969 - Adventist Muslim Connection? - Shahbaz

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024


  • @jemimadellava1927
    @jemimadellava1927 7 років тому +18

    HAPPY BLESSED SABBATH DAY... from Saudi Arabia

    • @blankitaayala7378
      @blankitaayala7378 7 років тому

      jemima dellava amen sister, God bless you! From California

    • @danteguinalonjr.4022
      @danteguinalonjr.4022 5 років тому

      Hi Jemima are you attending sabbath in KSA. Are you in Riyadh or other region? Meron kasi tyong mga simbahan dito na pwede ka magattend.

  • @davidnelson6874
    @davidnelson6874 5 років тому +2

    I used to belong to an Adventist congregation that had a prominent member who really admired Mohammad and taught that God raised him up.

  • @musikaye4480
    @musikaye4480 4 роки тому +1

    Praise God for making these things clear!

  • @angiefernandez2722
    @angiefernandez2722 5 років тому +2

    SDA are some of the healthiest christians on earth. Google it and you will see. They live long.

  • @RelentlessHomesteading
    @RelentlessHomesteading 6 років тому +3

    Thanks Shabaz- appreciate those speaking the truth. Too many SDA pastors and leadership which want to placate those in the world, ...at the expense of truth.

    • @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial
      @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial  6 років тому +1

      Praise God!
      AD UA-cam Support

    • @intcomaz
      @intcomaz 5 років тому +1

      Jews and Muslims are not open to the gospel. The reason why pastors and apologiests say loom at similarities is to reach out to Arabs and Persians. Its to break the ice. If you say to a Muslim your religon is false, they will not open up. I have family who are Jewish and friends who are Muslim.

    • @shazbk7616
      @shazbk7616 4 роки тому +1

      In my ministry I work with many Muslims directly and so far I have over 50 baptisms. I don’t need to tell them Islam is false all I do is lift up Jesus and the honest and true fall in love with Him.

  • @rickhinojosa5455
    @rickhinojosa5455 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for speaking the truth!! This idea to bring us together with Islam on some kind of common ground is all about ecumenism. Uniting all the religions under one banner and achieving the one world religion and one world order. I suggest watching Walter Veith videos for excellent information on all these topics. In my SDA Church we had someone come in and give a big presentation on how we are so much alike with the Muslim religion. At the time I was new to the church and i didn't know enough to call a spade a spade at the time and rebuke the presentation in front of everyone. If it happened again, I would. Actually, I wouldn't attend it but I'd hand out flyers that I would make to protest the presentation. I thank God there are still some pastors in our church system who are preaching truth. God bless you!!🙏

  • @waelalmusbahi8271
    @waelalmusbahi8271 4 роки тому +2

    We are the Muslims don’t drink alcohol because it bothers the brain

  • @lawrencesilvey1722
    @lawrencesilvey1722 5 років тому +4

    not that i do not believe what you are saying but I would like it if these had the reference points where the quran and the muhammadan teachings say these things so if people wanted to find them they could go and search them out real easily to confirm what you are saying as truth. so nay sayers could be silenced quite easily and also for the evangelists to pull from these as well for easy reference

    • @jalyoka
      @jalyoka 5 років тому +2

      He is liar thats why he did not mention them .
      1. he said that many of Adventists beside being persecuted also lost their life by Muslims.
      Actually the Adventists are being recognised as Christian sector by our Muslim countries but in the same time they are not recognized by other Christians sectors as Christians !
      Why we would recognize them and bulid churches for them if killing them is way cheaper as he claims.
      2.He lied again when he said that second coming of Jesus is not mentioned in Quran , Quean 43/61
      “And his ˹second˺ coming is truly a sign for the Hour. So have no doubt about it, and follow me. This is the Straight Path”
      3. He said that hadith was written few hundred years after Prophet Muhammad death, again it was not written because it was there all the time, the correct word should be “ collected “ first collection was 100 years after his death .
      4.He said that Mahdi is an invisible to add some absurdity to the character..we Muslims believe that he is not born yet...I do not know from where who got this silly idea that he is invisible.
      5.He said the Jesus according to our teachings will serve Mahdi..this is another lie , because simply Jesus is prophet and he is in the highest position ( as Qur'an described ) , but Mahdi is only is good man . Also , Jesus would accept Mahdi as a good man by praying behind him , obviously acceptance comes always from the higher position.
      6.There is nothing mentioned in hadith about Jesus killing 70000 of Jews , however I see that you said no more no less then I remind you with 144 thousands who will go to heaven ( no more no less )
      7.There is nothing is mentioned that he will kill every big or break every cross ...it is mentioned that he will kill the pig and break the cross as sign that that are not part of real Christianity.
      8.At the end of the world there is no more acceptance of any religion as true religion because it is useless since it is the end of everything..again from where you got this talk ?!
      9.The talk about Jesus going to marry , have kids, die and buried in Medina is another lie...
      10.Another big lie , he said that we don't drink alcohol because it is unclean , the funny thing is that we do believe that alcohol is clean ( unlike swine meat ) ,but we do not drink it because it is makes the brain away and because God said so.
      11.OMG I'm tired of his lies ..he said Islam does not condemn the use of tobacco ..Islamic rules are clear whatever harm your body , move your brain away and waste your money is prohibited..
      that's why gambling , heroin , cigarette are not allowed . sure I will not find cigarette by text prohibited in Quran neither in bible , simply search in Google is cigarette haram ( prohibited), sure that liar did not have time to search.
      12.He said Islam diminished the role of woman , well he mentioned that one man equal to 2 women he is again lying ..please show me a verse saying that the absolute value of one man is equal to 2 ladies , it is only about witnessing crimes not about their value ..In Islam the woman and man will go to the heaven it they are believers ,unlike Christianity 144 thousands who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins ( so obviously men and also virgin men ) women are excluded .
      13. He said that Muslim are practising what is called honor killing in all Muslim countries, away that this practice is not in all Muslims countries ( we are 1.8 billion in 53 countries ), it is also traditional practice is some countries mostly in Asia not even necessarily Islamic countries .
      Please show us an evidence from Qur'an or Hadith that we can practice this crime ( it is a crime in Islam and by law , punishment for committing it is capital punishment in Egypt ),and I give one year to show us the proof Mr.Liar.
      14.If we consider the a practice of tribal tradition like this killing aka honor killing then all Christianity promotes adultery and prostition since the porno industry is basically in Christian countries .
      15. We do not believe that Jews are monkeys moron but that specific village who had broken the rules of Sabbath ( the were putting their nets for fishing before Friday night and collecting it at Saturday night )
      it is a figure of speech obviously because do you think that any person would believe that Jews came from monkeys ?
      16. You dumb do not know that Islam is actually standing beside Adventist about that Sabbath was the real day for worshiping God in Christianity..
      Quran says 16:124
      “The sabbath was only appointed for those who differed over it. And indeed, your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ”
      it did not mention Sunday but Saturday.
      Eventually, you should always verify what others are telling you, do not be like animals just listen without thinking.

  • @rickhinojosa5455
    @rickhinojosa5455 3 роки тому


  • @thereporter752
    @thereporter752 5 років тому +3

    Former Seventh Day Adventist here. I converted to Islam because of my great love of God. I was so afraid of disobeying God. I read the Quran and it is very clearly from God. I encourage everyone to read it. Especially the Chapter /Surah titled "Mariam".

    • @mark1448
      @mark1448 4 роки тому

      Why? Quran says Jesus is Word of God. Is the Word of God a created thing?

    • @shazbk7616
      @shazbk7616 4 роки тому +1

      I was going through some of the comments and saw your comment. I can't help but feel sad in my heart that you would leave the SDA message and become a Muslim. Please watch my testimony regarding my conversion from Islam to SDA. I hope you will come back because everything about prophecy as described by the Bible and Mrs. White is coming to fruition.

    • @IliWamjueYeye
      @IliWamjueYeye Рік тому

      Sad you chose that path!

  • @chingurbiztondo6663
    @chingurbiztondo6663 6 років тому

    Being with Jesus is never a cult. We just have to trust in him and continue to pray.

  • @Bayleybeats
    @Bayleybeats 5 років тому +1

    I'm Adventist and my girlfriend is Muslim... Awkward...

    • @Bayleybeats
      @Bayleybeats 5 років тому

      But things are actually going well with both sides being accepting and loving towards one another, there are differences but it's still similar to the fact it's not like we're bad people... Apart from honor killings that is

    • @JahBlessd
      @JahBlessd 3 роки тому

      You're an Adventist still?
      The goal is NOT being SDA... but instead it is about being a child of and reflection of God, like Jesus who surrendered in everything to His Father. We are to live exactly like Christ and walk in the direction of God as supported by scripture. You sir have admitted publicly that you do NOT submit to the will of God in the light of scripture. God has said not to join ourselves with unbelievers so a man who does this openly, admits he himself does not believe either. There is no standard but Jesus and perfectly submitting to and worshipping God in TRUTH... to this we are called and nothing else.

  • @donatolunesu
    @donatolunesu 5 років тому

    True! We had a teacher in church telling exactly all of this!

  • @wilsonwacira6917
    @wilsonwacira6917 3 роки тому +1

    They say Jesus is not son of God

  • @xamaya6905
    @xamaya6905 6 років тому

    Love this

  • @Minuteman4Jesus
    @Minuteman4Jesus 7 років тому +6

    2Cor. 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
    We are called to be separate from the world; those who preach that the church has commonality with other faiths are preaching ecumenism, and should be rejected!!

  • @danielbacchus8614
    @danielbacchus8614 4 роки тому +2

    It’s a shame you’ll aren’t trying to come to common terms with your fellow man. Seems like this Arab has a chip on his shoulder about Islam possibly? Come to common terms my brothers and sisters believers in the all mighty one in abrahamic monotheism.

    • @shazbk7616
      @shazbk7616 4 роки тому

      First off the speaker is not an Arab, and secondly, there cannot be a union if it means we have to compromise truth to get there.

    • @danielbacchus8614
      @danielbacchus8614 4 роки тому

      Shaz BK Truth that is the question I guess we are all seeking the truth I hope but many believe in religion and are not truthful it was the sinners that Jesus was sent to the lost sheep so who are we to say what is the truth. With respect the speak is an Arab his background is Arab he actually converted from Islam to SDA so his is not an impartial testimony. Peace ✌️

    • @shazbk7616
      @shazbk7616 4 роки тому

      @@danielbacchus8614 The speaker is Persian and not Arab, and secondly, Jesus said He is the Truth and Life! As we come close to Jesus and study His Word we will be led into the truth by His Holy Spirit. "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth." John 16:13 Jesus also said, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 The truth is not some vague interpretation of someone's imagination which takes the form of a Cameleon changing colors depending on which side of the spectrum one stands. Basically, the Truth is One and it is Jesus Christ for He has all the wisdom and knowledge for He is God! By the way, when a person converts from any religion their testimony of Christ has to be partial for they have come to the truth. So your explanation that the speaker's testimony is an impartial one is correct what else can it be?

    • @danielbacchus8614
      @danielbacchus8614 4 роки тому

      Shaz BK peace and blessings be with you. You got me ok the beloved brother isn’t an Arab ok I’m sorry but I could tell straight away he was being emotional like he was anti, that’s all we are only human no one is perfect except the all mighty. Anyway all the best to you and yours during this tribunal God Bless

  • @he7is7at7hand
    @he7is7at7hand 6 років тому +3

    excuse me, but I have never heard such a thing. Seventh-Day adventism is totally different than the Muslim religion. We don't even worship the same God. Muslims don't believe that Jesus was anything more than a prophet. Obviously they don't believe they need a savior.

    • @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial
      @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial  6 років тому

      Dear Mel,
      Thank you for your comment. It seems as you never did watch this video? I would like to suggest that you do watch it, you will be pleased to learn that the message by Brother Shahbaz is in accordance with your beliefs.
      Many Blessings,
      AD UA-cam Support

    • @Johan-ob1jv
      @Johan-ob1jv 4 роки тому

      @@AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial I would suggest that you read both the Koran and the Bible and quote from both as to why one is superior to the other. If not, then shut the FUCK UP. This video is not the word of God or Allah which I believe is the same being.

  • @lighthouse-news
    @lighthouse-news 7 років тому +1

    The church or congregation are and have always been the people of God,
    not a structure that has been infiltrated and redirected towards an
    ecumenical, social gospel of fluffy love. Upward look 315.
    Our marching orders are to disseminate the everlasting gospel, the message of the three angels.
    “Seventh-day Adventists have been
    chosen by God as a peculiar people… He has made them his representatives and
    has called them to be ambassadors for Him in the last work of salvation.
    The greatest wealth of truth ever entrusted to mortals, the most fearful
    warnings ever sent by God to man, to be given to the world.” 7T 138
    “Seventh-day Adventists have been
    given a work of the most solemn import-the proclamation of the first, second,
    and third angels messages. There is no other work of so great importance.
    They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention.” 9T 19

  • @loudcrytv8949
    @loudcrytv8949 6 років тому +2

    It is so amazing that God is calling a pagan king His "anointed one"
    'Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut;"
    Isaiah 45:1
    Is Paul missing the mark in establishing common ground with pagans in preaching about their god, saying that the god they warship is the one Paul is talking about.
    "For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you."
    Acts 17:23
    So AMR is about building a bridge to reach to our friends the Muslims. When we say we are similar it does not mean we treat them as equal.
    The problem with us SDAs is that the Message "Babylon is fallen" is so appealing to us that applying it to our church has been sweet to our ears these days.

    • @mandlakei3053
      @mandlakei3053 5 років тому

      i totally agree with you and find it saddening that we are not keen to build bridges which will become entering wedges for our brothers. i also have not heard anyone preach that the Adventist church is like Islam especially on the point of the Second coming of Christ

    • @shazbk7616
      @shazbk7616 2 роки тому

      Mrs. White tells us that Paul on Mars hill failed to convey the message to the Athenians because he was contextualizing the message too far. King Cyrus was not a pagan king, he had the Spirit of God in him and was called before his birth. He was a type of Christ. He believed in the true God.

  • @JahBlessd
    @JahBlessd 3 роки тому

    Amen! Father in heaven thank you for speaking thru this brother. No other god exists so why would we allow Satan to trick us into accepting the false teachings of any other religion that denied the true Sonship of Christ. Help us to keep our eyes on Jesus and not be deceived by the seductive lies of your arch enemy. Please help all who read this to know that as Jesus walked on earth in perfect surrender and obedience to you, so too can we if we trust in your strong hand to accomplish it for us.

  • @lemlemkidane9388
    @lemlemkidane9388 6 років тому

    Lemlem Kidane do you have also in Persian language?

    • @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial
      @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial  6 років тому +1

      Dear Lemlem,
      We are happy to let you know that we do have UA-cam videos in Farsi. See link below.
      Many Blessings,
      AD UA-cam Support

  • @zahrad1751
    @zahrad1751 5 років тому +1

    Where are honour killings mentioned in the Quran? You’ll find it’s Muslims who are the problem, not Islam. People who commit apostasy are not allowed to be killed. Women are not degraded (eg. The prophets wife)
    The man being 2 of women is related to inheritance, which made sense at the time as it was the male who had to support a family.

  • @joeljerryw6416
    @joeljerryw6416 4 роки тому

    Is it wrong to use Arabic words/phrases like; Insha Allah, MashaAllah, in personal conversation as an SDA?

    • @RobertO-dj1fy
      @RobertO-dj1fy 3 роки тому +4

      Yes, As much as you can say you know where you stand, to the listener you would be identifying with them instead of looking for an opportunity to give a witness, Its like wearing a hijab and saying its just a dress, why would you want to promote a religion you don't believe in.

  • @mandlakei3053
    @mandlakei3053 5 років тому

    AD i feel you are not being objective on this matter.i am happy to engage with you personally and discuss this at great length.

  • @cookiecrush3896
    @cookiecrush3896 7 років тому

    Greetings in the name of the Lord, Jesus.
    It seems to me that making a comparison of Adventism to Islam stating that they are similar in any way merely reveals the ignorance of Islam of the one making the nexus. Firstly, Islam is a political system that seeks to legitimize pedophilia, sex slavery, and murder that masquerades as a religion. Furthermore, if you want to know what a true and pure muslim is, all you need to do is look at Mohammad. Anyone who does not live like Mohammad in every way is departing from the path of true Islam. The life of Mohammad is Islam.

  • @Simon-Simon-Simon
    @Simon-Simon-Simon 7 років тому +1

    where did the 3 wise men come from ? when jesus was born ?
    middle east is complicated just look at what paul had to deal with in early church

    • @sarab3607
      @sarab3607 6 років тому

      The three wise men were Persian Majus which is the Persian word where we get the word Magician.

    • @sidneyachia1909
      @sidneyachia1909 4 роки тому

      just a point of clarification. . .
      Please note that the Bible does not speak of THREE Wise Men.
      Their NUMBER is not mentioned; but the number of their GIFTS is what was THREE.

    • @shazbk7616
      @shazbk7616 2 роки тому

      The Bible never mentions how many wise men there were, there were 3 that presented gifts. Let's say there were only 3, however, those were maji's and not Muslims. They were from Iran which at the time was Zoroastrian. The word Maji comes from the Persian word Majoos and it is not Arabic. Yes, they were from the East but they were not Arabs.

  • @jcjacobus989
    @jcjacobus989 6 років тому


  • @katlegonhlapo4040
    @katlegonhlapo4040 4 роки тому +1

    "Honour killing" 9/11
    We are soooo not similar

  • @mexicanbeautyqueen7988
    @mexicanbeautyqueen7988 7 років тому +1

    Islam doesn't observe the sabbath

    • @intcomaz
      @intcomaz 5 років тому

      Not all of them. I have met Muslims who are kind and peaceful.

  • @adisujara1792
    @adisujara1792 6 років тому

    how can we be sure Saturday is the seventh day?

    • @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial
      @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial  6 років тому +3

      Dear Adisu, thank you for your question! I am so happy that you are searching for truth in regards to the Sabbath, I am attaching two links below that will help shed light on the Sabbath question.
      Many Blessings!
      AD UA-cam Support

    • @Rezparviz
      @Rezparviz 6 років тому

      Amazing Discoveries why don't you tell him about the lunar sabbath .

  • @fe7264
    @fe7264 5 років тому +2

    The amount of inaccuracies and flat out lies that are spewed from this man’s mouth are shameful. Please consult an actual knowledgeable Muslim rather than lie about Islam.

    • @ImpulseRelay
      @ImpulseRelay 4 роки тому


    • @fe7264
      @fe7264 4 роки тому

      Char Ska - is that it? Lol That was purely emotional testimonial not based of religious text at all and that guy is Shia ...

  • @MrAj519
    @MrAj519 7 років тому +2

    There is no connection....
    unless you would like to be connected with someone else than the True God, Father of our Saviour Jesus Christ

    • @MrAj519
      @MrAj519 7 років тому

      thank you for teaching truth.

  • @thereporter752
    @thereporter752 5 років тому

    Hamza Yusuf
    Yusuf Estes
    Yusha Evans
    Suhaib Webb

    • @mark1448
      @mark1448 4 роки тому

      I am not impressed with any of them.

  • @john.russelllane3621
    @john.russelllane3621 7 років тому +2

    This is comical 😂

  • @angiefernandez2722
    @angiefernandez2722 5 років тому

    Listen cause some of you don’t understand. He is saying that there are people saying that the two are alike but those are false prophets. The 7th day adventist’s go by the bible exactly. The Bible does mention the Sabbath as his day that should be kept. They eat very healthy and they believe that Jesus Christ has to be known throughout the world so there is no excuse for anyone to say that they didn’t know salvation or about Jesus Christ. Once the world knows him and his teachings then he will come to separate the believers from the non believers.

  • @stevenjohnfoster8785
    @stevenjohnfoster8785 6 років тому

    didnt mecca used to be a shiva temple?

  • @chris2peu
    @chris2peu 7 років тому +1

    i am not a SDA. this is ridiculous nonsense.