So interesting. I’ve been a gardner for 40 years. From the north. Have planted many trees & bushes in my life. FL is a whole nother game! Been here 8 yrs. Love this garden forest. Thanks for going to all these places and showing us! Gorgeous!
You said you bring homeschool groups? We have a group in loxahatchee called Christian homeschool support that would love to go there. Can you give me some info on this?
Yes sir, I would like to ask about Anonas, next time when you have a chance to talk to Mr Har, Please ask no 1 Is the seedlings of Atemoya can give fruits identical to motherhood? because green sugar apple same fruits sugar apple also. No.2 How can I produce SEEDLESS sugar apple? pls. response Thank you
Atemonya seedlings vary depending on the pollinating partners. The only way to produce seedless sugar apple is plant thousands of seeds and wait till they produce fruit. There is a seedless variety - it is propagated vegetatively only. Keep in mind flavor in anona fruit is depending on number of seeds in it. More seeds you have in the fruit more richer flavor is. If you care just about sugar bomb fruit with plain flavor then seedless might work for you
Who cares '' you do an thank you for exposing nature at its best ,, your one dedicated individual an every one enjoyes your videos and every one should get back to nature and plants
It's wonderful when people keep things native -- and really can appreciate the way the trees are tagged. Great place. Thanks for sharing.
So interesting. I’ve been a gardner for 40 years. From the north. Have planted many trees & bushes in my life. FL is a whole nother game! Been here 8 yrs. Love this garden forest. Thanks for going to all these places and showing us! Gorgeous!
Such incredible diversity
Beautiful green tropical jungle.
Love Botanical gardens. Also makes a nice home for the birds and lizards. Nice video
Thank you for the tour!
The pink pineapple and cannonball tree were awesome.
Awesome 👌🏽
Wow 👀👀
I got blue jaboticaba it was same tree like yellow one but sweeter
You said you bring homeschool groups? We have a group in loxahatchee called Christian homeschool support that would love to go there. Can you give me some info on this?
I thought the only giants tree can protect from hurricane damage the small trees
Yes sir, I would like to ask about Anonas, next time when you have a chance to talk to Mr Har, Please ask no 1 Is the seedlings of Atemoya can give fruits identical to motherhood? because green sugar apple same fruits sugar apple also. No.2 How can I produce SEEDLESS sugar apple? pls. response Thank you
when I see Har I will ask him if I remember
Atemonya seedlings vary depending on the pollinating partners. The only way to produce seedless sugar apple is plant thousands of seeds and wait till they produce fruit. There is a seedless variety - it is propagated vegetatively only. Keep in mind flavor in anona fruit is depending on number of seeds in it. More seeds you have in the fruit more richer flavor is. If you care just about sugar bomb fruit with plain flavor then seedless might work for you
I didn't see any starfruit tree in the video?
He has a bunch there
My jackfruit only one year it fruit
From southeast Asian jackfruit tree I got . I also have durian tree in Naples Florida & mangosteen & santol & more !
You didn't get fruit on your durian? How old is it?
@@FruitfulTrees I do have durian fruit on my tree every one year
@@FruitfulTrees I grow my tree only three year
@@FruitfulTrees just started my hobbies from three years 🤩
Who cares '' you do an thank you for exposing nature at its best ,, your one dedicated individual an every one enjoyes your videos and every one should get back to nature and plants
My question is does he have anyone to carry on his legacy after he can no longer do it?
Sadly the answer is "no" and even more sad is he had died
@@FruitfulTreesI don’t even want to know what happened with his place. 😢