Dayton Hamvention 2018 | Repeater | Walk & Listen



  • @OldF1000
    @OldF1000 6 років тому +3

    I am a 28 year veteran of Dayton, live about 30 miles from there.
    One thing most didn't know during the 80s and into the 90s. Was that some of the Hams manning the talk in repeaters giving
    information and directions were blind.
    One old boy I knew personally would joke, that he had no problems telling the sighted where to go ; )

    • @hamradiocq
      @hamradiocq  6 років тому +1

      I understand the problem. The problem is that Dayton area doesn't have a facility to house that many people all at once. Not many places do. So, why not move it? Well, that doesn't work because it's DARA that has the history and the knowledge / planning etc. Who else would do it and would it mean anything? I understand why people are angry and why it can't really be moved. Maybe DARA could move it to Columbus? I donno.

    • @OldF1000
      @OldF1000 6 років тому +1

      I believe that this was meant for some other comment but D.A.R.A
      is the Dayton Amateur Radio Association so moving it to Columbus would not work.

    • @themadpooper3603
      @themadpooper3603 6 років тому +2

      You're 100% on target. Hell, technically its in Xenia Ohio now; so the whole "Dayton"/DARA name is meaningless anyway. Have it in Columbus, have it in Cincinnati, have it anywhere within an hour drive of Dayton where it doesnt take 1-2 hrs to approach the venue and park, where you arent forced outside in the rain or hot sun to eat, drink or sit.

    • @OldF1000
      @OldF1000 6 років тому +1

      Good luck finding a venue and the volunteers to run it oh and you can't call it Hamvention DARA has it copyrighted.

    • @themadpooper3603
      @themadpooper3603 6 років тому +1

      Then good luck getting me to go to another one. The more unappealing they make it ( livestock barns w/o AC, mud, traffic, no parking, no indoor toilets/bathrooms) the fewer will come. They've lost me, a relatively young, professional, mid-40's guy with money to burn. I typically spend $500-$2000 there. I'm not putting up with getting hauled in on live stock trailers and eating a $10 pork-chop sandwich, drinking a flat Coke, sitting in the sun on aluminum bleachers staring at port-a-poties again. BTW, I drove by the Greene Co fairgrounds today, they did not build the new A/C building they promised back in January, and the big, white vinyl tents are already up again. Looks like a repeat of '17.

  • @cMaXeJIJIo
    @cMaXeJIJIo 6 років тому

    Wow, this is a very nice type(or rubrick) of videos to have! In the vein of "everything is better in the US", it's really nice to see people having meaningful(or at least somewhat interesting) conversations on UHF haha! Personally, I'd like to see more of these.

  • @Ron_C
    @Ron_C 6 років тому +1

    I'll be there next year for sure. Going to start a "Hamvention Savings Account!" I think it would be fun to a have a good friend go too..especially from here, 9 hours....

    • @hamradiocq
      @hamradiocq  6 років тому +1

      Yeah, need to make a call sign TShirt. I'll see you there.

    • @Ron_C
      @Ron_C 6 років тому

      Dude, just take an old white t-shirt and write it (badly) in a permanent marker...make sure to get it on video and photo bomb, video bomb everyone you can! make sure to put "ooohhhhhh" in smaller letters after the call sign! We'll figure out a plan to shake hands at next years event!

    • @hamradiocq
      @hamradiocq  6 років тому

      Ron C that's hilarious. Beer in one hand. Wife beater shirt with black marker n9yo. Mullet also

  • @MoTown44240
    @MoTown44240 6 років тому +1

    Great! You are going. If it rained at Hara and I/others got wet before entering the arena then the humidity level inside the arena made everyone continue to sweat and the smells permeated. I never felt any air conditioning at Hara. I used to stay at the motel where FDIM was held. Pricing was reasonable in those days, especially if I could a roommate or couple, then I would have more money to spend on toys or junk. When QRP-ARCI lost the motel in Miamisburg and relocated in Fairborn the pricing was beyond my budget. A ham from my local Linux User Group told me about Dayton University renting dormitory rooms. This was a miles north from Miamisburg where I stayed with ARCI. Did that for a couple years until my Sister suggested I stay at her house, Springfield. Thats where I grew up. Its only 17 miles from Sister's house to Hara; Xenia is even closer. I became guardian of a canine that I had purchased for my Grandson 5 years ago. That first year I was able to find someone to care for my canine for the 4 days I needed to be in Dayton. The next year the new person agreed to no more than 2 days. So I went Thursday for the ARCI seminars and the Hamvention on Friday. 2013 was my last time at Dayton. I might have my problem with the canine solved for 2019. Crossing my fingers and praying. So-o-o, another year of watching other peoples experiences on you tube. I really wanted to be in Xenia on Sunday for my local club photograph when the club is presented the award from DARA for the 2018 Amateur Radio Club of the Year Award, especially since I teach Morse and am Chair of 2 SIG's and part of our Contest Crew. But the Dog got me. Hi Hi Best 73 in Xenia. Even if the weather is unpleasant, just being there is an experience.

    • @hamradiocq
      @hamradiocq  6 років тому +1

      Yeah, I am staying in Miamisburg it cost $71 + tax. Only staying 1 night. Probably drive straight home the next day. 6 hour drive for me. It is quite the experience. Also that's exactly why we don't get a dog. Can't travel with it easily.
      The parking is a complete nightmare. It's basically no parking. So you have to park then get bussed in. The problem with that is if you buy something you have to carry it around all day.

    • @MoTown44240
      @MoTown44240 6 років тому

      Thats the price range I paid for 10 years when I stayed at the ARCI motel. Being further away the prices drop considerably. I would rather use the money I don't have to pay for rooming for toys or junk.
      When I bought the dog for my Grandson I wasn't expecting the dog to come live with me. After 1 week the Grandson lost interest and his other Grandparents shabbily cared for the dog, not having any experience with a pet. About 3 weeks later I received a phone call asking me to take the dog. I declined and gave instructions for care and suggestions for the problems they were having with the dog. One week later they called to tell me they were going to have the dog euthanized. I couldn't let them do that. This dog was rescued, fixed, given all the injections required, trained, and a place to stay rather than running the streets. I couldn't let the dog die because the Grandparents didn't have the time to learn how to care for the dog. I drove from NE Ohio to the Chicago suburb of IL and brought the dog home. I had the one of the experiences the other Grandparents were complaining about within the first couple days. I was gone too long and he did number 2. I had to learn his schedule. He's been with me 6 years and no more accidents. The other problem is being off leash he likes to run and won't come when he's called. If I take him to a dog park, my requirement is there needs to be fencing higher than 6 feet, he will run around playing with the other dogs. He doesn't try to escape. Off leash in the wide open, any time I approach him and get close enough he's very coy. As soon as I reach out to grab hold of him he turns and runs. I think he thinks this is a game. My mobility has diminished in the past couple years. I was a distance runner through my mid 50's then other things got in my way and the exercising lessen. I began to gain weight. I am 71 years now and walking fast is a struggle. Another nail in my coffin was that I smoked up till 2 years ago, even while I was a runner. Another story. When I walk the dog , he's on his 6 foot leash plus 30 feet of nylon rope. He used to tug on the rope and pull me along. Not so much now, unless we walk in a new place. I would like to let him off leash but I don't have the stamina to chase him. Any one that watches him for needs to know that he will run given the opportunity. So, this dog is my dilemma, but I would rather give him a good home than suffer the euthanasia. I know you will have fun in Xenia. I think the forecast for southwestern Ohio is rainless but I am not certain. The thing about Ohio is, the weather changes every 15 minutes. Hi

  • @themadpooper3603
    @themadpooper3603 6 років тому +2

    I won't be going, and I live very close by (15 min drive). I thought last years hamvention was a nightmare. Green Co. fairgrounds isn't built for it; nor are the roads surrounding it. Traffic was ridiculous, after sitting in it for 45 minutes on the 2 lane road that goes to the fairgrounds, I parked at a grocery store 5 miles away to be driven in by shuttle bus - and the traffic was so bad the shuttle bus couldn't drop us off at the fairgrounds But it did drop us off in a field about 1000 yards away. The venue itself is uncomfortable, no place to sit unless you're outside in the sun (or rain). The bleachers you sit on to enjoy your "county fair" type food face the port-a-poties. The buildings are barns that have been hosed out for the occasion. Also, you pay OH state income tax on purchases. Which is fine, but if you're buying a big ticket item you're better off having it shipped to your house.
    I will say that Saturday was better, but I went near closing. I was able to park about 200 yards away. People were closing up shop. Cars were getting stuck in the muddy fields (dont park a regular car there if you can avoid it).
    What I dont understand is is that this is a big event DARA puts on, and they charge $20. I'm not advocating higher prices, but people come form all over the country and beyond to attend - the admission price is a pittance in comparison to gas, hotel, and what people spend there. If $50 could get us a decent venue, maybe air conditioning (man people can smell at that event), and some seating - I'd gladly pay it.
    Not putting you guys down who want to go at all; but if you don't complain it won't improve. The people who run it don't like to hear it but they need to. I'm wondering if attendance is tracking down this year? I got a mailer for the first time ever inviting me to attend. I truly hope you guys have a good time, but I'm done until they can move it back to a decent venue.

    • @hamradiocq
      @hamradiocq  6 років тому

      You are 100% correct. I agree with all of it. I am going for a couple reason...mostly to give my channel some content. I have grown to love the little YT community and even other peoples channels. I also want to make some purchases without paying shipping. I'm going for the mini adventure.
      Last year was pretty terrible getting in and out. I plan on being there exactly 1 day...that's it.
      I was thinking the same thing. Make the event cost $50 and give it parking. I was at the Tulsa State Fair and it can handle 1000's of people with ample parking. Can they not find a place for it with parking? It is ridiculous.

    • @themadpooper3603
      @themadpooper3603 6 років тому +1

      Agree with you 100%. $20 is nothing for a 2.5 day event, even if it were just one day, its still nothing. I've been to a lot of conventions, and typically registration prices for the ones I attend are between $500-$1000 dollars. Pricey? Absolutely. But these are conferences in large, tourist-destination cities; at convention centers with full amenities (air conditioning, wifi, parking, food). Dayton OH is no tourist destination.
      You've got to think that charging $50 a head (which would raise about a million dollars with 20K people as opposed to $400K at $20 a head) could at least get a venue where people could be inside, with A/C, seating, and would be accessible. To put it in perspective, it cost $50 to go to hamvention all 3 days when it was at Hara given the $10 parking fee.Imagine if they charged $100. Yup, at that point some poorer hams would have to budget. Eat one lest fast-food meal a month and you could do it.
      One place they could have it is at Wright-State University Nutter Center. Its a huge, 15000 person arena, they use it for large high-school graduations. I saw Elton John there. Its a modern sports/entertainment arena, very nice. It basically sits off a major highway with tons of access, 5 decent Marriott-busness suite type hotels sit across the road from it. Put the big-time vendors on the floor, smaller vendors in the halls, and if you need to put up some big tents outside. Let food trucks descend on the parking lot. My guess is that because its a popular graduation weekend, they couldnt do it on short notice do it. Which is why Hamvention is now held in livestock barns, in muddy fields where cars get stuck, in a small town with roads that can't accommodate it.

    • @hamradiocq
      @hamradiocq  6 років тому

      If there are other venues then it's baffling as to why not charge more go there. I was planning on a 2 day being there last time and decided, 1 was enough given the difficulty getting in and out. Drove straight home that night.

    • @themadpooper3603
      @themadpooper3603 6 років тому +1

      I remember your video well. It was a disappointing testament to how bad the venue is. Its hysterical to watch you get off the shuttle bus and stare at amazement at people getting loaded into livestock trailers to get taken to the venue BECAUSE EVEN THE SHUTTLE BUS COULDN'T PARK THERE! You drop almost a grand on radio gear, sit in the sun eating a $10 styrofoam cup of mashed potatoes, and get the hell out of there before it rains on your new electronics. Frankly, it shows that Hamvention believes that simply its existence is more important than the user experience. That is a very fast road to people not attending again.

    • @rossh4528
      @rossh4528 6 років тому

      I live 45 minutes away from Xenia but will not be attending this year. Last year I waited 2.5 hours in traffic to park. The flea market was a muddy disaster, the tents were so dark it was difficult to see anything, food lines and prices were ridiculous. Even with all the negatives of the fairgrounds I might have considered going this year but I can only attend one day, Friday. I am not paying $27 just for one day. It would be nice if they had a cheaper one day ticket.

  • @leethompson5274
    @leethompson5274 6 років тому

    I'll be leaving Indy in 6 hours for Xenia.
    Lee, WA8QFE