  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @ColonelRPG
    @ColonelRPG 9 днів тому +8

    For those interested in the channel I was talking about at the end, it's Takarias :)

  • @a.m.7438
    @a.m.7438 10 днів тому +17

    Appreciate this podcast so much. Despite being in a diff world, we're the same age group and I get lots of little bits from different topics ya'll discuss, or at the least, I get to hear an interesting perspective on something I'm into. It's nice getting to hear people in hobbies I hover around talk about stuff in a way I feel like I somewhat click with.

  • @RudeMyDude
    @RudeMyDude 9 днів тому +10

    also you guys really should listen to up late with toaster

  • @Velvetchiip
    @Velvetchiip 9 днів тому +5

    It took me a moment to realize Milo was a cat

  • @Riyshn
    @Riyshn 9 днів тому +5

    I mostly agree with Toaster on Bloodborne's blood vial economy, I do feel like it should also be impossible to fully _run out_ of them. To use the example of a group of enemies that drops 5 vials but might cost you 3 vials worth of damage to kill, I don't think it should be possible to respawn with less than those 3 vials. (Please ignore me if this is already the case. I haven't played BB in years, so my memory might be a bit fuzzy.)

  • @TheSattocs
    @TheSattocs 9 днів тому +8

    Just gonna leave my comment here to say that thumbnail art is so fucking good. Love the colours.

  • @RubinTheAlister
    @RubinTheAlister 9 днів тому +6

    Oh hey what timing! Been (re)playing Bloodborne with my spouse. Yup! Still one of the best games ever made!

  • @AquaticLotus7552
    @AquaticLotus7552 9 днів тому +3

    I swear to God one day I will watch Toaster's video essay on Panzer Dragoon and Keith's playthrough on Planescape Torment

  • @AquaticLotus7552
    @AquaticLotus7552 10 днів тому +6


  • @eratinuwu1952
    @eratinuwu1952 9 днів тому +2

    I never found the bosses to have too much health in Bloodborne but I did use the funny Hunter Axe
    Consumable healing is fun in these games, I really enjoyed playing around with Lifegems in Dark Souls 2, or like Humanity in DS1 and 3 can be fun for extending how long you can go before needing to return to a bonfire.
    I farmed like once for blood vials in Bloodborne I think?
    Granted I had a pretty easy time with Bloodborne (at least the bosses) because funny Hunter's Axe is very strong.
    I love how many things are flat out optional in Bloodborne, I've always really felt like it feels like a successor to Dark Souls 1 in that way.

  • @GrimgarWolf
    @GrimgarWolf 9 днів тому +2

    What channel or vid is Colonel referring to at the end? It sounded interesting but he didn't spell it out and it wasn't in the video description.

    • @HeavyRebar
      @HeavyRebar 8 днів тому

      "Takarias", apparently - Colonel posted a comment exactly about this 6hrs after yours. 😀

  • @ryannnorris3775
    @ryannnorris3775 2 дні тому

    Wish I could watch toaster play bloodbourne for the first time

  • @MasterSherwood001
    @MasterSherwood001 9 днів тому

    Did Keith forget to upload this to the podcast audio hosting again

  • @RudeMyDude
    @RudeMyDude 9 днів тому +3

    Let's, GO

  • @SystemRush
    @SystemRush 4 дні тому

    Keith has such a hot voice.

  • @Dirtballthedirt
    @Dirtballthedirt 10 днів тому +4

    Bloodbourne is genius, too bad there isnt a whole ton of content

  • @jartism
    @jartism 8 днів тому

    Im so far behind on various lets plays but monkey brain see bloodborne i click