Medieval People Got Stressed Too!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @deborahdanhauer8525
    @deborahdanhauer8525 Рік тому +128

    I remember reading about a study about stress a few years ago. It was about CEO’s and secretaries. Their assumption was the CEO’s would be more stressed, but they weren’t. They found the person with the most stress was the one with the least control over their lives. The secretaries had little control over their hours, their work load or their days off. Even though CEI’s had more responsibility, they had less stress❤️🤗🐝

    • @lianegordon971
      @lianegordon971 Рік тому +22

      I remember that study from first year Psychology degree. In the one I read it was factory workers and the CEO. The factory workers on their assembly line could make no changes to their day. Everyday was the same, every task was the same. I found that idea so enlightening that it is the people who have the least number of options who are the most stressed. Sucks to have fewer options than others.

    • @deborahdanhauer8525
      @deborahdanhauer8525 Рік тому +17

      @@lianegordon971 Exactly, and it makes perfect sense. Most people can handle nearly anything if they have hope. It’s hard to have hope without options. It begins a dark spiral for some people.

    • @ah5721
      @ah5721 Рік тому +7

      People who have a score of other people to delegate unpleasant tasks to of course will be less stressed! Don't have to clean up after yourself , have people to cook for you, other people schedual your day? Then you can focus on the main focus like work and free time to travel and take vacation . Those who manage their days of course will take on more stress.

    • @ambivertsorcerer5644
      @ambivertsorcerer5644 Рік тому +4

      I definitely feel more stressed when I feel unable to control things in my life.

    • @deborahdanhauer8525
      @deborahdanhauer8525 Рік тому +4

      @@ambivertsorcerer5644 Me too. If you aren’t in control, you are left to the good will of others. Many times, their will isn’t so good.

  • @tdorn20000
    @tdorn20000 Рік тому +186

    I love your openness and willingness to tell us what's going on. I also appreciate how deeply you care about history. Honestly, I see my contributions through ko-fi and patreon as funding my favorite academic.

  • @abysswarlock
    @abysswarlock Рік тому +30

    I stress easily, the brain fog and muscle pain that it causes prevents me from doing things sometimes. You're not alone

  • @MadameSavage
    @MadameSavage Рік тому +151

    Patreon was created for people like you and I do think you deserve it. Your work is appreciated and informative without being overwhelming and boring. Love it. And the writing on your palm is a wonderful sight. To see other people going through that, and even writing on your hand helps you feel like you're not alone. Love this channel.
    Another commenter, Lyndsey, made a good point. These videos are rewatchable when there are gaps. That is true. You retain more of the info the second and third time around. just space them out a bit and then you have plenty of fresh content. Especially those that ask questions that you didn't even know you had until you saw a title. Such as stress in medieval europe.

    • @TheWelshViking
      @TheWelshViking  Рік тому +33

      Thank you, madame! I always have to write reminders and lists on my hand :) Memory like a goldfish!

    • @k80_
      @k80_ Рік тому +30

      @@TheWelshViking with patreon, people are paying for you to have a safety net. Everyone who subscribes loves what you do and would hate to see you disappear from the internet, but they are more invested in your well-being!

    • @stevezytveld6585
      @stevezytveld6585 Рік тому +21

      @@k80_ Agreed. It's why I interact quite so much around here. Sacrificial offerings to the Algorithmic Gods (both the old and the AI), so to speak...
      Mr. Jimmy, you do very, extremely good, very very good work. "Because NO artist should be a starving artist". Me and Mister Husband used to do an annual fundraiser for the local food bank featuring musicians and writers every December. That was our event tag line.
      Same goes for scholars who willing to put themselves in the way of what the Incel kids are trying to do with the mythology and time period your studying... Well. Done. Have fun with the Patreon adventures!
      - Cathy (&, accidently, Steve), Ottawa/Bytown/Pimisi

    • @Greye13
      @Greye13 Рік тому +11

      @@TheWelshViking I am notorious for writing on my hand and, on occasion my arm, when I run out of room on my hand. 😂 Also, I have rewatched plenty of your videos. You have great content that is well worth multiple viewings. That's a fact!

    • @angelcollina
      @angelcollina 8 місяців тому

      @@k80_Absolutely! The “starving artist” is a bad model! Don’t starve (or stress out) your artists! We make such safety nets for just such occasions! Much ❤ 🫂

  • @heathermclaren9506
    @heathermclaren9506 Рік тому +15

    I am currently 8 years into my 4 year PhD programme so... I live in a permanent cloud of stress 😅 We'll get through it eventually and be able to enjoy correcting everyone with "it's Doctor, actually".
    Appreciate that you still make the time to do videos, if the comments section is anything to go by you can at least not stress about what people will think about your videos!

  • @ladykarolyn1
    @ladykarolyn1 Рік тому +4

    It's really comforting and grounding when I hear people from long ago confirming that the human animal hasn't really changed all that much over the centuries. Then as now, hearing the movement of water or wind in the trees is a salve to body and soul. It's just nice to know we have that in common with each other as far back as humans go.
    I hope your stresses get less, and I hope you get the support you need while the going is still rough. 💜

  • @charleston1789
    @charleston1789 Рік тому +40

    My heart goes out to you 🧡 I’ve been in therapy for 8 years now, recovery from a nervous breakdown and only recently have managed to get back into work. I learned the hard way that you shouldn’t push yourself to breaking point because - surprise - you break. And it takes a lot to put you back together. I hope you can take some space and time away from the pressures of your life to just be, you deserve all the good things. Also love going through your back catalogue, we are NOT short of wonderful Jimmy content to indulge in

    • @ulrike9978
      @ulrike9978 Рік тому +3

      Isn't that the truth? Doing a PhD while already struggling with my health, both physically and mentally, left me disabled, very likely permanently. I finished the degree, but what for? Mostly I can serve as a negative example now, in the hopes it prevents others from overworking themselves to that degree^^

    • @charleston1789
      @charleston1789 Рік тому +1

      @@ulrike9978 gosh, I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve gone through. I hope things can improve for you going forward, you absolutely deserve it

    • @ulrike9978
      @ulrike9978 Рік тому +1

      @@charleston1789 Thank you! I'm still hoping I can get the mental part back under control at least. The physical side of things though ...

    • @charleston1789
      @charleston1789 Рік тому +2

      @@ulrike9978 if it helps, I was barely mobile during the worst parts of my mental illness (couldn’t stand long enough to cook, used sticks or a wheelchair to move), the pain was excruciating. But, once I’d started therapy and spent a couple years working on my happiness and well-being, the pain got better! Don’t get me wrong, I’m still physically disabled, but I can walk without aids most of the time, and my really bad episodes are MUCH further apart! Wasn’t expecting it, but very very grateful. The brain affects the body in a huge way

    • @ulrike9978
      @ulrike9978 Рік тому +1

      @@charleston1789 That does help to hear - thank you!

  • @CleverNameTBD
    @CleverNameTBD Рік тому +10

    Over the years, between personal/professional/academic life, I've experienced panic attacks, hives, and what essentially amounted to a nervous breakdown on top of lifelong clinical depression and anxiety. Although everyone's situation is vastly different and personal, I very much empathize with what's you're dealing with. And also fighting against the frankly bizarre notion that middle ages folk very just happy-go-lucky or had it easier (in some respects, sure. In several others, nope) than modern peoples. And in entirely unrelated things, your manner of dress lately has been fantastic lol. Hopefully your program goes well and things calm down for you in the future

  • @TheTsarsTailor1910
    @TheTsarsTailor1910 Рік тому +9

    Thanks for the video, keep up the great work, your channel is amazing!

    • @TheWelshViking
      @TheWelshViking  Рік тому +3

      You’re amazing!

    • @TheTsarsTailor1910
      @TheTsarsTailor1910 Рік тому +1

      @@TheWelshViking Aw geez, I appreciate that! Your channel is a huge inspiration to get me to keep sewing.

  • @marcellacruser951
    @marcellacruser951 Рік тому +10

    Wow. Okay, this was super interesting and informative and actually kind of what I needed to hear today. Much love. I'm off for a stress mitigating walk bc that was darn good advice.

  • @bunhelsingslegacy3549
    @bunhelsingslegacy3549 Рік тому +9

    Heh, good to know that stress isn't a modern invention. Or is it...
    Jimmy, I sincerely hope you find balance in your life that lets you do not only the things you need to do, but also the things you WANT to do. I hope that for everyone.
    My bachelor's degree in the 90s could have been a case study in stress, every person I knew knew someone exhibiting each symptom of stress. And we were expected to just deal. A lot of us didn't, or came out with really unhealthy coping mechanisms, so I'm NOT gonna say that "back in my day we just sucked it up" was in any way a healthy attitude. And the pandemic brought me whole new levels of weird stuff to deal with, including a new need for self-care that is way beyond anything I ever required before.

  • @Greye13
    @Greye13 Рік тому +1

    Don't worry, Jimmy, we're not mad at you for uploading less videos. When it comes to stress, insomnia, etc., there are many of us, right there in that same Viking long 'boat' with you. I agree that the sounds of nature are a great way to help calm the mind and I too turn to books and research when I'm stressed (which seems to be always) - and even when I'm.... less stressed.
    Jimmy, it's alright for you to take whatever time you need to destress, replenish your energy, and nourish your soul, or whatever else you need to do. You are a truly genuine person, with a warm and wonderful personality that absolutely shines. You are very hard on yourself, as are the rest of us - we are each our own worst critic, and I want you to know that it's ok to give yourself room to breathe. Just breathe. Thank you for your openness and for speaking on a topic that is becoming ever more concerning in our world. I'm wishing you the best of everything. Peace, love and blessings. 🌱

  • @BrotherJing1
    @BrotherJing1 Рік тому

    Well done for being so open and honest about being stressed, the 'I'm fine, actually I'm not' needs to be said by more people, in particular British men when our normal interactions are : 'You alright?' 'Yeah, you?'

  • @V.R.CoryArt
    @V.R.CoryArt Рік тому +3

    Great topic. Also, that's really cool to see that old castle site! In the US if something is over 140 years or so it's considered ancient, it's a strange concept to be out for a walk and there's just a piece of a 1000 year old wall!

    • @melusinab3082
      @melusinab3082 Рік тому +2

      There are many ancient places in the U.S. but they were built by Native people before the arrival of European colonists. It's Eurocentric to say that nothing is of value if it wasn't built by Europeans.

    • @V.R.CoryArt
      @V.R.CoryArt Рік тому +2

      @@melusinab3082 Sadly I never learned of these places, it was presented to me like there were no lasting structures made by Natives north of Mexico (well, that history myth was some effective g*nocide...). I'll have to look into these places, if there are some particular suggestions I'd be curious!

    • @nerowolfga8543
      @nerowolfga8543 Рік тому +1

      @@V.R.CoryArt Here is a quote from Wikipedia about a major culture that I find fascinating.
      'The Mississippian Period saw mound building reaching new heights, with cultures such as the Plaquemine culture and the Mississippian culture, constructing giant platform mounds and settlements that rivalled European cities in size at the time.
      The most famous of these is Cahokia, a centre of the Mississippian Culture that was first constructed around AD 1050 in Western Illinois. Cahokia covered an area between six to nine square miles and contained 120 earthen mounds.
      The mounds ranged in size and shape, from raised platforms, conical, and ridge-top designs, with the largest being “Monks Mound” (named after a community of Trappist monks who settled on the mound), a 290-metre-long platform consisting of raised terraces.'
      The city seems to have initially grown organically as more people moved into the region (at its height, it had a population of over 15,000 people) but the central structures - the great mounds which characterize the site - were carefully planned and executed and would have involved a large work force laboring daily for at least ten years to create even the smallest of the 120 which once rose above the city (of which 80 are still extant)."
      Finds in Cahokia seem to say that Cahokia traders had active trade all the way to Mexico. As well, in around AD1050, there were not a lot of cities of 15,000 citizens in Europe.
      Just a suggestion. : )

    • @V.R.CoryArt
      @V.R.CoryArt Рік тому

      @@nerowolfga8543 Thanks, that sounds amazing! Explains how Mississippi the state got that puzzling name too!

    • @nerowolfga8543
      @nerowolfga8543 Рік тому

      From Wikipedia again:
      The state's name is derived from the Mississippi River, which flows along and defines its western boundary. European-American settlers named it after the Ojibwe word ᒥᓯ-ᓰᐱ misi-ziibi (English: great river).
      Hope that helps. : )

  • @marika147
    @marika147 Рік тому +1

    I'll be visiting York for the first time on 6 May, will need to re watch all your York content Jimmy so I can see the ✨coolest✨ things first! Hope your stress levels decrease ASAP 🌳🍃🐚

  • @Graham_Rule
    @Graham_Rule Рік тому +1

    Hope you are as well as possible. I once got back to work after a time off sick with stress and the boss asked me why I hadn't gone to him to tell him I was stressed. He genuinely couldn't comprehend that I didn't know I was stressed until I was overwhelmed. Recognising that you are stressed is the first part of handling it. Pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong but stress symptoms as much easier to miss. Look after yourself. Oh, and talking of pain, how is the knee?

  • @leatherbracelt
    @leatherbracelt Рік тому +2

    Stress sucks. A weekly posting schedule seems like a hard thing for lots of creators, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with posting less. I’m gonna be excited to matter what when I see a new video of yours :)

  • @braveshieldmaiden
    @braveshieldmaiden Рік тому +1

    As someone who is stateside, studying for my acupuncture boards so I can actually start to work in the field I spent 5 years getting a Master's degree, this video spoke to my soul. Thank you. Both of us are gonna get through this crazy world of academic stress.

  • @felixhaggblom7562
    @felixhaggblom7562 Рік тому

    Currently doing my masters and had to postpone my thesis last semester due to stress. We're with you Jimmy

  •  Рік тому

    I find sitting or napping under a tree a good de-stresser. Going to my local castle also helps me but I fear the stairs (they're slippery and weird).
    Either way, I do hope you find more peaceful times soon and don't worry too much about the pace of videos. They're all excellent and enjoyable, and thank you for them!

  • @lukedaniel7669
    @lukedaniel7669 Рік тому +1

    You have my sympathy and empathy. Sometimes making it to the end of the day upright is an achievement.
    I must rewatch your Roman York video too, my son and I are coming up for a weekend and need some sightseeing tips!

    • @TheWelshViking
      @TheWelshViking  Рік тому +1

      The Minster, the Merchant Adventurers Hall, Barley Hall, the Railway Museum because it’s free and full of trains, Licc for ice cream, Thomas the baker for cheap snax, Drake’s for chips, Bailey’s for cheap scran, the Yorkshire Museum for artefacts, the Chocolate House for hot chocolate, and the Castle Museum for a reconstructed Victorian street :) In any order!

    • @lukedaniel7669
      @lukedaniel7669 Рік тому

      @@TheWelshViking wow, thank you! We'll be ringing the bells at the Minster - the finest twelve in the world 😃

    • @TheWelshViking
      @TheWelshViking  Рік тому

      Oh how cool! I’ll listen out for you :) Always wanted to see up there

    • @lukedaniel7669
      @lukedaniel7669 Рік тому

      @@TheWelshViking first weekend in July, it's the National Youth Ringing Contest. My lad's in the Birmingham team. When I find out who's running the open ringing at the Minster I'll see if you can get permission to come up if you're around?

  • @marcusdire8057
    @marcusdire8057 Рік тому

    Men in tweed on UA-cam are the BEST people to watch, stressed or not. ❤

  • @SigneofHorses
    @SigneofHorses Рік тому

    Recuperating from a burn out. And watching this a 5:00 in the morning cause insomnia. But doing a lot better after a year of healing. Alas still no vids on my channel, but it’ll come.
    Stay safe my friend and take care. ❤

  • @catherinejustcatherine1778
    @catherinejustcatherine1778 Рік тому +1

    The background is lovely!
    Thank you for the assurance that stress has happened throughout all time.
    Best wishes to you in your studies.
    I appreciate that you are able and willing to create what you can.

  • @Skooby59
    @Skooby59 Рік тому +1

    Your intros are amazing dude. Always love seeing notifications from you.

  • @stevencurrey3957
    @stevencurrey3957 Рік тому +3

    I love you channel and I appreciate your honesty about your life and stress. I am glad to hear that you are a real person with real feelings and issues. I want you to know that I support you and am glad you are here. Thanks so much for everything.

  • @laughingcoyote8789
    @laughingcoyote8789 Рік тому

    Thank you so much for your honest discussion about what you are going through. I think that normalizing being open and honest about the pressures of life is a great thing for everyone. Those of us who are "good" at just carrying on need to hear that not only are we not alone, but this is something that isn't just part of our modern "life" there were no "good old days", stress and its consequences have been around since we as a species became self-aware, and probably before that.

  • @Xanna90
    @Xanna90 Рік тому +1

    I think these past weeks have been the most stressful ones I had had in some time .... I'm moving to a new city, I'm doing tons of research for the classes I teach and I am quite used at living with that tiny monster called "anxiety" BUT my biggest delight is taking a hot bath while watching interesting videos like the ones you do a way you're part of my happy place :) So thank you and hope you can feel just a little better in some time.

  • @33DancingRainDrops
    @33DancingRainDrops Рік тому

    Your channel is one of my de-stressers. Thanks

  • @signespencer6887
    @signespencer6887 Рік тому

    Love seeing you outdoors and the sound quality is fine.

  • @thestephaniedraws
    @thestephaniedraws Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing with us. Take care of yourself! 🖤

  • @elizabethwofford5921
    @elizabethwofford5921 Рік тому

    I enjoyed this- probably because I'm stressed, too! Thanks for sharing thing info about it. I also never realized that I do tend to watch your videos that are outside more quickly than I do your other ones. I don't know why because I enjoy the inside ones just as much, but for some reason I do tend to click on the outside ones when they are released & the others I tend to wait a day. Hmm...interesting!

  • @idamedby4193
    @idamedby4193 Рік тому

    This was a lovely video, and such an important topic done with the perfect mix of humour and gravitas.
    You are not alone in finding research calming (I especially love those little glimpses into ordinary people doing everyday things, and the perspective it gives to my own life), so you just gave me a great subject to dive further into.
    As someone who lives in a place surrounded by a massive forest only occasionally broken by agriculture and small settlements, I'm fairly convinced that I would whither quite rapidly in a more urban setting without easy access to nature.
    It has been such an important part of learning to live with my chronic illness and the stress of existing in a world that too often values an able body more than a kind heart and a keen mind.
    Even if you won't be posting as much going forward, I'll happily support you none the less, so expect a new patreon by next month's end.

  • @elizathemermaid
    @elizathemermaid Рік тому

    Ironically, this was a very relaxing video to watch. Being constantly stressed is awful and I hope it eases soon

  • @wvaeltaja2042
    @wvaeltaja2042 Рік тому

    You're doing great things long walks putting one foot infront of the other. Those long walks observing nature seem to give some relief. Be well friend.

  • @nyella
    @nyella Рік тому

    OMG I laughed out loud several times this video. Never change, Jimmy. Never change.

  • @anachibi
    @anachibi Рік тому +1

    Turning your stress into an informative video is genius! This is a topic I wouldn't have even thought to research since I didn't expect it to exist, but people have always always been the same so why wouldn't it? Might have to go peek down the rabbit hole myself. :3 You got this, mate!

  • @GymGirl88
    @GymGirl88 Рік тому

    That PhD stress is real. I can't imagine also working free lance. Though I get paid to do my research in geology and I know different fields pay more or less. Good luck my dude. My bestie had to take a year off because stress was making her so sick

  • @juliettbloom5376
    @juliettbloom5376 Рік тому

    Hope you're feeling better after your forest/water listening 💕

  • @kathrynbassett1535
    @kathrynbassett1535 Рік тому

    Excellent video and thanks for reminding us it is ok to be human 😊 hope things get better for you soon sending good wishes and thoughts from Katy from NZ

  • @Worldbuilder
    @Worldbuilder Рік тому

    Stress is a normal reaction to abnormal pressures. It’s not something the individual holds responsibility for. ❤

  • @katybeaumont
    @katybeaumont Рік тому

    Wow, really interesting. Thanks for sharing this. I too believed the narrative that stress is a modern thing, but of course it isn't. Different times, same humans. I think the consquences of stress are probably different though in a lot of cases. E.g. I'm stressed about the harvest and if it fails my family may starve, vs. I'm going to miss my deadline. What's different about modern stress is much much we stress about things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Doesn't make it any easier though! Stress is stress, whether it's a woolly mammoth rampage or a ridiculous to do list. P.S. More 80s sitcom inserts, please. And yes, we like outdoor Jimmy.

  • @dirgniflesuoh7950
    @dirgniflesuoh7950 Рік тому

    Petting a dog or a cat is very good too.
    My best wishes and a nice cup of tea for You.

  • @andie2319
    @andie2319 Рік тому

    Someday Jimmy's going to have so many Patrons that we're going to get to hear all of the sauce pan song

  • @papervaulter
    @papervaulter Рік тому +1

    My friends' heart rate trackers showed **very** obvious differences between "during PhD" and "after PhD" eras. It's amazing (and awful).

  • @p0etrygh0st
    @p0etrygh0st Рік тому +1

    Thank you for a lovely video and if researching stiff for us helps - great! If you need a break that's OK too Hug.

  • @cadileigh9948
    @cadileigh9948 Рік тому

    Diolch Jimmi , watching before taking a bus to Aberystwyth where I shall stand on the sea shore and ask Arianrhod to take the stress I have picked up from my super stressed client. Then gather gwymon for my garden. Nothing like wind and sea mist laden with salt for clearing the doldrums.

  • @oakfoot3043
    @oakfoot3043 Рік тому

    BIG HUGS Neeeeeeeeeerd 🤗

  • @darlebalfoort8705
    @darlebalfoort8705 Рік тому

    It all makes sense. it was good. I work at an academic library sorrounded by stressed students who probably believe it's a new thing. 🙂

  • @beagleissleeping5359
    @beagleissleeping5359 Рік тому

    I had a lovely, stress releasing moment by a local resivoir once. I decided to go there for a walk. The sunshine, the cooling breeze, the sound of the water on the shoreline. A little boy is fishing off the dock. How serene and peaceful.......
    Only to have the lovely moment ruined by the little boy and his sister, who is about 50 yards away, deciding to carry on a conversation by screaming back and forth at each other.😂

  • @blacktoothstavros2606
    @blacktoothstavros2606 Рік тому +1

    From one watch guy to another, don't start collecting! Chasing watches becomes as obsessive as anything else, and it depletes funds faster than books. Watches interfere with my academic progress. Keep safe, stay sound and breathe deeply.

    • @TheWelshViking
      @TheWelshViking  Рік тому +2

      Happy with one I inherited and one I bought :) Thanks!

  • @joshhickman3369
    @joshhickman3369 Рік тому

    Hey, how did you know that I came by for a man-in-tweed-induced anxiety reprieve? Well, regardless, you're the best!

  • @ThatSpoonieTransGuy
    @ThatSpoonieTransGuy Рік тому

    I hope your stress eases up soon! Did anything really change except for the language and the technology? And inflation I guess lol. I'm currently going through it too (social housing is such fun to navigate with accessibility needs/s), so this video actually felt very helpful. Thank you!

  • @PattyCFG
    @PattyCFG Рік тому

    Sending love frem Germany.

  • @hannahbradshaw2186
    @hannahbradshaw2186 Рік тому

    Hang in there Jimmy! Can relate. Doing my Masters and can't remember what being stress free is like 😂🫠 Why do we just accept this as normal? Academics shouldn't be detrimental to health.

  • @aimeewoodworks
    @aimeewoodworks Рік тому

    funny how this video about distress helps me de-stress. also 10/10 use of susurration. also- less caffeine = less stress? what ? oh no

  • @monimelie
    @monimelie Рік тому

    Great work, Team Toi! Courage. You're doing fine and even if you would not do fine, we'd still love and respect you because stress happen and nobody is always at 100%. Go get a warm herbal tea, sit down in a lovely spring sun and read history books so later you can tell us all about it!

  • @onemealatatime6741
    @onemealatatime6741 Рік тому +1

    Be kind to yourself jimmy! You too editing jimmy! Always love to see your videos, but your own health comes first.

  • @pim1960
    @pim1960 Рік тому

    Smooooooooth Transition to the Patreon page at the end Stressfull Sir!

  • @wanderingspark
    @wanderingspark Рік тому

    Anyone who thinks that people weren't stressed before the 20th century has forgotten about the Black Death. Last year, I stumbled across a book by Veronese physician Francesco Pona about the 1630 Plague epidemic during which, based on his numbers, 61% of the city's population died. The municipal government responded by giving out pomanders as PPE. Even run through google translate, Pona's feelings on the situation come through pretty clearly.
    "With the deaths of so many physicians, hopes fell, and a thousand sick people fell, with just as sudden and fierce a massacre, and the surgeons fell in the greatest number. This will serve as a document for the future, that the pomanders, and the other fragrant materials (with which they were well supplied) are ridiculous armor, against such a mighty enemy, as is the Plague."
    - Il gran contagio di Verona nel milleseicento, e trenta by Francesco Pona originally published 1631
    (Book One p. 30 in the 1727 edition)

  • @nixhixx
    @nixhixx Рік тому

    YAY, a new WV vid oon my birthday!

  • @anymoose6685
    @anymoose6685 Рік тому

    I didn’t know you were doing a PhD. That is stressful. I hope it goes well. We all can’t wait to see what you come up with for a thesis. :)

  • @JonUbick
    @JonUbick Рік тому

    would be grand to chat - I’m a behavioral psychologist and we try to approach emotions from an evolutionary perspective

  • @barbaraleaweaver-mercado1820

    Good video. You look nice in a suit.

  • @dagazraido
    @dagazraido Рік тому

    It's not OK but it will be

  • @Rayne_Storms
    @Rayne_Storms Рік тому

    How dare you slip a callout like "otherwise you wouldn't be watching a man in tweed on youtube" right at the end there. lololol how very dare you

  • @davidmcdavidson999
    @davidmcdavidson999 Рік тому

    Poor sheep :(

  • @latronqui
    @latronqui Рік тому

    Hello fellow stressed. I wonder if anything doesn't make people stresses. I am solo parenting for this week and finding it almost impossible, because I have a good partner who does half of everything, so it really feels like so much more work when he's not around. And a lot of women around me wonder why I find it so hard because they are used to doing everything anyway. Not related to this channel at all, except that I'm also stressed. Bye!

  • @SSRT_JubyDuby8742
    @SSRT_JubyDuby8742 Рік тому

    Your last few words of advice to camera nailed it, 👏. I would also add don't worry about things that are yet to happen, wait for it's appearance before it is given credence. 🫂
    Like deployed 👍

  • @PerksJ
    @PerksJ Рік тому +309

    I love this. I’m autistic and it’s hard for me to feel connected to people, and one way I like to try to connect is thru research of history. I know there have been a million people like me throughout the centuries, stressed, autistic, feeling like they don’t belong.

    • @wellgooders1746
      @wellgooders1746 Рік тому +6

      Same,you put it so well

    • @sonjialeyva
      @sonjialeyva Рік тому +5

      I'm not officially diagnosed, but more than one medical professional has assumed I'm autistic, too. I feel ya. You're not alone!

    • @ambivertsorcerer5644
      @ambivertsorcerer5644 Рік тому +2

      Might be autistic, might be not - I definitely differ from the norm in quite a few aspects so, I can relate to your coping strategy.

    • @dvklaveren
      @dvklaveren Рік тому

      I have to re-examine the argument myself that autism is a social construct. I have autism, but someone told me once that even if the underlying conditions existed, the stressors were absent because society was not the same.
      Now that I'm older and have received more historical context, I'm not so sure anymore. So many things were misunderstood at the time, either being generalized or hyper-individualized that it may have been hard to recognize a pattern of stressors that are more obvious with a larger pool of people.
      It's interesting.

    • @ambivertsorcerer5644
      @ambivertsorcerer5644 Рік тому +2

      @@dvklaveren I mean, autism as a diagnosis is a social construct. The symptoms are in a way physical tho.

  • @WantedVisual
    @WantedVisual Рік тому +75

    I love how we all, collectively, somehow, tricked the algorithm into tricking Jimmy into going outside and getting some sunshine, fresh air and greenery around him.

  • @GavinBisesi
    @GavinBisesi Рік тому +97

    "I'm a watch guy now" with the same energy as "I wear a fez now, fezzes are cool"

    • @TheWelshViking
      @TheWelshViking  Рік тому +47

      I should wear my fez more…

    • @OdinsSage
      @OdinsSage Рік тому +4

      This was the same vibe I got XD Glad someone else heard it too

    • @anthonyhayes1267
      @anthonyhayes1267 Рік тому +1

      Watches are oodles of fun, especially antiques Gruens and the like.

  • @HeadFullaStuffin
    @HeadFullaStuffin Рік тому +96

    Ironically enough, watching you ramble about the history of stress is a great way for me to unwind. Thank you for that.

  • @berkleypearl2363
    @berkleypearl2363 Рік тому +122

    “Quinctilius Varus give me back my legions” made me laugh too much. I had to pause the video and have a chuckle. I love it

    • @Katherine_The_Okay
      @Katherine_The_Okay Рік тому +7

      I need to start shouting that every time my stress level gets too high lol

  • @elewysoffinchingefeld3066
    @elewysoffinchingefeld3066 Рік тому +66

    After horribly bombing a history test (lots of reasons why, one of them being that some jerks stole all the research textbooks we needed from the library, and it was PRE internet, so sucks-to-be-you time), I went to a large local park and sat next to a river where the water was gushing over the rocks. It was therapeutic. Yes, I did tell the prof that all the books were missing prior to the exam, so I think he gave some pity points. I passed the class and honestly, that's all I cared about at that point.

    • @anna_in_aotearoa3166
      @anna_in_aotearoa3166 Рік тому +3

      Argh 😑 Sounds like distant cousins of the idiots who set fire to portaloos in our street after the earthquakes, when the whole neighbourhood was reliant on them thanks to no drainage... 😣 (I can only assume booze or drugs involved in that kind of brilliant decision?)

    • @cocobutter3175
      @cocobutter3175 4 місяці тому

      ​@anna_in_aotearoa3166 I know this is almost a year old, but my mind is blown that y'all call them portaloos instead of portapotties. I never would have even thought about that. Were the vandals ever caught? If I were a judge, I would have sentenced them to digging latrines for the village, lest they face the oubliette. It'd be one of those oubliettes where waste falls down, too-- a "poobliette" as I like to call them.

  • @izzysolidarity7650
    @izzysolidarity7650 Рік тому +31

    Wind rustling the trees, water trickling over seashells, man in tweed on UA-cam… All good for stressful times. Thank you for sharing this. Hearing other people talk about their own stress helps me to give myself permission to acknowledge and care for my own stress.

  • @cpierce1947
    @cpierce1947 Рік тому +48

    Love you like a mother, Jimmy, so a bit sad that you are so stressed. All will be well, you know.
    You'll laugh at this suggestion, but here's what effectively helps me to de-stress: I crawl under the blankets (head covered, too) and just exist in the quiet, dim, very limited world of the covers. Stay until you are quieted (20 mins.?), then come out to a more refreshed you. I call this retreating to the "small world."
    Sending my very best wishes to you -

    • @m.maclellan7147
      @m.maclellan7147 Рік тому +10

      Another similar suggestion. Pillow forts ! ;) No rule says you can't!
      Life can get too serious. Be a kid at heart when you can.
      Perhaps you can shoe horn an hour each week for a bubble bath ? Phone off !
      Your body needs rest.You'll figure it out, you are clever ! 😉

    • @katesclabassi3857
      @katesclabassi3857 Рік тому +3

      There's research that shows that resets like this do help! My doctor recommended I do something like this after work every day because I have a family history of hypertension and hyperthyroidism (which can be aggravated by hypertension). It isn't always feasible, but I try to do it as often as I can.

  • @lyndseykindred8297
    @lyndseykindred8297 Рік тому +58

    Appreciate the openness Jimmy, remember us patron folks love you. And get a lot of enjoyment and value from rewatching old videos too when new ones are further apart. :)

  • @kaytemnorwood
    @kaytemnorwood Рік тому +56

    Oh Jimmy, my heart goes out to ya. Stress is the WORST. I really wish I could help. Please get help as you need it, even taking breaks. You matter more as a person than a student and/or content creator. I hope you can find some relief.

  • @lady_gwen
    @lady_gwen Рік тому +36

    I'll add my voice to the plethora of people saying that we are happy with every video you put out and all we wish for is for you to be healthy and happy. We understand a PhD is a massive undertaking and is a huge part of your life. So enjoy the trees, breath the fresh air and we will be here to support you, always.

  • @Maca494
    @Maca494 Рік тому +28

    yes, we like you to get your solar vitamins when you can :)
    that picture of the welsh viking team was amazing XDD we really love the team 💖

  • @samuelrybiak4564
    @samuelrybiak4564 Рік тому +36

    My Masters degree was some of the worst, darkest years of my life, I can't even imagine the Ph.D stress. Imposter syndrome in academia is ubiquitous, and there really needs to be more conversation about mental health! Love your content!

    • @Blue_Grass_Girl
      @Blue_Grass_Girl Рік тому +3

      Thank you for this comment. I am right in the middle of it and had really lost sight of the fact that 1) I am not alone 2) this too shall pass.
      Right now it feels like a personalised mobile entrance to hell has opened up just for me.

    • @samuelrybiak4564
      @samuelrybiak4564 Рік тому +2

      Yep that sounds about right haha but you've got this! Have you heard of golden road syndrome? Remember that all the people who are putting that extra pressure on you and making you feel like you aren't good enough probably got where they are because of an incredible confluence of lucky external circumstances, not always the grind that you're going through!

    • @Blue_Grass_Girl
      @Blue_Grass_Girl Рік тому +2

      @@samuelrybiak4564 Thank you for reply and recommendation. Necer heard of golden road syndrome, but will certainly look it up now.

    • @angelcollina
      @angelcollina 8 місяців тому

      Waah, I cracked and flunked out of my master’s (100% online, 2 other jobs), so I can’t even imagine how stressful a doctorate is! Best of luck and love! Deep breaths, drink water, we gotchu.

  • @thederpstate3330
    @thederpstate3330 Рік тому +8

    Working is stressful. Moving is stressful. Your outfit is excellent. Take care if yourself

  • @historiansrevolt4333
    @historiansrevolt4333 Рік тому +16

    As a long term patreon, don't stress about us. Happy to kick in. Your videos are some of my go tos when i need help sleeping because... wait for it... I'm anxious. So take care, we're here when you can get us a lovely video like this ones.

  • @KathleenStidham
    @KathleenStidham Рік тому +16

    Thank you. I needed to hear this, and have a brief moment to be told that I am not alone, and to remember it is an overall health issue, not “merely” in my head. Stress over long periods of time, no matter what station in life or type of occupation, is something we need to be more responsive to.

    • @TheWelshViking
      @TheWelshViking  Рік тому +13

      You’re neither alone nor imagining it. Stay safe and remember you can reach out for support when you need it :)

  • @dagnolia6004
    @dagnolia6004 Рік тому +8

    you may be stressed, but you LOOK great. thanks for taking us outside for our talk!!!

  • @elizabethpimknutson989
    @elizabethpimknutson989 Рік тому +7

    I loved your comment. "You must be stressed or you would not be watching a man wearing tweed on You Tube." This totally made me laugh! And yes. I am stressed to. You read when you are stressed. I sew. Recently I have made 3 quilts and several outfits. In any I ramble....thank you for being here. I enjoy your tweed and videos.

  • @elmmusicful
    @elmmusicful Рік тому +5

    My husband just said and I quote "That was one of the best videos Ive seen in a long time" while being teary eyed and happy to see a male talk openly and articulately about their feelings and mental health. I agree. Thank you. sending lots of non-stressy, energy vibes your way to help get through the bonkers academia stress!

  • @kitdubhran2968
    @kitdubhran2968 Рік тому +11

    I am not okay. But it’ll get better.
    Listening to you ramble about medieval stress while the wind blows in the trees helps. 😂❤

  • @noviceworks1503
    @noviceworks1503 Рік тому +6

    Fashion Influencer Jimmy makes me want a nice wool tweed for myself...
    Great subject, well told, lovely work as usual!

  • @j.nereim9055
    @j.nereim9055 Рік тому +8

    A major loss, like that of your father, can knock a person sideways for a couple few years. Folks don't always realize that. And EVERYONE has been traumatized the last few years, by the last few years. THANK YOU for a video like this.

    • @anna_in_aotearoa3166
      @anna_in_aotearoa3166 Рік тому +2

      We've lost several close family members this year and each time, the sheer physical effect on their closest loved ones just shocks me? 😳🥺 It's like you see them age ten years overnight. And the mental effects on concentration, resilience, anxiety & memory can be equally severe & startling.
      In each case I've seen those affected gradually move back towards baseline, thankfully, but it can take considerable time, and definitely isn't always a steady line.
      We tend to mock the Victorians for their highly formalised year of mourning with its very set customs, but honestly, I think the modern pattern that expects people to just attend a funeral and then snap back to normal is the more unrealistic approach...? Hope people feel able to cut themselves more slack than that, even if the world around them does not do so 😔

  • @ladyliberty417
    @ladyliberty417 Рік тому +12

    I love your historical perspective on stress❣️ You’re always teaching us and it’s a beautiful thing❣️ I have CPTSD and struggle with anxiety always, Take good care of yourself and know you are appreciated ❣️

  • @aneisleeper5515
    @aneisleeper5515 Рік тому +5

    Lmao, I never though I would learn about people from my city.
    One of the hospitals in Montpellier is now called Arnaud de Villeneuve.
    And I live 10 mins away from the very old medecine university, it looks like Hogwarts basically and you can visit it.
    When you told the story of St Foy, it made me think about the books : Guide de la Provence mystérieuse and Guide de la Bretagne mystérieuse. It's about old legends and historical facts but very centered around the region of France discribed in the books, if that interests you. They are very funny, creepy and interesting.
    I sort of collect old books, especially when they are a bit weird.
    Take care, you're already doing your best.
    From a stressed student looking forward to the finishing line

  • @christineg8151
    @christineg8151 Рік тому +8

    Working on my MS in chemistry right now, and I'm definitely feeling the stress. I will say, it has been IMMENSELY helpful to have a PI who understands *and gives a damn*. He's also been great about trying to encourage me to be realistic in terms of what can be accomplished, what we can actually learn, etc, rather than trying to insist that I produce More, NOW. He and I recently decided to shift the completion date of my thesis out a semester. I would have liked to finish "on time", but I like not feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of a nervous breakdown trying to accomplish a near-impossible task even more.
    It has taken me a fair portion of my life to be able to recognize when I'm getting stressed. So often, it feels like everything is fine, until it very much is NOT. Thankfully, my husband has been able to help me recognize when things are getting too stressful, and he is able to take some things off my plate. Having a good support system is essential!

  • @KanonBlack13
    @KanonBlack13 Рік тому +5

    This channel gives me life! I sometimes even put videos I've already seen and play them to relax and de-stress. The video of the Irish shoes lulls me to a peaceful slumber like no other. I hope you son can find the solace you've given me. Good luck to you.

  • @elizabethmcglothlin5406
    @elizabethmcglothlin5406 Рік тому +8

    So glad to hear from you, not just for the content, but because we care about you. I hope you'll be feeling better. (I'm bipolar. Stuff happens.)But I bet the plague, imminent starvation, and foreign invaders were pretty damned stressful. Not to mention arguing with your partner or kids where everybody heard about it!

  • @yensid4294
    @yensid4294 Рік тому +5

    Stress related health issues (both mental & physical) are the result of not being able to fight or flight from whatever is causing the stress response. It's interesting that a medieval writer wrote about syn (sin) & moderation in connection to stress since many maladaptive behaviors like drinking too much, eating too much, sexing too much (avarice) are often coping mechanisms in response to stress/anxiety/depression that can lead to addiction.

  • @kimmismith9174
    @kimmismith9174 Рік тому +5

    Thank you for sharing your stressors with us. Stress is destructive both to the self and to your relationships with others.
    This is a slice of my stress.. Next week is my 2 year anniversary with seeing my therapist (wonderful woman is also working towards her Masters) for "generalized post partum anxiety and depression". Fun fact: my son is almost 4 and I'm stubborn. So is he; come to think of it. 😂 I have learned the hard way that it's better to walk away from my stress for a short period than to confront a no-win situation. Second fun fact: young children do not have enough brain development (hypocampus?) to rationalize through stressful situations. 🤯
    Your health is exceedingly more important than any video release schedule.
    P.S. I'm very curious what notes you wrote to yourself on your palm.
    P.P.S Also curious to hear what your dissertation is about...

    • @TheWelshViking
      @TheWelshViking  Рік тому +4

      Palm notes: “post patron letters, film video”
      Diss: to be revealed once I edit the video down!

  • @RandomAFP
    @RandomAFP Рік тому +3

    Wall of text incoming, sorry! For years I kept going through a cycle with my GP of him prescribing me antidepressants, me reporting that they didn't help (or made things a great deal worse, as with the ones that yes, chilled me out but made it so I couldn't keep a thought in my head for more than a couple of seconds *in the last module of my degree* - shoutout to the tutor who found out about this and insisted on registering me as disabled so he could give me a longer extension on the assignment while I caught up from that mess) and so stopping taking them at which point he would insist I just needed to give them longer and me eventually having to go back and try again because it had all got too much again. And then, when my life was completely falling apart for various reasons, I got diagnosed with ADHD and got meds for it. And the depression and anxiety I've been living with for MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS mostly went away. In a period when I had more nonsense to deal with than I've ever had before and so would have expected to be more anxious and depressed, not less. But it turns out that being unable to organize yourself worth toffee or keep your living space tidy and annoying and repeatedly letting down yourself and everyone around you by being unable to do what everyone else finds easy and feeling worthless because you *want* to do the thing but can't make yourself do it, because you're doing five things at once and never finishing any of them, because you're constantly chasing any little bit of dopamine you can get.... *ABSOLUTELY SUCKS*. So on the one hand, yay for having finally fixed the right problem rather than trying to treat what amounts to a symptom, but on the other hand *incandescent rage* that this wasn't picked up sooner because I'll never know what I might have been able to make of my life if it had. People keep saying oh, all this ADHD stuff is a modern problem, nobody had this years ago - well, no, they did, obviously, they just didn't call it the same thing, and it probably wouldn't have been as much of a problem for people for a lot of history because their lives would have worked differently. Like, if you've got an extended family (and possibly also servants) and/or a wider village community all working together, then you're not going to have the sort of issues people nowadays have because they live alone or in very small family units and so are trying to hold down a job, do all the cooking and cleaning, squeeze in some leisure time, get a reasonable amount of sleep (lot harder to read until 4am if you don't have electric lights!) and also maintain social bonds with people who they hardly ever see physically. It's more feasible for people to do the stuff they're good at and have others do the stuff they suck at and nobody has to feel like slime because they can't do it *all*. And OK as a woman my inability to keep a house tidy would *probably* have been a problem as the main woman in a household (unless I had servants to do that sort of thing for me) but considering that even unmedicated, left to my own devices I will quite happily sit and turn sheep into textiles from the moment I get up to the moment I fall into bed exhausted, I can't help thinking that for a lot of history I would have been seen not as a problem but an asset. Plus I've seen people saying that ADHD people might well have been supremely useful at some times in the past for things like keeping watch, precisely because we tend to be awake half the night and are easily distracted by tiny noises and movements that others would miss. I got an autism diagnosis free with the ADHD (it was supposed to be a separate assessment and cost a bunch more but it was apparently so obvious the doctor didn't think the other assessment was needed) and one of the things I've seen a lot is parents of autistic kids saying they feel like their child was stolen because they seemed 'normal' as a baby but then didn't develop the way other children did, and all I can think about there is all the stories of people believing that their child had been stolen by the Fair Folk and replaced with a changeling, who looked entirely human but didn't act like it. Children who didn't speak, or Knew Too Much or just didn't know how to interact with others etc...

  • @Bildgesmythe
    @Bildgesmythe Рік тому +4

    I'm 72, most of the things I've worried about never happened. Crap did happen and it hurts to this day. Life is so good and so hard at the same time. Take care of yourself. The only advice I can give is be kind to yourself, seek help from others, and get a pet. Dogs are the best but even fish help.

    • @lianegordon971
      @lianegordon971 Рік тому +1

      Except when the dog eats a chicken (happened this morning). LOL now we are all stressed and have to rethink fencing options. However, that is life. Dealing with what is thrown at us, one day at a time. Seriously, I love my little dog and even though she is a chicken murderer (she was also chewing on a small wallaby yesterday) the love she gives is worth every moment of having to solve ways of dealing with the new 'hunting' behaviour that has just popped up.