How to apply Post Graduate Work Permit in Canada Online 2024 | How to apply PGWP in Canada

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @CanVisaPathway
    @CanVisaPathway  6 місяців тому +2

    @5:56 & @16:20 , "Jatinder" needs to be entered under "Given Name" and "Singh" should be entered under "Last Name" (You need to enter this information as per your passport)

  • @anjana680
    @anjana680 Рік тому +13

    The only detailed video i found which included the guidelines for filling up the form and uploading documents. Thank you so much for this.

  • @gayatrisongra9259
    @gayatrisongra9259 11 місяців тому +1

    I wanna ask about. When we start apply for the work permit there is a question about do you want to work ON-Campus. I am working at college. And will continue in the future. So what will i have to choose? Yes or No in that question?

  • @SHIVANII-h9p
    @SHIVANII-h9p 3 місяці тому

    Can I apply with my original transcript not the copy one?

  • @thenet-135
    @thenet-135 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you very much. Your presentation is very clear with precise details. Your voice also very smooth and has a good flow. Regarding the Education, I am little confused. I did my Masters Degree in UK and did a Graduate Certificate in Canada. So which one should I write there ?

  • @kritikamanchanda8046
    @kritikamanchanda8046 3 місяці тому

    Hi, Can we apply work permit on unofficial transcripts and once we have the officials one just upload it?

  • @rajdeepkaur6359
    @rajdeepkaur6359 Рік тому +2

    I have an extended study permit... In current country or territory of residence column what should I need to mention in "to" and from "column"??... do I need to mention the issue and expiry date of extended study permit ??? or the date when I entered canada in "from" field and date of expiry mentioned in extended permit in "to" field.? Plz clarify. Thanks

  • @niel_oluwafemi
    @niel_oluwafemi 2 місяці тому

    I am applying for PGWP from inside Canada. Do I need to provide any proof of funds? Also if I need to provide a proof of funds, how much will I need to provide?

  • @ErDavinderKumar
    @ErDavinderKumar 3 місяці тому

    Can we apply without 2nd program completion letter?
    If yes, so what did you uploaded in completion letter field?
    I see they have a particular field
    I have 1st program completion letter but not from 2nd program yet. Only have official transcripts of 2nd program downloaded from college Website.

  • @nazninmubaiya2903
    @nazninmubaiya2903 3 місяці тому

    Hi. Do I need to provide an LOE if I changed my program at the beginning of my first semester, but stayed at the same institution and completed the program from there?

  • @kataoikos
    @kataoikos Рік тому

    I am applying together with sowp. wondering does main applicant need to submit employment letter and pay stub? and why

  • @inderjeetishu
    @inderjeetishu 11 місяців тому

    Hi , do we need to enter co up information under employment section, and I do so then my experience needs four columns, and here showing only three . Any suggestions ?

  • @mamtabagga6652
    @mamtabagga6652 Рік тому +1

    Hi, In the question of Do you want to submit an application of family member? Should i select yes ?
    As my parents visitor visa application is in process

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  Рік тому +1

      It is for your spouse , kids etc. Visitor visa is separate from PGWP.

  • @ramandeepsingh1844
    @ramandeepsingh1844 10 місяців тому

    I got 2 refusal for studt permit should o select yea in refusal section?

  • @dhingraapeksha
    @dhingraapeksha 5 місяців тому

    If I select "Yes" for do you have a written job offer? What further document would need to be produced? Also, I am not a health care professional but an administrative staff member in healthcare industry, would I need to say for medical exam and provide that too for my PGWP? Any help or advice on this would be much appreciated. Thank you.

  • @rudrathakkar5324
    @rudrathakkar5324 5 місяців тому

    Hi, I am trying to applu for my work permit, but where it shows the option for visitor visa, study or work permit and express entry and IEC, in my case it does not show the first option. Please help me and suggest me what should I do

  • @VictorPatrick-vr9bo
    @VictorPatrick-vr9bo 6 місяців тому

    please how do you submit your medicals when applying for PGWP

  • @LakhveerSingh-pr3np
    @LakhveerSingh-pr3np Рік тому +1

    Hello, I have renewed my passport. So on my new passport the passport number is different than the old one. so should I put the new passport number or old passport number. because rest of the things are same except passport number. please reply.

    • @roopashri926
      @roopashri926 9 місяців тому +2

      Hi, Did you submit both old and new passport for your PGWP application

    • @fernandobriceno7990
      @fernandobriceno7990 8 місяців тому

      And we have to fill the form 5710 with the new passport number right ?

    • @LakhveerSingh-pr3np
      @LakhveerSingh-pr3np 8 місяців тому

      @@roopashri926 yes

  • @MalkitSingh-ng5jx
    @MalkitSingh-ng5jx Рік тому +1

    Hello Sir
    I have a question about the education column .
    I have completed study from two colleges so how can I add the information of both courses.

    • @ramitd38
      @ramitd38 8 місяців тому

      same ques

  • @opeyemiaboluje8296
    @opeyemiaboluje8296 2 місяці тому

    God bless you! This was so helpful and easy to follow.
    Thank you.

  • @Yeah_sandhu
    @Yeah_sandhu 2 місяці тому

    Can we apply for pgwp with unofficial work permit

  • @codeswithpython730
    @codeswithpython730 8 місяців тому +1

    The Designated Learning Institution number (DLI) specified in the admission letter for visa processing remains the same for both the study permit and the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), regardless of the program?

  • @sanchisehgal8898
    @sanchisehgal8898 Рік тому

    We have to apply for trv sepeartly ? if we want to go to india and need passport stamp of our work permit ??

  • @heerbrahmbhatt2830
    @heerbrahmbhatt2830 7 місяців тому

    Why dont we see the option for the visitor/work?

  • @akshat2926
    @akshat2926 7 місяців тому

    Can we apply at ircc account or for student work permit only GC key is required? Plz answer 🙏

  • @maana8302
    @maana8302 4 місяці тому

    Jo college ki taraf se, four months ki break, milti hai, vo bhi transcripts k sath upload karni hai ja nahi? 🙏

  • @KiranGill-ul8nw
    @KiranGill-ul8nw 7 місяців тому

    Hlo jo last column ma they ask have you been ever denied a permit… what about those who got a study visa second time apply and got a refusal first time . Do we need to give those details or not we can just say no … is there any negative impact of that?

  • @khingjan1528
    @khingjan1528 11 місяців тому

    Hi am I going to upload my old passport too together with my new passport?or only new passport should be uploaded in the upload document area?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  11 місяців тому

      You can provide both together (just mark which is old and and which one is new to make it easier )

  • @bobsingh7974
    @bobsingh7974 7 місяців тому

    What date should i put in CURRENT COUNTRY OR TERRITORY OF RESIDENCY if my study permit has expired , please reply

  • @Neha-gm2vr
    @Neha-gm2vr 5 місяців тому

    What if we already have gc key but we don’t have that id and password (if we forget) do we need to recreate the gckey?

    • @sawnuchettri
      @sawnuchettri 4 місяці тому

      Same question what you did ?

  • @Dhatgirlbecca_
    @Dhatgirlbecca_ 7 місяців тому

    Can I use my IRCC account where I submitted my application for my study permit ?

  • @akshat2926
    @akshat2926 7 місяців тому

    Hello sir is therr any need for medical exam after application submission. The date of completion of course will be found at which?

  • @lovejotmahal8850
    @lovejotmahal8850 11 місяців тому +7

    Hello, can anyone help me, I submitted my application for PGWP, and after that, I noticed a silly but may be a huge mistake I put 2023 instead of 2024 at the end of the IMM 5710 Application where we have to sign and put today's date. please help me with what I can do now and how much it impact?

    • @Explore663
      @Explore663 7 місяців тому +1

      Bro you got the permit?

  • @kritikamanchanda8046
    @kritikamanchanda8046 2 місяці тому

    Hello Sir,
    We are applying WP on unoffical transcripts, so we need to say yes or no to this question '' Do you have an offical letter from college...a final copy of trancripts''
    Also, on IRCC website it is mentioned that we just need either one of those.
    Please advise

  • @tajeddinesebky1441
    @tajeddinesebky1441 Рік тому

    I have recently got an ETA visitor visa to canada, am still home, can I apply for a work permit and have it on me without being in Canada before or having a job sponsorship? the main idea is to get the permit before going to Canada to facilitate a job hunt when staying there for the first time. What do you think?

  • @TheJordanUnleashed
    @TheJordanUnleashed Рік тому +1

    Hi, on my passport my complete name is written in the Given name as Jaspreet Singh, so when I will see the final payment option how will I add my name there, given name and last name separately or all will go in the last name?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  Рік тому

      In this situation you can leave Given name Blank and enter your full name under Last Name. Let me know if it clear.

  • @manishaahlawat1640
    @manishaahlawat1640 3 місяці тому

    Hi - I like the way every section described, could you let me know if I had a deferred at the start of my study - what should I mention?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  3 місяці тому

      As per my understanding , If you had to defer the start of your studies, you should provide accurate information about this in your Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) application. Here’s how to approach it:
      Study Permit Dates: When filling out the PGWP application, you should list the actual dates that you were actively studying. This means you should provide the start date after your deferral, not the original intended start date.
      Explanation: you should provide additional information or explanations. Here, you can briefly mention that you had initially deferred the start of your program and provide the reason, if relevant.
      Supporting Documents: If necessary, you could include a letter from your educational institution confirming the deferment and the actual dates you were enrolled and attending classes.

  • @Yoo-Mi
    @Yoo-Mi Рік тому

    Hello. How about IMM5583e? It's not included in the application?

  • @BoldBusinessTribe
    @BoldBusinessTribe 3 місяці тому

    Hey there, is it necessary that we apply with the gckey we had when we applied for study permit?
    Cz I applied with new gckey

      @SUKHVEERSINGH-j3n 3 місяці тому

      its ok to use new one

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  3 місяці тому

      No, it is not necessary to use the same GCKey you used when applying for your study permit. You can create a new GCKey if you prefer, and use it to apply for your Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).

  • @ManpreetKaur-mu6nc
    @ManpreetKaur-mu6nc 3 місяці тому

    can you please tell me like we have to two dates like first is when our study permit issued and another is when we orignally move to canada. And in most of the cases its same , bhut in my case i arrived to canada on 25 december and got my study permit on 26 so what would the correct one.

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  3 місяці тому

      As per my understanding, In your situation, you should use the date your study permit was issued, which is December 26. Here's why:
      Study Permit Issuance Date: The date your study permit was issued is the official date that IRCC considers you as having the permit to study in Canada. This is the date that should be used when referring to when your study permit became effective.
      Arrival Date: While your arrival date is important for other aspects of your immigration history, the study permit date is the critical one for your PGWP application because it marks the official start of your status as a student in Canada.
      So, when asked about the date related to your study permit, you should provide December 26, the day it was issued.

    • @hriddhithakurathi9424
      @hriddhithakurathi9424 2 місяці тому

      @@CanVisaPathwayI completed my studies earlier than my permit expired, do I write my graduation date or the study permit expiry date?

  • @KAMAGAR-vc2qz
    @KAMAGAR-vc2qz 11 місяців тому

    What will be start date of pgwp - issue date or approval date?

  • @JaskaranSingh-1984
    @JaskaranSingh-1984 6 місяців тому

    Good explanation keep it up

  • @liezlmariealferez9620
    @liezlmariealferez9620 4 місяці тому

    can i just print out the IMM5710 form fill in by Handwriting and submit/download it?

  • @abadatsidhu6208
    @abadatsidhu6208 7 місяців тому

    @CanVisa Pathway, how to fill education details of we have done two post graduate program at different colleges

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  6 місяців тому

      You can enter under education section as explained in video.
      @5:56 & @16:20 , "Jatinder" needs to be entered under "Given Name" and "Singh" should be entered under "Last Name" (You need to enter this information as per your passport)

  • @kshitijkhatri2384
    @kshitijkhatri2384 8 місяців тому

    Good day,
    I would like to inquire if it is acceptable to submit a past employment letter as part of the application process. The principal applicant has pay stubs covering the period from January to April of the year 2024.
    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

  • @simarjitsingh3496
    @simarjitsingh3496 Рік тому +1

    thank you very much for such a detailed video. Keep It up.

  • @CreatorBuzz266
    @CreatorBuzz266 6 місяців тому

    Hi what about those who applying for pgwp in restoration period. What date should they fill up in the from to to in their current status section.

  • @Shilpa-mg3in
    @Shilpa-mg3in 3 місяці тому

    By mistakenly, I uploaded only the front and back pages of my passport. How can I update that? Please help

  • @chiraglakhani5385
    @chiraglakhani5385 7 місяців тому

    Hello, I have applied my study permit through IRCC portal , Not with GCKEY. While apply PGWP should I go through IRCC portal or I have to register with GCKEY and apply there? can you please guide me?

  • @kishankunwar7409
    @kishankunwar7409 11 місяців тому

    Hi sir, thank you so much for your informative video. I am planning to fill the form tomorrow, i used to work on campus and will be working on campus in future too, when I click “Yes” when asked if you will work on campus in future, i didnt get any option for PGWP. Should i click NO even if i am working On campus ?

  • @vipinac
    @vipinac 7 місяців тому

    Bro... You didn't mention about uploading the current study permit. The document check list in IRCC website says that we need to upload current immigration document. Which one is right? I already submitted the application without uploading my study permit.

    • @Harjotsingh17725
      @Harjotsingh17725 7 місяців тому

      In the intended location of employment it is it is mandatory to write but in the video he said you can skip it. Any idea?

  • @SupremeSeraphim
    @SupremeSeraphim 5 місяців тому

    Thank you so much brother!

  • @harmankaur7000
    @harmankaur7000 3 місяці тому

    my uci number and biometric number is blank in applicant information can anyone explain

  • @gurwindersingh2244
    @gurwindersingh2244 7 місяців тому

    I extend my study permit, so what will date on from and to??

  • @komaldbhanushali8387
    @komaldbhanushali8387 7 місяців тому

    What If you have worked for more then 3 jobs in past 10 years how do we fill that

  • @hermiehamoy3541
    @hermiehamoy3541 Рік тому

    Hi! Will PGWP Application requures an Introduction Letter?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  Рік тому +1

      A letter of explanation allows you to speak directly to the immigration officer and provide additional context not otherwise found in your application.

  • @SandeepKaur-jn8lk
    @SandeepKaur-jn8lk 11 місяців тому

    Hello sir , can you explain about unemployed details because when i write unemployed from this period to this period than this form also require company name .. what should i do to fill ..

    @SIMRANJITKAUR-i5h 7 місяців тому

    hi, question- do u want to submit an application for your family member?- so i need to extend my husband opw on the basis of my pgwp- do i have to select yes or no?

  • @abhinavjain_s
    @abhinavjain_s 5 місяців тому

    Very informative. Found what I was looking for.

  • @mp-sr2rm
    @mp-sr2rm Рік тому

    Hi! Study permit expires which date we hv put in 5710 form while PGWP

  • @manpreetkaur9973
    @manpreetkaur9973 11 місяців тому

    Hlo sir
    I didn't work on sin
    Can i apply for pgwp?

  • @jigarparmar1579
    @jigarparmar1579 7 місяців тому

    are you sure thats the uci number and not doc number

  • @vishalsaini5173
    @vishalsaini5173 3 місяці тому

    I've Director landed in Montreal from delhi and then after few hours i cam to toronto in a domestic flight. So, what should i have to enter in the coming to canada section "Montreal or Toronto"?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  3 місяці тому

      As per my understanding you need to enter place where you landed first.

  • @arshjotsingh626
    @arshjotsingh626 Рік тому

    Does the completion of diploma certificate act as completion letter ?

    • @JatinderSingh-vp4vs
      @JatinderSingh-vp4vs Рік тому

      As per my understanding, Completion letter is different from diploma certificate. Please check you college or university

  • @gouthamtgirish8298
    @gouthamtgirish8298 Рік тому

    What if i have worked for 4 employers but there is only 3 columba for employment !?

  • @SnehaPoddar-or2ym
    @SnehaPoddar-or2ym 7 місяців тому

    i got a refusal of study visa, do i have to select YES in refusal section?

  • @SehajDhillon-jj8vy
    @SehajDhillon-jj8vy 7 місяців тому

    I have applied for my work permit but it’s been 5 days since I have applied but still I haven’t got the extension letter that says that I can work full time. When I checked my application and scrolled down it doesn’t show my UCI and my biometric number.
    Do you know what happened wrong.
    I’m so confused

    • @Raman-dq7mo
      @Raman-dq7mo 6 місяців тому

      Hiii...i have the same issue. Did you get your extension letter??

  • @johnm.3415
    @johnm.3415 8 місяців тому +1

    Very informative. Thank you 🙏

  • @Devbrarvlogs
    @Devbrarvlogs 6 місяців тому

    This is a great video so helpful.

  • @samsh7670
    @samsh7670 Рік тому

    How long is it taking to get PGWP right now? And can I apply for a TRV before I get my PGWP?

  • @Mylifejour..
    @Mylifejour.. 11 місяців тому

    If someone did 1+1 programs . How can they upload the completion letter?

    • @abadatsidhu6208
      @abadatsidhu6208 7 місяців тому

      Hi..I have the same question,, could you please help me and how you fill the education details if you done two programs

  • @ramitd38
    @ramitd38 8 місяців тому

    i have completed my studies from two colleges in 1+1 courses
    how to add two completion letters and transcripts?

    • @jaysukumar5873
      @jaysukumar5873 7 місяців тому

      I have same question.Please let me know the ans

  • @dhanya_abhi_
    @dhanya_abhi_ 9 місяців тому

    What should I write in the employment column if I didn't work in canada during my study period?

  • @sawailmandhan6077
    @sawailmandhan6077 3 місяці тому

    Hi I have question
    In my passport my name is like that given name -Sawail
    Surname-Mandhan How I have to fill in the form
    Another question my signature in passport is sawail only so at the end of the form where I have to sign I only have to write sawail ? Please tell me

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  3 місяці тому

      I have covered this particular question in this video watch it and you will get your answer @16:27

  • @blackkkmo
    @blackkkmo Рік тому

    Hi...How many documents can I upload in the "Client information" part? Cause if I attach my letter of explanation there, I'll also need to attach other supporting documents that act as proof for my letter of explanations. So can I upload multiple documents in the "Client information" part?

    @HARKIRATKAUR-tl1pb Рік тому

    Can i apply with my unofficial transcript and completion letter ?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  Рік тому

      Please refer to link provided below

  • @vishalgandhi9242
    @vishalgandhi9242 Рік тому

    this is really helpful thank you

  • @harmanbajwa3630
    @harmanbajwa3630 Рік тому

    Hi, my wife apply applied her PGWP by watching this video. I am here and have work permit until July 2024. Do we need to say yes to the option when they ask about do u want to submit an application for family member?? Or do we need to apply only her PGWP and mine after she get her work permit ?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  Рік тому

      I am not a expert but
      If you choose to apply together as family members, you can select the option to submit an application for a family member when prompted. This would mean that both of you would apply for your work permits at the same time.

  • @michaelgolveoTV
    @michaelgolveoTV 7 місяців тому

    hello good day,please help me in this issue😭 my IMM5710 was not accepted,it says that it must be match my nationality and place of issuance. But I renewed my passport in Saudi Arabia tho since I was working there that time. How can I fix this area? kind regards

    • @JohnOyeniyi-tm7gd
      @JohnOyeniyi-tm7gd 6 місяців тому

      Use your country of nationality as your passport issuance country because that is the country passport you are holding

  • @Aroosahameed1
    @Aroosahameed1 Рік тому

    Hi. Can we apply for pgwp without ielts exam?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  Рік тому

      As per my understanding you do not need Ielts for pgwp.

  • @prashilmehta1860
    @prashilmehta1860 Рік тому


  • @photographypage
    @photographypage 7 місяців тому

    Hi. How long it will take to get applied status? It’s been more than 48 hours I applied.

  • @lizclarod
    @lizclarod Рік тому

    Thanks a lot 😊

  • @gursimrankaur-nd8fh
    @gursimrankaur-nd8fh 7 місяців тому

    this is the only video on youtube which provided descriptive information of pgwp thanks you so much brother appericiated

  • @muhammadhammadurrehman8319
    @muhammadhammadurrehman8319 Рік тому

    Is Outside canada candidate eligible for pgwv?

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  Рік тому

      if you did study in Canada and for some reason you are outside of canada you may apply, but if not then you need to look for LMIA to get work Permit.

  • @johnson_gupta
    @johnson_gupta 6 місяців тому

    Video is informative but people the way we need to write family name and given name is wrong

    • @CanVisaPathway
      @CanVisaPathway  6 місяців тому

      Thank you very much for bringing it up, I will add this typo to description so that every one is aware about it.

  • @dishanggadhiya4417
    @dishanggadhiya4417 7 місяців тому

    Can i apply for PGWP with unofficial transcript?

    • @ErDavinderKumar
      @ErDavinderKumar 3 місяці тому

      Did you applied?

    • @dishanggadhiya4417
      @dishanggadhiya4417 3 місяці тому

      @@ErDavinderKumar yes and i got the work permit

    • @ErDavinderKumar
      @ErDavinderKumar 3 місяці тому

      @@dishanggadhiya4417 so what did you uploaded in completion letter field?
      I see they have a particular field
      I have 1st program completion letter but not from 2nd program yet. Only have official transcripts of 2nd program downloaded from college Website.

  • @IgeTolulopeAyomide
    @IgeTolulopeAyomide 10 місяців тому

    Thank you so much

  • @mrnagpal3550
    @mrnagpal3550 4 місяці тому


  • @ulanakhakimova8837
    @ulanakhakimova8837 8 місяців тому

    Thank you

  • @winnersidhu9240
    @winnersidhu9240 Рік тому

    I visited canada first time in 2018 dec for study and came back in jan 2019 refund the fee from college andeqve college.
    Then again came in jan 2022 for study with by new study visa.
    Now i need to apply for pG work permit after study completed.
    Now my question is what date i should write in form box coming to canada orginal entry?? My this time entering date or old date (2018)???? And anything else i need to fill different in application form in my case?? Can you please help me by answering this question

  • @Yoo-Mi
    @Yoo-Mi Рік тому

    Thank you for this

  • @amandeepsingh9844
    @amandeepsingh9844 Рік тому

    Thank you :)