Holy crap everything makes so much sense now! For the longest time Ive always have the impression that each village has their own swamp/desert/tundra/volcano/etc biomes around them and how insanely stupid that is. So instead its more like the Guild stationed on each villages operates on different sections of the same biome/regions. That is fascinating. Thank you for putting the effort to figuring this out!
Doubt it'll happen but if we do revisit the Old World in later games, and all the different villages can be visited, maybe they'll set up volcanic/tundra/swamp biomes that are an aesthetic mix of all the different iterations from each generation, that would be cool.
@yxtee Id be down for that. Or if they could just stitch every iteration of that paticular biome (and fill in the blanks wherever necessary into one massive map.
It makes so much sense that Dire Miralis is right besides Tanzia Because in game you could see those towers with the flames on top when you fought Miralis And in Tanzia you could see 3 of those towers in the distance which are the ones at Miralis's location
@@immortalstar0138 Yeah but you can see them If you go up the stairs from where you eat in Tanzia you can see 3 of those in the distance on the left And if you fight Miralis behind him in the background are 3 as well I always believed that they are the same
@@immortalstar0138 Lighthouses made of Miralis materials. All made with a Dire Miralis that got slayed by Tanzia chief because went on a rampage and tried to destroy the port (like the one fought in-game). It's called Black Dragon exorcism lighthouse and was made for celebrating the action.
Val Habar is actually a massive caravan. It's said directly in the beginning of 4 that Val Habar goes wherever the Hunting Hall goes. The hunting hall is a giant ship.
The area I had to make the most assumptions for was Bherna. I originally though it was in the mountains above Dundorma, but being on land it would make no sense why they relied on airships to get around, why they would be going to the Jurassic Frontier which would be so far away, etc. Still out of all the assumptions made, this is the largest "stretch" so hopefully we will get more info one day.
Bherna is 100% close to moga due to the moofah being found only in deserted Island, you can fight royal Ludroth only in misty peaks, deserted island AND ruined pinnacle (actually those three maps share a lot of monsters) and because in those three maps (and Jurassic frontier) are the only maps in where you can find the Bealite ore.
This video was amazing, and it made me really excited for the future of monster hunter as in open world with all the places mmorpg etc. But not the monsterhunter online mmorpg that is already out that one is not what i imagine haha
I think the only unmentioned stuff is MHFU/Frontier Great Forest. You put a Narga icon there but i think you didn't say anything about it. We do know that Great Forest is supposed to be close to the tower and is probably the main habitat of Molten Tigrex (or at least, Wiki says that).
@gaijin hunter that's really cool 😎 I would really like to get some downloads of those maps, especially the one you made yourself, I like putting things like that as live wallpapers on my phone 📱 (I say live wallpapers because I get them to flip between pictures every so often) any chance you can point me in the right direction? 😊👍 ♥
It seems fairly common for people to point out that the location of the New World doesn't quite line up with data we're given in _World._ However, I think it's safe to point out that none of the maps are of the globe. This can mean that the continent of the New World extends significantly further north than is hinted at by the maps of the other titles. Plus keep in mind that due to the nature of the _Monster Hunter_ universe that we shouldn't take any particular map as 100% accurate, even if they might have the technology to map the continent out fairly accurately, they lack the means to copy such an exact map. Basically, scope and accuracy are quite limited so Capcom has plenty of room to move things around a bit in the future if need be.
Plus they can always have some cataclysm strike and sunder the land to bits, or have some massive monster appear from the ocean and ruin stuff if they want to rearrange the world. So nothing is ever set in stone.
@@MHChrono also the monster hunter world is in some weird form of retro-paleo-future on account of salvaged technology from the ancients and new technological developments thanks to the incredible power of the monsters and elder dragons. While they can soar through the air and have technology that even surpasses us in some aspects, they're still in a somewhat primitive/medieval setting where mapping terrain was actually an arduous task thats was seldom accurate, combine that with the theory that big elder dragons constantly shuffle terrain around on their rampages and we have an endlessly shifting world that is very very difficult to map out accurately which gives the MH devs the chance to reasonably change layout around as they see fit. I do hope they eventually set some key locations for good though
Since so many are asking: No clue if Monster Hunter Stories is anywhere on this globe, it very well may be its own universe. There are no hints that I see that it is anywhere in this world map that we have.
I always felt as though Stories loosely followed the story of 4U, but in a different universe. The Black Blight felt like a more Saturday morning cartoon version of the Frenzy virus.
@@Cure-Master ah, yes, reddit, the best source for the information. Would that mean that Blos that looks like Alphons from FMA and evangelion brachy are canon?
thank you for putting all that time into something that is not important for the game but really interesting and important to the lore. Also i just noticed that the hunter has to travel a few days just to get some dumb shrooms.
Haha, that reminds me of a joke that I'd like to say whenever my hunting buddies complain about something in game: "what's the matter? The Guild got you picking too many mushrooms?".
I don't think the devs have laid this out as good. They probably have a rough idea, but most of it is probably a artistic choice. As with a lot of gradually growing, fantasy worlds. Making a full world map just limits future locations. Its kept vague on purpose. That said, its fun to speculate, and honestly this seams very believable.
Yeah Ryozo Tsujimoto and Rise's head of development even said recently in the interview with Arekkz that they purposefully keep the time and place the games take place rather vague. As you said, it's fun to speculate and this seems fairly believable, but for all we know lots of this could be incorrect. Also it irks me that the Tri villages/areas are on the same continent, as in that game (or when that game was about to come out, can't exactly remember) those regions were called "The New World"/a new continent (it wasn't prominently mentioned though, could be that it was just the devs who mentioned this).
@@96lol820 That being said, a vague time period doesn’t really matter, in-universe, when they improve weapons, mechanics, and introduce new monsters. We can assume when it takes place comparing it to previous MH games. Like, for example, we can easily assume nothing takes place before 4th Gen because the Charge Blade/Insect Glaive exists and was only made functional sometime before 4th Gen but after 3rd Gen. And World takes place after that because the Ace Cadet grew up. And because Anjanath was discovered via World, Rise has to take place during or after the events in the game. Also, I believe Loc Lac was described as some new continent in the Manga, Flash Hunter. It was about a couple Hunter who move from Dundorma to Loc Lac, a town “few have heard of” according to the manga and take a boat to go there. “Unknown towns, unknown monsters, unknown hunting grounds”. Of course in-game no one mentions this, and everyone is very clearly aware of these towns and monsters in later games. This was likely a throwaway fact that was given because it symbolized the jump to Nintendo.
Something this map shows is how hunts clearly take a few days, if only to get to the place. I got this view of the game from one of the Manga, I can't remember which one but they take a few days to get in the mountain, set up draps and what not to hunt a monster, then days to come back. I played with a few friends who got into MH with World and they joked about how the different "villages" suddenly change in just a single hunt for some story related quest, like when they get ready to stop Zorah, let alone the building of the wood barrier. I also got to use it as an excuse for the loadings in previous gens, from looking at Desert Island in MH3, you could see and guess where each area were from the high point of view of the first one, and you can be sure it'd take hours to walk through them. So I guess the loadings had a nice side effect of feeling like you needed that time to travel. Would also explain why monster could suddenly be sleeping when chasing them to their nest (I know they don't just pop in place sleeping but if you lagged behind just a bit, was as if) would be as getting to a monster you've been chasing for a while now and they are so exhausted they just can't help but sleep so much, try to heal up.
I've leaned toward this interpretation too. It also explains why there's such an emphasis on eating a huge meal before the hunter departs - they'll be living on whatever they can scrounge/fish from the environment, plus their preserved rations, for as long as the hunt takes. Loading up on nutrition and calories first measurably boost their performance. This would also go a long way toward explaining the time limit on hunts. It's not that you're expected to bring down a monster in one in-universe hour, but in the scale of time compression, you're starting to run out of supplies and the hunter or the guild pulls the plug before they end up getting into trouble fighting without enough food. World downplays both of these - the ancient forest and wildspire waste are both visible from Astera and all the hunting grounds are close enough to reach via wingdrake, plus the time compression is much more visible with a day/night cycle - but it makes sense. All resources, including the hunters' lives, are that much more precious so they tend to expect a job to be done quicker - but on the other hand they're not so fussed if it takes several tries (seen in how the Handler will just post a quest if you fail a plot encounter). Expeditions can last indefinitely, but it's mentioned that quite a lot of training was needed to joint he commission, that probably includes wilderness survival - plus the camps are fully equipped with personal supplies and a functioning kitchen.
@@nawnomadnan9874 I don't think it was Orage, as far as I remember, that one was quite outside the classic MH universe in a way, hunters with their own rules that doesn't have to follow the guild's or stuff like that. So was either Flash or Epic, not sure those ever got translated to English and not sure of the original Japanese name either as I read them in French
@@Kazmahu I actually never thought about the time limit, like never gave much thought on it ever, but that would actually make a lot of sense too! I kind of wish they go back to something a bit old school for some of those for that reason. World brought a lot of life improvement, but having segmented map even if that meant some loading had some perks too (although that one I like having a single map too so I'm split on the question) and only having one camp with limited resources too, you could see those as temporary location with some stuff staying on place but in general is just your camp for your hunt you setup after days of travel, hence limited resources as well. I'm really looking forward to the next game, I'd love one on switch, brand new game, but also have a bit more of a mix between what World brought, and a more classic MH feel to some aspects of the game too.
Given Capcom's track record, the world map looks incredibly solid and consistent. Much of their other series are riddled with retcons or enforced ambiguity.
@@Gayhan- Part of it is though. Like the upper part of world being called Akura (the zone where 2nd gen swamp and judging from the map also the tundra, essentialy the zone east of shrade), hence the name of Akura Vashimu (that tecnically lives in the 2nd gen swamp he's an invader in the desert), wich also could be 100% canon without problems, even though he isn't (the whole Crystal gimmick is belivable, well explained and not over the top, like the Monster's design and fight). IMO the first years of Frontier should be considered canon because they don't add anything out of place and back then Frontier's Team worked on pair with the Mainline's and Portable's (hence Lavasioth and Hypnocatrice in FU). Since they went on their own way after FU, probabily most of the staff of the other two team are aware of what Frontier added to the lore before Zenith and stuff like that.
Something I wanna point out based on you New World placement, Seliana and the entire Hoarfrost would be farther South from there, off the current map and towards the South Pole. As for the guiding lands, that’s past the Elder’s Recess so that’s farther West from Astera. All this would also mean a boat ride from Seliana to Castle Schrade wouldn’t just be long, but also extremely treacherous and highly lethal as well.
i know, the New World in its full scale is probably far bigger than we imagine. it's just that we've underestimated the distance because our hunters are always travelling light via wingdrake, which looked like it was accessible and within short flying distance.
@@kevinmulia6503 Another thing to remember about the New World is that what we -have- seen of it is due to the extreme amount of biodiversity thanks to the Elders' energy being released when they go to die in the Rotten Vale. It's possible that it's not quite so diverse accross the rest of the New World's expanse - but it's also entirely possible there's all kinds of things out there!
There is no way seliana and hoarfrost reach are in the south pole, since in game world map pointed that its on the northwest of astera. So seliana and hoarfrost reach are in the north pole region, more like siberia if anything IMO.
@@Vulgarth1 It is actually, up = north. The in game map have this compass that clearly stated this (check that out yourself). If we need to take anything capcom put in their game as canon, so it without question New World does point up north, not my assumption, but the game said so.
The little island between the desert and the west land mass is actually Tide island , this area made an appearance in plesioth ecology for MH1 and it was a playable map in frontier.
Excellent map, very well thought out. Everything you presented seems very sound to me. Maybe one day the MonHun devs will elaborate a little more on places like Bherna, perhaps even offer an updated, higher resolution map in future titles. But this is great work, Gaijin Hunter, and as far as I'm concerned, is legit as it gets.
The only issue I have with this map is that Cheeko Sands is on a peninsula after you yourself called it an island Also at first I thought it's weird that there are two desert areas and that dah'ren and jhen mohrans live in different places, but it actually makes a lot of sense: The land bridge below Dundorma probably used to be a desert at some point but then plants took over. The mohran population got split up and then evolved independently
While your the theory about that both Jhen and Dha'ren evolved independently makes sense, both of the are fought in the Great Desert, and the desert area where Gaijin put Dah'ren is far from the area where he put Jhen and there are quite a few biomes between the two areas to still be considered part of the Great Desert.
@@andrako748 I think either Gaijinhunter is wrong with the location of either Loc Lac or Val Habar (very unlikely) or the devs might've slipped up a bit when they called both of the areas for Jhen and Dah'ren the "Great Desert", considering you can see Loc Lac in the background in the 3rd gen and Val Habar in the 4th gen (at least according to the wiki)
If you can see to the far left, you can see hammerfell, daggerfall and skyrim Far right, some desolate wasteland with cregs and giant leafless trees. Dragons live in it, they just stand still too...
A day's journey from Bherna to the Jurassic Frontier? So I spend, say, three days of my time (the trips to and from taking one day each, plus the quest itself) to get a random person 8 mushrooms?
if CAPCOM release this type of MH game next gen where you roam the world, see flag ship monsters etc. insta buy for me. this is quality. thanks for putting up this video for us new comers.
MH4 is the closest thing we got to this idea... We actually did a bit of roadtrip with Caravaneer's team if you follow the main story. Too bad it ends up quite quick.
This map is excellent and looks so good, it's nice to see a single map that shows everything's location. Just one thing, the 3rd gen volcano is an island near moga village, maybe that thin one above moga. (Source: world of monster hunter page on the wiki, in the island district section) (Also the jurassic frontier is volcanic as can be seen within the map, so that island location makes a lot of sense near the volcanoes)
Seeing how good this map looks and how precise it is on locations I really want to recreate it with the most details I can using some of the cartography skills I got with time ! If this project ends up going somewhere I'll be sure to let you know and credit your video anywhere I post the final image
This map is so helpful, as I'm planning to DM a game of DnD set in the Monster Hunter world. I stated out the monsters, read the lore and all I really needed was an easy to read map of the Old World
Only thing that would make me hesitate would be the size of its wasps. Those are already evil enough irl I don't want to imagine dealing with vespiqueen/bnahabara swarms.
Come to think of it, I live in the UK so I don't have to deal with dangerous wildlife much, but don't americans/canadians have to deal with bears fairly often when hiking? I would think it would be a similar feeling to that in the wilderness of the monster hunter universe too.
It'd be really cool for that unused land was the setting for the next monster hunter and your hunter is a wyverian. Also really nice to see all the cool places we've visited throughout the years be put together as a cohesive whole. Ive always had a head canon that my hunter is the same person that travels the world and helps the villages in need, which connects well to world's intro with you traveling on a ship with the ace cadet from 4u.
Playing as a wyverian would probably mean that you’re either a reskinned prowler or a shed sized samurai. Also, a question, does it say anywhere if a wyverian is stronger than a hunter or if the hunters are actually stronger but have shorter lifespans to compensate. I know some wyverian are hunters but it seems most are just guild managers or researchers.
I think that area is probably something like Monster Hunter’s Oceania region, possibly Australian Outback type of region, with tribal culture and their own rules. It would be interesting to see a guild exploration team trying to make contact with the locals.
@@omegawario7479 it would more than likely just be an aesthetic thing. Wyverians don't have to be tiny or massive, they can just be the monster hunter version of lord of the rings' elves
@@omegawario7479 not that I've seen,but hunters are stronger than Normal people.Guild Knights, whom hunt hunters that are breaking rules, wear armor that boosts their strength, something it doesnt do for hunters. So hunters are special in some way.
@@matasa7463 The "Australian Outback of monster hunter" is Sandy plains from Tri. Red sand? Check Muddy oasis? Check Not desertic areas? Check Red rocks? Check Game that had an Oceanic and Far East Aestethic? Check Sandy plains was Clearly based upon Australian outback due to the games' Aestethic.
It would be cool if the next gen mh would be about the ancient civilization when castle schrade is still alive. And the game asks you to choose your starting village (including whatever village is on that unlabeled continent) wherein each village have different storyline, perspectives, gears and monster progression, but still leading to the final moments of castle schrade.
Gaijin, have you ever considered doing a spotlight video on Dos? I've always found the content locked behind it compared to something more well known like Portable 3rd to be interesting, especially when Jumbo Village, a good chunk of it's OST, and it's seasonal mechanics haven't really been seen again. It'd be great if you could explain some of it's unique traits to newer fans.
Holy-, you did this in Inkarnat? As someone who uses inkarnate for my DnD sessions, mad props to you man! Lots of time must've gone into rectreating that! Wow, it looks hella clean.
I've been running a Monster Hunter custom DnD campaign and used the Old World Official map you mentioned at the start of the video and I had to assume a lot of things. Most of my assumptions matched yours which is really awesome. Thank you so much for making this map and video. I plan to use this map for my campaign from now on and it should be a big help. Thanks again Gaijin!
I was assuming that the New World maps are rotated so that the Hoarfrost Reach would actually be farther south to make it a parallel of Antarctica. However, one of the other comments said there was another official map that places the New World to the North-West.
Its nice to have someone put all these small tidbits of information together. I would never bother piecing the little bits of information the games give you to learn about this stuff. Its nice to have someone do it for you. It is interesting that the devs care enough to make an attempt at building the world of mh and adding bits of lore. I actually finds this stuff more interesting then the main stories of the games.
7:05 You can actually see the Ancestial Step and the Desert from the Grand Desert in the Final Showdown of Jhen and Dahren. This means this Places are connected and we know Val Habar is conected to the Grand Desert. And most likely to the A. Step.
knowing how MHR reuses some 3rd gen locations and is generally a new unexplored area with few outsiders maybe this is that aya? region since it’s location would work for sending hunters to the 3rd gen areas and nicely explains the newer areas and possibly even that giant crashed ship in the snowy islands
What you have listed as the new world is the primal forest. The new world is what is beyond the great sea to the north west. For a long time it wasn't an option to travel that way because the the rough seas, but advancements in ships changed that. You are missing a map that lists a lot of the info you are guessing.
@@carstan62 No "name", but I used the map Gaijin hunter used for reference, plus another with more labeled areas that is a little hard to find. As well as this description on the wiki. "While the existence of the New World (Japanese 新大陸) has been known for a long time, it remains unexplored due to how far away it is and the dangerous weather surrounding it. However, recent advances in seafaring technology have allowed the Hunter's Guild to land five fleets over the last forty years to investigate the New World.[1] The voyage is long and arduous, and only in recent years has travel between the Old and New World been possible. The mysterious phenomenon known as the Elder Crossing occurs here, causing a massive migration of Elder Dragons into the region every 15 years for reasons that are currently unknown to the Guild; this also makes it the only known region where the Nergigante is known to inhabit. Furthermore, the Guild has lately observed a series of anomalies that have caused creatures from entirely different worlds to appear here, such as the Behemoth of Eorzea." The only long distance by ocean ocean with notably stormy weather is to the north west and lines up with how they approach the new world by sea. The reason I know the land directly to the west is not the new world is because it doesn't line up, doesn't look the same, and has been shown to be the primal forest.
Imagine a MH game that’s a full globe and stamina only disappears when entering towns. Regions have their own loading zones, but they’re even more lenient than World.
The maps would be gigantic. The ancestral steppe alone would be larger than all of MHW's maps combined. There's a good reason why these maps have loading zones other than hardware limitations. Just imagine how long it would take to walk between the desert areas, or climbing the tower. You skip roughly 80% of the tower through loading zones alone.
This is amazing content, I love exploring the world of monster hunter a little more "seriously" and in lore. I adore your attention to details and rigorous methods. If you've got more videos like this planned I will be super happy. Also that looks like proper DnD campaign material, maybe someone should tell JoCat lol.
What always caught my eye was how similar the Old desert (MH1) and The Dunes (MH4U) were like. If they are the same place at a different time, then it would be really weird hunters would travel from Kokoto all the way down to the deserts just to hunt Cephadrome or Diablos. Similarly in MHtri/3U it would be really weird to travel from Moga village all the way to the north to hunt Barioth, Great Baggi and alike. But I bet it's real difficult to accurately map things out.
But you can also think like this, the commission give each village different place and different time each. Remember, every hunt takes weeks and weeks to prepare and for example, an angry black diablos appear in one area, and barioth wrecking havoc in another area, the commission won't give the quest to one village, but spread it out. And also, the "canon" hunt is the main quest/assigned one, the rest is just gameplay mechanic. If you read the description on each main quest, the monster mainly in this specific condition to be hunted on, like mizutsune (if I'm not mistaken) in heat destroying village, or confused and enraged monster like anjanath in wildspire waste. The commission only give quest to restore balance, so they won't keep sending quest like its nothing. Only urgent, most crucial specific condition must be met, then they give out quest.
R[E] vereene didn’t the village chief from moga say near the end of the game that only a few weeks ago you had just started? From that I’d imagine most of the hunts only take maybe 3-4 days, but I could be wrong.
@@omegawario7479 in the case of tri each hunt is measured as a day, as shown by the fishers and by the moga forecastwhere they use the measurement of days that translates to hunts. Now how does that work lore-wise don't ask me
Something about each hunt taking days to arrive at really stimulates that sense of adventure. I imagine having to hire guides to lead the way to castle schrade, arming yourself with climbing gear to ascend Heavens Mount, or wrestling with the sails of the ship as you cross to the volcanic regions. Love it
I love this! I have also been trying to piece together a world map and I’ve been having a fair amount of trouble figuring where some of the locations are! Great video as always!
The main thing that sits odd with me in val habbar's location and that's mostly due to us knowing you fight Dah'ren Moran right next to it. Both Dar'hen and Jhen get fought in the map called The Great Desert, yet they appear in completely seperate locations on this map. It'd make more sense for Val Habbar . Given I don't have a better explanation myself and if it wasn't for the two elder dragons sharing a map, there wouldn't even be an issue.
This video was a real pleasure to watch! Your voice along with information on lore that I personally adore really is a recipe for an amazing video. You've been spoiling us with good content, thanks a lot!
These videos make me want to do nothing more than plug in my old Wii U or find my MH4U cartridge and start a brand new game with a brand new weapon type. Thank you for keeping these worlds fresh and alive - your videos keep me feeling the enthusiasm long after I've hit a wall and put the game(s) down!
I'm assuming that Seregios and maybe Magala originated from the Island Ia. To me it would make sense as the MH world (not the game dammit)seems to treat information with extreme secrecy as sometimes even villages in close proximity don't even share monster info (like that one time with Deviljho) and the Magala monsters constantly travelling over sea (like in that cutscene, travelling to the Ruined Ridge, Jurassic frontier and Cathar which are all islands on the map), I wouldn't exactly call it out of character for Magala to do. Plus it fits perfectly with it's lore, the virus spreading Elder having a tendency for travel and migrate (like birds in our world) as much as possible hospitable environments for the frenzy. It kinda fleshes Magala's lore out more. It would also explain why Shagaru and frenzied Seregios sittings are so rare. They're not from the main land but they live pretty close to it, and them living in the same ecosystems would explain their seeming resistance (not immunity) to the frenzy.
We need to include areas from Monster Hunter Orage, Monster Hunter Flash Hunter, Monster Hunter Stories 1&2, and Monster Hunter Rise, and the Movie. I love this map!
I remember finishing a konchu quest. Then I realised charge blade guardpoint input is Select so I stopped playing since I didnt want to ruin my mhw muscle memory.
Awesome work! I totally agree with most of the locations from 4th gen. Despites i think that the area choosed for the Tri's locations makes a lot of sense, i have this kinda strange feeling about the "New World appelative" that Capcom gave to the Monster Hunter Tri Areas and locations, making me Imagine that those places (that we could visit in MHTri, like Moga and Loc Lac as well) were located pretty far from the Villages and Locations of the First and Second Gen. As allways, nice video 😁
I didn't know much of any of this, but it's super intriguing! It's cool seeing all of the familiar places, I didn't realize dundorma was so close to water in addition to desert.
@@xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx Aya Kingdom should have a feudal Japan look to it, like MHP3rd. It would be interesting to see what the landscape of Aya Kingdom looks like within. Aya Kingdom is home to generations of protectionist royal families, so it would introduce a lot of brand new characters
A tremendously amazing job, Gaijin. This map pretty much gives us an understanding of how correlated are the different villages in the MH world. Speaking of certain areas, I personally would have to dig more into the lore to at least find a piece of information about the Great Forest (I think that's it's name. The area where we first fought Nargacuga and Hypnocratic in Freedom Unite), and the old volcano, swamp and forest (the area where you first fight plesioth) of the first Monster Hunter. Still, your map has given me like a more global view of the MH universe. Thank you so much and keep it up 💪.
I'm so conflicted with whether I'd want the next games to take place around New or Old world... On one hand the Old world is way more defined and I've never been there as I've only played the 5th gen games AND it would be great to get to see it with HD quality it never got. But then there's the unknown mysterious New World which they can do whatever they want with. I loved the allure of the unknown feeling that World and Iceborne gave us, it really felt like we saw stuff that no one had ever seen, not even the veterans. Both have their pros for sure.. But I have to admit that my curiosity for seeing what's beyond Hoarfrost reach is immense as it's a newly discovered landmass, not an island. Who knows what we find there! The New world in general is located fairly South so I'm sure there's some land if we go North from there as well. It's just super interesting.
I'm more intrested in the zone where the tower and great forest are, since it's NOT where frontier location are. It's a brand new continent and considering how cool the great forest looks discovering other locales there would be amazing, especially because of how abstract great forest was.
Where you all find this feeling of the unknown? Maps like maps, the same "wow" effect as with other games. Can't feel anything more. It's not like there was no research beforehand or that any of it is more unique than any other place.
the thing that's weird here with the new world is that we're presented with what is basically the southern side of whatever continent the new world is; there is specifically a compass on the map if you look at it in game. If you compare it to this and the other maps we are given, it seems really weird to have astera where it is; it'd be like if the pilgrims landed in florida or panama (or maybe even Argentina if we want to take into account Iceborne's environment) , so I'm curious if there's a good reason they went all the way around, or maybe that's just not the new world we're thinking. If I remember correctly, the landmass for iceborne is actually moving, so the position for that is actually not that weird compared to the rest of the new world; it'd also make sense to have a very cold region close to what might be the south pole of the world.
I absolutely loved this lore video! Geography is the base of a solid worldbuilding, and with worldbuilding comes sweet sweet lore. I hope more lore videos will come!
I think the place you mark as new world there arent the exact location of new world. Based on MHW & iceborne map astera located on some kind of large peninsula, and the south of astera are this big ocean with archipelago formation on the east. The main landmass of the new world are way up north as can be seen on the MHW & Iceborne map background. Seliana and hoarfrost reach are on the northwest of astera. Based on your map that doesnt makes sense, and its way too close to the main continent. And note that research comission only send fleet every ten years prove that this is very dangerous and very long voyage. My current theory is new world actually on the east side of the old world connected trough the land mass where tower located, just like north america actually connected from asia and europe trough russia (and alaska). But since its still unknown and too dangerous, people tend to avoid this route and choose to take the known route by the sea on the west just like european sail west to discover america. But still, this is one great works mapping all these location of known old world places like this. It proves that monster hunter is actually deeper than popular consensus.
its either far north or west or completely the other side of the world because of the castle schrade. wouldn't made any sense for them to release a dlc that took place across the whole continent without bringing up Tower. plus mhw is sort of way to signify capcom bringing mh to the west.
@@miru2583 Well i mean even tho i said its on the east side of the old world, ship voyage would go toward west trough the ocean. So discovery-wise its still west. Or yes you can put it on the west too, by the end of the day the world still round. Wait, capcom never stated monster hunter "world" is round
it has to be different, in that world Gildegaran is the home of the hunters. not dundorma. again if we have any other option on what that world is, its tht bottom one on the right that gaijin said is unexplored by us but even then its very unlikely
I'm pretty sure MH Stories and everything within it is supposed to be canon for MH in general, but Stories also hints at playing out in a really faraway place compared to all the titles before it. Though it would be interesting to know where exactly it is.
@@DragoCubX ye I believe its supposed to be canon after all the game is a spin off no? after all it features riders and in main series games and all ive never heard anything like that
I've seen someone on reddit theorizing about the stories map being a whole other continent as the hunters there don't seem to operate on the 4-man party limitation (as seen in the anime and some game cutscenes) possibly due to the lack of Kokoto Hero's influence, and the Royal Scriveners are led by an entirely different person (Gustave Ron in the main series, Simone in Stories).
@@utsugixragon9999 Yep, Stories is a spin-off just like e.g. Frontier was. What happens in those games is still canon lore to the MH universe. The reason we don't hear about Riders in mainline games is that even the hunters on the same continent don't generally know about them, so how would those one completely different continents know?
Aya region seems to be a pretty good point, but it contradicts to the Fact that it ties with Yukumo environment, creatures and lore. -Enviroment of Aya must has Bamboo like Japanese and Chinese Highands. -Creatures like Zinogre and Arzuros can wonder in some regions like deserted and even New world, how could they even go their if that is the regions for Yukumo. -Lore, Aya region has it's own system, it doesn't rely on the Hunter's Guild, which contradicts that Yukumo had ties to the Hunter's guild.
@@nidohime6233 Yup, we barely had no any location, hunting spots and lores about that place. But, if in the future times it will comeout soon let's hope.
@@nidohime6233 Aya Country Aya Country (Japanese アヤ国) is an isolated, small continent within the southeast of the sea. This place is said to have many generations of kings with absolute power over the country, though very little is actually known about it. This is mainly from the civilians of this country refusing to exchange anything with other places outside their own home. Even hunters haven't gotten any requests from the people of Aya Country. (Source: Monster hunter Map wiki)
gaijin hunter thank you so much for taking the time to create this map in such a nice layout, it really shows that you took the time to thoroughly research everything and put this together. I've always wanted to see the MH world laid out together and this is just brilliant
The spot for Bherna actually makes a lot of real world sense, too. Bherna's landscape feels very much in line with that of New Zealand, which occupies a similar place in the real world as you placed Bherna into.
@gaijin hunter this is really well done considering how little lore Capcom provides based on the world map. However, I do remember reading that the frozen seaway area (where zamtrios is first encountered) is actually quite close to cheeko. Possibly on another small island nearby. Another piece of lore I found on the wiki is that the great forest area (where nargacuga is first encountered) is located on that large landmass on the far-right of the map (where you put the ancient tower area). The landmass is apparantly called Fonlon and is also the place where 2nd gen gungle area is located. If I remember correctly, that is the only real map lore I could find on the wiki, but you really did an awesome job with this interpretation
Yeah, some fans put the frozen seaway on the little island to the left of Aya. If i can track down the source i might move it for version 2 of the map. As for narga, that is the reason i put its icon over there actually :)
Awesome video ! 😄 I've never watched before something like this so, for a fan that's been playing the saga since freedom unite is so special. Keep it up! ;)
I am assuming that the Great Forest would be south of the Tower area since in the intro cutscene for the Tower in Freedom Unite, you can see that the surrounding area is a massive forested landscape surrounding that area
I never knew that we actually got so many infos and that there is a coherent map in-universe, thanks for bringing this to my attention, i am such a sucker for maps lol
MH History lesson is my favorite lesson from Gaijin Hunter.
Isn't this geography?
Geological history lesson
Holy crap everything makes so much sense now! For the longest time Ive always have the impression that each village has their own swamp/desert/tundra/volcano/etc biomes around them and how insanely stupid that is. So instead its more like the Guild stationed on each villages operates on different sections of the same biome/regions. That is fascinating. Thank you for putting the effort to figuring this out!
Doubt it'll happen but if we do revisit the Old World in later games, and all the different villages can be visited, maybe they'll set up volcanic/tundra/swamp biomes that are an aesthetic mix of all the different iterations from each generation, that would be cool.
Lol same
@yxtee Id be down for that. Or if they could just stitch every iteration of that paticular biome (and fill in the blanks wherever necessary into one massive map.
@@yxtee You mean like Gen U?
It makes so much sense that Dire Miralis is right besides Tanzia
Because in game you could see those towers with the flames on top when you fought Miralis
And in Tanzia you could see 3 of those towers in the distance which are the ones at Miralis's location
Oh i didnt even know that. Sweet!
Those towers are light houses.
@@immortalstar0138 Yeah but you can see them
If you go up the stairs from where you eat in Tanzia you can see 3 of those in the distance on the left
And if you fight Miralis behind him in the background are 3 as well
I always believed that they are the same
Lighthouses made of Miralis materials.
All made with a Dire Miralis that got slayed by Tanzia chief because went on a rampage and tried to destroy the port (like the one fought in-game).
It's called Black Dragon exorcism lighthouse and was made for celebrating the action.
@@yurei4414 I don't remember that in 3U
Val Habar is actually a massive caravan. It's said directly in the beginning of 4 that Val Habar goes wherever the Hunting Hall goes. The hunting hall is a giant ship.
How about the pathway and the landmarks?
I guess it makes sense then why everyone in 4 could transform their shop to travel with you.
I was actually thinking of that as I was watching the video lol
makes sense that they would need the ability to move the entire city around the desert considering Jhen and Darhen Morhan keep wanting to smash it.
Val habar generally needs to be in a desert area, though, since 4U's special sand ships can only run on water and/or sand (duh)
The area I had to make the most assumptions for was Bherna. I originally though it was in the mountains above Dundorma, but being on land it would make no sense why they relied on airships to get around, why they would be going to the Jurassic Frontier which would be so far away, etc. Still out of all the assumptions made, this is the largest "stretch" so hopefully we will get more info one day.
Bherna is 100% close to moga due to the moofah being found only in deserted Island, you can fight royal Ludroth only in misty peaks, deserted island AND ruined pinnacle (actually those three maps share a lot of monsters) and because in those three maps (and Jurassic frontier) are the only maps in where you can find the Bealite ore.
This video was amazing, and it made me really excited for the future of monster hunter as in open world with all the places mmorpg etc. But not the monsterhunter online mmorpg that is already out that one is not what i imagine haha
I think the only unmentioned stuff is MHFU/Frontier Great Forest.
You put a Narga icon there but i think you didn't say anything about it.
We do know that Great Forest is supposed to be close to the tower and is probably the main habitat of Molten Tigrex (or at least, Wiki says that).
@gaijin hunter that's really cool 😎
I would really like to get some downloads of those maps, especially the one you made yourself, I like putting things like that as live wallpapers on my phone 📱 (I say live wallpapers because I get them to flip between pictures every so often) any chance you can point me in the right direction? 😊👍 ♥
Was going to mention the moofah thing but you seem to have got there first
It seems fairly common for people to point out that the location of the New World doesn't quite line up with data we're given in _World._ However, I think it's safe to point out that none of the maps are of the globe. This can mean that the continent of the New World extends significantly further north than is hinted at by the maps of the other titles. Plus keep in mind that due to the nature of the _Monster Hunter_ universe that we shouldn't take any particular map as 100% accurate, even if they might have the technology to map the continent out fairly accurately, they lack the means to copy such an exact map. Basically, scope and accuracy are quite limited so Capcom has plenty of room to move things around a bit in the future if need be.
Plus they can always have some cataclysm strike and sunder the land to bits, or have some massive monster appear from the ocean and ruin stuff if they want to rearrange the world. So nothing is ever set in stone.
@@MHChrono also the monster hunter world is in some weird form of retro-paleo-future on account of salvaged technology from the ancients and new technological developments thanks to the incredible power of the monsters and elder dragons.
While they can soar through the air and have technology that even surpasses us in some aspects, they're still in a somewhat primitive/medieval setting where mapping terrain was actually an arduous task thats was seldom accurate, combine that with the theory that big elder dragons constantly shuffle terrain around on their rampages and we have an endlessly shifting world that is very very difficult to map out accurately which gives the MH devs the chance to reasonably change layout around as they see fit.
I do hope they eventually set some key locations for good though
Since so many are asking: No clue if Monster Hunter Stories is anywhere on this globe, it very well may be its own universe. There are no hints that I see that it is anywhere in this world map that we have.
I was about to ask that too lol. Thanks for the perspective you provided
ah yes
the curse of monhun spinoffs which we have no idea which are spinoffs and which aren't
I always felt as though Stories loosely followed the story of 4U, but in a different universe. The Black Blight felt like a more Saturday morning cartoon version of the Frenzy virus.
I read in reddit, capcom itself said every Monhun Game is canon include stories
@@Cure-Master ah, yes, reddit, the best source for the information. Would that mean that Blos that looks like Alphons from FMA and evangelion brachy are canon?
thank you for putting all that time into something that is not important for the game but really interesting and important to the lore.
Also i just noticed that the hunter has to travel a few days just to get some dumb shrooms.
Verlama now I feel bad going back to the village just because I forgot to eat
It makes sense why so much can happen on a single hunt. It's at least a few days journey.
I love this kind of videos, im really a fan of worldbuilding , geography and maps.
@@rod9527 I want to see Aiya Region, the whole New world and beyond Iceborne and Tower.
Haha, that reminds me of a joke that I'd like to say whenever my hunting buddies complain about something in game: "what's the matter? The Guild got you picking too many mushrooms?".
I don't think the devs have laid this out as good. They probably have a rough idea, but most of it is probably a artistic choice. As with a lot of gradually growing, fantasy worlds. Making a full world map just limits future locations. Its kept vague on purpose. That said, its fun to speculate, and honestly this seams very believable.
Yeah Ryozo Tsujimoto and Rise's head of development even said recently in the interview with Arekkz that they purposefully keep the time and place the games take place rather vague. As you said, it's fun to speculate and this seems fairly believable, but for all we know lots of this could be incorrect.
Also it irks me that the Tri villages/areas are on the same continent, as in that game (or when that game was about to come out, can't exactly remember) those regions were called "The New World"/a new continent (it wasn't prominently mentioned though, could be that it was just the devs who mentioned this).
@@96lol820 That being said, a vague time period doesn’t really matter, in-universe, when they improve weapons, mechanics, and introduce new monsters. We can assume when it takes place comparing it to previous MH games.
Like, for example, we can easily assume nothing takes place before 4th Gen because the Charge Blade/Insect Glaive exists and was only made functional sometime before 4th Gen but after 3rd Gen. And World takes place after that because the Ace Cadet grew up. And because Anjanath was discovered via World, Rise has to take place during or after the events in the game.
Also, I believe Loc Lac was described as some new continent in the Manga, Flash Hunter. It was about a couple Hunter who move from Dundorma to Loc Lac, a town “few have heard of” according to the manga and take a boat to go there. “Unknown towns, unknown monsters, unknown hunting grounds”. Of course in-game no one mentions this, and everyone is very clearly aware of these towns and monsters in later games. This was likely a throwaway fact that was given because it symbolized the jump to Nintendo.
It's similar to how we will never get an official Pokemon world map
Wait, monster Hunter have a manga ?
Something this map shows is how hunts clearly take a few days, if only to get to the place.
I got this view of the game from one of the Manga, I can't remember which one but they take a few days to get in the mountain, set up draps and what not to hunt a monster, then days to come back.
I played with a few friends who got into MH with World and they joked about how the different "villages" suddenly change in just a single hunt for some story related quest, like when they get ready to stop Zorah, let alone the building of the wood barrier.
I also got to use it as an excuse for the loadings in previous gens, from looking at Desert Island in MH3, you could see and guess where each area were from the high point of view of the first one, and you can be sure it'd take hours to walk through them. So I guess the loadings had a nice side effect of feeling like you needed that time to travel. Would also explain why monster could suddenly be sleeping when chasing them to their nest (I know they don't just pop in place sleeping but if you lagged behind just a bit, was as if) would be as getting to a monster you've been chasing for a while now and they are so exhausted they just can't help but sleep so much, try to heal up.
the next game in the series could do a lot to show this
I've leaned toward this interpretation too. It also explains why there's such an emphasis on eating a huge meal before the hunter departs - they'll be living on whatever they can scrounge/fish from the environment, plus their preserved rations, for as long as the hunt takes. Loading up on nutrition and calories first measurably boost their performance.
This would also go a long way toward explaining the time limit on hunts. It's not that you're expected to bring down a monster in one in-universe hour, but in the scale of time compression, you're starting to run out of supplies and the hunter or the guild pulls the plug before they end up getting into trouble fighting without enough food.
World downplays both of these - the ancient forest and wildspire waste are both visible from Astera and all the hunting grounds are close enough to reach via wingdrake, plus the time compression is much more visible with a day/night cycle - but it makes sense. All resources, including the hunters' lives, are that much more precious so they tend to expect a job to be done quicker - but on the other hand they're not so fussed if it takes several tries (seen in how the Handler will just post a quest if you fail a plot encounter). Expeditions can last indefinitely, but it's mentioned that quite a lot of training was needed to joint he commission, that probably includes wilderness survival - plus the camps are fully equipped with personal supplies and a functioning kitchen.
Monster Hunter Orage i think?
@@nawnomadnan9874 I don't think it was Orage, as far as I remember, that one was quite outside the classic MH universe in a way, hunters with their own rules that doesn't have to follow the guild's or stuff like that.
So was either Flash or Epic, not sure those ever got translated to English and not sure of the original Japanese name either as I read them in French
@@Kazmahu I actually never thought about the time limit, like never gave much thought on it ever, but that would actually make a lot of sense too!
I kind of wish they go back to something a bit old school for some of those for that reason. World brought a lot of life improvement, but having segmented map even if that meant some loading had some perks too (although that one I like having a single map too so I'm split on the question) and only having one camp with limited resources too, you could see those as temporary location with some stuff staying on place but in general is just your camp for your hunt you setup after days of travel, hence limited resources as well.
I'm really looking forward to the next game, I'd love one on switch, brand new game, but also have a bit more of a mix between what World brought, and a more classic MH feel to some aspects of the game too.
We need more clarification on the lore of Monhun. I know that's not a priority for capcom, but I would like to know more. Capcom, plz.
The Equal Dragon weapon is NOT canon
MH Frontier is NOT canon
Have a good day!
Given Capcom's track record, the world map looks incredibly solid and consistent. Much of their other series are riddled with retcons or enforced ambiguity.
Next gen monster hunter please do this capcom
Part of it is though.
Like the upper part of world being called Akura (the zone where 2nd gen swamp and judging from the map also the tundra, essentialy the zone east of shrade), hence the name of Akura Vashimu (that tecnically lives in the 2nd gen swamp he's an invader in the desert), wich also could be 100% canon without problems, even though he isn't (the whole Crystal gimmick is belivable, well explained and not over the top, like the Monster's design and fight).
IMO the first years of Frontier should be considered canon because they don't add anything out of place and back then Frontier's Team worked on pair with the Mainline's and Portable's (hence Lavasioth and Hypnocatrice in FU).
Since they went on their own way after FU, probabily most of the staff of the other two team are aware of what Frontier added to the lore before Zenith and stuff like that.
gabriel jimenez isn’t Frontier basically a continuation of Monster Hunter Dos
Everyone's favorite village while playing its theme 💯
I love Cathar's theme and it's overall design
Just a small village in the middle of nowhere high up in the mountains
Damn...Pokke Village was the best, after a gruesome hunt and you return to the village, the music makes the you feel welcome and relaxed
Pokke and Seliana was done by the same composer.
Yukumo doesn't exist then...
Also cheeko and Cathar.
Cathar village still has the best theme
Oh boy, 4 AM!
11h20 am for me 😁
Something I wanna point out based on you New World placement, Seliana and the entire Hoarfrost would be farther South from there, off the current map and towards the South Pole. As for the guiding lands, that’s past the Elder’s Recess so that’s farther West from Astera. All this would also mean a boat ride from Seliana to Castle Schrade wouldn’t just be long, but also extremely treacherous and highly lethal as well.
i know, the New World in its full scale is probably far bigger than we imagine. it's just that we've underestimated the distance because our hunters are always travelling light via wingdrake, which looked like it was accessible and within short flying distance.
@@kevinmulia6503 Another thing to remember about the New World is that what we -have- seen of it is due to the extreme amount of biodiversity thanks to the Elders' energy being released when they go to die in the Rotten Vale. It's possible that it's not quite so diverse accross the rest of the New World's expanse - but it's also entirely possible there's all kinds of things out there!
There is no way seliana and hoarfrost reach are in the south pole, since in game world map pointed that its on the northwest of astera. So seliana and hoarfrost reach are in the north pole region, more like siberia if anything IMO.
@@reighaillness The problem there is that you're assuming the map of the New World actually does point North.
@@Vulgarth1 It is actually, up = north. The in game map have this compass that clearly stated this (check that out yourself). If we need to take anything capcom put in their game as canon, so it without question New World does point up north, not my assumption, but the game said so.
Woah this is actually pretty cool. Good job gaijin
The little island between the desert and the west land mass is actually Tide island , this area made an appearance in plesioth ecology for MH1 and it was a playable map in frontier.
Excellent map, very well thought out. Everything you presented seems very sound to me. Maybe one day the MonHun devs will elaborate a little more on places like Bherna, perhaps even offer an updated, higher resolution map in future titles.
But this is great work, Gaijin Hunter, and as far as I'm concerned, is legit as it gets.
The only issue I have with this map is that Cheeko Sands is on a peninsula after you yourself called it an island
Also at first I thought it's weird that there are two desert areas and that dah'ren and jhen mohrans live in different places, but it actually makes a lot of sense:
The land bridge below Dundorma probably used to be a desert at some point but then plants took over. The mohran population got split up and then evolved independently
Ye, in 4u you can also see Val harbor when you fight Dah'ren Mohran.
@@abyssallagiacrus2433 Not quiet you can see the Ancestial Step, but in the Introduction you see Val Habar beeing conected to the Grand Desert.
@@Sunaki1000 ye, I meant in the cutscene
While your the theory about that both Jhen and Dha'ren evolved independently makes sense, both of the are fought in the Great Desert, and the desert area where Gaijin put Dah'ren is far from the area where he put Jhen and there are quite a few biomes between the two areas to still be considered part of the Great Desert.
@@andrako748 I think either Gaijinhunter is wrong with the location of either Loc Lac or Val Habar (very unlikely) or the devs might've slipped up a bit when they called both of the areas for Jhen and Dah'ren the "Great Desert", considering you can see Loc Lac in the background in the 3rd gen and Val Habar in the 4th gen (at least according to the wiki)
If you can see to the far left, you can see hammerfell, daggerfall and skyrim
Far right, some desolate wasteland with cregs and giant leafless trees. Dragons live in it, they just stand still too...
A day's journey from Bherna to the Jurassic Frontier? So I spend, say, three days of my time (the trips to and from taking one day each, plus the quest itself) to get a random person 8 mushrooms?
oh boy i love watching monster hunter videos while eating breakfast, especially stuff like this
if CAPCOM release this type of MH game next gen where you roam the world, see flag ship monsters etc. insta buy for me.
this is quality. thanks for putting up this video for us new comers.
I doubt they would make that big of a leap in one game
It's also doubtful that they would do it again so soon after gen/genU
MH4 is the closest thing we got to this idea... We actually did a bit of roadtrip with Caravaneer's team if you follow the main story. Too bad it ends up quite quick.
Ooooor we could just keep exploring more of the New World?
Would be cool if they play the map system like with final fantasy 10
This map is excellent and looks so good, it's nice to see a single map that shows everything's location.
Just one thing, the 3rd gen volcano is an island near moga village, maybe that thin one above moga.
(Source: world of monster hunter page on the wiki, in the island district section)
(Also the jurassic frontier is volcanic as can be seen within the map, so that island location makes a lot of sense near the volcanoes)
Seeing how good this map looks and how precise it is on locations I really want to recreate it with the most details I can using some of the cartography skills I got with time !
If this project ends up going somewhere I'll be sure to let you know and credit your video anywhere I post the final image
This map is so helpful, as I'm planning to DM a game of DnD set in the Monster Hunter world. I stated out the monsters, read the lore and all I really needed was an easy to read map of the Old World
Gosh i wish i could live in the monster hunter universe
You would get eaten by a monster.
Only thing that would make me hesitate would be the size of its wasps. Those are already evil enough irl I don't want to imagine dealing with vespiqueen/bnahabara swarms.
Come to think of it, I live in the UK so I don't have to deal with dangerous wildlife much, but don't americans/canadians have to deal with bears fairly often when hiking? I would think it would be a similar feeling to that in the wilderness of the monster hunter universe too.
First time?
It'd be really cool for that unused land was the setting for the next monster hunter and your hunter is a wyverian. Also really nice to see all the cool places we've visited throughout the years be put together as a cohesive whole. Ive always had a head canon that my hunter is the same person that travels the world and helps the villages in need, which connects well to world's intro with you traveling on a ship with the ace cadet from 4u.
Playing as a wyverian would probably mean that you’re either a reskinned prowler or a shed sized samurai. Also, a question, does it say anywhere if a wyverian is stronger than a hunter or if the hunters are actually stronger but have shorter lifespans to compensate. I know some wyverian are hunters but it seems most are just guild managers or researchers.
I think that area is probably something like Monster Hunter’s Oceania region, possibly Australian Outback type of region, with tribal culture and their own rules. It would be interesting to see a guild exploration team trying to make contact with the locals.
@@omegawario7479 it would more than likely just be an aesthetic thing. Wyverians don't have to be tiny or massive, they can just be the monster hunter version of lord of the rings' elves
@@omegawario7479 not that I've seen,but hunters are stronger than Normal people.Guild Knights, whom hunt hunters that are breaking rules, wear armor that boosts their strength, something it doesnt do for hunters. So hunters are special in some way.
The "Australian Outback of monster hunter" is Sandy plains from Tri.
Red sand? Check
Muddy oasis? Check
Not desertic areas? Check
Red rocks? Check
Game that had an Oceanic and Far East Aestethic? Check
Sandy plains was Clearly based upon Australian outback due to the games' Aestethic.
It would be cool if the next gen mh would be about the ancient civilization when castle schrade is still alive. And the game asks you to choose your starting village (including whatever village is on that unlabeled continent) wherein each village have different storyline, perspectives, gears and monster progression, but still leading to the final moments of castle schrade.
Gaijin, have you ever considered doing a spotlight video on Dos? I've always found the content locked behind it compared to something more well known like Portable 3rd to be interesting, especially when Jumbo Village, a good chunk of it's OST, and it's seasonal mechanics haven't really been seen again. It'd be great if you could explain some of it's unique traits to newer fans.
Thanks for sharing this valuable info!
This makes everything much clearer. Specially Tanzia and Loc Lac, it is a great work, pal!
Holy-, you did this in Inkarnat?
As someone who uses inkarnate for my DnD sessions, mad props to you man! Lots of time must've gone into rectreating that!
Wow, it looks hella clean.
Take a Dash Juice everytime Gaijin say "We know."
I've been running a Monster Hunter custom DnD campaign and used the Old World Official map you mentioned at the start of the video and I had to assume a lot of things. Most of my assumptions matched yours which is really awesome. Thank you so much for making this map and video. I plan to use this map for my campaign from now on and it should be a big help. Thanks again Gaijin!
Issue with the new world placement is everyone approaches from the south, and it’s the northern areas that are the least explored
I was assuming that the New World maps are rotated so that the Hoarfrost Reach would actually be farther south to make it a parallel of Antarctica.
However, one of the other comments said there was another official map that places the New World to the North-West.
Its nice to have someone put all these small tidbits of information together. I would never bother piecing the little bits of information the games give you to learn about this stuff. Its nice to have someone do it for you. It is interesting that the devs care enough to make an attempt at building the world of mh and adding bits of lore. I actually finds this stuff more interesting then the main stories of the games.
7:05 You can actually see the Ancestial Step and the Desert from the Grand Desert in the Final Showdown of Jhen and Dahren. This means this Places are connected and we know Val Habar is conected to the Grand Desert.
And most likely to the A. Step.
I love learning about the world of MH
Honestly there isn’t enough people ppl making vids like this
We need you NOW more than EVER.
Its time to RISE
knowing how MHR reuses some 3rd gen locations and is generally a new unexplored area with few outsiders maybe this is that aya? region since it’s location would work for sending hunters to the 3rd gen areas and nicely explains the newer areas and possibly even that giant crashed ship in the snowy islands
You know what else helps to justify Bherna/Jurassic Island being near Moga? The ecology between Nakarkos and Ceadeus.
I was just trying to map out the Monster Hunter World Map yesterday! Thank you for this! =D
What you have listed as the new world is the primal forest.
The new world is what is beyond the great sea to the north west.
For a long time it wasn't an option to travel that way because the the rough seas, but advancements in ships changed that.
You are missing a map that lists a lot of the info you are guessing.
That makes some sense, but do you have a name for your source?
@@carstan62 No "name", but I used the map Gaijin hunter used for reference, plus another with more labeled areas that is a little hard to find. As well as this description on the wiki.
"While the existence of the New World (Japanese 新大陸) has been known for a long time, it remains unexplored due to how far away it is and the dangerous weather surrounding it. However, recent advances in seafaring technology have allowed the Hunter's Guild to land five fleets over the last forty years to investigate the New World.[1] The voyage is long and arduous, and only in recent years has travel between the Old and New World been possible. The mysterious phenomenon known as the Elder Crossing occurs here, causing a massive migration of Elder Dragons into the region every 15 years for reasons that are currently unknown to the Guild; this also makes it the only known region where the Nergigante is known to inhabit. Furthermore, the Guild has lately observed a series of anomalies that have caused creatures from entirely different worlds to appear here, such as the Behemoth of Eorzea."
The only long distance by ocean ocean with notably stormy weather is to the north west and lines up with how they approach the new world by sea. The reason I know the land directly to the west is not the new world is because it doesn't line up, doesn't look the same, and has been shown to be the primal forest.
Really liking these "general" monster hunter videos. That don't really apply to any game but all fans can watch and understand. Thanks Gaijin!
Open world monhun that lets us explore the whole land, just imagine it you accidentally stumble on caslte Schrade and bam fatalis claps your cheeks 🤣
I'd play it
ohhh yeah like botw type? that would be sooo frickin cool wtf
Honestly, I would play it
Imagine a MH game that’s a full globe and stamina only disappears when entering towns. Regions have their own loading zones, but they’re even more lenient than World.
The maps would be gigantic. The ancestral steppe alone would be larger than all of MHW's maps combined. There's a good reason why these maps have loading zones other than hardware limitations.
Just imagine how long it would take to walk between the desert areas, or climbing the tower. You skip roughly 80% of the tower through loading zones alone.
This is amazing content, I love exploring the world of monster hunter a little more "seriously" and in lore. I adore your attention to details and rigorous methods. If you've got more videos like this planned I will be super happy.
Also that looks like proper DnD campaign material, maybe someone should tell JoCat lol.
What always caught my eye was how similar the Old desert (MH1) and The Dunes (MH4U) were like.
If they are the same place at a different time, then it would be really weird hunters would travel from Kokoto all the way down to the deserts just to hunt Cephadrome or Diablos.
Similarly in MHtri/3U it would be really weird to travel from Moga village all the way to the north to hunt Barioth, Great Baggi and alike.
But I bet it's real difficult to accurately map things out.
Dunes from 4U is a remaster of the one from MH1, that's why they look so similar.
But you can also think like this, the commission give each village different place and different time each. Remember, every hunt takes weeks and weeks to prepare and for example, an angry black diablos appear in one area, and barioth wrecking havoc in another area, the commission won't give the quest to one village, but spread it out.
And also, the "canon" hunt is the main quest/assigned one, the rest is just gameplay mechanic. If you read the description on each main quest, the monster mainly in this specific condition to be hunted on, like mizutsune (if I'm not mistaken) in heat destroying village, or confused and enraged monster like anjanath in wildspire waste.
The commission only give quest to restore balance, so they won't keep sending quest like its nothing. Only urgent, most crucial specific condition must be met, then they give out quest.
R[E] vereene didn’t the village chief from moga say near the end of the game that only a few weeks ago you had just started? From that I’d imagine most of the hunts only take maybe 3-4 days, but I could be wrong.
@@omegawario7479 yeah, maybe that's the case of they don't have any concrete lore so they don't really think about it, but i could be wrong too
@@omegawario7479 in the case of tri each hunt is measured as a day, as shown by the fishers and by the moga forecastwhere they use the measurement of days that translates to hunts. Now how does that work lore-wise don't ask me
Something about each hunt taking days to arrive at really stimulates that sense of adventure. I imagine having to hire guides to lead the way to castle schrade, arming yourself with climbing gear to ascend Heavens Mount, or wrestling with the sails of the ship as you cross to the volcanic regions. Love it
I love this!
I have also been trying to piece together a world map and I’ve been having a fair amount of trouble figuring where some of the locations are! Great video as always!
this is amazing. fantastic job on the map analysis and it sure as hell brings me the nostalgia feelings.
The main thing that sits odd with me in val habbar's location and that's mostly due to us knowing you fight Dah'ren Moran right next to it. Both Dar'hen and Jhen get fought in the map called The Great Desert, yet they appear in completely seperate locations on this map. It'd make more sense for Val Habbar .
Given I don't have a better explanation myself and if it wasn't for the two elder dragons sharing a map, there wouldn't even be an issue.
This video was a real pleasure to watch! Your voice along with information on lore that I personally adore really is a recipe for an amazing video. You've been spoiling us with good content, thanks a lot!
So Monster Hunter Rise should be on the Islands near Moga and Bherna because we have the Sandy Plains and Flooded Forest from Tri and Tri Ultimate.
These videos make me want to do nothing more than plug in my old Wii U or find my MH4U cartridge and start a brand new game with a brand new weapon type. Thank you for keeping these worlds fresh and alive - your videos keep me feeling the enthusiasm long after I've hit a wall and put the game(s) down!
The map looks like an upside down version of the one used in MonHun Stories!!
You’ve been busy! The videos have been outstanding! Really enjoying them and making sure to spread them to discord. Can’t wait for the next game.
I'm assuming that Seregios and maybe Magala originated from the Island Ia.
To me it would make sense as the MH world (not the game dammit)seems to treat information with extreme secrecy as sometimes even villages in close proximity don't even share monster info (like that one time with Deviljho) and the Magala monsters constantly travelling over sea (like in that cutscene, travelling to the Ruined Ridge, Jurassic frontier and Cathar which are all islands on the map), I wouldn't exactly call it out of character for Magala to do.
Plus it fits perfectly with it's lore, the virus spreading Elder having a tendency for travel and migrate (like birds in our world) as much as possible hospitable environments for the frenzy. It kinda fleshes Magala's lore out more.
It would also explain why Shagaru and frenzied Seregios sittings are so rare. They're not from the main land but they live pretty close to it, and them living in the same ecosystems would explain their seeming resistance (not immunity) to the frenzy.
Thanks for your time and dedication. I really look forward to more lore stuff like this from you. There's no one else doing MH content the way you do.
"World map for the universe of Monster Hunter."
*Brain explodes*
We need to include areas from Monster Hunter Orage, Monster Hunter Flash Hunter, Monster Hunter Stories 1&2, and Monster Hunter Rise, and the Movie. I love this map!
Now with Monster hunter Rise we could get more hints HYPE!!!
Man these last few videos have been just great informative/lore content for MH, and as a long time fan i really appreciate it. Keep up the great work!
A story driven monster hunter game would be awesome
Brill Iant MH4U
I've been trying to get into that on my Citra emulator
@@Brillsuo What did you try so far?
I remember finishing a konchu quest. Then I realised charge blade guardpoint input is Select so I stopped playing since I didnt want to ruin my mhw muscle memory.
MH4U best MonHun game. Buy a 3ds dude, it's incredibly cheap now, and has a a ton of both 3ds and ds games
loving this near constant stream of chill content, always look forward to new videos from you!
Can we get an update to this video and include kamura?
Wow, amazing work on that one ! It's such a pleasure to look at your map.
This is so cool.. having started in gen, i never really appreciated the villages aside from their sound track
Awesome work! I totally agree with most of the locations from 4th gen. Despites i think that the area choosed for the Tri's locations makes a lot of sense, i have this kinda strange feeling about the "New World appelative" that Capcom gave to the Monster Hunter Tri Areas and locations, making me Imagine that those places (that we could visit in MHTri, like Moga and Loc Lac as well) were located pretty far from the Villages and Locations of the First and Second Gen.
As allways, nice video 😁
Awesome but one thing that I wanna know: how did Dalamadur end up in the New World to die
He swim?
Giant world eating snek can fly as seen by those things on his back that are totally wings and not big spikes
idk.. probably hitchhike a Hunter ship when it was a baby... or perhaps global warming
there's probably a land bridge that exists somewhere near the guiding lands. how else would monsters that don't fly or swim get there?
It most likely went beneath the ground/crust of the earth
I know very little about the fourth generation but this is awesome and it explains a lot of things. Incredible work!
Ok... Now, where is Kamura village? (MH Rise)
I didn't know much of any of this, but it's super intriguing! It's cool seeing all of the familiar places, I didn't realize dundorma was so close to water in addition to desert.
This is just a hunch but I feel like the next generation might take place in the region of Aya since we’ve never explored there yet
inb4 Aya is basically Australia and everything there inflicts Poison.
@@TheAussieApathy maybe we'll get a bunch of Temnocerans (Nerscylla class)
@@xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx lmao a Nercylla variant that causes confusion, sleep, and deadly poison 😭
@@xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx Aya Kingdom should have a feudal Japan look to it, like MHP3rd. It would be interesting to see what the landscape of Aya Kingdom looks like within.
Aya Kingdom is home to generations of protectionist royal families, so it would introduce a lot of brand new characters
A tremendously amazing job, Gaijin. This map pretty much gives us an understanding of how correlated are the different villages in the MH world. Speaking of certain areas, I personally would have to dig more into the lore to at least find a piece of information about the Great Forest (I think that's it's name. The area where we first fought Nargacuga and Hypnocratic in Freedom Unite), and the old volcano, swamp and forest (the area where you first fight plesioth) of the first Monster Hunter. Still, your map has given me like a more global view of the MH universe. Thank you so much and keep it up 💪.
Real question now is where is Kamura
south of yukomo village in the terosu region😊
Good to see you posting more, you deserve more mainstream exposure for sure. 👍
I'm so conflicted with whether I'd want the next games to take place around New or Old world... On one hand the Old world is way more defined and I've never been there as I've only played the 5th gen games AND it would be great to get to see it with HD quality it never got.
But then there's the unknown mysterious New World which they can do whatever they want with. I loved the allure of the unknown feeling that World and Iceborne gave us, it really felt like we saw stuff that no one had ever seen, not even the veterans.
Both have their pros for sure.. But I have to admit that my curiosity for seeing what's beyond Hoarfrost reach is immense as it's a newly discovered landmass, not an island. Who knows what we find there! The New world in general is located fairly South so I'm sure there's some land if we go North from there as well. It's just super interesting.
They could let you travel to both
I'm more intrested in the zone where the tower and great forest are, since it's NOT where frontier location are.
It's a brand new continent and considering how cool the great forest looks discovering other locales there would be amazing, especially because of how abstract great forest was.
The big thing preventing me from wanting to play in the New World is the use of the clutch claw.
Where you all find this feeling of the unknown? Maps like maps, the same "wow" effect as with other games. Can't feel anything more. It's not like there was no research beforehand or that any of it is more unique than any other place.
@@carstan62 Mods got you covered on PC.
the thing that's weird here with the new world is that we're presented with what is basically the southern side of whatever continent the new world is; there is specifically a compass on the map if you look at it in game. If you compare it to this and the other maps we are given, it seems really weird to have astera where it is; it'd be like if the pilgrims landed in florida or panama (or maybe even Argentina if we want to take into account Iceborne's environment) , so I'm curious if there's a good reason they went all the way around, or maybe that's just not the new world we're thinking.
If I remember correctly, the landmass for iceborne is actually moving, so the position for that is actually not that weird compared to the rest of the new world; it'd also make sense to have a very cold region close to what might be the south pole of the world.
so uh
can u make where is MH Rise located on MH Worldmap
I absolutely loved this lore video!
Geography is the base of a solid worldbuilding, and with worldbuilding comes sweet sweet lore.
I hope more lore videos will come!
I think the place you mark as new world there arent the exact location of new world. Based on MHW & iceborne map astera located on some kind of large peninsula, and the south of astera are this big ocean with archipelago formation on the east. The main landmass of the new world are way up north as can be seen on the MHW & Iceborne map background. Seliana and hoarfrost reach are on the northwest of astera. Based on your map that doesnt makes sense, and its way too close to the main continent. And note that research comission only send fleet every ten years prove that this is very dangerous and very long voyage.
My current theory is new world actually on the east side of the old world connected trough the land mass where tower located, just like north america actually connected from asia and europe trough russia (and alaska). But since its still unknown and too dangerous, people tend to avoid this route and choose to take the known route by the sea on the west just like european sail west to discover america.
But still, this is one great works mapping all these location of known old world places like this. It proves that monster hunter is actually deeper than popular consensus.
its either far north or west or completely the other side of the world because of the castle schrade. wouldn't made any sense for them to release a dlc that took place across the whole continent without bringing up Tower. plus mhw is sort of way to signify capcom bringing mh to the west.
@@miru2583 Well i mean even tho i said its on the east side of the old world, ship voyage would go toward west trough the ocean. So discovery-wise its still west. Or yes you can put it on the west too, by the end of the day the world still round.
Wait, capcom never stated monster hunter "world" is round
With World and Rise added to the collection, I wonder if we will see an update of your work on this map soon, that was interesting to look at :)
Now I wonder if the locations in MH Stories are even canon to the main universe of MH or if they are in a completely different universe.
it has to be different, in that world Gildegaran is the home of the hunters. not dundorma. again if we have any other option on what that world is, its tht bottom one on the right that gaijin said is unexplored by us but even then its very unlikely
I'm pretty sure MH Stories and everything within it is supposed to be canon for MH in general, but Stories also hints at playing out in a really faraway place compared to all the titles before it. Though it would be interesting to know where exactly it is.
@@DragoCubX ye I believe its supposed to be canon after all the game is a spin off no? after all it features riders and in main series games and all ive never heard anything like that
I've seen someone on reddit theorizing about the stories map being a whole other continent as the hunters there don't seem to operate on the 4-man party limitation (as seen in the anime and some game cutscenes) possibly due to the lack of Kokoto Hero's influence, and the Royal Scriveners are led by an entirely different person (Gustave Ron in the main series, Simone in Stories).
@@utsugixragon9999 Yep, Stories is a spin-off just like e.g. Frontier was. What happens in those games is still canon lore to the MH universe. The reason we don't hear about Riders in mainline games is that even the hunters on the same continent don't generally know about them, so how would those one completely different continents know?
Sharing to Capcom's Twitter! Nice job. :)
Could it be Monster Hunter Rise is located at that inexplored island, and they avoid foreigners because everyone is jealous of their super-ninja bugs?
Aya region seems to be a pretty good point, but it contradicts to the Fact that it ties with Yukumo environment, creatures and lore.
-Enviroment of Aya must has Bamboo like Japanese and Chinese Highands.
-Creatures like Zinogre and Arzuros can wonder in some regions like deserted and even New world, how could they even go their if that is the regions for Yukumo.
-Lore, Aya region has it's own system, it doesn't rely on the Hunter's Guild, which contradicts that Yukumo had ties to the Hunter's guild.
@@paulandreig.sahagun34 So? We basically know nothing about that place.
@@nidohime6233 Yup, we barely had no any location, hunting spots and lores about that place. But, if in the future times it will comeout soon let's hope.
Aya Country
Aya Country (Japanese アヤ国) is an isolated, small continent within the southeast of the sea. This place is said to have many generations of kings with absolute power over the country, though very little is actually known about it. This is mainly from the civilians of this country refusing to exchange anything with other places outside their own home. Even hunters haven't gotten any requests from the people of Aya Country.
(Source: Monster hunter Map wiki)
gaijin hunter thank you so much for taking the time to create this map in such a nice layout, it really shows that you took the time to thoroughly research everything and put this together. I've always wanted to see the MH world laid out together and this is just brilliant
The spot for Bherna actually makes a lot of real world sense, too. Bherna's landscape feels very much in line with that of New Zealand, which occupies a similar place in the real world as you placed Bherna into.
I just got infodumped with so much lore I ain't even know about just to comprehend this. I'm definitely going on a massive wiki dive after this one.
You are on a rampage buddy, don't get burnt but THANK YOU. I love the lore insights.
Thank you for this. Very cool to visualize the greater world of MH and be able to speculate about the relationships between the cities and monsters
Wow thank you so much for piecing that together. I love monster hunter so much
Love this, make me remember when imagining what the world map on Suikoden looks like
@gaijin hunter this is really well done considering how little lore Capcom provides based on the world map. However, I do remember reading that the frozen seaway area (where zamtrios is first encountered) is actually quite close to cheeko. Possibly on another small island nearby. Another piece of lore I found on the wiki is that the great forest area (where nargacuga is first encountered) is located on that large landmass on the far-right of the map (where you put the ancient tower area). The landmass is apparantly called Fonlon and is also the place where 2nd gen gungle area is located. If I remember correctly, that is the only real map lore I could find on the wiki, but you really did an awesome job with this interpretation
Yeah, some fans put the frozen seaway on the little island to the left of Aya. If i can track down the source i might move it for version 2 of the map. As for narga, that is the reason i put its icon over there actually :)
Been using incarnate for awhile. Gaijin just comes in and makes a bomb ass map that's better than I could dream of
Awesome video ! 😄 I've never watched before something like this so, for a fan that's been playing the saga since freedom unite is so special. Keep it up! ;)
I Loved the video and the picture you let us have from it
Love this lore vids man :) makes me apreciate the attention to detail they take on all games.Great video :D
I like that they keep it consistent but mysterious.
Love talking and hearing about MH lore. It’s so mysterious, but very intriguing.
I am assuming that the Great Forest would be south of the Tower area since in the intro cutscene for the Tower in Freedom Unite, you can see that the surrounding area is a massive forested landscape surrounding that area
I never knew that we actually got so many infos and that there is a coherent map in-universe, thanks for bringing this to my attention, i am such a sucker for maps lol