Brian has proved himself to be a good replacement for Jamie. Not many is capable of creating chaos simply by existing. I hope Jamie is well now. Much love from Türkiye 🇹🇷
This was every bit as hilarious and chaotic as I'd hoped it would be! 🤣 Ashley: How did you even get into Columbia University?! Brian: I got in through soccer! It's not what you think! 😂😂😂
My bday’s in a few days. This is like a bday gift to me too! And, you visited my very most beloved place in the whole wideworld. Thank youuuu!!! 💜 And, I’m surprised Brian is also here 😂 He’s way too funnyyyy 🤣 Gotta love the concentration he got to win. 😂
📍 HERE WE GO, Tokyo!
💬 Which was your favorite part? Leave it in the comments!
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Jamie doing the smoke challenge🤣💕
Marshmallow game
😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊ં😊અંઅં😊😊અહીં અ😊અં😊અંઅં😊અં😊😊અં😊ંંંઅંઅંઅં😊ચાલો ંઅં😊અં😊અં😊😊😊અં😊અં અ ંઅંઅઅઅઅંઅં😊અં😊અંઅં😊અંઅંઅં😊અંઅંંઅંઅંં😊😊😊ંંં😊😊અંઅંંઅંઅંઅંઅંં😊અંં😊😊😊ં😊😊😊ં😊😊😊અઅં😊😊😊😊ં😊😊😊😊😊😊ંઅ😊😊😊😊😊😊😊અ😊😊😊😊😊અંં😊😊😊અઃંઅઃઅ😊ં😊😊😊😊😊😊ં😊😊અંઅંઅં😊😊ં😊😊અંઅં😊ંઅંંઅં😊😊😊😊😊અઃ😊અંઅંઅંં😊😊ંઅંઅંઅં😊😊😊😊😊😊ંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં😊😊😊😊અંઅંઅઅઅં😊😊અ😊😊ંઅં😊ં😊😊😊અંઅંઅઅંઅંઅં😊અંઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં અ અઅંઅંઅંંઅં અચૂક અઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં અઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઅઅઅંઅંઅં અ અ અચૂક અ અ અઃઅઃઅંઅં અ ંઅઅઅઅ અ અ અ અ ંઅંઅઅઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં અચૂક અ અ ચચ્ચાર અંઅં અચૂક ંઅંઅંઅંઅઅઅઅ અ અઅઅં અ અઅઅંઅં અ અઅઅઅઅંઅઃઅઃઅઃઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઃઅઃઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં અ અઅઅઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઃઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં ંઆઅ😊ં😊😊
Jamie doing smoke challenge she is so funny
Penil saying boring to brain and check it the fuck out was so funny 😂😂😂
Omg Peniel getting so angry at Brian was so hilarious 😂🤣😂🤣
In this episode, Brian is the main character 🤣🤣. Bro simply existed and created chaos haha. Love you, Brian! you were so cute in this episode.
Brian has proved himself to be a good replacement for Jamie. Not many is capable of creating chaos simply by existing. I hope Jamie is well now. Much love from Türkiye 🇹🇷
your comment made me almost spit out my orange juice😂
What happened to Jamie?
14:21 Eric said Jamie was not feeling well 😢
Hope it stays that way
@@redchen3682? Rude
Ashley's "How did you get to Columbia?!?!?" to Brian was funny 😂
Brian was the best!! We need more Brian 😂😂😂
I agree 🥹🥹
The best was Peniel yelling, "Check it the fk out," as he sounded on Brian. I burst out laughing! Good show
😆😅😂I realized that Brian Nam was really only interested in business. He is a true businessman who is serious about business.😄👍💝
This was every bit as hilarious and chaotic as I'd hoped it would be! 🤣
Ashley: How did you even get into Columbia University?!
Brian: I got in through soccer! It's not what you think! 😂😂😂
7:47 the way jamie whipped her head back when she heard brian say that he’s scared of her LMAO she was OFFENDED 😂
Bro imagine if jamie was their when brain was making so many mistake bro I'm scared too... 😱
he probably wouldve died tbh @@astha9098
As always the editors never failed to make me laugh who sacked peniel’s hair and bring san from photo thats crazy and the chaos is always fun 😂😂😂😂😂
13:40 Jamie in the background saying “oh it’s spiiiiicy!” 😂
ashleys fashion always be on point!!! she defs was fashionably ready for tokyo...
Its like bunch of friends were hanging out we love this kind of content❤
Cuz the ARE friends
The way Eric was like "Don't touch me bro "And Brian be like " I love you " Was really off the guard😂😂😂😂😂
Ashley came to slay.
Go Ashley
@@Chips9741 😮by
Jamie and Ashley should have make-over show, the outfit they picked for Brian was FABULOUS!!!
(Btw 4:47 look how cute Eric is there, making sure Jamie isn't excluded 🥺💗)
ash's "how did you get into Columbia?!?!" LOLLL
Peniel from 10 yrs ago! so cute! 💙
Brian and Jamie= chaos 😂
Ughhhh I have to do school work but I want to watch this too 😭
Edit: I decided to do both 💀
And Peniel constantly cussing Bryan out was hilarious 😂
Yes the Dive fam in Tokyo! This episode will be so hilarious and chaotic! Love you guys 😆💕
Me playing with them the marshmallow game and i freakin screamed “CHECK IT OUT” to my ipad hoping brian could hear me
*PENIEL doesn't have a heart, and BRIAN doesn't have a soul.* LOOOL
Love Peniel every year 🥰💙
brian making mistakes every time it made me laugh a lot hahahaha thanks for bringing brian along
Peniel 😂😂 Such a funny guy😂
Peniel singing apple bottom jeans boots with the fur is my fav scene
Penial's introduction, though :
" He doesn't have a heart. He is A.I. PENIEL DONG SHIN. " 😂😂
Peniel is so hilarious 😂😂🔥🔥
Ashley looks like that rich-auntie in k-dramas 😂
Love Brian! Glad he stepped in for Jamie! Great choice!!
✨BrIaN iM tAlKiNg BrIaN!✨😂
Peniel never disappoints.
Please include Brian in ALL future episodes 😂😂💗💗
I love how random they are 😂
wish BM was here then the whole crew is completed
"CHECK IT THE F OUT "got me 💀💀
Chaos and fun in Tokyo!
Jamieeeeee 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 😂😅
peniel screaming check it the fuck out Brian ijbol he's the funniest guy alive
Jamie 🥺 miss her
What happened? 😢
Excited for all the fun and chaos in Tokyo! ❤️
Brian was concentrating sooo hard 😂 i loved all the edits!
Am I the only one who saw how cute Eric and Jamie hugged🥰
Ashley looks like that one rich asian auntie 😩🔥🔥
Th interaction between eric and brian is my favorite thing ever 😂😂😂😂literally all siblings 😂🤣
“Here We Are” by Bi*chna should’ve at least been a soundtrack for this series! It’s so fitting we need ittt
Love the vibe of this show 💖 Also love Brian, he's so lost and cute ✨
The way Eric is looking out for Brian during the game😭❤why so soft😭✨️
Jamie having a song for every Moment is so relatable and funny 😂❤
Brian is too chaotic, love it
ashley in her fashionista era and im here for ittt
24:28 ashley wants to throw hands badly with brain LMAOOOOOOOO
Lol one of my fav videos 😂
P.s please keep Brian, he is so chaotic😂😂😂
I Thing we can all agree that we need an episode just all about brian 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Looking forward to the fun!!
Brian is so funny: give me a chance, give me a chance 😂
The marshmallow game, the clip at the beginning is soo brilliant 😂❤
we love jamieeeeeeeee
Love the Dive fam, they are the best. 💖👍
Ashley is giving me clueless vibes love it
😂😂😂😂L ol I Love Peniel so much
Btob peniel 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Brian was the mvp this episode😂
Peniel and Brian are like my last 2 brain cells
As a Carat that Eumchibakchi guess is so funny😆.
Peniel no heart, Brian no soul HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
They are so funny 😂😂❤❤
Okay, we need Brain on the next season of Hwaiting 😆😆😆
not Brian being the weakest link during the games, but it did generate some fun content
This was hilarious! Keep them coming 😂😍
16:29 beul-laek-mam-ma 😭😭😭
Laughin the whole time and smilin’ from ear to ear watching u guysss😂😊
Jamie is so cutee🥺
You guys are so mean to Brian! He’s so wholesome!
The Marshmallow Game was so funny! Did Brian mess up on purpose? Just asking, 🤣😂🤣😁
I am looking forward to it
Love you guys!
Pretty sure he wore Jamie’s pick to the nyc Meet and Greet.
24:35 "CHECK IT THE F*** OUT!!" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Peniel taking every opportunity to start beef with Brian 😂
I like it. Total vibes is great!! Looking forward to the next episode for this😊😊
guys this is the best penalty we've seen in a long time on a game played with the dive studios team
Loved the show!! Had a great time watching it. 😂❤
That kingdom reference is wild 😂😂😂😂
프니엘 귀여워..
"Sophisticated my AaSs". Eric Nam 2024.
This had me crying 😂
I needed me some brian thanks for tagging him along ❤❤❤
I was screamingggggg when they couldn’t guess Riize Get A Guitar and Seventeen God of Music 🥲
hahaha this was chaotic as usual!! thank you Dive for coming to Tokyo, a chaotic city!! lol i can't wait to watch the next episode
My bday’s in a few days. This is like a bday gift to me too! And, you visited my very most beloved place in the whole wideworld. Thank youuuu!!! 💜
And, I’m surprised Brian is also here 😂 He’s way too funnyyyy 🤣 Gotta love the concentration he got to win. 😂
I love ashley’s outfit!!! it’s so chic and very cute
We need more Brian! Not that there is not enough chaos already 😅
I love seeing four of them doing 티카타카 ❤ These four people look like good friends, not like Kpop celebrities gathering for some work
this is gold