Lonely in Tokyo

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @nojustno8468
    @nojustno8468 20 днів тому

    I’m an extremely happy introvert and find that socializing just physically and mentally drains me. Without my “alone” time I become very stressed and cannot recharge my mind and body. Perhaps this is also how you feel as well. All the best.

  • @kawaiikitty4569
    @kawaiikitty4569 Місяць тому +4

    First! This is a common issue in very large cities. You are doing a lot, it is challenging for introverts to always be on the go, and the heat plays a big part of the challenge! The humidity must be hard to cope with. You do you!

  • @mrfrosty3
    @mrfrosty3 Місяць тому

    I only recently became comfortable with the fact that though I like living in a busy city surrounded by many people, I don't really want to spend time interacting with people. I am alone but not lonely and I enjoy it.

  • @nowgaku
    @nowgaku Місяць тому +2

    That's life.
    With age comes the clarity to see life for what it truly is.
    Enjoy it!

  • @eknib
    @eknib Місяць тому +1

    something i felt last time in tokyo was that because there are so many people, you do not actually take notice of anyone, its just walls of noise around you. Which i think can create a sense of loneliness. you dont notice anyone and no one notices you.

  • @pspdead914
    @pspdead914 Місяць тому +2

    Thank you for the video. I find reading time really helps me detach from city life, even fleetingly.

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому

      Love it! Need to get better at putting my phone away/off so I can read more

  • @m00hk00h
    @m00hk00h Місяць тому +2

    While trying to reduce your doom scrolling before sleep is probably a good idea there is no need to be afraid of blue light. there are no independent scientific studies that have found any evidence for blue light being worse than just light in general. the few papers that suggest such a thing are directly or indirectly funded by companies that sell glasses with blue light filters and such.
    so just reduce your screen brightness to what a white piece of paper would be like in your lighting conditions and you're good!

    • @helpfulcommenter
      @helpfulcommenter Місяць тому

      Yes. Forget the light aspect just stay away from all those manufactured thoughts trying to worm their way into your head just before bed. I’ve gotten into reading poetry or a novel before bed and then taking 10-15 min to just sit up breathing calmly before lying down. I think I sleep much better

  • @JawsFan27
    @JawsFan27 Місяць тому +1

    As impressive as Tokyo is, I have always found it extremely suffocating and cold. There's a ton of people, but I think that's why I've always felt so lonely whenever I visit (which isn't often).
    I prefer to stay in Okinawa. Warmer and the people are much more inviting and friendly!

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому +1

      This is a common theme in big busy cities! Love Okinawa, especially the smaller islands 😊

  • @Velveification
    @Velveification Місяць тому +1

    The upside of small town is that is very community oriented, but some people sometimes feel they don’t have privacy because of that.
    And in the big cities there’s more anonymity, but no sense of belonging.
    I think sometimes living in the “suburbs” inside the city is a tiny solution to this ~
    I used to be ok with crowded places when I was younger, but now if I set foot in Shibuya I get extremely overwhelmed lol
    Maybe getting older brings such sentiments sometimes ~
    It was a nice blog despite all,❤

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому +1

      Yes to all of your points! I’m the same re Shibuya lol

  • @uralrex
    @uralrex Місяць тому +1

    Watching this video in my bed at 10:30AM, i’m personnaly touched by your thoughts!
    I live in the country side of France, in Angoulême. I miss bigger cities a lot!
    My last vacations were in 2013, and it was my first and my last travel to Tokyo! I really miss this city, and Japan over all.
    I wish you a lot of happiness and good surprises! You seem to deserve everything but loneliness!
    I love watching your videos, i can’t wait for the next! And thanks for sharing the sound of summer in Japan, it went straight into my feelings! 😂
    (and wow these biceps you got, congrats!)

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому +1

      Aw thanks so much (lol at biceps 😂)
      I just looked up Angoulême, it’s so pretty! And the sound of Japanese summer is LOUD right now!

  • @rodbamboo
    @rodbamboo Місяць тому +1


  • @yamaguchitoshio
    @yamaguchitoshio Місяць тому +1

    Good to see your video again. Pls be careful with heatstroke here in Japan. Nowadays is really hot. Honestly I'm not sure to go to African restaurant. Hope you got a nice meal. Greetings from 静岡県磐田市😊

  • @ali99lawyer
    @ali99lawyer Місяць тому +1

    Sometimes daily routine becomes so tough specially in summers

  • @sundown060
    @sundown060 Місяць тому +1

    Firstly- Takashimaya!!! People in the US just don’t understand. But anyway- I live in a major metro area in the states, and amongst a million and half people, I sometimes still feel lonely. It’s hard to push out of your comfort zone as we get older, I think. Change can become harder with age, which could be why meeting new people can seem harder. Because Tokyo is such a crowded (noisy) city, being alone at home can seem rejuvenating, because your mind needs to recharge…. But, it’s still good to push through that and try at least a little to see new sights, meet new people, try new foods…how was the Nigerian place?

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому

      Yes to all you wrote!
      Nigerian resto was nice, service was a bit slow though.

  • @franklambeth1148
    @franklambeth1148 Місяць тому

    Very hooot 🤯

  • @alanhirayama4592
    @alanhirayama4592 Місяць тому

    Thank you for sharing, Erica! I know for me, hot and humid weather really is SO draining. In that environment, I find myself not at my best in ALL things. I think that's a big part of it, along with being in a large city with few connections will feel isolating. Give yourself grace when you feel things were left undone, there will be tomorrow and live in the moment. Take care!

  • @TheWeekendYogurt
    @TheWeekendYogurt Місяць тому

    The larger the crowd the lonelier ya boy feel.

  • @helpfulcommenter
    @helpfulcommenter Місяць тому +1

    Lovely vlog. The new yen note is so cool

  • @artaeflex
    @artaeflex Місяць тому +1

    I feel the same way living in Singapore as well.

  • @garethhardy26
    @garethhardy26 Місяць тому +1

    I sympathise with the hot summer. Currently just over 40Deg in Shanghai today 😅Likewise in a city of millions it’s still easy to feel disconnected some days.

  • @wherelilbubbyat
    @wherelilbubbyat Місяць тому

    One day I will get out of my comfort zone and come across the pond to watch watch live sumo 😁♥

  • @seansoon7871
    @seansoon7871 Місяць тому

    Hi Erica! I can relate to dealing with hot and humid weather, watching this in Hawaii. It's important to drink lots of water and stay hydrated. It sounds like you're doing your best to stay in a good mental space and I believe regularly working out can help with that. Motivating me to get outside and exercise too! Aloha!

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому

      Love to hear this! Hope you’re feeling healthy and hydrated too Sean 😊

  • @ilyasmoulayramdanemoulat1624
    @ilyasmoulayramdanemoulat1624 Місяць тому +1

    good to see you again hope you fine from Casablanca morroco

  • @SamPockerOfficial
    @SamPockerOfficial Місяць тому +1

    Erica I highly recommend a book called "Bringing Out the Magic in Your Mind" by Al Koran to help with this situation. Hope this helps!

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому

      Ooo one for my reading list! Thank you 😊

  • @Now2Market
    @Now2Market Місяць тому +1

    Until you discover who you really are, the purpose of your present Bearing of Existence on Earth, find Inner Peace within, being lonely shall continue regardless where you are and who you are with, it's kind of spiritual growth and understanding the larger unconsciousness of your Being. It took me decades including having to pass through the personal Dark tunnel for Light. One must seek in order to find. Usually most shall failed but a very few minority may succeed. I managed to document the Twelve Secrets of Creation as part my Journey and glad to have just completed it recently.

    • @helpfulcommenter
      @helpfulcommenter Місяць тому +1

      Or, hear me out, it’s just the human condition. People who preach perfectionism of the self always seem to be living in a state of denial of the human condition and maybe compensating for something. We can’t perfect ourselves we can only accept ourselves.

  • @y-amamc
    @y-amamc Місяць тому

    Wish I was there! I mean, maybe not in the heat, but I really hope I can get back to Japan soon. Let’s talk again soon!

  • @jenswolf904
    @jenswolf904 Місяць тому +1

    👋🏻Schönes Video. Ich kann Deine Gedankengänge sehr gut nachvollziehen.Ich bin Einzelgänger und wenn ich die Menschenmenge sehe die dich umgeben bekomme ich Stacheln 🦔. Ich lebe in einer kleineren Stadt (ca 100000 Menschen)und bin mit meiner jetzigen Situation zufrieden, nicht zuviel nicht zuwenig . In der heutigen Zeit wird
    man im Alltag schon vielen Zwängen ausgesetzt (Arbeit, Politik Gesellschaft usw. )
    Je älter ich werde desto weniger lass ich mir vorschreiben was in meiner Freizeit zu tun und zu lassen habe. Ich höre mehr auf mein inneres ich und fühle mich wohl dabei. Viele Mensche kommen damit nicht klar und die paar Menschen die mich gut kennen Akzeptieren mich so wie ich bin und das ist für mich Ok.
    Wünsche Dir alles Gute und ich freue mich auf Dein nächstes Video 👋🏻

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you Jens 🥰 100% - not putting up with less than you deserve the older you get!

    • @jenswolf904
      @jenswolf904 Місяць тому


  • @celesteaible-fi5dc
    @celesteaible-fi5dc Місяць тому +2

    easy way to make friends in tokyo is get drunk and talk to man on street and follow him into club and lose money but wake up with last night friendddddd

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому +1

      This seems to be a common thread on Reddit 😅

  • @denniswhite1317
    @denniswhite1317 Місяць тому +3

    Did you get divorced? Last videos I watched, you were married in Australia?

  • @tatsuhitot
    @tatsuhitot Місяць тому

    How about playing some co-op open world computer games on Steam? Huge worlds out there with just only you and your friends.

    • @kawaiikitty4569
      @kawaiikitty4569 Місяць тому

      Good idea, or one of the games like Genshin Impact perhaps? You can play co-op for specific domains or events in full anonymity and then just leave, no one minds!

  • @Munchkinz11
    @Munchkinz11 Місяць тому +1

    U r Simple and Beautiful

  • @JimmyGunawanX
    @JimmyGunawanX Місяць тому

    I think I am lonelier than you. But I decided loneliness is my strength. Embracinf Solitude and lost in translation and feeling like Amelie.

    • @EricaLion
      @EricaLion  Місяць тому

      It’s a weird thing being lonely but also loving alone time ✨

  • @lw4423
    @lw4423 Місяць тому

    are you product of wmaf?

  • @mazzdacon2134
    @mazzdacon2134 Місяць тому

    Nice content but your voice is competing with the music.