Win Strength of Schedule (SoS) A measure of the quality of a player’s opponents - the total of opponent’s wins divided by the number of opponents Player A plays three opponents (B, C, D) who at the end of three rounds have B: 2 wins, C: 2 wins, and D: 1 win - the total of Player A’s opponent’s wins is 5. Therefore 5 / 3 = 1.67. Player A has a Win SoS of 1.67
Cos'è la sos?
Win Strength of Schedule (SoS)
A measure of the quality of a player’s opponents - the total of opponent’s wins divided by the number of opponents
Player A plays three opponents (B, C, D) who at the end of three rounds have B: 2 wins, C: 2 wins, and D: 1 win - the total of Player A’s opponent’s wins is 5. Therefore 5 / 3 = 1.67. Player A has a Win SoS of 1.67