I have been struggling with this ever since I was a teenager please pray for me please pray that I can break the strong holds and stop living in this sin and break my desire to fill my stomach instead of filling my heart with the Lord.
Offer the sin of Gluttony to Jesus Christ for he is Stronger and more powerful than us all. I too struggle with Gluttony. Sending you prayers of control and strength in your journey to stay healthy.
I’m glad you mentioned about enjoying your food because I think when one has become aware that they were overeating /are struggling with it, they can actually feel guilty about enjoying any food! I feel that self-hatred is often at the root of comfort eating/overeating. The advice on foods you are giving is very helpful. Thank you. Blessings.
I've been struggling with gluttony for years. I appreciate the info in your video and will be a doer and--with prayer and Faith--hopefully overcome this through the Lord Jesus. God bless you, brother Bryan.
Thanks for this insightful vid. You gave many helpful points on weight loss & dietary changes. Recently I've been convicted about a gluttonous lifestyle & I would add that weight loss will only be a byproduct of what my heart REALLY desires, which is obedience to the word. Therefore I must DENY myself & take up my cross daily in order to have true liberty in Christ. I realize my body is a temple for the Holy Spirit & I am NOT my own, so I MUST consider the way I treat God's temple. I cannot allow the" lust of the flesh" to rule in my members. JESUS said man cannot live by bread alone, & that was after a 40 day fast. I somehow must gain the same commitment to Him as He had towards the Father. This has been a lifelong struggle but when I look at the love it took for Christ to step from perfection into an wretched & undone world & die for a wretch like me SURELY I can commit my body as a living sacrifice unto Him. With that commitment I vow to obey by keeping the temple He bought with his precious blood undefiled. Bless the name of the Lord. Oh how I love Jesus because He FIRST love me!
I'm a hundred and 35 lbs overweight and I've been praying for God's help and deliverance over and over again and I know that he's going to help me and he's there and I need to pray and thank him for the stuff I have in just work on the things that God wants me to but thank God he loves me and he don't judge me because I'm morbidly obese that he really sees my heart and he knows that I love him it's a sickness and a sin just like alcoholism and drug addictions it's very hard to overcome
No it would be better to put a knife to ones throat. Not put a knife. This gives you a direction to combat the spirit of gluttony. Make sure to not judge. Some more common that one thinks is Cushing's disease. I have it. My pituitary glands have benign tiny tumors that trick all foods to switch to sugar and the rest is not absorbed. So even though on a 800 calorie Endocrinologists healthy intake I gain weight. Be careful how you judge. Apple body shape and soft throat fat is a failed pituitary glands. Has nothing to do as being a sin.
Hey Pastor Bryan, thank you for your biblical sermons. I am a KJV Christian believer. I just left the Roman Catholic Church for a biblical church 10 months ago, and am thrilled to be learning and studying the Word. I had a problem with gluttony, and by daily surrender to Jesus, I have overcome this sin. I'm glad you are addressing this sin. And, HAPPY birthday! I also make my own macaroni and cheese from scratch.
I’ve been dealing with this since childhood to cope with trauma. I want to break this cycle. I believe that I can do it in Jesus’ name. My weight has gone up and down over the last 4 years with diets, going to the gym, joined programs. It did work, but now I cannot seem to keep up anymore. I am determined to kill the desires of my flesh and to lose my weight off with Jesus. Jesus, I repent and seek you! I am going after my lifestyle change!
Hey brother I need prayer. Ive been saved a year and I quit, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and pornography, but I've been struggling with over eating. I've got to get my weight under control this year.
Monosodium Glutamate, "Natural Flavors", "Yeast Extract", "Natural *insert fruit* flavor" and many more Watch out for these. They are exciters that cause cravings amd make you want more and more.
You never heard a sermon on gluttony because it’s too touchy as the preacher might be committing that sin as well as the other members of the congregation. Potluck dinners and refreshments galore and every time a box of doughnuts opens up, look out they’re all over it like ants on a spilled soda! Gluttony, ladies and gentlemen!
I eliminated wheat, including the hidden wheat in almost everything in a can or package, and I rarely feel hungry anymore. Also managed to shed some pounds, although it is a slow process after the initial weight loss. Modern wheat has been described as an excitotoxin just like aspartame and MSG. I also have increased my iodine intake, avoid chlorine, and it makes a very noticeable, positive difference. If offered goodies, I'll accept so as not to offend, and then give it to my chickens later (except for chocolate).
Brings back memories . That is how we got our milk , living in Michigan Sometimes Shake It Up other times We would skim the cream 2 make Butter The farm was less than a mile down the road from us . We raised meat chickens And would barter. And it wasn't just no broken bones it was all so awesome teeth .
I can attest to switching diets! I'm about year in to almost all natural diet. I feel so so so....so much better. Still aways to go and I'm slowly losing weight. I can't even stand soda now. It taste like chemicals. Thank you for this opportunity to learn!
Any thoughts about Charles H. Spurgeon and Moody? They were obese. That's a fact but another fact is that Spurgeon, for example, was a great preacher. We cannot deny that. We can clearly see the Holy Spirit's influence on his ministry. Would this influence be stronger if he was thin and had self control over his appetite? Was his body like a "thorn in the flesh" because God's grace is always enough? Who knows? God works in different ways. The sin of gluttony (lack of self control) is not always walking hand in hand with obesity.
I do it to try to suppress emotions and feelings..if I get out of town and go camping I feel so good but I'm 50 lbs overweight. I should be 120 and I'm up to 170...its hard when you live with someone who's a glutton and deceived though..I dont know how yo get away...dont have a job or my own money...I often eat when I'm angry for some reason..
Explanation is needed: Is there a double standard? If one sin is as serious as another ("break one/break them all") - we have abusers of their body which is the temple of God (gluttons) that do not repent and continue as a glutton and are morbidly obese are 'saved' as said here, yet alcoholics that do not repent and continue as alcoholics are not saved? Adulterers? Confused. Just asking.
James says "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all. For He who said, "Do not commit adultery, also said, do not commit murder. Now if you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a trangressor of the law. So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the LAW OF LIBERTY. We are not under the written law to keep it but we have the greater law of liberty - the law written in our hearts brings liberty. Spiritwalkvictory
Bryan, We grew up drinking raw milk, my dad was a Dairy Farmer. When are you coming to NJ and visit me and my brother('S) who has a farm, and would be willing to give you some raw milk? Great Sermon!!!! i don't know how our parents did it with 10 Kids but they did. Come out and visit us, you will meet some good christians like yourself. You won't be disappointed. hope to meet you.
What if I am a gym goer trying to gain muscle . To do so I'll need to eat beyond what my stomach is accustomed to.I am skinny by the way . How do I navigate this ?
Gain muscle? May I ask why? Vanity? If so, pray and ask God to deliver you. I was trapped in vanity. Trying to build muscle and recomp my body for all of the wrong reasons.
Funnily enough I now realize gym was the cause of my gluttony problem😅 eating in excess to gain muscle... Though the bible does say in Timothy 4:8 that bodily exercise is of some value to but Holiness is far more important to God, so don't disregard it completely .
The more you get to know the Lord though his word he will let you know what needs to be done. The fruits of the spirit 1 which is self control. If you are struggling with anything pray to the Holy Spirit and let him guide you. God Blesses!
If you heat the cheese to make Mac and cheese doesn’t that also make it pasteurized? I’m new to the idea of raw milk so would appreciate it. Thank you for this wonderful video
Happy B Day Brian .. well your born day .. but ur born again day is another thing : ) that's what im going to say to my family on my B Day coming up .. im going to say .. this is my first B Day but i've been born again in Jesus Christ : )
"If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it." All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death." (1 John 5:16-17) There are around 30 sins in the Old Testament that are "sins unto death," (also Mt 12:31) some of which are referenced in Mt. 15:4, Mk 7:10, Rv 21:8, Rv 22:15. Sin is defined in 1 Jn 3:4.
Do you eat pork or shellfish? I'm interested in whether these are prohibited as Christians? Is the best next line of defense against GMO's to eat Kosher? I've never had raw milk - would love to try it! I have every symptom of being poisoned by regular milk. Is there a farm where you can purchase raw milk in Northern NJ? Or close? I would love to see if it makes a difference.
I’ve been listening to multiple videos on gluttony and the very first one was a very thin, fit looking guy. It had nothing to do with his weight. His mind and his life were enslaved by food. His money was going to food and hardly anything else. Be careful making it about weight.
To help give those who struggle with this addiction and sin, may the Lord give me a simple and straight forward way to explain how to overcome it. Firstly, one needs to be born again, which is not of corruptible seed but incorruptible. and that seed is the Word of God and it is not by the will of man but it is the will of God that this happens. When one is born again, they can see the kingdom of God, but they need to still enter into it and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. Get into the word of God and seek the Lord that He may be found and the Word of God in english is the KJV. No other translation is inspired of God and are copyrighted novels which means it is an original work of man and not of God. Now the gospel, Adam was made perfect and knew no sin, but he transgressed God's law and brought sin and death upon all mankind so all those born of a man are born under the law of sin and death. The wages of sin is death and the eternal judgment is hell, eternal fire void of all light, unbearably hot, and weeping and gnashing of teeth away from the presence of God for all eternity. And this is the cost of sin. God is not a respector of persons and and doesn't make exceptions. He is Holy. And one needs to become Holy and perfect to enter into the kingdom of God. No sinner shall dwell in the congregation of the righteous. Now, no matter what, man cannot become holy of his own doing for it is dead works and filthy rags. The righteousness of the law cannot justify anyone under the law. So God is Holy and He is a Spirit therefore the Holy Ghost is God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is not a man. He is an eternal Spirit that is Holy and has no beginning or end. He has said in Isaiah, I am the First and the Last. There is no other God beside me. God literally begat a son. A human male child which was conceived in the womb of a virgin. Jesus the Son of God did not inherit sin because his father is not a man but is God. That which was conceived in Mary was of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the Father of Jesus. Jesus the Son of God began to exist at his birth and grew in stature and wisdom. At 30 years old, he was baptized but he had no sins to remit so God annointed His Son that day with His Holy Spirit, and from that point on God was in Christ and that is when Jesus become the Christ. And Jesus spoke His Father's word to the people and He came in His Father's name. And Jesus laid down his life who had no sin and shed his blood to pay the wage of sin. For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. And died and conquered death, hell and the grave for it was impossible for death to hold him. The flames could not touch him. and God raised him up from the dead the third day and 40 days later He ascended and sat on the right hand of power. He is sitting on the throne right now. And those that believe this gospel need to obey it to have life in His name and to be washed from sin and have the power to overcome and resist sin and be converted to a saint and not a sinner. To obey the gospel of Jesus Christ is to repent and be water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and the sign is that one will speak with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. This is how you come to abide in Christ. And you are no longer in bondage to sin and from that point forth, you must continue in holiness and endure unto the end to be saved from the wrath of God. Otherwis, you will perish in the wilderness like the Israelites and not enter into God's rest. So if you have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ according to what has been spoken and have received of his Spirit, then if you are born again of God's word, then let all things be done in moderation especially eating. For if you truly love God, then you will respect His Tabernacle, which is in the person who is in Christ. To sum up, obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, and after abide in Him and be temperate in all things and walk in the Spirit to not fulfill the lust of the flesh. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear.
Today I overate a tasty fast food and after a few hours I began feeling unwell.My body is feeling nauseous , it feels as if my body cannot digest that food.I already vomitated a few times but the feeling of fullness is not over yet. Update- a few minutes after listening to this video and writing this comment , I began feeling better because of a burp.
Also I have noticed that the enemy is going against you here on UA-cam. The have been taking and modifying your videos, saying negative things about you...So persecution is afoot!...
No way are you or anyone else drinking 3 or 4 dr. Peppers in 10 minutes and then go back to work 💯 so your drinking basically a 12 pack of dr. Pepper per 8 hour shift maybe more if you work overtime. I guess you just walked back and forth to the men's room all day long ❓ I'm not buying it 🤔🫠🫤 but why would you lie about something so insignificant, that is what is truly is bothering me. Please explain if you can, Thank You and God Bless You in Jesus Christ Holy Name. J V 🕊️🕊️🕊️
I have been struggling with this ever since I was a teenager please pray for me please pray that I can break the strong holds and stop living in this sin and break my desire to fill my stomach instead of filling my heart with the Lord.
Im trying to do the same. Need courage to step forward and pray to God for all I need. I will be praying for you x
Offer the sin of Gluttony to Jesus Christ for he is Stronger and more powerful than us all. I too struggle with Gluttony. Sending you prayers of control and strength in your journey to stay healthy.
How are you doing with your journey since 4 yrs ago? God bless!
I’m glad you mentioned about enjoying your food because I think when one has become aware that they were overeating /are struggling with it, they can actually feel guilty about enjoying any food! I feel that self-hatred is often at the root of comfort eating/overeating. The advice on foods you are giving is very helpful. Thank you. Blessings.
I've been struggling with gluttony for years. I appreciate the info in your video and will be a doer and--with prayer and Faith--hopefully overcome this through the Lord Jesus. God bless you, brother Bryan.
Thanks for this insightful vid. You gave many helpful points on weight loss & dietary changes. Recently I've been convicted about a gluttonous lifestyle & I would add that weight loss will only be a byproduct of what my heart REALLY desires, which is obedience to the word. Therefore I must DENY myself & take up my cross daily in order to have true liberty in Christ. I realize my body is a temple for the Holy Spirit & I am NOT my own, so I MUST consider the way I treat God's temple. I cannot allow the" lust of the flesh" to rule in my members. JESUS said man cannot live by bread alone, & that was after a 40 day fast. I somehow must gain the same commitment to Him as He had towards the Father. This has been a lifelong struggle but when I look at the love it took for Christ to step from perfection into an wretched & undone world & die for a wretch like me SURELY I can commit my body as a living sacrifice unto Him. With that commitment I vow to obey by keeping the temple He bought with his precious blood undefiled. Bless the name of the Lord. Oh how I love Jesus because He FIRST love me!
I'm a hundred and 35 lbs overweight and I've been praying for God's help and deliverance over and over again and I know that he's going to help me and he's there and I need to pray and thank him for the stuff I have in just work on the things that God wants me to but thank God he loves me and he don't judge me because I'm morbidly obese that he really sees my heart and he knows that I love him it's a sickness and a sin just like alcoholism and drug addictions it's very hard to overcome
love that he set his video in true nature instead of indoors at a desk... i love seeing all the green, the sunshine, and hearing the birds singing
This is exactly what I have been praying for. I'm thankful to the Lord and you for providing this message. So very needed. Thank you.
gluttony is a sin which often hides an emotional and sexual void (alcohol for men and sweets for women)
i want to kill the desires of my flesh...step on them bad and walk straight in my life, i should fast.
"Put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite." (Proverbs 23:2)
No it would be better to put a knife to ones throat. Not put a knife. This gives you a direction to combat the spirit of gluttony. Make sure to not judge. Some more common that one thinks is Cushing's disease. I have it. My pituitary glands have benign tiny tumors that trick all foods to switch to sugar and the rest is not absorbed. So even though on a 800 calorie Endocrinologists healthy intake I gain weight. Be careful how you judge. Apple body shape and soft throat fat is a failed pituitary glands. Has nothing to do as being a sin.
Hey Pastor Bryan, thank you for your biblical sermons. I am a KJV Christian believer. I just left the Roman Catholic Church for a biblical church 10 months ago, and am thrilled to be learning and studying the Word. I had a problem with gluttony, and by daily surrender to Jesus, I have overcome this sin. I'm glad you are addressing this sin. And, HAPPY birthday! I also make my own macaroni and cheese from scratch.
LOL-- Mac and cheese is not "biblical" or healthy. Come back to the true church.
Dont call him pastor!
thak you for revealing the Truth about stubborness and rebellion against the Lord ... elaine
And this is why the Cancer rate is exploding. All the chemicals/additives in the food and the fact people live off fast food all their lives.
Thank you Brother Bryan for God’s truth about Gluttony...God Bless...
Thank you for speaking about this nearly didn't watch it but my curiousity won. Such a blessing to hear.
I’ve been dealing with this since childhood to cope with trauma. I want to break this cycle. I believe that I can do it in Jesus’ name. My weight has gone up and down over the last 4 years with diets, going to the gym, joined programs. It did work, but now I cannot seem to keep up anymore. I am determined to kill the desires of my flesh and to lose my weight off with Jesus. Jesus, I repent and seek you! I am going after my lifestyle change!
Hey brother I need prayer. Ive been saved a year and I quit, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and pornography, but I've been struggling with over eating. I've got to get my weight under control this year.
I always think about food. I eat fast and alot. Can't stop. When I am full I still want to eat.
Monosodium Glutamate, "Natural Flavors", "Yeast Extract", "Natural *insert fruit* flavor" and many more
Watch out for these. They are exciters that cause cravings amd make you want more and more.
You never heard a sermon on gluttony because it’s too touchy as the preacher might be committing that sin as well as the other members of the congregation. Potluck dinners and refreshments galore and every time a box of doughnuts opens up, look out they’re all over it like ants on a spilled soda! Gluttony, ladies and gentlemen!
Gluttony is a sin that preacher's & congregations commit all the time, yet the can judge & criticize others because they sin differently
I so needed to hear this. Thank you God through you 🙏💒💖💫✨
Me too
I thank you for sharing this very much needed message,I personally need this,I need a huge heart 💖 change.. have used food for every excuse..
This video was amazing and so helpful. Thank you.
I eliminated wheat, including the hidden wheat in almost everything in a can or package, and I rarely feel hungry anymore. Also managed to shed some pounds, although it is a slow process after the initial weight loss. Modern wheat has been described as an excitotoxin just like aspartame and MSG. I also have increased my iodine intake, avoid chlorine, and it makes a very noticeable, positive difference. If offered goodies, I'll accept so as not to offend, and then give it to my chickens later (except for chocolate).
Thankyou from Australia 🇦🇺 great information
Thank You for this video ❤️🙏🏿🙌🏿✝️
The problem is God taught me the truth but my parents taught me to sin and I still live my dad and I'm getting nowhere
Brings back memories . That is how we got our milk , living in Michigan Sometimes Shake It Up other times We would skim the cream 2 make Butter The farm was less than a mile down the road from us . We raised meat chickens And would barter. And it wasn't just no broken bones it was all so awesome teeth .
I can attest to switching diets! I'm about year in to almost all natural diet. I feel so so so....so much better. Still aways to go and I'm slowly losing weight. I can't even stand soda now. It taste like chemicals. Thank you for this opportunity to learn!
This is a God-spirited message. Hugely appreciated brother!
Any thoughts about Charles H. Spurgeon and Moody? They were obese. That's a fact but another fact is that Spurgeon, for example, was a great preacher. We cannot deny that. We can clearly see the Holy Spirit's influence on his ministry. Would this influence be stronger if he was thin and had self control over his appetite? Was his body like a "thorn in the flesh" because God's grace is always enough? Who knows? God works in different ways. The sin of gluttony (lack of self control) is not always walking hand in hand with obesity.
Brother, really appreciate this sermon. A subject that we Christians rarely think about. Excellent stuff...gonna get my hands on some raw milk!!
I do it to try to suppress emotions and feelings..if I get out of town and go camping I feel so good but I'm 50 lbs overweight. I should be 120 and I'm up to 170...its hard when you live with someone who's a glutton and deceived though..I dont know how yo get away...dont have a job or my own money...I often eat when I'm angry for some reason..
Happy Birthday, brother. Thank you for the sermon
Thanks so much for sharing this video thanks for being candid and speaking the truth in love!
Thank you Bryan very well explain I appreciate it. 👍
Explanation is needed:
Is there a double standard? If one sin is as serious as another ("break one/break them all") - we have abusers of their body which is the temple of God (gluttons) that do not repent and continue as a glutton and are morbidly obese are 'saved' as said here, yet alcoholics that do not repent and continue as alcoholics are not saved? Adulterers?
Confused. Just asking.
James says "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all. For He who said, "Do not commit adultery, also said, do not commit murder. Now if you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a trangressor of the law. So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the LAW OF LIBERTY. We are not under the written law to keep it but we have the greater law of liberty - the law written in our hearts brings liberty. Spiritwalkvictory
good sermon!
Went to a bible study and they ate before the study and afterwards.
All five people there were morbidly obese. I was astonished!
happy birthday brother!
Bryan, We grew up drinking raw milk, my dad was a Dairy Farmer. When are you coming to NJ and visit me and my brother('S) who has a farm, and would be willing to give you some raw milk? Great Sermon!!!! i don't know how our parents did it with 10 Kids but they did. Come out and visit us, you will meet some good christians like yourself. You won't be disappointed. hope to meet you.
Where is number 2
What if I am a gym goer trying to gain muscle . To do so I'll need to eat beyond what my stomach is accustomed to.I am skinny by the way . How do I navigate this ?
Gain muscle? May I ask why? Vanity? If so, pray and ask God to deliver you. I was trapped in vanity. Trying to build muscle and recomp my body for all of the wrong reasons.
Funnily enough I now realize gym was the cause of my gluttony problem😅 eating in excess to gain muscle...
Though the bible does say in Timothy 4:8 that bodily exercise is of some value to but Holiness is far more important to God, so don't disregard it completely .
This is one of my sins I deal with every day.
Is quite a tricky thing,but dont worry,God is always a great judge
He is Recording our lives from start to finish!! There will be no Excuse at the Judgment!!! I believe Many will be Shocked beyond there beliefs!!!
Look amos Miller case in Pennsylvania they are fighting against Raw milk !!! It's crazy what's going on!!!
The more you get to know the Lord though his word he will let you know what needs to be done. The fruits of the spirit 1 which is self control. If you are struggling with anything pray to the Holy Spirit and let him guide you. God Blesses!
If you heat the cheese to make Mac and cheese doesn’t that also make it pasteurized? I’m new to the idea of raw milk so would appreciate it. Thank you for this wonderful video
Thank you 🙏 ❤
Happy B Day Brian .. well your born day .. but ur born again day is another thing : ) that's what im going to say to my family on my B Day coming up .. im going to say .. this is my first B Day but i've been born again in Jesus Christ : )
Happy Birthday Bryan
This is something the average Christian pastor is too cowardly to preach.
All I eat is whole foods. Meat, some veggies, some fruit.
~Thank you for this ! ~ Hard but very important topic to tackle!
"If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it."
All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death." (1 John 5:16-17)
There are around 30 sins in the Old Testament that are "sins unto death," (also Mt 12:31) some of which are referenced in Mt. 15:4, Mk 7:10, Rv 21:8, Rv 22:15. Sin is defined in 1 Jn 3:4.
Do you eat pork or shellfish? I'm interested in whether these are prohibited as Christians? Is the best next line of defense against GMO's to eat Kosher? I've never had raw milk - would love to try it! I have every symptom of being poisoned by regular milk. Is there a farm where you can purchase raw milk in Northern NJ? Or close? I would love to see if it makes a difference.
Abbreviation for the Message Bible is MSG. I guess it's a flavour enhancer for the regular Bible.
I can't imagine calling Jesus a glutton. These pharisees, scribes and Sanhedrin where after him heavy and long...they would not give Him rest.
I’ve been listening to multiple videos on gluttony and the very first one was a very thin, fit looking guy. It had nothing to do with his weight. His mind and his life were enslaved by food. His money was going to food and hardly anything else.
Be careful making it about weight.
To help give those who struggle with this addiction and sin, may the Lord give me a simple and straight forward way to explain how to overcome it. Firstly, one needs to be born again, which is not of corruptible seed but incorruptible. and that seed is the Word of God and it is not by the will of man but it is the will of God that this happens. When one is born again, they can see the kingdom of God, but they need to still enter into it and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. Get into the word of God and seek the Lord that He may be found and the Word of God in english is the KJV. No other translation is inspired of God and are copyrighted novels which means it is an original work of man and not of God. Now the gospel, Adam was made perfect and knew no sin, but he transgressed God's law and brought sin and death upon all mankind so all those born of a man are born under the law of sin and death. The wages of sin is death and the eternal judgment is hell, eternal fire void of all light, unbearably hot, and weeping and gnashing of teeth away from the presence of God for all eternity. And this is the cost of sin. God is not a respector of persons and and doesn't make exceptions. He is Holy. And one needs to become Holy and perfect to enter into the kingdom of God. No sinner shall dwell in the congregation of the righteous. Now, no matter what, man cannot become holy of his own doing for it is dead works and filthy rags. The righteousness of the law cannot justify anyone under the law. So God is Holy and He is a Spirit therefore the Holy Ghost is God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is not a man. He is an eternal Spirit that is Holy and has no beginning or end. He has said in Isaiah, I am the First and the Last. There is no other God beside me. God literally begat a son. A human male child which was conceived in the womb of a virgin. Jesus the Son of God did not inherit sin because his father is not a man but is God. That which was conceived in Mary was of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the Father of Jesus. Jesus the Son of God began to exist at his birth and grew in stature and wisdom. At 30 years old, he was baptized but he had no sins to remit so God annointed His Son that day with His Holy Spirit, and from that point on God was in Christ and that is when Jesus become the Christ. And Jesus spoke His Father's word to the people and He came in His Father's name. And Jesus laid down his life who had no sin and shed his blood to pay the wage of sin. For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. And died and conquered death, hell and the grave for it was impossible for death to hold him. The flames could not touch him. and God raised him up from the dead the third day and 40 days later He ascended and sat on the right hand of power. He is sitting on the throne right now. And those that believe this gospel need to obey it to have life in His name and to be washed from sin and have the power to overcome and resist sin and be converted to a saint and not a sinner. To obey the gospel of Jesus Christ is to repent and be water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and the sign is that one will speak with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. This is how you come to abide in Christ. And you are no longer in bondage to sin and from that point forth, you must continue in holiness and endure unto the end to be saved from the wrath of God. Otherwis, you will perish in the wilderness like the Israelites and not enter into God's rest. So if you have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ according to what has been spoken and have received of his Spirit, then if you are born again of God's word, then let all things be done in moderation especially eating. For if you truly love God, then you will respect His Tabernacle, which is in the person who is in Christ. To sum up, obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, and after abide in Him and be temperate in all things and walk in the Spirit to not fulfill the lust of the flesh. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear.
Today I overate a tasty fast food and after a few hours I began feeling unwell.My body is feeling nauseous , it feels as if my body cannot digest that food.I already vomitated a few times but the feeling of fullness is not over yet.
Update- a few minutes after listening to this video and writing this comment , I began feeling better because of a burp.
no specific foods are prohibited for Christians. :-)
That's not correct.
Self control
Also I have noticed that the enemy is going against you here on UA-cam. The have been taking and modifying your videos, saying negative things about you...So persecution is afoot!...
Yes freedom of speech is just an illusion
Do You have anything on lust??
Check out Zac Poonen or Gabe Dawg
Come out to the farm and make a Video (sermon) in the pasture with the cows!! what do you think? good idea?... i think so...Lol.
People are Glutton for Punishment!!!
Love the vid, but why King James over and over again?
Throw out the microwave !
No way are you or anyone else drinking 3 or 4 dr. Peppers in 10 minutes and then go back to work 💯 so your drinking basically a 12 pack of dr. Pepper per 8 hour shift maybe more if you work overtime. I guess you just walked back and forth to the men's room all day long ❓ I'm not buying it 🤔🫠🫤 but why would you lie about something so insignificant, that is what is truly is bothering me. Please explain if you can, Thank You and God Bless You in Jesus Christ Holy Name. J V 🕊️🕊️🕊️