You have to manually rename new columns if you want to customise them. So either do that in the output sheet as they appear or create some dummy data for future dates and then rename them in advance. Hope that answers your question. If you’re after a formula have a look at this video Smartsheet demo on how to automatically turn dates into quarters, months and weekdays
When creating a pivot table, one of the steps is to name your output sheet. That will typically be in the same place as the source data so remember what you called it and search there or just do a name search
Hola Paola - tendrás que conectar con tu representate de Smartsheet para averiguar porque el precio depende de varias cosas. O mandame un email directo (mis detalles están en mi sitio web y conversamos directamente - y si estás en Europa, puedo conectarte directamente. Rich
Can you share the formula you used for the "Month" column to translate to the name instead?
You have to manually rename new columns if you want to customise them. So either do that in the output sheet as they appear or create some dummy data for future dates and then rename them in advance. Hope that answers your question. If you’re after a formula have a look at this video Smartsheet demo on how to automatically turn dates into quarters, months and weekdays
Hi, Where to find Pivot Output?
When creating a pivot table, one of the steps is to name your output sheet. That will typically be in the same place as the source data so remember what you called it and search there or just do a name search
¿cuál es le precio del PIVOT en smartsheet?
Hola Paola - tendrás que conectar con tu representate de Smartsheet para averiguar porque el precio depende de varias cosas. O mandame un email directo (mis detalles están en mi sitio web y conversamos directamente - y si estás en Europa, puedo conectarte directamente. Rich