Mis nunca olvidados, actores d, ASÍ, DEMIR los amé mucho, xel amor d usdes, fue tan real, q conmovieron, al mundo, espero algún día s vuelvan a encontran, con esa pasión d actores q nos hicieron, vivir. MURATUBA xsiempre
Как всегда ,Туба прекрасная,ослепительная красавица и мы зрители ,очень её любим ,уважаем и ценим ,как очень талантливую актрису Турции и нет ей равных!!!!!!
Они подходят друг другу!!!Но он женат на такой девушке,что он даже если захочет,не сможет ее оставить😱она родня очень влиятельного чиновника из турции...не будет же он устраивать войну между арабами и турками????
Odlični scenari, Odličan režiser, glumci odlični u svojim ulogama a Murat i Tuba nezaboravan i nezamjenjiv par. Nikad ovako nešto lijepo nisam odgledala a vjerujem da neću. Ljubav se zove MuraTuba. Uz MuruTubu sve je ljepše!.........Nadam se da će se naći netko pametan i još jednom ih spojiti u nekom projektu jer oni zaslužuju više, i više i najviše!
Mi novela favorita mis únicos la mejor producción junto a los creadores de Sila escenografía única calidad superior de todos los actores y las vistas naturales de Antaquia Dios k hagan otra aunque sea paresida ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wow! Tuba and Murat chemistry is unbelievable. I was in denial of watching Turkish series my mom said you need to watch Así. I’m in love speechless addicted to keep watching it over again. Just the way Murat stares at Tuba. Those eyes!
I agree with you,they are a perfect match and the movie seamed real,you could easily see that they were in love.even in this video you can see how tuba looks at him and him on another side feeling very uncomfortable for some reason
@nadoiraqrand The incredibile chemistry between gorgeous TUBA and my best actor MURAT flamed the screen , both were amazing together , she is very emotional , delicate & a real beauty .
Sulblisima je vous adorer vous été grande artiste magnifique Avéc murat tres classe sulblisimo vivaa bravo les artistes 🙏♥️❤🌹❤❤❤💕💕💯🥂🍾 Turquie magnifique
Elianagh2 ...his last interview denying any relationship with the most beautiful woman combined with his eye language when he mentioned her name with his sweet smile convinced me and other fans that he was not telling the truth .... they were very beautiful together .... regards to you
No matter how much has passed - HE and SHE remains a brilliant, beautiful couple in the world of cinema!!!!!!! THEY are indivisible - it is against nature of this fantastic love!!!!!!!!!!!!
immortals star,flower,love,spring.............pearl of the Turkish nation forever........living legend of all time..............great happiness Turkish.........great happiness that you Turks...........bitne Tubaaaaaaaa ve Murat,looove..........
i hope to see them playing again soon!!! they match together!!...well i don't think they are in love..even though i'd love to see that!! i hope the best for both of them!! i truly admire them!!
Que linda música la de la serie,ésta y la de la cabecera,ella no deja de mirarlo como en la serie,el baboso del marido seguro se estaría muriendo de celos en su asiento 😁
Девушка сияет от счастья что беременна Мужчина в полной растерянности от неожиданности День рождения мужчины апрель одиннадцатого года Рождение девочек январь двенадцатого Праздник был великолепен Девушка не будет сиять от счастья если беременна не от любимого Мужчина в силу обстоятельств не может принять это всенародно Ему приходится всё скрывать И на помощь приходит другой Берет на себя роль мужа Прям как в кино Этим он всех спасает от жестокой реальности Когда нибудь о их истории снимут сериал
guys i read everything you wrote and i agree with the most of you. At first this couple is successful integrated for us(their fans), they have exclusive chemistry and from their acting(both amazing actors) seems to be much more as they think to be! it's ok, they have their life, separated , but that doesn't mean the existing feeling we all see between them when they look each other, which is the mystification and embarrassment of Murat in front of Tuba. (continued)
Здесь Мурат чюстовал то что чувствовала Туба когда он женился на Бурчин....именно здесь он узнал что Туба беременна....и выходит замуж за Онура....он злился....даже не смотрел на неё....не смог....в тот момент он уже понял что потерял её навсегда....но Туба умничка смотрела на него и хотела помочь ему справиться на сцене....видно она его любит очень сильно.....но было очень поздно....в тот момент она чувствовала себя на коне ...стать мамой это самое большое счастье...и Тубе как никому очень очень идёт быть счастливой
in my personal opinion he still loves her....after she married and gave birth to the twins.......in all the interviews he doesn` t have his wedding ring,they go(murat and burcin) separate to events . who knows......
It is like a puzzle and it is expected to be because they have been there as actors (asi and demir) , as a couple in love, as a couple with a difficulty to express their feelings to each other. i am not saying that they are miserable in their marriages but we are not naive fans and we have experience from their work (asi) and we see things hidden in the their puzzle.
This is not my scientific fantasy, because actors have to live deeply every scene they do and then perform it (this is serious acting). So, i like them a lot, and i also want to watch them in another series or cinema movie. (it is incredibly difficult to find such a lovely couple with flawless chemistry, the producers ought to think those two as a timeless couple, not as a history).
@nadoiraqrand The same goes for Murat...Although he is an excellent actor, we did not feel the amazing chemistry of ASI in his other work and specially AVC... I have to say that he also looks amazing with Tuba only...they are made for each other.....
zao mi je ali ne mogu se sjetiti gdje je taj link, ali sam sigurna da sam to procitala, a link sam nasla na Forum.hr.Asi. Drago mi je da se i vi slazete da je Tuba uvijek u svojim izjavama o Muratu i bilo kome drugom, vrlo korektna i dobronamjerna. Pa ona je takva, prelijepa, elegantna, sarmantna, spontana, iskreno nasmijana.Pa dobila je za sve to bezbrojne nagrade, a Burcin.Da nije Muratova zena nitko osim njene obitelji ne bi znao za nju.Ona je totalno nezanimljiva, osim Muratu i nek mu bude.
Он вспыльчив и эмоционален,любит,чтоб всё было,как ему хочется,обе жены завлядывают ему в рот,пытаясь угадать его настроение,а Туба другой человек,она партнёр равный,а не мышь серая,Мурата погубила спешка,всё хотел получить быстро и сразу,а исправить не хватает выдержки и сил ,да и поздно уже,он никому не нужен,кроме своей недалёкой второй жены,он спонсор её пустой жизни,а в его игре беспрекословный исполнитель...ни одна нормальная женщина не будет в этом цирке участвовать...
Вы правы,он наверное уже никому не нужен,кроме этой ненормальной,ни один уважающий мужик на нее даже не глянул с ее биографией,это нужно так себя неуважать.
Yes ady3adryana , u r smart as all the audience who noticed how they were really in love even they never admit it coz of their personal life & privacy , yes they were acting BUT out of deep feelings to each other reflected in their pysical body language & the way they looked to each other . some stupid agents of ugly burcin deny this fact , we their fans say MURAT LOVED TUBA , IT IS OBVIOUS . He was very normal & happy with her compared to his reactions with Nurgul & others
@6564niki Please Girls,I am not discussing MuraTuba chemistry here.no one can deny this and i am in love with Asi which is my favorite series forever.. beside AVC is wonderful series; I know the romance between Savas & Yasmin is not the same that in Asi but the story here is different cause it show us how traditions attitude and Tribal issues control their society and how the agha come and change all that...the events worth watching beside the cast is great.. it is enough there is Murat in.
i was thinking the same ,why tuba and murat aren't friends like nurgul and murat or tuba and cansel ,they are uncomfortable when they are together ,who knows maybe they were in love secretly
@sarabyouaif Correct to what did you say... I think Tuba is amazing only with Murat.....I like his other roles( Savas, Ali, Demir and Behcet...etc.) he took many prizes for his amazing performance because simply he is the only one who can talk with his eyes which no other can do.....He is the best actor not only in Turkey but in the whole world.
R.A Iraq Really!!! That you're thinking or you did think about it #MuratYildirim is the best of the world !No!! He doesn't the best , for him was #Asi with #TubaBüyüküstün !! excellent #Turkish #Adorable#ThebestCouple #LegendForever He's a #GreatActor but He'll get probably to be in the future between the better or best but .... nowadays He had been only the marketing in the Social Media with his ugly Maroccaine woman #ImaneElbani likely to be famous her #Android #PlasticWoman Full #Silicon
Sorry to tell you but Engin Akyrurek also talks with his eyes. He showed love to Elif all the time in Kara Para Ask and they made a great couple, also nominated as best couple for a Golden Butterfly Award. With Kivanc in Cesur ve Guzel not only they were nominated as best couple but they won, in turkey and at the Dubai Festival. I think Tuba has this ability to make a great couple with all her partners. But I love ASI very much, and return to watch it again and again, not only for their great love but for the intensity of all their emotions. They had great chemistry. And just as a fantasy of mine if their were a couple in real life, they would have done better than with the partners they chose, also they are both philanthropists.
I agree with you even now we say the same thing after many years even though he is very different that he remarried the wrong woman I think he uses it for her reputation it is a pity for him he deserves better the same mistake as the former
@usernd,8zv2nf2v al comenzar el vídeo viene murat con burkan discutiendo. Atrás de ellos viene actriz Tuba con Onur en ningún momento la actriz Tuba ha discutido con actor Murat miren bien la entrada la burkan le hace problema Murat. Y la actriz Tuba está sonriente porq sabe q va tener sus mellizas no es risa burlona
Zasto se tako agresivno ponasa covjek prema prekrasnoj zeni i osobi, s kojom je oko 2 godine snimao vrlo emotivne ljubavne scene, koji je toj istoj zeni ocima izjavljivao ljubav. Nigdje nisam nasla da bi Tuba nesto neprikladno rekla za njega, pa cak izrazila je nevjericu da bi Murat govorio ruzno to sto je doista govorio. Murat je davao toliko kontroverznih izjava novinarima da je tesko reci sto stvarno misli.jedno je sigurno, do sada nije ostvario ulogu bolju od Demira, ma kako se trudio.
mislim da je to pogodak! Burcin se ne bi osjecala ugodno pored Tube, jer iako o sebi misli da je vrlo lijepa,ona ZNA da se ne moze takmiciti s Tubom.Dovoljno je samo pogledati koliko broji njen fan, a koliko Tubini (ima ih vise).Burcin je,zapravo, tragican lik u konstelaciji Murat-Tuba-Burcin.Za to sama snosi najvise krivice, a i Murat je tome doprinio svojim stupidnim izjavama i vrlo nedosljednim ponasanjem prema Tubi.Ponasa se kao djetinjast ljubomoran muskarac i neko bi mu to trebao reci!
po mom misljenju nisu prijatelji jer Burcin ne moze podnijeti Tubu (znamo zbog cega) i ne osjeca se sigurnom.Ona vjerojatno jako utice na Murata i formira njegovo misljenje, a to govori puno lose ne o Burcin (ona se bori da ga zadrzi kad ga je vec jednom kupila), nego o Muratu kao o covjeku.On je izvanredan glumac, ali nemojmo se zavaravati, nece dobiti Oscara, ali je pao na ispitu kao covjek, osobito kao muskarac gentleman (pokazao je da moze biti i primitivan), vjerojatno je ljuibomoran.
Could you please tell me in which website you read his interview?I want to read it too.I also think that their relationship is not so good.Especially murat's behaviour is very different with tuba compere to the other co-stars of him.With tuba he is not that comfortable, he seems a little embarrassed...what's happenning? they could be the perfect couple, but...!
That mean they acted very well and well done but not mean they were love each other like some people they were grazy fans force them to be together, still murat got a lovely wife they still hope and grazy for them, that people like they have no life hahh.
Kako ne razumijes? Pa govorim o Muratovom nekorektnom ponasanju prema Tubi (ispoljeno u njegovim izjavama da je ona nemoguca osoba i da ne zeli s njom vise nikada raditi), pa i na samom susretu u MC ponio se prostacki - otisao s pozornice i ostavio Tubu samu umjesto da joj je pruzio ruku i zajedno da su napustili kako su dosli na pozornicu. Ima toga jos, ali na drugim snimkama, gdje on s necim nezadovoljan galami i jasno pokazuje ljutnju. Ovo je moje misljenje s kojim se ti ne moras sloziti.
is that truth? he married her because of her accident?OMG! let me ask you something, in the first season murat and tuba were singles right? in which episode and then he married burcin? have you heard anything else about their love, true love beyond the series(muratuba), that makes you confident about it, because the only fact that makes me believe in them is the series of ASI and the way he looks at her and the way she corresponds at him. Do you know anything else?i would like to know.
in arabic website I read one of his interview and it was really funny. he said some thing about tuba that she destroyed the promoton by coming to an event that beren saat was there . and he said my wife is the most beautiful and intelligent !!!. I could not stop laghing . what ever it is its his life every person live with some one who deserve. but I did not like the way he talked and I found him rude and proud of himself. thats not good for an actor to be like that.
unfortunately I dont have the link to that page . but I think I remember it was translated in english in an arabic website which had his interviews. If I find IT I will send it to you. maybe thats why many fans are mad at him some times he said some thing inappropriate about tuba.
@@od3893 every time he was opening his mouth , he was rude, no need to be.a read some he is comments is not was appropriate. TUba never said rude staff about Murat. Now you think!!!
❤ლეგენდად ქცეული ულამაზესი წყვილი ❤❤❤
Самый лучший турецкий сериал. Как они естественно сыграли свои роли. Хочется ещё и ещё смотреть фильм.
Мурат и Туба - самые лучшие актёры.
Pentru fiecare dintre ei, Tuba și Murat, serialul *asi* a fost cel mai frumos film/serial turcesc, incontestabil cel mai frumos!
Mis nunca olvidados, actores d, ASÍ, DEMIR los amé mucho, xel amor d usdes, fue tan real, q conmovieron, al mundo, espero algún día s vuelvan a encontran, con esa pasión d actores q nos hicieron, vivir. MURATUBA xsiempre
Llore mucho. Beautiful series. Performance the Best both actors. Tuba Buyukustun and Murat Yildirim
Как всегда ,Туба прекрасная,ослепительная красавица и мы зрители ,очень её любим ,уважаем и ценим ,как очень талантливую актрису Турции и нет ей равных!!!!!!
Вы супер
Туба и Мурат супер !
La música el elenco de actores y esta gran pareja de actores Tuba y Murat Yildirim hacen que está serie sea maravillosa
chok gozel super tuba murat love💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💁💃
Очень подходять друг друга
Ну он же женился!!!
Они подходят друг другу!!!Но он женат на такой девушке,что он даже если захочет,не сможет ее оставить😱она родня очень влиятельного чиновника из турции...не будет же он устраивать войну между арабами и турками????
@@ludmila2017khanukayev Какая война?О чём вы?Лишь было желание... Роза ЗЗ.
Odlični scenari, Odličan režiser, glumci odlični u svojim ulogama a Murat i Tuba nezaboravan i nezamjenjiv par. Nikad ovako nešto lijepo nisam odgledala a vjerujem da neću. Ljubav se zove MuraTuba. Uz MuruTubu sve je ljepše!.........Nadam se da će se naći netko pametan i još jednom ih spojiti u nekom projektu jer oni zaslužuju više, i više i najviše!
Medio tristeza el nunca la vio alos ojos y ella nunca le Kito la mirada😢😢
Чудова, чудесна пара!!! Прекрасний серіал "ASI"!!! Чарівна КРАСА-ВРОДА,- TUBA!!!!!!! Дякую!
There Will Not Be A Better Match Ever ! SO Perfect Together .
Mi novela favorita mis únicos la mejor producción junto a los creadores de Sila escenografía única calidad superior de todos los actores y las vistas naturales de Antaquia Dios k hagan otra aunque sea paresida ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Love u Tuba-Murat.Super
С такой лёгкостью Мурат схватил руку ТУБЫ ...рука привыкшая в его руке...рука которая он не отпустит никогда и ни при каких обстоятельствах... 💞💞💞💞💞
а як ви думаєте
після теперішеього Марркко
все між Тубою і Муратом
не зміниться?
Чи булуть колись разом?
@@МаріяЛабай-э7йasla Murat karısına deli gibi aşık, kimse beklemesin! Allah da Bozmasın yuvasını!
Tuba estaba hermosa con ese escote florero.
Wow! Tuba and Murat chemistry is unbelievable. I was in denial of watching Turkish series my mom said you need to watch Así. I’m in love speechless addicted to keep watching it over again. Just the way Murat stares at Tuba. Those eyes!
Какие вы красивыи Мурат иТуба Ася Демира
tuba and murat look beautiful together , best couple , best chemistry , we miss them , we really want see them in another series .......
Asi the best music - great Murat deep actor, Asi was very cold as usual does not show feeling. great story both actors were great Match.
Sois mi pareja preferida de las series turcas😚❤
I agree with you,they are a perfect match and the movie seamed real,you could easily see that they were in love.even in this video you can see how tuba looks at him and him on another side feeling very uncomfortable for some reason
tuba & murat lovely together....
The incredibile chemistry between gorgeous TUBA and my best actor MURAT flamed the screen , both were amazing together , she is very emotional , delicate & a real beauty .
you sent them good message, i hope they're conscient how much made us happy with this appearence ! Perfect couple! Our dream came true!
Мы рыдаем и музыка Вместе с нами ,ах какая пара ,какая любовь погасла 😂😱😂😱
Sulblisima je vous adorer vous été grande artiste magnifique Avéc murat tres classe sulblisimo vivaa bravo les artistes 🙏♥️❤🌹❤❤❤💕💕💯🥂🍾 Turquie magnifique
Let applaud you star podiums!!!!!!!!!! Thank you great video!!!!!!!!
Tuba We Loved you ❤️🌹
Elianagh2 ...his last interview denying any relationship with the most beautiful woman combined with his eye language when he mentioned her name with his sweet smile convinced me and other fans that he was not telling the truth .... they were very beautiful together .... regards to you
Очень жаль что они не пара ОЧЕНЬ 💓💓💓😪
5,07.1982-angel iyi ki varsin,love u tuba-murat legend forever.
Super actorii
No matter how much has passed - HE and SHE remains a brilliant, beautiful couple in the world of cinema!!!!!!! THEY are indivisible - it is against nature of this fantastic love!!!!!!!!!!!!
TUBA прекрасна!!!!!!! Дякую!
Настоящие чувства не проходят даже через 50лет,знаю по себе .
true love.......but destiny!!
Beautiful music! Let's hope somebody is listening to the message, but I am afraid it is not that easy to see this couple again in a joined work......
Tuba & Murat the best match in any movie they should act together again, to break the Screen !!!
immortals star,flower,love,spring.............pearl of the Turkish nation forever........living legend of all time..............great happiness Turkish.........great happiness that you Turks...........bitne Tubaaaaaaaa ve Murat,looove..........
i wish they were in love but they've chosen different partners in life!! i wish them both to be happy and to see them again playing together!
Same thoughts
Please murat didn't love her.
i hope to see them playing again soon!!! they match together!!...well i don't think they are in love..even though i'd love to see that!! i hope the best for both of them!! i truly admire them!!
Murat can't look her . They still love each other
Best couple 😍
Que linda música la de la serie,ésta y la de la cabecera,ella no deja de mirarlo como en la serie,el baboso del marido seguro se estaría muriendo de celos en su asiento 😁
Девушка сияет от счастья что беременна
Мужчина в полной растерянности от неожиданности
День рождения мужчины апрель одиннадцатого года
Рождение девочек январь двенадцатого
Праздник был великолепен
Девушка не будет сиять от счастья если беременна не от любимого
Мужчина в силу обстоятельств не может принять это всенародно
Ему приходится всё скрывать
И на помощь приходит другой
Берет на себя роль мужа
Прям как в кино
Этим он всех спасает от жестокой реальности
Когда нибудь о их истории снимут сериал
وك حبي انتي تسلم هال الايادي مواااااااااااه رووووووووووووووووووعة
guys i read everything you wrote and i agree with the most of you. At first this couple is successful integrated for us(their fans), they have exclusive chemistry and from their acting(both amazing actors) seems to be much more as they think to be! it's ok, they have their life, separated , but that doesn't mean the existing feeling we all see between them when they look each other, which is the mystification and embarrassment of Murat in front of Tuba. (continued)
Здесь Мурат чюстовал то что чувствовала Туба когда он женился на Бурчин....именно здесь он узнал что Туба беременна....и выходит замуж за Онура....он злился....даже не смотрел на неё....не смог....в тот момент он уже понял что потерял её навсегда....но Туба умничка смотрела на него и хотела помочь ему справиться на сцене....видно она его любит очень сильно.....но было очень поздно....в тот момент она чувствовала себя на коне ...стать мамой это самое большое счастье...и Тубе как никому очень очень идёт быть счастливой
Но мне кажется,что он не знал самого главного и тогда наверное не злился так.
Она это заслужила. Умничка! Счастья ей и ее девочкам!
@@АннаБондарец-ж9юyo pienso q en ese momento no sabía q eran sus hijas
I will try to find it too.Thanks a lot!!!! :-)
in my personal opinion he still loves her....after she married and gave birth to the twins.......in all the interviews he doesn` t have his wedding ring,they go(murat and burcin) separate to events .
who knows......
It is like a puzzle and it is expected to be because they have been there as actors (asi and demir) , as a couple in love, as a couple with a difficulty to express their feelings to each other. i am not saying that they are miserable in their marriages but we are not naive fans and we have experience from their work (asi) and we see things hidden in the their puzzle.
This is not my scientific fantasy, because actors have to live deeply every scene they do and then perform it (this is serious acting). So, i like them a lot, and i also want to watch them in another series or cinema movie. (it is incredibly difficult to find such a lovely couple with flawless chemistry, the producers ought to think those two as a timeless couple, not as a history).
The same goes for Murat...Although he is an excellent actor, we did not feel the amazing chemistry of ASI in his other work and specially AVC...
I have to say that he also looks amazing with Tuba only...they are made for each other.....
I agree with you 656 niki it's. difficult because of the rumors about.
zao mi je ali ne mogu se sjetiti gdje je taj link, ali sam sigurna da sam to procitala, a link sam nasla na Forum.hr.Asi. Drago mi je da se i vi slazete da je Tuba uvijek u svojim izjavama o Muratu i bilo kome drugom, vrlo korektna i dobronamjerna. Pa ona je takva, prelijepa, elegantna, sarmantna, spontana, iskreno nasmijana.Pa dobila je za sve to bezbrojne nagrade, a Burcin.Da nije Muratova zena nitko osim njene obitelji ne bi znao za nju.Ona je totalno nezanimljiva, osim Muratu i nek mu bude.
Он вспыльчив и эмоционален,любит,чтоб всё было,как ему хочется,обе жены завлядывают ему в рот,пытаясь угадать его настроение,а Туба другой человек,она партнёр равный,а не мышь серая,Мурата погубила спешка,всё хотел получить быстро и сразу,а исправить не хватает выдержки и сил ,да и поздно уже,он никому не нужен,кроме своей недалёкой второй жены,он спонсор её пустой жизни,а в его игре беспрекословный исполнитель...ни одна нормальная женщина не будет в этом цирке участвовать...
Excellent your comment !!!
Вы правы,он наверное уже никому не нужен,кроме этой ненормальной,ни один уважающий мужик на нее даже не глянул с ее биографией,это нужно так себя неуважать.
Estaba Onur en la alfombra roja nunca lo entendí, donde estaban los principales protagonistas? Onur sobra
They are trying to avoid a scandal and that's why they are avoiding each other.
Yes ady3adryana , u r smart as all the audience who noticed how they were really in love even they never admit it coz of their personal life & privacy , yes they were acting BUT out of deep feelings to each other reflected in their pysical body language & the way they looked to each other . some stupid agents of ugly burcin deny this fact , we their fans say MURAT LOVED TUBA , IT IS OBVIOUS . He was very normal & happy with her compared to his reactions with Nurgul & others
Please Girls,I am not discussing MuraTuba chemistry here.no one can deny this and i am in love with Asi which is my favorite series forever.. beside AVC is wonderful series; I know the romance between Savas & Yasmin is not the same that in Asi but the story here is different cause it show us how traditions attitude and Tribal issues control their society and how the agha come and change all that...the events worth watching beside the cast is great.. it is enough there is Murat in.
i was thinking the same ,why tuba and murat aren't friends like nurgul and murat or tuba and cansel ,they are uncomfortable when they are together ,who knows maybe they were in love secretly
Correct to what did you say... I think Tuba is amazing only with Murat.....I like his other roles( Savas, Ali, Demir and Behcet...etc.) he took many prizes for his amazing performance because simply he is the only one who can talk with his eyes which no other can do.....He is the best actor not only in Turkey but in the whole world.
R.A Iraq Really!!! That you're thinking or you did think about it #MuratYildirim is the best of the world !No!! He doesn't the best , for him was #Asi with #TubaBüyüküstün !!
excellent #Turkish #Adorable#ThebestCouple
He's a #GreatActor but He'll get probably to be in the future between the better or best but .... nowadays He had been only the marketing in the Social Media with his ugly Maroccaine woman #ImaneElbani likely to be famous her #Android #PlasticWoman Full #Silicon
Sorry to tell you but Engin Akyrurek also talks with his eyes. He showed love to Elif all the time in Kara Para Ask and they made a great couple, also nominated as best couple for a Golden Butterfly Award. With Kivanc in Cesur ve Guzel not only they were nominated as best couple but they won, in turkey and at the Dubai Festival. I think Tuba has this ability to make a great couple with all her partners. But I love ASI very much, and return to watch it again and again, not only for their great love but for the intensity of all their emotions. They had great chemistry. And just as a fantasy of mine if their were a couple in real life, they would have done better than with the partners they chose, also they are both philanthropists.
I agree with you even now we say the same thing after many years even though he is very different that he remarried the wrong woman I think he uses it for her reputation it is a pity for him he deserves better the same mistake as the former
Потому что перед выходом на сцену они поругались в готелле.У Мурата нет настроения а Туба как будто издевается улыбается.
@usernd,8zv2nf2v al comenzar el vídeo viene murat con burkan discutiendo. Atrás de ellos viene actriz Tuba con Onur en ningún momento la actriz Tuba ha discutido con actor Murat miren bien la entrada la burkan le hace problema Murat. Y la actriz Tuba está sonriente porq sabe q va tener sus mellizas no es risa burlona
Zasto se tako agresivno ponasa covjek prema prekrasnoj zeni i osobi, s kojom je oko 2 godine snimao vrlo emotivne ljubavne scene, koji je toj istoj zeni ocima izjavljivao ljubav. Nigdje nisam nasla da bi Tuba nesto neprikladno rekla za njega, pa cak izrazila je nevjericu da bi Murat govorio ruzno to sto je doista govorio. Murat je davao toliko kontroverznih izjava novinarima da je tesko reci sto stvarno misli.jedno je sigurno, do sada nije ostvario ulogu bolju od Demira, ma kako se trudio.
Скорее всего он побоялся ответственности
mislim da je to pogodak! Burcin se ne bi osjecala ugodno pored Tube, jer iako o sebi misli da je vrlo lijepa,ona ZNA da se ne moze takmiciti s Tubom.Dovoljno je samo pogledati koliko broji njen fan, a koliko Tubini (ima ih vise).Burcin je,zapravo, tragican lik u konstelaciji Murat-Tuba-Burcin.Za to sama snosi najvise krivice, a i Murat je tome doprinio svojim stupidnim izjavama i vrlo nedosljednim ponasanjem prema Tubi.Ponasa se kao djetinjast ljubomoran muskarac i neko bi mu to trebao reci!
Anlamadığım Murat Yıldırım Tuba Büyüküstün hakkında gazetecilere ne gibi acma sapan açıklamalarda bulundu ki?
po mom misljenju nisu prijatelji jer Burcin ne moze podnijeti Tubu (znamo zbog cega) i ne osjeca se sigurnom.Ona vjerojatno jako utice na Murata i formira njegovo misljenje, a to govori puno lose ne o Burcin (ona se bori da ga zadrzi kad ga je vec jednom kupila), nego o Muratu kao o covjeku.On je izvanredan glumac, ali nemojmo se zavaravati, nece dobiti Oscara, ali je pao na ispitu kao covjek, osobito kao muskarac gentleman (pokazao je da moze biti i primitivan), vjerojatno je ljuibomoran.
Could you please tell me in which website you read his interview?I want to read it too.I also think that their relationship is not so good.Especially murat's behaviour is very different with tuba compere to the other co-stars of him.With tuba he is not that comfortable, he seems a little embarrassed...what's happenning? they could be the perfect couple, but...!
That mean they acted very well and well done but not mean they were love each other like some people they were grazy fans force them to be together, still murat got a lovely wife they still hope and grazy for them, that people like they have no life hahh.
Music name any one!
exactly. men can not act unless their female co- actors are great like what we see in asi.
jest pukla na njeg steta sto su otisli svako svojim putem :( :( :(
Kako ne razumijes? Pa govorim o Muratovom nekorektnom ponasanju prema Tubi (ispoljeno u njegovim izjavama da je ona nemoguca osoba i da ne zeli s njom vise nikada raditi), pa i na samom susretu u MC ponio se prostacki - otisao s pozornice i ostavio Tubu samu umjesto da joj je pruzio ruku i zajedno da su napustili kako su dosli na pozornicu. Ima toga jos, ali na drugim snimkama, gdje on s necim nezadovoljan galami i jasno pokazuje ljutnju. Ovo je moje misljenje s kojim se ti ne moras sloziti.
can i find this interview on youtube or no ?
is that truth? he married her because of her accident?OMG! let me ask you something, in the first season murat and tuba were singles right? in which episode and then he married burcin? have you heard anything else about their love, true love beyond the series(muratuba), that makes you confident about it, because the only fact that makes me believe in them is the series of ASI and the way he looks at her and the way she corresponds at him. Do you know anything else?i would like to know.
Ella. La burkan se embriago y provoco accidente fue matrimonio forzado la graciA a. Burkan le duró 5 años
Зачем он оставилТубо на сцене и ушёл он под руку забрал ее 🤷 а оставил там
i understand from google that you are saying that murat was rude because he left tuba alone on stage and he was uncoforable while talking about her ?
But......he waited at the side of the step and helped her down. He was not rude.
in arabic website I read one of his interview and it was really funny. he said some thing about tuba that she destroyed the promoton by coming to an event that beren saat was there . and he said my wife is the most beautiful and intelligent !!!. I could not stop laghing . what ever it is its his life every person live with some one who deserve. but I did not like the way he talked and I found him rude and proud of himself. thats not good for an actor to be like that.
unfortunately I dont have the link to that page . but I think I remember it was translated in english in an arabic website which had his interviews. If I find IT I will send it to you. maybe thats why many fans are mad at him some times he said some thing inappropriate about tuba.
Nothing inappropriate was said by Murat...what do you want - for him to admit on TV that he loves Tuba when he is married. Think !!!
@@od3893 every time he was opening his mouth , he was rude, no need to be.a read some he is comments is not was appropriate. TUba never said rude staff about Murat. Now you think!!!
Nravita ixnie filmi
Asi ans amir
zaista ne mogu jer ne govorim engleski, ali se možes poslužiti s Google Trans. Tako i ja radim. Sorry
i mean i don't understand you're language ,if you can talk in english please
sorry i don't understand what you are saying
ella lo mira enamorada el parece molesto
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El 1:49 estaba molesto poqceni 1:49 1:49 1:49 1:49
El 1:49 estaba molesto poqceni 1:49 1:49 1:49 1:49
El 1:49 estaba molesto poqceni 1:49 1:49 1:49 1:49
El 1:49 estaba molesto poqceni 1:49 1:49 1:49 1:49
il y a 10 ans aucune évolutions raconter que de la merde