love how you prefaced this video with such practical advice. I will be taking my small little knowledge each day and try to expand on my Grid patches each session. Thanks again.
After ca. 20y of ableton (still love it though) I can say you made the right choice =). In my opinion, the grid is less overwhelming than similar systems such as pure data or max msp (used in ableton) or even reaktor to some extent, which are all tools I've used quite a bit. The ppl of bitwig should nick the interface creation of reaktor though. Anyway, It's really a perfect segway into more low level tools, while still being capable of low level and being much quicker, hands on and mostly high level; it's really like having your cake and eating it. Also, you don't even have to learn it all at once. Just make a habit of checking out the structure of plugins, and of course recreate polarity plugins from time to time =) , thank you polarity!
You can fix the pitch issue by instead of having the steps modulator modulate the pitch directly, have it modulate the input of a (non-grid) quantize modulator set to the number of semitones you want (eg. modulate with a value of 12 for one octave) then set the steps in the quantize modulator to the same (12) and then have *that* modulate the Pitch in the grid directly by 12. This ensure the signal modulating your pitch has "whole number" values. Just tested and it works great, you don't even need the transpose after the pitch module.
You make a perfect point right here. That what bugs me with most youtube tutorials about music production. Like I think your statement about getting into practice to actually learn stuff also holds true for the entire music production stuff. But many tutorials just explain some rather default and simple features in basic devices of ableton, probably because they get sponsored by ableton for this. Or for some fancy VST, that nobody needs because all DAWs have this as builtin feature. The videos on this channel have no hidden advertisements whatsoever but still longer than most other videos and far more information ideas and inspiration in them. Conent is even better than some paid courses. Keep on going!
Sehr informativ. Vielen Dank. Kam durch Sting hier rüber... Aber ich sehe schon - in Bitwig geht auch alles handmade... Du bist aber auch sehr virtuos im Umgang mit dem Ding... Großartig
Hey... great advice about how to learn The Grid! Bitwig is a great learning tool overall, I feel like it somewhat forces me to try what doesn't sound so logic in theory. Anyway, learning a lot with your videos... Thanks!
sudden German appears :D "aber you can learn" XD Building a karplus strong synth is an easy, but informative, exercise to do in The Grid. And then trying to make it more bowed sounding vs plucks... I built a vinyl noise maker a while back. Then I found one in the presets that was many many devices less LOL, but it was good learning. Just giving some examples I guess. Anyway, thanks for sharing!
thank you for all those amazing Tutorials. It's a great help for me. BTW: in Bitwig 5 i have no issues using transpose to generate pitch accurate Notes. I guess it is fixed
My note grid isn’t sending any midi! I tried doing that thing when you set the value to 49.9 and pushing it past 50% to send a midi note but it’s not working. The little yellow square doesn’t show up
Seems like your pitch issue is coming from the comparator with the delay you are using. For that to work you would need to have the delay time set in relation to the project speed and step bars per beat used in the sequencer. Your 2 signals are drifting an therefore phasing. It can be solved by using 3 comparators and a latch ;)
i dont see how the comparator should influence how the sample and hold works. s/h is the last module before im sending a note out. so there should be no bend at all. maybe a wrong pitch but no bend.
@@PolarityMusic Try the exact same module setup in the poly grid and there it will work flawlessly. I guess that the notegrid has slower/lower priority process loops. It really depends on how this is implemented and you can get weird/unexpected results as 1 process loop finishes before the other and vice versa. Bitwig is multithreaded. So a larger delta between these instances can lead to pitch bending or micro tunings. These issues normally are due to signals not being 100% in sync. So you get, like with the old analog synths, phasing. One time signal A is early and the other time the signal B is early. Your setup should work, but for notegrid implementation choice, it is not working. As alsways, no critics to you :) I love what you do! Kind regards
hey, so im going through the tutorial, but for some reason the note grid isnt triggering the synth, i only get any sound if i input a note from the keyboard, i can hear the velocity changing but as soon as the release fades its gone again, not sure what i did wrong, any ideas?
Really. awesome as usual. I love how the percussive elements can be connected to the synth parts in this way. One question though (to about the patch).... how are you doing the angled zoomed in screenshot of Bitwig at the start of the video? Is that in OBS by just zooming and tilting?
Does this still work? i am new to bitwig, but i have followed the video 3 times now and i cannot get the gate to work, even in monophonic mode like the comment said. the oscilloscope just shows a straight line and i just got a continuous note. does it only work if you use polygrid for the synth? cause thats the only thing i have done differently. thanks
ok i must have missed a couple things. the oscilloscope mode needs to be changed from pitch to slow, and the step sequencer was changed to 16th notes. one of those things seemed to have got it to work on the 4th time around
@PolarityMusic i figured it out. But I'm gonna join anyway. As a reaper only user that hasn't touched ableton since ableton 7, I am in need of all the help i can get. I have some light modular experience with vsts, like blocks and sugarbytes nest. Thankfully your videos exist because there doesn't seem to be as much of a well documented bitwig community as reaper has. So for any little thing I think of i can normally google the years of reaper forums and find an answer. So im a little lost lol I like the looping and more live creation work flow of bitwig tho, especially for electronic music. So my plan is to use both reaper and bitwig depending on the project.
On my system the pitch does not work. when i record it there is a strange mix of different notes and quite extreme pitch expressions. both variants (transpose and bias) dont work. I wonder were the the different infos (notes and expressions) are created. Maybe its just doubled?
love how you prefaced this video with such practical advice. I will be taking my small little knowledge each day and try to expand on my Grid patches each session. Thanks again.
New to Bitwig. Grid seems so overwhelming at the moment, but I'm excited to learn. Thank you for the excellent guides
After ca. 20y of ableton (still love it though) I can say you made the right choice =). In my opinion, the grid is less overwhelming than similar systems such as pure data or max msp (used in ableton) or even reaktor to some extent, which are all tools I've used quite a bit. The ppl of bitwig should nick the interface creation of reaktor though. Anyway, It's really a perfect segway into more low level tools, while still being capable of low level and being much quicker, hands on and mostly high level; it's really like having your cake and eating it. Also, you don't even have to learn it all at once. Just make a habit of checking out the structure of plugins, and of course recreate polarity plugins from time to time =) , thank you polarity!
This video is the perfect length for feeling like we're right in the driver's seat with you :)
You can fix the pitch issue by instead of having the steps modulator modulate the pitch directly, have it modulate the input of a (non-grid) quantize modulator set to the number of semitones you want (eg. modulate with a value of 12 for one octave) then set the steps in the quantize modulator to the same (12) and then have *that* modulate the Pitch in the grid directly by 12. This ensure the signal modulating your pitch has "whole number" values. Just tested and it works great, you don't even need the transpose after the pitch module.
Thanks, not sure if i got it, but i´ll try to do this soon!
You make a perfect point right here. That what bugs me with most youtube tutorials about music production. Like I think your statement about getting into practice to actually learn stuff also holds true for the entire music production stuff. But many tutorials just explain some rather default and simple features in basic devices of ableton, probably because they get sponsored by ableton for this. Or for some fancy VST, that nobody needs because all DAWs have this as builtin feature.
The videos on this channel have no hidden advertisements whatsoever but still longer than most other videos and far more information ideas and inspiration in them. Conent is even better than some paid courses. Keep on going!
Sehr informativ. Vielen Dank. Kam durch Sting hier rüber... Aber ich sehe schon - in Bitwig geht auch alles handmade...
Du bist aber auch sehr virtuos im Umgang mit dem Ding... Großartig
Hey... great advice about how to learn The Grid! Bitwig is a great learning tool overall, I feel like it somewhat forces me to try what doesn't sound so logic in theory. Anyway, learning a lot with your videos... Thanks!
Just watched through this again. Thanks for making such awesome videos!!
love u man this is super cool. i'm building an other instrument with midi, but you gave quite an introduction
sudden German appears :D "aber you can learn" XD
Building a karplus strong synth is an easy, but informative, exercise to do in The Grid. And then trying to make it more bowed sounding vs plucks...
I built a vinyl noise maker a while back. Then I found one in the presets that was many many devices less LOL, but it was good learning.
Just giving some examples I guess. Anyway, thanks for sharing!
thank you for all those amazing Tutorials. It's a great help for me. BTW: in Bitwig 5 i have no issues using transpose to generate pitch accurate Notes. I guess it is fixed
Bitwig Note Grid is great
This is great! I would love to adapt this for a chord sequencer.
Dont forget to turn the note4 grid into Mono mode
My note grid isn’t sending any midi! I tried doing that thing when you set the value to 49.9 and pushing it past 50% to send a midi note but it’s not working. The little yellow square doesn’t show up
Seems like your pitch issue is coming from the comparator with the delay you are using. For that to work you would need to have the delay time set in relation to the project speed and step bars per beat used in the sequencer. Your 2 signals are drifting an therefore phasing. It can be solved by using 3 comparators and a latch ;)
i dont see how the comparator should influence how the sample and hold works. s/h is the last module before im sending a note out. so there should be no bend at all. maybe a wrong pitch but no bend.
@@PolarityMusic Try the exact same module setup in the poly grid and there it will work flawlessly. I guess that the notegrid has slower/lower priority process loops. It really depends on how this is implemented and you can get weird/unexpected results as 1 process loop finishes before the other and vice versa. Bitwig is multithreaded. So a larger delta between these instances can lead to pitch bending or micro tunings.
These issues normally are due to signals not being 100% in sync. So you get, like with the old analog synths, phasing. One time signal A is early and the other time the signal B is early.
Your setup should work, but for notegrid implementation choice, it is not working.
As alsways, no critics to you :) I love what you do! Kind regards
hey, so im going through the tutorial, but for some reason the note grid isnt triggering the synth, i only get any sound if i input a note from the keyboard, i can hear the velocity changing but as soon as the release fades its gone again, not sure what i did wrong, any ideas?
switch voices to mono in the inspector for the grid device
@@PolarityMusic yep, figured it out as soon as i posted this, how come that happens?
@@josehamilton7494this seems like a huge fuckin flaw to me
Are the bends coming from the delay used in the comparator?
no i dont think so.
Really. awesome as usual. I love how the percussive elements can be connected to the synth parts in this way. One question though (to about the patch).... how are you doing the angled zoomed in screenshot of Bitwig at the start of the video? Is that in OBS by just zooming and tilting?
yes its some skew and transforms in obs. put some work in that shit lol
Ehi Matths, we waiting for another ideostream in Bitwig the grid 😉👍
@@neoecclesia coming soon! Hope you have been enjoying them?
@@PolarityMusic looks great though! May have to steal that idea 😁
@@matthsmatthsmatths of course !!! And very useful for me 👍💪
sorry... I don't find the modules in note grid at the beginning (Melody e Note range)... where are?
because these are other modules renamed, but i rename them in the video. Melodies = Transpose, Range is probably = attenuate
Does this still work? i am new to bitwig, but i have followed the video 3 times now and i cannot get the gate to work, even in monophonic mode like the comment said. the oscilloscope just shows a straight line and i just got a continuous note. does it only work if you use polygrid for the synth? cause thats the only thing i have done differently. thanks
drop me your preset in my discord. I look into it tomorrow 👍
ok i must have missed a couple things. the oscilloscope mode needs to be changed from pitch to slow, and the step sequencer was changed to 16th notes. one of those things seemed to have got it to work on the 4th time around
@PolarityMusic i figured it out. But I'm gonna join anyway. As a reaper only user that hasn't touched ableton since ableton 7, I am in need of all the help i can get. I have some light modular experience with vsts, like blocks and sugarbytes nest. Thankfully your videos exist because there doesn't seem to be as much of a well documented bitwig community as reaper has. So for any little thing I think of i can normally google the years of reaper forums and find an answer. So im a little lost lol
I like the looping and more live creation work flow of bitwig tho, especially for electronic music. So my plan is to use both reaper and bitwig depending on the project.
On my system the pitch does not work. when i record it there is a strange mix of different notes and quite extreme pitch expressions. both variants (transpose and bias) dont work. I wonder were the the different infos (notes and expressions) are created. Maybe its just doubled?
oh that sounds even weirder. if you want, send me the patch over on my discord and ill have a look
@@PolarityMusic Thanks🙂, I posted it on your Discord. Maybe its because of different systems?. I´m using AMD Windows PC and you probably Apple?
I KEEP TRYING FOR 10TH TIME, cant trigger in the beggining no sound
? context ?