Frugal Vlogmas Day 18: A No Spend January coming up!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @karencraig5916
    @karencraig5916 4 години тому

    Thanks for working hard with daily videos.

  • @maryannrogers8675
    @maryannrogers8675 3 години тому +1

    I’m on my third low spend year. My financial goal is to pay extra towards my mortgage principal each month. My one exception are life experiences and travel experiences. I’ll be spending New Year 2025 in Prague🎉🎉

  • @sarah-lee2822
    @sarah-lee2822 Хвилина тому

    I just started reading your extreme frugality book last night!

  • @paularoberts2129
    @paularoberts2129 6 годин тому +2

    Hi Jane
    Yes I’m joining you
    I would like to do a no spend year it’s definitely doable xx❤️🌲❤️🌲❤️

  • @dianewielepski3638
    @dianewielepski3638 2 години тому

    We moved to a beach town in South Carolina, USA 9 years ago. As most of our new found friends here don’t have family here - we started hosting a Christmas Eve Potluck party so nobody would be alone that evening. We do a fun little gift exchange game, wear our ugly Christmas sweaters/outfits and have a wonderful time. Our friends start asking me at the end of summer if we’re having this gathering LOL.

  • @Burnie_Angel
    @Burnie_Angel 3 години тому

    Hello, and yes, zero spend, and trying to empty my fridge and freezer is right up there. I'll get back into the habit of taking coffee or tea with me on walks again and saving that $5 per cup

  • @cynthia57169
    @cynthia57169 10 годин тому +2

    I’ve been no-spend/low-spend all this year and it will probably have a carry-over for the rest of my life.

  • @kerryjames6312
    @kerryjames6312 19 хвилин тому

    Hopefully will try a low spend no spend 2025

  • @jhodieking6172
    @jhodieking6172 7 годин тому +1

    I will be doing no spend january😊

  • @irenemacginley6022
    @irenemacginley6022 9 годин тому +3

    Another good video. Agree especially about not getting into debt for something, saving for it. Are you mortgage free....?😊

    • @ShoestringJane
      @ShoestringJane  8 годин тому +2

      @@irenemacginley6022 yes, luckily we are now

    • @irenemacginley6022
      @irenemacginley6022 8 годин тому +2

      @@ShoestringJane That's great. So am I and that does make a difference ...

  • @cynthia57169
    @cynthia57169 10 годин тому

    I was in the storage closet for a lovely serving bowl yesterday and found the cake plate & dome I decided I must have donated to charity. Instead it had been moved from the bottom shelf to the top. It’s very nice to have found it.🍰

  • @ibislife
    @ibislife 8 годин тому

    Off topic, but.. I was so fascinated of the reflection in the window behind you, in the middle there, just over the sofa, looks like a face, maybe a troll or a dog or something. I am doing a no spend also, other than I have a drs appt. Merry Christmas.

    • @ShoestringJane
      @ShoestringJane  6 годин тому

      @@ibislife 😂😂 will have to watch that back!

    • @ibislife
      @ibislife 6 годин тому

      @ 😁

  • @cindiblazer8621
    @cindiblazer8621 9 годин тому +1

    I'm making every effort in Jan thru march. Going on vacation in april. Don't need to spend.

  • @lemonteapot1061
    @lemonteapot1061 8 годин тому

    I won’t do a low spend January. However I will avoid shopping at charity shops unless I can find new stuff to regift. I will however try and also eat through my stores and make food from scratch- including cookies and cakes. I will go to a restaurant we like as it’s buy one get one free on burgers in Jan (not a fast food outlet) because to me that’s something fun to do, otherwise a month of nothing after a month of excess! But we’ll done Jane and everyone for doing a proper no spend! Xxx

  • @unwaw
    @unwaw 9 годин тому +1

    I can never stick to no spend

    • @judimantos904
      @judimantos904 8 годин тому

      I try to keep it to low spend, but sometimes a sale of something that I really needed is on sale+ it’s too good to pass up.

  • @donnalawton7487
    @donnalawton7487 7 годин тому

    Hi jane i am commenting because you tubers like viewers to comment i hope you dont get offended by what i say . Many people r in debt not through just buying too much stuff the basic cost of living can get people in debt . In my job i hear a lot of people saying things that show they do not understand how hard it is for some people. Anyone watching for real frugal advise my not like that it is just assumed they are in debt from simply buying stuff they dont need .

    • @jhodieking6172
      @jhodieking6172 7 годин тому +1

      Jane did say that some people are in debt due to living costs.

    • @ShoestringJane
      @ShoestringJane  6 годин тому +1

      @@donnalawton7487 totally. I do get that having been in debt myself in the past because I just didn’t have enough income. I did say I realise I am coming from a point of privilege, being debt and mortgage free now. I’m not offended though