I am continually surprised that every single human being is not as interested in all this as we are. We need to know. I wish we did. Thank you for your video. Whew!
I have seen castles built on top of what looks like ragged upthrusts of rock. I always wondered how they ever got a foundation level to build on. I had never seen any of these photos. Awesome video!
Think about Direct Current. With A/C there is a chance to disconnect in an overload, with Direct Current it would just keep feeding until it ran out of power. The places that survived may have no conductive materials mixed into the brick. It also reminds me of science experiments where you start with smaller materials, but in a chemical reaction the materials balloon outwards and you're left with a much larger object due to exploding gases being trapped in the material. That's why it seems like the surface area is larger than what it started as.
After I watch your new videos thoroughly, sometimes even a few times, I yse it to help me sleep 😊 You have, quite possibly, the most calming voice I've ever heard! Well it's neck and neck with Jon Levi but, it definitely helps my insomnia! Thank you for ALL YOU DO MY FRIEND AND GOD BLESS!✌️🙏❤️👍
Where are like-minded people to meet? I'm travelling around and am not able to find any people who can see this reality. Thank you so much for your effort on creating this videos.
Eye opening video! I stumbled upon this content and have been watching for hours and hours....truly amazing this realm we live upon. You're right when you said we've been indoctrinated from birth, I have degrees in higher "education" and never was this type of material even mentioned, much less taught. Memorize and regurgitate = degree = indoctrination = real world slave to the system. Sad in a way...
You share the most compelling evidence. I think, even after the many rabbit holes I have dwelt in, and after discovering the truth about our earth's form... melted buildings have been the most captivating rabbit hole. It's insane.
Scientists that ignore this stuff are letting their pride get in the way. We have been deceived greatly all of our lives for sure. We are living in Revelations. The truth shall set us free.
For those who still believe the carnal literal false interpretation of the Bible Revelation events still can make sense with the true history of this world, which does not.: Jesus Christ is a parable and the Name of God too, Jesus is born in us, we are Mary, again, all metaphors. the name on the white stone, is no secret to me anymore. God uses the earthly things to explain spiritual matters, thus he said they see but perceive not, they hear but understand not. Revelation is about the revealing of you and your testimony(Revelation of Jesus Christ) (The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy), and the end of the old creature. God uses the real world cataclysmic events as metaphors to explain spiritual matters of us and of Him, explaining the end and the beginning, thus we being the beginning and the end, the name on the white stone given to us is Jesus Christ, we are called by our Father's Name in the spiritual realm. Basically, the whole Bible is a metaphor, a love story of us, fallen creatures, carnal minded, who became spiritual again, reconciled, thus born again. Do not believe in the 2000 year lie, nor in the literal carnal minded interpretation of God's Word. Bascially we live on a mirrored mind of God, but not in the mind of God itself, which is invisible and spiritual. This world is bound to exist forever as heaven(the spiritual realm heaven) is too. Water, fire, hail, ice, trees, fruits, donkeys, horses, mankind, beasts, exist for a reason, everything is the visible image of the invisible wisdom of God. Trees that bear fruit, in the spiritual mind means spiritual people doing good SPIRITUAL works for example. God used the true cataclysmic events of this world, that will forever happen, to give us the exagerated example of what will happen to our old creature in terms of spiritual tribulation, not in the flesh tribulation, the flesh profits nothing, says the Bible. This is why atheists will mock false christians all day long, because those "christians" are contradictory, carnal minded, and understand not the mind of God as of yet, they still believe God is behind all the catalysms of this world, but you, you that search about tataria and meltology, you know there is something goin on and something that doesnt add up with the literal interpretation of the Bible, so therefore, i invite you to come to the spiritual side of the Bible, and even read the Old Testament without your mind set on earthly things. You'll see how much flavourful the Bible is if you read it spiritually mindedly. And by spiritually mind, i mean, understanding the metaphors which is what the Bible is all about.
Brother thank you ✊ I have seen this for ages to the point I can't bear to listen to people telling story's about how they were formed , and who built these ancient structures into those massive "mountains".….one love and thank you ✌️👌✊
Hi, Mark! I watched a couple documentaries on PBS about the Himalayas and Rockies with my new eyes. AMAZING! Now I truly see! Thanks to you and others for my new ability to see the global melt.❤❤❤
This is the best video I have ever seen demonstrating how mountains can actually be buildings melted by some catastrophic event in the past..an I've seen a lot of them. So excited to check out all your other videos
Much love from Fiji. I have been aware of this afew years ago thankx to Jon Levi. Martin. Pawlack wise up and Paul cook and another brilliant youtuber who deals with ancient giant trees hangman 1128.. Jon Levi and hangman and wise up and Martin are legends.. And you have an amazing voice.. Love the drawl. 😁👍
This is interesting. Thanks for sharing this info. I was thinking it was rising background radiation, and it is exciting to hear of another idea to look into.
Amazing job, you have been given a gift of great discernment from our creator. Ive been studying and researching since 2009 and the only thing that makes sense to me and ties it all together is written in 2nd peter chapter 3 verse 10.
Love your channel! My daughters walked in and said that some of the photos looked made in the AI. It's probably getting more and more difficult for your research to confirm what was an actual photo and what could be AI manipulated. Maybe you will make a lot of money on your channel and get to visit these places. I'm in construction and agree you would never build like this into a mountain and agree it's some sort melting. 👍
2nd Peter says... But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up...
Undisputable evidence Mark and excellent explanation of the melt. Outstanding job! I hope the season has been kind to you and your family. BrickLove my Brother
It is indeed usually from the ground up. Here in Syracuse, I call it: "Foundations Of The X-Factor", as most ALL of ye olde homes & buildings were hammered at and below street level, some plainly showing the melt & transformation. Many have had a very professional spackle & concrete cover up applied, and many not so professional. (lol) If you were to go into the basements of most ALL ye olde homes here, you'd be in for the X-factor shock of your life! Superbly done, Mark!
Good video!!! I am a new subscriber and I’m so glad I ran across your channel though bit chute.. I also heard that many of what we perceive to be mountains are piles of the remains of giant silica trees that once covered the earth that were chopped down so the Nephilm Giants could hide in them to escape Noah’s Flood..The awakening has begun everything is starting to come together and make sense now..🙂
You are doing a great work. A service to humanity (for those who can listen and think for themselves). Thank you so much. Blessings to you for bringing this data to light.
Its amazing when you REALeyes what you been missing. Right in our faces,yet blinded by our programming. Incredible,this stuff,it gives you a deep sense of knowing, knowing more about ourselves,truth and history,whatever it leads Its our true history,we need to know our true history else we dont know who we are
Side note: This video has changed my perspective on trees even!! Trees with no leaves look like electricity or an electrical explosion.... That is all!
Your videos always get me excited. Very professional, nice and understandable. Mark it was you who made me think more of #meltology for which I am extremely grateful to you
Great video, great pictures, and ABSOLUTE PROOF!!!! I completely agree with your analysis. I do enjoy your work. It would be helpful to those of us that are just discovering the truth if you cold provide the locations of where these structures are located. I would like to perhaps see if I could do a deeper dive on each location. Thank you for your work.
Jon Levi mentioned you in a video. Your content did not disappoint. I wonder how the mainstream will handle this. It is not easy to mock this like the flat earth. I guessing they will continue to ignore it for now like they do “mudfloods”
Yeah I don’t think main steam will ever even make fun of it. It’s a different animal when you can see and touch it. It will be ignored as long as possible.
The mud flood stuff is SO OBVIOUS! It’s annoying. Other things I am still waiting to truly makeup my mind, and staying open to ideas, BUT THE MUD FLOOD LMAOOO 🤣 you’re right!
I really like your channel and the way you present images and information. This particular video makes things crystal clear, even to newcomers, in my opinion. I was in Morocco a year ago driving through the countryside for days. Many of these images look like what I clearly saw there. Buildings, structures and mountains and ravines and every in between state you could possibly imagine. Some giant all natural looking mountains, but with tell-tale bricks sticking out here and there. Beautiful old forts and castles that were literally melting down into dust. Thanks for your great work. 💜💜💜
Some excellent examples you have shown us. I just srarted wonsering about the cave systems. When i was younger i visited mammoth caves. I remember seeing all the stalagmites and the tour guide telling us not to touch because it would stop or stunt the growth that took thousands or millions of years, lol. Seems like i also remember the floors / walkways being mostly flat while the walls and ceilings were definitely not. Just a question i asked myself, who knows.
Awwww beautiful mountainous buildings melted af. I gotta make my brother watch this. In his 70's, bricklayer by trade. But I don't wanna blow his mind plum out. Melt it. He is gonna get mad at me.
🤣 I know the feeling. Gotta be calm but some still get mad. Family is slightly a different level. From experience, most everyone I’ve shown (family/friends) start to see it. I always let them ask questions, I don’t “preach”it at all really. Once you explain it however (video, pics, etc) better for them to bring it up after that it seems.
Dead on Mark👍🏽People dont like free education from those they are familiar with and trust..they like it from strangers on TV or at a school building with fancy titles whom they pay
Someone could really make a huge impression in this community by plotting out on a map all of these damaged places. And, one should be able to follow the cataclysms path.
16:38 if you go to Edinburgh, they do these nighttime underground ghost tours. It looks very similar to 16:38. Edinburgh is a very odd city. Many large and tall buildings have street entrances at various heights, due to all the 'petrification' at the base of many of the buildings.
This was an outstanding presentation. You let us see some of the best footage I have ever seen. It's so convincing now that you know what you're looking at. I'm bothered by the fact that most people once told either don't believe or don't care. People still believe most of these so-called educated theories.
I, too, am now convinced that mountains are buildings. I live in the Sonoran desert in Southern Arizona and in peak summer, the heat coming from the ground can get very intense. While the sun above is generating heat, there is something underground that is making everything hotter. The heat from the ground even melted the plastic poles of solar lights that you can stick in the ground. Ones that I installed about a year ago are all tilted! It's hard to know if it is just the heat from above or below or both that is causing the melt. If you consider how a microwave works, it heats from the inside and there may be parts of what is being microwaved that remain less cooked, even perhaps still frozen, especially around the sides. Some of the melted buildings that we see show similar aspects. Because you showed some cliff dwellings, I have to mention that I visited the Gila Cliff Dwellings outside of Silver City, New Mexico, in summer of 2021. They appear to be faked, just repurposed from melted buildings. If we were to believe the narrative, it would have been a challenge to enter and exist the dwellings so high up. Makes no sense to bring water, food, etc, up into remote caves. It would make more sense to have protected huts (against the "mountain") near the river close to water and food sources. They make up all kinds of stories of why native peoples live up in these cave dwellings and then they suddenly disappeared and no one knows why. There is major mountain range east of Tucson, Arizona called the Santa Catalinas. If you hike into any of the many canyons, you can see where the strata is angled 30 to 40 degrees. Almost like something happened underneath the "mountains" to make them look less like a ruin/building. There are visible caves/windows around and areas where statues may have been but it is impossible to hike to them given the terrain and angle of climb (plus the snakes!).There are also what looks like remains of block towers in the distance. Again, too remote to visit. On one trail 2 miles out there is clearly some sort of amphitheater with the most spectacular view of the valley below. Lastly, Tucson also has "A" mountain, where the University goes and paints their letter to show pride (I guess). This mountain is clearly a pyramid with it's top chopped, perhaps mined way back. There are other pyramids in the Tucson Mountains and some huge structure that has been mined south east of Tucson called the Pima Complex. There are lots of mines in Arizona, and the Morenci mine still pulls out $1M of copper per DAY. I think that in the past 300 years or so (since the event), we are pulling out metals and minerals from the remains of glorious old world buildings. This is all really interesting research and I appreciate your work!
While I agree with your observations, I have to add that a lot of the caves in mountains in my area are for burials, and close by will usually be one used for a fire / burial ceremony. Maybe so people can hangout while they’d trying to bury someone on the side of a cliff? Thank you for sharing your information. I hope my information is helpful.
The irony in that “Danger Electricity” brick at the end, eh? Brilliant film/awesome research. Once everyone can compare and contrast their findings on this mass scale, it’s over for the mainstream narrative. It’s already over
When you say from the bottom up, I think of a sea up above a level of silt and mud that leaches the material and causes blurring of lines and also clumps form. I do think a lot of not all were structures at some point but I don’t feel it was all melted with heat.
This stuff is everywhere. Sometimes I’ll label sites. It gets very time consuming for me doing that. You can take a screenshot of something you’d want to know where it’s at, reverse image it on Google and most of the time it will tell you where it’s at with other pics or video.
Deuteronomy 9 1-3 says the sons of Anak are very tall people living in fortified cities reaching to the heavens that a consuming fire ( Yahweh) will drive them out and destroy them. I find that very interesting.
Great video! Makes me think of perhaps Satan being loosed from the abyss causing worldwide destruction at his release after Christ's thousand year reign...?? Just a preterist thought. And... what happened to the people that lived in all these structures worldwide?? Haven't noticed any skeletons in the melted ruins. Hmmm...
The great vaporize event. And it could only happen in a microsecond, anything longer and bricks would simply shatter. Safire Project (via Thunderbolts Project legendary scientists/electrical engineers/wizards) has a great series on extreme plasma energy output with minimal input. They vaporized $10k probes first few tries, which they weren't trying to do and they transmutated elements as a bonus😊
Does anyone know of any remote viewers who are taking on this challenge? I wish someone people would start contacting remove viewers with this subject as a blind target. I don't know any viewers myself, or I would love to contact them with this project. 7 years ago Farsight did a remote viewing session on Atlantis and every time I see this meltage I think of that video. The cataclysm was so extreme it effected most of the world. I would love to know if anyone else thinks what happened to Atlantis and all this meltage could be connected. The name of that viewing session is: Atlantis: The True Story (Revised 2016 Full Version) She found that drilling into the earth caused an electrical catastrophe. I just can't help but think what we are seeing here is a result of that.
Free energy hidden all around us. Michelle Gibson and Carl Munck discuss the strategic placement of these buildings and “natural features” on the energy grid of Earth.
Have you ever tried to get inside some of these meted buildings? I should have watched further. Next question: mining activity...to extract the valuables? And what about the skeletons? Why do we not see any?
I am continually surprised that every single human being is not as interested in all this as we are. We need to know. I wish we did. Thank you for your video. Whew!
They arent interested ,they have much entertainment to watch,games to play,news to watch
I agree. It’s too much too scary too disruptive for them to take on.
What a great job showing what has been in front of us all along!
So nice to hear a voice of reason instead of madness.
I have seen castles built on top of what looks like ragged upthrusts of rock. I always wondered how they ever got a foundation level to build on. I had never seen any of these photos. Awesome video!
Think about Direct Current. With A/C there is a chance to disconnect in an overload, with Direct Current it would just keep feeding until it ran out of power. The places that survived may have no conductive materials mixed into the brick. It also reminds me of science experiments where you start with smaller materials, but in a chemical reaction the materials balloon outwards and you're left with a much larger object due to exploding gases being trapped in the material. That's why it seems like the surface area is larger than what it started as.
The brick holds gas , it expands under heat it pressurises and shoots out ,a hole, look at stalactite and stalagmite, melted rock,gasses expanding
Think also if metal rusting. It gains volume while losing density
So obvious, once pointed out. Wow, man.
Simply Undeniable!!
Agree 💯 Chris
Nice work. I suspected the electrical discharge but I didn’t realize it came from the ground up. Fascinating research. Ty.
“It doesn’t make sense….. because it’s NONsense “ well said 💯 👍🍻
After I watch your new videos thoroughly, sometimes even a few times, I yse it to help me sleep 😊 You have, quite possibly, the most calming voice I've ever heard! Well it's neck and neck with Jon Levi but, it definitely helps my insomnia! Thank you for ALL YOU DO MY FRIEND AND GOD BLESS!✌️🙏❤️👍
Appreciate it! 🙏
@@buddhagirl1 we are in a dream, insomnia is normal ua-cam.com/video/pzjpK2BYGCQ/v-deo.html
Where are like-minded people to meet? I'm travelling around and am not able to find any people who can see this reality. Thank you so much for your effort on creating this videos.
Beautiful collection! Thank you so much for sharing. Especially the last few pictures blew my mind.
Eye opening video! I stumbled upon this content and have been watching for hours and hours....truly amazing this realm we live upon. You're right when you said we've been indoctrinated from birth, I have degrees in higher "education" and never was this type of material even mentioned, much less taught. Memorize and regurgitate = degree = indoctrination = real world slave to the system. Sad in a way...
You share the most compelling evidence. I think, even after the many rabbit holes I have dwelt in, and after discovering the truth about our earth's form... melted buildings have been the most captivating rabbit hole. It's insane.
I agree. The Sophianic Myth (see john lamb lash) might blow your mind too. More suppressed truth not many are talking about.
Scientists that ignore this stuff are letting their pride get in the way. We have been deceived greatly all of our lives for sure. We are living in Revelations. The truth shall set us free.
Rev 20 to be precise! It’s almost over
Scientists are afraid to lose their job, their tenure and their licenses. They do what they are told.
For those who still believe the carnal literal false interpretation of the Bible Revelation events still can make sense with the true history of this world, which does not.:
Jesus Christ is a parable and the Name of God too, Jesus is born in us, we are Mary, again, all metaphors. the name on the white stone, is no secret to me anymore. God uses the earthly things to explain spiritual matters, thus he said they see but perceive not, they hear but understand not.
Revelation is about the revealing of you and your testimony(Revelation of Jesus Christ) (The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy), and the end of the old creature. God uses the real world cataclysmic events as metaphors to explain spiritual matters of us and of Him, explaining the end and the beginning, thus we being the beginning and the end, the name on the white stone given to us is Jesus Christ, we are called by our Father's Name in the spiritual realm. Basically, the whole Bible is a metaphor, a love story of us, fallen creatures, carnal minded, who became spiritual again, reconciled, thus born again. Do not believe in the 2000 year lie, nor in the literal carnal minded interpretation of God's Word.
Bascially we live on a mirrored mind of God, but not in the mind of God itself, which is invisible and spiritual.
This world is bound to exist forever as heaven(the spiritual realm heaven) is too.
Water, fire, hail, ice, trees, fruits, donkeys, horses, mankind, beasts, exist for a reason, everything is the visible image of the invisible wisdom of God. Trees that bear fruit, in the spiritual mind means spiritual people doing good SPIRITUAL works for example.
God used the true cataclysmic events of this world, that will forever happen, to give us the exagerated example of what will happen to our old creature in terms of spiritual tribulation, not in the flesh tribulation, the flesh profits nothing, says the Bible.
This is why atheists will mock false christians all day long, because those "christians" are contradictory, carnal minded, and understand not the mind of God as of yet, they still believe God is behind all the catalysms of this world, but you, you that search about tataria and meltology, you know there is something goin on and something that doesnt add up with the literal interpretation of the Bible, so therefore, i invite you to come to the spiritual side of the Bible, and even read the Old Testament without your mind set on earthly things. You'll see how much flavourful the Bible is if you read it spiritually mindedly. And by spiritually mind, i mean, understanding the metaphors which is what the Bible is all about.
Brother thank you ✊ I have seen this for ages to the point I can't bear to listen to people telling story's about how they were formed , and who built these ancient structures into those massive "mountains".….one love and thank you ✌️👌✊
Hi, Mark! I watched a couple documentaries on PBS about the Himalayas and Rockies with my new eyes. AMAZING! Now I truly see! Thanks to you and others for my new ability to see the global melt.❤❤❤
This is the best video I have ever seen demonstrating how mountains can actually be buildings melted by some catastrophic event in the past..an I've seen a lot of them. So excited to check out all your other videos
Very nice presentation, Mark. 🧱❤
Excellent presentation 🔥
Your calm, cool, and collected demeanor speaks VOLUMES Mark …. thank you 🙏🙏🧱❤️
Appreciate it Kurtis 🧱🍻
Much love from Fiji. I have been aware of this afew years ago thankx to Jon Levi. Martin. Pawlack wise up and Paul cook and another brilliant youtuber who deals with ancient giant trees hangman 1128.. Jon Levi and hangman and wise up and Martin are legends.. And you have an amazing voice.. Love the drawl. 😁👍
Awesome production of music, voice and facts
great vid and info...electro-magnetic burn from ground up...walter russell wrote about the way our realm works ...thx for the insight
This is interesting. Thanks for sharing this info. I was thinking it was rising background radiation, and it is exciting to hear of another idea to look into.
Amazing job, you have been given a gift of great discernment from our creator. Ive been studying and researching since 2009 and the only thing that makes sense to me and ties it all together is written in 2nd peter chapter 3 verse 10.
Brilliant presentation Mark 🙌🧱🙌
Thanks Deb! 🧱💚
hy Deb!
we built mountains again
mountains are buildings without maintain
Excellent ! Thankyou
Great great work. Thank you. 🙏💡💕
Love your channel! My daughters walked in and said that some of the photos looked made in the AI. It's probably getting more and more difficult for your research to confirm what was an actual photo and what could be AI manipulated. Maybe you will make a lot of money on your channel and get to visit these places. I'm in construction and agree you would never build like this into a mountain and agree it's some sort melting. 👍
2nd Peter says... But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up...
Disclosure. “They” wrote the script(ure) so they would know!
Undisputable evidence Mark and excellent explanation of the melt. Outstanding job! I hope the season has been kind to you and your family. BrickLove my Brother
Blessings James 🙏🧱🫠
This is fantastic work!
Excellent work.
Holee shite...I appreciate your efforts. I once was blind but now I see
Awesome stuff! That i am sure
It is indeed usually from the ground up.
Here in Syracuse, I call it: "Foundations Of The X-Factor", as most ALL of ye olde homes & buildings were hammered at and below street level, some plainly showing the melt & transformation.
Many have had a very professional spackle & concrete cover up applied, and many not so professional. (lol)
If you were to go into the basements of most ALL ye olde homes here, you'd be in for the X-factor shock of your life!
Superbly done, Mark!
Good video!!! I am a new subscriber and I’m so glad I ran across your channel though bit chute.. I also heard that many of what we perceive to be mountains are piles of the remains of giant silica trees that once covered the earth that were chopped down so the Nephilm Giants could hide in them to escape Noah’s Flood..The awakening has begun everything is starting to come together and make sense now..🙂
You are doing a great work. A service to humanity (for those who can listen and think for themselves). Thank you so much. Blessings to you for bringing this data to light.
@@jameskeating765 thank you
Beautiful presentation 🧱 TY ❤Mark!!
Its amazing when you REALeyes what you been missing. Right in our faces,yet blinded by our programming. Incredible,this stuff,it gives you a deep sense of knowing, knowing more about ourselves,truth and history,whatever it leads Its our true history,we need to know our true history else we dont know who we are
Side note: This video has changed my perspective on trees even!!
Trees with no leaves look like electricity or an electrical explosion....
That is all!
Excellent video brother thank you very much
Your videos always get me excited. Very professional, nice and understandable.
Mark it was you who made me think more of #meltology for which I am extremely grateful to you
wait till you find Hangman1128 and Stellium7
Thank you 🙏
@@ourmeltedreality8731 ua-cam.com/video/pzjpK2BYGCQ/v-deo.html
@@DurpVonFronz i knew them before i got into meltology
Great video, great pictures, and ABSOLUTE PROOF!!!! I completely agree with your analysis. I do enjoy your work.
It would be helpful to those of us that are just discovering the truth if you cold provide the locations of where these
structures are located. I would like to perhaps see if I could do a deeper dive on each location. Thank you for your work.
this is such a joy to watch so meaningful. please excuse me, if dates were provided on when these phenomena occurred?
Jon Levi mentioned you in a video. Your content did not disappoint. I wonder how the mainstream will handle this. It is not easy to mock this like the flat earth. I guessing they will continue to ignore it for now like they do “mudfloods”
Gotta love Jon!
Yeah I don’t think main steam will ever even make fun of it. It’s a different animal when you can see and touch it. It will be ignored as long as possible.
The mud flood stuff is SO OBVIOUS! It’s annoying.
Other things I am still waiting to truly makeup my mind, and staying open to ideas, BUT THE MUD FLOOD LMAOOO 🤣 you’re right!
This was a fascinating overview! Really well done!!
Thank you 🙏
Credibly Great Education Here Mark! Great Music, Great Narrative and Great Videography & Photos!!!!!!!! THIS IS HUGELY IMPORTANT!
Amazing research! We are standing on the ruins of ancient civilizations destroyed by cataclysms (resets)… Thank you for sharing
Most definitely.
I really like your channel and the way you present images and information. This particular video makes things crystal clear, even to newcomers, in my opinion. I was in Morocco a year ago driving through the countryside for days. Many of these images look like what I clearly saw there. Buildings, structures and mountains and ravines and every in between state you could possibly imagine. Some giant all natural looking mountains, but with tell-tale bricks sticking out here and there. Beautiful old forts and castles that were literally melting down into dust. Thanks for your great work. 💜💜💜
@@christinekulper7824 Thank you
Thanks for this awesome video
Awesome Mark, thank you
Stunning video
So much anger, grief and sadness over this particular lie. Almost as bad as the \/\/\/\/2 lies. Thanks for what you’re doing.
Fantastic work, so many MORE proofs I’ve never seen before. Thanks bud.
Amazing visual presentation
Thank you for explaining this. The melting is from the bottom up. It makes so much sense now.
Some excellent examples you have shown us. I just srarted wonsering about the cave systems. When i was younger i visited mammoth caves. I remember seeing all the stalagmites and the tour guide telling us not to touch because it would stop or stunt the growth that took thousands or millions of years, lol. Seems like i also remember the floors / walkways being mostly flat while the walls and ceilings were definitely not. Just a question i asked myself, who knows.
Not forgetting that if mountains are not buildings they’re trees! So happy that I found your channel 😊
Like devils tower in wyoming
@torquetrain8963 if you haven't already found him, go watch Stellum7! He's found Mountains of evidence that enormous trees were everywhere
Awwww beautiful mountainous buildings melted af. I gotta make my brother watch this. In his 70's, bricklayer by trade. But I don't wanna blow his mind plum out. Melt it. He is gonna get mad at me.
🤣 I know the feeling. Gotta be calm but some still get mad. Family is slightly a different level. From experience, most everyone I’ve shown (family/friends) start to see it. I always let them ask questions, I don’t “preach”it at all really. Once you explain it however (video, pics, etc) better for them to bring it up after that it seems.
Dead on Mark👍🏽People dont like free education from those they are familiar with and trust..they like it from strangers on TV or at a school building with fancy titles whom they pay
Update us if you ever show him, please. I’m interested to know his reaction and comments. Thank you.
@12:15 you got me to audibly laugh over that one. Good one.
Love your work, brother. Let's keep at it to crack this mystery.
Would love the locations on those amazing places.
Someone could really make a huge impression in this community by plotting out on a map all of these damaged places. And, one should be able to follow the cataclysms path.
16:38 if you go to Edinburgh, they do these nighttime underground ghost tours. It looks very similar to 16:38. Edinburgh is a very odd city. Many large and tall buildings have street entrances at various heights, due to all the 'petrification' at the base of many of the buildings.
Beautiful footage! Thank you.
Your the Goat Mark 🎶 💡🧱🧱🔥🧱🧱
12:16 "what do i tell my boss" lol
Tried to be completely professional…didn’t work out lol.
YES! 😂 it reminded me of my boyfriend - that made me LAUGH
Spectacular presentation! 🤩🔥 Truly professional! Fantastic examples and well expressed/explained 🧱❤️🥾
Awesome show.
Great visuals.
This was an outstanding presentation. You let us see some of the best footage I have ever seen. It's so convincing now that you know what you're looking at. I'm bothered by the fact that most people once told either don't believe or don't care. People still believe most of these so-called educated theories.
Great video. Posted on our site...
@@meltology Great website.
Wow! Best melt video ever! Thanks! ❤
I, too, am now convinced that mountains are buildings. I live in the Sonoran desert in Southern Arizona and in peak summer, the heat coming from the ground can get very intense. While the sun above is generating heat, there is something underground that is making everything hotter. The heat from the ground even melted the plastic poles of solar lights that you can stick in the ground. Ones that I installed about a year ago are all tilted! It's hard to know if it is just the heat from above or below or both that is causing the melt.
If you consider how a microwave works, it heats from the inside and there may be parts of what is being microwaved that remain less cooked, even perhaps still frozen, especially around the sides. Some of the melted buildings that we see show similar aspects.
Because you showed some cliff dwellings, I have to mention that I visited the Gila Cliff Dwellings outside of Silver City, New Mexico, in summer of 2021. They appear to be faked, just repurposed from melted buildings. If we were to believe the narrative, it would have been a challenge to enter and exist the dwellings so high up. Makes no sense to bring water, food, etc, up into remote caves. It would make more sense to have protected huts (against the "mountain") near the river close to water and food sources. They make up all kinds of stories of why native peoples live up in these cave dwellings and then they suddenly disappeared and no one knows why.
There is major mountain range east of Tucson, Arizona called the Santa Catalinas. If you hike into any of the many canyons, you can see where the strata is angled 30 to 40 degrees. Almost like something happened underneath the "mountains" to make them look less like a ruin/building. There are visible caves/windows around and areas where statues may have been but it is impossible to hike to them given the terrain and angle of climb (plus the snakes!).There are also what looks like remains of block towers in the distance. Again, too remote to visit. On one trail 2 miles out there is clearly some sort of amphitheater with the most spectacular view of the valley below.
Lastly, Tucson also has "A" mountain, where the University goes and paints their letter to show pride (I guess). This mountain is clearly a pyramid with it's top chopped, perhaps mined way back. There are other pyramids in the Tucson Mountains and some huge structure that has been mined south east of Tucson called the Pima Complex. There are lots of mines in Arizona, and the Morenci mine still pulls out $1M of copper per DAY. I think that in the past 300 years or so (since the event), we are pulling out metals and minerals from the remains of glorious old world buildings. This is all really interesting research and I appreciate your work!
Enjoyed your thoughts and thank you!
While I agree with your observations, I have to add that a lot of the caves in mountains in my area are for burials, and close by will usually be one used for a fire / burial ceremony. Maybe so people can hangout while they’d trying to bury someone on the side of a cliff?
Thank you for sharing your information. I hope my information is helpful.
Its amazing to see how the brickwork changes over the years
this changed in a day
@neal-stewart834 maybe couple seconds 😮
I'm glad I found this channel.
The irony in that “Danger Electricity” brick at the end, eh? Brilliant film/awesome research. Once everyone can compare and contrast their findings on this mass scale, it’s over for the mainstream narrative. It’s already over
When you say from the bottom up, I think of a sea up above a level of silt and mud that leaches the material and causes blurring of lines and also clumps form.
I do think a lot of not all were structures at some point but I don’t feel it was all melted with heat.
I loved the Video but i'm left wondering Where are these pictures from, like what buildings and where on earth?
This stuff is everywhere. Sometimes I’ll label sites. It gets very time consuming for me doing that. You can take a screenshot of something you’d want to know where it’s at, reverse image it on Google and most of the time it will tell you where it’s at with other pics or video.
@@ourmeltedreality8731 Thank You
for Absolutely mind blowing footage.
Deuteronomy 9 1-3 says the sons of Anak are very tall people living in fortified cities reaching to the heavens that a consuming fire ( Yahweh) will drive them out and destroy them. I find that very interesting.
Great video! Makes me think of perhaps Satan being loosed from the abyss causing worldwide destruction at his release after Christ's thousand year reign...?? Just a preterist thought. And... what happened to the people that lived in all these structures worldwide?? Haven't noticed any skeletons in the melted ruins. Hmmm...
Cool glad I found this channel. Wamma know what went down
I’m with you. What went down and why?! Most important question. Everything else would fall into place knowing that.
The great vaporize event. And it could only happen in a microsecond, anything longer and bricks would simply shatter. Safire Project (via Thunderbolts Project legendary scientists/electrical engineers/wizards) has a great series on extreme plasma energy output with minimal input. They vaporized $10k probes first few tries, which they weren't trying to do and they transmutated elements as a bonus😊
This makes me think of underground caves, and how they always look melted and dripping. Heat from below. Perhaps caves are manmade as well.
Ooooooo yeeeah I am sharing!
❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥🙏⛏🧱 Amazing !
Does anyone know of any remote viewers who are taking on this challenge? I wish someone people would start contacting remove viewers with this subject as a blind target.
I don't know any viewers myself, or I would love to contact them with this project.
7 years ago Farsight did a remote viewing session on Atlantis and every time I see this meltage I think of that video. The cataclysm was so extreme it effected most of the world.
I would love to know if anyone else thinks what happened to Atlantis and all this meltage could be connected.
The name of that viewing session is:
Atlantis: The True Story (Revised 2016 Full Version)
She found that drilling into the earth caused an electrical catastrophe. I just can't help but think what we are seeing here is a result of that.
Free energy hidden all around us. Michelle Gibson and Carl Munck discuss the strategic placement of these buildings and “natural features” on the energy grid of Earth.
Do you have a longer video explaining the melt?
I’d love if you would tell us the photo locations.
Have you ever tried to get inside some of these meted buildings? I should have watched further. Next question: mining activity...to extract the valuables? And what about the skeletons? Why do we not see any?
It’s amazing truth. Wow
Pretty cool. Where are some of these locations? Europe/Middle East?
🧱❤️👍😂12:14 the look of a geologist gettin fired 💯
Gotta throw in more of those. AI is fun creating geologists. It’s quick on fantasy 😂
Makes sense now when you see black streaks over cliff dwellings. They say it’s water staining. Maybe it’s from the heat.