great video mate. thank you for the upload. 2 points i'd bring up; i would advise against recovery in reverse, the gears are not designed to take load in this way. the second point is one of tyre pressure. in my jimny i regularly use 5psi to enhance my traction. i would encourage gradual experimentation in this regard as larger, heavier vehicles do require a bit more. thanks again.
Love your videos, and your local knowledge of Redcliffe, fished there since about 1984 when I was 5, it’s a great place, best catch 10kg snapper fishing for tailor when I was 17, 100 meters of Scarborough beach
LAND & BAY Fishing 9.6 gutted and scaled the next day so would have been around the 10 kg, thought it was a ray until it got to the boat and couldn’t believe it
Just come across your channel, and had to subscribe well done and very well put together, I’ve been going to the island since 1995 and used to work over there for a while and I go there very regularly and just love it, cheers 👍🍻🇦🇺
Nicely done and well explained but hate having to go lower pressure when stuck. It takes time on the soft stuff to get the experience with your particular rig to know what the "right" pressure should be to give you an easier ride.
Gee you must be brave to go to that area.How did the old 4x4s manage back in the 70s to 1982 before most tracks had boarded roads & vehicles had to traverse all of middle rocks to travel north(the hill section now boarded) to waddy point but turn right at top & follow track all way on the hill past champane pools then down to the beach onward to waddy point ect.
Hi from the USA. Hopefully some day I'll get to Australia. But I'm carious about your thoughts on tire pressure. A number of videos I've watched on driving in sand mention pressures in the teens (psi). Now I have limited experience in sand, but a LOT of experience in deep snow. With my current (oversized) tires, I will often run at 5 or 6 psi and sometimes as low as 3 psi (with no de-bead problems). But even with more normal size tires, I wouldn't hesitate to run 8 psi in snow. These very low pressures wouldn't be good over rocks where you could damage the tire sidewalls, but it seems like they would be good in very soft sand. Am I missing something?
Andrew Snow not at all. 10 psi is the lowest I’ve ever needed. Like you I’ve had no issues at that pressure. However most of the sand driving we do is on hard sand. Only about 10 percent is over extremely soft sand. At 18 psi you can easily navigate the soft and then drive 15 km / 10 miles up the beach on the same pressure. Best of both worlds. I wouldn’t suggest driving at 60 kph or 40 mph up the beach on 8 psi.
Ah so correct me if wrong, but the only reason to go the sandy track, is to avoid that one rock cliff, which looks fairly easily done? A bit like choosing the OTT at the Cape?
Hey Alexander, you need to assess the situation when you get there. With sand movement at different times of the year, sometimes the rocks are impassable and the bypass track is your only option.
You made it look easy and it was. They were the best conditions at Ngkala I've seen in years. By the way it's pronounced NG ALA Not NIG Ala. So long as you enjoyed the Island . Steve C.
u realise that gearbox gears and diff gears are not hardened/cut for load in reverse, ur lucky u didn't blow a diff or your reverse gear in the box, but other than that really liked your video nice job
Why rename? If any of the "original owners" are "Fair Dinkum honest" they should obviously first change and use their own "Black Names" instead of brandishing their "Culturally Expropriated" English names! But nope, instead they rather see everyone else being forced to see a change to their traditional and beautiful sounding name for this great sand island, Fraser Island! Go figure.... I speak the truth and I say that like Fraser Island, there are no other true names, only fantasies and modern P.C. fabrications. How could they? We all know that even today many traditional "bush babies" do not know their fathers name or have birth certificates because their mothers didn't register them. Sadly this "renaming" i.e. Orwellian "new-speak" is a shameless lie. Don't be stupid, the "new" sand island name (I will not speak), is a modern political fabrication that has never been known or used. No documentation, no verification or historic facts are provided because there are none. It is another "Black Emu fabrication" made up for populist political P.C. reasons. Fraser Island is the only known good name of this great sand island and should remain so in memory of shipwrecked Eliza Anne Fraser who survived brutal enslavement and had her compatriots savagely slaughtered by the Badtjalas who speared her husband in front of her. Let's be honest... Thy name is "Fraser Island" christened in James Fraser's own blood on the sand. Do not forget!
@@Wayne.Groomes.Fishing Yes, we know what REALLY IS HAPPENING! The NEW NAME is made up and has never been used before. Why rename using a modern political fabrication that has never been known or used. No documentation, no verification or historic facts are provided because there are none. It is another "Black Emu fabrication" made up for populist political P.C. reasons. Fraser Island is the only known good name of this great sand island and should remain so in memory of shipwrecked Eliza Anne Fraser who survived brutal enslavement and had her compatriots savagely slaughtered by the Badtjalas who speared her husband in front of her. Let's be honest... Thy name is "Fraser Island" christened in James Fraser's own blood on the sand. Do not forget!
Nice video!
The first time someone's actually taken the time to show the entirety of Ngkala Rocks, which gives a great perspective to the newbies.
Glad you liked it
This video was so informative - we are currently planning a group 4x4 trip to Fraser for our wedding. Thanks so much!
Thanks for watching.
great video mate. thank you for the upload. 2 points i'd bring up; i would advise against recovery in reverse, the gears are not designed to take load in this way. the second point is one of tyre pressure. in my jimny i regularly use 5psi to enhance my traction. i would encourage gradual experimentation in this regard as larger, heavier vehicles do require a bit more. thanks again.
Thanks always happy for advice. Agree completely regarding recovery from rear. On this occasion I was with a group and was time poor.
Thanks for the time and effort making the clip. Dreaming of Fraser island tonight.
TieBeetroot TK most welcome
Are those in the middle of of the track rock or just sand?
A few metres east of the main track
Love your videos, and your local knowledge of Redcliffe, fished there since about 1984 when I was 5, it’s a great place, best catch 10kg snapper fishing for tailor when I was 17, 100 meters of Scarborough beach
+Ben jamin I’ve seen a few 8s come off Scarborough but never a 10. That’s an awesome pickup.
LAND & BAY Fishing 9.6 gutted and scaled the next day so would have been around the 10 kg, thought it was a ray until it got to the boat and couldn’t believe it
@@Ben-hi5lr I intend to focus on land based snaps next year...
Great vid...haven't been to that part of Fraser but looking forward to the trip.
Diana Archie it’s awesome. Thanks Di
Thanks . great informative video !!!
Very welcome
Is the water salt that washes in at high tide or fresh water that runs down from above?
Can be either at times.
@@Wayne.Groomes.Fishing thanks for the reply
Just come across your channel, and had to subscribe well done and very well put together, I’ve been going to the island since 1995 and used to work over there for a while and I go there very regularly and just love it, cheers 👍🍻🇦🇺
Amos Garner thanks Amos.
Im interested
Glad you liked it
Nicely done and well explained but hate having to go lower pressure when stuck. It takes time on the soft stuff to get the experience with your particular rig to know what the "right" pressure should be to give you an easier ride.
TheOldaz1 agree Daz
Gee you must be brave to go to that area.How did the old 4x4s manage back in the 70s to 1982 before most tracks had boarded roads & vehicles had to traverse all of middle rocks to travel north(the hill section now boarded) to waddy point but turn right at top & follow track all way on the hill past champane pools then down to the beach onward to waddy point ect.
Fairly easy in today’s vehicles
I like your style mate. Thanks for posting.
mikehzz most welcome
Great video thanks
Your welcome. Just note that the landscape changes with time
Great stuff mate! Looks like the weed was blown in as per the yearly cycle. Shame as now would be a great time to be chasing spaniards up that way.
Ahmed A absolutely. The weed was thick
Hi from the USA. Hopefully some day I'll get to Australia.
But I'm carious about your thoughts on tire pressure. A number of videos I've watched on driving in sand mention pressures in the teens (psi). Now I have limited experience in sand, but a LOT of experience in deep snow. With my current (oversized) tires, I will often run at 5 or 6 psi and sometimes as low as 3 psi (with no de-bead problems). But even with more normal size tires, I wouldn't hesitate to run 8 psi in snow. These very low pressures wouldn't be good over rocks where you could damage the tire sidewalls, but it seems like they would be good in very soft sand. Am I missing something?
Andrew Snow not at all. 10 psi is the lowest I’ve ever needed. Like you I’ve had no issues at that pressure. However most of the sand driving we do is on hard sand. Only about 10 percent is over extremely soft sand. At 18 psi you can easily navigate the soft and then drive 15 km / 10 miles up the beach on the same pressure. Best of both worlds. I wouldn’t suggest driving at 60 kph or 40 mph up the beach on 8 psi.
We've taken several Unimogs through the coffee rock slot.
Great video and drone footage. So if you don't want to go through the rocks, you can go to the beach side providing it's low tide. Is that correct?
Ananda Ratsaphong yep.
Ah so correct me if wrong, but the only reason to go the sandy track, is to avoid that one rock cliff, which looks fairly easily done? A bit like choosing the OTT at the Cape?
Alexander Stollznow no. At high tide your vehicle would get wet there. So at high tide the sandy track is the only dry option.
@@Wayne.Groomes.Fishing thanks
Hey Alexander, you need to assess the situation when you get there. With sand movement at different times of the year, sometimes the rocks are impassable and the bypass track is your only option.
Great vid and info mate
Thanks Matt.
You made it look easy and it was. They were the best conditions at Ngkala I've seen in years. By the way it's pronounced NG ALA Not NIG Ala. So long as you enjoyed the Island . Steve C.
45117qme thanks
Text book snatch recovery brother 👏🏼👊🏼🤙🏼
A Rizk thanks
Obviously, you know what you are doing! Snatching in reverse is quite risky. How did you decide how much is ' Nice and Easy' ?
Comes with years of experience.
u realise that gearbox gears and diff gears are not hardened/cut for load in reverse, ur lucky u didn't blow a diff or your reverse gear in the box, but other than that really liked your video nice job
Thanks for the advice. Appreciated
In sand that soft,if people are not at 10 psi obviously they haven't done much sand work, wouldn't even offer help until they dropped to that psi
Fair call
Only 1 way to cross it at the moment it’s changes all the time
Oh, and the tide was pretty much at full low otherwise you wouldn't be driving over the rocks or around them.
Get a y62
Love the Nissan
Dose not look that these days.
What has changed
Why rename? If any of the "original owners" are "Fair Dinkum honest" they should obviously first change and use their own "Black Names" instead of brandishing their "Culturally Expropriated" English names! But nope, instead they rather see everyone else being forced to see a change to their traditional and beautiful sounding name for this great sand island, Fraser Island! Go figure....
I speak the truth and I say that like Fraser Island, there are no other true names, only fantasies and modern P.C. fabrications. How could they? We all know that even today many traditional "bush babies" do not know their fathers name or have birth certificates because their mothers didn't register them.
Sadly this "renaming" i.e. Orwellian "new-speak" is a shameless lie. Don't be stupid, the "new" sand island name (I will not speak), is a modern political fabrication that has never been known or used. No documentation, no verification or historic facts are provided because there are none. It is another "Black Emu fabrication" made up for populist political P.C. reasons.
Fraser Island is the only known good name of this great sand island and should remain so in memory of shipwrecked Eliza Anne Fraser who survived brutal enslavement and had her compatriots savagely slaughtered by the Badtjalas who speared her husband in front of her. Let's be honest... Thy name is "Fraser Island" christened in James Fraser's own blood on the sand. Do not forget!
Fair enough. Your comment brings though.
@@Wayne.Groomes.Fishing Yes, we know what REALLY IS HAPPENING! The NEW NAME is made up and has never been used before. Why rename using a modern political fabrication that has never been known or used. No documentation, no verification or historic facts are provided because there are none.
It is another "Black Emu fabrication" made up for populist political P.C. reasons.
Fraser Island is the only known good name of this great sand island and should remain so in memory of shipwrecked Eliza Anne Fraser who survived brutal enslavement and had her compatriots savagely slaughtered by the Badtjalas who speared her husband in front of her. Let's be honest... Thy name is "Fraser Island" christened in James Fraser's own blood on the sand. Do not forget!
Only 1 way to cross it at the moment it’s changes all the time
Yep agree