They Fixed Email?? OMG

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
    Seriously so hyped about React Email, Resend and everything this crew's working on.
    Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog):
    S/O Ph4seOne for the awesome edit 🙏


  • @zeno_rocha
    @zeno_rocha Рік тому +242

    what a cool video!
    resend founder here 👋 I'll keep this tab pinned for the next few days, so feel free to drop questions and I'll answer them

    • @papafinn
      @papafinn Рік тому +6

      Is knowledge of Dracula required to use Resend?

    • @Twas-RightHere
      @Twas-RightHere Рік тому +3

      It says "This component was tested using the most popular email clients." but how many more does it work with? For professional use it would have to work for 100% of cases.

    • @Diego_Cabrera
      @Diego_Cabrera Рік тому

      Literally just what I needed. Thanks for your work!

    • @sorrowseal
      @sorrowseal Рік тому

      Love what you guys are doing! How can a guy like me invest in your startup?

    • @APerson-d5s
      @APerson-d5s Рік тому +3

      Can I integrate this with Baas like Supabase?

  • @TechnologicNick
    @TechnologicNick Рік тому +152

    Time to think of project ideas that require sending emails

    • @jww0007
      @jww0007 Рік тому +15

      just send an email you don't need a project around it

    • @SharunKumar
      @SharunKumar Рік тому +10

      So literally any saas app

    • @vaisakhkm783
      @vaisakhkm783 Рік тому +6

      😭 it's my day job to automate senting mails about server status
      And this is not gonna be used in place that uses cobol mainframes

    • @welcometovalhalla2884
      @welcometovalhalla2884 Рік тому +7

      A *ton* of websites use automatic emails for various things. It doesn't have to be a creative project. A user reached out through a contact form? Send an automated email that confirms that the contents of the form were sent and the user will receive a response from the site owner/admin in x days. A user registered to your website? Automatically send a confirmation email. Any e-commerce needs automatic email confirmation of the status of any purchase. The list goes on.

    • @abeldropdout
      @abeldropdout Рік тому


  • @tubbylardman
    @tubbylardman Рік тому +45

    Cloudflare workers support sending emails OOTB. Which in turn means Vercel supports it too. All you need to do is set your runtime to 'edge'. The vercel-email package makes it super simple.

    • @Hacking-Kitten
      @Hacking-Kitten Рік тому +3

      sending via aws ses works too on nodejs and worker environments. But I prefer your solution now :) looks super cool.

  • @ColorblindMonk
    @ColorblindMonk Рік тому +43

    Writing an email is like building a single page site, but you're stuck in the year 2006.

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      Yeah and if you can't afford to time travel (testing process) just hire a template service dedicated to living in 2006 that tests like it's 2006

  • @helleye311
    @helleye311 Рік тому +10

    I'll have to bring this up at work. We're currently using something or other in php/laravel, making reasonably looking emails is a huge pain. Especially since you can't even test it too well, you have to actually send that email. With this I imagine there's some live preview option. And if not, devs, get on it! I just want npm email:preview that will host something with the dev experience of standard react I can see in the browser. I'd imagine even the email-ready html is fine to display, email clients mess with it but if it works there it'll probably work in a normal browser.
    Also, supports tailwind. Huge props. I really hope we use this instead of those forsaken blade templates. Looking at the docs there isn't really a super simple way to render react from php, but I'm sure there's a one-time workaround that just renders out the email into html that can then be sent. They've got a CLI at least so I'm sure it'll work out. I really do not want to see another email blade template.

    • @ra2enjoyer708
      @ra2enjoyer708 Рік тому +1

      Well the catch is email markup isn't html/css used by the browser and its render heavily depends on the email provider which renders them (you can imagine how much it gets worse when it has to be actually rendered in the browser). So the previews will have the same problem as when integration tests are used in place of e2e ones: it will look good in a hypothetical synthetic scenario but hit with unexpected bugs in the prod.
      It's a general problem with the email tech throughout, not just creating/rendering templates. Such as inability to mock any of email-dependant pipelines. And even if you somehow create a local smtp server, its implementation will most likely miss all the arcane rules required to follow in order for your email domain not get blacklisted instantly by major email providers in prod.

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      ​@@ra2enjoyer708 it's parallel to having to setup a suite of browser for cross-browser testing.
      At minimum it's grabbing screenshots for visual diffing to spot large show stopping issues. All with a bias of basic configuration; such as what do the emails look like if the email-client disables images,etc. Which is hilariously ironic as tons of problems could be solved by just being able to embed an image for pixel perfect email delivery lol.

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      Tailwind-library-esque support probably has be very aggressively pruned of features, or have linter/validator to reject rules that cause email incompatibility.

  • @Hypawolf
    @Hypawolf Рік тому +6

    This is awesome. Back a few years ago when I had to create email templates weekly the most friendly framework was MJML, and I use the word friendly very loosely.

    • @ColorblindMonk
      @ColorblindMonk Рік тому +1

      I tried rolling with MJML for a while, but it's essentially a non-starter. Maizzle I'd call the most complete framework these days.
      Granted that framework requires that you define all your nested tables, it's still leagues better than hacking something together with super outdated MJML dev tools and hoping it doesn't fall apart whenever you try setting a gutter.

    • @ablblblb
      @ablblblb Рік тому

      What about MJML did you find the least "friendly"?

  • @domenicocolandrea
    @domenicocolandrea Рік тому +1

    I watched this video a few days ago and I just wanted to say, Theo, THANK YOU yet again for dropping this lovely gem .. I just finished porting over all of my lame email templates for a personal project to use this and it was a surprisingly pleasant experience.. the dx is amazing and the emails generated are exactly what I need.

  • @k-yo
    @k-yo Рік тому +1

    I was already thinking of Resend before hitting play. I follow Zeno since the beginning of my career in front-end web development. He's been a big influencer in the Brazilian front-end community for as long as I can remember, and definitely has a solid reputation. No wonder you invested in Resend :)

  • @nullzeon
    @nullzeon Рік тому +4

    react email looks amazing, resend supporting PHP, this company knows what's up

  • @kengreeff
    @kengreeff Рік тому +1

    I made a video on react email a few weeks ago, such a great library! Was very easy to make great looking email templates.

  • @alexlazo7960
    @alexlazo7960 Рік тому +4

    omg wish I knew about this a month ago lol, used Maizzle which is another neat email building tool that uses tailwind css, but I had to build out the table format manually. Seems it's managed by the components here already

  • @Hacking-Kitten
    @Hacking-Kitten Рік тому +2

    Resend is a great example for a use-case where open source does not work. Why would I ever use their service. They have a 10x markup compared to let's say aws ses. Or 100x to cloudflare email. I like the open source package, but why would I ever use resend..
    Sending statistics and dmarc is easy too, what stops me from just creating a competitive project integrating resend?

  • @patrickkataphasis1967
    @patrickkataphasis1967 Рік тому +6

    I graduated coding bootcamp last year, and then my roommate enlisted me to write them an email formatting/automation program to help with their business, and at my level I had no idea what i was getting into. After a couple months of banging my head against the wall this is the most exciting thing (besides maybe LLMs) I've seen since starting to code!!!!!!!!

  • @Daniel-Deshaun
    @Daniel-Deshaun Рік тому +2

    i found this a few weeks ago and i’ve been so excited, been my little secret but hopefully if more people learn about it then other companies will start supporting it more and i’ll have a competitive edge

  • @nachoperezgullermo5636
    @nachoperezgullermo5636 Рік тому

    THANKS!!! I've been struggling so much with sending email sending, with templates and SMTP clients and all that stuff. And this makes my life so much easier! How a 7 minute video can save me 12 hours of work on any project.
    Theo always reaches out to us with THE data.

  • @gosnooky
    @gosnooky Рік тому +3

    Email is my Achilles heel. I remember having to setup MX exchanges back in the early aughts - a true pain in the aaaa. These days, we use Mandrill for sending marketing and transactional emails so we don't have to worry about infra and DKIM and all that jazz. This react lib looks interesting. Right now, we build transactional emails using a microservice using handlebars that builds the HTML and plain text versions, then send that to an internal API that sends to Mandrill, OR Ethereal during development so we can inspect what the emails will look like. There's nothing sexy about sending emails, a tech that long since should have been replaced by something more modern, but I digress.

    • @andybrice2711
      @andybrice2711 Рік тому

      Oh god, it's horrible. Sure, it was cutting-edge at the time. But now there's about 50 years of technical debt piled up. It takes something as simple as "authenticate and upload/download a text file to/from a server" and makes it so complicated that even the world's top developers can't implement the protocols reliably.

  • @adampatterson
    @adampatterson Рік тому +2

    I don't know if it's still the case but at one point Outlooks HTML renderer was Microsoft Word.

  • @CodingPhase
    @CodingPhase Рік тому +1

    Looks cool I just hope tailwind is not mandatory. Will give it a try

    • @t3dotgg
      @t3dotgg  Рік тому +1

      It’s not! The example in the thumbnail is tailwind free ;)

  • @tercystudios
    @tercystudios Рік тому +1

    Exactly what I was looking for😇💯...Great timing!!🔥

    • @zeno_rocha
      @zeno_rocha Рік тому

      awesome! feel free to ping me if you need help

  • @abdulachik
    @abdulachik Рік тому +1

    resend is like something ive been waiting for a while, its great to finally be able to do easy email related features with react and have them look good on the first try! i would be interesting in seeing if there is a local mode so I can avoid sending messages but still see them locally

    • @Hacking-Kitten
      @Hacking-Kitten Рік тому +2

      resend is an email sending service, react email is what you probably mean.

  • @wlockuz4467
    @wlockuz4467 Рік тому +1

    I am glad there is collective hatred for Outlook when it comes to emails.

  • @karmatraining
    @karmatraining Рік тому +1

    I have to say, the Resend website absolutely slaps. Such classy design.

  • @mehulsharmamat
    @mehulsharmamat Рік тому +1

    I shifted to text only transactionals because sending html was a difficult experience. Let's see how good resend is!

  • @Michael-Martell
    @Michael-Martell Рік тому

    I’ve been following Resend for almost a year now. The resend project is super cool and I’ve built several emails via the beta. I reccomend.

  • @kearfy
    @kearfy Рік тому +3

    AWS SES is $0.10 per 1000 e-mails. It might take a little bit more time for the initial implementation but seems much cheaper on the long run, or am I missing something here…

    • @andrejsk6211
      @andrejsk6211 Рік тому

      It's marginally easier to send the email. Marginally.

    • @juraev0056
      @juraev0056 Рік тому +1

      You are not missing anything here. AWS SES is cheaper however you put it and it has generous free tier.

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      I'm currently assuming it's for react houses that hope email can be a nail react can hit.
      If it can prevent client-incompatible emails then that would be something.

    • @andrejsk6211
      @andrejsk6211 Рік тому

      @@TheNewtonThe library seems cool, the purpose of the service is questionable.

  • @TheSocialDeveloper
    @TheSocialDeveloper Рік тому

    I can’t remember who put me onto React Email but I’ve been using it for at least at a couple months and it’s seamless. Truly a great project

  • @benaloney
    @benaloney Рік тому +1

    I feel this pain deeply, we found MJML is pretty solution for this as well

  • @balduin_b4334
    @balduin_b4334 Рік тому

    i am working on a system, that is sending a lot of emails on user action, eg. changing their data and making some action. so we have emails for our customers when the register, add them selfs on a course queue, they get a course slot, them canceling the membership of that course and so on.
    react-mail really was a good way in having general header and Foot email-components that we can use on every mail, so that only the main text is changing.
    I don't know why but we didn't use the tailwind tag, even though we are using it in our mono repo, I think there was a problem with that.
    the only problem we are having is sending emails in loops on the Nodemailer client (it troughs an sql error on sending an email while sending an email) and also our own hosted mail server, can only send 1 mail per sec, and the queue is very fragile...
    currently we are awaiting each email send, I was think about moving to was ses with Nodemailer, but made this is da weh

  • @thegittubaba
    @thegittubaba Рік тому

    With symfony we have been using a similar library named inky/foundation email.

  • @Shasa.t
    @Shasa.t Рік тому

    Used this to generate a bunch of email templates recently worked realy well

  • @JakobStrasser
    @JakobStrasser Рік тому

    So jealous, at my current job we send email through sql stored procedure so not only do I have to do all the formatting with tables I have to do it with sql string operations.

  • @bvdlio
    @bvdlio Рік тому

    This is insane leap, the amount of pain this saves, so nice.

  • @luctielen
    @luctielen Рік тому +1

    And so begins Theo's tech VC arc..

  • @zilahi8
    @zilahi8 Рік тому

    ive been using this in production for months. truly a life changer!

  • @zacharyallen4270
    @zacharyallen4270 Рік тому +6

    React email is a pretty cool library but once you render the html its just as easy to send from sendgrid or postmark. So it doesn't really make sense to send emails from them and you'd probably want to use a more established provider for deliverability. Hopefully they're able to monetize it enough to improve the library though the live rendering feature is rough.

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      and pricing is ~4x vs amazon's SES $0.10/1k emails.
      Even free tier on ASES is like 65k emails.

  • @luke1978
    @luke1978 Рік тому

    I’m and old dev. I used to know all of the tricks and would really enjoy making email templates as I could just switch off and listen to a podcast. I can imagine the stress that a inexperienced dev would go through trying to build something without a tool like this. Very useful.

    • @t3dotgg
      @t3dotgg  Рік тому +2

      I'm an experienced dev and it still stresses me out

    • @luke1978
      @luke1978 Рік тому

      @@t3dotgg I still remember laying stuff out with tables tho! Now get off my lawn you pesky kid !

    • @luke1978
      @luke1978 Рік тому

      @@t3dotgg also love your content. Particularly your technical interview vid. It was a great resource to adapt our process for hiring.

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому +1

      ​@@luke1978 too right the benefit of not just accumulated knowledge but experience that was gained as features/incompatibilities came about.
      New devs would have to backtrack to last century to purposefully cut themselves on countless edges only written about in some obscure page that's now non-existent and unarchived.

  • @cauebahia
    @cauebahia Рік тому

    Nice! Let's fix now the fact that all of our emails inboxes are completely full of garbage. 50k unread emails full of spam and notifications! 😅

  • @j0hannes5
    @j0hannes5 Рік тому +1

    Wouldnt it be smarter to use a more established transactional email service for deliverability?

  • @rickdg
    @rickdg Рік тому +1

    Good to have alternatives to mjml for making templates.

  • @real_ouss
    @real_ouss Рік тому +1

    Isn't this really close to what MJML does (the first part I mean)?

  • @casperpaid
    @casperpaid Рік тому

    I screamed when I saw support for Tailwind. Let's gooooooo 🚀🚀

  • @MightBeRasor
    @MightBeRasor Рік тому

    I absolute love your powerful chaotic good energy!

  • @yungifez
    @yungifez Рік тому +1

    Haha laravel templates always work for me

  • @Ca-rp7bv
    @Ca-rp7bv Рік тому

    Styling emails is easy if you used to do web development before the dinosaurs

  • @jackevansevo
    @jackevansevo Рік тому

    Recently felt the pain of trying to get border radius to render properly in outlook, it's insane, the whole thing needs to be burnt to the ground.

  • @incarnateTheGreat
    @incarnateTheGreat Рік тому

    You had me at "formatting emails is the hardest thing to do"

  • @billy3891
    @billy3891 Рік тому +1

    Such a good API

  • @SXsoft99
    @SXsoft99 Рік тому

    sooo they finally got to do it in react as well, guessing every other framework that had this kind of feature doesn't count

  • @mianala
    @mianala Рік тому

    I confirm that they actually Fixed Email for developers 🙏🙏 thanks Theo!

  • @LexicalNoScope
    @LexicalNoScope Рік тому

    Just waiting for the time that things are so abstracted that the common person can do all of the development and the developer is the one creating all of the abstractions

  • @codinginflow
    @codinginflow Рік тому

    They fixin a lot lately it seems

  • @lopongoaca
    @lopongoaca Рік тому

    And how about making a template in sendgrid and send parameters to it from your react app? 🤔

  • @semeano
    @semeano Рік тому +1

    This f*coming amazing

  • @wezter96
    @wezter96 Рік тому

    Have you seen Hiber?
    They let you render 3d worlds with React :D

  • @josiahvehrs
    @josiahvehrs Рік тому

    Started using them a couple of weeks ago, funny to see a video from you on it!

  • @kjetilhartveit
    @kjetilhartveit Рік тому

    Yup, I need this.
    Also, they need to fix SMTP / email for real though..

  • @RuiFernandes5
    @RuiFernandes5 Рік тому

    Awesome. Now we are just missing a good and stable pdf library for react

  • @wadecodez
    @wadecodez Рік тому +1

    Now we just need an affordable way to test emails across different environments, or even better something I can self host

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      Literally what I wanted this video to be about. Converting designs to code and sending email are solved problems with tons of existing services ready to go. "Tested" is treated as a marketing bullet point with no documentation to back it up.

    • @wadecodez
      @wadecodez Рік тому

      @@TheNewton Went down this rabbit hole last week, but I'm convinced it is easier to put a man on the moon than it is to consistently create UI that looks the same across all email clients.

  • @unknownChungus
    @unknownChungus Рік тому +1

    How different is resend from sendgrid? Because we use sendgrid our projects and it's also gets the job done just by using their API key.

  • @guillaumequittet9418
    @guillaumequittet9418 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing this!
    I know mjml + handlebars to get pretty and responsive emails
    But if I can use Tailwind with react this is neat ! 👌

  • @lguedes768
    @lguedes768 Рік тому

    Have you tried using react email?
    I've tried, but haven't got far with it... unfortunately.

  • @acollierr17
    @acollierr17 Рік тому

    Welp I do have a project that’s going to require the need to send emails. This is definitely a good option!

  • @everythinggoes850
    @everythinggoes850 Рік тому +1

    The free plan is quite generous 😮

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      Amazons free tier for it's simple email service is even better.
      But setup overhead on that is more costly, and this seems ready to go.

  • @ericxls93
    @ericxls93 Рік тому +2

    Okay, looks promising… before deep diving, does anyone know if it supports sending emails using office 365? (Rather than domain…)

  • @christoribeiro
    @christoribeiro Рік тому +3

    Are your hair bg-yellow-300/20?

  • @inmosh
    @inmosh Рік тому

    Django have been doing email pretty good for years.

  • @sergioaraujo4801
    @sergioaraujo4801 Рік тому

    It looks super cool. I will definitely give a try.

  • @universebot2363
    @universebot2363 7 місяців тому

    5:10 sending emails is a destructive action?

  • @neobyte999
    @neobyte999 Рік тому +1

    But the inbox providers change stuff all the time. What about change management when it comes to compatibility?

  • @arianj2863
    @arianj2863 Рік тому

    What is the benefit over just sending the rendered HTML via sendgrid?

  • @Alex_online
    @Alex_online Рік тому

    Super excited to try this out

  • @xpninc1683
    @xpninc1683 Рік тому

    I would be really interested in seeing a Firebase integration for Resend (possibly through Firebase Extensions) that would be amazing!

  • @buzz1ebee
    @buzz1ebee Рік тому +4

    This looks great! Been using MJML to create templates and then populating those manually, this looks much simpler and cleaner.
    The MJML team refuse to add any useful templating logic and overall have been pretty off-putting in their GitHub issues section imo. This already looks like it works for my use cases so next time i make an email I'll give it a go.

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      isn't that just a meta problem of having variants of templates.
      Or a preprocess to swap in the right MJML parts before send it to their api to get the HTML

  • @austincodes
    @austincodes Рік тому +1

    Pumped about resend

  • @sansmoraxz
    @sansmoraxz Рік тому

    Now finally we can say bye bye to Thymeleaf

  • @wlockuz4467
    @wlockuz4467 Рік тому +1

    This is a very niche market to target, but good luck to Resend.
    That said, have you heard of MJML? Its same thing without the managed part.

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      Niche is right having a hard time with what it "fix"es or who the market is.
      As adding react isn't a fix to me, it's a nail abstraction for a hammer.

  • @haithem8906
    @haithem8906 Рік тому +1

    The recent resend team

  • @thenightguy6816
    @thenightguy6816 Рік тому

    Is there any way to use this in an expo dev client or react native without running into any problems?

  • @tsukionyt
    @tsukionyt Рік тому +1

    pog new theo video

  • @adityan3328
    @adityan3328 Рік тому

    This is really cool, but TBH, I'd prefer a drag and drop tool which would ideally allow the product managers to create emails themselves.

  • @jsixsmith
    @jsixsmith Рік тому

    Exactly what I was looking for!

  • @iamandrewluca
    @iamandrewluca Рік тому

    Omg, I had this idea for years and never started working on it. My FOMO kicked in.

    • @zeno_rocha
      @zeno_rocha Рік тому

      let’s work together then 😊

  • @pigeonnnn
    @pigeonnnn Рік тому

    I recently integrated react email in our saas app. Absolutely wonderful. So simple to use and the results are fantastic. Solved so many of our headaches regarding email and we use a lot of email in our service. Can't recommend it enough.

    • @zeno_rocha
      @zeno_rocha Рік тому +1

      so freaking happy to read this ❤

    • @pigeonnnn
      @pigeonnnn Рік тому +1

      @zeno_rocha definitely not as happy as you've made me, I assure you 🤣. Never mind that we finally have more or less full control of styles and layout (within the limits of HTML emails), our ability to reuse components, iterate at the speed of light and version control together with our repo (had a separate tool before) has saved us countless hours.
      I migrated to React Email in a little over a week (deploying tomorrow). We are talking about 76 templates with a lot of dynamic content.
      Had some problems with exporting and setting up a tsconfig but was easy to get around.
      I really can't stress enough how much this has helped us. For once building templates is not only easy, it is also fun!

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому +1

      ​@@pigeonnnn was react being used in-house before react-email integrated? (for the sass app or not)
      And did you already have a testing process in place for multiple email clients?

    • @pigeonnnn
      @pigeonnnn Рік тому +1

      @TheNewton first question: yes! However, we have a separate backend, so that didn't really matter. What we basically do for now is exporting templates made in react-email, so it sort of works as a codegen tool ATM
      Regarding testing, we don't test any individual email clients at the moment, just unit test the emails being sent out. We have sort of come to terms with that a whole lot of email client don't want to cooperate and have been more focused about making sure the content is correct and useful

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому +1

      ​@@pigeonnnn tyvm for the detail, trying to figure out where this service lands without a client testing process: as a react hammer or a startup scalpel.

  • @4DChess
    @4DChess Рік тому

    I had an internship where I hand-designed campaign emails with HTML and I wanted to KMS 😂😂😂

  • @GigaFro
    @GigaFro Рік тому

    Just what I was looking for :) I'll give it a shot!

  • @austinskylines
    @austinskylines Рік тому

    Theo I love you! Thank you for the video!

  • @owenwexler7214
    @owenwexler7214 Рік тому

    Ohhhhh... I might be able to take down my nodemailer-based email service for this. Will look further into it.

  • @morra82
    @morra82 Рік тому +2

    What happened to plain text emails? Why are people perverting something good into something wrong and horrible?

    • @ra2enjoyer708
      @ra2enjoyer708 Рік тому +1

      Good plain text? Pick two.

    • @zeno_rocha
      @zeno_rocha Рік тому

      different teams have different demands, not team can afford building plain text emails, they might have requirements from marketing to use HTML for better brand recognition

    • @TheNewton
      @TheNewton Рік тому

      Most businesses don't consider the problem factors in HTML emails
      They just want~need to visually differentiate themselves not realizing the cost pains are self-inflicted.

  • @tauiin
    @tauiin Рік тому +1

    rather just have plain text emails tbh

  • @cornheadahh
    @cornheadahh Рік тому

    Wow email 2 just dropped?

  • @metatronicx
    @metatronicx Рік тому

    Where is the sveltish thing like this ?

  • @lifebarier
    @lifebarier Рік тому +2

    Send plaintext emails ffs.

  • @fnfal113
    @fnfal113 Рік тому

    Now I'm convinced to subscribe on this channel

  • @roid1510
    @roid1510 Рік тому

    I spent 1 year as a student writing hand crafted emails. Its the worst type of work ive ever done

  • @scottrichardson7838
    @scottrichardson7838 Рік тому

    Good PHP devs sitting back watching this scratching their beards/chins wondering what is special about this? Been doing this sort of thing for literally decades in PHP??

  • @alexoscreed
    @alexoscreed Рік тому

    This video came at exactly the right time ❤ was just about to look for a good email service

    • @zeno_rocha
      @zeno_rocha Рік тому

      perfect timing! let me know if you need help integrating :)

  • @PaulSebastianM
    @PaulSebastianM Рік тому

    email is html4.0 era plus css

  • @blehbleh9283
    @blehbleh9283 Рік тому

    Email HTML/CSS is so fucking hard lol

  • @aristide_F
    @aristide_F Рік тому

    thank you theo.

  • @darnit006
    @darnit006 Рік тому

    My react native brain is excited.