+Kevvlio Same here. People have acted like I'm some crazy health nut that only wants to eat kale and chickpeas or something. I lost all the excess weight I had (like 70 lbs) when I stopped dairy and drastically cut down on meat. Haven't even come close to putting any of it back on.
Actually we most likely are all crazy thanks to meat/ dairy ind. Even though the USDA says Mad Cow/ BSE USA is not here in America and has been actively involved in an extensive criminal cover - up of Mad Cow DISEASE and the USDA is lying and saying that this disease they have created through horrific total animal abuse is not infectious ( hey thats the exact same thing the cattleman's association says- whoops - i forgot the USDA IS THE SAME FRIGGING THING AS THE CATTLEMAN'S ASSOCIATION- not really any difference at all we even pay for everything for both org. !!!!! here is TRUTH-OUT & words of wisdom from a TRUE AMERICAN HERO; crossbowcommunications.com/mad-cow-disease-a-symptom-of-bigger-problems/
Yeah right, Nutritionists around the world recommend milk and dairy as part of a healthy diet just because of America wants it's citizens to drink milk. /s Sure, that makes a lot of sense, even when a lot of those other countries do NOT import US milk (or any crappy US food stuffs at all). American exceptionalism is alive and well it seems. The video is filled with half truths and outright lies. In the past milk was not a minor part of the diet of a minor part of the worlds population. It has been a significant part of most of Eurasia, Northern and Eastern Africa for centuries. From the Mongols to the Maasai, from the Finns to the Mughals, from the ancient Israelite to the ancient Orcadians. In fact the only parts of the world where dairy was not important was Southern and Western Africa, the Americas and Oceania.
+Sleeper beat me to it, I looked it up and vox's story is kind of true... that's why powerful people can and will abuse regular uninformed people by just runnig ads and propaganda to control peoples mind during wars and other issues... just look at middle east, they're blowing themselves up because theyt have been under influence of brainwashing all along.. man world is so f**ked up...
+somebody If government didn't get involved, it wouldn't have happened though. The only way milk could have gotten bigger was by people actually wanting it, which may have not happened. And if it was just people demanding it rather than government, the demand could go away with these facts proving milk isn't helpful. But when government controls it, people can't reverse it. That's why that one guy in the video said, "I think its impossible at this time because of the political forces...." This is why we need smaller government that doesn't have power over our individual autonomy. The greatest hypocrisy of the left is that they think government is corrupt, but want more of it. The greatest hypocrisy of the right is that they say they want smaller government, but do nothing about it. #Petersen2016
+Nick Hancock The right lies every time they say they want a smaller government, but history shows that every time a republican is in office they always do the opposite.
Finally, the truth is being told. I have gone from a crusader against juice to a mauler of milk. Too many parents fret that their children do not drink enough milk, and I need to persuade them that dairy is completely unnecessary.
Almond Milk shitty taste? I don't think so.. Why would so many non vegans liked it.. Speaking about shitty things.. learn about pus in the cows milk = Gross.
+Facundo Cabrera - Try "Almond Breeze" brand if you can get them.. or Alpro brand is good too.. I agree that some companies are not the best in creating nice flavor, but this is typical.. even when you compare orange juices.. some company will pick some nice oranges for their taste and some will just take any without the care about the flavor..
Try Almond Breeze almond milk that is "reduced sugar" with some vanilla added. They sell it in Whole Foods, Pavilions, etc. The taste is incredible. Honestly, it tastes exactly like milk to me, and it has no animal hormones (naturally secreted in milk by cows to make their babies grow and gain weight quickly, these hormones are proven to cause acne in humans) and it has more calcium than milk (naturally, almonds have a lot of calcium, it's not added artificially.) Pure, unsweetened almond milk tastes bad to me too. But the lightly sweetened vanilla = heaven. The "drink milk" thing is a complete scam and is actually very bad for your health. Proud of you, Vox, for talking about it.
I had never been crazy about milk anyway but had grown up drinking it. When I first stopped drinking it completely for a couple of months I had actually developed a light allergy to it. It hurts my stomach now, but I don't care because I know I don't need it anyway.
It's so easy and cheap too. It's remarkable that people still make excuses to avoid going vegan. Oh well - my bank account is happy while dairy and meat prices grow increasingly inflated these days.
This is so frustrating. The fact that our government wastes billions of taxpayers's money to convince us meat, dairy, and eggs are essential to be healthy when they aren't is so stupid.
+Conswa McGaga Welllllll it's the guys and girls who own the private milk industry who topple the first domino. If it weren't for them trying to make profit at the expense of (insert reason here), government official's campaigns wouldn't have been funded, leading to winning their election, leading to a return-in-favor with government legislation approving dairy industry subsidies and daily recommendation of dairy, and government sponsored advertisement with Kobe Bryant, and etc etc. It didn't start with government, is my point.
Tyler Simpson Not even capitalism. Capitalism doesn't require suppression of morals and ethics. It just means drawing advantages, benefits, gains, and profits. It doesn't explicitly mean at all costs. It's like saying "Good ol freedom. If it weren't for freedom, people wouldn't be killing each other. Freedom allows people to kill each other" Freedom doesn't kill people, it's the willingness and an avenue to do so. Capitalism doesn't create unethical greed, it's people's willingness and an avenue to do so. It's really hard to convince a business owner that they should give up, lose millions, and just go out of business because their product isn't in demand anymore; that it's for the benefit of their fellow human. "C'mon man just lose everything and go millions in debt, too-bad-so-sad for your family to take care of, do it for the american people..." So if they can stay in business, somehow, with imagination and determination, they'll try and sometimes in disregard to any negative consequences to others. Self preservation.
Joe Well it's a mix. And it really depends which one of the 19 varieties of Silk brand almond/soy milk you're drinking, which is why I asked. The Vanilla Soy Milk, for example. Yes half the fat. Not much less sugar. Not much less protein. Look at the unsweetened almond milk; that's why almond and soy are regarded as healthier. Less calories, zero sugar. Flavored stuff is marginally healthier. Same with yogurt. Yogurt is healthy,but flavored and sugared yogurt is just sugar candy and defeats the purpose. Whole Milk, 1 cup Calories 150 Tot Fat 8g Sugar 11g Protein 8g Vanilla Almond Milk, 1 cup Calories 90 Tot Fat 2.5g Sugar 16g Protein 1g Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 cup Calories 30 Tot Fat 2.5 Sugar 0g Protein 1g Vanilla Soy Milk, 1 cup Calories 100 Tot Fat 3.5g Sugar 9g Protein 6g Very Vanilla Soy Milk, 1 cup Calories 130 Tot Fat 3.5g Sugar 15g Protein 6g
+Charles Kuhn Not all soy milk has this immediate reaction, I know what you mean. Some brands add ingredients due to the recipe trying to make soy milk or milk alternative have the same texture as milk. It is hard to find other brands that actually taste like how the product should or at least very appetizing.
Damn all those politicians. I'm lactose intolerant and was always forced to get a milk with my lunch. To not waste it, I would just give it to a friend.
You should be blaming big business for lobbying and infiltrating big government. Look up the revolving door and lobbying before you speak about things you don't get.
same here dude. had no idea i had lactose intolerance until i started drinking soy milk and no longer had digestive problems and sporadic episodes of diarrhea lol
Marketing won't work if we just spend a little bit of time to research on the food we eat. Just like milk, orange producers spend a lot of money to convince people that you need to consume oranges to get the vitamin c you need. But do they tell you that you can get more vitamin c per weight from peppers, berries, or kiwi? Trust no one, but yourself.
@@thephilosopher5799 That's actually how we know it's an evolutionary advantage to be able to drink it. Only those near domesticated cattle developed the ability to drink cow milk.
That brings up a point. Why isn't there a "big fitness, big vegetables, and big clean water?" It's always average or shitty products that throw money at government. We can never end corrupt politicians.. So let's corrupt them with money from good sources like "big charity!"
You are incorrect, there is a solution to corrupt politicians… It’s taken me many years to draft but there’s a solution which I’m hoping to get analyzed and deemed achievable.
"There's this idea that we have to drink milk to be healthy." Not where I live, or at least I've never had that idea. Milk is for babies hell cow babies, isn't it actually pretty bad for adults? There's a reason most mammals, and even most humans, are lactose intolerant as adults.
As more humans started to migrate up north, some of them grew a tolerance to dairy because their bodies had lack of nourishment from not being able to grow crops. If you look at the geography of the migration of humans, you will notice a ton of Americans are related to people who were in the northern parts of Europe.
I grew up seeing that "Got Milk?" campaign when I went to the library, on my pencils, on posters in the school cafeteria..just about everywhere. To me and all the children around me it sent a clear message: "You need dairy" And that's what school lunches fed us, a milk with every meal, up until you graduated from high school. I went to public school in the southern USA.
Its not bad for adults. Actually milk is a healthy drink. If you are worry about the fat, then as long as you drink non fat milk, it provides with a good amount of protein, calcium and some carbs. You dont have to drink milk to be healthy but saying Milk is bad, its not true.
As someone from Wisconsin I can never imagine the dairy farmers here letting the recommendations for milk in dietary guidelines go down. Such a powerful industry here.
***** That wasn't the reason I was thinking of personally, but sure. Mind you I said vegan-esque. I was referring more to the statement of fact that diary isn't a necessary foodstuff for humans, which is noted almost exclusively by vegans afaik.
poodlelord It's weird because people will scorn breast milk (which is very good for babies) but then they'll drink milk from other species (what are we, baby cows?) I'm lactose intolerant but I drink milk and eat cheese, even though it occasionally makes me want to throw up just thinking about it. I was raised to be dependent on it. The dairy farmers admitted that plant-based mills are good substitutes, so I've been trying to use that.
EyebrowDimension I still consume cheese and drink lactose-free milk, but I’ve been using more substitutes in recipes. Still can’t stand the taste of soy milk.
We actually get local raw milk; so much healthier since it has the enzymes to let you digest it. The only issue can be bacteria, but that is only an issue with the way large dairy companies treat their cows. Since we get organic, grass fed milk, and the people who own the cows sterilize all the equipment before milking. I have met these cows, and I know that they are happy. The milk is healthier, and I am supporting local, humane farmers that love what they do. Just some food for thought :)
Not to mention all the sugar/carbs in milk. As a diabetic, it is recommended that one drink a glass of milk to rebound from a hypoglycemic event. Just think about that.
We need milk for our coffees, yogurts, sour creams, cheeses, ice creams, whipped creams, cream pastas, and anything that requires butter which is basically any dish at our restaurant because it tastes good. They still feel the need to force it on us so we take it like vitamins. That's just greedy and evil.
im trying to cut all dairy/meat. On Sunday I ate a big bawl of pasta with lentils, chickpeas, black beans and pumpkin seeds and I felt like a bird but i was into it. But then today I ate a pizza with tons of bacon and cheese and i was into it aswell.
The history of ASDA (Walmart in US) backs up the story: ... its original name was "Associated Dairies": "The origins of the ASDA Group are to be found in the efforts of English dairy farmers to protect themselves from falling milk prices after World War I. When wartime price controls were lifted and England began once again to import large quantities of European dairy products, local milk prices fell sharply and showed every sign of continuing to do so. Various legislative remedies were devised, but in the meantime a Yorkshire dairy farmer named J.W. Hindell led a number of his fellows in the creation of Hindell's Dairy Farmers Limited, a 1920 partnership whose purpose was to acquire or build both wholesale and retail outlets for their milk, in that way securing for themselves a steady market and a floor price". Source: FundingUniverse
The seven food groups chart also says butter is a food group. Josh Way actually does a really funny riff on the Foundation Foods film where that chart comes from.
What about corn? If the government just cut the bullshit and got rid of all these kickbac- I mean, subsidies, we could probably crush the deficit in no time!
but then how would we impoverish mexico with our exports! Where will we find the cheap immigrant labor what fules our cappitalist nation if they arn't forced to leave their homeland in surch of prostperity!? YOUR RUNING THE WHOLE SYSTEM
We could also legalize weed and acid and tax the hell out of it. (for the record, I have never done any illegal drugs, I just thibk it would be a great scource of government revenue)
Yep, congrats Emily Chan on not funding animal cruelty, contributing to world hunger, and contributing to the destruction of the environment and all the life in it. Definitely worth a congrats. See www.cowspiracy.com/facts to see all these facts explained in detail, all claims linked to peer-reviewed scientific publications.
I can’t stand the dishonesty. Milk has higher quality protein than beans. It is the reason that body builders drink powdered whey (milk byproduct). While kale may have the same amount of calcium, 1 cup is much harder to consume than 1 cup of milk. milk is a great part of a balanced diet.
This makes me very tempted to go vegan. Right now I'm just not drinking milk and I'm avoiding red meats. I don't think I'll ever want to make the commitment though.
if you live near a supermarket it has never been easier to go vegan! If you're on a budget stick to whole plant foods like rice, beans, potatoes, corn as your staples and canned/frozen veggies and fruits. If money is no object there are vegan treats to replace nearly every craving you may currently have. Vegan alternatives to dairy products in particular have come a LONG way! So many delicious things out there to try. I encourage you to continue reading and watching more about living a vegan lifestyle, it's really empowering to arm yourself with knowledge and vote with your dollar every time you eat :)
It's not too hard. If you replace milk, cheese, butter, and mayo with vegan substitutes then there's barely anything you have to give up. Rice, soy sauce, and veggies are a good stable diet and a lot of boxed food is already vegan. Cereal, crackers, chips and oreos are usually vegan. You're gonna' want to incorporate a lot of fruit and veggies, spinach is usually something you can put in anything, so are mushrooms. And banana icecream is always great. Be sure to get nutritional yeast though, you need your b12 or you'll get sick. Don't worry, it tastes like cheese, you'll want to eat it anyway. ;)
So weird. A lot of immigrants don't understand why North Americans drink so much milk and eat so much dairy. It's part of the culture. My brother's elementary school even had a milk room. ...and yes, this dairy industrial complex exists in Canada too.
Well. That's a really successful ad campaign. I don't remember a week where I didn't drink milk at least once in my life. Good job big dairy, good job.
+fahadabid They did a study where, (because most people don't have self control), skin milk was actually worse for weight loss. Whole milk fills you up so you eat less, while skin milk left people still hungry and they typically ate more calories then they were saving by drinking skin milk.
+xbaumann Consuming more calories than you expend is bad for weight loss. Drink a quart of milk a day but expend 500 more calories total than you use = weight loss.
I'm all for the big-dairy government partnership. The government should subsidize and promote American agriculture in all of its forms. I would be for the government promotion of broccoli, and other fruits and vegetables. Organic vegetables should be cheaper than a family night out at McDonalds. The government sponsorship has kept milk cheap and dairy farms strong--that's a good thing.
While I'm not saying that Vox is unreliable, and I do believe that they did put a lot of time and effort into this study, I do wish that they put the sources in the description or something. I'm doing a research essay based off of a similar topic, hence why I'm here.
+Amber Rose lol. Early humans domesticated all those fruits and vegetables you like to eat too. Most of those plants were inedible in their earlier forms. Don't be obtuse.
Dairy is the reason so many of us (including myself) suffer from autoimmune diseases. All milk cartons should come with the warning "not intended for human consumption", cause it's for baby calves.
+Adam Nope lol nope not like that at all..apples are made to be eaten by animals (including humans) so that we poop out the seeds bc poop is fertilizer for the seed...apples are tasty and full of sugar to make them more appealing to you so you eat them.
Never thought about this. It's possible that I have been digestively sensitive to dairy for a while, so knowing that the government and dairy farms are pushing milk to get rid of it makes me feel a little less unhealthy. I still drink small amounts for the purpose of maintaining my weight, though.
Milk is a food designed to make a cow go from around 30kg to almost 70kg in about 10 months, why would you recommend it for humans? there are better calcium alternatives as the video points.
i never used to drink milk because i was lactose intolerant and i was so concerned that i didnt 'got milk' and would subsequently die of osteoporosis or whatnot- and it was all a lie!! so glad im vegan now smh
We live in such a sad world full of lies...Thanks VOX for this video. I had a friend reveal this all to me, and I wrote a paper about it for college, but this video summed it up very well!
Funny part, according to an article my chemistry teacher once demonstrated to the class, there was research being done on linking milk with a certain cancers. At the time, when I knew little on the topic, it made sense. does anyone have any more information regarding this topic?
If you drink too much of it you will have cancer. FDA dose is a lie. One liter a week is a good dose. And you don't drink milk when period is nearing coz it will make it painful
i'm from ecuador ,were people think that without milk you cant live healthy or grow , but i dont consume milk and im taller that my adults siblings being 15
@@sophiakelly9640 What rubbish you people are talking about. How many people can be fed with almond, oats or soya milk? Jeez. With genetic engineering you can produce cows that give twice the current amount of milk.
@@abhishekdev258 First off nobody needs milk (except newborns who need their mother's milk) so it's not a necessity, just something you could use in your cereal etc. Second, those cows take up a LOT of water, crop, land, and they give off a lot of waste and methane emissions (more emissions than every single car, plane, train etc). Plant milks do not use as much land, water, and obviously no crop.
@@sophiakelly9640 "First nobody needs milk" You are a "Post Modernist" aren't you? *Sorry to burst your bubble but growing Children need MILK and dairy products and so does the elderly. You can ask any doctor* I have heard a lot about vegan milk. Frankly just check the content of your vegan milk, it contains less than 10% of "Milk" and rest is just sugar water and preservative. And men and women should also use milk I mean it is a complete food and a great way of getting rid of solid food for dinner.
This is where your income taxes go to people. Time to wake up. Also, nothing is impossible, it will change when you, as the consumer, STOP purchasing it.
+Caracal The thing is, that there exist alternatives to milk that taste good, if not better than cow milk. The problem is that the government and milk industries have essentially brainwashed people into thinking milk is essential.
Interesting but milk is still nutritional and delicious. It's a great source of nutrition when you don't feel like or have time to eat food (me in the morning)
Dairy actually causes osteoporosis rather than prevent it. How many women who consume dairy on a regular basis who have the disease actually feel better? It depletes your bones of calcium because your body has to use calcium to digest protein and there is more protein in the milk than there is calcium, which means it has to take calcium from the bones to finish digesting it. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will give your body enough of the calcium it needs.
The fact is a low meat low dairy diet is very bad for children. If you deprive your children of red meat and dairy they will be smaller and weaker than their classmates.
Watching this video was actually really interesting for a British guy - we don't drink milk at all, really. The only time I use milk is in cups of tea and bowls of cereal.
Ray Chadwick Yeah, I guess you're right, they had in schools that I went to as well, but it wasn't compulsory so some people didn't have any. I would say that the only time I've ever drunk milk itself was in my childhood.
Alex Howe I guess the milk lobby isn't as prominent in the UK. We don't see chocolate milk, cherry milk or sugared milk everywhere, just different degrees of skimmed.
man I've been saying this for years and everyone just thinks I'm crazy
+Kevvlio Same here. People have acted like I'm some crazy health nut that only wants to eat kale and chickpeas or something. I lost all the excess weight I had (like 70 lbs) when I stopped dairy and drastically cut down on meat. Haven't even come close to putting any of it back on.
Actually we most likely are all crazy thanks to meat/ dairy ind. Even though the USDA says Mad Cow/ BSE USA is not here in America and has been actively involved in an extensive criminal cover - up of Mad Cow DISEASE and the USDA is lying and saying that this disease they have created through horrific total animal abuse is not infectious ( hey thats the exact same thing the cattleman's association says- whoops - i forgot the USDA IS THE SAME FRIGGING THING AS THE CATTLEMAN'S ASSOCIATION- not really any difference at all we even pay for everything for both org. !!!!! here is TRUTH-OUT & words of wisdom from a TRUE AMERICAN HERO; crossbowcommunications.com/mad-cow-disease-a-symptom-of-bigger-problems/
You're not. The majority is (for falling into the marketing traps)
Puts a whole new meaning to the term cash cow
The gov been milking those milk ads for way too long
Yeah right, Nutritionists around the world recommend milk and dairy as part of a healthy diet just because of America wants it's citizens to drink milk. /s Sure, that makes a lot of sense, even when a lot of those other countries do NOT import US milk (or any crappy US food stuffs at all).
American exceptionalism is alive and well it seems.
The video is filled with half truths and outright lies. In the past milk was not a minor part of the diet of a minor part of the worlds population. It has been a significant part of most of Eurasia, Northern and Eastern Africa for centuries. From the Mongols to the Maasai, from the Finns to the Mughals, from the ancient Israelite to the ancient Orcadians. In fact the only parts of the world where dairy was not important was Southern and Western Africa, the Americas and Oceania.
Puts the original etymological origin of the expression 'cash cow' into its proper context you mean.
Oh god. Even milk is bullshit.
+Sleeper beat me to it, I looked it up and vox's story is kind of true... that's why powerful people can and will abuse regular uninformed people by just runnig ads and propaganda to control peoples mind during wars and other issues... just look at middle east, they're blowing themselves up because theyt have been under influence of brainwashing all along.. man world is so f**ked up...
+somebody If government didn't get involved, it wouldn't have happened though. The only way milk could have gotten bigger was by people actually wanting it, which may have not happened. And if it was just people demanding it rather than government, the demand could go away with these facts proving milk isn't helpful. But when government controls it, people can't reverse it. That's why that one guy in the video said, "I think its impossible at this time because of the political forces...." This is why we need smaller government that doesn't have power over our individual autonomy. The greatest hypocrisy of the left is that they think government is corrupt, but want more of it. The greatest hypocrisy of the right is that they say they want smaller government, but do nothing about it. #Petersen2016
+Nick Hancock The right lies every time they say they want a smaller government, but history shows that every time a republican is in office they always do the opposite.
+Sleeper You are addressing one BS about another BS.
Ah, the infamous milk industrial complex.
+RBuckminsterFuller +1
What is that
+RBuckminsterFuller Also ice cream.
+Angela Gonzales He's making fun of the Military Industrial Complex
That's utterly hilarious.
As someone who's lactose intolerant, this upsets my stomach.
That is how modern capitalism works.. Demand doesn't regulate the market, the market creates the demand.
yep-it's supply THEN demand,not the reverse. Advertising is how the rich beg.
Man, sometimes I think we should go into a reformation for decreasing corruption from food, like sugar, milk, and a handful of other things
Finally, the truth is being told. I have gone from a crusader against juice to a mauler of milk. Too many parents fret that their children do not drink enough milk, and I need to persuade them that dairy is completely unnecessary.
what is wrong with juice? other than the sugars and fructose syrup
but i just like milk
When you're just drinking a glass of milk reading these comments and reevaluating your life
I hope your still drinking milk
Plant Based Milks = So many flavours! + Happy Cows :)
= Shitty taste
Almond Milk shitty taste? I don't think so..
Why would so many non vegans liked it..
Speaking about shitty things.. learn about pus in the cows milk = Gross.
it tastes good at the begining but at the end it has a wood flavour
+Facundo Cabrera - Try "Almond Breeze" brand if you can get them.. or Alpro brand is good too..
I agree that some companies are not the best in creating nice flavor, but this is typical..
even when you compare orange juices.. some company will pick some nice oranges for their taste and some will just take any without the care about the flavor..
Try Almond Breeze almond milk that is "reduced sugar" with some vanilla added. They sell it in Whole Foods, Pavilions, etc. The taste is incredible. Honestly, it tastes exactly like milk to me, and it has no animal hormones (naturally secreted in milk by cows to make their babies grow and gain weight quickly, these hormones are proven to cause acne in humans) and it has more calcium than milk (naturally, almonds have a lot of calcium, it's not added artificially.) Pure, unsweetened almond milk tastes bad to me too. But the lightly sweetened vanilla = heaven. The "drink milk" thing is a complete scam and is actually very bad for your health. Proud of you, Vox, for talking about it.
I had never been crazy about milk anyway but had grown up drinking it. When I first stopped drinking it completely for a couple of months I had actually developed a light allergy to it. It hurts my stomach now, but I don't care because I know I don't need it anyway.
I am a vegan. I drink water or soy and loads of veggies. My calcium, bone density, iron, cholesterol and sugar numbers are spot on.
And ?? Do you a vegan cookie
@@countesselizabeth what
@@davidcarias4407 Does Diane a vegan cookie?
It's so easy and cheap too. It's remarkable that people still make excuses to avoid going vegan. Oh well - my bank account is happy while dairy and meat prices grow increasingly inflated these days.
This is so frustrating. The fact that our government wastes billions of taxpayers's money to convince us meat, dairy, and eggs are essential to be healthy when they aren't is so stupid.
+Conswa McGaga
Welllllll it's the guys and girls who own the private milk industry who topple the first domino. If it weren't for them trying to make profit at the expense of (insert reason here), government official's campaigns wouldn't have been funded, leading to winning their election, leading to a return-in-favor with government legislation approving dairy industry subsidies and daily recommendation of dairy, and government sponsored advertisement with Kobe Bryant, and etc etc.
It didn't start with government, is my point.
good ol capitalism
Tyler Simpson
Not even capitalism. Capitalism doesn't require suppression of morals and ethics. It just means drawing advantages, benefits, gains, and profits. It doesn't explicitly mean at all costs.
It's like saying "Good ol freedom. If it weren't for freedom, people wouldn't be killing each other. Freedom allows people to kill each other"
Freedom doesn't kill people, it's the willingness and an avenue to do so. Capitalism doesn't create unethical greed, it's people's willingness and an avenue to do so.
It's really hard to convince a business owner that they should give up, lose millions, and just go out of business because their product isn't in demand anymore; that it's for the benefit of their fellow human. "C'mon man just lose everything and go millions in debt, too-bad-so-sad for your family to take care of, do it for the american people..."
So if they can stay in business, somehow, with imagination and determination, they'll try and sometimes in disregard to any negative consequences to others.
Self preservation.
mhill2468 i guess a better word for it would be corpocracy then, since that's what we live in.
+Conswa McGaga
Oh kool, I never heard that word. Had to google it. Now I know corpocracy. Didn't know there was a term for that.
These videos are great, really love your guys content.
Cauliflower is way better, pan fried with butter and a bit of salt and pepper, mmmmmm!
even better with cheese sauce, or a spring vegetable medley like a pasta prima verde.
I smell a new comment war starting.
it is tasty but it is expensive in my country
you've clearly been bought out by big broccoli. brussel's sprouts are the way to go
I switched to almond and soy milk years ago. It honestly tastes a lot better imo
mhill2468 Its healthier than regular milk. Way less fats, sugar, and almost an equal amount of protein (for the soy at least).
Well it's a mix. And it really depends which one of the 19 varieties of Silk brand almond/soy milk you're drinking, which is why I asked.
The Vanilla Soy Milk, for example. Yes half the fat. Not much less sugar. Not much less protein.
Look at the unsweetened almond milk; that's why almond and soy are regarded as healthier. Less calories, zero sugar. Flavored stuff is marginally healthier.
Same with yogurt. Yogurt is healthy,but flavored and sugared yogurt is just sugar candy and defeats the purpose.
Whole Milk, 1 cup
Calories 150
Tot Fat 8g
Sugar 11g
Protein 8g
Vanilla Almond Milk, 1 cup
Calories 90
Tot Fat 2.5g
Sugar 16g
Protein 1g
Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 cup
Calories 30
Tot Fat 2.5
Sugar 0g
Protein 1g
Vanilla Soy Milk, 1 cup
Calories 100
Tot Fat 3.5g
Sugar 9g
Protein 6g
Very Vanilla Soy Milk, 1 cup
Calories 130
Tot Fat 3.5g
Sugar 15g
Protein 6g
+mhill2468 Sugar ain't all that bad actually, It's better than casein and pus from cow's milk.
Soy milk has this "pukey" factor almost like my stomach can't take it. I switched to rice milk, delicious with oats and dried fruits in the morning!
+Charles Kuhn Not all soy milk has this immediate reaction, I know what you mean. Some brands add ingredients due to the recipe trying to make soy milk or milk alternative have the same texture as milk. It is hard to find other brands that actually taste like how the product should or at least very appetizing.
Damn all those politicians. I'm lactose intolerant and was always forced to get a milk with my lunch.
To not waste it, I would just give it to a friend.
It's like how Japan is forcing children to eat whale meat. Poor children are always the target of corporations. 😭
When I was in school, lactose intolerant kids got apple juice.
@@user-sf9gs2pg1b lucky.
my parents forced me to drink milk even though i'm lactose intolerant. thanks government
Nooooo, blame your parents not the government.
You should be blaming big business for lobbying and infiltrating big government. Look up the revolving door and lobbying before you speak about things you don't get.
0IIIIII I believe the original comment was trolling, thus my comment wasn't serious. Relax 0IIIII
same here dude. had no idea i had lactose intolerance until i started drinking soy milk and no longer had digestive problems and sporadic episodes of diarrhea lol
+Frank Feola finally somebody speaks internet
Marketing won't work if we just spend a little bit of time to research on the food we eat.
Just like milk, orange producers spend a lot of money to convince people that you need to consume oranges to get the vitamin c you need. But do they tell you that you can get more vitamin c per weight from peppers, berries, or kiwi?
Trust no one, but yourself.
Love this channel. Keep it comin'!
Just because you can digest it doesn't necessarily mean it was meant for you.
+Sofia L. Actually, humans evolved to be ABLE to digest it. It is definitely a healthy thing to drink, but not a necessity.
No it’s meant for baby cows it’s literally nutrients to grow a calf not a human
@@treyroy755 some humans can’t digest it. A lot are lactose intolerant
@@thephilosopher5799 That's actually how we know it's an evolutionary advantage to be able to drink it. Only those near domesticated cattle developed the ability to drink cow milk.
That brings up a point. Why isn't there a "big fitness, big vegetables, and big clean water?"
It's always average or shitty products that throw money at government.
We can never end corrupt politicians.. So let's corrupt them with money from good sources like "big charity!"
You are incorrect, there is a solution to corrupt politicians… It’s taken me many years to draft but there’s a solution which I’m hoping to get analyzed and deemed achievable.
"There's this idea that we have to drink milk to be healthy."
Not where I live, or at least I've never had that idea. Milk is for babies hell cow babies, isn't it actually pretty bad for adults? There's a reason most mammals, and even most humans, are lactose intolerant as adults.
As more humans started to migrate up north, some of them grew a tolerance to dairy because their bodies had lack of nourishment from not being able to grow crops. If you look at the geography of the migration of humans, you will notice a ton of Americans are related to people who were in the northern parts of Europe.
Got milks?
I grew up seeing that "Got Milk?" campaign when I went to the library, on my pencils, on posters in the school cafeteria..just about everywhere. To me and all the children around me it sent a clear message: "You need dairy" And that's what school lunches fed us, a milk with every meal, up until you graduated from high school. I went to public school in the southern USA.
Its not bad for adults. Actually milk is a healthy drink. If you are worry about the fat, then as long as you drink non fat milk, it provides with a good amount of protein, calcium and some carbs.
You dont have to drink milk to be healthy but saying Milk is bad, its not true.
As someone from Wisconsin I can never imagine the dairy farmers here letting the recommendations for milk in dietary guidelines go down. Such a powerful industry here.
Woah. A vegan-esque video? In my Vox? Apparently, it was more likely than I thought.
+Disko H Yep... sounds pretty vegan to me.
***** That wasn't the reason I was thinking of personally, but sure. Mind you I said vegan-esque. I was referring more to the statement of fact that diary isn't a necessary foodstuff for humans, which is noted almost exclusively by vegans afaik.
***** Good point.
Milk is actually pretty awful for you
poodlelord It's weird because people will scorn breast milk (which is very good for babies) but then they'll drink milk from other species (what are we, baby cows?)
I'm lactose intolerant but I drink milk and eat cheese, even though it occasionally makes me want to throw up just thinking about it. I was raised to be dependent on it.
The dairy farmers admitted that plant-based mills are good substitutes, so I've been trying to use that.
@@PandaA1257 How are you doing now? Have you quit dairy?
EyebrowDimension I still consume cheese and drink lactose-free milk, but I’ve been using more substitutes in recipes. Still can’t stand the taste of soy milk.
I love milk
No milk is very healthy
Damn it! Hank Green was right...again :P
why what did he say
+b1merio Is that the "one of my favorite tastes" guy?
+robsab20 He is the guy from Scishow, with the glasses.
+b1merio what did he say???????
+Brian Moya Hank Green is among other things a youtuber, he makes videos and uploads them on UA-cam
We actually get local raw milk; so much healthier since it has the enzymes to let you digest it. The only issue can be bacteria, but that is only an issue with the way large dairy companies treat their cows. Since we get organic, grass fed milk, and the people who own the cows sterilize all the equipment before milking. I have met these cows, and I know that they are happy. The milk is healthier, and I am supporting local, humane farmers that love what they do. Just some food for thought :)
I stop drinking milk years ago and it did wonders for my health
Not to mention all the sugar/carbs in milk. As a diabetic, it is recommended that one drink a glass of milk to rebound from a hypoglycemic event. Just think about that.
We need milk for our coffees, yogurts, sour creams, cheeses, ice creams, whipped creams, cream pastas, and anything that requires butter which is basically any dish at our restaurant because it tastes good. They still feel the need to force it on us so we take it like vitamins. That's just greedy and evil.
If you think about it we're the only mammal that drinks another mammal's milk.
im trying to cut all dairy/meat. On Sunday I ate a big bawl of pasta with lentils, chickpeas, black beans and pumpkin seeds and I felt like a bird but i was into it. But then today I ate a pizza with tons of bacon and cheese and i was into it aswell.
+meredith coteau Ha, what a story Mark
you can do it, I went straight into being vegan and like the first week or two is kinda hard but then it gets pretty easy or at least it was for me.
Volkhova literally same!lmao I need to invest $$ and time into cooking w vegan substitutes for meat/dairy
The history of ASDA (Walmart in US) backs up the story: ... its original name was "Associated Dairies":
"The origins of the ASDA Group are to be found in the efforts of English dairy farmers to protect themselves from falling milk prices after World War I. When wartime price controls were lifted and England began once again to import large quantities of European dairy products, local milk prices fell sharply and showed every sign of continuing to do so. Various legislative remedies were devised, but in the meantime a Yorkshire dairy farmer named J.W. Hindell led a number of his fellows in the creation of Hindell's Dairy Farmers Limited, a 1920 partnership whose purpose was to acquire or build both wholesale and retail outlets for their milk, in that way securing for themselves a steady market and a floor price". Source: FundingUniverse
i drink milk on a dairy basis
ffs I laughed way too much at this 😂😂😂
+Der Nudelexpress Thats a cheesy joke
nice pun
+Der Nudelexpress That's fine but you should drink it because you like it, not because you think it's healthy.
The seven food groups chart also says butter is a food group. Josh Way actually does a really funny riff on the Foundation Foods film where that chart comes from.
What about corn? If the government just cut the bullshit and got rid of all these kickbac- I mean, subsidies, we could probably crush the deficit in no time!
but then how would we impoverish mexico with our exports! Where will we find the cheap immigrant labor what fules our cappitalist nation if they arn't forced to leave their homeland in surch of prostperity!? YOUR RUNING THE WHOLE SYSTEM
+Reece Crump man i cant spell for a song.
We could also legalize weed and acid and tax the hell out of it. (for the record, I have never done any illegal drugs, I just thibk it would be a great scource of government revenue)
***** GMO does not equate to poison, or evil.
If they're so awesome, then why do we still subsidize it? hint: lobbying has a great return on investment.
As European this does explain the American obsession with milk for me. I drink like a glass of milk once a week.
This is why I'm vegan
Yep, congrats Emily Chan on not funding animal cruelty, contributing to world hunger, and contributing to the destruction of the environment and all the life in it. Definitely worth a congrats.
See www.cowspiracy.com/facts to see all these facts explained in detail, all claims linked to peer-reviewed scientific publications.
No it's not. I doubt if the dairy industry steps down their lobbying you'll go suck on a sausage. Because it's not because of this you're a vegan.
N o o n e c a r e s
Christopher Mulder, omnivore?
I can’t stand the dishonesty. Milk has higher quality protein than beans. It is the reason that body builders drink powdered whey (milk byproduct). While kale may have the same amount of calcium, 1 cup is much harder to consume than 1 cup of milk. milk is a great part of a balanced diet.
Easy lol
This makes me very tempted to go vegan. Right now I'm just not drinking milk and I'm avoiding red meats. I don't think I'll ever want to make the commitment though.
if you live near a supermarket it has never been easier to go vegan! If you're on a budget stick to whole plant foods like rice, beans, potatoes, corn as your staples and canned/frozen veggies and fruits. If money is no object there are vegan treats to replace nearly every craving you may currently have. Vegan alternatives to dairy products in particular have come a LONG way! So many delicious things out there to try. I encourage you to continue reading and watching more about living a vegan lifestyle, it's really empowering to arm yourself with knowledge and vote with your dollar every time you eat :)
"I could never go vegan"
-every vegan before they went vegan
It's not too hard. If you replace milk, cheese, butter, and mayo with vegan substitutes then there's barely anything you have to give up. Rice, soy sauce, and veggies are a good stable diet and a lot of boxed food is already vegan. Cereal, crackers, chips and oreos are usually vegan. You're gonna' want to incorporate a lot of fruit and veggies, spinach is usually something you can put in anything, so are mushrooms. And banana icecream is always great. Be sure to get nutritional yeast though, you need your b12 or you'll get sick. Don't worry, it tastes like cheese, you'll want to eat it anyway. ;)
Why only red, discrimination and pointless to ur cause
Tommy Tucker OP isn't vegan atm. They may want to avoid red meat because red meat is worse for you than other meats.
almond milk is better anyway...
+James Bond why would u want fat??
+Laurel Matia fat is essential it helps you absorb vitamins
+Alice Wynter you guys don't even know what life is about until you've tried macadamia nut milk or oat milk...i like soy, too.
Well, I still mostly drink cow's milk
+wafeman17 Oat milk is floury water. I don't know how someone can drink that. Can't find macadamia in my country, I'll have to make some I guess :o
So weird. A lot of immigrants don't understand why North Americans drink so much milk and eat so much dairy. It's part of the culture. My brother's elementary school even had a milk room.
...and yes, this dairy industrial complex exists in Canada too.
Well. That's a really successful ad campaign. I don't remember a week where I didn't drink milk at least once in my life. Good job big dairy, good job.
That's probably because of the casomorphin
it's sad that companies govern the country
I’m pretty sure the government... governs the country.
@@yipchad2248 Gov doesn't exist as ALL are corporations. Just a fiction of your imagination.
@TCTV Fam What the heck does that mean?
@@yipchad2248 the government gets governed by companies, effectively meaning that companies govern the country
We forgot we are humans and not cows
I used to drink milk everyday, but I'm on a weight loss diet and milk is one of the worst things you can have when trying to lose weight.
Whole fat milk. Skimed milk is good in weight loss
+xbaumann Just drink almond milk instead :)
+fahadabid umm no Skimed milk is just sugar water
They did a study where, (because most people don't have self control), skin milk was actually worse for weight loss.
Whole milk fills you up so you eat less, while skin milk left people still hungry and they typically ate more calories then they were saving by drinking skin milk.
+xbaumann Consuming more calories than you expend is bad for weight loss. Drink a quart of milk a day but expend 500 more calories total than you use = weight loss.
thank you so much for making this!!!
The idea of milk as an essential is such a sham and is harming people. Great video!!
I'm all for the big-dairy government partnership. The government should subsidize and promote American agriculture in all of its forms. I would be for the government promotion of broccoli, and other fruits and vegetables. Organic vegetables should be cheaper than a family night out at McDonalds. The government sponsorship has kept milk cheap and dairy farms strong--that's a good thing.
At the same time you don't need to eat everyday. You can lend on weekends. And if you eat junk your mind is junk
Reminds me of cowspiracy
great video m8s
I don't really like milk I'm not vegan or anything I just don't like the taste
Add sugar.
yeah thats healthy-not!
Lily pad You mean, unhealthy?
Leah Velásquez yes milk is unhealthy as well as adding sugar to it
Burton L ok
While I'm not saying that Vox is unreliable, and I do believe that they did put a lot of time and effort into this study, I do wish that they put the sources in the description or something. I'm doing a research essay based off of a similar topic, hence why I'm here.
Next time try emailing them
People shouldn't be drinking other species milk .
Early humans domesticated these animals so that we could.
+Amber Rose a fringe group most likely not the norm. Drinking milk is not on the same level as cannibalism.
+Amber Rose lol. Early humans domesticated all those fruits and vegetables you like to eat too. Most of those plants were inedible in their earlier forms. Don't be obtuse.
+Amber Rose But we have to feed 7 billion people Amber. We need that meat, milk and eggs.
Do you realize how much actual food and resources we waste every day to raise the animals that produce the milk, meat and eggs that none of us need?
Thank you thank you thank you thank you I feel like no one ever believes me when I explain this to them.
Dairy is the reason so many of us (including myself) suffer from autoimmune diseases. All milk cartons should come with the warning "not intended for human consumption", cause it's for baby calves.
Thats like saying you can't eat apples because it's meant for the seeds of the apple tree.
+Adam Nope lol nope not like that at all..apples are made to be eaten by animals (including humans) so that we poop out the seeds bc poop is fertilizer for the seed...apples are tasty and full of sugar to make them more appealing to you so you eat them.
Lovely. Thanks a bunch for the video. 💞
Imma stick with water and tea ,Arizona be lit 🔥🔥
Never thought about this. It's possible that I have been digestively sensitive to dairy for a while, so knowing that the government and dairy farms are pushing milk to get rid of it makes me feel a little less unhealthy. I still drink small amounts for the purpose of maintaining my weight, though.
Milk is a food designed to make a cow go from around 30kg to almost 70kg in about 10 months, why would you recommend it for humans? there are better calcium alternatives as the video points.
Always loved these videos. teaching me things i never would have known. It's like a clever version of buzzfeed!
You can make plant based milk easily at home cheap.
I make my own soymilk at home.
I’m listening…. Or I could research it but interaction is healthy.
i never used to drink milk because i was lactose intolerant and i was so concerned that i didnt 'got milk' and would subsequently die of osteoporosis or whatnot- and it was all a lie!! so glad im vegan now smh
*Before:* Ooh a new vox video!
*sips milk*
*during:* O cool it's about milk!
*After:* Milk is bad no more milk.
We live in such a sad world full of lies...Thanks VOX for this video. I had a friend reveal this all to me, and I wrote a paper about it for college, but this video summed it up very well!
Not your mom, not your milk. Go vegan!
Thats not the best analogy
theo pls go
Sorry... I prefer to have naturally obtained B-12 in my diet.
I love this channel so much.
Funny part, according to an article my chemistry teacher once demonstrated to the class, there was research being done on linking milk with a certain cancers. At the time, when I knew little on the topic, it made sense. does anyone have any more information regarding this topic?
If you drink too much of it you will have cancer. FDA dose is a lie. One liter a week is a good dose. And you don't drink milk when period is nearing coz it will make it painful
Congrats Vox never thought youd out Big Givernment.
We must stop drinking milk. We can get this nutrients from other source of plants please show compassion humans don't be demons
Great work on the video!
i'm from ecuador ,were people think that without milk you cant live healthy or grow , but i dont consume milk and im taller that my adults siblings being 15
thank god vox is finaly commenting on this respect
Vox, can you do a video on how factory farmed milk is produced?
i had bad acne for 6 years, 4 of which were spent on varying medications. i stopped consuming dairy and my acne went away in 2 weeks
I always disliked the taste of milk. Luckily, soy milk and almond milk were very popular in where I grew up.
Soy milk and Almond milk has HUGE carbon footprint.
Abhishek Dev almond milk does have a big carbon footprint but at least it’s not as much as cow’s milk. I personally prefer oat milk!
@@sophiakelly9640 What rubbish you people are talking about. How many people can be fed with almond, oats or soya milk? Jeez. With genetic engineering you can produce cows that give twice the current amount of milk.
@@abhishekdev258 First off nobody needs milk (except newborns who need their mother's milk) so it's not a necessity, just something you could use in your cereal etc. Second, those cows take up a LOT of water, crop, land, and they give off a lot of waste and methane emissions (more emissions than every single car, plane, train etc). Plant milks do not use as much land, water, and obviously no crop.
@@sophiakelly9640 "First nobody needs milk"
You are a "Post Modernist" aren't you? *Sorry to burst your bubble but growing Children need MILK and dairy products and so does the elderly. You can ask any doctor*
I have heard a lot about vegan milk. Frankly just check the content of your vegan milk, it contains less than 10% of "Milk" and rest is just sugar water and preservative.
And men and women should also use milk I mean it is a complete food and a great way of getting rid of solid food for dinner.
i love this channel
whole foods, plant based, vegan diet.
This is so eye opening! I was wondering why Americans are so obsessed with cheese
We need big broccoli to step in!
This is where your income taxes go to people. Time to wake up. Also, nothing is impossible, it will change when you, as the consumer, STOP purchasing it.
I love how you can just add the word 'big' to pretty much ANY industry and make it sound evil af.
usually the bigger some industry gets the more evil it becomes. A well earned reputation
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they are like it's nutritional than yours.. 😜
Milk ain't nutritional
+at_raddi I said my milkshake not milk. 😡
+roxycon my milkshake has banana, chickoo, protein powder, nuts, ice cream, cream, jelly, grapes and a bit of baileys
+roxycon when I was a little girl, I loved milk -- I'd drink galons... but now, I'm all grown up 😊
i love how milk tastes , specially with cereal , and so does everyone who likes milk and cereal :P
Do you also love acne, carrying excess weight and increasing your risk of chronic disease?
theinstigatorr yes
theinstigatorr breathing air makes you age , so don't breathe
+Caracal The thing is, that there exist alternatives to milk that taste good, if not better than cow milk.
The problem is that the government and milk industries have essentially brainwashed people into thinking milk is essential.
@@theinstigatorr true but some people get acne regardless. I stopped eating and drinking dairy and still get acne. The rest I agree on.
I've been teaching my students that milk is a captialist scam and they're actually really excited about this video
I haven't had a glass of milk in 2 months.
Interesting but milk is still nutritional and delicious. It's a great source of nutrition when you don't feel like or have time to eat food (me in the morning)
Dairy actually causes osteoporosis rather than prevent it. How many women who consume dairy on a regular basis who have the disease actually feel better? It depletes your bones of calcium because your body has to use calcium to digest protein and there is more protein in the milk than there is calcium, which means it has to take calcium from the bones to finish digesting it. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will give your body enough of the calcium it needs.
Studies have shown that milk consumption at a young age prevents the chance of osteoporosis.
Now this video is the education we all wish we got
Someone tag Freelee 😂😂😂
@Freelee REACT TO THIS!!!!
The fact is a low meat low dairy diet is very bad for children. If you deprive your children of red meat and dairy they will be smaller and weaker than their classmates.
That just shows how much you are affected by marketing.
Right? You don't have to be a genius to understand that. But for some reason, almost nobody does.
But the question still remains
Got milk?
Hungry for Apples?
thanks so much for this video
Watching this video was actually really interesting for a British guy - we don't drink milk at all, really. The only time I use milk is in cups of tea and bowls of cereal.
But we drink a whole lot of tea as a nation lol. I think we all need to cut down or stop completely to be honest :)
+Alex Howe We drank a small carton of milk twice a day in nursery and infant school.
Ray Chadwick Yeah, I guess you're right, they had in schools that I went to as well, but it wasn't compulsory so some people didn't have any. I would say that the only time I've ever drunk milk itself was in my childhood.
Alex Howe I guess the milk lobby isn't as prominent in the UK. We don't see chocolate milk, cherry milk or sugared milk everywhere, just different degrees of skimmed.
I hike, bike, skate, and do construction. I've been very active since I was a child. I've never broken a bone and Im lactose intolerant.
Milk is delicious
+theinstigatorr I did when I was a baby
+Jean-Marc Belliveau you can ask her if she wants to continue what she did for you as a baby and leave cows milk for baby cows
So is bleach
@@Mark-uk8wz Specially the lemon bleach
Thank you so much!
Milk is a godsend gift for cereals, though
Also there's no ad campaign in the world that would get me to start eating brocoli
***** with brocoli?
Poor people exist, though may not be visible from your ivory tower, but for us milk is a cheap source of nutrition.
Neurotic Knight true
Cereals are bad for you especially corn flakes and rice puffs. Cereals + Milk(protein + sugar) = insulin nightmare.
what a great Vox