My goals: *Read SLOWLY.* Really take in what it is I’m reading and instead of gobbling everything in 2-3 days, enjoy it over 1-2 weeks. *Get rid of my unhauls:* They’re still in boxes lol. *Visit the library:* I want to see more titles I don’t recognise when I first see them physically.
My main reading challenge is the one my local used bookstore does every year. They have a list of 40 categories and if you read a book from each one, they give you a $50 gift card to their store. 8 of the categories have to be purchased in their store, which I can usually get with the previous years gift card. :)
I’ve been planning a No Novels reading challenge. For a whole year I want to only pick up nonfiction, short story collections, poetry etc. I decided to do it when I realized I really like all those kinds of books but I never make time for them because I mostly hear about and buy novels.
My bookish plans for next year: - Start a physical reading journal. I track my reading on Storygraph, but I want the physical record and the flexibility of creating my own journal where I can track the elements that I like. - Buy fewer books. I don't feel a need to read everything I buy. A library, even a personal one, is always about possibilities rather than an assignment, but I do need to budget more mindfully. - Actually get new glasses. And yes, that's definitely book-related!
Your comment about TBR jars actually got me thinking about using a random number generator for my TBR! I have hundreds I've added to my Goodreads and it's completely out of control, but using a random number generator might be a fun way of finding my next read and rediscovering books I've forgotten about 😊
I'm a mood reader when it comes to reading, I tend to dip a toe in to every genre personally, I have 2,500 babies, I mean books lol, I have been collecting for 40 years now, I have finally got my own home library....😁🥰 I love the miniature book idea 📚
I’ve always thought about annotating books and I’m bad at rereading books so this year I’m doing one reread every month where I try to do ✨aesthetic✨ annotations inside (and I started by buying two used books I already own so I don’t ruin what I have!)
My idea is super basic and nothing new but it has been so much fun for my bestie and me already, we pick a book every two months to read together and then read the last few chapters together.
I personally don't prefer having reading goals because then I'll just hyperfixate on that number and lose all the joy of reading but I think reading challenges are a great way to keep reading fun, so I'll have to have a brainstorming session myself to come up with reading challenges that'll work for me also the tip about starting a booktube channel....I have just recently started mine after hesitating for so long so im happy I finally just took the leap 😅
Loved this! Honestly, as I am a Uni student I try not to put pressure on myself to read as sometimes im just so burnt out that its just not possible...but I do want to make a tbr jar and as a fellow mood reader I think I will get individual jars for whatever mood I normally am in, for example my main moods are either spooky/horror, nature or fantasy and so I will have those in jars so it will still fit my mood, hope that helps Jesse!
I definitely had an off reading year this year, my good reads goal is completely written off and my reading journal fell by the wayside 💀 My reading goal for 2024 is to intentionally set time aside to read and do my reading journal entries because it is genuinely such a nice creative outlet
Fun video! A good ending to this night :) I'm really not a creative/artsy person, I prefer order and structure. I envy people who are artsy and their notebooks andbullet journals with trackers and different spread sheets and stuff. I've tried so many times to do things like that but I've failed every time.. I am however an calender person, but I've always kept it simple, writing down deadlines and assignments etc. for university and work. In my 2024 calender I'm planing to fill that one with all my reading goals and achivments and tracking my reading and I'm already very fond of using regular calenders. Will see how that works out :) I did order a personal calender this year, so I designed it and made it a little bit more colourfull than the ones I usually use. So i squeeze in a little artsy vibes 😅
We just planned out our book club’s monthly themes which is exciting! I also love choosing the readathons I want to participate in next year and keeping that in mind for any other reading goals I make
I often brainstorm about the ”screen time" issues. Reducing it is one of my biggest challenges for next year! 😖 Also, I would like to try "label reading" next year to read more various types of mystery books!! Some publishers in Japan have labels specializing in mysteries, and I would like to pick books from these labels to read each month!📚✨
I have been keeping an arty reading journal for like 3 years now, getting into my 4th year and doing so by using old magazines etc and it's honestly helping me remember what I read because my visual brain remembers it better. But it is honestly so much fun to make it messy! (I also have been toying with the video doing it digitally but I'll see how that goes time wise)
i started my own physical reading journal back in august and definitely want to continue on with it in the new year, i’m not a super artsy person but it’s been super fun getting creative with the spreads:D
I love these videos! I really wish I could have done more reading and writing this year, but starting university has been such a big energy and time sink that I had to put a lot of things aside. That said, I'm excited to do more of those in the year to come. Thank you for bringing more fun bookish goodness to this corner of the internet : )
I literally have a Notion page dedicated to all sorts of new releases and this year I added the books that interested me there too! It's really helpful! With all the Kpop, Taylor Swift and Bookish Releases this year.. I'm scared of the next year lmao
Such good ideas!! This year I didn’t let myself buy as many books, and I read SO many books I loved from the library! But now I need to buy all the ones I loved that I don’t own 😂
Although I achieved my 100 books goal this year, I think I'm going to lower the goal next year because I can tell that I've been intentionally avoiding longer books for fear of not keeping up with the goal.
I definitely agree with letting go of books that you said you would read them but have yet to read them . I definitely gotta go through my book pile real soon again . I also completely agree with letting go of books that you hated and still hold on to for me it’s nice to let go of books you don’t like especially if they make you like angry, or annoyed, or you had a negative experience anything like that . I want to fill up my bookshelves with books that I love ❤️
I just got back into reading at the end of 2022, so this has been my first full year that I can look back on. I am proud of myself for managing 16 books last year. I read a little slow and like to savor my books, but I still had some gaps in my time, so I'd like to be more consistent and bump that number up to at least 24. 2 a month feels like a number that will not be stressing me, but just keeping me from falling back into not reading for large periods. I'd also like to focus on getting through my physical tbr, as I got a little overexcited and let my buying get away from my reading a bit. It's not absurd, but when you aren't reading fast, having about 40 in the wings is starting to be too much. I'm still excited for all of them, I just want to make sure I am actually getting to them. So I think the goal for this year will be to make sure that number goes down. I won't completely hold myself to no buying at all, I don't know that spending a whole year without entering a bookstore is realistic, but at least buying less than I am reading.
This year was my best reading year yet--most number of books and pages in a year! I'm not looking to beat that next year; instead, I want to focus on reading genres I skimped on this year, so I want to read a nonfiction book every month, and I want to get more Spanish practice, so I'm planning to also work my way through Harry Potter #1 in Spanish. I agree about getting rid of books you used to be excited about! Better to have it off your shelves than feel regret every time you look at the book. Start the year off with a fresh bookshelf selection that you're excited to read. You're spreads look great! Thanks for sharing!
Aside from doing my 200 books in a year challenge (which I've never accomplished) I'm gonna finish the 2 series I'm currently doing (Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and Jack West Jr. By Matthew Reilly) I'm also gonna do a Elliot Brooks 2023 Goodreads Snub list and Captured in Words Bingeworthy recs videos list and challenge them, we'll see if I agree or not. These are kinda just for fun and i wont feel bad for not finishing these. I do need to go on a ban, I recently cleaned and I have no room for any more books.
I plan to try and read more of certain genres. I read a lot of manga this year to the point I'm at 391 books read so far this year already. (yes i kno it is a lot!) But I'd like to read more memoirs personally. I currently am about to start Britney Spears's new memoir soon so I'm looking forward to that. I can't do the whole tbr jar thing either cause I am a big mood reader too.
I love making my reading journal, it really lets me be creative in a productive way (capricorn brain). For mood reader I saw someone do a TBR jar and used different color paper for the different genres, so if they wanted romance they knew to grab a red paper. I found I read better when I have a challenge goal to meet. So this year I'm doing the A-Z challenge, I made two different bingos, and I have diversity prompts like reading a book by a Hindu author, reading a book with disability rep, and reading a nonfiction history book.
I've seen TBR jars with prompts instead of book titles, that could definitely be a good idea for a mood reader. I think my main goal is to read my physical TBR and listen to more audio books. I've been finding myself crafting a bit more and if I read with an audiobook, I'll be able to continue my reading goal.
Jesse, your flip the page book challenge is my favourite video, like, ever. It NEVER fails to make me laugh. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, keep being you❤
Hello!! I do journal my reads, however, because I don't have much time to write/collage about every single book, what I do instead is: having a log where I write down the title of the book, the author, the date that I finished reading it, and my rating. I only do specific spreads with my thougts and a small collage for those that are either a 4 or 5 star read! Hope this encourages you to journal a bit more about your reading.
I really like the idea of making spreads for books but it's way too much work to do it for every book, I could imagine myself doing it only for books I really enjoyed :)
I’ve decided to not set a reading goal this year. 2024 is the year of quality, not quantity. Same with buying books. I want to heavily cut back on impulse buying. I usually buy used books, so it’s not about overconsumption, but I want the books I buy to be books I actually have a heavy interest in. I also wanna try ebooks.
Jesse I have read Dark archives this year … and no spoilers but wow !!! So glad I picked it up!!. If you’re into science and Dark science/ history pick it up 😊
I'm not setting goals. Only things I will be working on are my personal "challenges" for reading series, reading authors and rereading. But those are on going challenges that don't have a time limit
goals read slowly get through more of my unread books (specially if they came out in 2014 or earlier) let go of more books remember to actually leave reviews on books use the library more
I haven't had a GoodReads challenge in a couple years due to expecting/having a baby, but this year I totally plan to set one up. Which will include some of those books I've had for years and never got around to. As for creative things: Last year, I discovered the "fun" in custom FUN-kos. I've painted several already, including 1 from my own work. Mostly I do characters from my favorite series, and now it's become a new hobby that I plan to continue in the coming year. I've already got 2 more planned. Maybe you should try it :) I actually have a collection of different active reading logs - a digital one on my phone. An actual physical reading log that includes page counts, formats, days read and reviews. One for just listing the books I read per year, what format, whether it was a first read or re-read, and star rating. And another for keeping track of favorite chapters from favorite books (still not sure why I feel compelled to record that, but I do).
I've only been tracking my reading since 2020, and I've stopped creating TBRs because I wind up with several titles year-over-year judging me for not reading them. But...I love the idea of trying to tackle them with a backlist reading challenge. 😅♥
I want to have two jars- one to represent my tbr and one for read books. I think it would be fun to see the tokens move through the year, but I'm lost on what to use for tokens lol
I definitely want to read more in 2024 (no specific amount, not too much pressure :), just a bit more than this year. First two on my list: Have been meaning to read A Winter’s Promise by Dabos and got The Midnight Raven by Orson Moore recommended.
I try to have a 2 out 1 in policy when it comes to buying books, I can buy 1 book for every 2 books I unhaul. Theoretically this means that my collection will be slowly shrinking from the (way too many for my shelves) collection I have to something more more manageable.
Question from a new-to-being-an-artistic reader to anyone who cares to answer: how exactly do we make those miniature books..?? Bc it looks SO cute but I genuinely have no idea how to get there haha 😅
You can look up instuctions online or watch a UA-cam video about it. I use to make small books by cutting little squares of paper and stapling those togther. Then print book covers. Or you can use glue. I have not done this for some years. But I am thinking about going back to it.
i want to take advantage of libraries more often next year. i’ve been so dedicated to owning every book i read, but it’s really not practical for me right now 😂
My one and only goal would be to finally read and finish Jane Austen's 'Emma'. I tried to read it for years! Years! And I don't know why I can't get into it. I read and loved all other complet works by Jane Austen. But's not that I don't like it. But it still is something that makes me DNF it. I tried everything: Reading it by itself, listen as an audiobook, reading and follow along with and audiobook and I even once tried to read it in my native language (Swedish) to see if that helped. 🙈🙈🙈
i’ve surpassed my reading goal by 4 books but i’m scared to go too high for next year cause i know i’ll be super busy. maybe i’ll up my 2023 goal of 40 books to 45 for 2024 !!
I bought a lot of new books, but was not able to get through them all. I am hoping to not buy a lot of books (exapt for the next in the sires) and get through the ones I have.
but how do you get people to watch? I've had a channel for 6 years and I have like 60 subs and like 10 views per vid! I would love to grow my subscribers not for "fame" or "popularity" but to have people to talk books about with!
My goals:
*Read SLOWLY.*
Really take in what it is I’m reading and instead of gobbling everything in 2-3 days, enjoy it over 1-2 weeks.
*Get rid of my unhauls:*
They’re still in boxes lol.
*Visit the library:*
I want to see more titles I don’t recognise when I first see them physically.
Quote of the Day: “How many journals is too many journals? The limit does not exist.”
Wouldn't have taken Jesse for a Mean Girls fan... 😂
My main reading challenge is the one my local used bookstore does every year. They have a list of 40 categories and if you read a book from each one, they give you a $50 gift card to their store. 8 of the categories have to be purchased in their store, which I can usually get with the previous years gift card. :)
I’ve been planning a No Novels reading challenge. For a whole year I want to only pick up nonfiction, short story collections, poetry etc. I decided to do it when I realized I really like all those kinds of books but I never make time for them because I mostly hear about and buy novels.
To do that the whole year is ambitious but good luck to you and hope you enjoy it! 📚😁
My bookish plans for next year:
- Start a physical reading journal. I track my reading on Storygraph, but I want the physical record and the flexibility of creating my own journal where I can track the elements that I like.
- Buy fewer books. I don't feel a need to read everything I buy. A library, even a personal one, is always about possibilities rather than an assignment, but I do need to budget more mindfully.
- Actually get new glasses. And yes, that's definitely book-related!
I created my own journal and got some ideas from others and did my own thing.
Your comment about TBR jars actually got me thinking about using a random number generator for my TBR! I have hundreds I've added to my Goodreads and it's completely out of control, but using a random number generator might be a fun way of finding my next read and rediscovering books I've forgotten about 😊
I'm a mood reader when it comes to reading, I tend to dip a toe in to every genre personally, I have 2,500 babies, I mean books lol, I have been collecting for 40 years now, I have finally got my own home library....😁🥰 I love the miniature book idea 📚
You’re the reason I started a Bookstagram, and I can confirm that I have no regrets! ☺️
I’ve always thought about annotating books and I’m bad at rereading books so this year I’m doing one reread every month where I try to do ✨aesthetic✨ annotations inside (and I started by buying two used books I already own so I don’t ruin what I have!)
You can buy clear annotation sheets that stick over the page like a post it!
My idea is super basic and nothing new but it has been so much fun for my bestie and me already, we pick a book every two months to read together and then read the last few chapters together.
I personally don't prefer having reading goals because then I'll just hyperfixate on that number and lose all the joy of reading
but I think reading challenges are a great way to keep reading fun, so I'll have to have a brainstorming session myself to come up with reading challenges that'll work for me
also the tip about starting a booktube channel....I have just recently started mine after hesitating for so long so im happy I finally just took the leap 😅
Loved this! Honestly, as I am a Uni student I try not to put pressure on myself to read as sometimes im just so burnt out that its just not possible...but I do want to make a tbr jar and as a fellow mood reader I think I will get individual jars for whatever mood I normally am in, for example my main moods are either spooky/horror, nature or fantasy and so I will have those in jars so it will still fit my mood, hope that helps Jesse!
That is such a good idea 💡
@@imperatrice211 Thank you, hope it helps!
I definitely had an off reading year this year, my good reads goal is completely written off and my reading journal fell by the wayside 💀 My reading goal for 2024 is to intentionally set time aside to read and do my reading journal entries because it is genuinely such a nice creative outlet
Fun video! A good ending to this night :) I'm really not a creative/artsy person, I prefer order and structure. I envy people who are artsy and their notebooks andbullet journals with trackers and different spread sheets and stuff. I've tried so many times to do things like that but I've failed every time.. I am however an calender person, but I've always kept it simple, writing down deadlines and assignments etc. for university and work. In my 2024 calender I'm planing to fill that one with all my reading goals and achivments and tracking my reading and I'm already very fond of using regular calenders. Will see how that works out :) I did order a personal calender this year, so I designed it and made it a little bit more colourfull than the ones I usually use. So i squeeze in a little artsy vibes 😅
My goal is just to read some of the books on my TBR pile before I buy new books 😂
Thanks for posting! Just finished Tom Felton’s book!!! Definitely recommend!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎄🎁
We just planned out our book club’s monthly themes which is exciting! I also love choosing the readathons I want to participate in next year and keeping that in mind for any other reading goals I make
I often brainstorm about the ”screen time" issues. Reducing it is one of my biggest challenges for next year! 😖
Also, I would like to try "label reading" next year to read more various types of mystery books!! Some publishers in Japan have labels specializing in mysteries, and I would like to pick books from these labels to read each month!📚✨
also I have a TBR game that I made and I hope to get it professionally printed and maybe even sell it online!
I have been keeping an arty reading journal for like 3 years now, getting into my 4th year and doing so by using old magazines etc and it's honestly helping me remember what I read because my visual brain remembers it better. But it is honestly so much fun to make it messy!
(I also have been toying with the video doing it digitally but I'll see how that goes time wise)
i started my own physical reading journal back in august and definitely want to continue on with it in the new year, i’m not a super artsy person but it’s been super fun getting creative with the spreads:D
I really want to do an art journal with my reading goals, make bookmarks and use apps to record my reading achievements.
I’m not pressuring myself to do anything massive but I’d love to get to more short story collections this year!
I love these videos! I really wish I could have done more reading and writing this year, but starting university has been such a big energy and time sink that I had to put a lot of things aside. That said, I'm excited to do more of those in the year to come. Thank you for bringing more fun bookish goodness to this corner of the internet : )
I literally have a Notion page dedicated to all sorts of new releases and this year I added the books that interested me there too! It's really helpful! With all the Kpop, Taylor Swift and Bookish Releases this year.. I'm scared of the next year lmao
Such good ideas!! This year I didn’t let myself buy as many books, and I read SO many books I loved from the library! But now I need to buy all the ones I loved that I don’t own 😂
Although I achieved my 100 books goal this year, I think I'm going to lower the goal next year because I can tell that I've been intentionally avoiding longer books for fear of not keeping up with the goal.
I definitely agree with letting go of books that you said you would read them but have yet to read them . I definitely gotta go through my book pile real soon again . I also completely agree with letting go of books that you hated and still hold on to for me it’s nice to let go of books you don’t like especially if they make you like angry, or annoyed, or you had a negative experience anything like that . I want to fill up my bookshelves with books that I love ❤️
Oooo journal spreads are so cool!!! I think I might do that next year for my five star reads! But also, I’m not uber creative🤣
I just got back into reading at the end of 2022, so this has been my first full year that I can look back on. I am proud of myself for managing 16 books last year. I read a little slow and like to savor my books, but I still had some gaps in my time, so I'd like to be more consistent and bump that number up to at least 24. 2 a month feels like a number that will not be stressing me, but just keeping me from falling back into not reading for large periods. I'd also like to focus on getting through my physical tbr, as I got a little overexcited and let my buying get away from my reading a bit. It's not absurd, but when you aren't reading fast, having about 40 in the wings is starting to be too much. I'm still excited for all of them, I just want to make sure I am actually getting to them. So I think the goal for this year will be to make sure that number goes down. I won't completely hold myself to no buying at all, I don't know that spending a whole year without entering a bookstore is realistic, but at least buying less than I am reading.
This year was my best reading year yet--most number of books and pages in a year! I'm not looking to beat that next year; instead, I want to focus on reading genres I skimped on this year, so I want to read a nonfiction book every month, and I want to get more Spanish practice, so I'm planning to also work my way through Harry Potter #1 in Spanish.
I agree about getting rid of books you used to be excited about! Better to have it off your shelves than feel regret every time you look at the book. Start the year off with a fresh bookshelf selection that you're excited to read.
You're spreads look great! Thanks for sharing!
Aside from doing my 200 books in a year challenge (which I've never accomplished) I'm gonna finish the 2 series I'm currently doing (Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and Jack West Jr. By Matthew Reilly) I'm also gonna do a Elliot Brooks 2023 Goodreads Snub list and Captured in Words Bingeworthy recs videos list and challenge them, we'll see if I agree or not. These are kinda just for fun and i wont feel bad for not finishing these. I do need to go on a ban, I recently cleaned and I have no room for any more books.
I plan to try and read more of certain genres. I read a lot of manga this year to the point I'm at 391 books read so far this year already. (yes i kno it is a lot!) But I'd like to read more memoirs personally. I currently am about to start Britney Spears's new memoir soon so I'm looking forward to that. I can't do the whole tbr jar thing either cause I am a big mood reader too.
I love making my reading journal, it really lets me be creative in a productive way (capricorn brain). For mood reader I saw someone do a TBR jar and used different color paper for the different genres, so if they wanted romance they knew to grab a red paper.
I found I read better when I have a challenge goal to meet. So this year I'm doing the A-Z challenge, I made two different bingos, and I have diversity prompts like reading a book by a Hindu author, reading a book with disability rep, and reading a nonfiction history book.
I've seen TBR jars with prompts instead of book titles, that could definitely be a good idea for a mood reader. I think my main goal is to read my physical TBR and listen to more audio books. I've been finding myself crafting a bit more and if I read with an audiobook, I'll be able to continue my reading goal.
Great Video Jesse Merry Christmas and Happy Reading ✨🎄🎅🏻🎁✨📚😊
Jesse, your flip the page book challenge is my favourite video, like, ever. It NEVER fails to make me laugh. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, keep being you❤
Hello!! I do journal my reads, however, because I don't have much time to write/collage about every single book, what I do instead is: having a log where I write down the title of the book, the author, the date that I finished reading it, and my rating. I only do specific spreads with my thougts and a small collage for those that are either a 4 or 5 star read! Hope this encourages you to journal a bit more about your reading.
Ooh I love how you have the books you’ve read this year on the top of your shelf!
I own way to many books and I have no more room left... so my goal next year is to read my tbr and im going on a book buying ban for the entire year!
I reached my Goodreads goal. Not only reached but exceeded! 🙌🏽
2024 is the Chinese year of the dragon so I plan to read some books with dragons at some point next year.
I love that idea!
I really like the idea of making spreads for books but it's way too much work to do it for every book, I could imagine myself doing it only for books I really enjoyed :)
I’ve decided to not set a reading goal this year. 2024 is the year of quality, not quantity. Same with buying books. I want to heavily cut back on impulse buying. I usually buy used books, so it’s not about overconsumption, but I want the books I buy to be books I actually have a heavy interest in. I also wanna try ebooks.
Jesse I have read Dark archives this year … and no spoilers but wow !!! So glad I picked it up!!. If you’re into science and Dark science/ history pick it up 😊
I'm not setting goals. Only things I will be working on are my personal "challenges" for reading series, reading authors and rereading. But those are on going challenges that don't have a time limit
goals read slowly
get through more of my unread books (specially if they came out in 2014 or earlier)
let go of more books
remember to actually leave reviews on books
use the library more
I haven't had a GoodReads challenge in a couple years due to expecting/having a baby, but this year I totally plan to set one up. Which will include some of those books I've had for years and never got around to.
As for creative things: Last year, I discovered the "fun" in custom FUN-kos. I've painted several already, including 1 from my own work. Mostly I do characters from my favorite series, and now it's become a new hobby that I plan to continue in the coming year. I've already got 2 more planned. Maybe you should try it :)
I actually have a collection of different active reading logs - a digital one on my phone. An actual physical reading log that includes page counts, formats, days read and reviews. One for just listing the books I read per year, what format, whether it was a first read or re-read, and star rating. And another for keeping track of favorite chapters from favorite books (still not sure why I feel compelled to record that, but I do).
Great ideas! Creating TBR cards would be a fun gift for reader friends!❤
I've only been tracking my reading since 2020, and I've stopped creating TBRs because I wind up with several titles year-over-year judging me for not reading them. But...I love the idea of trying to tackle them with a backlist reading challenge. 😅♥
Merry Christmas Jesse. Hoping a holiday season of health and gratitude for you and yours. 🎄
I want to have two jars- one to represent my tbr and one for read books. I think it would be fun to see the tokens move through the year, but I'm lost on what to use for tokens lol
I definitely want to read more in 2024 (no specific amount, not too much pressure :), just a bit more than this year. First two on my list: Have been meaning to read A Winter’s Promise by Dabos and got The Midnight Raven by Orson Moore recommended.
I am doing Chantel Reads All Day read your bookshelf challenge and I just started booktube
I try to have a 2 out 1 in policy when it comes to buying books, I can buy 1 book for every 2 books I unhaul. Theoretically this means that my collection will be slowly shrinking from the (way too many for my shelves) collection I have to something more more manageable.
I'm starting a game for my monthly TBR!
Tell me how you're not acreative person please? Those spreads are so awsome
Question from a new-to-being-an-artistic reader to anyone who cares to answer: how exactly do we make those miniature books..?? Bc it looks SO cute but I genuinely have no idea how to get there haha 😅
You can look up instuctions online or watch a UA-cam video about it. I use to make small books by cutting little squares of paper and stapling those togther. Then print book covers. Or you can use glue. I have not done this for some years. But I am thinking about going back to it.
Jesse: "I'm not that creative" *proceeds to show epic page spreads of reading journal. Me: "......... are you sure about that?"
i want to take advantage of libraries more often next year. i’ve been so dedicated to owning every book i read, but it’s really not practical for me right now 😂
My one and only goal would be to finally read and finish Jane Austen's 'Emma'. I tried to read it for years! Years! And I don't know why I can't get into it. I read and loved all other complet works by Jane Austen. But's not that I don't like it. But it still is something that makes me DNF it. I tried everything: Reading it by itself, listen as an audiobook, reading and follow along with and audiobook and I even once tried to read it in my native language (Swedish) to see if that helped. 🙈🙈🙈
There is a manga version of Emma. That might help.
My goal is to finish dune and reread Dr Stone
i’ve surpassed my reading goal by 4 books but i’m scared to go too high for next year cause i know i’ll be super busy. maybe i’ll up my 2023 goal of 40 books to 45 for 2024 !!
I bought a lot of new books, but was not able to get through them all. I am hoping to not buy a lot of books (exapt for the next in the sires) and get through the ones I have.
It’s the year of the dragon, so I’m going to be reading as many dragon books as I can.
my social media fomo has grown so strong … i need to control that so i can read more often 😂
reader math, similar to girl math, letting go of books that no longer interest you means you have more space to buy new books hahaha
but how do you get people to watch? I've had a channel for 6 years and I have like 60 subs and like 10 views per vid! I would love to grow my subscribers not for "fame" or "popularity" but to have people to talk books about with!
My goal is to unhaul more books then I haul next year 😩
I want to put my non-fiction books in Dewey Decimal order
My main goal is to stop buying books when I have so many unread ones 😭
my bookstagram/booktok is gonna be so slay you guys …
I can’t wait to go to the bookstore after everyone unhauls 😂🫶🏽