One thing I’ve realised in life is this. You must speak your truth. Some will think of you as certifiable until one day you meet the ones who are open to everything and closed to nothing. Big love my brother. ❤
The Mahayana Buddhist principle of the Bodhisattva could be true & working in many places around this world. Great realised beings choose to reincarnate & return to teach others for the benefit of all sentient beings. You may have been chosen because of your previous life & you’re now ready to evolve to a higher level, so your Avatar or Guru is here to help you along. It’s just my theory Ben, but whatever the reason, keep on doing this spiritual work because you are inspiring many others who are on this path..💚
As I was watching this video, an ad for a motivational programme in Portland Oregon presented by Tim Tebow. He was SHOUTING and an intense EGO message, which, may be what some need to hear, but he was the diametric opposite of Ben, here. A very illustrative message, I thought.
@@bensmithreal yes sir, I love you for having the courage to put yourself out there. The divine masters that are here are hidden not because of fear but because of protection. However if they feel threatened by humanity, they accept whatever comes their way with love for everyone. As one of my greatest teachers reminded me, the strongest isn't the one dealing the punishment but the one receiving it. May your life be filled with positivity, peace and above all else, love. We are the creators, namaste.
Thank-you for the truth. So many people on YT just parrot what they hear or recite what they read in a book. It is the same as in the comments for the most part. I saw a video one of the leading YT gurus in the Law of attraction space and she was quoting Rumi and Neville etc. I know this channel is coming from a place of truth and the divine, is because Ben speaks HIS truth. His words are HIS, not some guru's list of quotes. I am guilty of getting caught in the forest, constantly running to the next tree of knowledge, staying within the forest, forgetting the whole point of entering the forest was to emerge on the other side and continue on the journey. Ben, I feel your honesty and sincerity and rather than you sending me to the next video, course, book etc... you are helping find my way out of the forest and to forge ahead on MY OWN journey. Thank-you!
Somewhat, but much of what he says is said over and over in Theosophical circles. Direct experience is good, it’s great actually, but being open to the spirit of axioms or teachers that have come before teaches us humility and Interdependence. This is the mutual pillar of Individuality and Direct Gnosis.
@@bensmithreal It's a real good feeling to connect with like minded/ hearted Souls. I just finished reading an obscure book that i stumbled across yesterday. "Finding What Was Never Lost". by Alexander den Heijer. (amazon)The book literally summarizes EVERY OTHER book on Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment etc. I can't actually believe I found it, as it replaces EVERY other book I've ever read... and I have read hundreds. It is THAT good. I am no longer a seeker..... anyways, thank-you for your reply. Be Yourself!
I feel - was shown - that we can all be Avatars.. but start out small.. we can "borrow" insects/birds/animals/ plants.. all living things.. Depending on your wisdom from time on the realm, you can borrow these lives to visit loved ones, give signs or to guide them. Angels and Spiritual guides are capable of "borrowing" all life but the most complex to borrow - is human life. This is why only the highest level can do it.
You are Amazing, Blessed Child of Light!🌻💫The Truth is The New Code on New Earth🌻💫Thank you for speaking and spreading the Truth!!! The 💫Divine 💫 is guiding you!!!
This is the first day that I've seen anything like this. However, I resonate with each and every word! Thank you for the authenticity and truth speaking…
Hi Ben. I do resonate with what you said and I know they are real. I'm only new to your channel, not sure you uploaded more videos about avatars but I definitely would love to learn more about them. Thank you for all the wonderful content. Sending you and your teacher/avatar love!
In the presence of a truly enlightened one is healing. Ie Jesus Buddha Mary bakery Eddy John Paul Joel goldsmith hern Fitch. All awake great healings all around them.
Thank you for sharing. Good description of an avatar. They may choose to stay hidden to avoid human ego distortion and power corruption. Humans are still looking for someone to appear and save them. Sovereignty is paramount now
I might be an avatar, Spirit told me at a young age that i was to avoid being famous and serve the divine agenda for my life. I was around 7 years old. I once counted the number of times i could have been killed or seriously injured, it numbered over 30, and I never was in the military or contact sports or anything. I did experience several different kinds of trauma as a child, nearly drowned, poisoned, and also had been in a serious car accident at the age of 18 and walked away without a scratch. This event prompted me to seek God for an answer as to why and i got an answer back right away. I was told very clearly “you are not the body.” This was not the answer i was expecting, i was raised in Catholicism and this sounded like Hinduism to me. I asked God if he could show me what i really looked like, i was told to close my eyes, then i received a visual image of a sphere of energy surrounded by a kind of fog or clouds, with a line going around on it very much like the kind seen on heart monitors, and i somehow knew intuitively it was my earthly life experience and unique in all of creation. We conversed about what i should do with myself from then on and it was agreed that i would serve the divine in the Christian religion since i would find that a viable option. It was my second option, the first would have been to share what i was being shown, but i balked at this, it seemed too weird, i had no desire to be a pioneer of weirdness lol. I was advised to forget these particulars until much later in life in order to work in the Christian chirch with less difficulty, but be allowed to remember these events once my work in the church was accomplished. A few years ago these memories returned, and with them a whole new chapter of spiritual activity is happening. I have no idea what the future holds, i am too busy living each day moment by moment, but am a very contented husband, father, and grandfather to my family looking forward to whatever may come. My latest good news is that i will be relocating this year, my wife has an opportunity to retire from her teaching job and the plan is to move to be closer to family in another province. Blessings and peace to you all!
I was mid psychosis in a jail cell in Brisbane city when I feel like I had a connection to divine consciousness briefly. For a moment, it felt like I inherited an avatar-like state of being, able to perceive whomever was placed in front of me better than they could perceive themselves, I don't know how to explain it but it felt like I briefly had all the spiritual answers to other people's lives like the public lawyer who saw me and the officers who moved me from the jail cell where I had just hallucinated passing vibration/frequencies throughout the jail to all prisoners there. I'm sorry, the details are really shaky because it was like 12 years ago but it felt like I witnessed my samsaric rebirth in that cell, like I was connected to the dalai lama, etc. I've always known the need to practice meditation but always found a way to fall out of the habit quickly.
I believe it Ben. I’ve started a spiritual journey again in the last few years. I always was spiritual in one form or another as a kid but shut it down do to fear. My grandmother would tell me stories about spirits when I was 11. I knew they were around me and couldn’t sleep for a year or so. My next journey was when Mormons came calling. The last big event was in the military one morning I woke up paralyzed. It felt like a darkness was pulling me under the bed. That scared me very badly and shut it all down. Here I am 64 and trying to learn again listening to you and others. I’ve been meditating and like you looking for some real magical experiences. My dreams have gotten stronger. I too was also a marathon runner but have slowed down to lots of walking and hiking. But now do know and feel something is just beyond my cognitive abilities. Thanks for sharing this Ben. Let the quest continue.
I'm 57 and have been searching for years, but held back by fear and a distorted Christian upbringing . I've always known this is just a body and that there is something more. I feel like I'm growing again and it's just amazing. ❤
Thank you for bringing light to this phenomenon, I knew there were special beings coming here to earth every few centuries but I didn't know it was this common ! Have a nice day !
Thanks Ben, I'm glad to have found you. Back in 2000 I went to India and stayed in Sai Baba's ashram for over 2 weeks. I experienced personal miracles that took me there, and had others happen when I was there. I'm still processing the experience.
Thank you so much for sharing this truth. Your teacher sounds like an absolute riot in a lot of ways! Being able to picture them laughing so clearly like that in your retelling? Made my day! If you choose to go deeper into this topic, I believe many of us would choose to show up for it 😊 I just found your channel a few weeks ago. I thoroughly appreciate your grounded approach, honesty and humour. We are but sparks… but sparks nonetheless. Much love to your community.
I felt the Truth in this. My heart centre expanded and I cried. I try to adopt open-minded skepticism and just feel my way through stuff. This felt powerful in a benevolent way. I respect your courage.
I remember hearing a story about someone who was psychic who went to a fruit stand on the side of the road and recognized that they were some Devine/ advanced being and asked him “what are you doing here?!” 😂 I love that story, I guess just the presence of things that are of a higher order helps us get through how though this shift is
They don't tell you because a) it ruins all the fun of the game and b) free will. If they come in and run the show, it takes your free will away, the whole point of this world is to make a choice, and watch it ripple through the world.
Blessed are you who is under the guidance of an Avatar. Glad for the simple explanation of an un-manifested God expressed in its entirety as a manifested human as an Avatar.
I believe you. I have no doubts as you have come across sincere and genuine in every video I’ve watched. Myself and plenty of others based on the comments support you and are grateful for your bravery and give thanks to you and your teachers.
I guess I heard about them as the name ascended masters similar to the video title. What I understood about why they tend to keep to themselves is that any positive soul doesnt want to be worshipped or seen as Lord/guru for external validation, lord Jesus was his mistake or a distortion done by manipulating forces for example, because we are all essentialy one and Source, able to grow within. Worshipping creates the illusion of separation. People who lack that awareness will naturally tend to worship like the countless examples in our history and that has come as a disservice for our soul evolution. The advancement they aparently have now we all can have tomorrow in the illusion of our time if we expand our consciousness and forge our way back to Source. That's a choice we make around this reality.
You're very brave explaining this, and in my opinion, this is not more difficult to believe than the other "things" related to the inner journey or spiritual growth (from an egoic perspective).. so keep going Ben, you're doing great
Paramhansa Yogananda talked about meeting Babaji (an avatar in the Himalayas) in his autobiography. Amazing that there are some here and now in this earth. I'm thankful you shared the truth about your teacher. You are blessed.
I love Mother Meera! I saw her here in the USA overr 10 years ago before she started to talk in public. She also has a Live daily meditation on her channel channel.
You are awesome. I would love to see you in Alex Ferrari podcast. Next level soul. You guys realy talk the same language. I believed every word you said.. Thx for sharing ❤
Hello, a true Master will NEVER call himself a master , the lack of ego ensures that recognition or even acknowledgement are never needed or required. They pass through the crowd raising the vibration of all and no-one would ever know that they were there. Thankyou for your videos , they contain much wisdom and understanding , but always remember , compared to the knowing of the Divine we , as hu-mans we know absolutely nothing and can only have a sense of THE Truth. A bit like the sun that lights our days...we can feel it, and sense it's presence and warmth , but we cannot look directly at it's true glory. Love and Light to you , Ben.
Thanks for your work ;). 🌈 „Why“? : 1) Because free will is sacred to source. 2) Love: Imagine a good parent who loves her/his children. A child has to grow up in its own boundaries making its own experiences. Of course the parents don‘t want the child to hurt itself, unfortunately it is inevitable sometimes.. and of course it is saddening to see all that happens now, but if the divine would interfere and put all the wrongdoers in chains, it would be like a really human approach of punishement.. It is an immense act of balance, patience and love to guide someone in the good direction and in the same time respecting its free will and acting according to the law of love! 😊 And now imagine that with 9 or more billion people on the planet… not easy… On the other side there is no judgement 😊 Human souls judge themselves to balance everything out again and this can be really really hard to go through, like a Hell.. 😊 Love each other and forgive your ennemies. Take Care! Carpe Diem! 🌈🍀🎉
Thank you Ben very much for sharing your experience with the Avatar, the Teacher, this is most encouraging information I’ve ever heard. I’m going through your videos here on UA-cam one by one, some of them I would go over more than one time, they are amazing! Please keep on teaching, there will be more and more people getting benefit from your teachings whenever the time is right. Please don’t reply to comments like this, save yourself more precious time to give answers to audience who have questions. Peace!
I came across your channel a few days ago. I am not surprised that this video came in right in the heels of an energy work, medicine bowl session. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and beautiful energy with us. 💕😇💕
I have always had a feeling about this. That there are those among us who really are on another level and they are like stabilizers helping us along our spiritual path with just their presence. I think Dr.Wayne Dyer wrote about them a bit in "Power of Intention" I think was the book.... like Jesus and their energy hugely offsets the negative energies on this planet. One person can be energetically equal to one million people. It's been a while since I read the book, so I probably have the details off, but that's what I seem to recall. And the more work we do, raising our vibration, the better we offset the negative energies and patterns here too. Conversely, I've thought if someone who over their lifetime had raised to such a level (not avatars, but like us), say Dr.Wayne Dyer, or Thích Nhất Hạnh, Louise Hay, Dolores Cannon etcetera who have passed on, does their passing, "slow down" our progress so to speak, only until more of us can increase our level? This is why it's so important for the work to continue even after they are gone. To carry their torch and keep sharing. Just things I've thought about. Sorry to dump on you lol. I appreciate your clear explanation about who they are and how we are in comparison, that is, they directly descend from divine, while we are ascending to regain our divinity. Very helpful distinction! Funny how we are the first to think, "Oh man this sounds nuts", to ourselves. Not crazy at all, truly appreciate this. Excellent video mate!
There's the infinite mother in the form of the seer almine a traveler through cosmic existence, a being of such purity and grace wisdom ,cutting edge revelation ,revealer of great truth the avatar of avatars and even that falls short of the grandeur of this indescribable presents
I know you are speaking self experienced truth and May I say humbly too. You are superb and very down to earth I love listening to your words. Please don’t stop
I am blown away. Thank you so much for this. I've had my spiritual awakening about a year ago and am on the journey to letting go of my ego as well. I am literally thinking about God and spirituality every day all day, and in a state that I call "permabliss". This video is a confirmation of what I have been suspecting, and it feels amazing to hear. Thank you so much for sharing!!
I would love a list of historical avatars. Is there such a list out there already? When you google it, they only have a list from the movies 😂 By the way, I fully believe in the things you say. Not only because it meshes with everything I've been reading regarding past lives hypnosis and from the NDEs stories, but they all just make sense in a way that the bible never did. And growing up Buddhist, what was taught there didn’t make sense to me either. Yet when speaking from a spiritual point of view, then everything make sense.
Ben I believe you and absolutely trust every single word. Thank you and all your avatars. They can't go public for variety of reasons and they are using you as their messenger. You're blessed to have their trusted. And I trust you as well. Thank you for your incredible work of helping humanity to enlighten. Thanks. ❤️
Thank you Ben . I have just read about avatars from the book you recommended for me. I am continually astounded that I seem to come upon what I need to know when appropriate. Sharing your knowledge is helping me and I’m sure many others. Thanks 🙏🏻
So interesting. Thank you so much. What strikes me about where we are now is that just talking about more esoteric aspects of spirituality has become much more matter of fact, even if the subject matter can sound a bit odd when spoken to the camera. A hundred years ago, it was presented with much more theatrical flourish - seances and "evidence" of paranormal seemed to require a lot of smoke and mirrors. I suppose the main question raised by what you are saying is: can a divine being inhabit a human bod?. To which the answer, surely, is "of course". Once you accept that the human spirit never dies and that it reincarnates multiple times then really what you're talking about is a being on a very high level of vibration choosing to join the rest of humanity and share knowledge. Why wouldn't they want to do this? Makes complete sense to me. Anyway, keep doing what you're doing. It is very inspiring. Thank you.
Thanks. Nice video. Some Avatars live on Ley lines and so are stationed to hold the Light in certain areas more so than interact with people. They work from an energetic standpoint.. Grid work etc.
I can tell you that I know of such a person he affects people around him when it's needed ,kind of putting them back on track ,very calming in his energy, like he is waiting his turn ,patiently,for what ?? I don't know.
You don't sound crazy at all. Thank you for this truth. Some of us are ready to hear these things.
The responses to this video have blown me away, thank you for your reassurance🙏
Isn't it wonderful to be able to talk about the truth and be understood. ❤❤ we are all awakened.
Self-Assurance is one of the greatest gifts, for those who are truly ready to accept it as the highest authority there is 🙏
One thing I’ve realised in life is this. You must speak your truth. Some will think of you as certifiable until one day you meet the ones who are open to everything and closed to nothing.
Big love my brother. ❤
Don't hold back my friend, and go as deep as you can. I will take the red pill. 🤯💗
Appreciate the support, thank you!
Love it, love you, love your teachings. I am new to all this but YOU have my attention.
Oh Ben you help me so much and I love your videos ❤ you are my guiding light ❤ thank you for this incredible video ❤
I sincerely believe you, and I want to meet your teacher.
The Mahayana Buddhist principle of the Bodhisattva could be true & working in many places around this world. Great realised beings choose to reincarnate & return to teach others for the benefit of all sentient beings. You may have been chosen because of your previous life & you’re now ready to evolve to a higher level, so your Avatar or Guru is here to help you along. It’s just my theory Ben, but whatever the reason, keep on doing this spiritual work because you are inspiring many others who are on this path..💚
Your humility is what makes me believe you the most. Thanks for sharing
As I was watching this video, an ad for a motivational programme in Portland Oregon presented by Tim Tebow. He was SHOUTING and an intense EGO message, which, may be what some need to hear, but he was the diametric opposite of Ben, here. A very illustrative message, I thought.
I am blessed to have found you on UA-cam, thank you so much for sharing all the information you do, much appreciated ❤
Beautiful brother.... They must remain hidden until humanity is ready. Keep up the great work, namaste.
On reflection - I think you are spot on. Thank you🙏
@@bensmithreal yes sir, I love you for having the courage to put yourself out there. The divine masters that are here are hidden not because of fear but because of protection. However if they feel threatened by humanity, they accept whatever comes their way with love for everyone. As one of my greatest teachers reminded me, the strongest isn't the one dealing the punishment but the one receiving it. May your life be filled with positivity, peace and above all else, love. We are the creators, namaste.
Thank-you for the truth. So many people on YT just parrot what they hear or recite what they read in a book. It is the same as in the comments for the most part. I saw a video one of the leading YT gurus in the Law of attraction space and she was quoting Rumi and Neville etc. I know this channel is coming from a place of truth and the divine, is because Ben speaks HIS truth. His words are HIS, not some guru's list of quotes. I am guilty of getting caught in the forest, constantly running to the next tree of knowledge, staying within the forest, forgetting the whole point of entering the forest was to emerge on the other side and continue on the journey. Ben, I feel your honesty and sincerity and rather than you sending me to the next video, course, book etc... you are helping find my way out of the forest and to forge ahead on MY OWN journey. Thank-you!
I really appreciate you kind words, thank you. I’m equally grateful to have found people like yourself online to communicate these messages too🙏
Somewhat, but much of what he says is said over and over in Theosophical circles. Direct experience is good, it’s great actually, but being open to the spirit of axioms or teachers that have come before teaches us humility and Interdependence. This is the mutual pillar of Individuality and Direct Gnosis.
@@bensmithreal It's a real good feeling to connect with like minded/ hearted Souls. I just finished reading an obscure book that i stumbled across yesterday. "Finding What Was Never Lost". by Alexander den Heijer. (amazon)The book literally summarizes EVERY OTHER book on Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment etc. I can't actually believe I found it, as it replaces EVERY other book I've ever read... and I have read hundreds. It is THAT good. I am no longer a seeker..... anyways, thank-you for your reply. Be Yourself!
Yes I agree some of us are ready to hear this. Thank you
I feel - was shown - that we can all be Avatars.. but start out small.. we can "borrow" insects/birds/animals/ plants.. all living things.. Depending on your wisdom from time on the realm, you can borrow these lives to visit loved ones, give signs or to guide them.
Angels and Spiritual guides are capable of "borrowing" all life but the most complex to borrow - is human life. This is why only the highest level can do it.
You are Amazing, Blessed Child of Light!🌻💫The Truth is The New Code on New Earth🌻💫Thank you for speaking and spreading the Truth!!! The 💫Divine 💫 is guiding you!!!
This is the first day that I've seen anything like this. However, I resonate with each and every word! Thank you for the authenticity and truth speaking…
Hi Ben. I do resonate with what you said and I know they are real. I'm only new to your channel, not sure you uploaded more videos about avatars but I definitely would love to learn more about them. Thank you for all the wonderful content. Sending you and your teacher/avatar love!
In the presence of a truly enlightened one is healing. Ie Jesus Buddha Mary bakery Eddy John Paul Joel goldsmith hern Fitch. All awake great healings all around them.
Thank you for sharing. Good description of an avatar. They may choose to stay hidden to avoid human ego distortion and power corruption. Humans are still looking for someone to appear and save them. Sovereignty is paramount now
I might be an avatar, Spirit told me at a young age that i was to avoid being famous and serve the divine agenda for my life. I was around 7 years old. I once counted the number of times i could have been killed or seriously injured, it numbered over 30, and I never was in the military or contact sports or anything. I did experience several different kinds of trauma as a child, nearly drowned, poisoned, and also had been in a serious car accident at the age of 18 and walked away without a scratch. This event prompted me to seek God for an answer as to why and i got an answer back right away. I was told very clearly “you are not the body.” This was not the answer i was expecting, i was raised in Catholicism and this sounded like Hinduism to me. I asked God if he could show me what i really looked like, i was told to close my eyes, then i received a visual image of a sphere of energy surrounded by a kind of fog or clouds, with a line going around on it very much like the kind seen on heart monitors, and i somehow knew intuitively it was my earthly life experience and unique in all of creation. We conversed about what i should do with myself from then on and it was agreed that i would serve the divine in the Christian religion since i would find that a viable option. It was my second option, the first would have been to share what i was being shown, but i balked at this, it seemed too weird, i had no desire to be a pioneer of weirdness lol. I was advised to forget these particulars until much later in life in order to work in the Christian chirch with less difficulty, but be allowed to remember these events once my work in the church was accomplished. A few years ago these memories returned, and with them a whole new chapter of spiritual activity is happening. I have no idea what the future holds, i am too busy living each day moment by moment, but am a very contented husband, father, and grandfather to my family looking forward to whatever may come. My latest good news is that i will be relocating this year, my wife has an opportunity to retire from her teaching job and the plan is to move to be closer to family in another province. Blessings and peace to you all!
i was blessed to know about neem karoli baba through ram dass. I've never seen him in person but i understand that its no accident that i know of him
I was mid psychosis in a jail cell in Brisbane city when I feel like I had a connection to divine consciousness briefly. For a moment, it felt like I inherited an avatar-like state of being, able to perceive whomever was placed in front of me better than they could perceive themselves, I don't know how to explain it but it felt like I briefly had all the spiritual answers to other people's lives like the public lawyer who saw me and the officers who moved me from the jail cell where I had just hallucinated passing vibration/frequencies throughout the jail to all prisoners there. I'm sorry, the details are really shaky because it was like 12 years ago but it felt like I witnessed my samsaric rebirth in that cell, like I was connected to the dalai lama, etc. I've always known the need to practice meditation but always found a way to fall out of the habit quickly.
I have experienced being with both Mother Meera and Sathya Sai Baba and received visions with my eyes open ….
Moreeeeeee please
Thank you Ben, it’s nice to know we are not alone. Peace and Love.
Thank you for speaking from a authentic heart 🙏
I love this. Please do more. Go deeper on this topic. 🙏❤️🇨🇦
This is so great to hear! I will go deeper into this subject in the near future🙏💙
I believe it Ben. I’ve started a spiritual journey again in the last few years. I always was spiritual in one form or another as a kid but shut it down do to fear. My grandmother would tell me stories about spirits when I was 11. I knew they were around me and couldn’t sleep for a year or so. My next journey was when Mormons came calling. The last big event was in the military one morning I woke up paralyzed. It felt like a darkness was pulling me under the bed. That scared me very badly and shut it all down. Here I am 64 and trying to learn again listening to you and others. I’ve been meditating and like you looking for some real magical experiences. My dreams have gotten stronger. I too was also a marathon runner but have slowed down to lots of walking and hiking. But now do know and feel something is just beyond my cognitive abilities. Thanks for sharing this Ben. Let the quest continue.
Best thing you can do for psi abilities is to lay a foundation.
Loved reading you story, also very happy to hear you have got back to meditation and this path to truth. Best of luck!
I'm 57 and have been searching for years, but held back by fear and a distorted Christian upbringing .
I've always known this is just a body and that there is something more.
I feel like I'm growing again and it's just amazing.
Thank you for bringing light to this phenomenon, I knew there were special beings coming here to earth every few centuries but I didn't know it was this common ! Have a nice day !
Sounds brilliantly Bonkers, and I am so happy to you 😊❤
Fantastic ben, brave of you to open up on a difficult topic. Well explained too.
Thank you for this truth. I love hearing them. I wanna meet an Avatar.
We Hindus have always known about Avatars. We have many that we revere and worship like Rama and Krishna
Thanks Ben, I'm glad to have found you. Back in 2000 I went to India and stayed in Sai Baba's ashram for over 2 weeks. I experienced personal miracles that took me there, and had others happen when I was there. I'm still processing the experience.
Thank you so much for sharing this truth. Your teacher sounds like an absolute riot in a lot of ways! Being able to picture them laughing so clearly like that in your retelling? Made my day! If you choose to go deeper into this topic, I believe many of us would choose to show up for it 😊 I just found your channel a few weeks ago. I thoroughly appreciate your grounded approach, honesty and humour. We are but sparks… but sparks nonetheless. Much love to your community.
Thank you Ben you are doing great. Keep sharing.
Mother Meera
I felt the Truth in this. My heart centre expanded and I cried. I try to adopt open-minded skepticism and just feel my way through stuff. This felt powerful in a benevolent way. I respect your courage.
Wow Ben ❤
Just found your channel and I love your teaching and I love your non egotistical approach ❤
I remember hearing a story about someone who was psychic who went to a fruit stand on the side of the road and recognized that they were some Devine/ advanced being and asked him “what are you doing here?!” 😂 I love that story, I guess just the presence of things that are of a higher order helps us get through how though this shift is
Well done mate! It's time for more people to learn about the Masters/Avatars. Lot's of Love from a fellow Brit. 💚🙏
Thanks Steve, appreciate the support 🙏💙
Thank you for sharing this, I've followed Sai Baba for many years, and still do. Yes let's hear more, I think it's time.
They don't tell you because a) it ruins all the fun of the game and b) free will. If they come in and run the show, it takes your free will away, the whole point of this world is to make a choice, and watch it ripple through the world.
I think this is very true, thank you!
This is fascinating, thank you for sharing 🙏🏼
Blessed are you who is under the guidance of an Avatar. Glad for the simple explanation of an un-manifested God expressed in its entirety as a manifested human as an Avatar.
I believe you. I have no doubts as you have come across sincere and genuine in every video I’ve watched. Myself and plenty of others based on the comments support you and are grateful for your bravery and give thanks to you and your teachers.
I hope I can come to a point of righteousness and clarity were I have the opportunity and grace of meeting an avatar. ❤🎉
I do believe in this Ben and please share more😊
I guess I heard about them as the name ascended masters similar to the video title. What I understood about why they tend to keep to themselves is that any positive soul doesnt want to be worshipped or seen as Lord/guru for external validation, lord Jesus was his mistake or a distortion done by manipulating forces for example, because we are all essentialy one and Source, able to grow within. Worshipping creates the illusion of separation. People who lack that awareness will naturally tend to worship like the countless examples in our history and that has come as a disservice for our soul evolution. The advancement they aparently have now we all can have tomorrow in the illusion of our time if we expand our consciousness and forge our way back to Source. That's a choice we make around this reality.
You're very brave explaining this, and in my opinion, this is not more difficult to believe than the other "things" related to the inner journey or spiritual growth (from an egoic perspective).. so keep going Ben, you're doing great
Paramhansa Yogananda talked about meeting Babaji (an avatar in the Himalayas) in his autobiography. Amazing that there are some here and now in this earth. I'm thankful you shared the truth about your teacher. You are blessed.
I love Mother Meera! I saw her here in the USA overr 10 years ago before she started to talk in public. She also has a Live daily meditation on her channel channel.
Thank you for being so forthright and honest, to to give your experience and insight!!!❤
Hey Ben, would love to hear more stories about your experiences with your teacher avatar
Than you for spreading the truth and making a positive impact on the world.❤
I'm with you sir, you appear to speak from a place of sincerity and clearly articulate what you mean and wish to convey. Cheers for this brother.
Thank you so much for sharing!! Tears of joy! 😁🙌🏼🙏🏼❤️
You are awesome. I would love to see you in Alex Ferrari podcast. Next level soul. You guys realy talk the same language. I believed every word you said.. Thx for sharing ❤
Hello, a true Master will NEVER call himself a master , the lack of ego ensures that recognition or even acknowledgement are never needed or required. They pass through the crowd raising the vibration of all and no-one would ever know that they were there.
Thankyou for your videos , they contain much wisdom and understanding , but always remember , compared to the knowing of the Divine we , as hu-mans we know absolutely nothing and can only have a sense of THE Truth. A bit like the sun that lights our days...we can feel it, and sense it's presence and warmth , but we cannot look directly at it's true glory.
Love and Light to you , Ben.
God has led me to your channel.
I'm do grateful I found this channel. Thank you 😊 🙏 ❤
Thanks for your work ;). 🌈
„Why“? :
1) Because free will is sacred to source.
2) Love: Imagine a good parent who loves her/his children. A child has to grow up in its own boundaries making its own experiences. Of course the parents don‘t want the child to hurt itself, unfortunately it is inevitable sometimes.. and of course it is saddening to see all that happens now, but if the divine would interfere and put all the wrongdoers in chains, it would be like a really human approach of punishement..
It is an immense act of balance, patience and love to guide someone in the good direction and in the same time respecting its free will and acting according to the law of love! 😊 And now imagine that with 9 or more billion people on the planet… not easy…
On the other side there is no judgement 😊 Human souls judge themselves to balance everything out again and this can be really really hard to go through, like a Hell.. 😊
Love each other and forgive your ennemies.
Take Care! Carpe Diem! 🌈🍀🎉
I feel connected to the Devine having found you and your community. 🙏
Thanks Ben. Keep spreading the truth.
Thank you🙏
Thank you Ben very much for sharing your experience with the Avatar, the Teacher, this is most encouraging information I’ve ever heard. I’m going through your videos here on UA-cam one by one, some of them I would go over more than one time, they are amazing!
Please keep on teaching, there will be more and more people getting benefit from your teachings whenever the time is right.
Please don’t reply to comments like this, save yourself more precious time to give answers to audience who have questions.
Thank you for this vidéo 💕🙏 i know one Avatar, and he is wordly Known his name is Eckhart Tolle 🙏
How do you know that Elkhart Tolle is an Avatar ?
Lovely man and profound teacher, but Eckhart is not an avatar.
I believe you Ben... thanks for sharing
I came across your channel a few days ago. I am not surprised that this video came in right in the heels of an energy work, medicine bowl session. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and beautiful energy with us. 💕😇💕
Some would say Divine timing 🙏 Thanks for watching!
I have always had a feeling about this. That there are those among us who really are on another level and they are like stabilizers helping us along our spiritual path with just their presence. I think Dr.Wayne Dyer wrote about them a bit in "Power of Intention" I think was the book.... like Jesus and their energy hugely offsets the negative energies on this planet. One person can be energetically equal to one million people. It's been a while since I read the book, so I probably have the details off, but that's what I seem to recall. And the more work we do, raising our vibration, the better we offset the negative energies and patterns here too.
Conversely, I've thought if someone who over their lifetime had raised to such a level (not avatars, but like us), say Dr.Wayne Dyer, or Thích Nhất Hạnh, Louise Hay, Dolores Cannon etcetera who have passed on, does their passing, "slow down" our progress so to speak, only until more of us can increase our level? This is why it's so important for the work to continue even after they are gone. To carry their torch and keep sharing. Just things I've thought about. Sorry to dump on you lol.
I appreciate your clear explanation about who they are and how we are in comparison, that is, they directly descend from divine, while we are ascending to regain our divinity. Very helpful distinction!
Funny how we are the first to think, "Oh man this sounds nuts", to ourselves. Not crazy at all, truly appreciate this.
Excellent video mate!
Avatars are angels, they look like people and guide those who are looking for God’s love.
Yeah, very similar 🙏
There's the infinite mother in the form of the seer almine a traveler through cosmic existence, a being of such purity and grace wisdom ,cutting edge revelation ,revealer of great truth the avatar of avatars and even that falls short of the grandeur of this indescribable presents
Looking forward to more Ben, speak your truth.
Thanks so much🙏
My conscious experience of existence is the evolution of the conscious being that became me, my truth.
I know you are speaking self experienced truth and May I say humbly too. You are superb and very down to earth I love listening to your words. Please don’t stop
Thanks for your kind words🙏
Thank you for this! I am interested in your thoughts on our guardian angels? Please share!❤
I am blown away. Thank you so much for this. I've had my spiritual awakening about a year ago and am on the journey to letting go of my ego as well. I am literally thinking about God and spirituality every day all day, and in a state that I call "permabliss". This video is a confirmation of what I have been suspecting, and it feels amazing to hear. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Love and Light to you Ben
I would love a list of historical avatars. Is there such a list out there already? When you google it, they only have a list from the movies 😂 By the way, I fully believe in the things you say. Not only because it meshes with everything I've been reading regarding past lives hypnosis and from the NDEs stories, but they all just make sense in a way that the bible never did. And growing up Buddhist, what was taught there didn’t make sense to me either. Yet when speaking from a spiritual point of view, then everything make sense.
Ben I believe you and absolutely trust every single word. Thank you and all your avatars. They can't go public for variety of reasons and they are using you as their messenger. You're blessed to have their trusted. And I trust you as well. Thank you for your incredible work of helping humanity to enlighten. Thanks. ❤️
I am grateful to have found your channel. I would like to know more. I'm looking forward to listening to more of your videos.
Wonderful, Ben! Well done! ❤
Thank you Ben . I have just read about avatars from the book you recommended for me.
I am continually astounded that I seem to come upon what I need to know when appropriate. Sharing your knowledge is helping me and I’m sure many others. Thanks 🙏🏻
So interesting. Thank you so much.
What strikes me about where we are now is that just talking about more esoteric aspects of spirituality has become much more matter of fact, even if the subject matter can sound a bit odd when spoken to the camera. A hundred years ago, it was presented with much more theatrical flourish - seances and "evidence" of paranormal seemed to require a lot of smoke and mirrors.
I suppose the main question raised by what you are saying is: can a divine being inhabit a human bod?. To which the answer, surely, is "of course". Once you accept that the human spirit never dies and that it reincarnates multiple times then really what you're talking about is a being on a very high level of vibration choosing to join the rest of humanity and share knowledge. Why wouldn't they want to do this? Makes complete sense to me.
Anyway, keep doing what you're doing. It is very inspiring. Thank you.
the celestial fights for the right cause. i think they are led astray by popularity and worldly rewards.
Thanks Ben for sharing - would love to hear more as it helps me to believe that magic is real
I absolutely know what your speaking is truth 💎💚
I believe what you're saying
Very enlightening, Ben. Thank you. I'm learning more everyday on my journey, thanks to people like yourself. Much love and light to you!
thank you soooo much for sharing :)
Thanks a lot Ben. I realy appreciate your work. It gives me the feeling to carry on. Greetings from Hamburg Germany
I really enjoyed the video and it makes so much sense. Thank you it is appreciated.
Thanks. Nice video. Some Avatars live on Ley lines and so are stationed to hold the Light in certain areas more so than interact with people. They work from an energetic standpoint.. Grid work etc.
I can tell you that I know of such a person he affects people around him when it's needed ,kind of putting them back on track ,very calming in his energy, like he is waiting his turn ,patiently,for what ?? I don't know.
Thanks Ben, all the pieces are falling into place!