every 5 seconds over watching this , i was saying « im gonna comment this part » But you know i have problem now to choose one of them 😅 Maxed Ipad seem strong and always at first time you trying something new like that you got even so much confidence on. Glad too watching you my man 🫶🏼❤
Most Underrated Setting in PUBG👇 I’ve Checked a lot of community reports ,Feedback and came with my personal experience also ,that FOV 83 gives more hipfire accuracy than 90 nd connects more headshot in close range (Especially in IPad) Apart from it there’s an option under graphic tap : Non-standard screen (0-50) Since mostly phones having aspect ratio of 19.5:9 Then game is fully optimised at 50 for phones For iPad its 20 & 31 Id like to know Feitz about your recent settings of both 1. How much u had Non standard screen (0-50) 2. Gyro T3rd person no scope sensitivity(ads nd without ads both) I did lot of research on it and Your response would mean a lot to me Feitz.😇✌️
@@esmamanyt7048and loading times will be like playing in emulator (so fking long) what should they do is that make something with servers so that fps advantage will not be big as much
Tpp pov sensitivity is more about view. But here's the thing FPP one, is about aim. If that FPP sens. Is low it's hard to aim but bullet hits hard. But when FPP sens. Is maxed, it's easier to aim, but little less hard damage!?
Sticking to the topic, I don't think Ipad max fov is unfair, however ipad itself gives a massive fov advantage but I've seen ipad players get fried to mobile players too so it's the skill and experience that matters truly
Bro this gameplay is soooo sexy , I mean the smoothness in your movements is everything, just one fault it’s harder to hit head shots or is it just my aim ?
Yeah thats true more look for joystick more get bad aim at beginning but you keep trying you will get good aim like feitz(god) ,i had a same problem and my device ipad 9th
i wish if you reply to me feitz, my question is when u enable 120 fps on iphone its warm up and feels hot from back of iphone , does it affect your battery life does it drain or shorten ur battery life
I usually use 80 FOV. I will go back to it after this video unless you guys want me to stay at 90
Try 90 fov for a week and see if its better than 80
It’s a 100% better but it does feel unfair + i’m not sure if it’s enjoyable to watch
@@Feitzz imagine the fov on the 13 inch ipad
@@Feitzz....why so human🫂if I had your skills...i would be rude sometimes...you are the best ✨love from India .
05:51 self revive also feels like another enemy 😂😂
indian noob@@gggaming9195
I hate it
4:25 you killed our whole squad 😂😂
Rip 😂
Sorry bro GG
It's ok brooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Someone killed feitz he always wins. No fun
FeitZ this video was GREAT,,cause of that 1 v 9....hearbeat and State of mind blew away ...nice control of tactics
8:05 LoL 😂😂😂 I'm feeling bad for this guy😅😅😅😅
5:54 first time seeing feitz thirst kill in my life🤣🤣🤣
5:50 bro not gonna talk about that finish😂😂😂
14:58 token count🔥🔥🥸
I will get to 1,000 one day
The most i've gotten is around 350 with 35 kills
i could've gotten more if i looted all my crates
Today you went crazy🔥🔥🔥
2:11 enemy help on chat all😂
5:10 insane clutch
5:10 was epic
13:28 ayo chill Feitz 🥵💀
The way you switch between fpp and tpp during fights🔥🔥🔥
He used to play fpp a lot back in the day
those 664 shop tokens 😂 damn i didn’t see in my whole pubg life.
I only got near to 400😭😭
2:21 Though that was a bot ❎plays like a bot✅
3:58 gg brothers 😂
every 5 seconds over watching this , i was saying « im gonna comment this part »
But you know i have problem now to choose one of them 😅
Maxed Ipad seem strong and always at first time you trying something new like that you got even so much confidence on.
Glad too watching you my man 🫶🏼❤
14:05 what were you hoping for lol
It might knock him down
Its possible to bounce up, i have had knocks from there before
@@Feitzz really? Good to know. Pubg physics are weird
The way my jaw dropped at 13:27
@Feitz , do u have a high end gaming router or a normal router with an ipad ,
Please do a setup tour vedio
Most satisfying gameplay😩💥
My dude... OP as Usual 🔥
U can see my future with that fov ....
13:27 we need to report this
13:44 look at the token numbers 🌚
12:52 “we have jetpack at home” 😂
8:07 awesome 👌👏👏👏
I think you should do a livestream….its gonna be booommmm😂
Hand cam would be nice too
that 5:55 was cool 😆😆
Get this man to 1million already
First time i see feitz play emote at enemy😂🤣
that snipe near the end is simply gorgeous lol
Hitting 1mil is absolute win for the fans. You guys know why 😎
Face reveal🎉
Already we saw@@kristofsomogyi5231
Its a win win he gets his first mil and we finally get to see who this amazing player is 😂
did he say he will reveal at 1 mil?
@@Beast_Boy3 he did in an interview with Powerbank
7:12 learned from ace ?! He Used it since the sword 🗡️ update a lot
13:29 what was that snipe ❤
live stream needed on 1M💙💙
Will we get to see feitz playing using gyro before Gta VI 💀
The End 😂😂
8:01 best clip
fight with that girl streamer 😂
so funny
1:19 Yeah! 120FPS is totally unfair to 60FPS players
Without any hesitation he's really better than 99% of esports players
Keep going bro
Please never stop uploading, I wait every
13:28 bruh💀
Last one😂😂😂
12:12 First time saw Feitz down
bro we want to see you and nemo play together more often
But bro were are the creat open video of this new alm
Hey feitz ...
can't wait you to play with Athena and Mok again😢
5:50 look at the map
5:38 you should change your name to killing machine
The emot 😭🤣
Feitz does Ipad pro11’’ support 120fps in pubg or bgmi
Me gustaria saber cual es tu sencibilidad por favor
Brooooo share your sensitivity for the ipad 12.9
does ur ipad overheats cuz i have iphone 15 pro and when i play 120fps it overheats so much 😢
Nemo is really a thug..😂😂
Los self revive deberían de ser solo para el modo individual. No me desagrada que te puedas reanimar en solos
1 million sub soon❤
Puedes traer tu configuración??
what happens when u get kills from akm do u get some achievement why is it showing on the screen
Most Underrated Setting in PUBG👇
I’ve Checked a lot of community reports ,Feedback and came with my personal experience also ,that FOV 83 gives more hipfire accuracy than 90 nd connects more headshot in close range (Especially in IPad)
Apart from it there’s an option under graphic tap :
Non-standard screen (0-50)
Since mostly phones having aspect ratio of 19.5:9
Then game is fully optimised at 50 for phones
For iPad its 20 & 31
Id like to know Feitz about your recent settings of both
1. How much u had Non standard screen (0-50)
2. Gyro T3rd person no scope sensitivity(ads nd without ads both)
I did lot of research on it and
Your response would mean a lot to me Feitz.😇✌️
OMG that sniper shot is hilarious
People with 120 fps ipad should be counted with emulators 🥲💔
To do this we are make seprate loby for 120, 90, 60, 40, and 30 fps then game will be fair also we have taken experience of player also
@@esmamanyt7048and loading times will be like playing in emulator (so fking long) what should they do is that make something with servers so that fps advantage will not be big as much
Can we see some scrims, tournament matches?
Feitzz u gotta do a makeup tutorial on 1million subscribers
9:30 enemy steal your knock, why you did not react ? 😅 Usually ur reacting
Best clip 8:7
Ufff, that snipe 🎉
Tpp pov sensitivity is more about view.
But here's the thing FPP one, is about aim. If that FPP sens. Is low it's hard to aim but bullet hits hard. But when FPP sens. Is maxed, it's easier to aim, but little less hard damage!?
Your skills are only unfair to enemies bro 🤣🤣.. Btw always love your gameplay ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@Feitz should team up with Stef pubg 😂❤❤🔥🔥🔥
14:58, 684 tickets de compra, wow
Feitz ❌> Monster ✅
Feitz vs 99 players
Sticking to the topic, I don't think Ipad max fov is unfair, however ipad itself gives a massive fov advantage but I've seen ipad players get fried to mobile players too so it's the skill and experience that matters truly
Bhai bagvan se dua karunga ki aapke subscriber 5 million ho jaye❤❤❤
what device you play on and how many finger player are you?
Pls make a video on sensitivity settings
Bro this gameplay is soooo sexy , I mean the smoothness in your movements is everything, just one fault it’s harder to hit head shots or is it just my aim ?
Yeah thats true more look for joystick more get bad aim at beginning but you keep trying you will get good aim like feitz(god) ,i had a same problem and my device ipad 9th
1 million soon inshallah
Pliisssss upload daily if u can my dear feitzzzzz❤❤❤❤❤
Work of art 👑👌
Ipad itself is unfair😂, but you are my favorite pubg content creator
i wish if you reply to me feitz, my question is when u enable 120 fps on iphone its warm up and feels hot from back of iphone , does it affect your battery life does it drain or shorten ur battery life
it drains your battery much quicker
Do you notice any change in your hip fire when using 90 fov?
Love from Nigeria!!!🇳🇬 ❤
But why haven’t you revealed identity feitz
tf was that emote bruh 😂😂
I’d love to see your vids in the iPad aspect ratio not stretched out to the phone ratio.
At this point it's the more you spend you will be better and gain more advantages.
that quick snipe 💀
This was really a good vid play only 90fov and with mummy suits
This guy is just Op
Ipad settings and sens plz
big fan 🥰🥰🥰
Sup faitz just a question
Did pubg invite you to the influencer competition?
Sir plzz for one time use all suppressed weapons for just one whole match
Idk if its better with or without aim assist? No gyro
Pubg should make a tournament where only ipad user play.