The last song that KengNamping sang they didn't rewrite the lyrics for this show It's straight from the original🥹 I think they're so good at tying the story with the songs and it could made you think they remake the song! And if you have the opportunity to visit Thailand, including the northern part of Thailand, you will connect with it even more deeply😊🤍 (Namping even changed some parts of his solo songs to Northern language it so difficult 🥹 They’re so talent!!
gonna miss watching this every Sunday 😭😭😭 I still vividly remember watching the first episode 🥹🥹 and this final episode ended up being released on my birthday, so it was like a nice birthday present to myself also, the reason why my wallet has been crying 🤣🤣 flew to Thailand for DMDLAND2 just for Gen 3 💕💕
@@AshleyCarlaReacts I miss this show, but now I have figured out two potential pairs ,and Gems is paired with gen 1 Mark so like we have two guys from gen 2 pairs with gen 1 we have one from gen 3 paired with gen 1, and it's not confirmed but there's alot of clips of firstone and Tle together you should check Tlefirstone, latte and Tee tee seem to still be solo.
The last song that KengNamping sang they didn't rewrite the lyrics for this show It's straight from the original🥹 I think they're so good at tying the story with the songs and it could made you think they remake the song! And if you have the opportunity to visit Thailand, including the northern part of Thailand, you will connect with it even more deeply😊🤍 (Namping even changed some parts of his solo songs to Northern language it so difficult 🥹 They’re so talent!!
Oh wooow 🥹 thats so interesting! I hope he get to visit one day 🥹🤞🏾🤞🏾
@@AshleyCarlaReacts I’ll wait to Welcome you dear🤍
I've been rooting for KengNamping from the beginning, I was so happyyyyyyy❤we can see them in a series together yayyyyy
Me tooo 🥰
Both KengNamping and ThomasKong will be main roles in new Domundi bl series 🔜.
KengNamping 🔥 🔥 The chemistry is fire
I agreee
I’m SO happy both of the couples won
Best results! Cant wait for their show 👏👏👏
🎉🎊 KengNamping and ThomasKong winning best partners, both will be main role upcoming bl series of Domundi 🔜👏👏👏💯🤟🤟💛💛💛
Yess 👏🏽👏🏽
gonna miss watching this every Sunday 😭😭😭 I still vividly remember watching the first episode 🥹🥹 and this final episode ended up being released on my birthday, so it was like a nice birthday present to myself
also, the reason why my wallet has been crying 🤣🤣 flew to Thailand for DMDLAND2 just for Gen 3 💕💕
Me too! I'll definitely be missing the guys and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!🎉 I hope you enjoyed Thailand :)
@AshleyCarlaReacts ahh thank youu!! I enjoyed thailand a lott especially with the wonderbooth benefit, which made the trip even better 🥹😭
@@AshleyCarlaReacts I miss this show, but now I have figured out two potential pairs ,and Gems is paired with gen 1 Mark so like we have two guys from gen 2 pairs with gen 1 we have one from gen 3 paired with gen 1, and it's not confirmed but there's alot of clips of firstone and Tle together you should check Tlefirstone, latte and Tee tee seem to still be solo.
Going to miss the show. Although the winners were not a surprise for me. Hopefully they get a good series to star in.
Sure am! I can’t wait for the official series announcement 🥹
Last time in dmd 2023 thet announced
1)our sky
2) fan boy
Series for new gens..but I'm not sure if they will still with that
Yes so i heard, lets see of there are any new announcements in the coming months
firstone is the best of my heart
Been waiting for your reaction❤
Hope you enjoyed! 🥰
I am from Thailand you so cute 🥰
Awww thank youuuu 🥰
Johnson George Davis Richard Wilson Sarah
Williams George Miller Michael Gonzalez Frank
Ashley can u reaction to his man 2 it's korean bl reality show🙂
Yes! I’ll be starting it next week on Patreon ☺️
Song that Nam Ping sings name พี่ๆ ตัดแว่นให้หน่อย by serious bacon
You’re THE best! Thank youuu 🥰✨
No see i no like them