The all the LEDs on there were originally somewhere on that little board yes, I have not added any. It might be possible to switch that blue LED to an RGB led but you'd need to design a custom circuit for it.
I tried to do this but failed. Want to try again, tell me what size wire you used? Which soldering iron tip size? And as a beginner in soldering, how do you go about it? I was having so much trouble applying the solder.
I don't know what size wire I used it was just laying around, probably about AWG28-30 though I think. I used a TS-B2 tip. Buy fluxcore/soldercore wire in addition to the normal flux (not optional). Make sure you prepare the pads and the wire with Flux and solder before you try soldering them together.
If I have the 2504A can I have the red led turned on while console is turned off? And flash blue and red while ejecting/inserting the disc? Im also curious if the 25xx has brighter or dimmer leds compared to other models? Or if it has more leds or fewer. Idk, you tell me :))
Facing an issue while doing this for my 2500 slim. Basically the power button stays at a yellow red ish light instead of being green. The LEDs work great though. Anyone knows what I've done wrong?
Sounds to me like both the green and red LEDs are coming on and combining to make yellow, I can't say I know how to fix it but if I were you I'd go through and check all the connections to see if any of the points are bridged.
Thanks for the answer. Unfortubately, after 2y I did see it after coming back to you. Im looking to buy a cech 2504b just for those power and eject button leds and also for that led strip. Do you have any idea how can I increase the brightness of it? I know you can do it, but idk how 😅
the ps3 model in this video does it include the wifi and HDD led indicator as well ? and which model is this one ? as they r removed in CECH-30XX models
@@Doubles_Advocate thanks for the reply much appreciated so all the slim model CECH-20XX, 21XX, 25XX have both the indicators and blu ray disk led as well right ?
@@Doubles_Advocate ah okay cool I also have still a special monitor the playstation 3d monitor for ps 3 lol but it's not like this one can you say which monitor exactly is that I'm just curious?
Feels awesome knowing that not many people would be aware of such a hidden little 'secret' feature! (Bonus if your console is CFW as well)
Are the RGB LED stock? I mean are they placed from factory? Or what type of LED are you using? What is the maximum voltage for LEDs?
The all the LEDs on there were originally somewhere on that little board yes, I have not added any.
It might be possible to switch that blue LED to an RGB led but you'd need to design a custom circuit for it.
What size wire?@@Doubles_Advocate
7:18 is this the 21xx or the 25xx?
25XX, although it will also work on the 21XX model IIRC.
@@Doubles_Advocatethx bro
Excelente vídeo felicidades ya puedo ponerles luces LED a los PS3 Slim de mis hijos
Great tutorial... Is it possible to be done with green or white led instead of blue?
Any colour should be possible, I just used the blue LED since that was the one that was originally put on the board.
@@Doubles_Advocatewhat is the purpose of that led mod?
Just did it!!!
Ps3 slim 2004b
Hi, I have a 2001b with DSW, but after a while the red LED turns purple, what could it be?
Only the red led work in my case, what I did wrong?
on a DSW-001 board some of the solder areas are different
I tried to do this but failed. Want to try again, tell me what size wire you used? Which soldering iron tip size? And as a beginner in soldering, how do you go about it? I was having so much trouble applying the solder.
I don't know what size wire I used it was just laying around, probably about AWG28-30 though I think.
I used a TS-B2 tip. Buy fluxcore/soldercore wire in addition to the normal flux (not optional). Make sure you prepare the pads and the wire with Flux and solder before you try soldering them together.
If I have the 2504A can I have the red led turned on while console is turned off? And flash blue and red while ejecting/inserting the disc?
Im also curious if the 25xx has brighter or dimmer leds compared to other models? Or if it has more leds or fewer. Idk, you tell me :))
@@ThePrivateGamer19 they're all the same leds
worked on my 2003b :)
Nice! 👍
Facing an issue while doing this for my 2500 slim.
Basically the power button stays at a yellow red ish light instead of being green.
The LEDs work great though.
Anyone knows what I've done wrong?
Sounds to me like both the green and red LEDs are coming on and combining to make yellow, I can't say I know how to fix it but if I were you I'd go through and check all the connections to see if any of the points are bridged.
Is it necessary to change the blue led location or is there another way? I'm afraid to damage it
Aside from purchasing more LEDs that would fit in that location? No, not that I'm aware of.
Es más sencillo retirar la pestaña azul del flex, no tienes q solar, solo quitarla y poberla como calzo del flex solamente
your ps3 is now a ps4
If I have the cech 3004b will the eject and power icons light up?
No I don't think either will work.
It doesn’t work on 3xxx series
Thanks for the answer. Unfortubately, after 2y I did see it after coming back to you. Im looking to buy a cech 2504b just for those power and eject button leds and also for that led strip. Do you have any idea how can I increase the brightness of it? I know you can do it, but idk how 😅
the ps3 model in this video does it include the wifi and HDD led indicator as well ? and which model is this one ? as they r removed in CECH-30XX models
Yeah it has both the wifi and HDD activity lights, IIRC it's a 21XX or 25XX model.
@@Doubles_Advocate thanks for the reply much appreciated so all the slim model CECH-20XX, 21XX, 25XX have both the indicators and blu ray disk led as well right ?
i suddenly want to switch my 4001a for a 2501a
edit: i got a 2501a :)
excellent video, thanks for sharing👍
What is on your second ps 3 what case is that?
It's a special ps3 monitor you can attach to it.
@@Doubles_Advocate ah okay cool I also have still a special monitor the playstation 3d monitor for ps 3 lol but it's not like this one can you say which monitor exactly is that I'm just curious?
@@XWXS2 it's a Hori model but I can't recall the model number, searching for "Hori PS3 monitor/display" should find it.
@@Doubles_Advocate cool thank you
Does it work for phat
@@Doubles_Advocate :(
mantap gaes matur nuwun yo 👍👍
lol my ps3 made this glow by itself
@@pierrepiekut109 did it happen in the cold
@@echo7016 yes
Where can I get the wire used for this?
30awg solid copper wire should do.
@@TMGHD272thank you!
@@The_Holy_Hamburglar no problem!
Just solder witu no flux or anything?
I'm using flux core solder in the video.
Which is rosin core lead free wire right?@@Doubles_Advocate
And did u put solder on the wires already? Or was the solder on the a%b ponts@@Doubles_Advocate
@@echo7016 Yes, same thing just a different name.
@@echo7016 I added a bit of solder to both the ends of the wires, and to the pads themselves.
Can I do it by soft?
Not this one, hardware only.
Can someone install for me if I ship them my board ?
You literally just have to solder 2 wires man
@@V38-r7t I ended up doing it lol
No don't be lazy