Chris misbehaves during Thanksgiving :Episode 16 (Season 3)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jaylindiaz4672
    @jaylindiaz4672 19 днів тому +2

    1:54 - 2:19: Where’s the link to this crying voice?

  • @Aro2009.-_
    @Aro2009.-_ 20 днів тому +6

    3:54 Penelope crying

    • @JCanimations.
      @JCanimations. 20 днів тому +1

      Stop doing Stoopid crying clips

    • @Aro2009.-_
      @Aro2009.-_ 20 днів тому +2

      @@JCanimations. if you keep that up I'll report you

  • @SarahWestCrazyTaxiQueen
    @SarahWestCrazyTaxiQueen 13 днів тому

    Chris shouldn’t be destroying every single holiday of the year.

  • @allisonmeade4505
    @allisonmeade4505 20 днів тому +3

    Serves Chris right for flipping the table over

    • @Metra.Fan.216
      @Metra.Fan.216 20 днів тому +1

      Yeah i can't believe Chris would do that. in the vid when Penelope gets scared during a Thunderstorm. i hope Chris won't laugh at her.

  • @Aro2009.-_
    @Aro2009.-_ 20 днів тому +6

    4:42 Molly crying

    • @JCanimations.
      @JCanimations. 20 днів тому +3


    • @Aro2009.-_
      @Aro2009.-_ 20 днів тому +3

      @JCanimations. if you keep that up I'll report you

  • @Annie-l7i
    @Annie-l7i 21 день тому +4

    Tomorrow is thanksgiving for me can’t wait 😊

  • @jaylindiaz4672
    @jaylindiaz4672 19 днів тому +1

    When Chris pinched Penelope in the face when she was a baby, this reminds me of when Caillou pinched Rosie when she was a baby in the show Caillou.

  • @Metra.Fan.216
    @Metra.Fan.216 20 днів тому +1

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all

  • @abdulkadermohideen8375
    @abdulkadermohideen8375 21 день тому +3

    Tomorrow morning get up and watch.

  • @aho-r1d
    @aho-r1d 20 днів тому +1

    Molly becomes a baby only when it suits her... Are you an extraterrestrial being?

  • @afternoonteaandtarot9299
    @afternoonteaandtarot9299 20 днів тому +3

    Molly's voice is so squeaky and whiny Ashley Hayden in the first part when Molly first spoke watch that video and after that change that voice like in Allen hernburger's videos in the middle of one Penelope sounded different

  • @elizabethmartinez5021
    @elizabethmartinez5021 20 днів тому +3

    Chris Jason Percy, How dare you misbehave at thanksgiving, that's it, You are grounded for 3 days.

  • @cobiornelas445
    @cobiornelas445 20 днів тому +2

    Happy Thanksgiving

  • @sarahshulman2086
    @sarahshulman2086 20 днів тому +1

    I like my cousins and my family

  • @shenelle8946
    @shenelle8946 8 днів тому

    Chris stop flip the table!

  • @sophiadyer1848
    @sophiadyer1848 21 день тому +3

    I think he needs a punishment day!

    • @Metra.Fan.216
      @Metra.Fan.216 20 днів тому +1

      Liam can't do punishment days but Chris should really not be causing trouble

    • @sophiadyer1848
      @sophiadyer1848 20 днів тому +1

      @ Yeah!

  • @mylesdouglas4520
    @mylesdouglas4520 22 дні тому +3

    Wow!! Looks like my request has been made, I’ve chose Chris ruins family thanksgiving on gabes channel!😁

    • @Metra.Fan.216
      @Metra.Fan.216 22 дні тому +1

      Hmm This is Liams Channel. But its pretty Awesome that he made Chris Misbehaves at Thanksgiving. not sure if gabe the slacker will do that too.

  • @SebastianMartinez460
    @SebastianMartinez460 20 днів тому +1

    Chris Ruins Thanksgiving!

  • @Zacubing-official
    @Zacubing-official 22 дні тому +3

    I will be seeing king cube in this video when I created my character when I posted it

  • @djsdances
    @djsdances 20 днів тому +1

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • @SchindlerElevators350
    @SchindlerElevators350 20 днів тому +1

    I had Thanksgiving dinner about an hour ago

  • @EscudosdeTimes
    @EscudosdeTimes 16 днів тому

    Can you do an episode one day where Julie does something SO UNEXPLICABLY BAD to Chris that he is no longer a troublemaker?

  • @annmariekelly4312
    @annmariekelly4312 22 дні тому +3

    Do Chris Throws Molly out of the window

    • @connorturner6477
      @connorturner6477 21 день тому +3

      Nope do freaking chris kicks leland From oh shiitake mushrooms in the groin

  • @ThunderboltTheSSBUGamer
    @ThunderboltTheSSBUGamer 20 днів тому +3


  • @krishideo8185
    @krishideo8185 22 дні тому +3

    Come on Chris don't be rude ungrateful and selfish

  • @graziellathelovelygirl
    @graziellathelovelygirl 15 днів тому

    Wonderful video. And it was my birthday on Thanksgiving. I am now 18 years old. Sorry I didn't tell you that.

  • @amytyo3358
    @amytyo3358 20 днів тому +2


  • @wanwisa2521
    @wanwisa2521 19 днів тому

    Derek and Elsa first appearance

  • @Meera.2015
    @Meera.2015 21 день тому +2

    Hi Liam 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋

  • @shiannamariestentt
    @shiannamariestentt 20 днів тому +1

    I'm not subscribing I don't normally watch stuff like this but his name didn't sound familiar so I was trying to see if he was a character from a show that I knew and just didn't remember hearing his name or what. None of his family is familiar to me. Thank God for that because honestly watching the reputations of my favorite kids show characters getting tarnished with these videos makes me so mad.

  • @kevinmcgiveney5128
    @kevinmcgiveney5128 20 днів тому +1

    Why is there a Christmas tree in the living room?

    • @HojoboroF
      @HojoboroF 16 днів тому

      It'll be Christmas!

  • @NathaanRagasaaRooks
    @NathaanRagasaaRooks 20 днів тому +2

    Thanksgiving is not a thing in the uk

    • @liamthevyonder-h9z
      @liamthevyonder-h9z  20 днів тому +2

      People in the UK continent can celebrate Thanksgiving if they want to :). And plus, the Percy family is from Utah and Nevada, so they still celebrate Thanksgiving even though they live in Wales

  • @AurellCalista-e1u
    @AurellCalista-e1u 20 днів тому

    Liam where's lilycat and bernadette dennis bree and isabelle

  • @HojoboroF
    @HojoboroF 16 днів тому

    Shame on Chris!

  • @Creeper-uo4eh
    @Creeper-uo4eh 20 днів тому +2

    Ruby isn’t even their grandchild she is just some orphan

    • @liamthevyonder-h9z
      @liamthevyonder-h9z  20 днів тому +2

      Just because Ruby is adopted, she only isn't their grandchild on paper.
      What she is physically is completely different.
      What makes you think that Ruby can't be their grandchild just because she is adopted?!

    • @Creeper-uo4eh
      @Creeper-uo4eh 20 днів тому +1

      @ well, wait is Penelope Christ Molly and ruby even real people or they are fictional?

    • @Metra.Fan.216
      @Metra.Fan.216 20 днів тому +1

      @@Creeper-uo4eh There fictional.

  • @vaughntherblxgamer145
    @vaughntherblxgamer145 22 дні тому +8


    • @Bluey-d2d
      @Bluey-d2d 22 дні тому +5

      Calm down

    • @LTR2024
      @LTR2024 22 дні тому

      Chris : That is complete! And Utter Bullsh*t!

    • @richiepereira5532
      @richiepereira5532 20 днів тому +4

      Chris, Jason Percy how dare you destroy Thanksgiving You are going to military school.

    • @vaughntherblxgamer145
      @vaughntherblxgamer145 20 днів тому +1

      Thank u all for the replies

    • @vaughntherblxgamer145
      @vaughntherblxgamer145 20 днів тому +1

      @Bluey-d2d I had to be calm but almost

  • @gamingdylan5849
    @gamingdylan5849 20 днів тому

    Lose Molly’s ring