韩妍 昭陵六骏

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2021
  • Six Steeds of the Zhao Mausoleum - Zhao Ling Liu Jun 昭陵六骏, composed by Liu Dehai 刘德海, 2001
    This piece describes the world-famous Six Steeds of the Zhao Mausoleum, six carved warhorses found in the tomb Tang Dynasty’s Emperor Taizong (685-762). The horses, Taizong's favorite mounts, were named Autumn Dew (aka Whirlwind Victory), Quanmao gua (Curly Hair), Shifa chi (Red of Many Attacks), Qingzhui (Supreme Horse), Telebiao (Exceptionally Rein In Galloping), and Baidi Wu (White-Hoofed), for his black hair and four white feet. The composer uses novel techniques, rich arrangements, and unique concepts to depict the majestic appearance of the war-horses, strong and energetic, handsome and light-hearted, as their bodies take arrows, or they charge into battle.
    The tune’s source material comes from the Tang Dynasty, a sanqu (non-metered music form), in a verse form similar to the ci used for lyric songs called “Brahman Quote,” and seeks to imitate the style of the Western Regions from China’s Tang dynasty. This is the only contemporary work on pipa that utilizes the traditional “military” style 武曲.
    Han Yan is a pipa virtuoso known for her technical virtuosity and interpretive depth. Han earned her Master’s degree under professor and well-known virtuoso Yang Jing at the China Conservatory of Music and currently works as a pipa instructor at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
    《昭陵六骏》 刘德海 曲
    演奏: 韩妍
    乐曲介绍:飒露紫 、拳毛騧、什伐赤、青骓、特勒骠、白蹄乌。这就是举世闻名的“昭陵六骏” 。作者以新颖的技巧、丰富的层次和独特的构思刻画一幅战马的雄姿,劲健俊逸,身冒箭矢,驰骋奋战的场景。 曲调素材采用唐.散曲《婆罗门引》,刻意追求唐代西域风格。 这是琵琶创作上的唯一一首“武曲”具有里程碑式的意义。1991年构思 1993年初稿 2001年定稿。