I deleted the muffler on the '84 Ford LTD

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jamest7539
    @jamest7539 12 днів тому +2

    Sounds like the good old days.

  • @fxphzznpjfdl5bpuqjxo504
    @fxphzznpjfdl5bpuqjxo504 11 днів тому +1

    I need to get mine running again. Sooo slow but nostalgia factor makes up for it

  • @Crazytwister-vw4er
    @Crazytwister-vw4er 7 годин тому +1

    I just need that car

    • @DeadReckon
      @DeadReckon  6 годин тому +1

      They're out there if you look

  • @bryan-q9h
    @bryan-q9h 9 днів тому +1

    cat and egr smog next?

    • @DeadReckon
      @DeadReckon  9 днів тому

      Illegal to remove the cats, Virginia will fail it on a yearly safety inspection if I do. Smog is unhooked and so is the EGR, but the EGR is part of the carburetor base plate so it's harder to delete.

    • @bryan-q9h
      @bryan-q9h 9 днів тому

      @DeadReckon dont drive it on the month of inspections

    • @DeadReckon
      @DeadReckon  9 днів тому

      @@bryan-q9h It's a requirement, you have to take the car in yearly to be inspected.

    • @marcowulliampopirers2216
      @marcowulliampopirers2216 7 днів тому

      ​@@DeadReckon then put them on the day of the inspection or just don't do the inspection

    • @DeadReckon
      @DeadReckon  7 днів тому

      @@marcowulliampopirers2216 Driving around with no, or a bad inspection sticker in VA isn't a good idea. I don't like messing with exhaust, so once it's done it's done.

  • @tibojones
    @tibojones 12 днів тому +2

    sounds like murica

  • @dansken0867
    @dansken0867 11 днів тому +1

    Speedo to 140 mph,, Is that realy the max speed ?

    • @MalikIV-808
      @MalikIV-808 11 днів тому

      could always tune it

    • @vicmclaglen1631
      @vicmclaglen1631 11 днів тому

      85mph, 135 km/h. The speedo would just be twitching past its end at top speed; question is, do you want to be in that car at somewhere near 110 mph?

    • @dansken0867
      @dansken0867 11 днів тому +1

      @@vicmclaglen1631 Haha wrote a typo. I mean 140 kph. or 85 mph. thats a realy low top speed

    • @vicmclaglen1631
      @vicmclaglen1631 11 днів тому

      @@dansken0867 That was just the industry standard limit for a speedo in U.S. vehicles except for sports cars. The LTD in the video would get up to around 105-110.

    • @DeadReckon
      @DeadReckon  9 днів тому

      It goes to 85 miles an hour, that was standard back then, I doubt this car would touch 110 with the way it's geared and it's power, not that you'd want to go that fast.