je moguće ugraditi sve ovo što si gore naveo - jer PZO, protubrodska i protupodmornička borba to sve(srednji domet naoružanja) i podrazumijeva.

  • @ZivBnd
    @ZivBnd 4 роки тому +5

    Hard to take that threath seriously. LOL!

    • @fapmashina1
      @fapmashina1 Рік тому

      I don't necessarilly agree on that one! As it seems this platform is very promising if it's gonna be fitted with powerful arms like modern rocket launchers for all means of warfare, torpedoes, sensors, will have great naval properties, decent autonomy and so on...
      And these days military ship doesn't have to be 200 meters long or even longer fuel hungry giant to demonstrante formidable power esp. if we're considering sustainable and affordable solutions for smaller navies that simply don't need very large ships like frigates, destroyers let alone airplane carriers!

    • @AP-qs2zf
      @AP-qs2zf Рік тому

      THat's its secret :)

    • @AP-qs2zf
      @AP-qs2zf Рік тому

      Day;s of the battleship are over