Dismantling Bobby's arguments (rebutal of a Bobby's Persepective's video)

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @hamzaadib9927
    @hamzaadib9927 9 місяців тому +9

    "he denied the trinity " bruh he just realised it's stupid Christianity in a nutshell is “God sacrificed God to God in order to save God's creation from God. God prayed to God for help but God didn't help God. God killed God with human help”
    who can blame anyone for not believing in this stuff???

    • @orthodoxdawah
      @orthodoxdawah  9 місяців тому +7

      Literally, every sentence you wrote just shows your ignorance about our beliefs.
      1 Corinthians 1:21

    • @Shezlenor
      @Shezlenor 9 місяців тому

      In islam women are deficient in brain,but even muslim men too deficient in brain

    • @pabloalmonte4256
      @pabloalmonte4256 9 місяців тому +1

      You do not understand the sentence True Man as True God. You write about gods all the time and leave the humanity of Jesus out of the equation, so your argument is invalid. If you don't take everything into account, which you definitely don't do here either. Then better don’t judge.

    • @hamzaadib9927
      @hamzaadib9927 9 місяців тому

      "OH NO he was a human" no half god half human " no he was one third of god one third of human one third of holy ghost"
      "NOOO he was all three of them at once" eery christian gives a different answer like wake up this clearly doesnt make any sense stop following people with their blindness use ur brainc@@pabloalmonte4256

    • @michfix2002
      @michfix2002 9 місяців тому

      The Quran is full of deceit and violence.
      Jesus the Jew walked the streets of Jerusalem 600 years before the false prophet Muhammad. Jesus Christ, the Son of God sowed peace and love and performed miracles.
      Muhammed was a war mongering peadophile who tortured, murdered and held slaves. Now, talking intellect: would Allah choose a murderer to spread his word? Is Allah/God good, kind, peaceful and loving?
      Muhammed was the false prophet the Bible talked about: “be mindful of false prophets” - Jesus of Nazareth, 600 years before Muhammed = Satans prophet.

  • @waldo2600
    @waldo2600 10 місяців тому +6

    Your a con artist

    • @zingermiro3370
      @zingermiro3370 9 місяців тому +4

      nice reply to conceal your rejection of truth. ✝

    • @orthodoxdawah
      @orthodoxdawah  9 місяців тому +4

      John 15:18 ☦︎︎

  • @thisistheway850
    @thisistheway850 9 місяців тому

    Did your pray to dead people too? What can dead people do to help you? it doesn't make any sense. The more I listen your explanation, the more I understood that you worship other than God. Did you ask mother Marry, saints, and Angels to help you? She's dead, she's not God, and she cannot help you. Of course Angel praying for us, because Angle is loving creation. And they near us but we cannot see them, but they praying to Allah not human. And it's you who don't know anything about dead and hereafter. Because Allah is The Most Loving, Allah guide us, show, and tell us about it.

    • @orthodoxdawah
      @orthodoxdawah  9 місяців тому +3

      Again, I will try it to explain it slowly so you can understand. Our God isn't a God of the dead because what is death? Death is nothing else than the separation of the body and the soul. So, does the soul die when your body dies? No, your soul lives on and transcendence this world. Also, like I already explained, we do not worship the saints. We ask for their prayers (intercession), because although they themselves can't help us in a direct way, their prayers can. Because the Bible also says the prayers of the righteous availeth much. And like I said, the Book of Revelation says that the angels *and the saints* are praying in heaven before God's throne. So our Holy Scripture itself affirms it. So, to be very clear. No, we don't worship the saints. In old English, it was normal to say to someone; "I pray you..." like nowadays we say; "I'm begging you..." it doesn't make one a beggar in a literal sense. So praying (fervently asking for their prayers/intercession) isn't the same as worship. We worship only One ☦️, but we are all a community (a ummah) of God. Again, it is asking them to make Dua for us. Again, death is a separation between body and soul, not that the person stopped existing. It is through the Holy Spirit that they hear our prayers because the Holy Spirit is omnipresent, and it works through the whole Church and all Church members, especially the saints

    • @thisistheway850
      @thisistheway850 9 місяців тому

      ​@@orthodoxdawah Oh i see, but how can God is not God of the Dead? God should cover all the creation right? including life and dead. We believe there's world called Barzakh for only people who already dead. It's place between the earth and hereafter. People who already died cannot do anything, even praying for themself to God because it's too late for them. Some scholar said that people who did bad deed even start to got punishment in there. All people will be dead when the Day come, and will be resurrected and given new body then will be judge at the Day of Judgement. So, the people who already dead, cannot do anything. They waiting for the end of time. That's why it's doesn't make sense to ask them help to pray for us.

    • @orthodoxdawah
      @orthodoxdawah  9 місяців тому +3

      @thisistheway850 Yes, I'm familiar with Barzakh. We have/had a similar concept, we call it Hades/Sheol, this is the a place/stage where the souls of all people went when they died. So the righteous and the unrighteous ones went all to Hades (Greek) / Sheol (Hebrew). The thing is, this is the reason why Christ (God incarnated) came to save us from, because of our sins we all would be trapped in Hades if Jesus didn't save us from. We read in the Bible that when Jesus died on the cross, His soul went down to the place where the dead were and preached the Gospel to them. Prophets like Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, and all other righteous ones recognised Him and His message for who He was. The unrighteous ones got a second chance, but the majority of them didn't recognise Him and His message and dismissed the Gospel. The reason He went to this place is to overcome death and to open the ports of Paradise, which were closed at that time. Because like we read in Genesis, when Adam and Eve sinned, God closed the Garden of Eden (heaven), and He put a angel to make sure no one will enter it until the time has come. Like sin came into the world by one man (Adam), so was sin also defeated and disabled by one man (Jesus). That's also one of the reasons why we call Jesus the second Adam. So the 3 days that Jesus was bodily dead, His soul was still preaching the Gospel. Also a interesting fact is that John the Baptist, who is also called the Forerunner, came before Christ to preach about the coming of Christ to the people of Israel, but he didn't die before Christ's crucifixion without a reason, the reason was because he went also to preach the coming of Christ, in the graves and prepare His way. And yes, you're right about that God has power over all dominion and is God of the living and the dead, but it is a manner to say that the ones who died in Christ aren't really dead, but alive with God.

    • @thisistheway850
      @thisistheway850 9 місяців тому

      @@orthodoxdawah That's why we believe that Jesus PBUH is not God. Because he died, how could God dead? So, which one is God? Jesus? or God? for example if you died and go to heaven, what do you see? 3 Gods? or 1 God? And about Barzakh, not all people will go there. The righteous people that God favor, like prophet will be directly go to Heaven without going to Barzakh like prophet Adam, Yaḥyā (John), ʿĪsā (Jesus), Yūsuf (Joseph), Idrīs, Hārūn (Aaron), Mūsā (Moses), and Ibrāhīm (Abraham) PBUH all of them is in the Heaven right now because prophet Muhammad PBUH meet them during Miraj in the Heaven. And the martyr who died in the cause of Allah will go to Heaven also.
      Never think of those martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for-rejoicing in Allah’s bounties and being delighted for those yet to join them. There will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. (QS Ali Imran 169-170)
      that's why many muslim in Palestine said Alhamdulillah (All praise is for Allah) when their family died from the bomb of Israel. Because while they are in grieve, they are also in joy because their family go to Heaven.

    • @orthodoxdawah
      @orthodoxdawah  9 місяців тому +3

      because we believe God became God incarnated, and therefore, He took flesh on Himself. He became human without loosing His divinity. God in essence off course can't die. But He as Person died in His humanity... again this doesn't mean He stopped existing, because like I explained earlier, death is no more than the separation of the body and the soul. But the Person of Christ is eternal (the Logos/ Word like He is known in the Old Testament and in the Gospel of John). So that is the reason Christ as man (and the Person) could die in His humanity. So yeah and about Bazarkh, I know it isn't exactly the same as we believe, but that why I said we have "similar" concept. But like you believe that the prophets and the martyrs are in heaven with God, we too believe that about saints. Because martyrs and prophets are all saints. And to answer your question about how many gods we will see in heaven, we believe in one God, so it's not more than logical that we will see one God, the one and true God. Nobody can see the Father in His full essence, because His nature would consume any creature. That's why the Son became man and it will be the Son (Jesus) who we will see in heaven. The Son is the exact image (icon) of the Father, like Paul explained, and that is also why Christ said; "Who has seen the Son, has also seen the Father"