ESP and espionage: How psychics aided the U.S. government

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @Mewsfinder
    @Mewsfinder 4 роки тому +205

    Just remember we all laughed in the 80s when Bob lazar said Element 115 was real, 20-30 years later it turns out to be true. Same here

    • @endor8witch
      @endor8witch 3 роки тому +8

      this. ridicule is a tool to discredit information so people are not encouraged to search deeper

    • @tempotempotempo
      @tempotempotempo 3 роки тому +7

      Element 115, like the zombies element 115?

    • @K-----
      @K----- 3 роки тому +15

      I mean all of the elements exist. Thats why there are empty spots on the chats. The only thing that would matter to the story is if it can do what he says it can.

    • @MegaDuke1
      @MegaDuke1 3 роки тому +18

      Yeah, now there's 118 known elements. I predict there will be a 119th element and that it will be scientifically interesting. Please send me money.

    • @tempotempotempo
      @tempotempotempo 3 роки тому +4

      @@MegaDuke1 money sent

  • @loadedpipe1311
    @loadedpipe1311 3 роки тому +42

    The arrogance of scientist and their unwillingness to consider the possibility that things,beings and phenomenon exist beyond the realm of human perception,is their weakness.

    • @thomastebbutt1601
      @thomastebbutt1601 2 роки тому +5

      Close minded, sadly pride (a deadly sin) gets in the way. And also reputation. The physicist may have only said that to save face, so he doesn’t damage his career.

    • @loadedpipe1311
      @loadedpipe1311 2 роки тому +1

      @@thomastebbutt1601 Exactly my point.

    • @anonymousinfinido2540
      @anonymousinfinido2540 Рік тому

      @@loadedpipe1311 bruh, Republicans are running wild.

    • @BiggumsMcHoney
      @BiggumsMcHoney 7 місяців тому +2

      Yeah, there was a time when humans didn’t know about radio waves, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Scientists should at least be a bit curious to do more experiments.

    • @transcendance5358
      @transcendance5358 6 місяців тому

      I think as soon as they accepted quantum entanglement they should have thrown their arms in the air and dug deeper into the weirder stuff. And the fundamentals of the universe how can everything come from nothing.
      They'll accept a batshit miracle only when they can no longer avoid doing so.

  • @bidenadministrationischina5091
    @bidenadministrationischina5091 2 роки тому +9

    Either government got scared that remote viewing could be used on them and quit the project or they are playing along with the esp's minds and making them feel like they are supernatural to see if having absolute faith in your own capabilities makes you actually become super naturally capable.

    • @brettpilkington9539
      @brettpilkington9539 Рік тому +5

      The programme never stopped, they just told people it had as it had leaked. Imagine if the masses knew they had this potential power, how subservient would they be to government after?

  • @mamacakes6039
    @mamacakes6039 2 роки тому +21

    I have some of these abilities . I feel crazy talking about it . But it runs in my family. To me it seems it skips generations. But there were MANY occasions where I would get feelings and dreams that would turn out true. When me and my sons father were having issues with custody. Before he filed , no one informed me he was going to file for custody and I had a bad feeling I was going to get something in the mail related to it . A few days later I got court papers in the mail. We went to our hearing whatever time passed , he was denied it . I had a dream I got another court paper in the mail , I woke up and checked the mail a few hours later . There was again court paperwork in my mail box. This happened a few times . I would have a feeling or dream I got more paperwork and I always got it days later. Two ppl close to me died . My great grandmother and one of my child best friends . When my great grandmother died , I woke up in the middle of the night (I was informed later this was when she died) and had a horrible feeling . A feeling of loss and just being scared something happened to my grandmom (my moms mom who raised me ) so I called her . No answer . It was the wrong grandmother . When my friend died who I knew since I was 6. I stayed up all night with a weary feeling . I saw something that reminded me of her and sent it to her . She never answered . Around 6 am , I started crying . I had again the same
    Feeling of loss like I lost something or was afraid to lose something . I eventually went to sleep and woke up hours later that night bc I pulled an all nighter , to a bunch of texts and posts online saying she passed away around 5 am by suicide . I remember very few situations like this as a child. One I remember was when I lived in an apartment complex . Very populated complex . Was at least 100 apartments in this building , I remember crying to my mom saying something was not right and that I was sad . I had a horrible feeling and couldn’t really understand what I was feeling because I was only around 5 years old . She assured me I was okay and I went to bed. The next morning , the lady across from us was found dead in her apartment . I watched them wheel her out in those black body bags . Another time I was around 6 years old . My mom had this friend . Randomly after I met her a few times I told my
    Mom I didn’t like her . Very odd for a 6 year old to say lol she gave me a bad feeling though . Couple weeks later she stole from my mom and I remember saying mommy I told you I didn’t like her . It’s not a 24-7 thing and definitely happens randomly for me . I do not “try” to tap into it . I don’t talk about this to anyone bc they will think I’m crazy lol which is absolutely understandable. But for my own experiences I absolutely believe ppl are capable of things we cannot explain .

    • @amicus1215
      @amicus1215 Рік тому

      what blood group do you have?

    • @johndoee4964
      @johndoee4964 Рік тому

      You are the prime example of what we call someone who should never be allowed to have children. My mom was just like you, she tried to push this garbage onto me as a child. My mom thinks she is psychic and has dreams just like you but she didn't go to college or have a very good education and therefore doesn't understand biology or how the brain works. All you're experiencing are events that are likely to come true because of intuition. Go look up parapsychology and the research that has been done on it. There hasn't even been one documented case of someone being able to manipulate things with their minds or being able to predict the future. The greatest seers who have predicted past events also predicted many other things that didn't come true. Anyone can predict the future if they cast enough predictions. Our brains are constantly analyzing the world around us and inferring things based on our situations in life. What you experience is just your brain helping you intuit your surroundings, it isn't some mystic gift that is special or unique and doesn't work like you think it does. Everyone has these capabilities, its just we don't all pretend to be special when we experience a coincidence or are correct about an event happening to us based off other information.

  • @phreak074
    @phreak074 3 роки тому +5

    Time is not linear and does not move in one direction. Time is a sream happening all at once and our perception moving forward through it is an illusion.

    • @jonandrew229
      @jonandrew229 3 роки тому

      Wrong, I’m not wasting any more Measures periods of existence

  • @MinoYTD
    @MinoYTD Рік тому +2

    I'm sure that sometimes, when they say... 'the operation or secret program was shut down or discontinued'.
    What they mean to say is that...
    'the Operation was expanded 10-fold... and is now 1/5 the entire military black budget'.

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +7

    Those scientists can't do it... Therefore they can't prove it... It does exist, it is real, it can be done and they know it... Identifying where the messages come from and who is speaking is one thing... Interpretation depends on the medium or psychic...

  • @jaycatalyst1313
    @jaycatalyst1313 2 роки тому +7

    This ability cannot be used for war or to harm others. It is not the earth plane. If the intention is not to advance human kind towards love, the ability to remote view will not be granted.

    • @LONEWOLF78.
      @LONEWOLF78. 5 місяців тому +1

      That's not correct.

  • @misterbaiter5753
    @misterbaiter5753 2 роки тому +4

    Quantum entanglement could’ve something to do with ESP

    • @rocky821
      @rocky821 2 роки тому

  • @wildwonz2649
    @wildwonz2649 4 роки тому +13

    When it comes to testing, how do they're not testing for hearing using an eye test? How would you know if you're not even sure what hearing is or where the ears might be? This is a metaphor of course.

    • @iiatargetanalyst3046
      @iiatargetanalyst3046 2 роки тому +2

      Good point!! You are correct! And hearing as seeing is what? Absorption of vibrational energy

  • @Chillerveli
    @Chillerveli 4 роки тому +83

    Interviewer looks like a lizard person

  • @ufonorway9993
    @ufonorway9993 3 роки тому +6

    Uri Geller wasn't the best example you could use 💛👽🛸

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +4

    For as much as they claim, still don't know what happens when the pineal gland is decalsified and functioning normally....

    • @vinyasa748
      @vinyasa748 4 роки тому +2

      Odpus God trust me they know

    • @gododpus6547
      @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +3

      @@vinyasa748 with respect... They have only scratched the surface, they no clue what is capable of with a real practioners using it, We know how to use it...

    • @gododpus6547
      @gododpus6547 4 роки тому

      @@vinyasa748 in addition, Eye/We were able to channel the spirit of Bob Lazar and know about the lower levels of base S4 and the things they have in those crates... Some of those things have been acting strangely... Through astral projection, walked the halls of this facility and see several labs and research areas... Call it a trespass, doesn't matter, they are not going to do anything about it... Typical tactics, neither confirm or deny... They can stay quiet, Eye/We will keep talking... Sooner or later something will strike a nerve...

    • @gododpus6547
      @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +2

      @Force User have done Alot more since this comment... By the time they catch up to it, it will be too late to do anything about it... They are always two steps behind...

  • @LONEWOLF78.
    @LONEWOLF78. 5 місяців тому

    Can always count on the media to get things half right. There was a reason why the RV Program went for 20 odd years and had to get their budget approved every yr. Annie jacobsen is wrong.

  • @davidosso1858
    @davidosso1858 4 роки тому +1

    Why don't they mentions that Geller was scrutinized and tested on the Johnny Carson show live-tv and failed. Please research. Next generation please "be best", or just be better about you're sources of information.

  • @patrickquinn5939
    @patrickquinn5939 3 роки тому +3

    Dude at 4:45 definitely wouldn't be the guy to discover it was real if it is. I think it is. What receiver did he have in mind 🥴? Had done a little test of my own and it worked surprisingly well

    • @Hhjhfu247
      @Hhjhfu247 3 роки тому

      Its Sean Caroll, astrophysicist, Die hard naturalist, atheist and humanist. Its understandable if you reject the existence of ESP you will also reject the existence of God and anything supernatural. Sad.

  • @jackiefravel6826
    @jackiefravel6826 2 роки тому

    This is exactly why we are dumb as humans on this planet. If indeed we Knew who we truly are and the abilities we have, how would we use this power? When we leave our bodies we Know this Power and then and only then it seems are we of pure heart. Be of pure heart and things will be revealed to us so darkness will not use it for their own greed and power.

  • @karenstraka8593
    @karenstraka8593 Рік тому

    that's a miracle and I tried it too when I was only 9 or 10; I claimed it worked but was unwilling to duplicate. However, I use the same confidence from time to time.

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +4

    The overall point of this is that it is real, it exists, and there are those out here that actually can do it... The sketchy details aside... This can be done... Skip past it if you wish...

  • @donnakaminski9940
    @donnakaminski9940 11 місяців тому

    Thank ypu!

  • @drumcircler
    @drumcircler 6 років тому +5

    CBS needs to loudly retract this poor journalism and credulous drivel.
    Promoting bunk is disgraceful.
    CBS, apologize to your viewers.

    • @QED_
      @QED_ 6 років тому

      Have you actually read the peer-reviewed scientific literature on this topic (?)

    • @briefintroduction4995
      @briefintroduction4995 4 роки тому

      @@QED_ no they haven't. A cursory glance at will show that for DECADES this research has been seriously carried out under multiple agencies to varying degrees of success. It's all declassified, but naysayers like them don't care.

  • @gusbrahfernandez4125
    @gusbrahfernandez4125 2 роки тому

    I can assure you that scientist that was interviewed is not telling the truth.

  • @yourdedcat-qr7ln
    @yourdedcat-qr7ln 3 роки тому +1

    You create reality through alchemical consciousness

  • @VercingetorixGaming
    @VercingetorixGaming 2 роки тому +1

    my mom got witchcraft before so this thing for me is real.

  • @taurussun2228
    @taurussun2228 2 роки тому +1

    Of course they can't detect it because it's a spiritual gift! Like he said, a "Talent".. more like "Spiritual Talent"- Lol duh 🙄

  • @franklinholt8054
    @franklinholt8054 4 місяці тому

    Funny how physicist know things can be in 2 places at once BUT DONT BELIEVE IN ESP...


    1:18 We teach the #KGB daily, #terrorists, and #IDF, how to get f'd up.

  • @Narutojaden
    @Narutojaden 2 роки тому

    Lol from my experience of my whole life this is very funny information to me

  • @watchingyoutwo3800
    @watchingyoutwo3800 3 роки тому

    The Angels are the influence of humanity to keep everyone from knowing they are not apart of the Authority of God and are all lost due to the written word of the Angels bible etc.

  • @jimd.9374
    @jimd.9374 2 роки тому

    Disappointed in Sean Carroll's response and certainty. Is it real? "No. If it was real we could measure it." Has he tried to measure "it"? What is "it" and what units of measure are involved? Since he's a physicist-- why not ask, is dark matter/dark energy real? We seem to have measured THAT. Now tell us... what's it made of? How can we have people with remote viewing capabilities and still have the arrogance to say it's not real because we can't measure it? What ever happened to applying the scientific method to a concept before displaying so much confidence that something doesn't exist? The hypocrisy and arrogance is frustrating and actually a little worrisome. I feel like science, politics, and history alike are experiencing a crisis in credibility. Laziness and ideology fueled bias are taking over. If there's evidence, in certain cases, that remote viewing has worked-- then there must be something to measure. Just because someone doesn't know what "it" is or how to measure it-- that doesn't grant them the authority to proclaim it's not real. How can a bonafide scientist get away with that?

  • @stonnergaming420
    @stonnergaming420 3 роки тому

    Anyone else see that woman's necklace 🤔

    • @Casper711024
      @Casper711024 3 роки тому

      Blue turquoise Indian spirit stones symbolizing earth..........

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +4

    Since Donald made the official announcement of the 7th branch of the military, Star farce, these extraordinary beings will be needed more than ever... We are gifts to this planet, and have the ability to do things, one, not everyone can do,... Two, it is like putting up your "dukes " to beings older than this planet... Some are laughing, some are offended by the huge ego and audacity to think they are ready... They woke a sleeping giant, she is not happy and on her way...

  • @deelynrae2696
    @deelynrae2696 3 роки тому

    So.... we have an issue with whistleblowers telling the American people truth about corrupt government?
    #Snowden #Assange

  • @renzloiuse22
    @renzloiuse22 9 місяців тому

    I affelliated this is mine Evelyn Sariga P resurreccion hara to all country

  • @joehernandez3269
    @joehernandez3269 3 роки тому +2

    How do I take that test? Happens all the time for me.

  • @garydavid1788
    @garydavid1788 3 роки тому +3

    Uri Geller .. A legend, in his own mind!

    • @savedfaves
      @savedfaves 2 роки тому

      Don't be so sure about yourself, Gary. At SRI Uri got amazing results in many double-blind experiments designed by the scientists at SRI.

  • @dan020350
    @dan020350 5 років тому +2

    that one bending spoons was proven fake -.- this video is a propaganda

  • @pd9888
    @pd9888 7 місяців тому

    it's not all that silly, the us gov has spent billions on this and it's ongoing.

  • @nightechangel
    @nightechangel 4 роки тому +1

    Tell the government to feed and give food and money to homeless people what a waste of money.

  • @CarbonsHDTuts
    @CarbonsHDTuts 4 роки тому +2

    Wait is this legit

    • @matthewsonnen
      @matthewsonnen 4 роки тому +4

      The Vaccine this is very much legit. There are a few declassified documents our government released showing what the programs were for. Though they claim none gave sufficient evidence. So who knows🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @PaulBunyun
    @PaulBunyun 4 роки тому +24

    5:23.... Her necklace... Perhaps I'm mistaken?...

  • @wdtripps44
    @wdtripps44 2 роки тому +32

    A common occurrence:
    In a full class of students one student suddenly turns around and looks directly at another student who was staring at them. The two students were not working together, their actions are independent meaning the observer who turned to look directly at someone on the other side of the room who had without cue been staring at the observer. So, how was the observer somehow able to pick up the other students gaze, and not look at anyone else but to immediately, accurately, and from the correct angle?
    Whatever one wants to call this common phenomenon, something not too well understood is happening. The only logical conclusion based on known data is that at some level the two students were indeed communicating.

    • @KD-ck5cj
      @KD-ck5cj 2 роки тому +2


    • @tubapracticelog9618
      @tubapracticelog9618 Рік тому +1

      @@KD-ck5cj Thirded.

    • @leakypussy9813
      @leakypussy9813 Рік тому

      the problem is youre applying logic and known data to 'phenomenon'.

    • @internetfasting80085
      @internetfasting80085 Рік тому +6

      Its like wifi, or "Near Field Communication" between wireless devices that are not directly connected.
      Meaning, that there is nothing "extra" about it. Minds & bodies & technology of any kind emit "waves", this is how tvs & cell phones allow everyone to view REMOTELY, a live stream of someone from accross the planet.
      However, as with any projection & reception, different people "sense" different things, just like radios are diffferent to cell phones.
      And especially regarding humans, since it is not a direct connection, there would be interference, interception , false signals, misinterpretations (just like with body language, thoughts & emotions can be faked by learning common levels of psychology & behavorism {like a liar who has trained to pass a polygraph, or maintain eye contact while saying absolute nonsense}).
      Also, since it isnt technically "communication" per se, it is more like sensing a flow of wind, that breeze could be caused by anything (traffic, planes, birds, temperature differentials , wind, storms, etc).
      Which of course could have all kinds of interpretations, like people believing a ghost opened a door, when it was most likely som other variable in the house causing a internal pressure change, or external "wind".
      Point being, its not that people cant sense changes in others consciousness brain fields /heart fields etc, its that they are not trained in discerning that stimuli from any other in their environment, or even specifically regarding which "sensations" correlate to which frequencies of mind states (like sensing a change of heart, but not knowing if its from sad to happy, happy to sad, etc).
      I'm guessing of course 😂

    • @MinoYTD
      @MinoYTD Рік тому +1

      what he said ☝🏻

  • @machiavellimadman
    @machiavellimadman 5 років тому +82

    Of course ESP is real.
    Science will catch up eventually. Patience...

    • @javascriptkiddie2718
      @javascriptkiddie2718 5 років тому +19

      Science is always late.

    • @shadowolf3998
      @shadowolf3998 4 роки тому +13

      If science was perfect we would not be dying from the stupidest of illnesses.
      They are overplayed in most cases as well and each science is miles behind another science.

    • @themiddleman3060
      @themiddleman3060 4 роки тому +2

      ESP is real. Im also stupid.

    • @crabulous113
      @crabulous113 3 роки тому +2

      I don’t know why the interviewer chose to consult a physicist on the existence of ESP when ESP isn’t something that physicists have any techniques to track. Or, at least no physicists who can publish their work.

    • @juanrosilio777
      @juanrosilio777 3 роки тому

      Yah try to catch up to me...

  • @FreeSpirit47
    @FreeSpirit47 2 роки тому +5

    It may sound cliche', people don't choose to have intuition, it chooses them. Everyone has intuition to varying degrees. It can sometimes be a genetic trait. It's like a muscle, the more you listen to it, use it, the stronger it becomes.
    The media, horror flix, hollyweird have all distorted just what the metaphysical is all about. It's easier, more entertaining to make more money when the spiritual side of life is blown up, dramatized to resemble something that it rarely is.
    I have many spiritual gifts that many others in my family have. I choose to keep it to myself mostly, unless I know I can use my gifts to help someone who dearly needs my help.

  • @TheMonteCarlo
    @TheMonteCarlo 3 роки тому +41

    we couldn’t detect radio waves without the right tools of measurement. we just have yet to invent to right measuring instruments. and to say “there’s nothing more to learn about the brain” from a physicist is deeply concerning.

    • @Hhjhfu247
      @Hhjhfu247 3 роки тому +1

      I thought the same, you need right instruments to detect something, you can Simply not being aware there something in your enviroment as long as you won't be able to detect it

    • @savedfaves
      @savedfaves 2 роки тому +4

      He's just another arrogant person, who happens to be a physicist. When you've invested your life thinking about the world a certain way it can be tough to change.

    • @rosalina2773
      @rosalina2773 2 роки тому +6

      That was such weird comment when we are finding out new things about how the brain works all the time. There is ALWAYS more to learn.

    • @everydayvacaytaj
      @everydayvacaytaj Рік тому

      But we only use what small percent of it?

    • @Zleets
      @Zleets 11 місяців тому

      He’s ignorant

  • @danielpardoe2554
    @danielpardoe2554 4 роки тому +62

    Sensing what might happen and seeing things with remote viewing.....sounds very familiar to jedi powers lol

    • @alanm8370
      @alanm8370 4 роки тому +3

      Jedi powers? Wowsers? That is beyond crazy? Ok 👌 let's look at a possible possibly. Firstis esp is a very dangerous thing. In 1995 they shut everything all down. Robots are yesterday. They just don't exist.

    • @danielpardoe2554
      @danielpardoe2554 4 роки тому +5

      @@alanm8370 i said this as a little joke. Now on a serious level which I'm all about. I am very aware governments have kept the lid on certain things for years. The word government means to control the many. Trust me now you dont know how deep this rabbit whole is. This is nothing to what I do know is possible and what already does exist. Your telling the wrong person I'm far ahead of you my friend but thanks anyway

    • @danielpardoe2554
      @danielpardoe2554 4 роки тому +7

      @@alanm8370 u would be surprised. Put it this way. Science fiction is now science fact. Just think about that one. No thought anti gravity was possible but what have they got now, the ability to levitate objects. Noone had heard zero point energy but it exists.

    • @danielpardoe2554
      @danielpardoe2554 4 роки тому +3

      @@alanm8370 and robots are far more dangerous to mankind than they ever have been. Watch a man called david icke if you haven't already. About A.I and all kinds of subjects.

    • @danielpardoe2554
      @danielpardoe2554 4 роки тому +3

      @@alanm8370 so when and where in 1995 did this shut down happen. I want evidence I dont just believe certain things I hear with hard evidence j

  • @rickeldridge2878
    @rickeldridge2878 4 роки тому +60

    I can never or we can never thank annie Jacobson and People like her for never stopping to get the truth out to us "We the People"!!!!!!

  • @Satan666Official
    @Satan666Official 2 роки тому +7

    It's really funny to hear people say it is "impossible" when you are on the side of people that achieved it. Guess we did the impossible! 🤣

  • @Extremebeans
    @Extremebeans 3 роки тому +15

    What if we were to expand our sensory equipment and retest these subjects with a plethora of devices ranging from opposite ends of any given spectrum and everything in between? Kind of like what NASA scientists did with their telescopes looking at stars and planets under different spectrums of light.

  • @wrathofme03
    @wrathofme03 3 роки тому +8

    The public knows what the govenmen wants them to...the government knows what God wants them to.

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +30

    To our fellow gifted and talented... If you were drawn to this, please do not let yourself get baited... The proof lives in those who have already seen for themselves and know what you can do...

    • @hudhinton1880
      @hudhinton1880 2 роки тому

      I have generally been a sceptic but it's hard to understand how select people can be so accurate about things they can't see or hear. I've also been blown away by how precise some of these remote viewers are. There were several in the military in the 60's who had remarkable records. One was killed in middle age and there was some thinking that the Soviets might have been involved.

  • @knowledgecartel955
    @knowledgecartel955 3 роки тому +22

    The pineal gland has the capacity to function similar to a bci if it's developed properly ☀

  •  4 роки тому +6

    a few physicists believe the brain achieves consciousness through quantum entanglement and interaction with the "quantum information field" , for the show not to touch on this is stupid. the fool that said he could put a receiver next to people's head and be able to detect ESP,, well ,,, ask him to explain consciousness without using quantum entanglement. He can't.

  • @KraziAnnRKissed
    @KraziAnnRKissed 3 роки тому +29

    My father is a remote viewer but he never knew what it was called. But I also don't believe it's ESP. I always thought we have the ability to see the past, present and future simultaneously. Like Deja Vu but much more detailed. Some of us can do this often, some will never see anything. I think it depends on your mind and how open you are to receiving these wavelengths. I'm sure there's a way to make someone see things (aside from drugs) but the natural is so much more amazing and terrifying.
    If you could, would you want to know what's going to happen on Sept 11th. 2002? I didn't, I got some inclination and a vivid fear that made me cry and freak out. I didn't know that I was upset about, only that I couldn't do anything to stop it.
    It's not being psychic, is just recalling an event that left an impact on you that you can feel again.

    • @hunterbiden7391
      @hunterbiden7391 3 роки тому +8

      You mean September 11, 2001?

    • @amandlathree
      @amandlathree 2 роки тому +3

      @@hunterbiden7391 I was going to ask, “What happened on September 11, 2002?” Did I miss something?

    • @florencemayez
      @florencemayez 2 роки тому +1

      @@amandlathree 😂😂😂

    • @rosalina2773
      @rosalina2773 2 роки тому +1

      Thinking about it in this way actually makes a lot of sense… we tend to think of time as a constant, as it is for us here on Earth, but we know mathematically that the way time passes can change under different conditions… I think about it this way. A single cell organism lives it’s whole life, to it it must feel like a long time, it’s whole lifespan, in what would be the tiniest fraction of our lifespan. That organism lives in own microscopic world and is completely unaware to the larger world operating above it. You could go larger to something like an insect and the situation is similar. Then you get up to us, and we think it just stops there. We could all be the fabric of something even larger. Our lifespans feel like forever to us, but imagine if we were are also like the microscopic cells, and what we perceive as our years and years of life might only be a few minutes in a higher reality.

    • @everydayvacaytaj
      @everydayvacaytaj Рік тому

      @@hunterbiden7391 who cares? You know what she meant

  • @SpiritualBabydoll
    @SpiritualBabydoll 2 роки тому +4

    I think most if not all have some sort of intuition and esp but most ignore it and don’t tap into it. I also believe that big damn psychics or at least a famous ones are not those people. I know there’s every day people that go around and live their lives but have something special and different and don’t want to be government experiments

  • @Mezzie1957
    @Mezzie1957 Рік тому +2

    Some people have a gift of situation, remote viewing… Humans have all kinds of gifts… I have the gift of seeing things other people down in the spiritual realm not all the time… But I can see it

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +22

    There has got to be a private special interest group out there with the resources, means, and ability to gather those of us with gifts and abilities together, dedicated to making us stronger if for no other reason than to see first hand what we can do...

    • @gododpus6547
      @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +6

      There are other groups out there... They are quiet and selective... They need to do an open enrollment....

    • @jackleonardo2167
      @jackleonardo2167 4 роки тому +5

      God Odpus I already called CHARLES Xavier. Gave him your number. He'll call you soon.

    • @widowmaker4097
      @widowmaker4097 3 роки тому +1


    • @internetfasting80085
      @internetfasting80085 Рік тому +1

      They are more interested in tech skills , and old skule intell work, mind monks are a side project at best, with super sagelite & implantable tech, they dont really need "natural psychics," , theyve made their onw 6 million dollar persons.

  • @loryhawley2930
    @loryhawley2930 6 років тому +42

    I find the comments of the viewers to be, for the most part, ill considered and short sighted. To make judgments on a highly edited segment that merely brushes the subject, is unfortunate. I'm assuming that the comment by Sean Carroll is also highly edited, because the very short conversation with him pulls out a statement that does not sound like what a well considered scientist would say. I sense an editing prejudice looking to fit the answers to a "result" they hope the audience to take away. It is true, according to the research so far, that the known physics says that there are no signals that escape the brain. However, that model does not account for theoretical models of how information may enter the brain through non local, non temporal, beyond the 5 senses based acquisition.
    The other problem with Sean Carroll's comments is that it sounds like he is under the impression that the activity of the brain that acquires this information should be able to be measured if it existed, when, in fact, there is no evidence that the information was acquired at the time of the measuring, much less even knowing what activity you might be looking for. As a cosmologist, he, of all people should be aware that sometimes the thing you measure reflects something that occurred long before you see it; i.e. stars for example, or even the movement of atoms; now you see you don't.
    I would have liked to have heard much more from Dean Radin and Angela Ford, both of whom are serious, knowledgeable people who have dedicated their lives to understand the phenomena they have witnessed and have direct experience of. THAT would be a compelling show worthy of a series of episodes. To give 3 minutes to Angela Ford, who was part of this research for decades, for example, yet the bulk of the time is given to Annie Jacbosen who was not part of this work, but has a good publicist who is promoting her book and getting her in front of the public, is unfortunate at best.
    By the way, the book your guest, Annie Jacbosen wrote has glaring errors and inaccurate reporting; perhaps her sources gave her bad intel, so I'm not blaming her, but there are much better resources to be consulted for those who have genuine interest to learn about a fascinating era in our intelligence history, including the work of scientists, like Dean Radin, or the serious researchers who had worked at SRI, for example.
    By the way, it is true that Uri Geller was proven to be a trickster, but he was fired early in the program and in no way diminishes the legitimate results that occurred. It speaks well of the research that they learned from their mistake and refined their standards of how to test and validate the people they worked with. Such is the work of science.
    It would only have been a scandal if they hadn't admitted they had been fooled for that short time in the beginning of the work, and had continued to hire showmen and charlatans, which they did not.
    So, I guess what I'm saying here, to those who commented negatively on the show...don't go for the quick snap judgements and cute snarky statements. The fact that you watched the show must mean that you found something to spark your curiosity; go with that-you might learn something that sparks real wonder.

    • @johnnyaingel5753
      @johnnyaingel5753 5 років тому +4

      TRUTH every word i agree with you totally and even more than that GOD BLESS

    • @theultimatereductionist7592
      @theultimatereductionist7592 4 роки тому +1

      As long as you don't comment negatively against the opinion & positions of Banachek & Dr James Randi.

    • @thedoncrazephaze5375
      @thedoncrazephaze5375 3 роки тому

      Gimme a greak...its all debunked. It isnt real just b/c you want it to be.

    • @Hhjhfu247
      @Hhjhfu247 3 роки тому +1

      Sean Caroll is literal idiot who "know" there is no afterlife, no ESP and nothing supernatural, typical naturalistic disgusting primitive view

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +5

    Decalcified.... For those English and spelling majors... Who don't realize that google auto correct changes the word even when you do spell it right...

  • @LP-fy8wr
    @LP-fy8wr 3 роки тому +2

    Remote viewing is very real and is used today by the CIA and DIA

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +6

    Also... There are several types of trolls... The regular troll with nothing better to do, sometimes laughing at things that make them uncomfortable... People laugh at what they don't understand... And the government trolls who harass people who tell the truth they don't want told...

  • @TenaciousT88
    @TenaciousT88 3 роки тому +3

    Anyone ever think that guy o forget what name they said but the guy who bent the do we know that he said he wasn't strong enough because he was doubting himself...being that he was doubting would make him feel not strong...doesn't mean he was a flook
    When we put our intent with confidence it is magical!

  • @pornstarlivesmatter3319
    @pornstarlivesmatter3319 4 роки тому +46

    as a person who has had esp since i was a kid i honestly have a hard time believing others can do it! I can't see things all the time but it happens enough that it creeps me out. The worst thing that i ever saw was about 24 hours before it happened... I smelled and saw smoke coming from down my street and swore there was a fire and the next night a house and everyone inside died.

    • @jonandrew229
      @jonandrew229 3 роки тому +3

      I checked and you are not on esp roster

    • @kevinwilmore3604
      @kevinwilmore3604 2 роки тому +3

      Why do you think you are the only one with this ability???

    • @kevinwilmore3604
      @kevinwilmore3604 2 роки тому

      @@jonandrew229 I could work for the CIA. And teach. But the best time to learn these abilities is when you are a child.

    • @ruffadamsthegreat.2662
      @ruffadamsthegreat.2662 2 роки тому

      Said, the Pornstar.🤣

    • @pussygalore731
      @pussygalore731 2 роки тому

      @@kevinwilmore3604 Not true at all

  • @guyanasun4361
    @guyanasun4361 3 роки тому +3

    What the sceptics don't understand about ESP is the energy frequency and program used. We can put devices to the brain and detect the signals because they exist within the magnetic field of the brains water, carbon and metal electric and magnetic effects..

  • @karlcarlysle3578
    @karlcarlysle3578 2 роки тому +1

    Not ESP. extra sensory gifted. These abilities are all God given. Always were for those that may not believe understand God the Maker of Heaven and Earth already made us this way. He actually made us better than this but it is truly our fault through our sin that have work harder

  • @kiransd8302
    @kiransd8302 3 роки тому +10

    1:07 she just looks like a dark entity , and look at her necklace then Google the signs/logos p-do's use to identify their targets

    • @NoWitness
      @NoWitness 3 роки тому +4

      As well, all the images on the studio set are Illuminati and MK Ultra symbols...i.e. The suns, one eye (the sun with one eye), clouds, giant question marks (which are among the clouds...serious trigger for dissociation for MK Ultra slaves), the DaVinci diagram.

    • @chasemoneyy
      @chasemoneyy 3 роки тому

      1:31 the address

  • @dougcollier7229
    @dougcollier7229 4 роки тому +7

    When I hear that sexy silk voice, I do understand The Who's Pictures of Lilly and the vapor's turn ing japanese

  • @knowledgecartel955
    @knowledgecartel955 3 роки тому +2

    Project Stargate was not shut down it's just been renamed

  • @bhitz
    @bhitz Рік тому +1

    To treat science like it accounts for everything is just arrogant if not ignorant.

  • @gregalexander8189
    @gregalexander8189 2 роки тому +1

    How many fingers am I holding up?

  • @Mezzie1957
    @Mezzie1957 Рік тому +1

    Just makes me laugh out loud at this man who thinks it’s not possible to be able to do things like remove you just because he doesn’t understand it

  • @irshanjoolfoo4908
    @irshanjoolfoo4908 3 роки тому +1

    its not paranormal, it just cannot be explained yet, thats it.

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +5

    Craig, also BTW.... One of my gifts is to be able to see or hear something and be able to correct the inaccurate information with truth... Sight beyond sight....

  • @TheElsaAlvarado
    @TheElsaAlvarado 6 років тому +8

    Really cool stuff!! Best segment this weekend.

    @MICKEYISLOWD 4 роки тому +10

    Uri Geller with his magnesium

    • @savedfaves
      @savedfaves 2 роки тому

      At SRI they supplied the spoons. But more important than the spoon tricks were the double-blind studies SRI designed, where they would put sketches in a safe in a locked room and Uri would be able to draw them.

  • @noservice8412
    @noservice8412 6 років тому +8

    Paul begley report on ESP brought me here

    • @seasands9644
      @seasands9644 6 років тому

      David Priller
      Psychic= medium. Seer...Not biblical.

  • @tobialexander1346
    @tobialexander1346 3 роки тому +3

    This stuff is real. I am totally convinced. With everything Tom Delonge and Luis Elizondo has mentioned in their interviews, I totally believe it.

    • @heartofthunder1440
      @heartofthunder1440 2 роки тому

      Pre cognition is real, ESP or deja vu is all part of it, but all isn’t as accurate as you’d tend for it to be.

  • @siriusstarlight9881
    @siriusstarlight9881 4 роки тому +7

    I believe I can provide more than sufficient subjective and objective proof, Annie Jacobson.
    Many thanks goes to you! For spending a large portion of your life doing passionate personal research, interpretations and writing.
    They have been helpful along this journey of mine.

  • @karena2746
    @karena2746 4 роки тому +3

    I think stephen king believe it. He goes intro such detail about people who have the shin. Some have only a speck or you have people like Danny who have it coming off them like spades. Stephen King said that he gets his items from his dreams. Isn't there medium or psythics that dream see.

  • @1975reispedro1
    @1975reispedro1 4 роки тому +1

    Lol the cientist answer.. That's a lizard for sure... Nothing exist except what he see.. Before studying light was just one tone ( except wen bend on prismatic lens for great curiosity for the viewer) or wen the rainbow pops. .. Later it was found to be several

  • @usedtobereign
    @usedtobereign 5 років тому +6

    Not "some people may have ESP". Everyone is capable of doing so. Our higher self downloads information directly from the source, that's why her pupils dilated 5 seconds in advance. It's quantum mechanics.

  • @vickypatel6167
    @vickypatel6167 3 роки тому +2

    3:58 is that donald trump ?

  • @davidhannah5032
    @davidhannah5032 3 роки тому +4

    I swear on my life. I am a telepath and the cia was involved in my ability to be psychic. I just wish i could get ppl to stand up for me a bit. I was a human experment in psychic research. It was a bit of psycholigcal torture. Idk but yea im psychic af

    • @davidhannah5032
      @davidhannah5032 3 роки тому +3

      I have abiltiy to talk and create emotion to abother person. I have psychic allergues which grants me the ability toopen anithers mind to telepathy.

    • @davidhannah5032
      @davidhannah5032 3 роки тому

      But i failed i couldnt control my mund butnow i have learned much and can control much better

    • @heartofthunder1440
      @heartofthunder1440 2 роки тому +3

      Lol….. somehow I can almost believe ya.

    • @artistsurafel
      @artistsurafel 2 роки тому

      are ya? can y tell me what I am on right now?

    • @goldenstandard187
      @goldenstandard187 Рік тому +1

      I believe u

  • @lexyolaguador5293
    @lexyolaguador5293 3 роки тому +1

    What is this? Dr Charles Xavier using Cerebro?

  • @lautaroandez4807
    @lautaroandez4807 3 роки тому +4

    Sometimes I feel observed even though being enclosed in my bedroom...🤣

    • @stefanie4620
      @stefanie4620 3 роки тому +2

      Could be a spirit ;) scopesthesia

  • @svampebob8226
    @svampebob8226 4 роки тому +1

    I don't understand why she says there is no proof. Professor in statistics Jessica Utts who worked intensively with this kind of data has repeatedly said there is objective proof beyond doubt that this works, also with a much higher level of confidence than is normally used. Although we don't understand the mechanism. Besides, it does nothing good to associate uri Geller with this, there are plenty of better examples.

  • @gododpus6547
    @gododpus6547 4 роки тому +2

    You have to follow the rules they didn't follow the rules... They didn't study enough, didn't know enough to run a project like that, as usual they fail before they succeed because they destroy... They would know why he didn't feel strong on the Carson show that night...

  • @UHFStation1
    @UHFStation1 3 роки тому +2

    You can always count on Sean Carrol to ruin the paranormal and parallel universes.

  • @charleshall6357
    @charleshall6357 4 місяці тому

    I say to that professor in California that I've experienced something with someone in Europe while in the Midwest that is unexplainable.

  • @Jazzman-bj9fq
    @Jazzman-bj9fq 5 місяців тому

    I believe that it may be possible that some people experience intuition at times although I think it maybe from information they can quickly gather in some ways (by noticing details that others may miss) although they cannot explain it but many of these instances are not from some phenomenon of ESP... I read up alot on the Stargate Program after reading a fiction novel call 'Psychic Warrior' in the 90's (not to be confused with the book 'Psychic Warriors'). From the research I did into it, it seemed that results were spotty at best although the US and Russia both gave it an honest try for results. From what I've seen, Geller was nothing more than an illusionist, very skilled, but showing no extraordinary 'mental powers'. When you look at it, how useful is it to be able to bend a spoon? And even that ability was replicated and debunked by James Randi.

  • @lobibc8188
    @lobibc8188 2 роки тому +1

    It's all about energy. It's 4 years later since this video was done, and now scientists know why we have another sense some develope and some are born already developed

  • @goldenstandard187
    @goldenstandard187 Рік тому


  • @herr5262
    @herr5262 4 місяці тому

    Such abilities like any thought processes can be negatively influenced by fatigue, stress, illness, intoxication or even personal beliefs. It is not like a machine that can be easily turned on and off, but rather takes a lot of focus. Some have other abilities too like causing good or bad luck to others; giving people cancer by thinking angry thoughts about them and as seen in the book The Men That Stare At Goats the ability to stop other's hearts, killing them.

  • @BuckalauV.S.P.808-kk9kb
    @BuckalauV.S.P.808-kk9kb Рік тому

    808's 07/18/2023 9:35 a.m. . I choose not to be experimented on. I did see Maui missing man, he spoke to me, he had his golden retriever, within that week his body was found. He was aired on all the major News Chanel's. I have a Jack Russell.

  • @princenicholasherrman2347
    @princenicholasherrman2347 2 роки тому

    11:53 PM 11/8/2021 Im not laughing or picking on him. I think Uri passed away awhile back already. Was Uri infantry? I know this is coming from the dude claiming to be psychic. I like how this is exaggerated on tv.

  • @savedfaves
    @savedfaves 2 роки тому +1

    2:35 Uri was supposed to move one of the canisters and the people who set it up glued them to the table to embarrass Uri. Saw it in the documentary.

  • @sweetysinha007
    @sweetysinha007 Рік тому

    I am happy pink and blue way discussions happening on sceince vs mystics on else GYAN givers on bury for long I also see Intent was not Russia, China than many I told WHY was.

  • @Ali-e5h1b
    @Ali-e5h1b 11 днів тому

    4:40 - I'd like to hear his complete theory of consciousness.

  • @cccarter9858
    @cccarter9858 4 роки тому +17

    The spoon is a special metal that when warmed can distort the shape.

    • @johncousins4665
      @johncousins4665 3 роки тому +1

      @Shroud Codes. com Yes Gellar is a fake, he is a very evil person into satanism

    • @mickey8643
      @mickey8643 3 роки тому +1

      @@johncousins4665 I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that he wasn't into satan. lol

    • @johncousins4665
      @johncousins4665 3 роки тому

      @@mickey8643 say what u want, dosnt change the facts.

    • @mickey8643
      @mickey8643 3 роки тому

      @@johncousins4665 Do you even believe in Satan? Have you seen him?

    • @astienperez2369
      @astienperez2369 3 роки тому

      @@mickey8643 you believe in god have u seen him

  • @eftixismeni2010
    @eftixismeni2010 Рік тому

    Scientists can’t agree on what consciousness is because they keep looking in the brain. It’s a non-physical partially non-local subatomic energy. Good luck with that.