Discover why Bethlehem - Trial and Promise in Christ's Birth

  • Опубліковано 10 січ 2025


  • @valerielove7478
    @valerielove7478 3 роки тому +60

    My Dad had told me that the Shepherds were special because they took care of the Sacrificial Lambs. He said that they had talked about and prayed about the Messiah for generations. My Dad said that their occupation, and conversations, and prayers were the reason that the Lord sent to them the first angels telling about Christ being born... they KNEW the Lord was coming to their area and so they would have prayed for generations to know of His coming... and because they wanted to know, the Lord told them - first!!

    • @kristenspencer9751
      @kristenspencer9751 2 роки тому +4

      here I am viewing this for the 1st time and responding a year later. I had the exact same thought as your dad. He sounds like someone who reflects deeply on the word and thinks about things. I came to the conclusion b/c of Anna and Simeon. They were likewise devout people who longed in their hearts to see the Messiah. They must have sensed that the time was near. And the Holy Spirit rewarded them and guided them. That made me begin to wonder about the Shepherds. That they were likewise devout and in paying attention to the times, must have considered the time was close. They were already longing in heart. (of course it's not in scripture so conjecture but yet something felt so right, I wrote about it --a short devotional on my blog) I'm so glad I paused to read your comment b/c it was such a confirmation and a blessing! We look forward today to his return in the rapture.

    • @valerielove7478
      @valerielove7478 2 роки тому +6

      @@kristenspencer9751 your timing in giving your comment could not have been more timely. The sweetness of your testimony cheered me. And reading my own testimony again refreshed me, life gets long and hard and sometimes we even forget what we know because the trial is so hard. I'm grateful we can keep trying and that God helps us when we seek Him.💞💞💞

    • @valerielove7478
      @valerielove7478 2 роки тому +5

      @@kristenspencer9751 We have to keep watching, because He's coming, and He wants us to be with Him.💞💞💞

    • @saintfan435
      @saintfan435 2 роки тому +4

      So beautifully said, thank you.

    • @davidcloyd1296
      @davidcloyd1296 2 роки тому +5

      Wow, that was powerful!

  • @nehemiahsojourner
    @nehemiahsojourner 3 роки тому +65

    Every single video I have watched from "One for Israel", was a revelation. God bless your hearts with abundant love.

  • @stevewyllie1217
    @stevewyllie1217 3 роки тому +111

    Thank you for this - I weep tears of joy as I write this. These facts are so beautiful. I am in constant awe of how great our Lord Jesus Christ is, the Great I AM. His love for us, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. May our Lord God bless you all for the wonderful work you are doing. Jesus Christ is our Lord, our Messiah. Hallelujah!!

    • @JesusIsTheLordofGlory
      @JesusIsTheLordofGlory 3 роки тому +5

      Amen Steve!
      Glory to God in the Highest
      I hope you're well and finding blessings in Yeshua

    • @stevewyllie1217
      @stevewyllie1217 3 роки тому +2

      @@JesusIsTheLordofGlory yes indeed brother Joshua, Amen 🙏

    • @paulmichelet3483
      @paulmichelet3483 3 роки тому +2

      How extraordinary too, that the cloth that wrapped Yeshua's body after he was taken down from the cross, contains an image which was only revealed in depth after the invention of photography! Nobody can explain how this image was created, since it is intrinsically unfakeable. The radiocaebon dating of 1988 is therefore incorrect. There is nothing like this anywhere in the world, and as it is itself a miracle, it greatly strengthens the truth regarding Yeshua's many reported miracles. Thank God for this, and adore the Holy Shtoud !

    • @paulmichelet3483
      @paulmichelet3483 3 роки тому +2

      Sorry about the silly spelling mistakes of "radiocarbon" and
      "Shroud" ! But the main point is the question of truth. Those who have eyes, let them see !

    • @mikefanofmovies
      @mikefanofmovies 3 роки тому +1

      Read all of this revelation, not parts, if you truly want The only Truth Absolute.
      "This question was asked of The Lord: Lord, what does it mean in the Book of Revelation, where it says, “The 144,000 did not defile themselves with women; they kept themselves pure”?[1]
      Thus says The Lord to His servant: Rather the 144,000 have been purchased, redeemed and chosen from the earth as a special offering, and are spiritually undefiled, pure as virgins.[2] Timothy, you have asked, and I have answered you plainly. Thus I tell you, you are of the number, I have already placed you within their ranks; My seal is upon your forehead.[3]
      Yet those who envy seek to cause doubt, by questioning your worthiness and defilement with women. And because of this, they reject My Word spoken to this generation. Therefore they remain in their sins, for they want no part with Me as I truly am. They have removed themselves far from Me, and seek to draw others away also, that they might feel validated in their unjust cause. Yet who The Lord has cleansed is worthy of His purpose; call him not unworthy or defiled. For that which comes from the heart of man does indeed defile the man, yet that which comes from God is holy.
      Therefore fear, all you who point the finger, and humble yourselves, all you who twist My words for your own gain, lest you be found guilty of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. For the defilement which was written, and remains misinterpreted by men, is not defilement with the daughters of men, but defilement with the churches of men, who remain daughters of the church called mother. For she is a harlot, says The Lord. Thus spiritual purification begins with grace, and is for those whom I have chosen to become virgin in spirit, even a complete cleansing of every aspect of their lives.
      All men are defiled, having fallen
      Into all manner of diverse temptations;
      There is none righteous in all the earth, no, not one...
      Yet all who repent, in sincerity and in truth,
      Are cleansed in the blood of The Lamb,
      Which is pure and holy...
      Therefore, those whom I have called to be My witnesses
      Must become pure in heart and in spirit;
      Set apart from the world and the churches of men,
      Who cease not from polluting My name
      And marring My image before the people.
      Timothy, you have not sat among the prideful, nor have you kept the company of those deceived in the churches of men. You have accepted no doctrine at all. Indeed, you were like clay which had been molded by the world, yet remained unmolded in spirit. Behold, even when you were yet in your mother’s womb, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet, a witness for My name, an enemy to all nations. Thus you put no faith in the doctrines of the world, nor did you accept any doctrine taught in the churches of men. As for your body and mind, yes, you did become defiled by sin, of this you were guilty, as are all who have gained maturity. Yet I have taken your sins from you and remember your iniquities no more. Therefore, I ask you, what defilement remains? For what The Lord has cleansed, in the blood of The Lamb, is a new creation - virgin.
      Behold, I am the same yesterday, today, and all tomorrows to come, says The Lord. No contradiction found. Thus all error belongs to men, exploited by the wicked one for his own evil purpose. Therefore, what I have written I have written; it stands. And that which I have written through My servant, John, stands also, though it is greatly misinterpreted, the error of which is compounded by the mistranslations of men.
      Yet worse still is the interpretation of My Word by men of intellect and learning, who shroud their arrogance in pretense and hide their error under the guise of established doctrine - unprofitable servants who lead My people astray. For My Word is for all who truly seek Me and long to know My ways, even to walk in them. Thus My Word can only be accepted and understood by those who have received the love of the Truth, for they abide in Me and My spirit resides within them. For how can one who stands apart from Me know Me? And how can one who teaches his own way walk with Me in Mine?
      Men do not have understanding of the Scriptures in themselves! Rather it is a gift from God, received through the Holy Spirit, given to those who have placed all their trust in The Holy One, embracing Me as I truly am. Or have you never read this Scripture: The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of The Holy One is understanding? Therefore to those who have received is all revealed, and to those who have not received is all shut away. Shall the darkness understand the light? For only those of The Light, bathed in His glory, shall see; the rest left blinded.
      For until one calls on the name of The Messiah,
      In sincerity and in truth, by no means shall they receive...
      For He is The One who had placed
      The mud upon their eyes to heal them...
      Behold, He is also The Water of Siloam
      Which was sent to wash them,
      That they might now see, says The Lord."
      [1]Revelation 14:4 (KJV)
      [2]Revelation 14:1-4 (NLT)
      [3]Revelation 14:1
      "For your ways and your teachings do always contradict sound doctrine. Indeed, your doctrines and traditions profane My holy name, as you further defile yourselves through your acceptance of pagan practices and myths, which have been passed down to you by your forefathers, men who were corrupters and given to corruption, false servants who committed adultery with the pagans and did not wholly separate themselves from the many harlotries of the Catholic Church... I tell you the truth, she shall be torn in pieces!
      And yet all you churches of men remain like her, teaching always as doctrine the commandments of men, which has altogether turned you from The Truth. For you profess to know Me, yet by your works you deny Me, being disobedient, abominable, disqualified for every good work. Thus, as it was written of those who rebelled against Me at the first, so it remains concerning you at the last: Your mouths must be stopped. For you have subverted whole households, teaching things which you ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain. For I tell you the truth, you have surely blasphemed the Spirit of God! Says The Lord.
      Thus I shall rebuke you sharply for your sins, by which you have rebelled against Me! I shall correct and discipline you for the multitude of your transgressions, by which you have robbed Me! For I have seen in your hearts malice and how you seek to hold others captive, how you hold their sins over their heads and cast judgment, as though it were a hook. Therefore do your sins remain! Therefore must your discipline be severe!
      For if I do not punish you for your iniquities, if I do not tear down all your houses and make you very poor and desolate, you can in no wise be joined unto Me, declares The Lord. For I have not forgotten you, nor will I forsake you utterly as the wicked. I will remember you, for I have known you; no, not as you are, but as you will be, when I have broken your pride and brought your haughtiness to the ground, in the day I rob you of all your riches, says The Lord."
      "I tell you the truth, the very moment one has
      A change of heart do they pass from judgment into life...
      For I know the hearts of men,
      And their thoughts are not at all hidden from Me;
      Behold, I look upon their innermost desires,
      I know every hidden intention...
      Therefore when one calls upon Me,
      I know, I see, I hear, regardless of the name
      By which they have come to know Me, says The Lord...
      For there is but One God and One Savior, and I AM HE.
      Yet understand this: In times past I overlooked the ignorance of the people. Yet now I command all people everywhere to repent in sincerity and in truth.[1] In like manner, I have overlooked the ignorance of those who call The Messiah by another name. Yet now I command all who have ears to hear, to call upon His name as it is, was, and has always been, and not as they presume it to be.[2] Indeed I am calling all tribes, tongues, peoples and nations to embrace Him as He truly is, and not as the churches of men would have Him be,[3] says The Lord."
      [1]Acts 17:30
      [2]Zephaniah 3:9
      "Does not The Lord Himself search our hearts and minds, even our innermost thoughts and intentions? Does He not know who we are referring to, when we say “Jesus is Lord”? Even throughout the world, believers and unbelievers alike know the name “Jesus” (a name given to YahuShua by men) refers to He who was crucified and rose from the dead. And if we say YAHUSHUA is YAHUWAH, is this not also self-evident?
      Even before the earth was made, there is ONE alone who was and is and has always been THE LORD ABSOLUTE, which by definition demands there can be only one. Thus all others, whether man, false deity or carved image, referred to as “Lord” in English or in any other language, are false! - Deceivers! Impostors! Idols! - To call any of these “Lord” is blasphemy, even on the highest order!
      For thus has The Lord spoken:
      One God...
      One Son, The Only Way to The Father...
      One Truth, One Word, One Messiah, One Spirit;
      One Food, One Bread and One Drink...
      One Body...
      Of which I am all,
      The All in All."
      "Therefore, again I call you to kiss The Son
      And bow before your King!...
      For He alone is your salvation,
      He alone is your only escape!...
      He is The Light, The Only Way, The Only Truth!...
      There is no life apart from Him;
      Apart from Him is only darkness and death,
      The wide path which leads to destruction...
      Is His name, The Mashiach!...
      The Bearer of your cross, The Lover of your soul,
      The Risen One, The Mighty One of Jacob...
      Immanu El!"

  • @VH_YH
    @VH_YH 3 роки тому +44

    I've come to expect this kind of perfect symmetry between scripture and history, it's only a matter of time before these connections are illuminated to all. Every jot and tittle indeed. Thank you Yeshua.

    • @kristenspencer9751
      @kristenspencer9751 2 роки тому

      and it will be perfect symmetry when Yeshua returns for us in the rapture.

  • @andrewnikiforakis7018
    @andrewnikiforakis7018 3 роки тому +54

    The details expressed here, unlock more of the truth. Such a beautiful and inspiring video. Thank you One for Israel! Many Blessings...

  • @sarahibbotson3093
    @sarahibbotson3093 3 роки тому +24

    Glory to God in the highest!
    Thank you Jesus, the Prince of Peace! Every detail of Your birth was perfectly fulfilled to the smallest detail! Hallelujah!

  • @robertstringer8932
    @robertstringer8932 3 роки тому +15

    It's truly amazing how that God exist in even the most miniscule of details that are not sometimes seen for ages...thnx one for Israel n may your ministry in the coming year be blessed.shalom

  • @tiffanymagee2700
    @tiffanymagee2700 3 роки тому +7

    This video was stunningly beautiful. I can't hold back tears as I think of my savior being wrapped in swaddling clothes just like the sacrificial lambs were wrapped and laid in a manger. I never realized the prophetic significance! Thank you for explaining it to us.

    • @minkymandy6065
      @minkymandy6065 Рік тому

      Me too, I've never heard this before. How profound and moving!

  • @georgekimagut225
    @georgekimagut225 3 роки тому +7

    Wow! Each time I hear a teaching from ONE FOR ISRAEL I realize that there is so much that I don't know about Yeshua. You guys just have vast knowledge and I am thankful for you. May ADONAI bless you

  • @mariemcdonald6572
    @mariemcdonald6572 3 роки тому +17


  • @cindykarv1967
    @cindykarv1967 3 роки тому +7

    Such a beautiful “story.” I loved it so much. Thank you for the teaching of it.

  • @elizeerasmus
    @elizeerasmus 3 роки тому +11

    Thanks for this amazing message of hope. I'm sure there is a lot of people who needed to hear this.

  • @joeypagunsan1981
    @joeypagunsan1981 3 роки тому +5

    Glory to GOD!!! Thank you One Israel! May the LORD bless you more wisdom and Strength!

  • @michellesiegmund6657
    @michellesiegmund6657 3 роки тому +5

    WOW! Thank you for sharing this!!!
    It never ceases to amaze me how intricate and detailed The Father is. Noone could connect so many things on so many levels at the same time.

  • @WeWillShowMercy
    @WeWillShowMercy 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you Jesus and One for Israel... this video blessed me and brought me joy!!! (as do they all!!!)

  • @Princessm22
    @Princessm22 3 роки тому +5

    This made me cry in awe of how God is masterful and amazing! It’s an honor to know Jesus 🙏🏻

    • @Princessm22
      @Princessm22 3 роки тому +1

      @Infinity Crusade nice try, Bible been around for thousands of years and will remain forever. And if you won’t repent you’re the one who will perish

  • @redeemedadventures
    @redeemedadventures 3 роки тому +6

    I have chills running up my spine because this is so cool! Almost 50 years old and I have never heard this!

    • @carlosfigueiredo8193
      @carlosfigueiredo8193 2 роки тому +1

      And "Bethlehem" in Hebrew means "House of Bread" - the Celestial Bread for spiritual food and eternal life of mankind.

  • @nikkiisrael2708
    @nikkiisrael2708 3 роки тому +7

    Thank you so much for uploading this to me at just the point where my life was going in a direction I wasn’t expecting.
    I think I’m disappointed and I just want to say thank you because this is encouraged me and been a real blessing to me.
    I love Jesus with my whole heart! And I look forward to a beautiful new chapter with him going where he is leading.
    Bless you and bless everybody who reads this

    • @EricKimH
      @EricKimH 3 роки тому

      Praising God that he met you where you are at with this beautiful video. May he continue to encourage you in this season. Blessings 🙏🏽

    • @nikkiisrael2708
      @nikkiisrael2708 3 роки тому

      @@EricKimH thank you so much for your prayers and blessings.
      I really appreciate your reply and kindness.
      Bless you too
      ✡️🕎 ☺️
      I am not Jewish, but chose Israel as my surname after I was divorced.

  • @christopherkelly2
    @christopherkelly2 3 роки тому +4

    Thank Yeshua for keeping and growing you and your team to spread the gospel so beautifully. You take the scripture which is already so deeply supported in archeology and contextually within scripture, and you add the most beautiful colors to the meaning. you are a blessing to us all. Praying for all the seekers out there who are working against deep familial conflict about Jesus. He is faithful. God bless you all.

  • @kristinmcgowan4588
    @kristinmcgowan4588 21 день тому +2

    I opened my Bible, prayed & asked the Lord to teach me something new about the Christmas story & He taught me this through Micah's prophecy & then I found this video!! Praise God 🙌

  • @user-hd1qx2bd1r
    @user-hd1qx2bd1r 3 роки тому +1

    Thank You One For Israel Ministry!!! Though a good and devout Christian, and a studier of the Old Testament, every single time I watch any of your Presenters, I get these "gems", these new small but precious facts and information that is old knowledge, that is like a little missing jig saw puzzle piece that finally completes a story, that I never knew was there before. So often it's not a well known piece, but it is well known in Jewish, Hebrew or Israelite Worship. Then a whole scene or Parable lights up like a Lamp, and its such a wonderful Feeling to understand and know God even better, know Jesus even better. Your Jewish History is doing nothing but, making my Biblical Christianity History Study even better, and enlightening, and, just simply more wonderful !!! Thank You so much!!!

  • @kimberlyseckler2018
    @kimberlyseckler2018 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you for such a beautiful message about our Savior the promised Messiah. All praise to God all Glory!

  • @happyfence6340
    @happyfence6340 2 роки тому +1

    Again and again I see how faithful is our God, and exact in fulfilling His promises, even to the precise and symbolic birthing place for the Messiah, the Lamb of God!

  • @riasatmobashar9205
    @riasatmobashar9205 2 роки тому +2

    O Glory HALLELUJAH! O Glory to The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

  • @nyenehtuu5188
    @nyenehtuu5188 3 роки тому +8

    Never heard so deep, so rich and so lovely such a revelation as having to do with the Birth of our Saviour, Yeshua Hamaschiach. Every representation of His Birth explained here expressed so much meaning to the fulfillment of the Saviour's mission. "For God so loved the world..." Thank You Abba Father for Your Son, Yeshua Hamaschiach (Jesus) whom you prepared as a lamb to come take away the sins of the world. Thank you soooooo much, Father.

    • @KennyFisher-io4dm
      @KennyFisher-io4dm 22 дні тому

      Hebrews 10:5! Acts 20:28! 2 Corinthians 5:21! John 3:16! 2 Peter 3:8! Romans 10:9-10! Ephesians 2:8-9! 2 Corinthians 9:15!

  • @mariarose8815
    @mariarose8815 3 роки тому +18

    So beautifully explained! Felt immersed into real biblical truths like never before. Thank you Dr. Erez Soref.

    • @aaronlopez3585
      @aaronlopez3585 3 роки тому +2

      I was about to put my thoughts down but you explained it wonderfully. Have a wonderful and joyful, merry Christmas.🙏

  • @jeromep976
    @jeromep976 3 роки тому +2

    Truly, Jesus is the Lamb of God. All Praise, Honor and Glory to the God. Thank you for sharing your insight.

  • @marielaulaubille5573
    @marielaulaubille5573 3 роки тому +4

    Combien mon cœur se réjouit en vous écoutant !

  • @yesreally7438
    @yesreally7438 3 роки тому +8

    This was fascinating and very encouraging, thank you for doing this vid!!!

  • @chazvoyager5992
    @chazvoyager5992 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks for such a powerful lesson from the holy land; it blessed me. God bless the ministry of One for Israel.

  • @rherrera4177
    @rherrera4177 3 роки тому +5

    I’ve been a Christian for 45 years and thought I knew the Christmas story. However this shed new light and fills in a lot of the details of his birth. Only Jews could be aware of all the significance of his birth. Thanks

    • @Happy_Birthday_Videos
      @Happy_Birthday_Videos 2 роки тому

      My thoughts exactly. Also a believer for over 40 years and found this to be incredibly impactful. True significance

    • @kristenspencer9751
      @kristenspencer9751 2 роки тому

      yes...makes more sense b/c there are actually two towns named Bethlehem and in scripture it signifies which one!

    • @dud3man6969
      @dud3man6969 8 місяців тому

      It answered questions I didn't know I had.

  • @Happy_Birthday_Videos
    @Happy_Birthday_Videos 3 роки тому +3

    This message has just become my all time most favorite Christmas message EVER! Thank you for sharing! I've shared it with all I know! God bless! Thank you.

  • @jenniferlauron8792
    @jenniferlauron8792 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for this beautiful historical Holy place and the truth of this amazing birth of Jesus 🙏

  • @karav8133
    @karav8133 3 роки тому +5

    Incredible new details that bring understanding of the perfect fulfillment of EVERYTHING the Creator purposes. HalleluYAH Praise the Most High Elohim and His Son the Word made flesh Yeshua! Adonai echad...The Lord is One.

  • @othnielbendavid9777
    @othnielbendavid9777 3 роки тому +1

    Such a powerful witness of Messiah! I keep watching it again and again.

  • @elizeerasmus
    @elizeerasmus Рік тому

    I have watched this so many times and I can not get over how amazing the birth of Yeshua is. How well ordained by GOD. Thank you for showing us the place of the towers of the flock. How great is our GOD

  • @IhgkA
    @IhgkA 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you so much! This was so so interesting! I loved to listen to it, thank u for teaching us and taking us to this holy place! Thank you for encourage us to not give up and keep the faith! God bless you all!🙏🏼❤️

  • @ericmcdowell5762
    @ericmcdowell5762 3 роки тому +3

    I'm glad that more of the Jewish people are recognizing that Christ was/is the Messiah, and that this in of itself, is fulfilling prophesy.

  • @deannakirby517
    @deannakirby517 3 місяці тому

    Beautiful! Thank you! God is working and faithful even when we cannot see or understand what He is doing!

  • @sergepetrov7973
    @sergepetrov7973 2 роки тому +1

    I was aware that The Prophet John who came baptizing in the Jordon announced that the MAN Jesus was the Lamb of God - this video touched my heart to proclaim that Jesus was the Offering/Sacrifice from His Birth and now being far down the road in years from when the Spirit spoke and reasoned with me to give me a hang nails Confidence to believe - just how much I AM Saved

  • @TheMrsgd
    @TheMrsgd 3 роки тому +3

    Blessed be Yeshua the perfect lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! All glory and honour to Him alone forever Amen! 🙏🙏🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 YHWH bless you One for Israel

  • @carlosjevora
    @carlosjevora 3 роки тому +4

    I love my YESHUA
    GODBLESS you all what you do in ISRAEL . YESHUA Messiah is our Lord,
    I love you HASHEM
    I love you ADONAI
    I love ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry

  • @fawnwhitecloudjett5594
    @fawnwhitecloudjett5594 Рік тому

    We are so greatful for your truthfulness about God's plans for ALL His Children, You bring the Reality and Factual History Back Into Life. You Are Shutting The Door on Satan's foot, And Opening The Sealed Gate of GOD'S MERCY TO US TO CHOOSE

  • @flashy5800
    @flashy5800 3 роки тому +2

    Thank to our Lord for this ministry.

  • @racheltrulson2295
    @racheltrulson2295 3 роки тому +2

    All praise be to God, thank you for life, love and water!

  • @amelshawky4818
    @amelshawky4818 Рік тому

    Since I have started watching One for Israel, I started to see and understand more about the scripture. Blessings and God bless His people in Israel.

  • @tettyselyna3705
    @tettyselyna3705 3 роки тому

    Thank you for the valuable video explaining why Jesus needed to be born in Bethlehem. I now understand better why we call Christ the Lamb of God. Praise be to our Father!

  • @michellericciardello1877
    @michellericciardello1877 3 роки тому +2

    Amazing!! Thank you for explaining this prophetic truth

  • @Watchers_Praising
    @Watchers_Praising Рік тому

    I watched this every Christmas since it was first shared. I think the best explanation of Christmas ever told! Thank you.

  • @stephaniecannon410
    @stephaniecannon410 3 роки тому +3

    I receive this Prophetic Word for my life.🌹

  • @TheDougsterChannel
    @TheDougsterChannel 3 роки тому +6

    That's awesome the lamb was born to be the passover lamb. I really believe Yeshua (Jesus) was born on passover or on unleavened bread. Thanks for all the true teaching not only the Jewish people are hungry for revival so are the nations. God Bless you Jewish brothers and sisters. Shalom..

  • @pamelawalker2501
    @pamelawalker2501 2 роки тому

    Thank you for your sharing your knowledge and understanding of the Saviors birth in Bethlehem.

  • @christoben9084
    @christoben9084 3 роки тому

    The best explaination of the gospel of Luke I have every heard. Thanks so much

  • @Amanda-nh1lj
    @Amanda-nh1lj 3 роки тому +4

    Born is The holy shepherd 🦁👑 🕎 🔥 ✡️ for the holy lambs and sheeps 🐑. Amen.

  • @lilliannamusoke717
    @lilliannamusoke717 3 роки тому +5

    Amazing words, thank you

  • @knowinghistruth7227
    @knowinghistruth7227 Рік тому

    I think this is literally the best channel on UA-cam! Every video I have watchsd has very good information and sound teachings that help your really understand the topic or Bible passage being studied.

  • @pseudonymy
    @pseudonymy 3 роки тому +5

    God bless you sir, and thank you for your powerful channel. May the peace of Christ follow you along your way. Advent greetings from Ireland. Shabbat Shalom.

    • @michaelbrickley2443
      @michaelbrickley2443 3 роки тому +1

      And to you as well…happy advent season…i feel global revival coming

  • @jounijokela106
    @jounijokela106 3 роки тому +2

    Really amazing video.
    Really brought more great details closer understanding.

  • @hopeful8975
    @hopeful8975 2 роки тому

    Our Bible is so full of the richest meanings.
    God Himself has told us what would happen every step of the way from the beginning of creation to the very end of this world as we know it today.
    I have no doubt that our future is very bright and I praise Him for His love and protection to us!
    May we all rest in the knowledge that our Great Shepherd watches over us day and night…

  • @terrijaclson5941
    @terrijaclson5941 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for speaking God word to bring a understanding to me. Great Bible information.

  • @helmuthschuller8391
    @helmuthschuller8391 3 роки тому +1

    Wow...such a touching message. Bless you brother!

  • @tumbletoes909
    @tumbletoes909 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you. I heard the story of the shepherds’ towers in another of your videos. It is worth repeating. It makes sense of, “At Ephrata we heard of the Ark; we found it in the Plains of Yearim.” She whose untouchable purity was protected by the power of the Almighty, who held the very Word within her, was out there in like Nitzevet before her. Shabbat shalom.

  • @alzannesings
    @alzannesings 3 роки тому +1

    😢😢🕇❤🕇❤🕇❤Thanl you for this glad I came upon your ministry ❤🕇May Yeshua keep blessing your ministry and sending people to be transformed❤🕇❤🕇❤🕇

  • @learnersknowsit2457
    @learnersknowsit2457 3 роки тому

    Every Nation Every Tribes and Every Generation Shall Confess that Jesus is Lord and Jesus is Lord over here in the Philippines...... Amen!

  • @BuckMckawtheotherone
    @BuckMckawtheotherone 3 роки тому

    Wow! Hallelujah! Without your conversion to Christ, we could not have known this discovery of the Passover Lamb laid in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes for the High Priest to sacrifice for sin from Bethlehem Ephrata, David's flock dedicated to God. I thank God for you brother, and may the spirit of wisdom and revelation rest richly upon you to reveal things new and old in these last days. God bless you richly, and peace be to you and the brethren with you. Jesus is returning soon. Rejoice!

  • @kamwendoderek6567
    @kamwendoderek6567 2 роки тому

    am glade to hear the existence of this ministry one for israel and am too am also adisciple of jesus of nazareth and ishare the life of jesus christ to others

  • @Rochintriny
    @Rochintriny 3 роки тому +3

    Beautiful! ♥️♥️🙏 thank you ONE FOR ISRAEL!

  • @Venice617
    @Venice617 3 роки тому

    Amazing details. So blessed by this teaching and message. Our God is so Good. Thank you for your research, time, historic scenic views and wonderful narration to share in essence Peace On Earth!

  • @jewelsofjudaism4657
    @jewelsofjudaism4657 3 роки тому +1

    Can you please share the rabbinic source that you are quoting in this video in which Erez says that priests would place sheep in a manger and wrap them in swaddling clothes in order to protect them and carry them to the Temple? I would appreciate the exact source with page and paragraph or whatever is needed. Thank you.

  • @dejanfilipovski5193
    @dejanfilipovski5193 2 роки тому

    We love you 💕 Gretengs from Macedonia, glory to Yeshua Mesiah

  • @AmyChristie91
    @AmyChristie91 22 дні тому +1

    Can I ask humbly: where in scripture does it command the shepherds to wrap the lambs in swaddling cloths? I can’t seem to find it in the Levitical laws for temple sacrificial service..
    God bless 🇮🇱🩷

  • @gilliankeene1071
    @gilliankeene1071 Рік тому

    Thank you the word for the blessing/prayer
    Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world...

  • @Grace-fw7tx
    @Grace-fw7tx 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you heavenly father ❤ God Bless

  • @EjAmongansTV20009831
    @EjAmongansTV20009831 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for the beautiful message, praise God 🙏🙏🙏💖💖

  • @eliseolopez6504
    @eliseolopez6504 Рік тому

    The way the mother of my birth Loved her GOD in all her ways is the goal of my heart

  • @nadakaram799
    @nadakaram799 2 роки тому

    Blessed is he who comes in the Name of YESHUA

  • @rainierray1490
    @rainierray1490 2 роки тому

    It's hard describe the join I received from watching the Jewish people awaken and come alive to the truth of their long-awaited Mashiach. Seeing the peace, joy, and redemption of a Jewish person realizing that Jesus Christ, the humble carpenter of Nazareth, was their Promised One, their Good Shepherd, their Spiritual King, and Savior. Praise God!

  • @lillyanna8432
    @lillyanna8432 3 роки тому +6

    the types & shadows foretelling of the Messiah are absolutely awesome! Praise our Creator, our Lord & our Saviour! All nations are blessed through the sacrifice of the Messiah!

  • @neosuziq
    @neosuziq 3 роки тому +1

    What a revelation! Thank you so much.

  • @bonitamarshall453
    @bonitamarshall453 Рік тому

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for reminding me that my life is in Creator Father God's Loving Caring Strong Hands! I'm grateful that I'm not the boss of my life, but He is! Glory to God! Jesus is Lord and satan has been defeated in my life today!

  • @rickyt3961
    @rickyt3961 2 роки тому

    wow! thanks for that teaching. It was so much insight i’ve ever been taught.

  • @juwawes5749
    @juwawes5749 2 роки тому +1

    Where do you know the procedure of examination the passover lambs from? Could you please show a reliable source? Thank you!

  • @vdoniel
    @vdoniel 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful insight.

  • @nelsondedios6924
    @nelsondedios6924 2 роки тому

    So beautiful story. Thank you our Lord Jesuschrist.

  • @Rosaron7
    @Rosaron7 3 роки тому +2

    Thankyou for sharing this beautiful prophecy GBU! 🌹

    • @Rosaron7
      @Rosaron7 3 роки тому

      @Infinity Crusade "Write this letter to the angel of the church in Philadelphia. This is the message from the One who is Holy and True, the One who has the key of David. What He opens, no one can close, and what He closes no one can open. (Rev 3:7). On Wings Of An Eagle/djwunministries. 🌹

  • @lauristandley4359
    @lauristandley4359 3 роки тому

    So amazing! There is not one thing that God does that does not have special meaning or purpose! If we could only trust Him in ALL things to fulfill the purpose He has for us to glorify Him!

  • @Mister.Tony.Rivera
    @Mister.Tony.Rivera 2 роки тому +1

    Is there a scripture describing how king David donated his ancestral land for the raising of sheep?

  • @hadassah8549
    @hadassah8549 Рік тому

    I just saw this video and how he explains everything especially regarding the shepherds and how special this area was for that special lamb that was to be chosen and offered up, how it relates to Yeshua even to the wrapping of cloth around the special lamb and the wrapping of cloth around Yeshua!!! And Migdal-Eder how it relates to the Mashiach!!!

  • @GlennLewis
    @GlennLewis 3 роки тому +3

    Wow... awesome! Thank you!

  • @reynaldopeniano1888
    @reynaldopeniano1888 3 роки тому +3

    Indeed I am encouraged by this beautiful story of God's amazing love. I even had goosebumps hearing all these! What a perfect God we have. We may not truly understand His ways, but in time, we will just be amaze and awestruck when every pieces of God's tapestry of work fits one another as fulfillment of His promises coming to reality before our very eyes!!
    This ministry is blessing not jusg Israel but the whole world! God bless One for Isreal Ministry!

  • @dejanfilipovski5193
    @dejanfilipovski5193 2 роки тому +1

    Amen brother, thanks for this encouragen acurete messagewe are grateful Love God and all brothers and sister,my hart is mealt when i eleavh this video 😢 Gretengs from Macedonia,❤️❤️❤️

  • @juicyjules7409
    @juicyjules7409 3 роки тому

    Yes our savior Jesus teacher is born hallelujah hi from Colorado 🎁🌲🌹🌹☮️

  • @4loversofchrist
    @4loversofchrist Рік тому

    Beautiful! Coming back to this video again this year. It makes so much sense that the “sign” of the swaddling clothes was so directional to those shepherds! Isn’t every child put in some kind of a blanket? But these were specific swaddling clothes for the precious Lamb of God! ❤️

  • @filipolorenzo7910
    @filipolorenzo7910 3 роки тому +23

    Deuteronomy 6:5 You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength. Matthew 22:37 Jesus said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ John 14:31But for THE WORLD TO KNOW THAT I LOVE THE FATHER, I am doing just as the Father HAS commanded ME to do.

    • @hmarsquadgamingchannel9422
      @hmarsquadgamingchannel9422 3 роки тому +3

      "I in Father and Father in me".. If u see me u see the father"

      @LANDRYPHYNO 3 роки тому +1

      Amen-Jesus is God

    • @deuteronomy6.4bw
      @deuteronomy6.4bw 3 роки тому

      @@LANDRYPHYNO Please don't worship Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah as God because the Messiah who's an anointed servant of God cannot possibly be God Almighty Himself who's the Master = A Master isn't the servant, and a servant isn't the Master. You will be committing IDOLATRY, the Most abominable and worst sin in the Law by worshipping Jesus as God. Worship only the Father alone as God, the Father's name is YHWH (Yah-o-va), the Father alone is the "Only True God", and strictly no one else = Jesus himself had spoken very plainly without ambiguity or metaphor in John 17:1-3 (Pay close attention to verse 3) which EXPLICITLY testified and affirmed the Fact that the Father alone is the "Only True God". In verse 3, Jesus acknowledged and admitted he was the anointed servant who was sent by the Father.
      In the entire New Testament, Jesus has NEVER asked to be worshipped as God. Be very careful of figurative expressions and metaphors that Jesus often used in his speeches in sermons and lectures from time to time.

      @LANDRYPHYNO 3 роки тому +4

      @@deuteronomy6.4bw John5:23 "Honor the son just as you honor the Father. He who does not Honor the son does not honor the father"- you quoted John 17:3, read John17:1-5 - then read Philippias2:5-11

    • @deuteronomy6.4bw
      @deuteronomy6.4bw 3 роки тому

      1. John 17:1-5 - Jesus spoke these words, lifted up his eyes to heaven and said: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your son that Your son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given him the authority over all humanity that he shall give eternal life to as many as You have given him. 3 And this is eternal life that they may know You the ONLY TRUE GOD and Jesus the anointed one whom You have sent. 4 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given me to do. 5 And now Father, glorify me together with Yourself and with the glory which I had with You before the world "began" ["began" means "begin to exist" in this context].
      2. Philippians 2:5-11 - 5 Let this mind be in you which was also in the anointed Jesus, 6 who being in the "form" ["form" means "character" in this context] of God, did not consider it robbery "to be equal with God" ["to be equal with God" means "to have characteristics of God i.e. having the same level of God's faithfulness and righteousness" in this context], 7 but made himself of no reputation by taking the form of a servant and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name 10 that at the name of "Jesus" [translated as "savior"], every knee shall bow, of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue shall confess that "Jesus" [translated as "savior"] the anointed one is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
      Note: Jesus' name in Hebrew is "Yeshua" which means "savior", while God's name is YHWH pronounced as "Yah-o-va" to the best of my knowledge which means "He who causes to be". The name of God is Yah-o-va (He who causes to be), NOT Yeshua (Savior).
      So where EXACTLY in John 17:1-5 or Philippians 2:5-11 EXPLICITLY says without ambiguity or metaphor that Jesus asked to be worshipped as God? = Absolutely nowhere!!! On the contrary in John 17:3, Jesus explicitly said without ambiguity or metaphor that only the Father alone is the ONLY TRUE GOD, while Jesus himself is God's anointed servant (Messiah) who was sent by the Father. A servant isn't God, God doesn't serve, God rules. We serve God, NOT God serves us.

  • @Jerryman1158
    @Jerryman1158 3 роки тому +3

    The way you told the story with the little details was just amazing! Also, thinking about what Mary and Joseph could have been feeling and knowing God was working something so beautiful that maybe they couldn't see is a great life lesson and faith building truth. I was moved to tears of joy, thank you One For Israel team!

  • @anilkumardhara5
    @anilkumardhara5 3 роки тому +1

    Praise the Lord. Good message. Thank you.

  • @justinbeck5550
    @justinbeck5550 2 роки тому

    Amazing detail that adds to the story of Jesus’s birth.

  • @teresitaleonard5377
    @teresitaleonard5377 3 роки тому +13

    Gods plan is always done in his timing, Amen 🙏🏽

  • @stephenslater412
    @stephenslater412 3 роки тому +3

    Outstanding productions .

  • @Ronald47798
    @Ronald47798 3 роки тому +5

    This is a beautiful story indeed!