His Kind of Interview | TCM Originals | TCM

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @TheVid54
    @TheVid54 6 місяців тому +50

    I remember watching that interview. Robert Mitchum's reputation preceded him, as did his splendid body of work. MItchum had a bad day and shared it with everyone. Robert Osborne handled it like the gentlemen he was, and it was still a memorable meeting.

    • @mariegeorge8865
      @mariegeorge8865 6 місяців тому +8

      Worst interview I've ever seen. Robert Mitchum was so rude, it affected how I feel about him as a person. Maybe something was wrong with him......

    • @cmcb09
      @cmcb09 5 місяців тому +4

      @@mariegeorge8865he loathed interviews, there is an in-depth interview on here around the same time. But per the uploader/person who filmed it. He only agreed to interview as segments were going to be used for an upcoming documentary about his friend Janet Leigh.

    • @gracehope7
      @gracehope7 3 місяці тому +4

      @@mariegeorge8865He looks like he wasn’t well, if he wasn’t feeling good that might have caused him to be so short.

  • @azohundred1353
    @azohundred1353 6 місяців тому +25

    The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973) and The Night of the Hunter (1955) are two tour de force performances of Robert Mitchum that come to mind. Oscars are not entirely indicative of a legendary career, of course, but those are two that should have received award buzz in their day. Not that Mitchum would've cared either way. Absolute legend of cinema, one of my all-time favorite actors.
    Thanks for this piece of archived history, TCM! The interview with the Roberts. May they both, and Jane Russell, Rest In Peace.

    • @waynej2608
      @waynej2608 6 місяців тому +6

      I wholeheartedly agree with those two films having Mitchum's best performances. I would add maybe Cape Fear and Out of the Past. He's always solid, of course. Too bad he clammed up for this interview. 😅

  • @SafeTV2011
    @SafeTV2011 6 місяців тому +24

    One of the Great Joys, I had, in my 40+ years of Film/TV, was driving along the 401, back into Toronto, with Bob. He reached over and shut off the radio, then he said "sing with me Allen. We burst into a raucous version of 'House of the Rising Sun''. What a time. I asked Bob if he wanted to go to the Hotel Bar and have a night-cap. His answer? " No thanks Al, a Martoony and a Doobie, in my room will do. Goodnight". The show was 'African Skies'. The years..1992-1994. I also was ale to introduce Bob to John Candy and John Vernon. Good times abounding. Thanks Robert.🌠

    • @soniablades7031
      @soniablades7031 6 місяців тому +5

      Wow that’s a memory for the books, that’s a good one.

    • @shuffleslunuffle
      @shuffleslunuffle 6 місяців тому +8

      @@soniablades7031 I do have a lot of them, there stories 'bout Actors & such, after 40+ 'odd' years, in the 'Biz'. Here's one about Patrick Swayze: Back in 1984, I was working with Pat on a film entitled 'Youngblood', you may have seen it. Rob Lowe was in it, too and I have a funny story about him, but, that's for another time.
      We were out and about with a People photographer and ended up in a Conservation Park, north of Toronto. The photog had Pat dress into his dancing gear and captured him leaping about in a field of flowers & such. Damn he is good! There was a small Rodeo happening there and Pat convinced the Canadian Cowboys to let him hop on a quarter horse, that was new to him. He had it hunched in the corner and went for the running calf. It took him two tries but he nailed it, pretty fast. The Can.Cowboys were quite impressed. Lovely man, that Pat Swayze. Pretty intense guy but heartfelt. R.I.P. Buddy!

  • @JonnyBoots2020
    @JonnyBoots2020 6 місяців тому +19

    Robert Osburn was actually a very nice man. I walked up to him on Columbus Circle and said "your amazing", and he didnt want me to go away he said, "wait, wait! whats your name!?" I told him, "Jonathan" he smiled and said, "Its very nice to meet you Jonathan." made me feel special

  • @alinaro3955
    @alinaro3955 6 місяців тому +43

    God, I miss old Hollywood. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Anyone who thinks Mitchum was a jerk has no sense of humor. 😂 Best interview ever. I wish more actors were that nonchalant about their careers. They take themselves way too seriously. Refreshing seeing Mitcham not give a shit.

    • @jesseowenvillamor6348
      @jesseowenvillamor6348 6 місяців тому +6

      Yes, he comes off as a jerk during that interview. Don't defend him.

    • @elnick1000
      @elnick1000 6 місяців тому +6

      I loved Robert Mitchum. I had seen other interviews, the most famous interview I think he had would be with Dick Cavett. Also maybe at this time he realized he was dieing, and it showed.

  • @juanbarraza1490
    @juanbarraza1490 6 місяців тому +21

    Bob Costas also got the Mitchum treatment. Costas booked Mitchum for his NBC Later show and it went just as well. They would both wind up entering the same elevator leaving the taping. Inside Mitchum asked Costas if he’d like to hear a Marilyn Monroe story. Costas replied he could have done that on camera!

  • @bryedtan
    @bryedtan 6 місяців тому +19

    Robert Mitchum one of the best actors I remember my Dad and me watching.

    • @joebarr725
      @joebarr725 6 місяців тому

      You and your Dad should have watched more movies.

    • @Notturnoir
      @Notturnoir 6 місяців тому

      @@joebarr725or you should

  • @carolynlouise2056
    @carolynlouise2056 3 місяці тому +4

    Fantastic clips of this interview!

  • @LarryMcClure-ny2sc
    @LarryMcClure-ny2sc 2 місяці тому +5

    Mirchum one of top 5 greatest actors in Hollywood

  • @ericthered760
    @ericthered760 6 місяців тому +14

    This interview is infamous among TCM fans, viewers, TCM staff, and anyone else who's familiar with it. I really felt for Robert Osborne, who was a superb interviewer - even with those who met him only half-way. Mitchum didn't meet him a tenth of the way; and did a 180 from how he came across on screen. Guess he was only good when other people put words in his mouth. Whenever I see a Mitchum movie, I try to forget about this ... and it's hard.

    • @irish66
      @irish66 3 місяці тому +3

      Guess he was only good when other people put words in his mouth " No.,he could give good interviews when he wanted too.

  • @robertpolanco1973
    @robertpolanco1973 Місяць тому +2

    Personally, what really surprised me about Robert Mitchum was when he did a TV movie and even a very short-lived TV sitcom where he played a kind of homeless person and he was quite funny in them. In all honesty, I wasn't sure whether to feel sorry for what he went through in the last years of his life or not. But what I also enjoyed was his role in two powerful TV mini-series based on Herman Wouk novels, "The Winds of War" and its sequel of "War and Remembrance," and the role he did was an American naval officer and he did speak some Russian in his dialogue very well. What an interesting and talented actor Mitchum was and he will be missed by many indeed.

  • @williehilljr.4579
    @williehilljr.4579 5 місяців тому +6

    There's no doubt in my mind that Mitchum later apologized. Osborne was the greatest.

  • @Ana20arA
    @Ana20arA 6 місяців тому +17

    My family and I laughed the whole interview and poor Jane Russell caught in the middle lol😂😂

  • @chrissyknowsitall5170
    @chrissyknowsitall5170 6 місяців тому +34

    Maybe they should of let him hit a bar!!🤣🤣🥃🥃🍺🍺

    • @waynej2608
      @waynej2608 6 місяців тому +5

      That's what I was thinking. A few belts of Irish whiskey may have helped loosen him up. 😅

    • @jesseowenvillamor6348
      @jesseowenvillamor6348 6 місяців тому +2

      Should have, not "should of".

    • @homeyginomolly
      @homeyginomolly Місяць тому

      ​@@jesseowenvillamor6348 public shaming is 100 times more obnoxious than a grammar mistake. This is the Internet, land of shortcuts and make up your own words. Creativity. New century.
      In case you are reveling in your "catch", feeling superior, everyone saw it. Thankfully you are the only one childish enough to need to publicly correct someone.
      Are you a nun or a second grader?

  • @darrelmorgan6266
    @darrelmorgan6266 2 місяці тому +2

    LOL! Mitch was definitely one of a kind!

  • @grahamhill6340
    @grahamhill6340 2 місяці тому +3

    ROBERT OSBORNE as good as he was, he should've done his homework and known that ROBERT MITCHUM was notorious for not wanting to talk about himself or his career...
    Mitchum was just like director John Ford, their careers were just a job and no big deal.
    Having worked in HOLLYWOOD for some 40-years myself, and having attended TCM festivals, I can tell personally tell you that so many movie fans expect their favorite stars to be like that picture them on the screen... in short, they don't realize they are they are justACTORS, and thety're human like the rest of us!
    And when actors get old and their health declines, some love to talk about themselves and some don't!
    Jane Russell sitting next to him knew exactly how Mitchum was going to respond with simple YES/NO answers, but Osborne didn't have a clue to get the "interview" back-on-track!
    Remember, Mitchum was a life-long heavy drinker and pot smoker, and he never suffered fools gladly... Mitchum got along well with most ordinary people he met, he just didn't like talking about himself... it's as simple as that!
    One year Mitchum hosted the Lone Pine Film Festival and got along great with the fans, he was a very intelligent and complex man who like Jack Palance wrote poetry and was very individualistic.
    As HUMPHREY BOGART famously said "All you owe the public is a good performance" -and this TCM interview was a very honest and natural one...
    Who ever arranged it should've loosened Mitchum up beforehand, or better yet they should've flown out to see him in Santa Barbara, not the over way around... but TCM did get it right all these years later finally calling this HIS KIND OF INTERVIEW!

  • @gwenniegirl50
    @gwenniegirl50 6 місяців тому +20

    As I understand it, Robert Mitchum had a reputation for giving this sort of interview. I don’t know his reasons why but it has been said that he would talk and chat, and then when the interviewing would start, he would clam up. It was like pulling teeth for the host.

    • @mariegeorge8865
      @mariegeorge8865 6 місяців тому

      I think Robert Mitchum was a complete a**hole in this interview; I guess that's what he wanted to prove.

    • @elnick1000
      @elnick1000 6 місяців тому +4

      Well he had of course proven that he could be a good interviewer. I always watch his interview with Dick Cavett. I think if he gave a good interview it was for a reason. Also he had one after the moive THE BIG SLEEP had either come out, or was coming out.

    • @homeyginomolly
      @homeyginomolly Місяць тому +1

      ​@@elnick1000 I love that one.

    • @elnick1000
      @elnick1000 Місяць тому +2

      @@homeyginomolly Have seen is so many times, But I do believe watching it that they did talk before hand. I remmeber also the papers on the table that looked like they would blow away.

  • @danbaranowski
    @danbaranowski 6 місяців тому +20

    On his own Private Screenings interview with Alec Baldwin in 2014, Robert Osborne said that Robert Mitchum was a complete nightmare on set. And he was right

    • @tomp8871
      @tomp8871 6 місяців тому +4

      Alec who?

    • @homeyginomolly
      @homeyginomolly Місяць тому +2

      Maybe interviews, you get tired of the same 30 questions over decades.
      Everyone who worked with him on set appeared to adore him. Kind, brilliant, interesting.
      Disliked interviews as many do. He wasn't good at faking it.

    • @robertpolanco1973
      @robertpolanco1973 Місяць тому +1

      @@tomp8871 Were you being resentful of Alec Baldwin because of his choice of being political? Please!

  • @MortgageDan
    @MortgageDan 6 місяців тому +4

    “Tough interview”?
    Every one of those questions was closed ended. It’s hilarious watching Mitchum responding to the asked question per the way it was asked

  • @lisabarr6004
    @lisabarr6004 6 місяців тому +12

    Whoa! poor Robert, what a grump😮
    But he did make some great movies.

  • @sroi8224
    @sroi8224 Місяць тому

    The funniest interview ever. Classic Mitch!

  • @etherealtb6021
    @etherealtb6021 6 місяців тому +6

    I remember this. I was like, why go all the way to Atlanta if you didn't want to do it? It isn't like Atlanta was a hot spot. 🤷‍♀️

  • @leeanneyoungman8028
    @leeanneyoungman8028 2 місяці тому +1

    I remember another actor, a friend of Mr Mitchum saying in an interview after he was in rehab, he asked did you learn anything about rehab and all Mitchum said was… more ice…😊

  • @darrelmorgan6266
    @darrelmorgan6266 2 місяці тому +2

    Felt bad for Robert Osborne on this one. He was a great interviewer. That said, I think Mitchum had come to a point he no longer cared about what he had once called "flack fat". Repeating the same stories over and over again. There is an interview from 1987 in France with Mitchum somewhere on YT wherein the interviewer starts asking him those sorts of questions and Mittchum gives the same kind of monosyllabic answer. The interviewer presses him further and Mitchum kind of snaps at him and says "I can make something up0 if you want me to!"

  • @jimhilliker2450
    @jimhilliker2450 6 місяців тому +8

    Dick Cavett was able to have a good interview of Mitchum in 1971. He talked a lot on that interview.. Disappointing that he was this way on TCM.

  • @senseinai
    @senseinai 3 місяці тому +2

    I wish Osborne had interjected, ‘Bob, we don’t have all day, so try to keep your responses brief’. It might have eased things if Mitchum had picked up on the humour. It also needs to be remembered that the Mitchum here is the result of decades of extreme alcoholism.

  • @RebeccaTurner-kf8gx
    @RebeccaTurner-kf8gx 6 місяців тому +2

    Oh I miss the two Roberts and Jane I love watching them

  • @soniablades7031
    @soniablades7031 6 місяців тому +2

    Hell yeah! I hope I can become more like that as I get older, it’s much easier to not give a damn. That’s classic Bob if you don’t get it then get out of here you have no sense of humor. 😂

  • @robinlanier6886
    @robinlanier6886 4 місяці тому +3

    He sure wasn't very cooperative. I was waiting for him to walk off. 😬

  • @lauraberendson4032
    @lauraberendson4032 6 місяців тому +8

    Robert osborne was such a nice man and it's such a shame that robert mitchum was being such a jerk. But I also suppose that they are asked a lot of the same questions and they're tired of answering.What is their favorite or who do they like working with and why.

    • @mariegeorge8865
      @mariegeorge8865 5 місяців тому +2

      @@lauraberendson4032 : No excuses for such rudeness. Mitchum was doing it on purpose. It really affected how I think of him

  • @darinhawk3301
    @darinhawk3301 Місяць тому +1

    Seems like he just wanted to be left alone. It slightly changes my opinion of him. I heard he was difficult to work with sometimes, but this kind of solidified that.

    • @1teela
      @1teela Місяць тому

      I have heard that as well. However, not being able to breathe well also is a factor.

  • @SylvianLight
    @SylvianLight 6 місяців тому +6

    this is hilarious

  • @Dpb-236
    @Dpb-236 6 місяців тому +1

    What year this interview?

  • @markbataitis4851
    @markbataitis4851 6 місяців тому +6

    Osborne was mystified over Mitchum's responses once the cameras were rolling. Prior to that, Mitchum was forthcoming and very accessible in conversations with Osborne. But once it began FOR REAL, Mitchum essentially acted like a jerk.

  • @Julieglam3
    @Julieglam3 6 місяців тому +7

    Some actors can be real ass holes in interviews, I've seen that many times. But Robert Osborne was always a consummate professional, especially during this interview. When you do the job he does you learn how to deal with people who don't know how to be...Mitchum was obviously one of those people...🙄

  • @classiclife7204
    @classiclife7204 6 місяців тому +17

    Ugh. Osborne was one of the good guys of the world; why would Mitchum take it - whatever "it" was - out on him? I've seen Mitchum do interviews; never saw him act like this. Unprofessional.

    • @gregt2022
      @gregt2022 6 місяців тому +3

      Agree, Mitch got paid for this and cashed the check!

    • @classiclife7204
      @classiclife7204 6 місяців тому +4

      @@gregt2022 TCM should've cancelled the check.

  • @greeneyedwarlock882
    @greeneyedwarlock882 6 місяців тому +2

    How much “FUN” was that interview!?! 🤯🤬🤮⁉️

  • @oldmaniscariot6846
    @oldmaniscariot6846 5 місяців тому +4

    Oh no, a tired old legend who’s been giving interviews and answering the same questions for decades is acting less than enthusiastic! Better slander him on the internet!

  • @CthulhuInc
    @CthulhuInc 6 місяців тому +1

    hahaha that's hilarious!

  • @finch45lear
    @finch45lear 6 місяців тому +2

    It does make one wonder if there was some personal animosity there. He was so blatantly uncooperative.

    • @mariegeorge8865
      @mariegeorge8865 5 місяців тому +1

      @@finch45lear : I think he was just being a contrary jerk, cuz he knew he could be. Awful personality.

  • @ryanhodges7101
    @ryanhodges7101 4 місяці тому +1

    The man did not enjoy being interviewed and asked a lot of silly questions. I believe he had little interest in advancing someone else’s career. Also, he genuinely did not care.

  • @Ingrid-sb6my
    @Ingrid-sb6my 2 місяці тому

    I really like watching a Robert Mitchum movie but boy I had NO idea he was such a pure fecal egress in person.

  • @roundtwo3321
    @roundtwo3321 6 місяців тому

    Yes or No questions? Great technique.

  • @debbiesimons3059
    @debbiesimons3059 6 місяців тому +5

    I watched all of this interview! I absolutely loved Robert Mitchum! I heard one of you knock this interview! But Robert was honest, I'll never forget this one! He was totally honest! He said that he was so disappointed at how many times great scripts were turned down!!! How many times crappy cheap movies were made in order to save a few bucks!!! Most of the time these actors are hoping to get work from these interviews but Bob Mitchum didn't give one iota! I was never a fan of Jane Russell, I saw her many years ago doing a commercial for Playtex bras! It was obvious to me that she was drunk!!!! I am not a big fan of hers. I may also say that several of the movies that Bogie did I think that Robert Mitchum would've sored in! But it was always Bogie & Bacall.... Robert Mitchum, with his beautiful bedroom eyes 👀 would've been fantastic in all of those movies! He was delicious looking & I adored those eyes! He wasn't even trying to make a comeback, he was one of the very few people that was totally honest! I am a true cinephile & I loved Robert Osborne & maybe he was a bit shocked by a totally honest answer! ❤I usually know a fake when I see one. Robert Mitchum wasn't there to kiss anyone's backend. He was himself totally & I would love to see that whole interview again instead of how you edited out the so many of the facts! Shame on you, he was clearly not trying to be mean to Robert Osborne, simply trying to say exactly as he felt! Btw, maybe he was telling the truth about Katherine Hepburn? I mean maybe just maybe he didn't have a problem with her(Kate Hepburn) It's obvious he had a very close friend in Jane Russell! It's come out that she did have a drinking problem. I would never judge anyone for that! Although I often check out Johnny Carson for the GREAT episode when she admitted that she had taken a "few valiums" before her appearance & she & Johnny laughed about it! He knew she had a buzz & it's not a wonder when appearing live on his show! I would love to see more of these interviews! Why don't you rerun them? That would be so much better than your friggin' wines & Disney cruises! It's all about the money all the time! Can't you BIG WHEELS ever give the audience what they truly enjoy? I won't go on because I respect Disney & the CEO who has bought up all of the networks except for the ones that Rupert Murdock owns!!! Oh my God I won't dare go there! I still love TCM but I know that the movies, well I now have to hunt for the great ones! HBO/Max are buying them up! I am a senior now & I have never seen our country run by the TV as it is now! Dodie Fayed's father should've sued Rupert Murdock for the death of his son & Princess Di!! He bought up all of their tabloids & magazines too! I have stopped watching the news except for MSNBC & then I watch UA-cam & other apps for independent news! I know that they have lost all control over the news ! But that's another story! God rest & keep Robert Mitchum for his honesty!

    • @debbiesimons3059
      @debbiesimons3059 6 місяців тому +4

      Sorry but I didn't mention who I was talking about on Johnny Carson, it was Candace Bergen & she's a great actor too! Sorry about that!

    • @debbiesimons3059
      @debbiesimons3059 6 місяців тому +2

      It was Candace Bergen on Johnny Carson sorry for the confusion ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @KohalaLover
      @KohalaLover 6 місяців тому +2

      I’m a big fan of Mitchum. As a teenager, many decades ago, I met him as we were staying at the same hotel in Mexico. Mazalan. He had a man assistant. Mitchum liked my sister, who was around twelve at the time. He wasn’t pervy but my mom made it clear she could not go into his room or anywhere with him. We were obedient girls. He and my sister were on the beach behind my mom & dad so we could be watchful, just in case. Mitchum was a very heavy drinker. This is an understatement.
      “Night of the Hunter”was my fav Mitchum film.

    • @jesseowenvillamor6348
      @jesseowenvillamor6348 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@debbiesimons3059That's just wrong celebrity worship.

    • @homeyginomolly
      @homeyginomolly Місяць тому

      Brava and thank you Debbie!❤

  • @geraldrice5456
    @geraldrice5456 3 місяці тому +1

    He obviously was arm twisted by Russell to do it, didn't want to do it, but acquiesced in as ineffectively as he could. Shame. But the look on Russell's face at the end says it all. Mitchum's crap really was disrespectful to any friendship they might have had and an embarrassment to her. Nothing "manly" about the way he acted and treated her as a confidant and friend.

  • @jeffpagan7735
    @jeffpagan7735 4 місяці тому +1

    He told his wife she'll be farting through satin.

  • @PecanRanch
    @PecanRanch 6 місяців тому +2

    The interviewer clearly didn’t know what Robert was interested in talking about…

  • @duckydewer
    @duckydewer 6 місяців тому +2

    Mitchum; the older he got; got more odd. His behavior was strange. What he did in front of Russell and Osborne bordered on the strange. He did the same thing to Dick Cavett, Merv Griffin and several other interviewers; never have understood why. I loved his acting. But Osborne "didn't" deserve this treatment at all. After 1972 I stopped what Mitchum's Movies. Something changed him. I'm not his judge. In my opinion from 1943 to 1972 he was amazing in person and on screen. After that, something changed. Sad.

    • @stevemoorman9481
      @stevemoorman9481 5 місяців тому +2

      @@duckydewer Cavett got a great interview out of him ,

    • @homeyginomolly
      @homeyginomolly Місяць тому

      Actually he was quite humble and
      hated talking about himself. Any other topic, he was on fire. His own life - nope. Opposite of most stars.

  • @williehilljr.4579
    @williehilljr.4579 5 місяців тому

    Jane Russell was dear in the headlight

  • @ardiffley-zipkin9539
    @ardiffley-zipkin9539 6 місяців тому +11

    He was being nasty. That’s all.

  • @penni6432
    @penni6432 6 місяців тому +2

    I have always felt that Mitchum was as arrogant in real life as he was on screen. I wasn't sure until seeing this interview. Now I know that I thought to be true was true. Very rude interviewee.

  • @501rivet
    @501rivet 6 місяців тому +2

    ..you attempt to make something so awful an experience into hype, disappointing in attempting to qualify vintage footage. Its rather an educational tool for exhibiting rude behavior or the beginning of Alzheimer's in a celebrity. You can see Jane enjoyed her combined moment looking like she has a taxi waiting w/the meter running. Id have rather never seen this knowing how rude, or "gone" Mitchum was at the time of this interview.

    • @bbunny1940
      @bbunny1940 6 місяців тому +1

      Mitchum did not have Alzheimers.
      This piece was produced with love for everyone involved.
      It is unfortunate you have the opposite conclusion.

    • @501rivet
      @501rivet 6 місяців тому +1

      @@bbunny1940 "love?" Where's the love? My take unfortunate ? Its unfortunate AMC used this footage to present Robert Mitchum's apparent/obvious rudeness to Robert Osbourne. RM knows the interview routine, and it was reported in this posting RM just did hashish recently prior. No, this is the burned out shell of a man/performer, who did not make this interview comfortable for all involved, not even RM. I still enjoy his presence in a movie, but as a human being, ahhhhh, not so much.

    • @stevemoorman9481
      @stevemoorman9481 6 місяців тому +2

      Mitchum could be unpleasant when drunk /high. He's an old man here this was an attempt on his part to live up to his fuck you reputation.

    • @501rivet
      @501rivet 6 місяців тому

      @@stevemoorman9481 ..I get the impression you provide in that RM knew what he was not saying or providing. No one can really say what was going on in his head but can base his inactions in this interview on his challenging now seasoned past. Regardless, I enjoy most of his performances.

    • @cmcb09
      @cmcb09 5 місяців тому +1

      @@501rivetthere is a multi-part interview on here that he did around the same period, but per the uploader/person who filmed it. He only agreed to the interview as segments of it were to be used for a documentary on his dear friend Janet Leigh.

  • @simon5005
    @simon5005 6 місяців тому +1

    Wonderful actor but I I never found him to be the least bit appealing.

  • @jeshkam
    @jeshkam 6 місяців тому +1

    Out of shape in shape guy from the 50's. 😂

    • @azohundred1353
      @azohundred1353 6 місяців тому +12

      Robert Mitchum means a lot more to film history than some joke from Family Guy, in my humble opinion. In all honesty, Seth MacFarlane can't hold a candle to Robert. Out Of The Past, The Night Of The Hunter, Cape Fear, and Mitchum's other classics have aged a lot better than Ted 1, Ted 2, and A Million Ways To Die In The West, lol. Seth is a joke.
      Ironically, Mitchum would probably laugh himself at any jokes made about him. He had zero ego.

    • @jeshkam
      @jeshkam 6 місяців тому +7

      @@azohundred1353 Agreed, but frankly he was quite unpleasant in this interview, wasn't he?

    • @azohundred1353
      @azohundred1353 6 місяців тому +10

      @@jeshkam He was his usual self. He was always like that. There's interviews of him from all over the decades, from the 40's to the 90's, all with his usual demeanor. Harrison Ford is very similar in his interviews as well. I don't know if I'd call it unpleasant, but definitely a bit indifferent about the topic, which was himself. As we all know, he didn't have an inflated ego about himself as an actor and wouldn't talk in large detail about his roles to put them on a pedestal as if he's a legend. He didn't see himself that way, even if he is one now. That's just my take, at least.

    • @homeyginomolly
      @homeyginomolly Місяць тому +1

      ​@@azohundred1353 he talked about everything but himself and his co stars loved him. Incredibly charming and humble man. Anyone who Interviewed him knew it might go this way.

  • @Mr.JoeBangles
    @Mr.JoeBangles Місяць тому

    Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas, John Wayne, Charlton Heston, Clark Gable, Gregory Peck, Lee Marvin, Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider..they don't make them like these guys anymore