I am in middle of war zone in Ukraine … alone , my mother past away … and I have no chance to get out ! But I am listening this everyday and gives me strength and hope to go on and believe in Lords grace !!!! Hare Krishna ! Hare Guru!!! Radhe Radhe !!!!
@@rudyvanautreve3222brother how long did it take you to come out from depression.. i have been under Depression and severe panic attacks since 29th June 2023.. God bless you..
@daddycool3429 a lot meditation ... chanting 6 weeks yoga teacher course ..sivananda yoga And traveling to the east... opens your heart ..forever BE GOOD.. DO GOOD.. and you will attract ...
The voice of the boys is literally amazing nd no one can deny it.....i m leaving this comment just because whenever anybody will like my comment this will remind me of this song...... Really amazing 🥰🥰🥰
To everyone reading this : Lord Krishna will erase all your pain and anxieties. He will remove all the obstacles from your life and help you live a beautiful life. Life is hard, even Meera bai had critics, haters, enemies..even Lord Ram had so many difficulties yet he never bowed his head.. bless you everyone
First my big sister started to chant this maha mantra and when she started to chant she used to tell me to chant this mahamantra but I didn't listned her i used to do only 1 round for her force but one day I don't know what had happened to me i started to chant 4 rounds day by day I was increasing the rounds like 4,8,12 and finally 16. The girl who didn't want to chant 1 round know started to chant 16 rounds. First I didn't had any interest in Krishna but know I love Krishna i want to serve Krishna till my last breathe but my family members (leaving my sister)are not supporting me but still i am maintain consistency of chanting 16 rounds By Krishna's grace. All thanks to my sister and my Krishna. All glories to srilla prabhupada. May my Krishna bless my sister. Oh radheshyam please shower your divine blessings on us too may my family become your devotee . Radhe radhe Jay shree Krishna haribol
❤भारत के भविष्यवक्ता की भविष्यवाणी संत अच्युतानंद दास के अनुसार, धरती 3 चरणों से गुजर रही है, पहले युग कलयुग का अंत होगा, दूसरा महाविनाश होगा और तीसरा एक नया युग आएगा. जिस वक्त शनि मीन राशि में प्रवेश करेंगे, जब भारत से संकट दूर होगा. आने वाले साल 2024 में शनि कुंभ राशि से निकलकर मीन राशि में प्रवेश करेंगे. किसान खेती बंद कर देंगे. जंगली जानवर शहरों और गांवों पर हमला करना शुरू कर देंगे. साल 2024 में धरती की धुरी बदलेगी, जिससे एक बाद एक कई भूंकप आएंगे. संत अच्युतानंद दास के अनुसार, 2025 के बाद का वक्त बहुत बुरा होगा, इस समय वही लोग बचेंगे जो धर्म और सच के रास्ते पर चलेंगे. आसमान में दो सूरज निकले दिखाई देंगे. (बता दें कि हाल ही में कोलंबिया के एक गांव में अचानक एक साथ दो सूरज नजर आए, जिसे देख लोग हैरान थे. ये कॉन्सिपेरी थ्योरिस्ट्स के अनुसार है.) एक सूर्य होगा और दूसरा आसमानी पिंड होगा. ये पिंड बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरेगा, जो ओडिशा को जलमग्न करेगा. कहा जा रहा है कि समुद्र का जलस्तर बढ़ेगा और जगन्नाथ मंदिर की 22वीं सीढ़ी तक पानी पहुंच जाएगा. एक तरफ प्राकृतिक आपदाएं होंगी तो दूसरी तरफ महायुद्ध होगा. तीसरे विश्वयुद्ध की शुरुआत शनि के कुंभ राशि में प्रवेश करने पर होगी. भविष्यवाणी के मुताबिक, लोग कीट-पंतंगों की तरह मरेंगे और दुनिया की जनसंख्या 64 करोड़ बच जाएगी. धरती पर होने वाली प्राकृतिक आपदाओं की वजह से 7 दिन अंधेरा रहेने वाला है. भविष्यवाणी में कहा जा रहा है कि यह सब घटना 2022 से 2029 के अंदर होने वाली हैं.समुद्र का जलस्तर बढ़ जाएगा और पानी जगन्नाथ मंदिर की 22वीं सीढी तक पहुंचा जाएगा. इस दौरान भगवान के विग्रह को उनके भक्त छातियाबटा ले जाएंगे वहीं, धरती पर होने वाली प्राकृतिक आपदाओं की वजह से 7 दिनों तक अंधेरा छा जाएगा. माना जा रहा है कि यह घटना साल 2022 से साल 2029 के बीच होगी. वहीं, एक तरह प्राकृतिक आपदाएं आएंगी और दूसरी ओर महायुद्ध होगा. शनि के कुंभ राशि में आते ही तीसरे विश्वयुद्ध की शुरुआत होगी. तीसरा विश्वयुद्ध 6 साल 6 महीने तक चलेगा. चीन 13 मुस्लिम देशों के साथ मिलकर भारत पर भयानक हमला करेगा. अंत के 13 महीने भारत युद्ध में शामिल होगा. यह भारत की लड़ाई होगी, जिसमें भारत जीतेगा. इस दौरान भारत अपने दुश्मनों को खत्म करने के साथ विश्व गुरु बन जाएगा. कहा जा रहा है कि भारत का आखिरी राजा एक शक्तिशाली हिंदू होगा. यह एक योगी पुरुष होगा, जिसकी कोई संतान नहीं होगी. इस राजा में विश्व का नेतृत्व करने की अद्भुत क्षमता होगी. इसके साथ वह धर्म के सहारे पूरे विश्व में शांति स्थापित करेगा. उस समय ओडिशा का अंतिम राजा गजपति महाराज होंगे. इसी दौरान ही भगवान कल्कि धरती पर प्रकट होंगे, जो युद्ध में भारत के साथ होंगे. भविष्य मालिका के अनुसार, अमेरिका का एक बड़ा हिस्सा जलमग्न हो जाएगा और चीन के कई टुकड़े हो जाएंगे. पाकिस्तान खत्म हो जाएगा. इसके अलावा रूस एक हिंदू देश बन जाएगा. इसके बाद 1 हजार साल तक शांति का युग आएगा.
भविष्य मालिका क्या है? भविष्य मालिका (Bhavishya Malika) ब्रम्हवाणी है जो स्वयं निराकार इस्वर की इच्छा से पंचसखावों ने लिखी है। इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य कलयुग के अंत मे महाविनाश से पहले भक्तों को सतर्क करना है। उन्हें सही मार्ग में लाना है। क्योंकि कलयुग के प्रभाव से भक्तों में भी बुराई होंगीं। लेकिन मालिका सुनते ही वे सतर्क हो जायेंगे। वेदव्यास जी ने महाभारत होने से पहले महाभारत लिख दिया था, वाल्मीकि जी ने रामायण होने से पहले रामायण लिख दिया था। उसी तरह कली महाभारत और कलयुग के अंत के बारे में पंचसखावों ने 600 साल पहले लिख दिया है, इस ग्रन्थ को महागुप्त रखा गया था और कलयुग के अंत मे स्वयं प्रभु की इच्छा से इसका प्रकाश हो रहा है। मालिका के माध्यम से ही प्रभु अपने सभी भक्तों को धरावतरण के बारे में बतायेंगे। मालिका से ही सभी भक्तों को पता चल सकेगा कि प्रभु आ गये है। मालिका को बाकी धर्मग्रंथों से तुलना करना गलत है। क्योंकि मालिका में सभी चीज़े पूरी डिटेल्स में लिखी है। जैसे विश्वयुद में कौन से देश किस देश से युद्ध करेंगे, सम्भलनगर कौन सा है, सतयुग कैसा होगा, यह खंड प्रलय कैसे होगा, और विनाश क्यों और कबतक होगा, प्रभु धर्मसंथापना कैसे करेंगे, किस देश का क्या होगा, किनको राजा बनाएंगे। भविष्य मालिका (Bhavishya Malika) की बात 100% सत्य है। यह स्वयं श्री जगन्नाथ जी की इच्छा से पंचसखाओ ने लिखा है। इसलिये इसके गलत होने का सवाल ही नहीं उठता। मालिका के सत्य होने की बात कहते हुए पंचसखाओ में श्रेष्ठ श्री अच्युतानन्द दास जी कहते है।
I lost my husband once year ago hé was a dévotee of krishna When i listen this song i am sure that krishna takes care of him Nobody perishs when krishna is in our mind Hare krishna hare rama a powerful mantra
One day all relationships will go to an end definitely except One which is Immortal and Real that is of all of us with Sri Krishna only. So He is the Real pati/rakshak actually. 🙏
He taught us the meaning of friendship He taught us the meaning of true love He taught us the true value of life I've tears in my eyes while I'm making this comment.. May lord Krishna bring love nd peace in everyone's live.. Hare krishna hare krishna Krishna Krishna Hare hare Hare Rama hare Rama Rama rama hare hare..❤🙏
I am 16 year boy listening this , i started getting more positivity , and also started crying Thank you thakur ji for giving me everything that i want 🙏
I'm only 16. Today's generation of kids always listens to Bollywood and Hollywood songs. They listen to silver songs, and this bhajan is gold, which gives me power. I love you, Krishna. Thanks, Krishna, for all those things you gifted me. Edit: Now that I'm 18, I still listen to this sometimes. 2nd Edit: I'm 21 years old, and things have changed significantly. I distanced myself from ISKCON and am now more interested in Indresh Ji and Morani Bapu. Jay Siya Ram.
Krishna kya hain? Hamare Saanso ke har flow mai Krishna hain, hamare heart ke har beat mai Krishna hain. Aur Iss physical world ke har concious life mai Krishna hain.❤🙏✨
Don't know why , whenever I heard this mahamantra my eyes become teary , get emotional for whom I don't know....Pranam prabhu🙏🙏 take me towards you. I am tired , plz take me to you ..😭😭😭😭😭😭😥😥😥😥
🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺 Life is a process. As much u suffer U got more strong U learn to survive Nd blv Dat's very necessary to live life. 🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿 Don't talk like a coward. Work on your inner self. Learn to realize self worth (Positive or Negative) Everything is within U. Think positive. Do meditation n yoga. Change the programming of ur mind from negative to positive. 🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺 Find inner peace first. That's the most important thing. That's everything. Blv me u will improve U will feel lot better. 🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺 Nothing can give u peace from outside. Calm ur mind n thought process. Only u Hv the Key 🔑. *GOOD LUCK* GOD BLESS. BLESINGS 🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿
I was Challenging myself that True Bhakts Will Surely Like my comment. As Expected, we position Our Lord to Morning and Evening Prayers... Forgetting the ALL Encompassing Nature of the Mantra.
I am honestly changed into a whole different person. I used be really aggressive and since the day I started chanting Hare Krishna Hare Rama Mantra I am more on the positive side. I am at peace and no bad words or bad thoughts at all in my day to day life. Thank you Hare Rama.
Because there is a Golden bald head shaved looking like Michael Jordan then do not chant Gaur Panch Tattva maantra. Chant Military chaos maantra to be kewler HK Maantra 4 Life baby.
Me too. I too faced the similar situation at first. But, later I changed 360 degrees . I can't imagine what I've become today. It's all the credit of Sri Krishna!!
I am Bidayuh, Malaysian and not a Hindu preacher. But I love the mantra with whole of my heart, mind and soul - as if I want to this music to be played during my funeral - remarking a reincarnation of life. Every time I listen to this mantra, my cognitive brain receives a mystical reception that force my body to move and sway in any circumstances. Thanks Ratha Yatra for coming in my life, this is indeed a moment of miracle.
Hi Ryan.. anda di kuching sekarang? This is transcedental vibration.. it is for every living entities.. kalau anda di area kuching, contact saya.. ada iskcon temple sini. Tiap sabtu ada programe.. i am inviting you.
The chant give show power of the supreme lord 🥺😭 brahman the supreme whose power is unimaginable we can know the god by bhakti and yoga only Me you know that this universes will be destroyed dissolute in the krishna who is the brahman the supreme🥺🙏🕉️ Brahman formless take form he is in every form in everyone When a Hindu guru say bhagwan is great god is great that is how great heis😭🕉️
Your thought is pure this tells us that you're a real devotee of god ....lots of love from me to you ❤ because I like pure souls and real devotee of god because they relate me but there very few in this world and I am glad to know about your comment I should say with sureness that you're one of them that's why I really like your comment.....Thankyou for being a real devotee of god...❤
I'm 17 years old and I've chosen the path of Lord Krishna 🙏. I've become Pranami and I want all of us to lead the path of Lord Krishna.❤️❤️ Hare krishna hare rama 🕉️❤️
I am 17 year old ...aur hare krishna chanting mujhe ek spritual feel deta hai..😍 hare krishna hare krishna 😍 krishna krishna hare hare..❤️, hare ram hare ram ram hare hare hare ❤️❤️..
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे।। हरे कृष्णा हरे कृष्णा कृष्णा कृष्णा हरे हरे ।। मन्त्र मुग्ध कर दिया ।।मन प्रसंन हो गया।। अद्भूत अनुभूति होती है । नाम मात्र से तर जाओ गए।। मूल मंत्र यही है जीवन का ।। बाकी तो सब मोह माया है ।।
I have lost my daughter in 2016 , my thinking never stops from than , has been soo hard n Krishna tells me I love your daughter more than you did on the earth Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare
Suman ji u are very brave. Yes she is with Krishna and is in great joy. She loves u soooooo much . Plz promise that u will never cry because that will pain her .
Excellent for thinking, krishana always every way,things,moment,time,one so don't forget.thanks hare krishana hare krishana krishana krishana hare hare hare Rama hare Rama Rama Rama hare hare...
Hare Krishna. It is so soulful 😊❤️. I'm leaving this comment so that if anyone reacts to it, I'll be reminded of this devine chant. I promise I'll come again to listen to this, and remember Shri Krishna till death. Jay Jagannath
All pure souls understand hari is sitting in our own hearts .Be pure in your words & actions .Spread this message all over .Lot of griefs is due to our forgetfulness of our relationship with spiritual friend KRISHNA .
I am a student.❤I have some eternal connection with Krishna... I just want to find peace ...I just want to get rid of this world full of misery, sadness , jealousy....I hope soon I will have this true path ❤ If anyone can guide me I will be thankful Jai shree Krishna
If your not close to a Srila Prabhupada community seek a Guru that resonates with your life. Check out Rasikanada Swami on his youtube channel. ua-cam.com/video/GPfVjEyIb4c/v-deo.htmlsi=U8rofNt-iT6dVOcb
Chant holy name of lord Krishna and talk to him like he's your best friend, prioritise him , choose him over anything, if u want to cry for someone then cry for Krishna, ask him to guide you to right path take shelter of spiritual guru like srila Prabhupada or premanand Maharaj ji......u will get all the knowledge required to go back to your eternal home(golok) by the mercy of Krishna ......Hare Krishna ❤
Not only you, but every living entity is eternally related to Krishna, we are part and parcels of krishna To start your journey you can chant hare krsna mantra 108 times every day in the morning You'll observe the changes yourself, Hare krsna
Seeing the devotion of youth in krishna is the best feeling.. hare Krishna 🙏I wish one day the whole world will follow Sanatan Dharma and our rituals and understand that they are 100% scientific and satisfying.and this will fill us with the mercy of lord Krishna
@@neerajsahu3628 black magic and curses are just negative vibrations and energy....and hare krishna mantra contain very positive and strong vibrations and it will also make you strong too.....so I cannot say will it removes or not but yes....you will be benefited....try kane me kya jata h
@@vidushisharma1513 not only positive its a spiritual incarnation of the supreme lordss black magic is from material energy mahamantra are not originated in this material existence
This beautiful Maha-mantra can make anyone cry in emotion, smile in happiness, and dance in ecstasy. I pay salutations to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and all spiritual masters for introducing us humans to such a powerful mantra which provides me delight throughout the body and today due to Srila Prabhupada it resonates throughout the world!
Krishna I just want to meet u any how..... This world is full of cruel people..... I will not feel regret if I'll die suddenly at low age...... I want to be your devotee life time please help me and save me from wrong world and please save me from distracted things... Ur everything to me krishna........ HARE KRISHNA ❤️
I am suffering from the hardest part of my life 🙏I believe Lord Krishna 🙏 will help me to get out of this period 🙏🙏.I am 18 year old he has always been with me in every second of my life 🙏I am here because of him 🙏🙏🙏🙏 without him there's no existence of mine 🙏🙏🙏😭😭🙏🙏. HARE KRISHNA 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
May the grace and love of Krishna continue to keep you uplifted and give to the strength to get through the difficult times of your life. Jai Shri Krishna 🙏
To whoever who's reading it You are a beautiful and valuable Krishna's soul He will be there for you ever since you'll chant his Holy name ❤️ may He bless you with eternal and divine love and protect you from misery. Hare Krishna 🙏🙏🙏
The ecstatic melodies of this kirtan is so blissful and peaceful but still it is just a small fraction of the blissfulness of Supreme God Shree Krishna, Just imagine the kind of blissfuness and happiness those cowherd friends, Gopa-gopis, Mother Yashoda, Nand baba and the whole universe would have felt when Lord Krishna was present with them before 6000yrs ago in Dwaparyug 🥺 I wonder what Paramatma Shri Krishna is doing now in his supreme abode Golok 🥺❤
प्रभु जी इस समय जिंदगी बहुत दौर से गुजर रही है बहुत थक और हार गया हूं, अब आप का ही भरोसा है प्रभु ।आप सभी जो भी इस कमेंट को पढ़ रहे हैं मेरे बुरे दौर से लड़ने के लिए आराध्य प्रभु श्री कृष्ण से एक बार जरूर अर्जी लगाएं। हरे कृष्णा
Bhai krishna ki bhakti ke saath saath bhagwaan shiv pr jal bhi chadaya karo..shiv ji aapki bhakti ko krishna tk bhut jldi pahunchayenge...sbhi sanataniyo ko bhagwan shiv pr jal chadana chaiye chahe aap kisi bhi bhagwan ko poojte ho Har Har Mahadev 🚩🚩 Jai Jai shree Ram 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
I rarely have any bad habits, still I have some, as a human being I guess Whatever but I m on my way to purifying my soul only for my Krishna Only in Krishna I find peace I have seen many difficulties in life, only for Krishna I'm still on the right track I shall always be grateful towards Krishna There's no one simply no one who can replace Krishna's place from my heart This is going to forever till I die & going to Krishna forever Whoever seeing my comment I will request you to please devote yourself fully to Krishna You'll be blessed forever May Krishna bless you all ❤️
All glories, all glories all glories to the only person more magnanimous than Ananga-Nitai Prabhu Avadhut, His Divine grace A.C.BHAKTIVEDANTA Swami , Iskcon Founder Acharya our most beloved Srila Prabhupada!
*Who loves Krishna more than anything in this material world?* P.S: I'm so fortunate, I got birth in human species and came to know about Supreme personality Krishna. Now it's time to do Bhakti-yoga to go back to Godhead- The Krishna's Loka, Vaikunth-dhaam. All glories to his divine grace A.C Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is fonder of ISKCON. Hare Krishna.
Smit Panchal mein jab bhi harinaam sunti me jese is dunia se aajazad hokr shri hari supreme power lord krishna ki seva kr rhi hoti hu esa feel omg i font have words ne krse byaan karu ki kitni shanti sukun or bas hare krishna👏👏🥺
Lord Shiva is my father & my father gave me Lord Krishna. I used to cry for Shiva now same emotion rolls from my cheeks for Krishna. Hare Keishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Don't know why buy i want to cry while listening to & chanting mahamantra
Tears are rolling from my eyes ...so soulfully sung.Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare.Hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare. Please krishna forgive all my sins and have your mercy and love on us.
O KRISHNA... My KRISHNA.... 'Thank YOU' for everything.. Please forgive me , if I complain for anything... No complaints.. No demands.. Always grateful to YOU for every blessings in my life.. the Good things that have taken, are taking and will be taking in my life and my family... JOY SHREE KRISHNA🙏🙏🙏
इस महामंत्र के श्रवण मात्र से ही असीम शांति की अनुभूति होती है यदि मनुष्य प्रतिदिन इस महामंत्र को जपे तो समस्त जीवन सुख के सागर से भर जाएगा। हे यशोदानंदन गिरिधर गोपाल अपने भक्तों को महामारी कोरोना से बचाओ प्रभु
Hare krishna , krishna lord my mind is so restless , it makes me suffer so much, you are the only hope of my soul krishna bhagwan , calm it down , heal the damage caused due to materialistic pleasures of this world . I pray for nothing more than being under your shelter howsoever you keep me . Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare ,hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare . ❤️
Chant atleast 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna MahaMantra everyday. Start with 1, gradually increase to 2, 4, etc... as per your capacity until you can do 16 every day. I know some people who even chant 20-32 rounds daily, if they can do it with all their family responsibilities, why can't you? Srila Prabhupada, the Founder Acharya, didn't coin the phrase for nothing i.e., "Chant Hare Krishna and be happy".
My life has been changed since I have laddu gopal , I treat him as he is my child . My life suddenly started giving me miracles in my life it's because of Lord Shiva and Krishna . Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram hare hare 🙏✨❤️
@@kanganchauhan714 is. the. N No nnnnnnn n n nnnnnnn n n n nnnnnnhh nhmhmnnjn Hm Nnnnnnn M M Hmm Mj Mj M Hm Hmm M Jyyy Y Hey I mnnnnncan n Man N N MN My man
I m a boy of 21 years old Before listening this I used to listen bollywood, Ollywood songs But one day I heard this one night during sleep U can't believe I have effectively reduced the unnecessary stuffs
Yeah dude ...Its so soothing attractive..My Love towards Krishnaji started on that day when i was preparing for my boards...So i jst Started listning to The krishna Gyaan..and i found a A video of Conversation between Krishnaji❤🙏❤ and Arjun...And The journey started❤🙏❤ LUV UH KRISHNAJI❤🙏❤ #HAREKRISHNA🙏❤🙏
Muy lindo leer comentarios de almas Angélicas, hasta ahora veo vuestro comentario, pero tu madrecita es un angel ahí cuidandote. Animo y mucho amor ❤️ sin límites y toda la luz, que Sri krsnha nos otroga. Hare Krsnha 🙏🙏
Hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna hare hare Krishna hare Rama hare Rama Rama Rama hare hare...haribol.Jai Shree krishna.This chanting gives heavenly happiness in morning and through day. ♥️🙏
I've been chanting Hare Krishna for three days now and its changing my life. Already. Blessed be to the one who was before creation and will be after creation!
Wow, so a deep experience! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! When I'm allowed to ask: In which way this mantra has changed your life? For me the mantra "OM NAMO NARAYANA" remember me my endless and lovely connection with God Vishnu and also it remembers me, that God Vishnu is everything, so that I have also automatically an endless and lovely connection with everything. This knowledge, through those mantra, gives me trust, love and peace. Because of that, this mantra is my favorite. HARE KRISNA OM NAMO SRI VISNU
There is something magical about this which awakens our love for Krishna that people have forgotten somehow due to this material existence. But after hearing and chanting to this, extreme happiness and peace of mind can be attained . We are so lucky to get to know Krishna as the Supreme❤️
i am 23 years old, the pain is this i get the divine shelter this late 😭😭😭😭 but still happy for krsna's divine invitation... 🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏🙏 HARE KRISHNA TO ALL LOVELY DEVOTEES
This is Prabhu Sri Krishna's kripa that I got this song. I was wondering for long time to get inner peace and Sri Krishna's naam Jap, where mind can be engaged. Then, Almighty Lord Prabhu krishna blessed me by this divine Kirtan. Hare krishna hare Rama.........
i am a follower of krishna consiousness since 2006 february. i have really transformed into different person and i could beat the depression and loneliness by associating myself with bhagwan krishna.
Because you are longing for the lost relationship with the lord , but due to this material conditions all covered as we are ignorant,passionate with some goodness . If you think you would like to meet like mind people who are attracted to maha mantra please msg me , i can assist and i would be very grateful. Hare Krishna 🙏
I m Nitish,24 ,Indian, soulfully enjoying every bit of harekrishna mantar. Once you start doing it, there's no coming back .Your soul changes in every aspect of life
I use to cry when i use to chant this mantra... this mantra touches my heart and soul.. its gives me eternal bliss.. Hare krishna hare krishna.. krishna krishna hare hare.. Hare rama hare rama.. rama rama hare hare.. God bless all..
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare
Aaj mujhe man ki shanti mil gyi.. jo aaj tak nhi mili.. wo is sundar se bhajan me hai... Just close your eyes and listen..sure you will found peace.. it makes me feel cry.. ❤️Hare Rama Hare Krishna ❤️
This calms me calms my soul.. lordKrishna is amazing..im so blessed to b youe devotee..may Krishna bring happiness and prosperity in everyone's life, Hari bol 🙏
You don't need to understand the language of the mantra. There's no need for mental speculation or intellectual adjustment. Transcendental knowledge and eternal bliss springs automatically from the spiritual platform within the heart. We have seen it practically, even a child can chant, even a dog can chant! When one chants in a humble state of mind, offering all respect to others without false ego and without expecting respect in return one can chant the holy names constantly....even at the time of death. It's natural, just like the crying of a child for his mother.... Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!!!
Touches deeply connecting pure souls. The voice rings within my soul even when I am not playing it.Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Hari🕉
I am in middle of war zone in Ukraine … alone , my mother past away … and I have no chance to get out ! But I am listening this everyday and gives me strength and hope to go on and believe in Lords grace !!!! Hare Krishna ! Hare Guru!!! Radhe Radhe !!!!
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti . God save to world from American British divide and rule policy.
The Lord is mercyful, Hare Krishna 🙏🥰
I cured my depression with those bhajans and mantras ... your situation .. I can't find the words . Hare krsn.
@@rudyvanautreve3222brother how long did it take you to come out from depression.. i have been under Depression and severe panic attacks since 29th June 2023.. God bless you..
@daddycool3429 a lot meditation ... chanting 6 weeks yoga teacher course ..sivananda yoga
And traveling to the east... opens your heart ..forever
BE GOOD.. DO GOOD.. and you will attract ...
The voice of the boys is literally amazing nd no one can deny it.....i m leaving this comment just because whenever anybody will like my comment this will remind me of this song...... Really amazing 🥰🥰🥰
Here you go
Hare Krishna ❤️🙏
This is fr u to remind...hare krishna
To everyone reading this : Lord Krishna will erase all your pain and anxieties. He will remove all the obstacles from your life and help you live a beautiful life. Life is hard, even Meera bai had critics, haters, enemies..even Lord Ram had so many difficulties yet he never bowed his head.. bless you everyone
Same 2 u
Hare Krishna
I pray same for you too.... Hare Krishna 🙏🙏
Hare Krishna Radhe Radhe🙏👍
Very loving words. Jai shri krishna.
First my big sister started to chant this maha mantra and when she started to chant she used to tell me to chant this mahamantra but I didn't listned her i used to do only 1 round for her force but one day I don't know what had happened to me i started to chant 4 rounds day by day I was increasing the rounds like 4,8,12 and finally 16. The girl who didn't want to chant 1 round know started to chant 16 rounds. First I didn't had any interest in Krishna but know I love Krishna i want to serve Krishna till my last breathe but my family members (leaving my sister)are not supporting me but still i am maintain consistency of chanting 16 rounds By Krishna's grace. All thanks to my sister and my Krishna.
All glories to srilla prabhupada. May my Krishna bless my sister.
Oh radheshyam please shower your divine blessings on us too may my family become your devotee .
Radhe radhe Jay shree Krishna haribol
Are u indian or otherwise
Hare Krishna
It`s not music, it`s the way to God. Hare Krishna!
È vero la devozione è un'altra strada che porta tutti a dio.
Hare Krishna
It's an way to keep association with God.
Hare krishna
"The chanting is exactly like genuine cry by the child for mom". So true
My child cries for her father instead of me when she cries and I cry for Krishna ❤️
a ,a ,
xd x
d ,
I m 19 years old and I listen all type Bhajan. Now i have feel that the whole world is nothing without Krishna ❤️🌼🙏
Hari bol✨🙌🙏
Hari bol🙏🙏
@@darshchaudhary1348 Jai!!!
@@kiranamarshetti Jai!!!
18 year old listening this bhajan
Calms the entire soul 😌
❤भारत के भविष्यवक्ता की भविष्यवाणी
संत अच्युतानंद दास के अनुसार, धरती 3 चरणों से गुजर रही है, पहले युग कलयुग का अंत होगा, दूसरा महाविनाश होगा और तीसरा एक नया युग आएगा. जिस वक्त शनि मीन राशि में प्रवेश करेंगे, जब भारत से संकट दूर होगा.
आने वाले साल 2024 में शनि कुंभ राशि से निकलकर मीन राशि में प्रवेश करेंगे. किसान खेती बंद कर देंगे. जंगली जानवर शहरों और गांवों पर हमला करना शुरू कर देंगे.
साल 2024 में धरती की धुरी बदलेगी, जिससे एक बाद एक कई भूंकप आएंगे.
संत अच्युतानंद दास के अनुसार, 2025 के बाद का वक्त बहुत बुरा होगा, इस समय वही लोग बचेंगे जो धर्म और सच के रास्ते पर चलेंगे.
आसमान में दो सूरज निकले दिखाई देंगे. (बता दें कि हाल ही में कोलंबिया के एक गांव में अचानक एक साथ दो सूरज नजर आए, जिसे देख लोग हैरान थे. ये कॉन्सिपेरी थ्योरिस्ट्स के अनुसार है.) एक सूर्य होगा और दूसरा आसमानी पिंड होगा. ये पिंड बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरेगा, जो ओडिशा को जलमग्न करेगा.
कहा जा रहा है कि समुद्र का जलस्तर बढ़ेगा और जगन्नाथ मंदिर की 22वीं सीढ़ी तक पानी पहुंच जाएगा. एक तरफ प्राकृतिक आपदाएं होंगी तो दूसरी तरफ महायुद्ध होगा. तीसरे विश्वयुद्ध की शुरुआत शनि के कुंभ राशि में प्रवेश करने पर होगी. भविष्यवाणी के मुताबिक, लोग कीट-पंतंगों की तरह मरेंगे और दुनिया की जनसंख्या 64 करोड़ बच जाएगी.
धरती पर होने वाली प्राकृतिक आपदाओं की वजह से 7 दिन अंधेरा रहेने वाला है. भविष्यवाणी में कहा जा रहा है कि यह सब घटना 2022 से 2029 के अंदर होने वाली हैं.समुद्र का जलस्तर बढ़ जाएगा और पानी जगन्नाथ मंदिर की 22वीं सीढी तक पहुंचा जाएगा. इस दौरान भगवान के विग्रह को उनके भक्त छातियाबटा ले जाएंगे
वहीं, धरती पर होने वाली प्राकृतिक आपदाओं की वजह से 7 दिनों तक अंधेरा छा जाएगा. माना जा रहा है कि यह घटना साल 2022 से साल 2029 के बीच होगी.
वहीं, एक तरह प्राकृतिक आपदाएं आएंगी और दूसरी ओर महायुद्ध होगा. शनि के कुंभ राशि में आते ही तीसरे विश्वयुद्ध की शुरुआत होगी.
तीसरा विश्वयुद्ध 6 साल 6 महीने तक चलेगा. चीन 13 मुस्लिम देशों के साथ मिलकर भारत पर भयानक हमला करेगा. अंत के 13 महीने
भारत युद्ध में शामिल होगा. यह भारत की लड़ाई होगी, जिसमें भारत जीतेगा. इस दौरान भारत अपने दुश्मनों को खत्म करने के साथ विश्व गुरु बन जाएगा.
कहा जा रहा है कि भारत का आखिरी राजा एक शक्तिशाली हिंदू होगा. यह एक योगी पुरुष होगा, जिसकी कोई संतान नहीं होगी. इस राजा में विश्व का नेतृत्व करने की अद्भुत क्षमता होगी. इसके साथ वह धर्म के सहारे पूरे विश्व में शांति स्थापित करेगा.
उस समय ओडिशा का अंतिम राजा गजपति महाराज होंगे. इसी दौरान ही भगवान कल्कि धरती पर प्रकट होंगे, जो युद्ध में भारत के साथ होंगे.
भविष्य मालिका के अनुसार, अमेरिका का एक बड़ा हिस्सा जलमग्न हो जाएगा और चीन के कई टुकड़े हो जाएंगे. पाकिस्तान खत्म हो जाएगा. इसके अलावा रूस एक हिंदू देश बन जाएगा. इसके बाद 1 हजार साल तक शांति का युग आएगा.
भविष्य मालिका क्या है?
भविष्य मालिका (Bhavishya Malika) ब्रम्हवाणी है जो स्वयं निराकार इस्वर की इच्छा से पंचसखावों ने लिखी है। इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य कलयुग के अंत मे महाविनाश से पहले भक्तों को सतर्क करना है। उन्हें सही मार्ग में लाना है। क्योंकि कलयुग के प्रभाव से भक्तों में भी बुराई होंगीं। लेकिन मालिका सुनते ही वे सतर्क हो जायेंगे।
वेदव्यास जी ने महाभारत होने से पहले महाभारत लिख दिया था, वाल्मीकि जी ने रामायण होने से पहले रामायण लिख दिया था। उसी तरह कली महाभारत और कलयुग के अंत के बारे में पंचसखावों ने 600 साल पहले लिख दिया है, इस ग्रन्थ को महागुप्त रखा गया था और कलयुग के अंत मे स्वयं प्रभु की इच्छा से इसका प्रकाश हो रहा है।
मालिका के माध्यम से ही प्रभु अपने सभी भक्तों को धरावतरण के बारे में बतायेंगे। मालिका से ही सभी भक्तों को पता चल सकेगा कि प्रभु आ गये है। मालिका को बाकी धर्मग्रंथों से तुलना करना गलत है। क्योंकि मालिका में सभी चीज़े पूरी डिटेल्स में लिखी है। जैसे विश्वयुद में कौन से देश किस देश से युद्ध करेंगे, सम्भलनगर कौन सा है, सतयुग कैसा होगा, यह खंड प्रलय कैसे होगा, और विनाश क्यों और कबतक होगा, प्रभु धर्मसंथापना कैसे करेंगे, किस देश का क्या होगा, किनको राजा बनाएंगे।
भविष्य मालिका (Bhavishya Malika) की बात 100% सत्य है। यह स्वयं श्री जगन्नाथ जी की इच्छा से पंचसखाओ ने लिखा है। इसलिये इसके गलत होने का सवाल ही नहीं उठता। मालिका के सत्य होने की बात कहते हुए पंचसखाओ में श्रेष्ठ श्री अच्युतानन्द दास जी कहते है।
The voice is good
67 yr old woman. Started chanting Hare Krishna 4 years ago. And chanting gratitude. My life changed in amazing positive ways.
his name is enough to bring positivity in our life 🙏🙏
Hari Bol🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hare Krishna.....🙏🙏🙏❣️❣️❣️
Changed my life with love from the UK Hare Krishna 🫶🙌🙏
Krishna bless you ❤️
I lost my husband once year ago hé was a dévotee of krishna
When i listen this song i am sure that krishna takes care of him
Nobody perishs when krishna is in our mind
Hare krishna hare rama a powerful mantra
He gone to shree saket dham in forever blessing of real supreme shree krishna
Hare Krishna
Radhe Radhe
Krishna to jagat pati hain
One day all relationships will go to an end definitely except One which is Immortal and Real that is of all of us with Sri Krishna only. So He is the Real pati/rakshak actually. 🙏
He taught us the meaning of friendship
He taught us the meaning of true love
He taught us the true value of life
I've tears in my eyes while I'm making this comment..
May lord Krishna bring love nd peace in everyone's live..
Hare krishna hare krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare hare
Hare Rama hare Rama
Rama rama hare hare..❤🙏
Your sketch was really good man keep it up 🔥
@@HarshSingh-dd1uu thankyou 🙏❤
@@rahulp3527 do you have a insta page?
@@HarshSingh-dd1uu yeah but I don't post any art there 😅
@@rahulp3527 can you share your insta page?
When devotion reaches its peak and you feel like you can't take another breath without krishna .This feels like that.
I am 16 year boy listening this , i started getting more positivity , and also started crying
Thank you thakur ji for giving me everything that i want 🙏
krishna bless you
Hare Krishna.
Same with me... crying.
Hare Krishna Hare Govind 🙏🙏👍
Hare krishna
I'm only 16. Today's generation of kids always listens to Bollywood and Hollywood songs. They listen to silver songs, and this bhajan is gold, which gives me power. I love you, Krishna. Thanks, Krishna, for all those things you gifted me.
Edit: Now that I'm 18, I still listen to this sometimes.
2nd Edit: I'm 21 years old, and things have changed significantly. I distanced myself from ISKCON and am now more interested in Indresh Ji and Morani Bapu. Jay Siya Ram.
Hare Krishna
good very good I too like lord krishna
do recite the mahamantra daily ..lord krishna will bless you as he is the supreme personality of godhead.
Hrai Krishna
such a great.
Srila prabhupad's voice has a power of 100¹⁰ Ampere n that gives us a magical goosebumps.....srila prabhupad ki...joy🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Best comment ever
Hariboll .....jaii srila prabhupada 🙌🙏
@@jamesfielden4935 yeah, I always have longed to hear his voice while kirtan, so positive vibes! Haribol.
Jai Srila Prabhupada ji 🙏🏻🌼
Krishna kya hain?
Hamare Saanso ke har flow mai Krishna hain, hamare heart ke har beat mai Krishna hain. Aur Iss physical world ke har concious life mai Krishna hain.❤🙏✨
tears came in my eyes when i heard this kirtan really it is like crying child waiting for mother
Awesome 👍👍👍👍
U r going adjactly real direction, pls teach other the advantage of mahamantra
Nitin, i am also feeling like you...💐
@@venusriram5788 my tears automatically come out whenever I listen to this mahamantra
Same bro
Don't know why , whenever I heard this mahamantra my eyes become teary , get emotional for whom I don't know....Pranam prabhu🙏🙏 take me towards you. I am tired , plz take me to you ..😭😭😭😭😭😭😥😥😥😥
Everything will be fine one day. 😊
Life is a process.
As much u suffer
U got more strong
U learn to survive
Nd blv Dat's very necessary to live life.
Don't talk like a coward.
Work on your inner self.
Learn to realize self worth
(Positive or Negative)
Everything is within U.
Think positive.
Do meditation n yoga.
Change the programming of ur mind from negative to positive.
Find inner peace first.
That's the most important thing.
That's everything.
Blv me u will improve
U will feel lot better.
Nothing can give u peace from outside.
Calm ur mind n thought process.
Only u Hv the Key 🔑.
This is called bhakti
I was Challenging myself that True Bhakts Will Surely Like my comment. As Expected, we position Our Lord to Morning and Evening Prayers... Forgetting the ALL Encompassing Nature of the Mantra.
I am honestly changed into a whole different person. I used be really aggressive and since the day I started chanting Hare Krishna Hare Rama Mantra I am more on the positive side. I am at peace and no bad words or bad thoughts at all in my day to day life. Thank you Hare Rama.
North Dakota hears you out.
Because there is a Golden bald head shaved looking like Michael Jordan then do not chant Gaur Panch Tattva maantra. Chant Military chaos maantra to be kewler HK Maantra 4 Life baby.
Me too. I too faced the similar situation at first. But, later I changed 360 degrees . I can't imagine what I've become today. It's all the credit of Sri Krishna!!
Hare krishna Hare krishna 💙🙏🏾
I am Bidayuh, Malaysian and not a Hindu preacher. But I love the mantra with whole of my heart, mind and soul - as if I want to this music to be played during my funeral - remarking a reincarnation of life. Every time I listen to this mantra, my cognitive brain receives a mystical reception that force my body to move and sway in any circumstances. Thanks Ratha Yatra for coming in my life, this is indeed a moment of miracle.
That's why it's hare Krishna ❤️
Hi Ryan.. anda di kuching sekarang? This is transcedental vibration.. it is for every living entities.. kalau anda di area kuching, contact saya.. ada iskcon temple sini.
Tiap sabtu ada programe.. i am inviting you.
The chant give show power of the supreme lord 🥺😭 brahman the supreme whose power is unimaginable we can know the god by bhakti and yoga only
Me you know that this universes will be destroyed dissolute in the krishna who is the brahman the supreme🥺🙏🕉️
Brahman formless take form he is in every form in everyone
When a Hindu guru say bhagwan is great god is great that is how great heis😭🕉️
hi i am.from malaysia kl too.... HARE KRSNNA MAHAMANTRA FOR EVERY SOUL.. # JAI SHREE KRSNA ❤️🩷💜🩵🤲🤲🙏🙏
Your thought is pure this tells us that you're a real devotee of god ....lots of love from me to you ❤ because I like pure souls and real devotee of god because they relate me but there very few in this world and I am glad to know about your comment I should say with sureness that you're one of them that's why I really like your comment.....Thankyou for being a real devotee of god...❤
I'm 17 years old and I've chosen the path of Lord Krishna 🙏. I've become Pranami and I want all of us to lead the path of Lord Krishna.❤️❤️
Hare krishna hare rama 🕉️❤️
You're body is 17 years old you're not the body you're the spirits who temporary living inside the physical body
very nice my name is nitin and used to listen krishna chants
Joy Sri Krishno my mother's sir name before marriage was Pradhan😃
I am also 17 years old and I am also on the path of Dharma
At so young age yu are krishna's devotee 🥰 madhusudan kanha bless u radhe radhe 🙏🌸
My day is incomplete without Prabhu Naam
राधे राधे
I am 17 year old ...aur hare krishna chanting mujhe ek spritual feel deta hai..😍 hare krishna hare krishna 😍 krishna krishna hare hare..❤️, hare ram hare ram ram hare hare hare ❤️❤️..
Shakuni ji duryodhana se bhi chanting krwaiye. 😊😅
Hari Hari Bol 🙏😇
Me daily sunta hu man karta hai ki ye kabhi khatm hi na ho.
Jai shri Krishna 🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे।।
हरे कृष्णा हरे कृष्णा कृष्णा कृष्णा हरे हरे ।।
मन्त्र मुग्ध कर दिया ।।मन प्रसंन हो गया।।
अद्भूत अनुभूति होती है ।
नाम मात्र से तर जाओ गए।। मूल मंत्र यही है जीवन का ।।
बाकी तो सब मोह माया है ।।
Each and every like of this comment will lead me to listen this MahaMantra chanting again and again....
Come chanting brother ❤
Chanting again dear brother ❤
Hello brother chant again ❤
I have lost my daughter in 2016 , my thinking never stops from than , has been soo hard n Krishna tells me I love your daughter more than you did on the earth Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare
Wow!!😘amazing...thought..and yes lord love your daughter more than you....Hare Krishna 🙏🙏😇😇
Suman ji u are very brave. Yes she is with Krishna and is in great joy. She loves u soooooo much . Plz promise that u will never cry because that will pain her .
Excellent for thinking, krishana always every way,things,moment,time,one so don't forget.thanks hare krishana hare krishana krishana krishana hare hare hare Rama hare Rama Rama Rama hare hare...
Hare Krishna
Jay Shri RadheeeeeKrishnaji😇🙏🏾🙇🙇💕
Hare Krishna. It is so soulful 😊❤️. I'm leaving this comment so that if anyone reacts to it, I'll be reminded of this devine chant. I promise I'll come again to listen to this, and remember Shri Krishna till death. Jay Jagannath
Come again to listen
@@gamingblast3654 hare Krishna 🙏
Come again @@MSB2278
All pure souls understand hari is sitting in our own hearts .Be pure in your words & actions .Spread this message all over .Lot of griefs is due to our forgetfulness of our relationship with spiritual friend KRISHNA .
Jai Shri Hari 🙏🏵️🌺🌼
100% you said right for the people's.
Hare Krishna hare Krishna 🙏🏵️🌺🌹🌻🤗 hare Rama hare Rama 🙏🌼🌺🌼🌹🏵️🌺🌹🏵️🌺🤗😊
I am a student.❤I have some eternal connection with Krishna... I just want to find peace ...I just want to get rid of this world full of misery, sadness , jealousy....I hope soon I will have this true path ❤
If anyone can guide me I will be thankful
Jai shree Krishna
Read as many books of Srila Prabhupada as You can anda You will be so happy
If your not close to a Srila Prabhupada community seek a Guru that resonates with your life. Check out Rasikanada Swami on his youtube channel.
Chant holy name of lord Krishna and talk to him like he's your best friend, prioritise him , choose him over anything, if u want to cry for someone then cry for Krishna, ask him to guide you to right path take shelter of spiritual guru like srila Prabhupada or premanand Maharaj ji......u will get all the knowledge required to go back to your eternal home(golok) by the mercy of Krishna ......Hare Krishna ❤
Not only you, but every living entity is eternally related to Krishna, we are part and parcels of krishna
To start your journey you can chant hare krsna mantra 108 times every day in the morning
You'll observe the changes yourself, Hare krsna
How beautiful this is. Only one maha mantra -
Hare krishna Hare krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
@@katrinaajute3801 🙏❤❤❤❤💖💙💜🧡💛💚💗💞🌹🌹🌺🌺💚💚❤❤❤❤❤
Seeing the devotion of youth in krishna is the best feeling.. hare Krishna 🙏I wish one day the whole world will follow Sanatan Dharma and our rituals and understand that they are 100% scientific and satisfying.and this will fill us with the mercy of lord Krishna
That day will come definitely....jai shree krishana....om namah shivay
Can chanting hare Krishna mantra removes black magic or curses ?
@@neerajsahu3628 black magic and curses are just negative vibrations and energy....and hare krishna mantra contain very positive and strong vibrations and it will also make you strong too.....so I cannot say will it removes or not but yes....you will be benefited....try kane me kya jata h
@@neerajsahu3628 of course ,bcoz lord krishna is the supreme lord 😊hare krishna
@@vidushisharma1513 not only positive its a spiritual incarnation of the supreme lordss black magic is from material energy mahamantra are not originated in this material existence
"Oh Lord, Please engage me in your loving service eternally"
If you found this mantra ....Congratulations ! you have reached your destination! Jai Shri Krishna 🙏
This song makes me forget everything... Real power.. proud to be Hindu
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण,
कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे।
हरे राम हरे राम,
राम राम हरे हरे।।
A must watch of Hare Krishna Kirtan :
This beautiful Maha-mantra can make anyone cry in emotion, smile in happiness, and dance in ecstasy. I pay salutations to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and all spiritual masters for introducing us humans to such a powerful mantra which provides me delight throughout the body and today due to Srila Prabhupada it resonates throughout the world!
@Tanmay FF Thank you so much Prabhuji it is all Krishna's mercy...Hare Krishna!
Fully correct brother 🙃
Beautiful krishna krishna radhy radhy
Hare krishna
The transcendental voice of Srila Prabhupada gives a magical touch to this video .
When I was 16 I used to hear this song now i used to play this song to my child may god give everyone positivity
Jai shree krishna jai shree ram
Krishna I just want to meet u any how..... This world is full of cruel people..... I will not feel regret if I'll die suddenly at low age...... I want to be your devotee life time please help me and save me from wrong world and please save me from distracted things... Ur everything to me krishna........ HARE KRISHNA ❤️
Me too brother 😢🙏
Same here😔😔
He’s always with you bother
If required you may communicate ....
Keep Chanting The Lords Name and Have Faith....you will Definitely be Blessed by the Lord 😊😊
I am suffering from the hardest part of my life 🙏I believe Lord Krishna 🙏 will help me to get out of this period 🙏🙏.I am 18 year old
he has always been with me in every second of my life 🙏I am here because of him 🙏🙏🙏🙏 without him there's no existence of mine 🙏🙏🙏😭😭🙏🙏.
What happened prabhuji 🙏
Hare Krishna, he will take you right out that suffering all you have to do you is believe in him and show him your love brother.
What happend to you? Feel you know better ?
May the grace and love of Krishna continue to keep you uplifted and give to the strength to get through the difficult times of your life. Jai Shri Krishna 🙏
This chanting has been my life saviour ! Brings me at peace in every kind of situation and teaches me to stay calm! Hare Krishna !
It was 5M when I started watching it. Now after 5 yrs it has reached upto 17M.
Will be tuned till 170M 😄🎉
Hare Krishna
We will meet after 1.7 billion views.... hare Krishna ✨💕
Now its 21 million😃
Today (1st October, 2022), it has reached to 21M. I hope it turns out to 210M.
Hare Krishna.. Jay Jagannath 🙏
I'll also tuned till then ☺️
And what after that?...ought to say listen till our last breath Hare krishan
To whoever who's reading it You are a beautiful and valuable Krishna's soul He will be there for you ever since you'll chant his Holy name ❤️ may He bless you with eternal and divine love and protect you from misery. Hare Krishna 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you! I really needed that!
Thank u brother
@@RavindraSingh-jc2fl you mean sister 😉
Thank you...❤
Milly Bu ok sister
भक्ति वेदांत प्रभुपाद को सादर नमन,जिनोंहने मानवता को हरेकृष्ण आंदोलन दिया
A good
hare krishna
Hare Krshna desde México 🙏🏻😀
@@dinobondunayak5257 QqQq q122222Press and hold an item to pin it.
@@dinobondunayak5257 n?*;mjjj!hk###j
The ecstatic melodies of this kirtan is so blissful and peaceful but still it is just a small fraction of the blissfulness of Supreme God Shree Krishna, Just imagine the kind of blissfuness and happiness those cowherd friends, Gopa-gopis, Mother Yashoda, Nand baba and the whole universe would have felt when Lord Krishna was present with them before 6000yrs ago in Dwaparyug 🥺
I wonder what Paramatma Shri Krishna is doing now in his supreme abode Golok 🥺❤
Lord Krishna is always with you, in your heart. There is no mind. The veil between you and God is only doubt. Hari Aum 🕉️🪷
Hari nama chanting is the only way to attain moksha in this Kaliyuga. Keep chanting, srila Prabhupada ji ki jai 🙏
प्रभु जी इस समय जिंदगी बहुत दौर से गुजर रही है बहुत थक और हार गया हूं, अब आप का ही भरोसा है प्रभु ।आप सभी जो भी इस कमेंट को पढ़ रहे हैं मेरे बुरे दौर से लड़ने के लिए आराध्य प्रभु श्री कृष्ण से एक बार जरूर अर्जी लगाएं।
हरे कृष्णा
Dear prayansu me lord Krishna prathana KARTA Hun app ko lord KRISHNA Sahi salamat rakhe
Bhai krishna ki bhakti ke saath saath bhagwaan shiv pr jal bhi chadaya karo..shiv ji aapki bhakti ko krishna tk bhut jldi pahunchayenge...sbhi sanataniyo ko bhagwan shiv pr jal chadana chaiye chahe aap kisi bhi bhagwan ko poojte ho
Har Har Mahadev 🚩🚩
Jai Jai shree Ram 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Tumhra kalyyad ho..
Same condition 🖤😥
Bhgvan help kre aapki
I rarely have any bad habits, still I have some, as a human being I guess
Whatever but I m on my way to purifying my soul only for my Krishna
Only in Krishna I find peace
I have seen many difficulties in life, only for Krishna I'm still on the right track
I shall always be grateful towards Krishna
There's no one simply no one who can replace Krishna's place from my heart
This is going to forever till I die & going to Krishna forever
Whoever seeing my comment I will request you to please devote yourself fully to Krishna
You'll be blessed forever
May Krishna bless you all ❤️
राधे राधे । आपकी भावना को नमन।salute to your spirit
Hare krishna
Radhe radhe ji
Same here didi. I was suffering from so many bad habits. But from the moment when I joined this krishna consciousness. My life is absolutely bliss.
The voice of these boys brings tears to my eyes🥹.
What a divine voice👏
All glories, all glories all glories to the only person more magnanimous than Ananga-Nitai Prabhu Avadhut, His Divine grace A.C.BHAKTIVEDANTA Swami , Iskcon Founder Acharya our most beloved Srila Prabhupada!
It feels good when people from other religion follow his divine grace.
Everything you say is true Jackie.
jai shila probhupada, love from India, hare krishna
Самая любимая мантра! Благодарю!!! Всем Земного счастья! 💖🌈🌞
*Who loves Krishna more than anything in this material world?*
P.S: I'm so fortunate, I got birth in human species and came to know about Supreme personality Krishna. Now it's time to do Bhakti-yoga to go back to Godhead- The Krishna's Loka, Vaikunth-dhaam.
All glories to his divine grace A.C Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is fonder of ISKCON. Hare Krishna.
Proud to be hindu
Smit Panchal mein jab bhi harinaam sunti me jese is dunia se aajazad hokr shri hari supreme power lord krishna ki seva kr rhi hoti hu esa feel omg i font have words ne krse byaan karu ki kitni shanti sukun or bas hare krishna👏👏🥺
Hare Rama Hare Krishna 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
hare krishna hare ram
Hare krishna
মন টা পুরো শান্ত হয়ে গেলো। সব চাপ উধাও হয়ে গেলো।
When I heared this Maha mantra first time.there was tears in my eyes 😌😌😌😌😌😌
Mee too bro
Same here
I can feel you
Me too
Same Here
This is my first comment on UA-cam ever just because of Lord Krishna. I love you Krishna. The best Bhajana I ever listened. Hare Krishna.
Thank you for your bhakti to Lord
Hearing to Children chanting mahamamtra is the most beautiful thing. ♥️♥️
Please save the culture of Sanatan Dharma 🙏🙏
Iskcon saves sanathan dharma...... 🙌🏻
@@lahari-1509 jai Sri dham Mayapur🙏🙏
@@bidishamahato4237 🙏
@Subhendu Bhattacharjee 🙏
Hare Krishna.....Sri radhe...
Lord Shiva is my father & my father gave me Lord Krishna. I used to cry for Shiva now same emotion rolls from my cheeks for Krishna.
Hare Keishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Don't know why buy i want to cry while listening to & chanting mahamantra
Tears are rolling from my eyes ...so soulfully sung.Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare.Hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare.
Please krishna forgive all my sins and have your mercy and love on us.
U r the luckiest one among very few ❤ bro
'Thank YOU' for everything..
Please forgive me , if I complain for anything... No complaints.. No demands..
Always grateful to YOU for every blessings in my life.. the Good things that have taken, are taking and will be taking in my life and my family...
ये भजन सुनता रहा हू
मेरा मन हलका ओर अच्छा मेहसूस करता ।
हरे कृष्णा हरे रामा
Thank 's Brother .
Really after listening this kirtan feel like stayed in Goloka.
Hare Krishna
One day we will back to Godhead.❤
Krishna lives in your heart ❤
Hare Krishna to All
Prabhupad says:- "Hare Krishna mahamantra chanting is like genuine crying for the mother by child". this statement is so powerful.
इस महामंत्र के श्रवण मात्र से ही असीम शांति की अनुभूति होती है यदि मनुष्य प्रतिदिन इस महामंत्र को जपे तो समस्त जीवन सुख के सागर से भर जाएगा। हे यशोदानंदन गिरिधर गोपाल अपने भक्तों को महामारी कोरोना से बचाओ प्रभु
Hara krishna
ye uni ki ichha se ho rha h, prakriti unke adheen hai
Hare krishna , krishna lord my mind is so restless , it makes me suffer so much, you are the only hope of my soul krishna bhagwan , calm it down , heal the damage caused due to materialistic pleasures of this world .
I pray for nothing more than being under your shelter howsoever you keep me . Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare ,hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare . ❤️
"let it go"
do not grudge , expectation, outcome .. free your soul ... n u become whole .
u become abundant.
@@healed9 so beautiful , thankyou so much for this .💙💯
Chant atleast 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna MahaMantra everyday. Start with 1, gradually increase to 2, 4, etc... as per your capacity until you can do 16 every day. I know some people who even chant 20-32 rounds daily, if they can do it with all their family responsibilities, why can't you? Srila Prabhupada, the Founder Acharya, didn't coin the phrase for nothing i.e., "Chant Hare Krishna and be happy".
Srila prabhupadji voice 😭😭😭😭 merciful ❤️jai gurudev... srila Prabhupada ki jay😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
Chanting is the best connection between Supreme lord and his devotees.
Hare Krishna
You are the vanshaj of creator of this universe🌌
Krishnam vande jagadguru! O Supreme Lord , one can never understand your plans! May we be worthy of attaining your abode!
My life has been changed since I have laddu gopal , I treat him as he is my child . My life suddenly started giving me miracles in my life it's because of Lord Shiva and Krishna .
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare hare,
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram hare hare 🙏✨❤️
There will never be anything in this world that will calm me down like this particular audio does. Handsdown, the best.🙌🏼
Who is here every day
It's very addictive.
Mee too hare Krishna ❤️🙏🎉
I am also addictive to this..😍❤❤ jai shri krishna jai shri ram
@@kanganchauhan714 is. the. N
No nnnnnnn n n nnnnnnn n n n nnnnnnhh nhmhmnnjn
Hey I mnnnnncan n
My man
Hare krishna
The more we chant the more we feel energetic. So chant loudly.
Right 👍 hare Krishna
Absolutely!! Keep chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram hare hare
Not within a day but immediately
I m a boy of 21 years old
Before listening this I used to listen bollywood, Ollywood songs
But one day I heard this one night during sleep
U can't believe I have effectively reduced the unnecessary stuffs
Yeah dude ...Its so soothing attractive..My Love towards Krishnaji started on that day when i was preparing for my boards...So i jst Started listning to The krishna Gyaan..and i found a A video of Conversation between Krishnaji❤🙏❤ and Arjun...And The journey started❤🙏❤
@@thewhistlingboy1545 hare krushna
@@thewhistlingboy1545 🦚
Hare Krishna 🙏
In between kirtan The massage from srila prabhupad was clear about chanting
So How many rounds are you chanting daily prabhu ?
Same here
Muy lindo leer comentarios de almas Angélicas, hasta ahora veo vuestro comentario, pero tu madrecita es un angel ahí cuidandote. Animo y mucho amor ❤️ sin límites y toda la luz, que Sri krsnha nos otroga. Hare Krsnha 🙏🙏
हरे कृष्णा। 💙
Hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna hare hare Krishna hare Rama hare Rama Rama Rama hare hare...haribol.Jai Shree krishna.This chanting gives heavenly happiness in morning and through day. ♥️🙏
I've been chanting Hare Krishna for three days now and its changing my life. Already. Blessed be to the one who was before creation and will be after creation!
Wow, so a deep experience! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! When I'm allowed to ask: In which way this mantra has changed your life?
For me the mantra "OM NAMO NARAYANA" remember me my endless and lovely connection with God Vishnu and also it remembers me, that God Vishnu is everything, so that I have also automatically an endless and lovely connection with everything. This knowledge, through those mantra, gives me trust, love and peace. Because of that, this mantra is my favorite.
It took more than 3 months for me , but it's totally worth it . Tears in my eyes
wow great
There is something magical about this which awakens our love for Krishna that people have forgotten somehow due to this material existence. But after hearing and chanting to this, extreme happiness and peace of mind can be attained . We are so lucky to get to know Krishna as the Supreme❤️
So true 😭
Totally agree
Sooo True 🥺💖
i am 23 years old, the pain is this i get the divine shelter this late 😭😭😭😭
but still happy for krsna's divine invitation... 🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏🙏
It is our real destination, in the feet of shri Krishna
When i listen it i feel like cry,i feel this holy song attach me with god. I love Krishna.
U from
I totally admit with u,
@@raghawkumar2527 from Bangladesh
@@ritusharma496 Thanks
Me also🙏🙏🙏
HARI NAAM is best medicine to Fullfill your human birth with krishna love .. Radhe Radhe🙏
This is Prabhu Sri Krishna's kripa that I got this song. I was wondering for long time to get inner peace and Sri Krishna's naam Jap, where mind can be engaged. Then, Almighty Lord Prabhu krishna blessed me by this divine Kirtan. Hare krishna hare Rama.........
i am a follower of krishna consiousness since 2006 february. i have really transformed into different person and i could beat the depression and loneliness by associating myself with bhagwan krishna.
Prashanth Kumar same to me brother.Hare Krishna.
amit dhakal same here !!
Dear Prashanth Kumar, Is really work ?
Agree. Lord krishna safe my life. Thank you !!! Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
Omg, this is so much addictive, kitne bhi barr suno, aur sunane ka man katta hai, hari bol, hare krishna🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 😊😊🤗🤗
i dont know what to say but whenever i hear this mahamantra i started crying
Because you are longing for the lost relationship with the lord , but due to this material conditions all covered as we are ignorant,passionate with some goodness . If you think you would like to meet like mind people who are attracted to maha mantra please msg me , i can assist and i would be very grateful. Hare Krishna 🙏
@@padhmakumar4013 well said....u have attained self realization..lucky u(mee too :)
@@padhmakumar4013 i will be 17 by now and i am an iskcon devotee since i was 12....and i feel very much proud of my fate :)
Me too cry when listen to this mantra... I feel connected to lord Rama and Krishna completely through this mantra
@@padhmakumar4013 pls yar recommend me this kind of mantra
I m Nitish,24 ,Indian, soulfully enjoying every bit of harekrishna mantar.
Once you start doing it, there's no coming back .Your soul changes in every aspect of life
the people of my country (Brazil) have to listening this amazing song!!!
Welcome from india (Hare Krishna)
Concordo contigo :)
I use to cry when i use to chant this mantra... this mantra touches my heart and soul.. its gives me eternal bliss..
Hare krishna hare krishna.. krishna krishna hare hare.. Hare rama hare rama.. rama rama hare hare..
God bless all..
Really.... That's great
कलयुग के दुष्प्रभाव से बचने के लिए ईस महामंत्र से बढ़के कोई उपाय नहीं है। हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण, कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे। हरे राम हरे राम, राम राम हरे हरे।।
Hari bol 🙏🙏🙏
Yes. Bro. Hare. Krishna. Hare. Raama😊
Right truths
H in
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare
Aaj mujhe man ki shanti mil gyi.. jo aaj tak nhi mili.. wo is sundar se bhajan me hai... Just close your eyes and listen..sure you will found peace.. it makes me feel cry.. ❤️Hare Rama Hare Krishna ❤️
So true dear
This calms me calms my soul.. lordKrishna is amazing..im so blessed to b youe devotee..may Krishna bring happiness and prosperity in everyone's life, Hari bol 🙏
You don't need to understand the language of the mantra. There's no need for mental speculation or intellectual adjustment. Transcendental knowledge and eternal bliss springs automatically from the spiritual platform within the heart.
We have seen it practically, even a child can chant, even a dog can chant!
When one chants in a humble state of mind, offering all respect to others without false ego and without expecting respect in return one can chant the holy names constantly....even at the time of death.
It's natural, just like the crying of a child for his mother....
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!!!
swami ki jai
hare krishna
@ALLAH thePIMP bhai tu yaha bhi
Hare Krishna Prabhu. May God bless you
Whenever I hear this , eyes ll be full of tears... hare Krishna..
Vigneshwar R
Vigneshwar R 😕😠😅😅😅
Mine too
i am 15, i was baptised when i was young. i see beauty in every day life and i am spiritual for my age, HARE KRISHNA HARE RAMA
joe nolan hi i am a teen like u too i wanna meet u 🙂🙂🙂
@@viraj9448 I am teen too
amit varbhe age?
@@viraj9448 15
amit varbhe hey
When i heard the song on the radio back in 1967 govinda adi purusam ... it took my heart and make me what i am .. hare KRSN.
Soul touching kirtan
Lord Krishna is the supreme lord of personality
Chant hare Krishna
Spread hare Krishna
From iskcon new York
This Mantra is the ultimate destination for all of us 🙏
Hare Krishna ❤️
This is my favorite Hare Krishna song EVER! It always safes my day :)
Catrine Christensen hare ram ram hare krisna hare hare
Catrine Christensen @welcome to real home(The Santana religion) May Krishna bless you
Catrine Christensen transcendental vibration
utpal kumar roy Religion is man made
Touches deeply connecting pure souls. The voice rings within my soul even when I am not playing it.Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Hari🕉
The soul wants him ..The ears want to hear only his name ..we deprive our soul from his love for material wants ..Love my Krishna..💜
My lord Krishna 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Radhe Radhe
Bristy Roy wow so truly said..love Krishna
Jai radha krishna 🙏🙏🙏
Radhe krishna 🙏🙏