Thank you so much for this video! I come from a different background from Judaism and was taught that sin is so bad, you deserve punishment and it leads to self-deprecation. So thank you for this!🙏
@@emunahashem You are welcome Liel. I noticed you have a love of art, that’s what I do as a living down here in Australia! 😊I wish you the best with your are art and this channel. Shalom!
Thank you Liel, very good point! I see it like this: a person goes into the hospital for a little injury but the doctor say: “we will not get any care to you until you feel worse and worse. When you will be so bad that is impossible to care for you we will do it”. I can’t believe that HaShem is behaving like this bad doctor, but is taking care of the injury (sin) as soon as we cry out to Him. Because HaShem, blessed be His Name, wants us always spiritually healthy and to care for us as soon we slipped and acknowledged our transgressions.
I agree with you Liel. In all things both good and bad, the fundamental question we must answer is what was the purpose? The answer must come out of a total trust in Hashem that believes Hashem is a good just Creator who allowed the event to happen. It is our response that matters not the event itself. We can get bitter and twisted over what others may do to us not realising that Hashem is looking on to see our response.
Loved when you said that not just externally everything is for our good but also everything we ourselves. Powerful. God bless you! God truly has purpose for all. If I didn’t hit rock bottom I wouldn’t have been able to look up towards Him! I made those choices. He didn’t let them go to wasts!
I often heard this negative words in my thoughts after sinning, but now I know that's it the yetzer hara, anythought that makes you stop improving, stop taking actions is yetzer hara
Thanks! You always pack so much great info into your videos; this is all very practical advice, and I'm glad you talked about the "post-sin" process because it's something I am trying to improve rn -"teshuvah" is what I learnt to call it, I hope that's right. I actually think sometimes about what the impact on the west from adopting the Christian concept of Satan instead of the Jewish one has been, because I believe we could have approached many societal issues more pragmatically with the latter and ideas like you shared here as our culture. Something I'd like to ask If you wouldn't mind clarifying for me because I'm not always great at listening, does Yetzer HaRa include what Satan can say to diminish one's self-esteem, or is Yetzer HaRa just something that thrives off of an *already* low self-esteem? Thanks again!
Thank you Liel! I needed this reminder and I loved the phrase “this is beneath you.” Would love an in-depth talk on healthy self of esteem. I come from a family of very selfish and arrogant people and so I need a clear definition!
I really try to stop sinning but it’s so hard during rush hour traffic, my language 😔. With the same mouth I praise and bless Hashem is the same mouth I curse commuters.
I live in a tourist area and can completely empathize with frustration with fellow drivers. What has helped me is to say "Baruch HaShem" every time I see a near accident that does not happen. Another thing that has helped me is to thank HaShem in advance for a "low drama" drive. The fact that you want to improve is good. HTH.
"I do what I wanna do" is spiritually equelivant to low self esteem. Because we were made in God's image and bound to emulate God. To say that in your heart is to abandon what we were made to do-accept an inferior motivation and pretend it's good enough for us.
I apologize if this sounds weird. I thank you so much for your teachings/words. I usually only watch male teachers of Torah. I quickly get burnt out and distracted. Which causes me to slack. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love Judaism/Hashem. I think you just broke my learning malfunction. Lol You are an amazing teacher and you keep my attention with your beautiful appearance. Thank you so much. Teaches me to keep an open mind always.
Q el "Altisimo " continue a tan temprana edad añadiendo sabiduria y entendimiento a tu vida. Lla q su procedencia es hispana y habemos tantos oyentes hispanos faltos de ese conocimiento,...sera posible transmitirnos ese conocimiento en el idioma Español? Grasias anticipadas, "Shalom Alejem"
Wow, this makes sense and is enlightening #PsychologicalTIPs101™ 🙏🏾🙏🏾 16:58 - woaah... the purpose... is it like we're supposed to learn a lesson or it could also be for someonelse's benefit?
What you do after you sinned… In the 13 principles of faith vid, Reward & Consequence; the soul in order to be cleansed, it requires a consequence. I’d love if you can explain this a bit more & possibly make a vid. ❤
Yes totally!! I hope this video doesn’t make it seem like sinning is fine. There is still consequence from our sins. But we can’t dwell in depression from it. We must pick up and do our best to be better. But yes I will try to make a video on that subject BzH
@@CJJPstepintotheblue If one knowingly sins and refuses to repent, it is a very serious matter. G’d will forgive the repentant. Ask Him in your own words to forgive you. Make amends to anyone to whom your sin caused harm. If such is impossible, give to a charity related to the sin. Stop sinning. If your mom isn’t Jewish, obey the seven Laws.
The Hebrew word for sin is "Chet" translated to English is miss as in miss the target this can be explained in many ways, in the context of the advice given in this class the person is missing the ride ,bus ,etc,because this world is a passage. Ty
Very wise. If I sin in anything animals people attack my life and feed from my blood for years. Yes I miss decades of my life cause sin. My life was as written in Deuteronomy. Years for repentance . Yes something miss me in my life. When I watch that film I see that lot of life miss me
Transgressions... versus sin... yes, it makes sense to know, recognizing the error or transgression comes first and the decision not to repeat it requires putting a lot of will, exercising free will, question: "Does G-d give us strength or EMUNAH despite our will? Or should we do the will of Ha Shem our will?" I am not asking for an answer, it is just a reflection, no one needs to answer. Transgressing is in our nature, not doing so resides in the mind where the Neshama is found. In the study of the concept of YIRAT SHAMAYIM, some parts of the levels of transgression are studied, from thought to action, they are interesting appreciations... the fear of Ha Shem, acting out of fear, out of reverence and/or out of fear - love of the ETERNAL... interesting, profound and difficult in real life, difficult in Malchut. Thank you very much LIEL EDEN, congratulations for your explanation and for sharing light with the world. Blessings.
*Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn. This is My Son, with whom I AM well pleased. Listen to Him.* Forgive us of our sins, Father which is in heaven. God save us all from Remphan and the Antichrist.
Your book says that if righteousness through the law is possible then chris died in vein (Galatians 2:21) but you’re same book says the parents of John the Baptist were righteous and blameless according to the law (Luke 1:6) Now we check the Torah, Deuteronomy 30:11-12 says the Torah is not in heaven so that an angel or divine being/ son of god has to attain it for you. Your religion is the opposite of truth
Sin, since we know the ramifications of is then SELF INFLICTED NEGLECT. Grace - partiality is evil that is used for good, as God is NOT supposed to show partiality to man. Grace allows you (given over to) sin, without judgement in hopes that you will learn. It why we have 'skin'. Thus... salvation by grace. The law cannot be broken because it is designed in a bilateral manner that pays wages appropriate to the works. There are 2 fathers and the son always does what he sees his father doing. Your works are a testimony of who your daddy is. And some people have the works naturally, laws written on their hearts. (Romans 2:12-14)
Many things considered moral can be debated. Paul said the mind is hostile to God. What about certain behaviors that the holy spirit said brings to your attention.
Transgresiones... versus pecado... si, si hace sentido saberlo, reconocer el error o transgresión es lo primero y la desición de no repetirlo requiere poner mucho de la voluntad, de ejercer el libre albedrío, pregunta: "D-os nos dá fuerza o EMUNÁ a pesar de nuestra voluntad? o debemos hacer la voluntad de Ha Shem nuestra voluntad? No pido que respondan, solo es una reflexión, nadie necesita responder. Transgredir está en nuestra naturaleza , no hacerlo reside en la mente donde se encuentra la Neshama. En el estudio del concepto de YIRAT SHAMAYIM ahí se estudian algunas partes de los niveles de transgresión, desde el pensamiento hasta la acción, son apreciaciones interesantes...el temor a Ha Shem, actuar por miedo, por reverencia y/o por temor - amor al ETERNO... interesante, profundo y difícil en la vida real, difícil en Maljut. Muchas gracias LIEL EDEN, felicidades por tu explicación y por compartir luz al mundo. Bendiciones.
High self esteem is not what we need. We need to realize what Christ did and what are standing is in him, that we are to reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ Our Lord (Rom 6:11). You don't have to drink or smoke weed. You don't have to fornicate or masturbate because you are dead. You can't even do it anyways. Now, will you slip up every now and then? Yes, sadly so. It is not wrong in that instance to go to Psalm 38 or 51 and to mourn and lament over your shortcoming. However at the end we need to realize what Christ died for us and just thank and worship him. Rejoice in his justification and sanctifying work and that you can now walk on in Victory.
All sin is just a mistake. You don't bury you head in the sand if you get some math mistskes. You learn and get better. In fact Hashem doesn't hold this over you. If you commit the exact mistake again, Hashem treats it as your first time. What a great Lord do we have...
So he gave Adam a second chance? Also, the man merely picking up sticks on the Sabbath? We need to be very careful. God is not mocked. Proverbs 11:23, “The desire of the righteous is only good, but the expectation of the wicked is wrath”. Psalm 5:5, “The boastful shall not stand in your sight; you HATE all workers of iniquity “.
Simple good honest help for Both Christians and non Christians. We arent perfect , just forgiven, but we dont seem to forgive ourselves as quickly as we might forgive someone else. Great Video. ❤❤❤
And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. (Ezk 36: 26 NLT) The only way one can stop sinning is when GOD transforms the heart. Man & woman cannot do it in their own effort. Only GOD can circumcise the heart. The LAMB of GOD was provided. For us to be delivered once & for all. From the bondage of captivity of sin & death.
One should try not to sin. We should pray to YHVH for wisdom, knowledge and the strength to obey his laws. Our goal should be not to sin. We shouldn’t have the attitude we are sinners and we inevitably will sin…so no big deal. Just my opinion.
Agreed! My point with this video is not to say that we should sin. Ofc stay far away from sin as possible and pray to God to help you. But rather that when we do sin because it is inevitable, to not tear ourselves apart and fall into a negative spiral. 🙏
@ I understand and agree 100%. YHVH is ready to forgive those who wholeheartedly ask for forgiveness and are truly repentant. What God dislikes we should dislike also.
I did say one must repent in minute 3:55 For sure I believe and Judaism tells us we must repent, and confess and plead forgiveness, and try to better ourselves. But my point with this video not to say that we should sin. But that when we do for it’s inevitable, to no bring yourself into a negative spiral afterwards 🙏❤️
Does not “repent” mean turning from sin? As an alcoholic who stops drinking has repented. Can we not overcome all sin? First we need to know what sin is. If it is disobedience to God’s law, we need to know the particulars. 10 commandments only? We can’t depend on our authority as sinners will claim everything is a sin, so they are absolved from the consequences of their sin. Since no one can stop sinning and every fleeting thought is a sin, we are happily deceived in the false assurance we, in fact, must sin, since we can’t stop and we’re all in the same boat; blameless. Party on! Are there not those called righteous/holy and the opposite; sinners/wicked? God describes our process to repentance, which we must achieve to merit forgiveness…”IF my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face and pray, and turn from their wicked ways ( repent), THEN will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin…”. Also, Isiah 59:2, But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God and your sins have hidden His face from you so he does not hear”. Deuteronomy 30, “… IF you return to YHWH, your God and obey Him with all your heart… and keep His commands and decrees, written in the book of the law…and you will live. …what I am commanding is not too difficult for you…”
“HE was CUT OFF out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was HE stricken.” Isaiah 53:8 “And after threescore and two weeks shall MESSIAH be CUT OFF(around 30AD), but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary(70AD destruction of Jerusalem); and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.” Daniel 9:26 “HE made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in HIS DEATH; because HE had done no violence, neither was any deceit in HIS mouth.” Isaiah 53:9 “by HIS knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for HE shall bear their iniquities.” Isaiah 53:11 “HE hath poured out his soul unto DEATH: and HE was numbered with the transgressors; and HE bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.” Isaiah 53:12 (THIS IS YESHUA (JESUS)THE MESSIAH, HE DIED ON THE CROSS FOR ALL OF OUR SINS, AND ROSE AGAIN ON THE THIRD DAY. HE IS THE ATONEMENT SACRIFICE FOR ALL OF US, EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM IS SAVED, IS JUSTIFIED, AND FORGIVEN OF ALL SINS) “Who has believed our report?” Isaiah 53:1 “What will they answer the messengers of the nation?” Isaiah 14:32 🙏
The wage of sin is death. An innocent blameless animals blood had to be shed to cover the consequences of sin. God's law hasn't changed. But it never could take away sin. We are all sinners. Forgiveness of sins cannot change that. And no sinful human will enter heaven. Read your Thora carefully. The only solution came from God Himself. Read Jesaiah 53 and Psalm 22. I could give you more references. God loves you. But you have to meet His condition. Seek Him wholeheartedly and He will let you tto find Him.
Abraham was called a friend of God.. Can I say the same of You? Do you know God as Abraham Isaak and Jacob did? I know you have no personal relationship with Hashem. He don't know You Are I am wrong? I would rejoice if I would be wrong here❤️
No. Per G’d, nobody can expiate the sin of another. Ask G’d to forgive you for your own sins. Make amends to anyone you hurt. If making amends is impossible, give to a charity related to the sin. Stop sinning. If your mom isn’t Jewish, obey the seven Laws, given to all in Genesis.
@DrD2You NO. You cannot stop sinning. But you can consciously choose to do it less. That's why Jesus died on the cross. The only requirement is faith. God's Grace.
@@paulhowson8744 Jesus was a sinner. He was not divine. Jesus sinned many times, and his favorite sin was teaching contrary to the Torah, which disqualified Jesus as the messiah.
@@paulhowson8744 Nobody can expiate the sins of another, per G’d. To be forgiven, ask G’d to forgive you. Make amends to anyone to whom your sins have caused harm. If that is impossible, give to a charity related to the sin. Stop doing the sin. If your mom isn’t Jewish, obey the seven Laws, which were given to all humanity by G’d in Genesis.
A lot of people beleive they need to continually 'repent of sins' to be saved or stay saved but this isnt the truth..nowhere in the bible does it say 'repent of sins' to be saved..its just simply 'repent' which comes from the greek word 'metanoia' which translates to a change of mind, going from unbelief to belief in Jesus..many are living in fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, depression, low self esteem because they are worried they have failed and worry about their salvation..truth is we are saved and sealed the moment we believe, nothing or nobody can take this away..we can live in assurance that we are going to heaven no matter how much we sin and we all is impossible to not sin..sure its good to confess our sins and repent of them but but no amount of sin will make us lose our salvation..its important to know this truth and will help self esteem etc, much love ❤
@@adambrooks6580a man will die for their own sin and accountable for their own actions. That was not what the Messiah was supposed to do, to die for us! Jesus was a man not a sheep lol! Now he's god, man, angel, priest, Messiah and now a sheep. What other roles do you want him to full?
@@adambrooks6580 Jesus allowed a woman to touch him inappropriately in public. Jesus desecrated the Sabbath. Jesus taught contrary to the Torah over sixty times. Every time he taught contrary to the Torah, Jesus sinned.
Amazing video. I'm 65 and never heard this before. This is so true. Thanks for sharing
I’m so glad to hear Thankyou!
Well that's what happens when you follow idolatrous religions...
It's like you were speaking to me directly. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for this woman and this message. 🕊❤
את ממש חמודה והסיבה היחידה שאני ממש מתעניינת ביהדות עכשיו זה בגלל שאת מסבירה את זה כל כך יפה ופשוט וברור להבנה ❤
What a kind message. Makes me so happy. Thankyou so much! 🥰
yes, indeed.
Thank you so much for this video! I come from a different background from Judaism and was taught that sin is so bad, you deserve punishment and it leads to self-deprecation. So thank you for this!🙏
Sin is still not good, but falling into negative cycles is just as bad 🙏
❤ your videos always take me to a better place and to the Light thank you ❤
Aww that is so sweet and special. Thankyou so much for sharing 🥰🤗❤️
@@emunahashem I like your videos but I was wondering if you believe in Yeshua? Do you believe he came in the flesh?
She explained her views on Jesus in another video - go watch it
Thank you for this!
My pleasure 😇 Glad it was helpful 🙏
Very well put Liel, it’s a difficult road but one which we can stay on track with Gods help. Shalom Liel and thank you.
Amen! Thankyou for feedback 🙏🙌
You are welcome Liel. I noticed you have a love of art, that’s what I do as a living down here in Australia! 😊I wish you the best with your are art and this channel. Shalom!
Thank you Liel, very good point!
I see it like this: a person goes into the hospital for a little injury but the doctor say: “we will not get any care to you until you feel worse and worse. When you will be so bad that is impossible to care for you we will do it”.
I can’t believe that HaShem is behaving like this bad doctor, but is taking care of the injury (sin) as soon as we cry out to Him. Because HaShem, blessed be His Name, wants us always spiritually healthy and to care for us as soon we slipped and acknowledged our transgressions.
Thanks for this video. I'm 69 and loving what you are teaching. Never heard this before,
Thank you Liel for this and many of your videos., it is so helpful. .
I’m so happy to hear bH
I agree with you Liel. In all things both good and bad, the fundamental question we must answer is what was the purpose? The answer must come out of a total trust in Hashem that believes Hashem is a good just Creator who allowed the event to happen. It is our response that matters not the event itself. We can get bitter and twisted over what others may do to us not realising that Hashem is looking on to see our response.
Loved when you said that not just externally everything is for our good but also everything we ourselves. Powerful. God bless you!
God truly has purpose for all. If I didn’t hit rock bottom I wouldn’t have been able to look up towards Him! I made those choices. He didn’t let them go to wasts!
Waste lol
Amazing 🙌 yes exactly the descent is for the sake of ascent. So happy it resonated 🙏
I often heard this negative words in my thoughts after sinning, but now I know that's it the yetzer hara, anythought that makes you stop improving, stop taking actions is yetzer hara
Uplifting words 👏
Great Advice. I'm putting a permanent link to this video on my site. Thanks.
Thanks great talk and teaching so true we are our own worst enemy we need to forgive ourselves more ! and move on with Ha Shem!
Thank you!!! Yes would love it if you made a more in depth video about healthy self - esteem
Thanks! You always pack so much great info into your videos; this is all very practical advice, and I'm glad you talked about the "post-sin" process because it's something I am trying to improve rn -"teshuvah" is what I learnt to call it, I hope that's right.
I actually think sometimes about what the impact on the west from adopting the Christian concept of Satan instead of the Jewish one has been, because I believe we could have approached many societal issues more pragmatically with the latter and ideas like you shared here as our culture.
Something I'd like to ask If you wouldn't mind clarifying for me because I'm not always great at listening, does Yetzer HaRa include what Satan can say to diminish one's self-esteem, or is Yetzer HaRa just something that thrives off of an *already* low self-esteem?
Thanks again!
Thank you Liel! I needed this reminder and I loved the phrase “this is beneath you.”
Would love an in-depth talk on healthy self of esteem. I come from a family of very selfish and arrogant people and so I need a clear definition!
I’m so happy to hear you liked it 😊 will do Thankyou for your feedback ❤️
I really try to stop sinning but it’s so hard during rush hour traffic, my language 😔. With the same mouth I praise and bless Hashem is the same mouth I curse commuters.
Traffic is definitely tough. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Just implement small steps to better yourself every week. 🙏
I live in a tourist area and can completely empathize with frustration with fellow drivers. What has helped me is to say "Baruch HaShem" every time I see a near accident that does not happen. Another thing that has helped me is to thank HaShem in advance for a "low drama" drive. The fact that you want to improve is good. HTH.
Ever try to get job closer to home and or remote work?
Good encouragement thank you
Fantastic Video. Thank you.
Thankyou so much! Happy to hear that 😊
Thanks Liel ✌️✡️
"I do what I wanna do" is spiritually equelivant to low self esteem. Because we were made in God's image and bound to emulate God. To say that in your heart is to abandon what we were made to do-accept an inferior motivation and pretend it's good enough for us.
You are amazing! Thanks!
Thankyou so much! I appreciate it ☺️
I apologize if this sounds weird. I thank you so much for your teachings/words. I usually only watch male teachers of Torah. I quickly get burnt out and distracted. Which causes me to slack. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love Judaism/Hashem. I think you just broke my learning malfunction. Lol You are an amazing teacher and you keep my attention with your beautiful appearance. Thank you so much. Teaches me to keep an open mind always.
Can you do a class on how to heal from a smear campaign /Lashin Hara
Will do my best BzH ❤️
Well done!!!
Thank you!
My pleasure bH ☺️
Liel Yes make a video on Healthy
Q el "Altisimo " continue a tan temprana edad añadiendo sabiduria y entendimiento a tu vida. Lla q su procedencia es hispana y habemos tantos oyentes hispanos faltos de ese conocimiento,...sera posible transmitirnos ese conocimiento en el idioma Español? Grasias anticipadas, "Shalom Alejem"
Wow, this makes sense and is enlightening #PsychologicalTIPs101™ 🙏🏾🙏🏾
16:58 - woaah... the purpose... is it like we're supposed to learn a lesson or it could also be for someonelse's benefit?
Yes for sure 🙌
Thanks again
My pleasure 😇 happy you enjoyed
What you do after you sinned…
In the 13 principles of faith vid,
Reward & Consequence; the soul in order to be cleansed, it requires a consequence.
I’d love if you can explain this a bit more & possibly make a vid. ❤
Yes totally!! I hope this video doesn’t make it seem like sinning is fine. There is still consequence from our sins. But we can’t dwell in depression from it. We must pick up and do our best to be better. But yes I will try to make a video on that subject BzH
@@emunahashem excdlent sharing
The consequence of sin is death?@@emunahashem
If one knowingly sins and refuses to repent, it is a very serious matter.
G’d will forgive the repentant.
Ask Him in your own words to forgive you.
Make amends to anyone to whom your sin caused harm. If such is impossible, give to a charity related to the sin.
Stop sinning. If your mom isn’t Jewish, obey the seven Laws.
@@DrD2You absolutely
Well said. But I think that chocolate is a reward for doing good.
Totally 🙌😁
😂 yes chocko are your guilty when everybody loves you as choco that is very very dangerous as my life shows
yeah please do that video thank you
The Hebrew word for sin is "Chet" translated to English is miss as in miss the target this can be explained in many ways, in the context of the advice given in this class the person is missing the ride ,bus ,etc,because this world is a passage.
Very wise. If I sin in anything animals people attack my life and feed from my blood for years. Yes I miss decades of my life cause sin.
My life was as written in Deuteronomy.
Years for repentance .
Yes something miss me in my life.
When I watch that film I see that lot of life miss me
Transgressions... versus sin... yes, it makes sense to know, recognizing the error or transgression comes first and the decision not to repeat it requires putting a lot of will, exercising free will, question: "Does G-d give us strength or EMUNAH despite our will? Or should we do the will of Ha Shem our will?" I am not asking for an answer, it is just a reflection, no one needs to answer. Transgressing is in our nature, not doing so resides in the mind where the Neshama is found. In the study of the concept of YIRAT SHAMAYIM, some parts of the levels of transgression are studied, from thought to action, they are interesting appreciations... the fear of Ha Shem, acting out of fear, out of reverence and/or out of fear - love of the ETERNAL... interesting, profound and difficult in real life, difficult in Malchut. Thank you very much LIEL EDEN, congratulations for your explanation and for sharing light with the world. Blessings.
The video was heard and received. It is approved in general.
Happy to hear 🙏 Thankyou for the message 😊
*Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn. This is My Son, with whom I AM well pleased. Listen to Him.* Forgive us of our sins, Father which is in heaven. God save us all from Remphan and the Antichrist.
Your book says that if righteousness through the law is possible then chris died in vein (Galatians 2:21) but you’re same book says the parents of John the Baptist were righteous and blameless according to the law (Luke 1:6) Now we check the Torah, Deuteronomy 30:11-12 says the Torah is not in heaven so that an angel or divine being/ son of god has to attain it for you. Your religion is the opposite of truth
Tszuwa was created as second after Word of G-D
*And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.*
Sin, since we know the ramifications of is then SELF INFLICTED NEGLECT.
Grace - partiality is evil that is used for good, as God is NOT supposed to show partiality to man. Grace allows you (given over to) sin, without judgement in hopes that you will learn. It why we have 'skin'.
Thus... salvation by grace.
The law cannot be broken because it is designed in a bilateral manner that pays wages appropriate to the works.
There are 2 fathers and the son always does what he sees his father doing.
Your works are a testimony of who your daddy is. And some people have the works naturally, laws written on their hearts. (Romans 2:12-14)
Sin is "missing the mark" 🙂
B''H Amen
Many things considered moral can be debated. Paul said the mind is hostile to God. What about certain behaviors that the holy spirit said brings to your attention.
We go to confession after we sin to be reconciled to God.
At least Catholics repent.
Transgresiones... versus pecado... si, si hace sentido saberlo, reconocer el error o transgresión es lo primero y la desición de no repetirlo requiere poner mucho de la voluntad, de ejercer el libre albedrío, pregunta: "D-os nos dá fuerza o EMUNÁ a pesar de nuestra voluntad? o debemos hacer la voluntad de Ha Shem nuestra voluntad? No pido que respondan, solo es una reflexión, nadie necesita responder. Transgredir está en nuestra naturaleza , no hacerlo reside en la mente donde se encuentra la Neshama. En el estudio del concepto de YIRAT SHAMAYIM ahí se estudian algunas partes de los niveles de transgresión, desde el pensamiento hasta la acción, son apreciaciones interesantes...el temor a Ha Shem, actuar por miedo, por reverencia y/o por temor - amor al ETERNO... interesante, profundo y difícil en la vida real, difícil en Maljut. Muchas gracias LIEL EDEN, felicidades por tu explicación y por compartir luz al mundo. Bendiciones.
High self esteem is not what we need. We need to realize what Christ did and what are standing is in him, that we are to reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ Our Lord (Rom 6:11). You don't have to drink or smoke weed. You don't have to fornicate or masturbate because you are dead. You can't even do it anyways.
Now, will you slip up every now and then? Yes, sadly so. It is not wrong in that instance to go to Psalm 38 or 51 and to mourn and lament over your shortcoming. However at the end we need to realize what Christ died for us and just thank and worship him. Rejoice in his justification and sanctifying work and that you can now walk on in Victory.
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All sin is just a mistake. You don't bury you head in the sand if you get some math mistskes. You learn and get better. In fact Hashem doesn't hold this over you. If you commit the exact mistake again, Hashem treats it as your first time. What a great Lord do we have...
So he gave Adam a second chance? Also, the man merely picking up sticks on the Sabbath? We need to be very careful. God is not mocked. Proverbs 11:23, “The desire of the righteous is only good, but the expectation of the wicked is wrath”. Psalm 5:5, “The boastful shall not stand in your sight; you HATE all workers of iniquity “.
Simple good honest help for Both Christians and non Christians. We arent perfect , just forgiven, but we dont seem to forgive ourselves as quickly as we might forgive someone else. Great Video. ❤❤❤
We are forgiven after we stop sinning.
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Please go more into healthy self esteem.
I wish I were you.
You’re perfect just the way you are 🥰❤️
@emunahashem you're so sweet.
And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. (Ezk 36: 26 NLT)
The only way one can stop sinning is when GOD transforms the heart. Man & woman cannot do it in their own effort. Only GOD can circumcise the heart.
The LAMB of GOD was provided. For us to be delivered once & for all. From the bondage of captivity of sin & death.
No. Jesus was a sinner who needed repentance and forgiveness.
One should try not to sin.
We should pray to YHVH for wisdom, knowledge and the strength to obey his laws.
Our goal should be not to sin.
We shouldn’t have the attitude we are sinners and we inevitably will sin…so no big deal.
Just my opinion.
Agreed! My point with this video is not to say that we should sin. Ofc stay far away from sin as possible and pray to God to help you. But rather that when we do sin because it is inevitable, to not tear ourselves apart and fall into a negative spiral. 🙏
I understand and agree 100%.
YHVH is ready to forgive those who wholeheartedly ask for forgiveness and are truly repentant.
What God dislikes we should dislike also.
The sin is what separates you from God! You need repent! That’s what is missing from this talk about sin!
I did say one must repent in minute 3:55
For sure I believe and Judaism tells us we must repent, and confess and plead forgiveness, and try to better ourselves. But my point with this video not to say that we should sin. But that when we do for it’s inevitable, to no bring yourself into a negative spiral afterwards 🙏❤️
Does not “repent” mean turning from sin? As an alcoholic who stops drinking has repented. Can we not overcome all sin? First we need to know what sin is. If it is disobedience to God’s law, we need to know the particulars. 10 commandments only? We can’t depend on our authority as sinners will claim everything is a sin, so they are absolved from the consequences of their sin. Since no one can stop sinning and every fleeting thought is a sin, we are happily deceived in the false assurance we, in fact, must sin, since we can’t stop and we’re all in the same boat; blameless. Party on! Are there not those called righteous/holy and the opposite; sinners/wicked? God describes our process to repentance, which we must achieve to merit forgiveness…”IF my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face and pray, and turn from their wicked ways ( repent), THEN will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin…”. Also, Isiah 59:2, But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God and your sins have hidden His face from you so he does not hear”. Deuteronomy 30, “… IF you return to YHWH, your God and obey Him with all your heart… and keep His commands and decrees, written in the book of the law…and you will live. …what I am commanding is not too difficult for you…”
Repentance was mentioned.
“HE was CUT OFF out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was HE stricken.”
Isaiah 53:8
“And after threescore and two weeks shall MESSIAH be CUT OFF(around 30AD), but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary(70AD destruction of Jerusalem); and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”
Daniel 9:26
“HE made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in HIS DEATH; because HE had done no violence, neither was any deceit in HIS mouth.”
Isaiah 53:9
“by HIS knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for HE shall bear their iniquities.”
Isaiah 53:11
“HE hath poured out his soul unto DEATH: and HE was numbered with the transgressors; and HE bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”
Isaiah 53:12
“Who has believed our report?”
Isaiah 53:1
“What will they answer the messengers of the nation?”
Isaiah 14:32 🙏
Jesus was a sinner. Jesus was not the messiah because he taught contrary to the Torah.
The wage of sin is death. An innocent blameless animals blood had to be shed to cover the consequences of sin. God's law hasn't changed. But it never could take away sin. We are all sinners. Forgiveness of sins cannot change that. And no sinful human will enter heaven. Read your Thora carefully. The only solution came from God Himself. Read Jesaiah 53 and Psalm 22. I could give you more references. God loves you. But you have to meet His condition. Seek Him wholeheartedly and He will let you tto find Him.
Hashem says the bulls of our lips will cover your sin. Repent and improve yourself! We know our Torah.
Nothing in the Tanach is about Jesus, who was a sinner himself.
Abraham was called a friend of God.. Can I say the same of You? Do you know God as Abraham Isaak and Jacob did?
I know you have no personal relationship with Hashem. He don't know You
Are I am wrong? I would rejoice if I would be wrong here❤️
@@DrD2You where have I mentioned the Jesus you spoke about? I don't know your Jesus.
@@ErikaMatthieu-my4of Your post has to be one of the most hateful that I have read on here, and that takes some doing.
Jesus took ur sin
No. Per G’d, nobody can expiate the sin of another.
Ask G’d to forgive you for your own sins.
Make amends to anyone you hurt. If making amends is impossible, give to a charity related to the sin.
Stop sinning. If your mom isn’t Jewish, obey the seven Laws, given to all in Genesis.
If you believe you can stop sinning, then you believe you are God.
G’d requires us to stop sinning to be forgiven. Do you really believe that an ad*lterer will be forgiven while he or she is still sinning?
@DrD2You NO. You cannot stop sinning. But you can consciously choose to do it less. That's why Jesus died on the cross.
The only requirement is faith. God's Grace.
@@paulhowson8744 Jesus was a sinner. He was not divine. Jesus sinned many times, and his favorite sin was teaching contrary to the Torah, which disqualified Jesus as the messiah.
@@paulhowson8744 Nobody can expiate the sins of another, per G’d.
To be forgiven, ask G’d to forgive you.
Make amends to anyone to whom your sins have caused harm. If that is impossible, give to a charity related to the sin.
Stop doing the sin.
If your mom isn’t Jewish, obey the seven Laws, which were given to all humanity by G’d in Genesis.
@DrD2You LIER. Absolutely blasphemy. Get thee behind me Satan.
A lot of people beleive they need to continually 'repent of sins' to be saved or stay saved but this isnt the truth..nowhere in the bible does it say 'repent of sins' to be saved..its just simply 'repent' which comes from the greek word 'metanoia' which translates to a change of mind, going from unbelief to belief in Jesus..many are living in fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, depression, low self esteem because they are worried they have failed and worry about their salvation..truth is we are saved and sealed the moment we believe, nothing or nobody can take this away..we can live in assurance that we are going to heaven no matter how much we sin and we all is impossible to not sin..sure its good to confess our sins and repent of them but but no amount of sin will make us lose our salvation..its important to know this truth and will help self esteem etc, much love ❤
Jesus sinned.
@@DrD2You that's not true, check out Hebrews 4:15, 1Peter 2:22 for example
@@DrD2You Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sins because he was without sin, he was the spotless lamb of God
@@adambrooks6580a man will die for their own sin and accountable for their own actions. That was not what the Messiah was supposed to do, to die for us! Jesus was a man not a sheep lol! Now he's god, man, angel, priest, Messiah and now a sheep. What other roles do you want him to full?
@@adambrooks6580 Jesus allowed a woman to touch him inappropriately in public. Jesus desecrated the Sabbath. Jesus taught contrary to the Torah over sixty times. Every time he taught contrary to the Torah, Jesus sinned.
Please don’t think I’m a creep…. But… can i take you out on a date???
Thank you!
You're welcome! Thankyou 😊