感恩慈悲分享。🙏南無阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏 Thank you very much for making the effort to place all of these video online.ia great help in understanding the Dharma. Thank you for your compassion and knowledge. 法布施,財布施,無畏布施,功德無量,福報豐厚,積累功德!菩薩畏因 眾生畏果🙏🙏🙏積善之家必有餘慶,人生一世中最重要就是行善修德, 積口德, 所為之事.無愧於心. 內心和善慈心.光明磊落! 福報是修來的,今生不修待何時。感恩阿彌陀佛 有好报, 好因定有好果种瓜得瓜"、"善有善报"、"积极进取"、相信人的命运非由天注定,人们可以掌握自己的未来,改造自己的命运。 無論是求財、求福還是治病,放生是最有效的方法. 如果是佛弟子求解脫,放生時,將功德回向給法界眾生。如果是俗人求財,可將功德回向給自己的事業。如果家有病人,將功德回向給病人。都會有很好的效果。 放生一定要如理如法,科學放生 即以此功德,莊嚴佛淨土。上報四重恩,下救三道苦。 惟願見聞者,悉發菩提心。在世富貴全,往生極樂國。 請常念南無阿彌陀佛,一切重罪悉解脫!南无阿弥陀佛 Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit. To help others is to help yourself. 感恩福報。
"Recall the Ten Merit and Benefits of Amitabha Buddha" 1. Day and night often get the heroes of the heavens, and the dependents, invisible guardianship. Second, often get twenty-five bodhisattvas, such as Guanyin, etc., and all bodhisattvas, always follow the guard. 3. Always be the Buddhas, protect the mind day and night, Amitabha, always light up and take in this person. 4. All evil spirits, such as Yasha and Raksha, cannot be harmed; All poisonous snakes, poisonous dragons, and poisons must not be harmful. Fifth, all fire disasters, water disasters, resentment, swords and arrows, prison, twisting, violent death, vain death, and nothing. Sixth, the sins committed first are all eliminated, and the grievances killed will be liberated, and there is no clinging to right. Seven, the night dream is upright, or the dream of Amitabha is victory over the body. 8. The heart is always joyful, the color is shiny, the energy is full, and it is auspicious. 9. Always respect, make offerings, and worship for all people in the world, just like worshiping Buddha. 10. At the end of life, the heart is fearless, righteous thoughts are present, and you can see Amitabha, and all the bodhisattvas and holy people, Holding a golden platform, lead to the Pure Land of the West, and enjoy the joy of victory in the future. Rejoice in all the merits, and return to all beings in the ten realms, to be free from suffering and happiness, to quickly become the Buddha, Amitabha! The person who recites the Buddha has a light candle body of forty miles, and the devil cannot commit it. Take the Amitabha Buddha and the ten directions Buddha, always protect the chanting. From now on, to the dojo, from beginning to end, there is no disadvantage. Please recite the Buddha together, Nammo Amitabha!
The wisdom of Buddhism is unfortunately misused sometime by hedonists, but that is not necessarily good Karma, yet they don't see it until they cross over.
+Bruce Zhou wind is when particles in the air chang temperature and move around, fire is the chemical reaction caused when solids are converted into gases
+Bruce Zhou there are a lot of theories but that doesnt really matter.. its like the buddha said, people who spend all their time thinking about how the universe was formed are like a man who was struck with a poison arrow and refused medicine for it until he knew who shot him, who the mans family was, etc...
Thank you , ever grateful to hear the message.
感恩法布施 阿弥陀佛 随喜赞叹🙏
尤其是在这个 covid 19 流行期间,想想人们。
Thank you very much for making the effort to place all of these video online.ia great help in understanding the Dharma. Thank you for your compassion and knowledge.
法布施,財布施,無畏布施,功德無量,福報豐厚,積累功德!菩薩畏因 眾生畏果🙏🙏🙏積善之家必有餘慶,人生一世中最重要就是行善修德, 積口德, 所為之事.無愧於心. 內心和善慈心.光明磊落!
有好报, 好因定有好果种瓜得瓜"、"善有善报"、"积极进取"、相信人的命运非由天注定,人们可以掌握自己的未来,改造自己的命运。
Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit.
To help others is to help yourself.
Thank you Venerable Guan Cheng Namo /\ /\ /\
Your are spot on thank you for explaining the so simple that I wish I'd of know a long time ago.
請大家一起念佛🙏🙏🙏南無阿彌陀佛, 南無阿彌陀佛, 南無阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏
各位,身体健康,生意兴隆,福寿安康,万事如意,求父母 身体健康 平安如意 长命百岁
一定要相信佛菩薩,佛菩薩大慈大悲都會暗中保佑你, 南無阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏
Constantly chant : Namo Amitabh Buddha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit.
"Recall the Ten Merit and Benefits of Amitabha Buddha"
1. Day and night often get the heroes of the heavens, and the dependents, invisible guardianship.
Second, often get twenty-five bodhisattvas, such as Guanyin, etc., and all bodhisattvas, always follow the guard.
3. Always be the Buddhas, protect the mind day and night, Amitabha, always light up and take in this person.
4. All evil spirits, such as Yasha and Raksha, cannot be harmed;
All poisonous snakes, poisonous dragons, and poisons must not be harmful.
Fifth, all fire disasters, water disasters, resentment, swords and arrows, prison, twisting, violent death, vain death, and nothing.
Sixth, the sins committed first are all eliminated, and the grievances killed will be liberated, and there is no clinging to right.
Seven, the night dream is upright, or the dream of Amitabha is victory over the body.
8. The heart is always joyful, the color is shiny, the energy is full, and it is auspicious.
9. Always respect, make offerings, and worship for all people in the world, just like worshiping Buddha.
10. At the end of life, the heart is fearless, righteous thoughts are present, and you can see Amitabha, and all the bodhisattvas and holy people,
Holding a golden platform, lead to the Pure Land of the West, and enjoy the joy of victory in the future.
Rejoice in all the merits, and return to all beings in the ten realms, to be free from suffering and happiness, to quickly become the Buddha, Amitabha!
The person who recites the Buddha has a light candle body of forty miles, and the devil cannot commit it. Take the Amitabha Buddha and the ten directions Buddha, always protect the chanting. From now on, to the dojo, from beginning to end, there is no disadvantage.
Please recite the Buddha together, Nammo Amitabha!
今年是我人生新的起点,真心愿世界和平。阿弥陀佛,阿弥陀佛,阿弥陀佛, 阿弥陀佛!非常好听!已经是2021年了。在此祝福大家:身体健康,出入平安,事事顺利,福慧增长。感恩!
生死就在呼吸间,人生无常,一切皆是因果,生死有命, 富貴在天,無需擔憂, 除了生死,其他根本就是小事,何必执着呢,只要身体健康,就要感恩🙏智者勤修積德行善,人有德必有福人無德必有災,品德可真是人的最大福份,
求父母 身体健康 平安如意 长命百岁 🙏🙏🙏求父母 身体健康 平安如意 长命百岁 🙏🙏🙏
南無阿彌陀佛, 南無阿彌陀佛, 南無阿彌陀佛, 南無阿彌陀佛, 南無阿彌陀佛, 南無阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏🙏
Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit.
thank you
Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha Buddha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit
Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha Buddha, Repentance and Dedication of merit
Karma is similar to dependent origination
And UNIVERSAL Etherial Suchness too.
The wisdom of Buddhism is unfortunately misused sometime by hedonists, but that is not necessarily good Karma, yet they don't see it until they cross over.
Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merits.
theres a lot of wisdom in this but maybe he should change his analogy because scientists know where wind and fire come from
+Bruce Zhou wind is when particles in the air chang temperature and move around, fire is the chemical reaction caused when solids are converted into gases
+Bruce Zhou there are a lot of theories but that doesnt really matter.. its like the buddha said, people who spend all their time thinking about how the universe was formed are like a man who was struck with a poison arrow and refused medicine for it until he knew who shot him, who the mans family was, etc...