Conqueror is pretty standard against Fiora. Technically it is "correct" to go grasp in losing matchups like Malphite or Gragas, but in solo que confident Jax players will go Conqueror even in losing matchups because they are playing to carry the game rather than playing to win lane.
you have to make sure to either include loading screen or lp gain so people don't say "wHaT eLo iS tHiS gOlD?!"
Why everytime conqueror and not lethal tempo ?
Well played !🙂
That level 1 was so close lol
man this guy always plays conqueror even against fiora like he never take grasp? or against tank matchups he do go grasp?
Conqueror is pretty standard against Fiora. Technically it is "correct" to go grasp in losing matchups like Malphite or Gragas, but in solo que confident Jax players will go Conqueror even in losing matchups because they are playing to carry the game rather than playing to win lane.