HOI4 Timelapse - What If Every Color Had Its Own Faction?
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- In this hoi4 timelapse I made factions based on the color of the country in hoi4. The Soviet Union has the largest army at the start of hoi4 vanilla so I expected the red color faction to do well, but not to just completely steamroll Eurasia.
Q: Some countries aren't color X whenever I start HOI4! Why did you put them in that faction?!
A: I released every country that was a puppet. This sometimes changes their color when they are released. For example, whenever the Dutch East Indies is released and becomes Indonesia, it turns from orange to blue, so I put it in the blue faction.
Q: Why are there random factions that appear towards the end
A: I don't really know. Whenever I caught this happening I made all of the factions declare war on them.
Q: Why do the factions change colors?
A: That happens whenever a country takes leadership of a faction. It will change the faction to the color of the leader.
What timelapse should I do next? Should I do games aside from hearts of iron 4? Maybe Eu4 or Vic2 timelapse?
Thank you for watching! Please tell me what did I well and what did I did poorly.
Timelapse Unit Display - steamcommunity...
George Street Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod
Link: incompetech.fi...
License: creativecommons...
#heartsofiron4 #hoi4
Thank you for watching! What video should I do next? This video was a viewer suggestion so please comment, I listen!
I have one/two more hoi4 videos in the works but I will try to set up Eu4 timelapses in the next couple days, and that will be my first timelapse!
Make factions based on the first letter of the countries' names
@@anti79 agree
install modern day mod and put phillipines, japan, south korea, us, france and more in NATO and russia, china and north korea on COMINTERN and then make they fight and let's see who win
Can there ever be a hoi4 game where I actually ai take the entire world and not just ending it when both left and right side have taken over their side. It would be satisfying to see a game finally end.
It went from *Color Warlords* to *1984* real quick
Red vs blue
And white and green are there too
Philippines: if I don't move they can't see me
omg i actually didnot
Iceland too
@@_CaptainCookie that's Greenland :)
@@minezone_1017 and* Greenland
Watching Britain repeatedly fail to take Ireland is hilarious
A W yea xD
You mean red
I just love how Ireland survived for so long
germany.... wow
What germany? All I see is a new soviet republic
@@doesnormalityexist DDR, of course
@@aisir3725 dance dance revolution
@@facelesspikachu5562 Revolution? Overthrow the government? Uhh, I think so!
Now I know why red and blue episodes are still being made
Germany: Proceeds to be the only black nation
America: Proceeds to turn everyone into a state
USSR: Forcibly decolonizes imperialist
0:35 Argentina finally got what they wanted.
haha pp
I'm confused
@@SparrowValentine Its a joke about Argentinians saying they are white
@@someguysomeone3543 they are
I thought you meant Falkland Islands but sure
I'm having 1984 flashbacks
Impressive that the purple faction was able to stick around till the end despite not having any remotely powerful countries (except maybe Yugoslavia and South Africa), as opposed to the orange and yellow teams which had countries like India and China.
Both China and India have nasty debuffs which prevent them from being majors - China has -50% division attack and defence and India have -69% population factor. So they don't make that much of a difference.
For anyone wondering the background music is called Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2
Game: *starts
Peace out dudes I'm out ✌️
You should do another one of these but with every nation released/broken off via the gamerules
I’m surprised brown held out that long in Scandinavia.
3:40 team fortress 2 world
Hearts of iron 4 :pokémon red and blue edition!!
Well at least one time France helped Czechoslovakia in anything.
It may be weird but now all the sudden I want this
2:00 the cold war (circa. 1964)
It's not accurate
debarpan dutta r/whoooosh
@@debarpandutta6722 what do you mean it's not accurate, the Soviet Union totally owned all of Africa and the usa had complete control over the americas
Don't you frockin r/woosh I know my history and there was a nuetral black in cold War. India and Japan etc were not part of USSR
Get your history right
Oh, I remember that fateful day when the legions of Blue fought against the hordes of Red and Yellow, and the Green fought the White
Nice, you should have more subs
Ty so much! :D
I’ve never seen a concept like this before, it’s very creative!
I like how it ended with red vs Blue a classic
Greenland just watching the battle is just great
I love this song. Originally it's one of Franz Liszt's piece
Maybe instead they can be countries that way some faction memebers don’t switch sides
I've had this dream for so long
that... was *very* much adequite
Holy shit this is such a great idea
This turned into cold war real quick.
0:50 what's the music name ?
i want to know too
what song is it?, George Street Shuffle is a different one, right?
Huh. Was ANYONE on Germany's side?
Well considering there is no other black coloured country in hoi4 i guess not
Xibei San Ma
Whats the name of the song at the start of the game ( not the talking part )
Ireland just how are you alive for soo long
Also we all knew the only competition was between red and blue
it's a pity you didn't show a fractionless view at the end. ):
My colorblind ass : *confused scream*
How do you customize the starting factions?
Use console, set allowdiplo and tag switch between countries a lot
"Alternative Cold War"
“R E D”
Literally East vs West
Red army stronk
well fight in italy laster more than expected alps and mountains in general are doing great job lol
Red vs blue *halo multiplayer flashbacks intensify*
1:46 hey that looks familiar
New word from the north african front brothers and sisters, the eurasian menace has suffered a total route!
Ironic how it eventually became a war between Blue USA and Red USSR..
So Oceania vs Chonky Eurasia?
Basically cold War between 2 over powered nation
You put Soviet, Poland, Malaya and Britain in the same faction, what did you expect
How was the first leader of red?
WOW how did you do that please tell me this is amazing
Took forever to set up, but I just created factions for each country. If you want more content like that please consider subbing :)
@@Tmdeme443 thank you :D
Japan just forms their own faction lmao
Its sad how Germany is the only black
What's the song??
Brown was doing surprisingly well in Europe.
what a surprise... the ussr takes over the old world with some help from the british and the usa takes over the new world. japan is still alive because the ai can't naval invade which is also why red and blue can't invade each other. this really feels like the battle royal mod with extra steps
A bit of a stretch to not count poland and great britain to red instead of making a pink section, isn't it?
It really was a ‘red’ world
I like how Iceland is still iceland
Blue and red were obviously gonna dominate here.
Team Brown Babyyyy- Damnit...
Canada is red, isn't it?
Hoi4 racism
Why yugoslavia ist'n blue?
Paint the *world* Red
Roses are red,
And violets are blue
3:28 That's some 1984 shit.
Pls put the music in the discription
wow it really remind me of 1984 at the end
Germany, the literal only country that is black:
Isn’t Norway black?
When Britain and the soviets ally pre-ww2
Better red than dead
Red and blue are all a little op
It's the cold war.
Like for the puppy
canada is red not white
When you start with it decolonized it becomes a much lighter red, to the point where it's basically white
Poor Germany, all alone
Someone should create a mod based around uniting the Americas under the US and it’s all cored
The United Kingdom is pink
I honestly think Norway is more red-ish
TF2 Be like
Poor Reich...
Wait, so it's just USA versus Russia?
It's always been USA versus Russia.
German dead
English dead
Italian dead
France alive (Madagascar) :p
Long live the Greater American Republic
Poland was pink
Germany is alone
This just risk
UK sus
White noob but japan :dddd japan is winner 1vs world
rip germany lmao
10th comment
I mean 100th
Isn't Russia brown?
@Traitor Guardsman looks brown to me