• @boy19932010
    @boy19932010 День тому +13

    I see having Ti vs Fi really has a big impact on the thought process. As an INFJ i actually never have any problem arguing with a Ti Doms. Either we come to a common conclusion or even if we are not in agreement i still get to a point where i can see and understand how they arrived to that conclusion. But i always have a hard time arguing with Fi Doms, its either we are on the same page or we are not on the same page and i cant get it and have to just accept it as it is. I Guess other Fi users would just simulate the same situation internally in order to understand the other Fi person's perspective instead ?

    • @Itsmesmileyface
      @Itsmesmileyface День тому +7

      Arguing with Fi is a waste of time because Fi can be the most subjective of all functions, it has its own bubble that is difficult for others to understand, but this function can be useful in the spiritual/religious field/when you want to dedicate your entire life to someone/something you really love like worshiping God, you can use this function in that area

  • @amyf.2090
    @amyf.2090 День тому +4

    I love your content! It's funny, which makes it fun to listen to, and it's insightful, which makes it fascinating to listen to. Thanks for taking the time to lay out these ideas for us to contemplate.

  • @amy-lyne
    @amy-lyne 22 години тому +2

    Great video! haha I love the intro where you say you are going to tell us how you "feel" about "thinking". It made me smile. Idk if you were trying to be clever but that was great 😂

  • @sarahhhbae
    @sarahhhbae День тому +3

    “INTJ are lurkers” 😭yes and omgg, i can’t imagine how Ti is logic, it’s literally subjective fr.

  • @SlakOffs
    @SlakOffs День тому +4

    Ti tries to build a complete framework of understanding of everything with varying levels of depth. It's like Fi in that if it believes enough depth has been acquired, it can dismiss Te data and assume something was inaccurate with the way it was acquired or the conclusions that were drawn

  • @lynnh1682
    @lynnh1682 День тому +2

    I really enjoy your videos. 😊

  • @hindrashahadji1489
    @hindrashahadji1489 День тому +9

    As a Ti user,i am not sure about anything. I always leave roome for doubt, i talk about my ideas with % and it's nearly never 100% (i even used nearly here just to not say "never" and give a 100% information)

    • @PhoenixSsmi
      @PhoenixSsmi День тому +2

      I'm guessing ....... ur ti parent

    • @hindrashahadji1489
      @hindrashahadji1489 День тому +2

      @@PhoenixSsmi I struggle to know where to put Ti but Fe as inferior made more sense than as a child. But yea my Ti isn't as apparent as Ti dom users

  • @leedlbagginshield8492
    @leedlbagginshield8492 День тому +2

    As an Fi dom, your description of Fi (and Ti) is so spot on. I feel exposed

  • @redroverly
    @redroverly 22 години тому +2

    Subjective logic is still logic, just pointed towards the subject. Consider it like "show your work". Te can be "objective logic" bcuz it points towards the object hence "X Law" or "X Effect". The problem of Te is "showing your work" can be lackluster bcuz...I dont know how u (when I say u, I mean you the subject, the individual) came into X conclusion, you're only going to state how someone else or the popular consensus got to the answer. Its a necessity to have a standardize logic (Te) to interact with people but if u dont know how to get there, then u get confused on how the fundamental in depth logic works (Ti) to begin with and u'll be heavily dependent on others for feedback since u cant do it urself, which is a problem. The Ti logic is a necessity for the individual to logically understand the world in their own way so they can be independent and do their own research on their own time when desired effectively whenever the tribe isnt around them or flawed or they want to understand something completely for themselves. Both are logical functions, they have to be but logical fallacies can happen from both Ti or Te since its not the function itself the problem, but the user of the function.
    Im aware this sounds like a slight on Te, but really, this on the users and giving them transparency. I hope this make sense for Te users for the reason Ti has their logical endeavors. This issue is vice versa for Fi as u understand one needs their own moral compass to guide them whenever the tribe isnt around or flawed or for the sake of ur personal journey. The Ti can state in the name of Fe that its just a "waste of time that destroys the harmony of the tribe to the extent of your irrationality and unreliable emotions and feelings" (especially when its nearly impossible to consciously access their personal feelings) as much u think Ti is a "waste of time since it isnt useful or ur not using it for other people. If anything, its just as logical as Fi." (which is not even close as Ti requires principle, a structure for their set of reasons while Fi doesnt need a "proper" structure, it just needs an input value whatever that personal metric is, hopefully valuable as treasure). But if the functions are there, u might as well use all the functions effectively and accordingly to your stack. Its unwise to ignorantly say one of the cognitive functions is a "waste of time", ur only hindering urself.

    • @jonn_mace_80_95_
      @jonn_mace_80_95_ 12 годин тому +3

      Me more often being a Te user, i did not get offended at all. A superb explanation on Ti vs Te at how they compliment each other and why both are equally indispensable for critical thinking!
      Jon seems to underestimate Ti. Looks like he needs a little maturing to do. Lol!
      Seriously though, the function of Ti is crucial regarding independent thought and exercising raw logic when nobody else around can be trusted due to whatever conditions which may arise.
      **Edit** However, it should also be noted that a person must be developed and balanced by their other functions to wield Ti effectively at obtaining accurate results with analysis on various topics of interest, just like what you implied.

  • @higeroman5800
    @higeroman5800 День тому +9

    as an ISTP, there's no way for you to offend Ti lol, you can be wrong or giving false information to which Ti users will respond badly and try to clarify why they think you're missing something but there's no need to walk on eggshells really... UNLESS, you offend Fe and literally mock the Ti user in front of everybody... now you being an INTJ would mean blind Fe, so that might be the issue and that's why it may look like you hurt their Fi, it's the feeling function after all
    As for Relationships, I mean, I can't say my view on it is weird, it's my own view after all but I will say that yes, I like to get to know the person I'd choose as my partner because then I can have a framework for their behavior, remember this, Ti is about reasons, and to us everything you do must have a reason, so we want to know the reasons for your behavior before you show them to us

  • @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes
    @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes День тому +7

    I admire too how Ne Ti & Ti Ne can take/send a lot of knowledge... but not using it in the external world like Te to build/create things.
    Differences are fascinating.
    _Same to me : By lying to me, people don't hurt my feelings, but they hurt my "thinking."
    Your example with alcohol is interesting, because I think both : that alcohol make people have bad behavior, can become a bad person, and also damage the body. Even without excess, consuming certain things have consequences. (My Te & Ti are at a similar level)
    _I saw an MBTI content creator INTP, and I find him very stupid (in his Fe criticizing other types, women, and not open, not sharing his Ti knowledge, and almost no intuition, it's weird, his subjective logic don't make sense)
    A Ti dom, like every other types, if they don't consider/develop their others functions, they are really stupid/unaware.
    It's like an Ni dom making wrong connections, because they don't verify in the external world, not updating their patterns.
    One day, and friend INTJ, said to young Ti dom on Discord : "Your logic is wrong." 😆
    My INTP friend like my Ni gifts, and I appreciate his Ti to validate or correct me.
    ☁My ENFP friend and me, our wisdom : "we just share our perception & knowledge, and after people are free to take it or let it be, but don't criticize it"
    It's like a book we put on a table, and people have the choice to open it, read it, or to let it be, but don't destroy it.

  • @helenshianimation7567
    @helenshianimation7567 День тому +1

    You are right about Ti being a lot like Fi. mbti community think that ExTPs don't have integrity because we have Fi blind, but actually our values are just uncompromising as Fi users, we just have different values. Fi users are likely to have a few people in their life they consider their very close friends even when they haven't seen each other for years, but as an ENTP, we also have those very few people that we really like, our Ti decides if they are right for us or not. Ti users do invest in relationships, we are just less likely to invest in romantic relationships, because if we like someone, our first instinct is that does this person like us or not, and if we figured out early on that they are just 'not that into us', than our Ti will just think that there is no point because we can't be in love with someone who never liked us to begin with.

  • @mayakrishnanulaganathan2339
    @mayakrishnanulaganathan2339 9 годин тому

    Liked the way you speak about relationships, yes if both have same values then it doesn't matter what other likes, they can grow, can have a good life; on other hand, if both are interested in same kind of things, but not having same values and views of the world, I don't see a life there.

  • @kimtopology4257
    @kimtopology4257 День тому +3

    I think both Types what they do have in common is both are theoretical their logic may confound each other but both love to talk about theories it's undeniable .

  • @redroverly
    @redroverly День тому +1

    To add some perspective, every introverted function is gonna have a hill to die on so at least the level of depth on that 1 hill will equate to "10 different small hills" (extraverted functions). Its a way how the energy will be equally dispersed (introverted vs extraverted). An extraverted template fills like "20%" of the info for u but an introverted template fills like "80%" for u. However, both are equally important and useful for whatever the situation demands (common/general knowledge for extraverted functions or in-depth knowledge for introverted functions). Its why Te can respect Ti (cuz they already did 80% of the work, u just gotta finish the rest for yourself) and Ti can respect Te (cuz they already got 20% of the work, so I can get started without worrying about any bad inputs).
    Btw, im just using 10 as a number example, it could be more or less as well as the %. But I digress that as a result of that, whatever introverted function u have, it allows u to dismiss its extraverted function counter part (Ti dismissing Te, Fi dismissing Fe, Si dismissing Se, Ni dismissing Ne) bcuz "there's levels to this, I have a whole foundation while u have none" (hence its arrogance but sometimes, its right depending on the person on how well their inputs are).
    Another way to put it is that famous quote (paraphrased) of "I fear the person that practiced the 1 same kick 10 000 times more than the person that practices 10 000 kicks 10 times."
    Scale the numbers accordingly and the introverted function wont mind dying on that 1 hill bcuz if they are right, they will progress far faster than anyone else but if they are wrong, they will take the biggest setbacks than anyone else. So ensure that the input u put in isnt trash cuz alot of it will be trash out. Having to detangle incorrect introverted info is a pain in the butt but u have them, so might as well use them to sharpen them effectively. Knowing that we learn a lot more from our mistakes than our successes can allow u to be more confident using the introverted functions bcuz u will learn once u know ur mistakes and work on having a solid foundation on whatever topic.

  • @nicoetic
    @nicoetic День тому +4

    Interesting, I always thought Te was the one who would want info from a prestigious source because that would mean the info is likely more widely accepted as truth? I’m INFJ, so not Ti-dom/aux, but if something makes sense to me that’s all that really matters… though I usually assume that OTHER people will want sources because they won’t just accept “well it makes sense to me”…
    But I also agree with what you said about being Ni-dom and not really accepting one source as truth because I’m always looking for more perspectives.
    Also, yes I’ve considered going back to school, but again only because I feel that other people would respect what I have to say if I have some degree to point to, vs if I just became like a life coach or something. Maybe it’s just me not having confidence in my Ti since it’s lower in my stack…?

    • @boy19932010
      @boy19932010 День тому +2

      Yes as an INFJ i also never cared much about sources when sharing my understanding with someone unless they ask for it. Its always like i am using those sources to create my own understanding and refine it even more. perhaps its a Ti+Si thing or Ti dominant types that value prestigious sources more. Although i must admit that i would be inclined to recheck my understanding if a prestigious source contradicts my current understanding compared to a not so prestigious source where i would discard it directly. But then again i would still want to check other sources and not abandon my current understanding all together.

  • @annl.5512
    @annl.5512 День тому +2

    If I know something I say it otherwise I say I don't know. If the world followed logic it would be a better place. If you don't check everything you have no hope with a ti dom.

  • @farhankapadia6814
    @farhankapadia6814 День тому +1

    As an INTP myself, Ti is rather axiomatic with it's approach. Like an axiom, you take an assumption/foundation of logic and work around that. Hence, the focus on internal logic. So it can be principled quite similarly to Fi. But it's not exactly as emotionally attached to it like Fi is. Which is why no 2 Ti/Fi users will come to the same conclusions and agree on everything. As such, if their values get questioned/attacked, an Fi user is likely to get offended (depends on the Fi user tbh) and a Ti user would not because it's subjective logic and be used as an opportunity to refine said thing or acknowledge it's flaws. Ofc, there is the identity aspect which is quite similar as well. Both want to be accepted for their authentic selves from external sources, whether they channel that will their unfiltered logic (Ti) or feelings (Fi).
    I can't speak from personal experiences on relationships myself since I don't have direct experience atm but based on my observations of others and how I would imagine myself being in one is that Idm having disagreements with alcohol or similar substances. I wouldn't really indulge too much myself with them since I don't enjoy it much aside from social occasions but if my partner was more into, for me as long as it's in moderation and they aren't sabotaging themselves financially or psychologically and being straight up unhealthy with it, they can do so. But that largely goes on to the conversation of negative freedom. Aside from that, if my partner and I have good chemistry and compatible, then it's fine.
    With sources, I wouldn't say Ti would just go with those that have prestige as that would be an appeal to authority. I would assume that sounds like something an Fe/Te user would care about more since it's based on external metrics and not internal logic. Thus, look into various sources.

  • @Karmyst88
    @Karmyst88 День тому +3

    I highly agree that they can seem the same. I'm an INFJ and I have discussions with an INFP friend who almost mathematical when we are on certain topics. It's similar energy that comes off INTP's, probably filtered through the Si.
    With Te users though, it just seems like they want to list out factual statements that arent causal. Just seems disjointed in terms of clarity and so it can't create any truth because it's just all the ingredients.
    And I think that both Fi and Ti are supremely logical!

  • @annl.5512
    @annl.5512 День тому +2

    For me Ti hero protects me and above all protects my Fe inferior who can be too generous. If you date an alcoholic, it's not just the alcohol that's the problem but the reaction that the addicted person can have, such as being violent and dying early from liver cirrhosis. If he drinks moderately then it's fine because I also do it like in social situations or on occasions. I understand that if you don't drink at all you can't be with someone who drinks even moderately because it's most likely a religious issue or something very important to them. It's in their priorities. I don't think a Ti hero has a specific approach to the world of dating, at least I didn't have one. I met my partner by chance we started talking and we became friends but he flirted with me every now and then and I liked him then he asked me out and next year we have to get married. Never had plans or strategies I think for intjs it's difficult to understand but we don't have any or rather most don't have any.

  • @aey8737
    @aey8737 2 дні тому +4

    I did the functions test and tested pretty much an INTJ but with really really high Ti. Not sure what that means. Thoughts?

    • @christianmoulart
      @christianmoulart 2 дні тому +2

      Probably the test is not accurate in your case because high Ti will not really allow you to ask your question here! You would beeing trusting yourself more.

    • @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes
      @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes День тому +4

      It's normal Ni & Ti are the flow functions of INTJ. Or that means you have a good/developed Ti ^^
      Even more normal when we have certain neurodivergences.
      My Te & Ti are at the same level with 2 different indicators.

    • @hindrashahadji1489
      @hindrashahadji1489 День тому +4

      Usually it means you have good critical thinking

  • @Itsmesmileyface
    @Itsmesmileyface День тому +1

    Ti & Fi are similar but the difference is that Ti is things orientated, more objective than Fi & Ti removes human side, whereas Fi is people-orientated & can goes beyond reason, Fi can empathizes with someone or can loves someone & doesn't need a reason for it, while Ti might look for reasons to love someone and calculate what are the benefits & pros & cons of loving someone
    And we need both in our lives ❤

    • @boy19932010
      @boy19932010 День тому +1

      Not a Ti Dom, but i would rather explain it as trying to quantify how much compatible i am with the other person and then proceed to look for points that show high/low compatibility or incompatibility in order to come to a conclusion if this relationship makes sense or not. That is why if a high Ti user would want to end a relationship he would state the reasons why he came to that decision. i guess Fi is the same thing except that it doesn't look for objective reasons and is more subjective

  • @non452
    @non452 4 години тому

    Is there truth? Idk dude did you actually upload the video?

  • @auramora
    @auramora 2 дні тому +2

    My INTJ partner and I (INFJ) have this joke about him prompting me for summaries/insights, as if I was a language generating AI. Unfortunately, it takes effort for me to dim my Fe to do this (to offer advice without my own opinions tinting it) and my need to be clear, usually implies a verbosity that is not always welcomed (I'm addicted to clarifications).

  • @moneymanagement24
    @moneymanagement24 День тому

    Well Ti has tell people because Fe does that it seeks external validation
    Ti in my experience takes to long especially INTP